Forráskód Böngészése

Transférer les fichiers vers 'MyWebProject/src'

Gregoire Thomas 4 éve


A különbségek nem kerülnek megjelenítésre, a fájl túl nagy
+ 14 - 0

+ 304 - 0
MyWebProject/src/index file

@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
+/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
+import 'vtk.js/Sources/favicon';
+import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macro';
+import HttpDataAccessHelper from 'vtk.js/Sources/IO/Core/DataAccessHelper/HttpDataAccessHelper';
+import vtkBoundingBox from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/BoundingBox';
+import vtkColorTransferFunction from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/ColorTransferFunction';
+import vtkFullScreenRenderWindow from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Misc/FullScreenRenderWindow';
+import vtkPiecewiseFunction from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/PiecewiseFunction';
+import vtkVolumeController from 'vtk.js/Sources/Interaction/UI/VolumeController';
+import vtkURLExtract from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/URLExtract';
+import vtkVolume from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Volume';
+import vtkVolumeMapper from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/VolumeMapper';
+import vtkXMLImageDataReader from 'vtk.js/Sources/IO/XML/XMLImageDataReader';
+import vtkFPSMonitor from 'vtk.js/Sources/Interaction/UI/FPSMonitor';
+import controlPanel from '/data/controller.html';
+import style from './VolumeViewer.module.css';
+let autoInit = true;
+const userParams = vtkURLExtract.extractURLParameters();
+const fpsMonitor = vtkFPSMonitor.newInstance();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Add class to body if iOS device
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(window.navigator.platform);
+if (iOS) {
+  document.querySelector('body').classList.add('is-ios-device');
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function emptyContainer(container) {
+  while (container.firstChild) {
+    container.removeChild(container.firstChild);
+  }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function preventDefaults(e) {
+  e.preventDefault();
+  e.stopPropagation();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const fullScreenRenderer = vtkFullScreenRenderWindow.newInstance({
+    background: [0, 0, 0],
+const actor = vtkVolume.newInstance();
+const mapper = vtkVolumeMapper.newInstance({
+    sampleDistance: 1.1,
+const renderer = fullScreenRenderer.getRenderer();
+const renderWindow = fullScreenRenderer.getRenderWindow();
+renderer.getActiveCamera().setViewUp(0, 1, 0);
+//function sleep(ms) {
+//    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
+function Redirect(output) {
+  //  var win ='/');
+   // await sleep(1000);
+//   window.location.replace('/'+output+'')
+    let stateObj = { id: "100" }; 
+    window.history.replaceState(stateObj, 
+    "index", '/'+output+''); 
+    renderer.resetCamera();
+    const exampleContainer = document.querySelector('.content');
+    const rootBody = document.querySelector('body');
+    const myContainer = exampleContainer || rootBody;
+    load(myContainer, userParams, ''+output+'.vti');
+    renderWindow.render();
+    // win.document.head.innerHTML = '<title>Hi</title></head>';
+    // // win.document.body.innerHTML = '<body></body>';
+    // // win.document.write('
+    // var script = document.createElement('script');
+    // script.type = "module";
+    // // script.
+    // script.src = "http://localhost:1234/code.mjs";
+    // script.textContent = vtkFullScreenRenderWindow.newInstance({background: [0, 0, 0],});
+    // win.document.head.appendChild(script);
+    //
+    // renderer.resetCamera();
+    //
+    // const exampleContainer = document.querySelector('.content');
+    // const rootBody = document.querySelector('body');
+    // const myContainer = exampleContainer || rootBody;
+    // load(myContainer, userParams, 'http://localhost:1234/'+output+'.vti');
+    // renderWindow.render();
+    // load(myContainer, userParams, 'http://localhost:1234/'+output+'.vti');
+function launch(output){
+    renderer.resetCamera();
+    const exampleContainer = win.document.querySelector('.content');
+    const rootBody = win.document.querySelector('body');
+    const myContainer = exampleContainer || rootBody;
+    load(myContainer, userParams, ''+output+'.vti');
+    renderWindow.render();
+global.Redirect = Redirect;
+global.launch = launch;
+function createViewer(rootContainer, fileContents, options) {
+  const background = options.background
+    ? options.background.split(',').map((s) => Number(s))
+    : [0, 0, 0];
+  const containerStyle = options.containerStyle;
+  const fullScreenRenderer = vtkFullScreenRenderWindow.newInstance({
+    background,
+    rootContainer,
