Browse Source

Add also old links for compatibility

Suren A. Chilingaryan 4 years ago
1 changed files with 578 additions and 570 deletions
  1. 578 570

+ 578 - 570

@@ -1,571 +1,579 @@
-import calendar
-import datetime
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import yaml
-import time
-import requests
-import shutil
-import tornado.ioloop
-import tornado.web
-import tornado.autoreload
-from shutil import copyfile
-from datetime import date
-from time import gmtime, strftime
-from tornado.escape import json_decode, json_encode, url_escape
-from threading import Timer
-root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-with open("config.yaml", 'r') as stream:
-    try:
-        config = yaml.load(stream)
-    except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-        print(exc)
-if config is None:
-    print("Error: Empty configuration file.")
-    sys.exit(1)
-class RepeatedTimer(object):
-    def __init__(self, interval, function, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._timer = None
-        self.interval = interval
-        self.function = function
-        self.args = args
-        self.kwargs = kwargs
-        self.is_running = False
-        self.start()
-    def _run(self):
-        self.is_running = False
-        self.start()
-        self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
-    def start(self):
-        if not self.is_running:
-            self._timer = Timer(self.interval, self._run)
-            self._timer.start()
-            self.is_running = True
-    def stop(self):
-        self._timer.cancel()
-        self.is_running = False
-    def setInterval(self, interval):
-        self.interval = interval
-months = {
-    'Jan' : 1,
-    'Feb' : 2,
-    'Mar' : 3,
-    'Apr' : 4,
-    'May' : 5,
-    'Jun' : 6,
-    'Jul' : 7,
-    'Aug' : 8,
-    'Sep' : 9,
-    'Oct' : 10,
-    'Nov' : 11,
-    'Dec' : 12
-def fetchDataADEI():
-    with open("varname.yaml", 'r') as stream:
-        try:
-            varname = yaml.load(stream)
-        except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-            print(exc)
-    if varname is None:
-        print("Error: Empty varname file.")
-        return
-    cache_data = {}
-    curtime = int(time.time())
-    time_image_range = str((curtime-3600)) + "-" + str(curtime)
-    time_range = "-1"
-    for param in varname:
-        dest = config['server'] + config['script']
-        url = dest + "?" + varname[param] + "&window=" + time_range
-        data = requests.get(url,
-                            auth=(config['username'],
-                                  config['password'])).content
-        #print data
-	# Date/Time, p_string2
-        # 11-Aug-17 14:49:32.446682, 0.495
-        tmp_data = data.splitlines()[-1]
-	#print tmp_data
-        print tmp_data
-        last_value = tmp_data.split(",")[-1].strip()
-        first_value = tmp_data.split(",")[-2].strip()
-        try:
-            #print last_value
-            test_x = float(last_value)
-        except ValueError:
-            last_value = ""
-            #print last_value
-        try:
-            time_buffer = first_value.split("-")
-            time_buffer[1] = str(months[time_buffer[1]])
-            first_value = "-".join(time_buffer)
-            first_ts = calendar.timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(first_value, "%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S.%f").timetuple())
-        except:
-	    first_ts = ""
-	cache_data[param] = {'timestamp': first_ts, 'value': last_value}
-        current_timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-        cache_data['time'] = current_timestamp
-        urlimage = (config['server'] + 'services/getimage.php' + "?" +
-                    varname[param] + "&window=" + time_image_range +
-                    "&frame_width=600&frame_height=400")
-        image = requests.get(urlimage,
-                             auth=(config['username'],
-                                   config['password']))
-        with open("static/"+config['title'].lower()+"/images/" + param + ".png", 'wb') as handle:
-            for chunk in image.iter_content():
-                handle.write(chunk)
-    with open("/tmp/.tmp.yaml", 'w') as stream_tmp:
-        stream_tmp.write(yaml.dump(cache_data, default_flow_style=False))
-    src_file = "/tmp/.tmp.yaml"
-    dst_file = "/tmp/cache.yaml"
-    shutil.copy(src_file, dst_file)
-class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def get_current(self):
-        return self.get_secure_cookie("user")
-class ListHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def get(self):
-        with open("/tmp/cache.yaml", 'r') as stream:
-            try:
-                response = yaml.load(stream)
-            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-                print(exc)
-        if response is None:
-            response = {"error": "No data entry."}
-        self.write(response)
-class StartHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def get(self):
-        print "Start fetchData"
-        rt.start()
-class StopHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def get(self):
-        print "Stop fetchData"
-        rt.stop()
-class SetTimerHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def get(self, duration):
-        print "Set interval"
-        rt.setInterval(float(duration))
-class DesignerHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def get(self):
-        print "In designer mode."
