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  104. <link rel="artwork" href="pics/beamline_noMoS.png" />
  105. <link rel="artwork" href="pics/spectrometer2019.png" />
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  117. <?php
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  132. ?>
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  134. <body style="background-color:white;">
  135. <?php
  136. // set time zone to local German time
  137. date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin');
  138. // include helper functions
  139. include "SDS_status_functions.php";
  140. // include channel list
  141. include "SDS_status_channels.php";
  142. // include aircoil settings
  143. include "aircoils_settings.php";
  144. // include mac-e filter settings
  145. include "mace_settings.php";
  146. // include HV data
  147. if ((include "ADEI_HV_readings.php") == 0)
  148. { usleep(400000); include "ADEI_HV_readings.php"; };
  149. // read cached ADEI data
  150. $valuesincluded = 0;
  151. $loop = 0;
  152. $includeflag = 0;
  153. do {
  154. $includeflag = include 'ADEIvalues.php';
  155. $loop++;
  156. if ($valuesincluded == 0) usleep(100000);
  157. }
  158. while (($loop < 21) && ($includeflag+$valuesincluded < 2));
  159. if ($valuesincluded == 0) $extraction_time = "Request timed out!".PHP_EOL;
  160. //echo $loop." ".$includeflag." ".$valuesincluded.PHP_EOL;
  161. // ########## TIME STAMP ##########
  162. // echo '<font size="6" color="#FF0000"><b>Deprecated KATRIN Spectrometer and Detector Section Status Overview</b></font><br>';
  163. echo '<h3 style="font-family: CorporateESC; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal;">KATRIN - Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment</h3>';
  164. echo '<h1 style="font-family: CorporateESC; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal;">Spectrometer and Detector Section Status Overview</h1>';
  165. echo '<h2 style="font-family: inherit; font-weight: plain; font-style: normal;">Page refreshed:&emsp;' . date(DATE_RFC850) . '</h2>';
  166. echo '<h2 style="font-family: inherit; font-weight: plain; font-style: normal;">Data extracted:&ensp;&thinsp;&thinsp;&thinsp;&thinsp;' . $extraction_time . '</h2>';
  167. echo '<font size="3" color="#FFFFFF">&emsp; &emsp; &emsp; Client IP:' . $ip . ' </font><br>';
  168. echo '<font size="3" color="#FFFFFF">&emsp; &emsp; &emsp; Uptime:' . @file_get_contents( "/proc/uptime") . ' </font><br>';
  169. //('. date("s", time() - $extraction_timestamp).'&thinsp;s old data)<br>';
  170. if ($errorcount >0) echo "<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>".$errormessage;
  171. ?>
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  174. <img src="pics/bg.png">
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  176. <div style="position:absolute; top:150px; left:2px">
  177. <img src="pics/beamline_noMoS.png" >
  178. <div style="position:absolute; top:15px; left:314px">
  179. <img src="pics/spectrometer2019.png" width="1132" height="601">
  180. </div>
  181. <div style="position:absolute; top:-148px; left:1625px">
  182. <img src="pics/katrin_logo_round.png" width="93" height="93">
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  190. <a href="">
  191. <div title="send email to Thomas Thuemmler" style="position:absolute; top:-50px; left:8px">
  192. <img src="pics/newEmail.png" width="23" height="23">
  193. </div>
  194. </a>
  195. <?php
  196. // include SDS status main page
  197. //if (($valuesincluded == 1) & ($onsite)) include "SDS_status_main.php";
  198. if ($valuesincluded == 1) include "SDS_status_main.php";
  199. ?>
  200. <br><br><br>
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  202. </body>
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