+    containerStyle,
+  });
+  const renderer = fullScreenRenderer.getRenderer();
+  const renderWindow = fullScreenRenderer.getRenderWindow();
+  renderWindow.getInteractor().setDesiredUpdateRate(15);
+  const vtiReader = vtkXMLImageDataReader.newInstance();
+  vtiReader.parseAsArrayBuffer(fileContents);
+  const source = vtiReader.getOutputData(0);
+  const mapper = vtkVolumeMapper.newInstance();
+  const actor = vtkVolume.newInstance();
+  const dataArray =
+    source.getPointData().getScalars() || source.getPointData().getArrays()[0];
+  const dataRange = dataArray.getRange();
+  const lookupTable = vtkColorTransferFunction.newInstance();
+  const piecewiseFunction = vtkPiecewiseFunction.newInstance();
+  // Pipeline handling
+  actor.setMapper(mapper);
+  mapper.setInputData(source);
+  renderer.addActor(actor);
+  // Configuration
+  const sampleDistance =
+    0.7 *
+    Math.sqrt(
+      source
+        .getSpacing()
+        .map((v) => v * v)
+        .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
+    );
+  mapper.setSampleDistance(sampleDistance);
+  actor.getProperty().setRGBTransferFunction(0, lookupTable);
+  actor.getProperty().setScalarOpacity(0, piecewiseFunction);
+  // actor.getProperty().setInterpolationTypeToFastLinear();
+  actor.getProperty().setInterpolationTypeToLinear();
+  // For better looking volume rendering
+  // - distance in world coordinates a scalar opacity of 1.0
+  actor
+    .getProperty()
+    .setScalarOpacityUnitDistance(
+      0,
+      vtkBoundingBox.getDiagonalLength(source.getBounds()) /
+        Math.max(...source.getDimensions())
+    );
+  // - control how we emphasize surface boundaries
+  //  => max should be around the average gradient magnitude for the
+  //     volume or maybe average plus one std dev of the gradient magnitude
+  //     (adjusted for spacing, this is a world coordinate gradient, not a
+  //     pixel gradient)
+  //  => max hack: (dataRange[1] - dataRange[0]) * 0.05
+  actor.getProperty().setGradientOpacityMinimumValue(0, 0);
+  actor
+    .getProperty()
+    .setGradientOpacityMaximumValue(0, (dataRange[1] - dataRange[0]) * 0.05);
+  // - Use shading based on gradient
+  actor.getProperty().setShade(true);
+  actor.getProperty().setUseGradientOpacity(0, true);
+  // - generic good default
+  actor.getProperty().setGradientOpacityMinimumOpacity(0, 0.0);
+  actor.getProperty().setGradientOpacityMaximumOpacity(0, 1.0);
+  actor.getProperty().setAmbient(0.2);
+  actor.getProperty().setDiffuse(0.7);
+  actor.getProperty().setSpecular(0.3);
+  actor.getProperty().setSpecularPower(8.0);
+  // Control UI
+  const controllerWidget = vtkVolumeController.newInstance({
+    size: [400, 150],
+    rescaleColorMap: true,
+  });
+  const isBackgroundDark = background[0] + background[1] + background[2] < 1.5;
+  controllerWidget.setContainer(rootContainer);
+  controllerWidget.setupContent(renderWindow, actor, isBackgroundDark);
+  // setUpContent above sets the size to the container.
+  // We need to set the size after that.
+  // controllerWidget.setExpanded(false);
+  fullScreenRenderer.setResizeCallback(({ width, height }) => {
+    // 2px padding + 2x1px boder + 5px edge = 14
+    if (width > 414) {
+      controllerWidget.setSize(400, 150);
+    } else {
+      controllerWidget.setSize(width - 14, 150);
+    }
+    controllerWidget.render();
+    fpsMonitor.update();
+  });
+  // First render
+  renderer.resetCamera();
+  renderWindow.render();
+  global.pipeline = {
+    actor,
+    renderer,
+    renderWindow,
+    lookupTable,
+    mapper,
+    source,
+    piecewiseFunction,
+    fullScreenRenderer,
+  };
+  if (userParams.fps) {
+    const fpsElm = fpsMonitor.getFpsMonitorContainer();
+    fpsElm.classList.add(style.fpsMonitor);
+    fpsMonitor.setRenderWindow(renderWindow);
+    fpsMonitor.setContainer(rootContainer);
+    fpsMonitor.update();
+  }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+export function load(container, options, link) {
+    autoInit = false;
+    emptyContainer(container);
+    const progressContainer = document.createElement('div');
+    progressContainer.setAttribute('class', style.progress);
+    container.appendChild(progressContainer);
+    const progressCallback = (progressEvent) => {
+        if (progressEvent.lengthComputable) {
+            const percent = Math.floor(
+                (100 * progressEvent.loaded) /
+            );
+            progressContainer.innerHTML = `Loading ${percent}%`;
+        } else {
+            progressContainer.innerHTML = macro.formatBytesToProperUnit(
+                progressEvent.loaded
+            );
+        }
+    };
+    HttpDataAccessHelper.fetchBinary(link, {
+        progressCallback,
+    }).then((binary) => {
+        container.removeChild(progressContainer);
+        createViewer(container, binary, options);
+    });

