Browse Source

Initial release

Suren A. Chilingaryan 12 years ago
4 changed files with 304 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 6 0
  2. 32 0
  3. 1 0
  4. 265 0

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+set(FWBENCH_VERSION "0.0.1")
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
+pkg_check_modules(GLIB2 glib-2.0>=2.24 REQUIRED)
+pkg_check_modules(GOBJECT2 gobject-2.0>=2.24 REQUIRED)
+pkg_check_modules(UFO ufo<=0.2 REQUIRED)
+pkg_check_modules(FASTWRITER fastwriter REQUIRED)
+add_definitions("-fPIC --std=c99 -Wall -O2")
+add_executable(fwbench fwbench.c)
+target_link_libraries(fwbench m ufo fastwriter ${GLIB2_LIBRARIES})
+configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h)

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 265 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <fastwriter.h>
+#include <ufo/ufo-graph.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#define FW_BUFFER 4096l
+#define WRITE_SUMMARY 5
+#define NEWFILE 10
+#define run_time 3600
+const char *fifo_name = ".fifo";
+struct setup_s {
+    size_t width;
+    size_t height;
+    size_t bpp;
+    size_t fps;
+    size_t iters;
+    volatile int run_started;
+typedef struct setup_s setup_t;
+void handle_error(GError *error) {
+    if (error != NULL) {
+        g_print("%s\n", error->message); 
+        g_error_free(error);
+        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+    }
+void set_speed(setup_t *setup, size_t speed) {
+    setup->bpp = sizeof(float);
+    setup->width = 1024;
+    setup->height = 768;
+    setup->fps = 1 + speed / setup->width / setup->height / setup->bpp;
+void set_size(setup_t *setup, size_t size) {
+    setup->iters = size / setup->width / setup->height / setup->bpp;
+void set_time(setup_t *setup, size_t time) {
+    setup->iters = time * setup->fps;
+static void *run(setup_t *setup) {
+    GError *error = NULL;
+    UfoGraph *graph = NULL;
+    /* If you want to use system-wide installed filters: 
+     * graph = ufo_graph_new(); */
+    graph = g_object_new(UFO_TYPE_GRAPH,
+            "paths", METABALLS_PATH,
+#endif /* METABALLS_PATH */
+            NULL);
+//    printf("%lu %lu %lu %lu\n", setup->width, setup->height, setup->iters, setup->width * setup->height * setup->iters * sizeof(float));
+    UfoFilter *metaballs = ufo_graph_get_filter(graph, "metaballs", &error);
+    handle_error(error);
+    g_object_set(G_OBJECT(metaballs),
+            "width", setup->width,
+            "height", setup->height,
+            "num-balls", 1,
+            "num-iterations", setup->iters,
+            "frames-per-second", setup->fps,
+            NULL);
+    UfoFilter *writer = ufo_graph_get_filter(graph, "pipeoutput", &error);
+    handle_error(error);
+    g_object_set(G_OBJECT(writer),
+            "pipe-name", fifo_name,
+            NULL);
+    ufo_filter_connect_to(metaballs, writer, &error);
+    handle_error(error);
+    setup->run_started = 1;
+    ufo_graph_run(graph, &error);
+    handle_error(error);
+//    g_print("Wrote %lu bytes\n", width * height * num_iterations * sizeof(float));
+    g_thread_exit(NULL);
+    return NULL;
+int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
+    int err;
+    GError *gerr;
+    GThread *thr;
+    setup_t setup;
+    fastwriter_t *fw;
+    fastwriter_stats_t stats;
+    const char *out = "/dev/null";
+    size_t speed = 850;
+    size_t num_read = 0;
+    size_t buf_max = 0;
+    int broken_frame = 0;
+    size_t writeouts = 0;
+    size_t duration, last_duration;
+    struct timeval tv;
+    struct timeval tv_started = {0};
+    struct timeval tv_last_written = {0};
+    unsigned long frames = 0, lost = 0;
+    unsigned long delta, expected;
+    unsigned long last_frames = 0, last_lost = 0;
+    g_thread_init(NULL);    
+    g_type_init();
+    if (argc > 1) {
+	out = argv[1];
+    }
+    if (argc > 2) {
+	speed = atoi(argv[2]);
+    }
+    unlink(fifo_name);
+    g_assert(!mkfifo(fifo_name, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR));
+    fw = fastwriter_init(out, FASTWRITER_FLAGS_OVERWRITE);
+    g_assert(fw);
+    err = fastwriter_open(fw, out,  FASTWRITER_FLAGS_OVERWRITE);