-        with open("/tmp/cache.yaml", 'r') as stream:
-            try:
-                cache_data = yaml.load(stream)
-            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-                print(exc)
-        with open("style.yaml", 'r') as stream:
-            try:
-                style_data = yaml.load(stream)
-            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-                print(exc)
-        if style_data:
-            index_data = list(set(cache_data) | set(style_data))
-        else:
-            index_data = cache_data
-        data = {
-            "cache": cache_data,
-            "style": style_data,
-            "index": sorted(index_data),
-        }
-        if "background" in config:
-            data["background"] = config["background"]
-        if "title" in config:
-            data["title"] = config["title"]
-        else:
-            data["title"] = "BORA"
-        self.render('designer.html', data=data)
-class VersionHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def get(self):
-        response = {'version': '0.0.1',
-                    'last_build':}
-        self.write(response)
-class BackupHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def post(self):
-        backup_dst = os.getcwd() + "/backup/"
-        fname ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
-        os.makedirs(backup_dst + fname)
-        copyfile(os.getcwd() + "/varname.yaml", backup_dst +
-                 fname + "/varname.yaml")
-        copyfile(os.getcwd() + "/style.yaml", backup_dst +
-                 fname + "/style.yaml")
-class SaveHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def post(self):
-        json_obj = json_decode(self.request.body)
-        with open("style.yaml", 'w') as output:
-            output.write(yaml.safe_dump(json_obj,  encoding='utf-8',
-                         allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False))
-        response = {"success": "Data entry inserted."}
-class StatusHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def get(self):
-        print "In status mode."
-        with open("style.yaml", 'r') as stream:
-            try:
-                style_data = yaml.load(stream)
-            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-                print(exc)
-        with open("varname.yaml", 'r') as vstream:
-            try:
-                varname_data = yaml.load(vstream)
-            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-                print(exc)
-        with open("/tmp/cache.yaml", 'r') as vstream:
-            try:
-                cache_data = yaml.load(vstream)
-            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-                print(exc)
-        data = {
-            "style": style_data,
-            "varname": varname_data,
-            "cache": cache_data
-        }
-        if "background" in config:
-            data["background"] = config["background"]
-        if "title" in config:
-            data["title"] = config["title"]
-        else:
-            data["title"] = "BORA"
-        if "server" in config:
-            data["server"] = config["server"]
-        else:
-            data["server"] = ""
-        self.render('status.html', data=data)
-class UpdateHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def get(self):
-        print "Update Sensor Definition"
-        new_data = {}
-        rt.stop()
-        with open("varname.yaml", 'r') as stream:
-            try:
-                cache_data = yaml.load(stream)
-            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-                print(exc)
-        if config["type"] != "adei":
-            print("Error: Wrong handler.")
