'; $onsite = true; } else { echo ''; $slowrefresh= true; } ?> '; echo ''; echo ''; } function placePicWithLink($posY, $posX, $pic, $size, $title, $link) { echo ''; placePic($posY, $posX, $pic, $size, $title); echo ''; } function placeText($posY, $posX, $text, $width, $size, $color) { echo '
'; echo ''; echo $text; echo '
'; } function placeTextWithLink($posY, $posX, $text, $width, $size, $color, $title, $link) { echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo $text; echo '
'; } function placeTextWithWebsiteLink($posY, $posX, $text, $width, $size, $color, $title, $link) { echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo $text; echo '
'; } function placeBox($posY, $posX, $text, $width, $size, $color) { echo '
'; echo ''; echo $text; echo '
'; } function getValveStatus($value) { $value = decbin($value); $value = substr("00000000000", 0, 11 - strlen($value)) . $value; if (substr($value, 3, 1) == 1) return 1; else if (substr($value, 2, 1) == 1) return 0; else return -1; } ?> array( 'header' => "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode("$username:$password"), "Connection: close\r\n" ) )); $errorcount = 0; $errormessage = '

'; for ($id = 0; $id < sizeof($adeiChannel); $id++) { $adeiChannels = ""; for ($id2 = 0; $id2 < sizeof($adeiChannel[$id]); $id2++) { $adeiChannels = $adeiChannels . $adeiChannel[$id][$id2] . ","; } $adeiChannels = substr($adeiChannels, 0, strlen($adeiChannels) - 1); $fileip = file_get_contents("http://katrin.kit.edu/adei/services/getdata.php?db_server=virtual&db_name=srctree&db_group=-3&control_group=-3&virtual=srctree&srctree=" . $adeiChannels . "&window=60&format=csv", false, $context); //$fileip = file_get_contents("http://ipekatrinbackupserv1.ipe.kit.edu/adei/services/getdata.php?db_server=virtual&db_name=srctree&db_group=-3&control_group=-3&virtual=srctree&srctree=" . $adeiChannels . "&window=60&format=csv", false, $context); //$fileip = file_get_contents("http://katrin.kit.edu/adei-katrin/services/getdata.php?db_server=virtual&db_name=srctree&db_group=-3&control_group=-3&virtual=srctree&srctree=" . $adeiChannels . "&window=10&format=csv", false, $context); //if ($id == 9) echo $fileip . "

"; // echo debug info for one single group if (substr($fileip,0,5) == "ERROR") {$errorcount++; $errormessage = $errormessage . "Error loading ADEI channel " . $id . "
";} for ($id2 = sizeof($adeiChannel[$id]) - 1 ; $id2 > -1; $id2--) { $pos = strrpos($fileip, ","); $adeiValue[$id][$id2] = floatval(substr($fileip, $pos + 2)); $fileip = substr($fileip, 0, $pos); //echo "
" . $fileip . "

" . $id . ", " . $id2 . ", " . $adeiValue[$id][$id2] . "
"; } } /* // special case: temperature ramp speed (array 21) !!!!!!!!!! $id = 21; $adeiChannels = ""; for ($id2 = 0; $id2 < sizeof($adeiChannel[$id]); $id2++) { $adeiChannels = $adeiChannels . $adeiChannel[$id][$id2] . ","; } $adeiChannels = substr($adeiChannels, 0, strlen($adeiChannels) - 1); $fileip = file_get_contents("http://katrin.kit.edu/adei/services/getdata.php?db_server=virtual&db_name=srctree&db_group=-3&control_group=-3&virtual=srctree&srctree=" . $adeiChannels . "&window=" . (time() - 3600) . "-" . (time() - 3600 + 60) . "&format=csv", false, $context); for ($id2 = sizeof($adeiChannel[$id]) - 1 ; $id2 > -1; $id2--) { $pos = strrpos($fileip, ","); $adeiValue[$id][$id2 + 4] = floatval(substr($fileip, $pos + 2)); $fileip = substr($fileip, 0, $pos); } */ // ########## TIME STAMP ########## echo 'KATRIN Spectrometer and Detector Section Status Overview
'; echo '' . date(DATE_RFC822) . '
'; if ($errorcount >0) echo $errormessage; ?>
Requested from inside KIT network.
'; $tol = 0.5; // ########## VALVES ########## // V4 $value = $adeiValue[31][0]; $pic = "valve"; if ($value == 1) $pic = $pic . "FREE"; else if ($value == 0) $pic = $pic . "Off"; placePicWithLink(303, 60, $pic . ".png", 30, "status CPS-PS gate vlave V4 purple: clearance to open, red: no clearance, grey: undefined", $adeiChannel[6][0]); // PS $value = 1; //getValveStatus($adeiValue[9][0]); $pic = "valve"; if ($value == 1) $pic = $pic . "On"; else if ($value == 0) $pic = $pic . "Off"; placePicWithLink(303, 283, $pic . ".png", 30, "status PS beam-line gate valve green: open, red: closed, grey: undefined", $adeiChannel[9][0]); // FPD $value = $adeiValue[6][0]; $pic = "valve"; if ($value == 1) $pic = $pic . "On"; else if ($value == 0) $pic = $pic . "Off"; placePicWithLink(303, 1466, $pic . ".png", 30, "status FPD beam-line gate valve green: open, red: closed, grey: undefined", $adeiChannel[6][0]); // ########## MAGNETS ########## // CPS $NlCPS = 20550 / 0.9133; $BfieldCPS = 1.26e-6 * $adeiValue[24][0] * $NlCPS; // mu0 * I * N/l if ($BfieldCPS < 0.1) { $value = "OFF"; $color = "#FF0000"; } else { $value = sprintf('%.1F T', $BfieldCPS); $color = "#000000"; } placeTextWithLink(240, 2, $value, 60, 5, $color, "field of CPS behind separation wall derived from current", $adeiChannel[24][0]); placeText(265, 2, "CPS", 60, 2, "#000000"); // PS1 if ($adeiValue[3][3] == 0) { $value = "LEM"; $color = "#FF0000"; } else { $value = sprintf('%.1F T', $adeiValue[3][1] / 157.0 * 4.5); $color = "#000000"; } placeTextWithLink(240, 66, $value, 70, 5, $color, "stand-alone center field PS1 magnet", $adeiChannel[3][1]); placeText(265, 66, "PS1", 70, 2, "#000000"); // PS2 if ($adeiValue[3][2] == 0) { $value = "LEM"; $color = "#FF0000"; } else { $value = sprintf('%.1F T', $adeiValue[3][0] / 157.0 * 4.5); $color = "#000000"; } placeTextWithLink(240, 274, $value, 70, 5, $color, "stand-alone center field PS2 magnet", $adeiChannel[3][0]); placeText(265, 274, "PS2", 70, 2, "#000000"); // Pinch placeTextWithLink(240, 1420, sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[4][0] / 86.98 * 6.0) . " T", 70, 5, "#000000", "stand-alone center field PCH magnet", $adeiChannel[4][0]); placeText(265, 1420, "PCH", 70, 2, "#000000"); // Detector placeTextWithLink(240, 1495, sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[4][1] / 93.59 * 6.0) . " T", 70, 5, "#000000", "stand-alone center field DET magnet", $adeiChannel[4][1]); placeText(265, 1495, "DET", 70, 2, "#000000"); // ########## PAE ########## placeTextWithLink(303, 1553, sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[6][2]) . " kV", 90, 5, "#000000", "PAE potential", $adeiChannel[6][2]); placeText(328, 1553, "PAE", 90, 2, "#000000"); // ########## PUMP PORTS ########## placeText(416, 