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="MyWebApp.js"></script>
+  </body>

+ 280 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
+/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
+import 'vtk.js/Sources/favicon';
+import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macro';
+import HttpDataAccessHelper from 'vtk.js/Sources/IO/Core/DataAccessHelper/HttpDataAccessHelper';
+import vtkBoundingBox from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/BoundingBox';
+import vtkColorTransferFunction from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/ColorTransferFunction';
+import vtkFullScreenRenderWindow from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Misc/FullScreenRenderWindow';
+import vtkPiecewiseFunction from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/PiecewiseFunction';
+import vtkVolumeController from 'vtk.js/Sources/Interaction/UI/VolumeController';
+import vtkURLExtract from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/URLExtract';
+import vtkVolume from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Volume';
+import vtkVolumeMapper from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/VolumeMapper';
+import vtkXMLImageDataReader from 'vtk.js/Sources/IO/XML/XMLImageDataReader';
+import vtkFPSMonitor from 'vtk.js/Sources/Interaction/UI/FPSMonitor';
+import controlPanel from '/data/controller.html';
+import style from './VolumeViewer.module.css';
+import React from 'react';
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import App from './route';
+const Server_ip = process.env.Server_ip;
+let autoInit = true;
+const userParams = vtkURLExtract.extractURLParameters();
+const fpsMonitor = vtkFPSMonitor.newInstance();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Add class to body if iOS device
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(window.navigator.platform);
+if (iOS) {
+  document.querySelector('body').classList.add('is-ios-device');
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function emptyContainer(container) {
+  while (container.firstChild) {
+    container.removeChild(container.firstChild);
+  }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function preventDefaults(e) {
+  e.preventDefault();
+  e.stopPropagation();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const fullScreenRenderer = vtkFullScreenRenderWindow.newInstance({
+    background: [0, 0, 0],
+const actor = vtkVolume.newInstance();
+const mapper = vtkVolumeMapper.newInstance({
+    sampleDistance: 1.1,
+const renderer = fullScreenRenderer.getRenderer();
+const renderWindow = fullScreenRenderer.getRenderWindow();
+renderer.getActiveCamera().setViewUp(0, 1, 0);
+function Redirect() {
+    var output = window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
+    renderer.resetCamera();
+    const exampleContainer = document.querySelector('.content');
+    const rootBody = document.querySelector('body');
+    const myContainer = exampleContainer || rootBody;
+    load(myContainer, userParams, 'http://'+Server_ip+'/vtis/'+output+'.vti');
+    renderWindow.render();
+    return null
+function launch(){
+    renderer.resetCamera();
+    const exampleContainer = win.document.querySelector('.content');
+    const rootBody = win.document.querySelector('body');
+    const myContainer = exampleContainer || rootBody;
+    renderWindow.render();
+global.Redirect = Redirect;
+global.launch = launch;
+function createViewer(rootContainer, fileContents, options) {
+  const background = options.background
+    ? options.background.split(',').map((s) => Number(s))
+    : [0, 0, 0];
+  const containerStyle = options.containerStyle;
+  const fullScreenRenderer = vtkFullScreenRenderWindow.newInstance({
+    background,
+    rootContainer,
+    containerStyle,
+  });
+  const renderer = fullScreenRenderer.getRenderer();
+  const renderWindow = fullScreenRenderer.getRenderWindow();
+  renderWindow.getInteractor().setDesiredUpdateRate(15);
+  const vtiReader = vtkXMLImageDataReader.newInstance();
+  vtiReader.parseAsArrayBuffer(fileContents);
+  const source = vtiReader.getOutputData(0);
+  const mapper = vtkVolumeMapper.newInstance();
+  const actor = vtkVolume.newInstance();
+  const dataArray =
+    source.getPointData().getScalars() || source.getPointData().getArrays()[0];
+  const dataRange = dataArray.getRange();