-            return
-        for item in cache_data:
-            tmp_data = cache_data[item]
-            tmp_str = []
-            tmp_store = []
-            for adei_unit in tmp_data.split("&"):
-                lhs, rhs = adei_unit.split("=")
-                if lhs == "db_mask":
-                    tmp_str.append("db_mask=all")
-                    continue
-                elif lhs == "db_server":
-                    db_server = rhs
-                tmp_str.append(adei_unit)
-                tmp_store.append(adei_unit)
-            tmp_str.append("window=-1")
-            query = "&".join(tmp_str)
-            dest = config['server'] + config['script']
-            url = dest + "?" + query
-            data = requests.get(url, auth=(config['username'],
-                                config['password']))
-            cr = data.content
-            cr = cr.split(",")
-            match_token = item
-            if db_server != "lara" and db_server != "hiu":
-                # parameter name stored in ADEI with '-IST_Val' suffix
-                if "MOD" in item:
-                    match_token = item + "-MODUS_Val"
-                elif "GRA" in item:
-                    match_token = item + "-GRAD_Val"
-                elif "RPO" in item:
-                    match_token = item + "-ZUST_Val"
-                elif "VYS" in item:
-                    match_token = item + "-ZUST_Val"
-                elif "MSS" in item:
-                    match_token = item + "_Val"
-                else:
-                    match_token = item + "-IST_Val"
-            db_mask = None
-            for i, iter_item in enumerate(cr):
-                if match_token == iter_item.strip():
-                    db_mask = i - 1
-            if db_mask is None:
-                continue
-            tmp_store.append("db_mask="+str(db_mask))
-            new_data[item] = "&".join(tmp_store)
-        with open("varname.yaml", 'w') as output:
-            output.write(yaml.dump(new_data, default_flow_style=False))
-            response = {"success": "Data entry inserted."}
-        rt.start()
-class AdeiKatrinHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def get(self, **params):
-        sensor_name = str(params["sensor_name"])
-        """
-        {'db_group': u'320_KRY_Kryo_4K_CurLead',
-         'db_name': u'ControlSystem_CPS',
-         'sensor_name': u'320-RTP-8-1103',
-         'db_server': u'cscps',
-         'control_group': u'320_KRY_Kryo_3K'}
-        """
-        if config["type"] != "adei":
-            print("Error: Wrong handler.")
-            return
-        dest = config['server'] + config['script']
-        query_cmds = []
-        query_cmds.append("db_server="+str(params['db_server']))
-        query_cmds.append("db_name="+str(params['db_name']))
-        query_cmds.append("db_group="+str(params['db_group']))
-        query_cmds.append("db_mask=all")
-        query_cmds.append("window=-1")
-        query = "&".join(query_cmds)
-        url = dest + "?" + query
-        # get the db_masks
-        # store the query command in varname
-        data = requests.get(url, auth=(config['username'], config['password']))
-        cr = data.content
-        cr = cr.splitlines()
-        cr = ",".join(cr)
-        cr = cr.split(",")
-        # handling the inconsistency on naming convention
-        match_token = params['sensor_name']
-        if (params["db_server"] != "lara" and params["db_server"] != "hiu" and
-                params["db_server"] != "safety-first"):
-            # parameter name stored in ADEI with '-IST_Val' suffix
-            if "MOD" in params['sensor_name']:
-                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-MODUS_Val"
-            elif "GRA" in params['sensor_name']:
-                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-GRAD_Val"
-            elif "RPO" in params['sensor_name']:
-                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-ZUST_Val"
-            elif "VYS" in params['sensor_name']:
-                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-ZUST_Val"
-            elif "HVS" in params['sensor_name']:
-                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-ZUST_Val"
-            elif "VAO" in params['sensor_name']:
-                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-ZUST_Val"
-            elif "MSS" in params['sensor_name']:
-                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "_Val"
-            else:
-                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-IST_Val"
-            db_mask = None
-        for i, item in enumerate(cr):
-            if "[" and "]" in item.strip():
-                lhs = re.match(r"[^[]*\[([^]]*)\]", item.strip()).groups()[0]
-                if lhs == params['sensor_name']:
-                    db_mask = i - 1
-            else:
-                if item.strip() == match_token:
-                    db_mask = i - 1
-        if db_mask is None:
-            response = {"Error": "Cannot find variable on ADEI server."}
-            self.write(response)
-            return
-        query_cmds = []
-        query_cmds.append("db_server="+str(params['db_server']))
-        query_cmds.append("db_name="+str(params['db_name']))
-        query_cmds.append("db_group="+str(params['db_group']))
-        query_cmds.append("db_mask="+str(db_mask))
-        query = "&".join(query_cmds)
-        # column name available
-        # store in yaml file
-        with open("varname.yaml", 'r') as stream:
-            try:
-                cache_data = yaml.load(stream)
-            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-                print(exc)
-        if cache_data is None:
-            cache_data = {}
-            cache_data[sensor_name] = query
-        else:
-            if sensor_name not in cache_data:
-                cache_data[sensor_name] = query
-            else:
-                response = {"Error":
-                            "Variable already available in varname file."}
-                self.write(response)
-                return
-        with open("varname.yaml", 'w') as output:
-            output.write(yaml.dump(cache_data, default_flow_style=False))
-            response = {"success": "Data entry inserted."}
-        self.write(response)
-class GetDataHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
-    def get(self):
-        with open("/tmp/cache.yaml", 'r') as stream:
-            try:
-                cache_data = yaml.load(stream)
-            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-                print(exc)
-        if cache_data is None:
-            cache_data = {}
-        self.write(cache_data)
-class AuthLoginHandler(BaseHandler):
-    def get(self):
-        try:
-            errormessage = self.get_argument("error")
-        except:
-            errormessage = ""
-        print errormessage
-        self.render("login.html", errormessage=errormessage)
-    def check_permission(self, password, username):
-        if (username == config["username"] and
-                password == config["pw_designer"]):
-            return True
-        return False
-    def post(self):
-        username = self.get_argument("username", "")
-        password = self.get_argument("password", "")
-        auth = self.check_permission(password, username)
-        if auth:
-            self.set_current_user(username)
-            print "In designer mode."
-            with open("/tmp/cache.yaml", 'r') as stream:
-                try:
-                    cache_data = yaml.load(stream)
-                except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-                    print(exc)
-            with open("style.yaml", 'r') as stream:
-                try:
-                    style_data = yaml.load(stream)
-                except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
-                    print(exc)
-            if style_data:
-                index_data = list(set(cache_data) | set(style_data))
-            else:
-                index_data = cache_data
-            data = {
-                "cache": cache_data,
-                "style": style_data,
-                "index": index_data,
-            }
-            if "background" in config:
-                data["background"] = config["background"]
-            self.render('designer.html', data=data)
-        else:
-            error_msg = (u"?error=" +
-                         url_escape("Login incorrect"))
-            self.redirect(u"/auth/login/" + error_msg)
-    def set_current_user(self, user):
-        if user:
-            self.set_secure_cookie("user", tornado.escape.json_encode(user))
-        else:
-            self.clear_cookie("user")
-print "Running..."
-rt = RepeatedTimer(int(config["polling"]), fetchDataADEI)
-application = tornado.web.Application([
-    (r"/auth/login/?", AuthLoginHandler),
-    (r"/version/?", VersionHandler),
-    (r"/list/?", ListHandler),
-    (r"/start/?", StartHandler),
-    (r"/backup/?", BackupHandler),
-    (r"/stop/?", StopHandler),
-    (r"/designer/?", DesignerHandler),
+import calendar
+import datetime
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import yaml
+import time
+import requests
+import shutil
+import tornado.ioloop
+import tornado.web
+import tornado.autoreload
+from shutil import copyfile
+from datetime import date
+from time import gmtime, strftime
+from tornado.escape import json_decode, json_encode, url_escape
+from threading import Timer
+root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+with open("config.yaml", 'r') as stream:
+    try:
+        config = yaml.load(stream)
+    except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+        print(exc)
+if config is None:
+    print("Error: Empty configuration file.")
+    sys.exit(1)
+class RepeatedTimer(object):
+    def __init__(self, interval, function, *args, **kwargs):
+        self._timer = None
+        self.interval = interval
+        self.function = function
+        self.args = args
+        self.kwargs = kwargs
+        self.is_running = False
+        self.start()
+    def _run(self):
+        self.is_running = False
+        self.start()
+        self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
+    def start(self):
+        if not self.is_running:
+            self._timer = Timer(self.interval, self._run)
+            self._timer.start()
+            self.is_running = True
+    def stop(self):
+        self._timer.cancel()
+        self.is_running = False
+    def setInterval(self, interval):
+        self.interval = interval
+months = {
+    'Jan' : 1,
+    'Feb' : 2,
+    'Mar' : 3,
+    'Apr' : 4,
+    'May' : 5,
+    'Jun' : 6,
+    'Jul' : 7,
+    'Aug' : 8,
+    'Sep' : 9,
+    'Oct' : 10,
+    'Nov' : 11,
+    'Dec' : 12
+def fetchDataADEI():
+    with open("varname.yaml", 'r') as stream:
+        try:
+            varname = yaml.load(stream)
+        except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+            print(exc)
+    if varname is None:
+        print("Error: Empty varname file.")