1623, "PP2", 50, 2, "#000000"); placeText(466, 1623, "PP1", 50, 2, "#000000"); placeText(516, 1623, "PP3", 50, 2, "#000000"); // ########## BAFFLE ########## $max = array( 90, 94, 88 ); placeText(560, 1395, "LN2 Tank", 130, 5, "#000000"); $link = $adeiChannel[15][6] . "," . $adeiChannel[15][7]; placePicWithLink(562,1360, "LN2tank.png", 60, "LN2 tank", $link); $value = $adeiValue[15][6]; $link = $adeiChannel[15][6]; $text = sprintf('%.0F', $value) . " %"; placeTextWithLink(590, 1395, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "LN2 tank level", $link); $value = $adeiValue[15][7]; $link = $adeiChannel[15][7]; $text = sprintf('%.1F', $value) . " bar"; placeTextWithLink(590, 1450, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "LN2 tank pressure", $link); for ($id = 0; $id < 3; $id++) { $value = $adeiValue[15][$id]; $pic = "ice.png"; $text = "---"; if ($value < 800) { $text = sprintf('%.0F', $value) . " K"; if ($value > $max[$id]) $pic = "iceOff.png"; else { $value = $adeiValue[15][$id + 3]; if ($value > 0.1 && $value < 7.0) $pic = "iceOn.png"; else $pic = "iceBlink.gif"; } } $pos = $id; if ($id == 0) $pos = 1; else if ($id == 1) $pos = 0; $link = $adeiChannel[15][$id] . "," . $adeiChannel[15][$id + 3]; placePicWithLink(410 + $pos * 50, 1375, $pic, 30, "status baffle PP" . ($id + 1) . " blue: cooled, red: warmed, blinking: warming, grey: undefined", $link); placeTextWithLink(437 + $pos * 50, 1355, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "temperature baffle PP" . ($id + 1), $link); } // ########## PRESSURES ########## // CC2320 $value = $adeiValue[7][0]; $pic = "cc"; $text = "---"; if ($value > 1E-4) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; $text = "OFF"; } else if ($value <= 1E-4 && $value > 1E-12) { $pic = $pic . "On"; $text = sprintf('%.1E', $value); } placePicWithLink(410, 1435, $pic . ".png", 30, "status cold cathode gauge CC2320 green: on, red: off, grey: undefined", $adeiChannel[7][0]); placeTextWithLink(439, 1415, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "pressure [mbar] cold cathode gauge CC2320", $adeiChannel[7][0]); // CC2345 $value = $adeiValue[7][7]; $pic = "cc"; $text = "---"; if ($value > 1E-4) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; $text = "OFF"; } else if ($value <= 1E-4 && $value > 1E-12) { $pic = $pic . "On"; $text = sprintf('%.1E', $value); } placePicWithLink(427, 1482, $pic . ".png", 30, "status cold cathode gauge CC2345 green: on, red: off, grey: undefined", $adeiChannel[7][7]); placeTextWithLink(406, 1462, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "pressure [mbar] cold cathode gauge CC2345", $adeiChannel[7][7]); // Ex3110 $value = $adeiValue[8][0]; $pic = "ex"; $text = "---"; if ($value > 2E-5) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; $text = "OFF"; } else if ($value <= 2E-5 && $value > 1E-12) { $pic = $pic . "On"; $text = sprintf('%.1E', $value); } placePicWithLink(510, 1435, $pic . ".png", 30, "status extractor ion gauge Ex3110 green: on, red: off, grey: undefined", $adeiChannel[8][0]); placeTextWithLink(539, 1415, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "pressure [mbar] extractor ion gauge Ex3110", $adeiChannel[8][0]); // Ex1110 $value = $adeiValue[28][0]; $link = $adeiChannel[28][0]; $pic = "ex"; $text = "---"; if ($value > 2E-5) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; $text = "OFF"; } if ($value <= 2E-5 && $value > 1E-12) { $pic = $pic . "On"; $text = sprintf('%.1E', $value);} placePicWithLink(460, 1435, $pic, 30, "status extractor ion gauge Ex1110 green: off, blinking: on, grey: undefined", $link); placeTextWithLink(489, 1415, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "pressure [mbar] extractor ion gauge Ex1110", $link); // Ex0096 $value = $adeiValue[9][2]; $link = $adeiChannel[9][2]; $pic = "gauge"; $text = "---"; //$text = sprintf('%.1E', $value); if ($value > 2E-5) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; $text = "OFF"; } if ($value <= 1E-11) { $pic = $pic; $text = "LOW"; } if ($value <= 2E-5 && $value > 1E-11) { $pic = "gaugeOn.png"; $text = sprintf('%.1E', $value);} placePicWithLink(230, 1220, $pic, 30, "status stable ion gauge 0096 green: off, blinking: on, grey: undefined", $link); placeTextWithLink(259, 1200, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "pressure [mbar] stable ion gauge 0096", $link); // CC FPD $value = $adeiValue[6][1]; $pic = "cc"; $text = "---"; if ($value > 1E-4) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; $text = "OFF"; } if ($value < 1E-11) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; $text = "OFF"; } else if ($value <= 1E-4 && $value > 1E-12) { $pic = $pic . "On"; $text = sprintf('%.1E', $value); } placePicWithLink(188, 1475, $pic . ".png", 30, "status FPD cold cathode gauge green: on, red: off, grey: undefined", $adeiChannel[6][1]); placeTextWithLink(217, 1455, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "pressure [mbar] FPD cold cathode gauge", $adeiChannel[6][1]); // Gauge Baffle $value = $adeiValue[5][0]; $link = $adeiChannel[5][0]; $color = "#000000"; $pic = "gauge"; $text = "---"; if ($value > 1E-4) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; $text = "OFF"; } // standard cold blue "#0026FF" , ice cold blue "#107BC7" if ($value < 2E-6 && $value > 1E-9) { $pic ="gaugeOn.png"; $color ="#107BC7"; $text = sprintf('%.1E', $value); } else if ($value >= 1E-6 && $value < 1e-1) { $pic = "gaugeOff.png"; $color = "FF0000"; $text = sprintf('%.1E', $value); } placePicWithLink(460, 1315, $pic, 30, "status baffle insulation vacuum gauge gray: off, green: on, red: too high Should be < 5e-6 mbar for HV operation!!!", $link); placeTextWithLink(460+29, 1295, $text, 70, 4, $color, "pressure [mbar] baffle insulation vacuum gauge", $link); // PS CC1232 $value = $adeiValue[27][0]; $link = $adeiChannel[27][0]; $pic = "cc"; $text = "---"; if ($value > 1E-5) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; $text = "OFF"; } else if ($value <= 1E-5 && $value > 2E-12) { $pic = $pic . "On"; $text = sprintf('%.1E', $value); } placePicWithLink(370, 210, $pic . ".png", 30, "status cold cathode gauge CC1232 green: on, red: off, grey: undefined", $link); placeTextWithLink(399, 190, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "pressure [mbar] cold cathode gauge CC1232", $link); // PS Ex1221 $value = $adeiValue[27][5]; $link = $adeiChannel[27][5]; $pic = "ex"; $text = "---"; if ($value > 1E-5) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; $text = "OFF"; } else if ($value <= 1E-5 && $value > 2E-12) { $pic = $pic . "On"; $text = sprintf('%.1E', $value); } placePicWithLink(188, 141, $pic . ".png", 30, "status extractor ion gauge Ex1221 green: on, red: off, grey: undefined", $link); placeTextWithLink(217, 121, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "pressure [mbar] extractor ion gauge Ex1221", $link); // ########## VACUUM PUMPS ########## // MS TMP Temperatures //Tmax $value = max($adeiValue[25][0], $adeiValue[25][1], $adeiValue[25][2]); $link = $adeiChannel[25][0] . "," . $adeiChannel[25][1] . "," . $adeiChannel[25][2]; $color = "#000000"; if ($value < 10) $color = "#0026FF"; else if ($value > 50) $color = "#FF0000"; placeTextWithLink(435, 1625, sprintf('%.1F °C', $value), 70, 3, $color, "TMP max temperature PP2", $link); $value = max($adeiValue[26][0], $adeiValue[26][1], $adeiValue[26][2]); $link = $adeiChannel[26][0] . "," . $adeiChannel[26][1] . "," . $adeiChannel[26][2]; $color = "#000000"; if ($value < 10) $color = "#0026FF"; else if ($value > 50) $color = "#FF0000"; placeTextWithLink(535, 1625, sprintf('%.1F °C', $value), 70, 3, $color, "TMP max temperature PP3", $link); // TMPs (PP2 + PP3) for ($pp = 0; $pp < 2; $pp++) { for ($id = 0; $id < 3; $id++) { $value = $adeiValue[$pp + 7][$id + 1]; $pic = "tmp"; $text = "---"; if ($value < 50) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; } else if ($value >= 50 && $value < 500) { $text = sprintf('%.0F', $value); if ($value > 450) { $value = $adeiValue[$pp + 7][$id + 4]; //$pic = $pic . "On"; if ($value == 1) $pic = $pic . "On"; else if ($value == 0) $pic = $pic . "Standby"; } } placePicWithLink(410 + $pp * 100, 1528 + $id * 35, $pic . ".png", 30, "status turbo-molecular pump TMP" . ($pp + 2) . ($id + 4) . "20 green: on, yellow: on but isolated, red: off, grey: undefined", $adeiChannel[$pp + 7][$id + 1]); placeTextWithLink(439 + $pp * 100, 1518 + $id * 35, $text, 50, 4, "#000000", "rotational speed [Hz] turbo-molecular pump TMP" . ($pp + 2) . ($id + 4) . "20", $adeiChannel[$pp + 7][$id + 1]); } } // PS TMPs for ($id = 0; $id < 2; $id++) { $value = $adeiValue[27][$id + 1]; $link = $adeiChannel[27][$id + 1]; $pic = "tmp"; $text = "---"; if ($value < 50) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; } else if ($value >= 50 && $value < 700) { $text = sprintf('%.0F', $value); if ($value > 570) { $value = $adeiValue[27][$id + 3]; //$pic = $pic . "On"; if ($value == 1) $pic = $pic . "On"; else if ($value == 0) $pic = $pic . "Standby"; } } placePicWithLink(370, 123 + $id * 35, $pic . ".png", 30, "status turbo-molecular pump TMP" . (1123 - $id) . " green: on, yellow: on but isolated, red: off, grey: undefined", $link); placeTextWithLink(399, 114 + $id * 35, $text, 50, 4, "#000000", "rotational speed [Hz] turbo-molecular pump TMP" . (1123 - $id), $link); } // FPD CP $value = $adeiValue[6][3]; $pic = "cp"; $text = "---"; if ($value > 20) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; } else if ($value <= 20 && $value > 5) { $text = sprintf('%.0F K', $value); $value = $adeiValue[6][12]; if ($value == 1) { $pic = $pic . "On"; } else if ($value == 0) { $pic = $pic . "Standby"; } } placePicWithLink(340, 1470, $pic . ".png", 30, "status FPD UHV cryo pump green: on, yellow: on but isolated, red: off, grey: undefined", $adeiChannel[6][3]); placeTextWithLink(367, 1450, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "temperature FPD UHV cryo pump", $adeiChannel[6][3]); // ########## FPD SOURCES ########## $pic = "source"; $text = "---"; if ($adeiValue[6][9] == 1 && $adeiValue[6][10] == 1) { $pic = $pic . "On"; $text = "OUT"; } else if ($adeiValue[6][9] == 1 && $adeiValue[6][10] == 0) { $pic = $pic . "EIn"; $text = "IN"; } else if ($adeiValue[6][9] == 0 && $adeiValue[6][10] == 1) { $pic = $pic . "GIn"; $text = "IN"; } else if ($adeiValue[6][9] == 0 && $adeiValue[6][10] == 0) { $pic = $pic . "Off"; $text = "IN"; } $link = $adeiChannel[6][9] . "," . $adeiChannel[6][10]; placePicWithLink(340, 1505, $pic . ".png", 30, "status FPD sources (electron and gamma source) green: retracted (out), red: inserted (in), grey: undefined", $link); placeTextWithLink(367, 1485, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "status FPD sources (electron and gamma source)", $link); // ########## AIR COILS ########## $tol = 0.5; for ($coil = 0; $coil < 16; $coil++) { $value = $adeiValue[0][$coil]; $color = "#000000"; if (abs($value) < $adeiValue[21][$coil] - $tol || abs($value) > $adeiValue[21][$coil] + $tol) $color = "#FF0000"; if ($value < -$tol && $adeiValue[22][$coil] != 1) $color = "#FF0000"; if ($value > $tol && $adeiValue[22][$coil] != 0) $color = "#FF0000"; if ($coil == 15) $value = -$value; // coil 14 is inverted $value = sprintf('%.1F', $value); if ($value <= -100 || $value >= 100) $value = sprintf('%.0F', $value); if ($value >= -0.1 && $value <= 0.1) $value = sprintf('%.1F', 0.0); // $status = $adeiValue[1][$coil]; $status = 1; // $lem = $adeiValue[2][$coil]; $lem = 1; if ($coil == 0) $pos = 270; else if ($coil == 1) $pos = 320; else if ($coil == 2) $pos = 521; else if ($coil == 15) $pos = 1167; else $pos = 609 + ($coil - 3) * 42.9; if ($status == 0 || $lem == 0) $color = "#FF0000"; if ($status == 0) $value = "OVP"; if ($lem == 0) $value = "LEM"; $label = ($coil - 1); if ($coil == 0) $label = "VER"; else if ($coil == 1) $label = "HOR"; $color = "#006400"; placeTextWithLink(-13, $pos, $value, 70, 4, $color, "air-coil current [A] OVP: over-voltage protection triggered, LEM: DCCT offline", $adeiChannel[0][$coil]); placeText(5, $pos, $label, 70, 2, "#000000"); $color = "#000000"; $label = ""; if ($adeiValue[22][$coil] == 1 && $adeiValue[23][16] == 0) { $color = "#FF0000"; $label = "FLIP"; } if ($adeiValue[22][$coil] == 0 && $adeiValue[23][16] == 1 && $adeiValue[23][$coil] == 1) { $color = "#FF0000"; $label = "PULS"; } if ($adeiValue[22][$coil] == 1 && $adeiValue[23][16] == 1 && $adeiValue[23][$coil] == 1) { $color = "#FF0000"; $label = "PULS"; } // F+P placeTextWithLink(22 + 12, $pos, $label, 70, 2, $color, "air-coil status FLIP: flipped, PULS: pulsed, F+P: both", $adeiChannel[23][$coil]); } // EMCS placeText(-15, 200, "EMCS", 70, 5, "#000000"); $tol = 0.5; $text = "???"; $color = "#FFD800"; $EMCSver = 46.46; $EMCShor = 7.1; if ($adeiValue[0][0] > $EMCSver - $tol && $adeiValue[0][0] < $EMCSver + $tol && $adeiValue[0][1] > $EMCShor - $tol && $adeiValue[0][1] < $EMCShor + $tol) { $text = "ON"; $color = "#4CFF00"; } else if ($adeiValue[0][0] < $tol && $adeiValue[0][1] < $tol && $adeiValue[0][0] > -$tol && $adeiValue[0][1] > -$tol) { $text = "OFF"; $color = "#FF0000"; } placeBox(-12, 160, $text, 35, 3, $color); // LFCS placeText(-15, 467, "LFCS", 70, 5, "#000000"); $tol = 0.5; $text = "ON ???"; $color = "#FFD800"; $lfcs = array( // current 14 is inverted, negative value in definition must be positive here array( "0.0", 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000), array( "STD 20%", 32.3, 3.6, 4.8, 0.4, 27.4, 25.1, 2.5, 2.7, 34.9, 0.9, 22.4, 10.7, 11.4, 10.0 ), array( "2.7 70%", 0.0, 9.3, 1.5, 0.8, 12.9, 22.9, 36.7, 43.0, 14.7, 20.3, 9.2, 10.7, 11.0, 25.5 ), array( "2.7 100%", 38.09, 43.70, 24.34, 24.84, 44.50, 54.14, 19.45, 37.08, 47.81, 36.43, 39.24, 25.78, 40.46, 30.82 ), array( "1.0 100%", 30.0, 20.0, 25.0, 10.0, 0.0, 12.0, 20.0, 20.0, 12.0, 0.0, 5.0, 13.0, 20.0, 25.0), array( "1.0 70%", -24.4, -19.0, -21.4, -8.3, -1.8, 6.2, 21.5, 9.1, 11.5, 6.5, 4.4, -15.9, -25.0, 25.6), array( "10G 100%", 33.0, 159.0, 135.3, 78.8, 75.4, 116.7, 98.7, 86.3, 128.0, 57.4, 92.6, 150.7, 94.8, 33.7), array( "10G 70%", 31.4, 138.4, 112.2, 72.9, 110.8, 119.9, 96.6, 103.4, 140.0, 56.2, 86.0, 137.8, 110.1, 22.8), array( "2.0 70%", -11.9, -9.0, 5.8, -6.6, 15.3, 0.8, 34.1, 44.6, 5.5, 5.4, -8.6, 13.0, -10.0, 19.4), array( "9.7 70%", 28.4, 98.7, 93.0, 76.8, 95.6, 132.6, 103.4, 98.5, 149.1, 66.8, 84.4, 94.6, 95.0, 25.7), array( "14G 70%", 100, 94.8, 157.6, 143.9, 170, 130.1, 150.0, 150.0, 145, 162.5, 170, 100, 100, 0), array( "5/7 14G", 51.02, 48.37, 80.41, 73.42, 86.73, 66.38, 76.53, 76.53, 73.98, 82.91, 86.73, 51.02, 51.02, 0.00), array( "3.8G", 21.6, 21.3, 33.2, 7.4, 55.9, 32.0, 61.0, 56.8, 35.8, 36.0, 42.3, 33.9, 15.8, 45.2), array( "5G", 31.2, 45.8, 41.3, 33.7, 47.7, 53.0, 75.2, 65.6, 61.5, 35.0, 48.6, 49.9, 24.2, 32.3), array( "9G", 70.3, 84.0, 65.9, 106.4, 87.5, 142.3, 81.0, 103.1, 98.0, 112.7, 100.7, 90.1, 94.8, 54.0) ); for ($pp = 0; $pp < 15; $pp++) { for ($id = 0; $id < 14; $id++) { $tol = abs($tol); //echo $pp . ", " . $id . ", " . $adeiValue[0][$id + 2] . ", " . $lfcs[$pp][$id + 1] .", ". $tol . "
"; //if ($adeiValue[0][$id + 2] > $lfcs[$pp][$id + 1] - $tol && $adeiValue[0][$id + 2] < $lfcs[$pp][$id + 1] + $tol) if (abs($adeiValue[0][$id + 2] - $lfcs[$pp][$id + 1]) < $tol) { if ($id == 13) { $text = $lfcs[$pp][0]; $color = "#4CFF00"; } } else break; } } if ($text == "0.0") { $text = "OFF"; $color = "#FF0000"; } placeBox(-12, 400, $text, 67, 3, $color); // ########## HIGH VOLTAGE ########## // load patch-panel configuration $handle = fopen("patchpanel/ringstoadei.txt", "r"); if ($handle) { while (($buffer = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false) { $buffer = trim($buffer); $ringsToAdei[count($ringsToAdei)] = $buffer; } fclose($handle); } // labels $posY = 12; // offset between labels and voltages (13) $posX = 6; // down/bottom (7) // voltage monitoring readout $color = "#000000"; $factor_m = 1972.4531; $offset = 3.104e-6; $gain = 0.9999992578; $value = ($adeiValue[30][0] - $offset) * $gain * $factor_m; $voltage_error = abs($value * 2e-3); if ($voltage_error < 1) { $voltage_error = 1; } $link = $adeiChannel[30][0]; $text = "K35 divider readout, precision value"; placeText(385, 816, "K35 Voltage Reading", 130, 2, $color); // K35 voltage reading placeTextWithLink(363, 796, sprintf('%.3F', $value ) . "(" . sprintf('%.0F', $voltage_error ) .") V" , 170, 4, $color, $text, $link); //placeText(180, 845, "MS WEST IE", 70, 2,"#808080"); // west IE being displayed in loop below //placeText(450, 845, "MS EAST IE", 70, 2,"#808080"); // east IE placeText(265, 815, "MS IE COMMON", 130, 2, "#000000"); // mainspec IE Common placeText(265, 170, "PS TANK", 70, 2, "#000000"); // prespec tank placeText(305, 150, "PS CONES IE", 110, 2, "#505050"); // prespec west IE placeText(345, 150, "PS CENTER IE", 110, 2, "#505050"); // prespec east IE // MS Tank from Precision HCP Supply or Standard HCN $text = "MS TANK"; $ms_hcn_soll = $adeiValue[10][1]; $ms_hcp_soll = $adeiValue[10][21]; if ($ms_hcn_soll == 0) { if ($ms_hcp_soll == 0) { $text = $text . " OFF";} else { $text = $text . " HCP"; $HCP = true; } } else { $text = $text . " HCN"; $HCP = false; } placeText(70, 830, $text, 100, 2, "#000000"); // mainspec tank // switch values here between HCN and HCP in Value and Channel Array !!! if ($HCP) { $adeiValue[10][0] = -$adeiValue[10][20]; $adeiValue[10][1] = $adeiValue[10][21]; $adeiChannel[10][0] = $adeiChannel[10][20]; $adeiChannel[10][1] = $adeiChannel[10][21]; } placeText(110-$posY, 845, "W7-11", 70, 2, "#000000"); // w7-11 placeText(503+$posY+$posX, 845, "E7-11", 70, 2, "#000000"); // e7-11 placeText(126-$posY, 600, "W6", 70, 2, "#000000"); // w6 placeText(487+$posY+$posX, 600, "E6", 70, 2, "#000000"); // e6 placeText(126-$posY, 1090, "W12", 70, 2, "#000000"); // w12 placeText(487+$posY+$posX, 1090, "E12", 70, 2, "#000000"); // e12 placeText(161-$posY, 516, "W5", 70, 2, "#000000"); // w5 placeText(452+$posY+$posX, 516, "E5", 70, 2, "#000000"); // e5 placeText(161-$posY, 1174, "W13", 70, 2, "#000000"); // w13 placeText(452+$posY+$posX, 1174, "E13", 70, 2, "#000000"); // e13 placeText(194-$posY, 434, "W4", 70, 2, "#000000"); // w4 placeText(419+$posY+$posX, 434, "E4", 70, 2, "#000000"); // e4 placeText(194-$posY, 1256, "W14", 70, 2, "#000000"); // w14 placeText(419+$posY+$posX, 1256, "E14", 70, 2, "#000000"); // e14 placeText(225-$posY, 385, "W3", 70, 2, "#000000"); // w3 placeText(388+$posY+$posX, 385, "E3", 70, 2, "#000000"); // e3 placeText(225-$posY, 1305, "W15", 70, 2, "#000000"); // w15 placeText(388+$posY+$posX, 1305, "E15", 70, 2, "#000000"); // e15 placeText(273-$posY, 352, "W2", 70, 2, "#000000"); // w2 placeText(340+$posY+$posX, 352, "E2", 70, 2, "#000000"); // e2 placeText(273-$posY, 1338, "W16", 70, 2, "#000000"); // w16 placeText(340+$posY+$posX, 1338, "E16", 70, 2, "#000000"); // e16 if ($adeiValue[10][8] > 10.0) placeText(309, 359, "APE", 70, 2, "#000000"); // ape south if ($adeiValue[10][10] > 10.0) placeText(309, 1331, "APE", 70, 2, "#000000"); // ape north // offset voltages $posY = 16; // offset between outer and inner voltages $ringsPosY = array( 273, 273+$posY, 225, 225+$posY, 