#include #include #include #include #include "pcilib.h" #include "value.h" #include "error.h" #include "unit.h" void pcilib_clean_value(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_value_t *val) { if (!val) return; if (val->data) { free(val->data); val->data = NULL; } memset(val, 0, sizeof(pcilib_value_t)); } int pcilib_copy_value(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_value_t *dst, const pcilib_value_t *src) { if (dst->type != PCILIB_TYPE_INVALID) pcilib_clean_value(ctx, dst); memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(pcilib_value_t)); if ((src->size)&&(src->data)) { dst->data = malloc(src->size); if (!dst->data) { dst->type = PCILIB_TYPE_INVALID; return PCILIB_ERROR_MEMORY; } memcpy(dst->data, src->data, src->size); } return 0; } int pcilib_set_value_from_float(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_value_t *value, double fval) { pcilib_clean_value(ctx, value); value->type = PCILIB_TYPE_DOUBLE; value->fval = fval; return 0; } int pcilib_set_value_from_int(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_value_t *value, long ival) { pcilib_clean_value(ctx, value); value->type = PCILIB_TYPE_LONG; value->ival = ival; return 0; } /* double pcilib_value_get_float(pcilib_value_t *val) { pcilib_value_t copy; if (val->type == PCILIB_TYPE_DOUBLE) return val->fval; err = pcilib_copy_value(©, val); if (err) ??? } long pcilib_value_get_int(pcilib_value_t *val) { } */ int pcilib_convert_value_unit(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_value_t *val, const char *unit_name) { if (val->type == PCILIB_TYPE_INVALID) { pcilib_error("Can't convert uninitialized value"); return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTINITIALIZED; } if ((val->type != PCILIB_TYPE_DOUBLE)&&(val->type != PCILIB_TYPE_LONG)) { pcilib_error("Can't convert value of type %u, only values with integer and float types can be converted to different units", val->type); return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (!val->unit) { pcilib_error("Can't convert value with the unspecified unit"); return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } pcilib_unit_t unit = pcilib_find_unit_by_name(ctx, val->unit); if (unit == PCILIB_UNIT_INVALID) { pcilib_error("Can't convert unrecognized unit %s", val->unit); return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTFOUND; } return pcilib_transform_unit_by_name(ctx, unit_name, val); } int pcilib_convert_value_type(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_value_t *val, pcilib_value_type_t type) { if (val->type == PCILIB_TYPE_INVALID) { pcilib_error("Can't convert uninitialized value"); return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTINITIALIZED; } switch (type) { case PCILIB_TYPE_STRING: switch (val->type) { case PCILIB_TYPE_STRING: break; case PCILIB_TYPE_DOUBLE: sprintf(val->str, (val->format?val->format:"%lf"), val->fval); val->format = NULL; break; case PCILIB_TYPE_LONG: sprintf(val->str, (val->format?val->format:"%li"), val->ival); val->format = NULL; break; default: return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTSUPPORTED; } val->sval = val->str; break; case PCILIB_TYPE_DOUBLE: switch (val->type) { case PCILIB_TYPE_STRING: if (sscanf(val->sval, "%lf", &val->fval) != 1) { pcilib_warning("Can't convert string (%s) to float", val->sval); return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } val->format = NULL; break; case PCILIB_TYPE_DOUBLE: break; case PCILIB_TYPE_LONG: val->fval = val->ival; val->format = NULL; break; default: return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTSUPPORTED; } break; case PCILIB_TYPE_LONG: switch (val->type) { case PCILIB_TYPE_STRING: if (sscanf(val->sval, "%li", &val->ival) != 1) { pcilib_warning("Can't convert string (%s) to int", val->sval); return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } val->format = NULL; break; case PCILIB_TYPE_DOUBLE: val->ival = round(val->fval); val->format = NULL; break; case PCILIB_TYPE_LONG: break; default: return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTSUPPORTED; } break; default: return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTSUPPORTED; } return 0; }