+        return
+    cache_data = {}
+    curtime = int(time.time())
+    time_image_range = str((curtime-3600)) + "-" + str(curtime)
+    time_range = "-1"
+    for param in varname:
+        dest = config['server'] + config['script']
+        url = dest + "?" + varname[param] + "&window=" + time_range
+        data = requests.get(url,
+                            auth=(config['username'],
+                                  config['password'])).content
+        #print data
+	# Date/Time, p_string2
+        # 11-Aug-17 14:49:32.446682, 0.495
+        tmp_data = data.splitlines()[-1]
+	#print tmp_data
+        print tmp_data
+        last_value = tmp_data.split(",")[-1].strip()
+        first_value = tmp_data.split(",")[-2].strip()
+        try:
+            #print last_value
+            test_x = float(last_value)
+        except ValueError:
+            last_value = ""
+            #print last_value
+        try:
+            time_buffer = first_value.split("-")
+            time_buffer[1] = str(months[time_buffer[1]])
+            first_value = "-".join(time_buffer)
+            first_ts = calendar.timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(first_value, "%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S.%f").timetuple())
+        except:
+	    first_ts = ""
+	cache_data[param] = {'timestamp': first_ts, 'value': last_value}
+        current_timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+        cache_data['time'] = current_timestamp
+        urlimage = (config['server'] + 'services/getimage.php' + "?" +
+                    varname[param] + "&window=" + time_image_range +
+                    "&frame_width=600&frame_height=400")
+        image = requests.get(urlimage,
+                             auth=(config['username'],
+                                   config['password']))
+        with open("static/"+config['title'].lower()+"/images/" + param + ".png", 'wb') as handle:
+            for chunk in image.iter_content():
+                handle.write(chunk)
+    with open("/tmp/.tmp.yaml", 'w') as stream_tmp:
+        stream_tmp.write(yaml.dump(cache_data, default_flow_style=False))
+    src_file = "/tmp/.tmp.yaml"
+    dst_file = "/tmp/cache.yaml"
+    shutil.copy(src_file, dst_file)
+class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def get_current(self):
+        return self.get_secure_cookie("user")
+class ListHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        with open("/tmp/cache.yaml", 'r') as stream:
+            try:
+                response = yaml.load(stream)
+            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+                print(exc)
+        if response is None:
+            response = {"error": "No data entry."}
+        self.write(response)
+class StartHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        print "Start fetchData"
+        rt.start()
+class StopHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        print "Stop fetchData"
+        rt.stop()
+class SetTimerHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def get(self, duration):
+        print "Set interval"
+        rt.setInterval(float(duration))
+class DesignerHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        print "In designer mode."
+        with open("/tmp/cache.yaml", 'r') as stream:
+            try:
+                cache_data = yaml.load(stream)
+            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+                print(exc)
+        with open("style.yaml", 'r') as stream:
+            try:
+                style_data = yaml.load(stream)
+            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+                print(exc)
+        if style_data:
+            index_data = list(set(cache_data) | set(style_data))
+        else:
+            index_data = cache_data
+        data = {
+            "cache": cache_data,
+            "style": style_data,
+            "index": sorted(index_data),
+        }
+        if "background" in config:
+            data["background"] = config["background"]
+        if "title" in config:
+            data["title"] = config["title"]
+        else:
+            data["title"] = "BORA"
+        self.render('designer.html', data=data)
+class VersionHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        response = {'version': '0.0.1',
+                    'last_build':}
+        self.write(response)
+class BackupHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def post(self):
+        backup_dst = os.getcwd() + "/backup/"
+        fname ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
+        os.makedirs(backup_dst + fname)
+        copyfile(os.getcwd() + "/varname.yaml", backup_dst +
+                 fname + "/varname.yaml")
+        copyfile(os.getcwd() + "/style.yaml", backup_dst +
+                 fname + "/style.yaml")
+class SaveHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def post(self):
+        json_obj = json_decode(self.request.body)
+        with open("style.yaml", 'w') as output:
+            output.write(yaml.safe_dump(json_obj,  encoding='utf-8',
+                         allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False))
+        response = {"success": "Data entry inserted."}
+class StatusHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        print "In status mode."