194, 194+$posY, 161, 161+$posY, 126, 126+$posY, 110, 110+$posY, 126, 126+$posY, 161, 161+$posY, 194, 194+$posY, 225, 225+$posY, 273, 273+$posY, 340, 340-$posY, 388, 388-$posY, 419, 419-$posY, 452, 452-$posY, 487, 487-$posY, 503, 503-$posY, 487, 487-$posY, 452, 452-$posY, 419, 419-$posY, 388, 388-$posY, 340, 340-$posY ); $ringsPosX = array( 352, 352, 385, 385, 434, 434, 516, 516, 600, 600, 845, 845, 1090, 1090, 1174, 1174, 1256, 1256, 1305, 1305, 1338, 1338, 352, 352, 385, 385, 434, 434, 516, 516, 600, 600, 845, 845, 1090, 1090, 1174, 1174, 1256, 1256, 1305, 1305, 1338, 1338 ); $tol = 0.2; for ($pp = 0; $pp < 2; $pp++) // west (0), east (1) { for ($id = 0; $id < 22; $id++) // rings: o, i, o, i, ... { // show voltage if not shorted to IE if ($ringsToAdei[$id + 22*$pp] != "IE" && $ringsToAdei[$id + 22*$pp] != "") { // color if ( ($adeiValue[11 + 2*$pp][$ringsToAdei[$id + 22*$pp]] > $adeiValue[12 + 2*$pp][$ringsToAdei[$id + 22*$pp]] - $tol) && ($adeiValue[11 + 2*$pp][$ringsToAdei[$id + 22*$pp]] < $adeiValue[12 + 2*$pp][$ringsToAdei[$id + 22*$pp]] + $tol) ) $color = "#000000"; else $color = "#FF0000"; // show voltage if ( ($id % 2 == 0) || ($id % 2 == 1 && $ringsToAdei[$id + 22*$pp] != $ringsToAdei[$id + 22*$pp - 1]) ) { placeTextWithLink($ringsPosY[$id + 22*$pp], $ringsPosX[$id + 22*$pp], "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[11 + 2*$pp][$ringsToAdei[$id + 22*$pp]]), 70, 4, $color, "relative voltage offset", $adeiChannel[11 + 2*$pp][$ringsToAdei[$id + 22*$pp]]); } } } } // tank, ie, dipole, ape $ringsPosY = array( 45, 240, 155, 425, 306, 306, 0, 240, 280, 320 ); $ringsPosX = array( 805, 805, 805, 805, 319, 1371, 0, 130, 130, 130 ); $tolA = array ( 15, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 250, 1, 1 ); // MS voltages for ($pp = 0; $pp < 6; $pp++) // tank (0), ie (1), ie west (2), ie east (3), ape south (4), ape north (5) { // color if ( ($adeiValue[10][2*$pp] > $adeiValue[10][2*$pp + 1] - $tolA[$pp]) && ($adeiValue[10][2*$pp] < $adeiValue[10][2*$pp + 1] + $tolA[$pp]) ) $color = "#000000"; else $color = "#FF0000"; // show voltage $value = $adeiValue[10][2*$pp]; $link = $adeiChannel[10][2*$pp]; $dipolestatus = $adeiValue[2][16]; $dipolelink = $adeiChannel[2][16]; if ($pp == 0) { $text = "absolute tank potential"; } else if ($pp == 1) { $text = "IE common offset potential"; } else if ($pp == 2) { $text = "relative voltage potential west IE"; } else if ($pp == 3) { $text = "relative voltage potential east IE"; } else if ($pp == 4) { $text = "relative voltage potential south APE"; } else if ($pp == 5) { $text = "relative voltage potential north APE"; } if ($pp == 2 || $pp == 3) { if ($dipolestatus == 1) // dipole enabled { $color = "#990000"; $value = $adeiValue[10][2*$pp]; if ($pp == 2) { placeText($ringsPosY[$pp] + 40, $ringsPosX[$pp], "DIPOLE", 150, 4, "#CC0000" ); } else if ($pp == 3) { placeText($ringsPosY[$pp] + 40, $ringsPosX[$pp], "DIPOLE", 150, 4, "#CC0000"); } } else { $value = $adeiValue[10][2*$pp]; // dipole disabled $color = "#909090"; } if ($pp == 2) placeText(180, 825, "MS WEST IE", 110, 2, $color); // west IE else if ($pp == 3) placeText(450, 825, "MS EAST IE", 110, 2, $color); // east IE $link = $adeiChannel[10][2*$pp+1] . "," . $adeiChannel[10][2*$pp] . "," . $dipolelink; } // tank potential if ($pp == 0) placeTextWithLink($ringsPosY[$pp], $ringsPosX[$pp], sprintf('%.1F V', -$value), 150, 5, $color, $text, $link); // IE common and dipoles else if ($pp == 1 || $pp == 2 || $pp == 3) placeTextWithLink($ringsPosY[$pp], $ringsPosX[$pp], sprintf('%.2F V', -$value), 150, 5, $color, $text, $link); // APE else if ($pp == 4 || $pp == 5) { if ($adeiValue[10][2*$pp] > 10.0) { placeTextWithLink($ringsPosY[$pp], $ringsPosX[$pp] , sprintf('%.1F', $value), 70, 4, $color, $text, $link); } } } // PS voltages (add $pp < 10 for PS IE ) for ($pp = 7; $pp < 10; $pp++) // PS tank (channel 7 = array entry 14 + 15), IE west (8), IE east (9) { // color if ( ($adeiValue[10][2*$pp] > $adeiValue[10][2*$pp + 1] - $tolA[$pp]) && ($adeiValue[10][2*$pp] < $adeiValue[10][2*$pp + 1] + $tolA[$pp]) ) $color = "#000000"; else $color = "#FF0000"; // show voltage $value = $adeiValue[10][2*$pp]; $link = $adeiChannel[10][2*$pp]; if ($pp == 7) { $text = "absolute ps tank potential"; } else if ($pp == 8) { $text = "relative voltage potential PS IE west"; $color = "#505050";} else if ($pp == 9) { $text = "relative voltage potential PS IE west"; $color = "#505050";} placeTextWithLink($ringsPosY[$pp], $ringsPosX[$pp], sprintf('%.1F V', -$value), 150, 5, $color, $text, $link); } /* // voltage test $tol = 5.0; for ($pp = 0; $pp < 3; $pp++) { if ($pp == 0) $idMax = 2; else $idMax = 11; for ($id = 0; $id < $idMax; $id++) { if ( ($adeiValue[10 + $pp][$id] > $adeiValue[10 + $pp][$id + $idMax] - $tol) && ($adeiValue[10 + $pp][$id] < $adeiValue[10 + $pp][$id + $idMax] + $tol) ) $adeiColor[10 + $pp][$id] = "#000000"; else $adeiColor[10 + $pp][$id] = "#FF0000"; } } // voltages placeTextWithLink(103, 805, sprintf('%.1F', -$adeiValue[10][0] - $adeiValue[10][1]) . " V", 150, 5, $adeiColor[10][1], "absolute IE potential", $adeiChannel[10][1]); // IE placeTextWithLink(53, 805, sprintf('%.1F', -$adeiValue[10][0]) . " V", 150, 5, $adeiColor[10][0], "absolute tank potential", $adeiChannel[10][0]); // tank placeTextWithLink(120, 590, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[11][4]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][4], "relative voltage offset ring west-6", $adeiChannel[11][4]); // w6 placeTextWithLink(490, 590, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[12][4]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][4], "relative voltage offset ring east-6", $adeiChannel[12][4]); // e6 placeTextWithLink(120, 1100, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[11][6]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][6], "relative voltage offset ring west-12", $adeiChannel[11][6]); // w12 placeTextWithLink(490, 1100, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[12][6]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][6], "relative voltage offset ring east-12", $adeiChannel[12][6]); // e12 placeTextWithLink(155, 506, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[11][3]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][3], "relative voltage offset ring west-5", $adeiChannel[11][3]); // w5 placeTextWithLink(455, 506, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[12][3]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][3], "relative voltage offset ring east-5", $adeiChannel[12][3]); // e5 placeTextWithLink(155, 1184, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[11][7]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][7], "relative voltage offset ring west-13", $adeiChannel[11][7]); // w13 placeTextWithLink(455, 1184, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[12][7]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][7], "relative voltage offset ring east-13", $adeiChannel[12][7]); // e13 placeTextWithLink(188, 424, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[11][2]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][2], "relative voltage offset ring west-4", $adeiChannel[11][2]); // w4 placeTextWithLink(422, 424, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[12][2]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][2], "relative voltage offset ring east-4", $adeiChannel[12][2]); // e4 placeTextWithLink(188, 1266, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[11][8]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][8], "relative voltage offset ring west-14", $adeiChannel[11][8]); // w14 placeTextWithLink(422, 1266, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[12][8]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][8], "relative voltage offset ring east-14", $adeiChannel[12][8]); // e14 placeTextWithLink(225, 385, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[11][1]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][1], "relative voltage offset ring west-3", $adeiChannel[11][1]); // w3 placeTextWithLink(385, 385, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[12][1]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][1], "relative voltage offset ring east-3", $adeiChannel[12][1]); // e3 placeTextWithLink(225, 1305, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[11][9]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][9], "relative voltage offset ring west-15", $adeiChannel[11][9]); // w15 placeTextWithLink(385, 1305, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[12][9]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][9], "relative voltage offset ring east-15", $adeiChannel[12][9]); // e15 placeTextWithLink(275, 350, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[11][0]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][0], "relative voltage offset ring west-2", $adeiChannel[11][0]); // w2 placeTextWithLink(335, 350, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[12][0]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][0], "relative voltage offset ring east-2", $adeiChannel[12][0]); // e2 placeTextWithLink(275, 1340, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[11][10]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][10], "relative voltage offset ring west-16", $adeiChannel[11][10]); // w16 placeTextWithLink(335, 1340, "+" . sprintf('%.1F', $adeiValue[12][10]), 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][10], "relative voltage offset ring east-16", $adeiChannel[12][10]); // e16 $posY = 16; // offset between outer and inner voltages placeTextWithLink(126, 600, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][4], "relative voltage offset ring west-6-outer", $adeiChannel[11][4]); // w6o placeTextWithLink(487, 600, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][4], "relative voltage offset ring east-6-outer", $adeiChannel[12][4]); // e6o placeTextWithLink(126, 1090, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][6], "relative voltage offset ring west-12-outer", $adeiChannel[11][6]); // w12o placeTextWithLink(487, 1090, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][6], "relative voltage offset ring east-12-outer", $adeiChannel[12][6]); // e12o placeTextWithLink(126+$posY, 600, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][4], "relative voltage offset ring west-6", $adeiChannel[11][4]); // w6i placeTextWithLink(487-$posY, 600, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][4], "relative voltage offset ring east-6", $adeiChannel[12][4]); // e6i placeTextWithLink(126+$posY, 1090, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][6], "relative voltage offset ring west-12", $adeiChannel[11][6]); // w12i placeTextWithLink(487-$posY, 1090, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][6], "relative voltage offset ring east-12", $adeiChannel[12][6]); // e12i placeTextWithLink(161, 516, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][3], "relative voltage offset ring west-5", $adeiChannel[11][3]); // w5o placeTextWithLink(452, 516, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][3], "relative voltage offset ring east-5", $adeiChannel[12][3]); // e5o placeTextWithLink(161, 1174, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][7], "relative voltage offset ring west-13", $adeiChannel[11][7]); // w13o placeTextWithLink(452, 1174, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][7], "relative voltage offset ring east-13", $adeiChannel[12][7]); // e13o placeTextWithLink(161+$posY, 516, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][3], "relative voltage offset ring west-5", $adeiChannel[11][3]); // w5i placeTextWithLink(452-$posY, 516, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][3], "relative voltage offset ring east-5", $adeiChannel[12][3]); // e5i placeTextWithLink(161+$posY, 1174, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][7], "relative voltage offset ring west-13", $adeiChannel[11][7]); // w13i placeTextWithLink(452-$posY, 1174, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][7], "relative voltage offset ring east-13", $adeiChannel[12][7]); // e13i placeTextWithLink(194, 434, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][2], "relative voltage offset ring west-4", $adeiChannel[11][2]); // w4o placeTextWithLink(419, 434, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][2], "relative voltage offset ring east-4", $adeiChannel[12][2]); // e4o placeTextWithLink(194, 1256, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][8], "relative voltage offset ring west-14", $adeiChannel[11][8]); // w14o placeTextWithLink(419, 1256, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][8], "relative voltage offset