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  1. """ Scopus script's configration
  2. *A Kopmann, 12.4.17*
  3. Configuration for the test system installed at ipekopmann2 (my macbook).
  4. The system is identically to the UFO configuration and used for testing
  5. of new functions.
  6. Todo:
  7. - Handle authors that have been also at other institutions.
  8. Add time interval for each author or
  9. check if affiliation of the author is also given
  10. """
  11. # Local publication database
  12. db_host = 'localhost'
  13. db_user = 'scopus'
  14. db_pw = '$scopus$'
  15. db_name = 'scopus'
  16. # Access to Wordpress installation
  17. wp_api_url = "http://localhost/~kopmann/ufo2/xmlrpc.php"
  18. """ Access to the Wordpress installation """
  19. wp_user = "scopus"
  20. wp_password = "$scopus$"
  21. # Reporting
  22. log_file = "/Users/kopmann/scopus-publications.log"
  23. """ Logfile name for reporting """
  24. # Scopus query definition
  25. MY_API_KEY = "14d431d052c2caf5e9c4b1ab7de7463d"
  26. """ Scopus access key (Andreas Kopmann) """
  27. # Scopus author IDs
  28. # KIT, PDV
  29. ak = "35313939900"
  30. ak2 = "57193311016"
  31. csa = "15076530600"
  32. csa2 = "6506491376"
  33. matthiasVogelgesang = "35303862100"
  34. timoDritschler = "56473578500"
  35. andreiShkarin = "56950893700"
  36. nicholasTanJerome = ""
  37. tillBergmann = "35308595100"
  38. armenBeglarian = "55343303900"
  39. petraRohr = "40561503300"
  40. norbertKunka = "35276889200"
  41. horstDemattio = "6506285395"
  42. # KIT, EPS
  43. micheleCaselle = "7006767859"
  44. urosStevanovic = "55557712600"
  45. lorenzoRota = "56473442500"
  46. matthiasBalzer = "35519411500"
  47. # KIT, IPE
  48. marcWeber = "56654729000"
  49. mw2 = "56603987800"
  50. mw3 = "7404138824"
  51. # KIT, IPS
  52. tomyRolo = "56118820400"
  53. tr2 = "35194644400"
  54. tr3 = "35277157300"
  55. tomasFarago = "56655045700"
  56. alexyErshof = "56441809800"
  57. andreiShkarin = "56950893700"
  58. romanShkarin = "56951331000"
  59. tiloBaumbach = "7003270957"
  60. thomasVandekamp = "46761453500"
  61. # TUD
  62. michaelHeethoff = "55979397800"
  63. sebastianSchmelzle = "34768986100"
  64. # UHD
  65. philipLoesel = "57190622016"
  66. # Others (e.g. for black list)
  67. ashotChiligarian = "7004126133"
  68. hansBluemer = "7006284555"
  69. matthiasKleifegs = "6602072426"
  70. weber1 = "14625680200" # KIT Physics 1651, 25.10.17
  71. weber2 = "7404138824" # KIT-CN Physice 667, 25.10.17
  72. weber3 = "56654729000" # KIT Engineering 29, 25.10.17
  73. # Affiliations
  74. kit = "60027314"
  75. kit_cn = "60027314"
  76. kit_cs = "60029428"
  77. uni_hd = "60016908"
  78. uni_h = " 60004935"
  79. uni_da = "60011226"
  80. # Definition of workgroups for automatic Scopus publication retrieval
  81. sc_start = 2010
  82. ufo_pdv = [ak, csa, matthiasVogelgesang, timoDritschler, andreiShkarin ]
  83. ufo_eps = [matthiasBalzer, lorenzoRota, micheleCaselle ]
  84. ufo_ips = [tomyRolo, tr2, tr3, tomasFarago]
  85. ufo_apps = [thomasVandekamp]
  86. ufo_alg = [philipLoesel]
  87. sc_workgroups = [
  88. {'name':"Computing",'authors':ufo_pdv},
  89. {'name':"Electronics",'authors':ufo_eps},
  90. {'name':"X-ray Imaging",'authors':ufo_ips},
  91. {'name':"Morphology",'authors':ufo_apps},
  92. {'name':"Algorithms",'authors':ufo_alg}
  93. ]
  94. """ Definition of the workgroups
  95. Each workgroup is defined by a list of Scopus ID's and the
  96. name of the category to be used in Wordpress. The category
  97. for a new workgroup has to be created in Wordpress before
  98. adding publications
  99. """