+        with open("style.yaml", 'r') as stream:
+            try:
+                style_data = yaml.load(stream)
+            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+                print(exc)
+        with open("varname.yaml", 'r') as vstream:
+            try:
+                varname_data = yaml.load(vstream)
+            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+                print(exc)
+        with open("/tmp/cache.yaml", 'r') as vstream:
+            try:
+                cache_data = yaml.load(vstream)
+            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+                print(exc)
+        data = {
+            "style": style_data,
+            "varname": varname_data,
+            "cache": cache_data
+        }
+        if "background" in config:
+            data["background"] = config["background"]
+        if "title" in config:
+            data["title"] = config["title"]
+        else:
+            data["title"] = "BORA"
+        if "server" in config:
+            data["server"] = config["server"]
+        else:
+            data["server"] = ""
+        self.render('status.html', data=data)
+class UpdateHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        print "Update Sensor Definition"
+        new_data = {}
+        rt.stop()
+        with open("varname.yaml", 'r') as stream:
+            try:
+                cache_data = yaml.load(stream)
+            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+                print(exc)
+        if config["type"] != "adei":
+            print("Error: Wrong handler.")
+            return
+        for item in cache_data:
+            tmp_data = cache_data[item]
+            tmp_str = []
+            tmp_store = []
+            for adei_unit in tmp_data.split("&"):
+                lhs, rhs = adei_unit.split("=")
+                if lhs == "db_mask":
+                    tmp_str.append("db_mask=all")
+                    continue
+                elif lhs == "db_server":
+                    db_server = rhs
+                tmp_str.append(adei_unit)
+                tmp_store.append(adei_unit)
+            tmp_str.append("window=-1")
+            query = "&".join(tmp_str)
+            dest = config['server'] + config['script']
+            url = dest + "?" + query
+            data = requests.get(url, auth=(config['username'],
+                                config['password']))
+            cr = data.content
+            cr = cr.split(",")
+            match_token = item
+            if db_server != "lara" and db_server != "hiu":
+                # parameter name stored in ADEI with '-IST_Val' suffix
+                if "MOD" in item:
+                    match_token = item + "-MODUS_Val"
+                elif "GRA" in item:
+                    match_token = item + "-GRAD_Val"
+                elif "RPO" in item:
+                    match_token = item + "-ZUST_Val"
+                elif "VYS" in item:
+                    match_token = item + "-ZUST_Val"
+                elif "MSS" in item:
+                    match_token = item + "_Val"
+                else:
+                    match_token = item + "-IST_Val"
+            db_mask = None
+            for i, iter_item in enumerate(cr):
+                if match_token == iter_item.strip():
+                    db_mask = i - 1
+            if db_mask is None:
+                continue
+            tmp_store.append("db_mask="+str(db_mask))
+            new_data[item] = "&".join(tmp_store)
+        with open("varname.yaml", 'w') as output:
+            output.write(yaml.dump(new_data, default_flow_style=False))
+            response = {"success": "Data entry inserted."}
+        rt.start()
+class AdeiKatrinHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def get(self, **params):
+        sensor_name = str(params["sensor_name"])
+        """
+        {'db_group': u'320_KRY_Kryo_4K_CurLead',
+         'db_name': u'ControlSystem_CPS',
+         'sensor_name': u'320-RTP-8-1103',
+         'db_server': u'cscps',
+         'control_group': u'320_KRY_Kryo_3K'}
+        """
+        if config["type"] != "adei":
+            print("Error: Wrong handler.")