+    if (err) printf("FastWriter returned error %i\n", err);
+    g_assert(!err);
+    fastwriter_set_buffer_size(fw, FW_BUFFER * 1024 * 1024);
+    fastwriter_get_stats(fw, &stats);
+    printf("*** Writing to %s, speed: %lu MB/s, buffer: %lu MB\n", out, speed, stats.buffer_size);
+    memset(&setup, 0, sizeof(setup_t));
+    set_speed(&setup, speed * 1024 * 1024);
+    set_size(&setup, run_time * speed * 1024 * 1024);
+    size_t frame_size = setup.width * setup.height * setup.bpp;
+    void *buffer = malloc(frame_size);
+    g_assert(buffer);
+    thr = g_thread_create((GThreadFunc)run, &setup, 1, &gerr);
+    g_assert(thr);
+    while (!setup.run_started);
+    int fd = open(fifo_name, O_RDONLY);
+    g_assert(fd);
+    ssize_t result = read(fd, buffer, frame_size);
+    while (result > 0) {
+	if (!broken_frame) {
+	    err = fastwriter_push(fw, result, buffer);
+    	    if (err) {
+    		if (err == EWOULDBLOCK) {
+		    if (num_read) fastwriter_cancel(fw);
+		    broken_frame = 1;
+    		} else {
+	    	    if (err) printf("FastWriter returned error %i\n", err);
+		    g_assert(!err);
+		}
+	    }
+    	}
+        num_read += result; 
+        if (num_read < frame_size) {
+	    result = read(fd, buffer, frame_size - num_read);
+	    continue;
+	}
+        gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+        if (!tv_started.tv_sec) {
+    	    memcpy(&tv_started, &tv, sizeof(struct timeval));
+    	    if (tv_started.tv_usec >= (1000000 / setup.fps)) 
+    		tv_started.tv_usec -= (1000000 / setup.fps);
+    	    else {
+    		tv_started.tv_sec--;
+    		tv_started.tv_usec += 1000000 - (1000000 / setup.fps);
+    	    }
+    	    memcpy(&tv_last_written, &tv_started, sizeof(struct timeval));
+    	}
+        num_read = 0;
+        if (broken_frame) {
+    	    lost++;
+        } else {
+    	    err = fastwriter_commit(fw);
+    	    frames++;
+        }
+	fastwriter_get_stats(fw, &stats);
+	if (stats.buffer_used > buf_max) buf_max = stats.buffer_used;
+	if ((tv.tv_sec - tv_last_written.tv_sec) >= WRITE_INTERVAL) {
+	    last_duration = (tv.tv_sec - tv_last_written.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (tv.tv_usec - tv_last_written.tv_usec);
+/*	    expected = (tv.tv_sec - tv_last_summary.tv_sec) * setup.fps + (tv.tv_usec - tv_last_summary.tv_usec) * setup.fps / 1000000;
+	    delta = expected - lost - frames;
+    	    if (delta > 0) delta--;*/
+	    printf("Lost  %6.2lf%% (% 8lu of % 8lu), %9.3lf GB at %8.3lf MB/s, buf:%6.2lf%%\n", 100.*(lost - last_lost) / (lost + frames - last_lost - last_frames), lost - last_lost, lost + frames - (last_lost + last_frames), 1. * frame_size * (frames - last_frames) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 1000000. * frame_size * (frames - last_frames) / last_duration / 1024 / 1024, 100.*buf_max/stats.buffer_size);
+	    if (((++writeouts)%WRITE_SUMMARY)==0) {
+		duration = (tv.tv_sec - tv_started.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (tv.tv_usec - tv_started.tv_usec);
+		expected = (tv.tv_sec - tv_started.tv_sec) * setup.fps + round(1.*(tv.tv_usec - tv_started.tv_usec)*setup.fps/1000000);
+	        delta = expected - lost - frames;
+    		if ((delta > 1)||(delta < 1))
+    		    printf(" *** Unexpected frame rate: %.2lf (%lu), delta: %li (%lu, %lu)\n", 1000000. * (frames + lost) / duration, setup.fps, delta, lost + frames, expected); 
+		printf("Total %6.2lf%% (% 8lu of % 8lu), %9.3lf GB at %8.3lf MB/s, buf:%6.2lf%%\n", 100.*lost / (lost + frames), lost, lost + frames, 1. * frames * frame_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 1000000. * frames * frame_size / duration / 1024 / 1024,  100.*stats.buffer_max / stats.buffer_size);
+	    }
+	    buf_max = 0;
+	    memcpy(&tv_last_written, &tv, sizeof(struct timeval));
+	    last_frames = frames;
+	    last_lost = lost;
+	}
+	result = read(fd, buffer, frame_size);
+    }
+    printf("Wrote %lu GB\n", frame_size * frames / 1024 / 1024 / 1024);
+    g_thread_join(thr);
+    close(fd);
+    free(buffer);
+    fastwriter_close(fw);
+    fastwriter_destroy(fw);
+    unlink(fifo_name);
+    return 0;