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updated files

koellenberger 2 years ago
4 changed files with 306 additions and 52 deletions
  1. 212 46
  2. 19 5
  3. 16 1
  4. 59 0

+ 212 - 46

@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
       function WelcomeMessage() {
           document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "Welcome" + localStorage.getItem('author');
-        }
@@ -18,9 +17,10 @@
     <div class="navbar">
+      <a style="background-color:#1761B2;text-decoration:none"><b>Quick links:</b></a>
       <a href="" target="_blank">Adei</a>
       <a href="" target="_blank">katana</a>
-      <a href="" target="_blank">brew</a>
+      <a href="" target="_blank">brew</a>
       <a href="" target="_blank">webtrium</a>
@@ -38,53 +38,219 @@
       <h3>Please check the following parameters and values: </h3>
+      <hr>
+      <br>
+      <h3>General information:</h3>
+      <table width="50%" id="table" align="center">
+        <!-- <tr>
+          <th>Subsystem</th>
+          <th>What to look for</th>
+        </tr> -->
+        <tr>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><b>First run</b></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Run number" id="First_run"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><b>Last run</b></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Run number" id="Last_run"></td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
+      <br>
+      <hr>
+      <br>
+      <h3>Checks on Adei:</h3>
+      <table width="100%" id="table" align="center">
+        <tr>
+          <th>Subsystem</th>
+          <th>What to look for</th>
+          <th>good (green) <br> or bad (red)</th>
+          <th>Comment if bad</th>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>High Voltage <br>(K65)</b></td>
+          <td>Are there any unexpected spikes in the
+          <a href="" target="_blank">K65 readback.</a>
+          <br>(more details can be found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>)</td>
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="HV_K65_checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="HV_K65"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>High Voltage <br>(absolute tank potential)</b></td>
+          <td>Are there any unexpected spikes in the
+          <a href="" target="_blank">tank potential readback.</a>
+          <br>(more details can be found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>)</td>
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="HV_TankPotential_checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="HV_TankPotential"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>BIXS</b></td>
+          <td>Is the <a href="" target="_blank">BIXS singal</a>
+            stable? If not, something is wrong.
+            <br> Is there a long term trend visible?
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="BIXS_checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="BIXS"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>Tritium throughput</b></td>
+          <td>Is the <a href="" target="_blank">tritium throughput</a>
+            stable to within < 1 sccm? If not, something is wrong.
+            <br> Is there a long term trend visible?
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="LARA_checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="LARA"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>FBM</b></td>
+          <td>Check for outliers in the <a href="" target="_blank">FBM rate</a>.
+            Absolute values depending on pixel and KNMx period, keep in mind long term drift. Just check for outliers!.
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="FBM_checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="FBM"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>RW current and voltage</b></td>
+          <td>Were the IU scans performed regularly (visible in the <a href=",egunrs__EgunRS__0__113&infomod=legend&history_id=1627292466724" target="_blank">RW current and voltage</a>)?<br>
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="RW_checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="RW"></td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
+      <br>
+      <br>
+      <h3>Checks on <a href=""  target="_blank">brew</a>:</h3>
+      <table width="100%" id="table" align="center">
+        <tr>
+          <th>Parameter</th>
+          <th>What to look for</th>
+          <th>good (green) <br> or bad (red)</th>
+          <th>Comment if bad</th>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>Run Length</b></td>
+          <td>Do any runs have shorter run length? Shorter length indicates missing subruns.</td>
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox"  id="Run_Length_checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="Run_Length"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>Data Size</b></td>
+          <td>Do any runs have a different data size? Smaller size indicates missing subruns.</td>
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="Data_Size_checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="Data_Size"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>FPD Energy Shift</b></td>