+            return
+        dest = config['server'] + config['script']
+        query_cmds = []
+        query_cmds.append("db_server="+str(params['db_server']))
+        query_cmds.append("db_name="+str(params['db_name']))
+        query_cmds.append("db_group="+str(params['db_group']))
+        query_cmds.append("db_mask=all")
+        query_cmds.append("window=-1")
+        query = "&".join(query_cmds)
+        url = dest + "?" + query
+        # get the db_masks
+        # store the query command in varname
+        data = requests.get(url, auth=(config['username'], config['password']))
+        cr = data.content
+        cr = cr.splitlines()
+        cr = ",".join(cr)
+        cr = cr.split(",")
+        # handling the inconsistency on naming convention
+        match_token = params['sensor_name']
+        if (params["db_server"] != "lara" and params["db_server"] != "hiu" and
+                params["db_server"] != "safety-first"):
+            # parameter name stored in ADEI with '-IST_Val' suffix
+            if "MOD" in params['sensor_name']:
+                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-MODUS_Val"
+            elif "GRA" in params['sensor_name']:
+                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-GRAD_Val"
+            elif "RPO" in params['sensor_name']:
+                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-ZUST_Val"
+            elif "VYS" in params['sensor_name']:
+                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-ZUST_Val"
+            elif "HVS" in params['sensor_name']:
+                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-ZUST_Val"
+            elif "VAO" in params['sensor_name']:
+                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-ZUST_Val"
+            elif "MSS" in params['sensor_name']:
+                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "_Val"
+            else:
+                match_token = params['sensor_name'] + "-IST_Val"
+            db_mask = None
+        for i, item in enumerate(cr):
+            if "[" and "]" in item.strip():
+                lhs = re.match(r"[^[]*\[([^]]*)\]", item.strip()).groups()[0]
+                if lhs == params['sensor_name']:
+                    db_mask = i - 1
+            else:
+                if item.strip() == match_token:
+                    db_mask = i - 1
+        if db_mask is None:
+            response = {"Error": "Cannot find variable on ADEI server."}
+            self.write(response)
+            return
+        query_cmds = []
+        query_cmds.append("db_server="+str(params['db_server']))
+        query_cmds.append("db_name="+str(params['db_name']))
+        query_cmds.append("db_group="+str(params['db_group']))
+        query_cmds.append("db_mask="+str(db_mask))
+        query = "&".join(query_cmds)
+        # column name available
+        # store in yaml file
+        with open("varname.yaml", 'r') as stream:
+            try:
+                cache_data = yaml.load(stream)
+            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+                print(exc)
+        if cache_data is None:
+            cache_data = {}
+            cache_data[sensor_name] = query
+        else:
+            if sensor_name not in cache_data:
+                cache_data[sensor_name] = query
+            else:
+                response = {"Error":
+                            "Variable already available in varname file."}
+                self.write(response)
+                return
+        with open("varname.yaml", 'w') as output:
+            output.write(yaml.dump(cache_data, default_flow_style=False))
+            response = {"success": "Data entry inserted."}
+        self.write(response)
+class GetDataHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        with open("/tmp/cache.yaml", 'r') as stream:
+            try:
+                cache_data = yaml.load(stream)
+            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+                print(exc)
+        if cache_data is None:
+            cache_data = {}
+        self.write(cache_data)
+class AuthLoginHandler(BaseHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        try:
+            errormessage = self.get_argument("error")
+        except:
+            errormessage = ""
+        print errormessage
+        self.render("login.html", errormessage=errormessage)
+    def check_permission(self, password, username):
+        if (username == config["username"] and
+                password == config["pw_designer"]):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def post(self):
+        username = self.get_argument("username", "")
+        password = self.get_argument("password", "")
+        auth = self.check_permission(password, username)
+        if auth:
+            self.set_current_user(username)
+            print "In designer mode."