+  const lookupTable = vtkColorTransferFunction.newInstance();
+  const piecewiseFunction = vtkPiecewiseFunction.newInstance();
+  // Pipeline handling
+  actor.setMapper(mapper);
+  mapper.setInputData(source);
+  renderer.addActor(actor);
+  // Configuration
+  const sampleDistance =
+    0.7 *
+    Math.sqrt(
+      source
+        .getSpacing()
+        .map((v) => v * v)
+        .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
+    );
+  mapper.setSampleDistance(sampleDistance);
+  actor.getProperty().setRGBTransferFunction(0, lookupTable);
+  actor.getProperty().setScalarOpacity(0, piecewiseFunction);
+  // actor.getProperty().setInterpolationTypeToFastLinear();
+  actor.getProperty().setInterpolationTypeToLinear();
+  // For better looking volume rendering
+  // - distance in world coordinates a scalar opacity of 1.0
+  actor
+    .getProperty()
+    .setScalarOpacityUnitDistance(
+      0,
+      vtkBoundingBox.getDiagonalLength(source.getBounds()) /
+        Math.max(...source.getDimensions())
+    );
+  // - control how we emphasize surface boundaries
+  //  => max should be around the average gradient magnitude for the
+  //     volume or maybe average plus one std dev of the gradient magnitude
+  //     (adjusted for spacing, this is a world coordinate gradient, not a
+  //     pixel gradient)
+  //  => max hack: (dataRange[1] - dataRange[0]) * 0.05
+  actor.getProperty().setGradientOpacityMinimumValue(0, 0);
+  actor
+    .getProperty()
+    .setGradientOpacityMaximumValue(0, (dataRange[1] - dataRange[0]) * 0.05);
+  // - Use shading based on gradient
+  actor.getProperty().setShade(true);
+  actor.getProperty().setUseGradientOpacity(0, true);
+  // - generic good default
+  actor.getProperty().setGradientOpacityMinimumOpacity(0, 0.0);
+  actor.getProperty().setGradientOpacityMaximumOpacity(0, 1.0);
+  actor.getProperty().setAmbient(0.2);
+  actor.getProperty().setDiffuse(0.7);
+  actor.getProperty().setSpecular(0.3);
+  actor.getProperty().setSpecularPower(8.0);
+  // Control UI
+  const controllerWidget = vtkVolumeController.newInstance({
+    size: [400, 150],
+    rescaleColorMap: true,
+  });
+  const isBackgroundDark = background[0] + background[1] + background[2] < 1.5;
+  controllerWidget.setContainer(rootContainer);
+  controllerWidget.setupContent(renderWindow, actor, isBackgroundDark);
+  // setUpContent above sets the size to the container.
+  // We need to set the size after that.
+  // controllerWidget.setExpanded(false);
+  fullScreenRenderer.setResizeCallback(({ width, height }) => {
+    // 2px padding + 2x1px boder + 5px edge = 14
+    if (width > 414) {
+      controllerWidget.setSize(400, 150);
+    } else {
+      controllerWidget.setSize(width - 14, 150);
+    }
+    controllerWidget.render();
+    fpsMonitor.update();
+  });
+  // First render
+  renderer.resetCamera();
+  renderWindow.render();
+  global.pipeline = {
+    actor,
+    renderer,
+    renderWindow,
+    lookupTable,
+    mapper,
+    source,
+    piecewiseFunction,
+    fullScreenRenderer,
+  };
+  if (userParams.fps) {
+    const fpsElm = fpsMonitor.getFpsMonitorContainer();
+    fpsElm.classList.add(style.fpsMonitor);
+    fpsMonitor.setRenderWindow(renderWindow);
+    fpsMonitor.setContainer(rootContainer);
+    fpsMonitor.update();
+  }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+export function load(container, options, link) {
+    autoInit = false;
+    emptyContainer(container);
+    const progressContainer = document.createElement('div');
+    progressContainer.setAttribute('class', style.progress);
+    container.appendChild(progressContainer);
+    const progressCallback = (progressEvent) => {
+        if (progressEvent.lengthComputable) {
+            const percent = Math.floor(
+                (100 * progressEvent.loaded) /
+            );
+            progressContainer.innerHTML = `Loading ${percent}%`;
+        } else {
+            progressContainer.innerHTML = macro.formatBytesToProperUnit(
+                progressEvent.loaded
+            );
+        }
+    };
+    HttpDataAccessHelper.fetchBinary(link, {
+        progressCallback,
+    }).then((binary) => {
+        container.removeChild(progressContainer);
+        createViewer(container, binary, options);
+    });
+<App />,

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