ring east-14", $adeiChannel[12][8]); // e14o placeTextWithLink(194+$posY, 434, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][2], "relative voltage offset ring west-4", $adeiChannel[11][2]); // w4i placeTextWithLink(419-$posY, 434, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][2], "relative voltage offset ring east-4", $adeiChannel[12][2]); // e4i placeTextWithLink(194+$posY, 1256, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][8], "relative voltage offset ring west-14", $adeiChannel[11][8]); // w14i placeTextWithLink(419-$posY, 1256, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][8], "relative voltage offset ring east-14", $adeiChannel[12][8]); // e14i placeTextWithLink(225, 385, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][1], "relative voltage offset ring west-3", $adeiChannel[11][1]); // w3o placeTextWithLink(388, 385, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][1], "relative voltage offset ring east-3", $adeiChannel[12][1]); // e3o placeTextWithLink(225, 1305, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][9], "relative voltage offset ring west-15", $adeiChannel[11][9]); // w15o placeTextWithLink(388, 1305, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][9], "relative voltage offset ring east-15", $adeiChannel[12][9]); // e15o placeTextWithLink(225+$posY, 385, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][1], "relative voltage offset ring west-3", $adeiChannel[11][1]); // w3i placeTextWithLink(388-$posY, 385, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][1], "relative voltage offset ring east-3", $adeiChannel[12][1]); // e3i placeTextWithLink(225+$posY, 1305, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][9], "relative voltage offset ring west-15", $adeiChannel[11][9]); // w15i placeTextWithLink(388-$posY, 1305, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][9], "relative voltage offset ring east-15", $adeiChannel[12][9]); // e15i placeTextWithLink(273, 352, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][0], "relative voltage offset ring west-2", $adeiChannel[11][0]); // w2o placeTextWithLink(340, 352, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][0], "relative voltage offset ring east-2", $adeiChannel[12][0]); // e2o placeTextWithLink(273, 1338, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][10], "relative voltage offset ring west-16", $adeiChannel[11][10]); // w16o placeTextWithLink(340, 1338, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][10], "relative voltage offset ring east-16", $adeiChannel[12][10]); // e16o placeTextWithLink(273+$posY, 352, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][0], "relative voltage offset ring west-2", $adeiChannel[11][0]); // w2i placeTextWithLink(340-$posY, 352, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][0], "relative voltage offset ring east-2", $adeiChannel[12][0]); // e2i placeTextWithLink(273+$posY, 1338, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][10], "relative voltage offset ring west-16", $adeiChannel[11][10]); // w16i placeTextWithLink(340-$posY, 1338, "+200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][10], "relative voltage offset ring east-16", $adeiChannel[12][10]); // e16i placeTextWithLink(306, 319, "-200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[12][10], "relative voltage offset ring east-16", $adeiChannel[12][10]); // apes placeTextWithLink(306, 1371, "-200.0", 70, 4, $adeiColor[11][10], "relative voltage offset ring west-16", $adeiChannel[11][10]); // apen */ // ########## DETECTOR ########## // detector powered $lowVoltage = array( 12, 8, 6, 6, 120 ); $link = ""; $pic = "fpdOn"; $text = "ON"; for ($id = 0; $id < 5; $id++) { $value = $adeiValue[6][4 + $id]; if (!($value < $lowVoltage[$id] + 0.2 && $value > $lowVoltage[$id] - 0.2)) { $pic = "fpdOff"; $text = "OFF"; } $link = $link . $adeiChannel[6][4 + $id] . ","; } $link = substr($link, 0, strlen($link) - 1); placePicWithLink(200, 1600, $pic . ".png", 30, "status FPD power green: on, red: off, grey: undefined", $link); placeTextWithLink(227, 1580, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "status FPD power", $link); // carousel $value = $adeiValue[6][11]; $color = "#000000"; if ($value < -95) $value = "---"; else $value = sprintf('%.0F', $adeiValue[6][11]) . " °C"; placeTextWithLink(255, 1565, $value, 100, 4, $color, "temperature FPD carousel/electronics", $adeiChannel[6][11]); placeText(275, 1565, "carousel", 100, 2, "#000000"); // ########## MAGNETOMETERS ########## $mag = array(4, 6, 4); for ($pp = 0; $pp < 3; $pp++) { $bx = 0; $by = 0; $bz = 0; $link = ""; for ($id = 0; $id < $mag[$pp]; $id++) { $bx = $bx + $adeiValue[16 + $pp][3 * $id]; $by = $by + $adeiValue[16 + $pp][3 * $id + 1]; $bz = $bz + $adeiValue[16 + $pp][3 * $id + 2]; $link = $link . $adeiChannel[16 + $pp][3 * $id + 2] . ","; //echo $bx . " " . $by . " " . $bz . "
"; } $bx = $bx / $mag[$pp]; $by = $by / $mag[$pp]; $bz = $bz / $mag[$pp]; $link = substr($link, 0, strlen($link) - 1); $value = sqrt($bx * $bx + $by * $by + $bz * $bz); $text = "averaged field precise magnetometers "; if ($pp == 0) $text = $text . "north "; else if ($pp == 1) $text = $text . "middle "; else if ($pp == 2) $text = $text . "south "; $text = $text . "ring"; placeTextWithLink(553, 1015 - 170 * $pp, sprintf('%.1F G', $value), 70, 5, "#000000", $text, $link); } // dipole $pic = "status"; if ($pulserId[0] == "dipole" && $daqElapsed[0] > 30) { if ($pulserCounts[0] > 0) $pic = $pic . "On"; else if ($pulserCounts[0] == 0) $pic = $pic . "Off"; } //placePic($posY + 34 + 25, $posX + 80, $pic . ".png", 17, "status dipole sync pulser green: on, red: off, grey: undefined"); // egun $pic = "status"; if ($pulserId[1] == "egun" && $daqElapsed[0] > 30) { if ($pulserCounts[1] > 0) $pic = $pic . "On"; else if ($pulserCounts[1] == 0) $pic = $pic . "Off"; } //placePic($posY + 34 + 50, $posX + 80, $pic . ".png", 17, "status egun sync pulser green: on, red: off, grey: undefined"); // muon // $pic = "status"; // if ($pulserId[3] == "muon" && $daqElapsed[0] > 30) // { // if ($pulserCounts[3] > 0) $pic = $pic . "On"; // else if ($pulserCounts[3] == 0) $pic = $pic . "Off"; // } // placePic($posY + 34 + 75, $posX + 80, $pic . ".png", 17, "status muon sync pulser green: on, red: off, grey: undefined"); // ########## HALL ########## placePicWithLink(-30-3, 