+            with open("/tmp/cache.yaml", 'r') as stream:
+                try:
+                    cache_data = yaml.load(stream)
+                except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+                    print(exc)
+            with open("style.yaml", 'r') as stream:
+                try:
+                    style_data = yaml.load(stream)
+                except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+                    print(exc)
+            if style_data:
+                index_data = list(set(cache_data) | set(style_data))
+            else:
+                index_data = cache_data
+            data = {
+                "cache": cache_data,
+                "style": style_data,
+                "index": index_data,
+            }
+            if "background" in config:
+                data["background"] = config["background"]
+            self.render('designer.html', data=data)
+        else:
+            error_msg = (u"?error=" +
+                         url_escape("Login incorrect"))
+            self.redirect(u"/auth/login/" + error_msg)
+    def set_current_user(self, user):
+        if user:
+            self.set_secure_cookie("user", tornado.escape.json_encode(user))
+        else:
+            self.clear_cookie("user")
+print "Running..."
+rt = RepeatedTimer(int(config["polling"]), fetchDataADEI)
+application = tornado.web.Application([
+    (r"/auth/login/?", AuthLoginHandler),
     (r"/", StatusHandler),
     (r"/", StatusHandler),
-    (r"/status/?", StatusHandler),
-    (r"/save/?", SaveHandler),
-    (r"/update/?", UpdateHandler),
-    (r"/getdata/?", GetDataHandler),
-    (r"/timer/(?P<duration>[^\/]+)/?",
-     SetTimerHandler),
-    (r"/add/(?P<db_server>[^\/]+)/?"
-     "(?P<db_name>[^\/]+)/?(?P<db_group>[^\/]+)/?(?P<sensor_name>[^\/]+)?",
-     AdeiKatrinHandler)
-], debug=True, static_path=os.path.join(root, 'static'),
-    js_path=os.path.join(root, 'js'), login_url="/auth/login",
-    cookie_secret='L8LwECiNRxq2N0N2eGxx9MZlrpmuMEimlydNX/vt1LM=')
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    application.listen(int(config["port"]))
-    tornado.autoreload.start()
-    tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
+    (r"/version/?", VersionHandler),
+    (r"/list/?", ListHandler),
+    (r"/start/?", StartHandler),
+    (r"/backup/?", BackupHandler),
+    (r"/stop/?", StopHandler),
+    (r"/designer/?", DesignerHandler),
+    (r"/status/?", StatusHandler),
+    (r"/save/?", SaveHandler),
+    (r"/update/?", UpdateHandler),
+    (r"/getdata/?", GetDataHandler),
+    (r"/timer/(?P<duration>[^\/]+)/?", SetTimerHandler),
+    (r"/"+config['title'].lower()+"/version/?", VersionHandler),
+    (r"/"+config['title'].lower()+"/list/?", ListHandler),
+    (r"/"+config['title'].lower()+"/start/?", StartHandler),
+    (r"/"+config['title'].lower()+"/backup/?", BackupHandler),
+    (r"/"+config['title'].lower()+"/stop/?", StopHandler),
+    (r"/"+config['title'].lower()+"/designer/?", DesignerHandler),
+    (r"/"+config['title'].lower()+"/status/?", StatusHandler),
+    (r"/"+config['title'].lower()+"/save/?", SaveHandler),
+    (r"/"+config['title'].lower()+"/update/?", UpdateHandler),
+    (r"/"+config['title'].lower()+"/getdata/?", GetDataHandler),
+    (r"/"+config['title'].lower()+"/timer/(?P<duration>[^\/]+)/?",
+    (r"/add/(?P<db_server>[^\/]+)/?" "(?P<db_name>[^\/]+)/?(?P<db_group>[^\/]+)/?(?P<sensor_name>[^\/]+)?", AdeiKatrinHandler)
+], debug=True, static_path=os.path.join(root, 'static'),
+    js_path=os.path.join(root, 'js'), login_url="/auth/login",
+    cookie_secret='L8LwECiNRxq2N0N2eGxx9MZlrpmuMEimlydNX/vt1LM=')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    application.listen(int(config["port"]))
+    tornado.autoreload.start()
+    tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()