1800, "newTemperature.png", 23, "temperature in KATRIN hall", $adeiChannel[19][1]); placeTextWithLink(-30-3, 1820, sprintf('%.1F °C', $adeiValue[19][1]), 80, 4, "#000000", "temperature in KATRIN hall", $adeiChannel[19][1]); placePicWithLink(-2-3, 1800, "newPressure.png", 23, "atmospheric pressure in KATRIN hall", $adeiChannel[19][0]); placeTextWithLink(-2-3, 1820, sprintf('%.0F hPa', $adeiValue[19][0] * 0.0689475729 * 1000.0), 80, 4, "#000000", "atmospheric pressure in KATRIN hall", $adeiChannel[19][0]); //placeTextWithLink(-2-3, 1820, sprintf('%.3F bar', $adeiValue[19][0] * 0.0689475729), 80, 4, "#000000", "atmospheric pressure in KATRIN hall", $adeiChannel[19][0]); placePicWithLink(26-3, 1800, "newHumidity.png", 23, "relative humidity in KATRIN hall", $adeiChannel[19][2]); placeTextWithLink(26-3, 1820, sprintf('%.1F %', $adeiValue[19][2]), 80, 4, "#000000", "relative humidity in KATRIN hall", $adeiChannel[19][2]); // ########## HIGH PRESSURE ########## if (getValveStatus($adeiValue[9][6]) == -1 && getValveStatus($adeiValue[9][7]) == 1 && getValveStatus($adeiValue[9][8]) == 1 && getValveStatus($adeiValue[9][9]) == 0) { $pic = "bottleBlinking.gif"; $text = "ON"; $color = "#000000"; if ($adeiValue[9][4] != 64) $color = "#FF0000"; placeTextWithLink(135, 1387, sprintf('%.1F %', $adeiValue[9][5]), 70, 4, $color, "gas flow leak valve", $adeiChannel[9][5]); placeTextWithLink(160, 1387, sprintf('%.1E', $adeiValue[9][3]), 70, 4, $color, "pressure [mbar] MKS Baratron", $adeiChannel[9][3]); } else { if (getValveStatus($adeiValue[9][7]) == 1) { $pic = "bottleOn.png"; $text = "OPEN"; } else { $pic = "bottleOn.png"; $text = "OFF"; } } $link = $adeiChannel[9][3] . "," . $adeiChannel[9][4] . "," . $adeiChannel[9][5] . "," . $adeiChannel[9][6] . "," . $adeiChannel[9][7] . "," . $adeiChannel[9][8] . "," . $adeiChannel[9][9]; placePicWithLink(135, 1358, $pic, 48, "status gas injection system green: off, blinking: on, grey: undefined Should be off for nominal pressure measurements!!!", $link); placeTextWithLink(180, 1347, $text, 70, 4, "#000000", "status gas injection system", $link); // ########## PS VESSEL TEMPERATURES ########## $min = 18; $max = 30; // mean of 4020, 4030, 4040 $link = $adeiChannel[29][0] . "," . $adeiChannel[29][1] . "," . $adeiChannel[29][2]; $value = ($adeiValue[29][0] + $adeiValue[29][1] + $adeiValue[29][2])/3.0; $color = "#000000"; if ($value < $min) $color = "#0026FF"; else if ($value > $max) $color = "#FF0000"; if ($value < 400) placeTextWithLink(303, 170, sprintf('%.1F °C', $value), 90, 4, $color, "PS mean temperature of 4020..30..40", $link); // ########## MS VESSEL TEMPERATURES ########## $min = 14; $max = 24; // 0066 $value = $adeiValue[20][0]; $color = "#000000"; if ($value < $min) $color = "#0026FF"; else if ($value > $max) $color = "#FF0000"; if ($value < 400) placeTextWithLink(110, 933, "TIE0066 = " . sprintf('%.1F °C', $value), 170, 4, $color, "IE temperature 0066", $adeiChannel[20][0]); // 0076 $value = $adeiValue[20][1]; $color = "#000000"; if ($value < $min) $color = "#0026FF"; else if ($value > $max) $color = "#FF0000"; if ($value < 400) placeTextWithLink(110+20, 933, "TIE0076 = " . sprintf('%.1F °C', $value), 170, 4, $color, "IE temperature 0076", $adeiChannel[20][1]); // 0270 $value = $adeiValue[20][2]; $color = "#000000"; if ($value < $min) $color = "#0026FF"; else if ($value > $max) $color = "#FF0000"; if ($value < 400) placeTextWithLink(307, 805, "T0270 = " . sprintf('%.1F °C', $value), 160, 4, $color, "tank temperature 0270", $adeiChannel[20][2]); // 0283 $value = $adeiValue[20][3]; $color = "#000000"; if ($value < $min) $color = "#0026FF"; else if ($value > $max) $color = "#FF0000"; if ($value < 400) placeTextWithLink(307, 963, "T0283 = " . sprintf('%.1F °C', $value), 160, 4, $color, "tank temperature 0283", $adeiChannel[20][3]); /* // 0066 $value = $adeiValue[20][0] - $adeiValue[20][4]; $color = "#000000"; if ($value < 50) placeTextWithLink(110+16, 973-30, sprintf('(%.2F °C/h)', $value), 130, 4, $color, "IE temperature 0066 (ramp speed)", $adeiChannel[20][0]); // 0076 $value = $adeiValue[20][1] - $adeiValue[20][5]; $color = "#000000"; if ($value < 50) placeTextWithLink(126+24+16, 973-30, sprintf('(%.2F °C/h)', $value), 130, 4, $color, "IE temperature 0076 (ramp speed)", $adeiChannel[20][1]); // 0270 $value = $adeiValue[20][2] - $adeiValue[20][6]; $color = "#000000"; if ($value < 50) placeTextWithLink(307+16, 845-30, sprintf('(%.2F °C/h)', $value), 130, 4, $color, "tank temperature 0270 (ramp speed)", $adeiChannel[20][2]); // 0283 $value = $adeiValue[20][3] - $adeiValue[20][7]; $color = "#000000"; if ($value < 50) placeTextWithLink(307+16, 973-30, sprintf('(%.2F °C/h)', $value), 130, 4, $color, "tank temperature 0283 (ramp speed)", $adeiChannel[20][3]); */ $color = "#000000"; // ########## 60s counter ########## $date= date("Ymdgis"); if ($onsite) placePic(5, 5, "countdown60.gif?".$date, 100, "60s counter"); // ########## STS ########## placeTextWithWebsiteLink(360, 5, "←STS", 60, 5, $color, "Link to STS Status Overview", "../stsstatus"); // ########## FPD Status ########## placeTextWithWebsiteLink(-10, 1450, "→ FPD Status", 155, 4, $color, "Link to FPD Status Overview", "../fpdstatus"); // ########## MoS und HV Status ########## placeTextWithWebsiteLink(20, 1440, "→ MoS and HV Status", 240, 4, $color, "Link to Monitor Spectrometer and High Voltage Status Overview", "http://ipepc57.ipe.kit.edu:5858/mos/status"); // ########## Run Summary ########## placeTextWithWebsiteLink(50, 1440, "→ Run Summary Page", 240, 4, $color, "Link to Run Summary Page", "http://katana.npl.washington.edu/~sanshiro/kaffee/Krypton/"); // ########## 10s readout link ########## if ($ip == "") placeTextWithWebsiteLink(80, 1475, "→ Switch to quick refresh", 195, 4, $color, "Link to 10s readout page", "./index_q.php"); if ($ip == "") placeTextWithWebsiteLink(80, 1475, "→ Switch to quick refresh", 195, 4, $color, "Link to 10s readout page", "./index_q.php"); // ########## PS ########## // placeText(100, 170, "PS", 60, 30, $color); // ########## HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCH ########## /* $value = $adeiValue[10][4]; // HAS CHANGED!!!!! $pic = "switch"; if ($value == 1) $pic = $pic . "Open"; else if ($value == 0) $pic = $pic . "Closed"; placePicWithLink(498, 501, $pic . ".png", 80, "status high-voltage ground switch", $adeiChannel[10][4]); */ ?>