+          <td>Peaks in BREW plot of this value over time indicate rapid detector gain drifts, <br>likely caused by large temperature changes of the building.</td>
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="FPD_Energy_checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="FPD_Energy"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>Grid-Sync Gap</b></td>
+          <td>Non-zero values indicate dead-time in DAQ.</td>
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox"  id="Grid_sync_checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="Grid_sync"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>Rate 300eV</b></td>
+          <td>Is rate 300 eV comparable to other runs? (necessary for Column Density Calculation).</td>
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox"  id="Rate_300_checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="Rate_300"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>Rate 90eV</b></td>
+          <td>Is rate 90 eV comparable to other runs? (necessary for Column Density Calculation).</td>
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="Rate_90_checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="Rate_90"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><b>Tritium Purity</b></td>
+          <td>Is tritium purity estimated and around 98.6%? (necessary for Column Density Calculation).</td>
+          <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="TritiumPurity_checkbox" value="good"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
+          <td style="text-align:center"><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="TritiumPurity"></td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
+      <br>
+      <hr>
-      <body>
-  <div id="here"></div>
-  <h3>Checks on Adei:</h3>
-  <table width="100%" id="table" align="center">
-    <tr>
-      <th>Subsystem</th>
-      <th>What to look for</th>
-      <th>good (green) <br> or bad (red)</th>
-      <th>Comment if bad</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td><b>High Voltage <br>(K65)</b></td>
-      <td>Are there any unexpected spikes in the
-      <a href="" target="_blank">K65 readback.</a>
-      <br>(more details can be found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>)</td>
-      <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
-      <td><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="HV_K65"></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td><b>High Voltage <br>(absolute tank potential)</b></td>
-      <td>Are there any unexpected spikes in the
-      <a href="" target="_blank">tank potential readback.</a>
-      <br>(more details can be found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>)</td>
-      <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
-      <td><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="HV_TankPotential"></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td><b>Tritium throughput</b></td>
-      <td>Is the <a href="" target="_blank">tritium throughput</a>
-        stable to within < 1 sccm? If not, something is wrong.
-        <br> Is there a long term trend visible?
-      <td><label class="switch"><input type="checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></td>
-      <td><input type="text" placeholder ="Comment" id="HV_TankPotential"></td>
-    </tr>
-  </table>
-  <br>
-  <button style="font-size:20px">Submit report</button>
+      <h3>Additional comments</h3>
+      <textarea name="multiliner" placeholder ="Add any additional comments or observations here ..." type="text" id="additional_comments" style="width:75%;height:100px;"></textarea>
+      <br>
+      <br>
+      <hr>
+      <br>
+      <button type="submit" onclick="goBack()" id="Back">Go back</button>
+      <button type="submit" onclick="submit()" id="Submit">Confirm</button>
+      <br><br><br><br>
+      <script type="text/javascript">
+          function goBack() {
+              window.location.href="index.html";
+          }
+          function submit() {
+              var VariableName = ["HV (K65)", "HV Tank Potential", "BIXS", "LARA", "FBM", "RW", "Run Length", "Data Size", "FPD Energy", "Grid sync", "Rate 300", "Rate 90", "Tritium Purity" ];
+              var Checkboxes = ["HV_K65_checkbox", "HV_TankPotential_checkbox", "BIXS_checkbox", "LARA_checkbox", "FBM_checkbox", "RW_checkbox", "Run_Length_checkbox", "Data_Size_checkbox", "FPD_Energy_checkbox", "Grid_sync_checkbox", "Rate_300_checkbox", "Rate_90_checkbox", "TritiumPurity_checkbox"];
+              var Comments = ["HV_K65", "HV_TankPotential", "BIXS", "LARA", "FBM", "RW", "Run_Length", "Data_Size", "FPD_Energy", "Grid_sync", "Rate_300", "Rate_90", "TritiumPurity" ];
+              var arrayLength = VariableName.length;
+              var badFlags = 0;
+              var date = new Date();
+              var dateTime = date.getDate().toString() + '-' + date.getMonth().toString() + '-' + date.getFullYear().toString() + '  ' + date.getHours().toString() + ':' + date.getMinutes().toString() + ':' + date.getSeconds().toString();
+              var Summary = ''
+              Summary += 'Author: '+ localStorage.getItem('author')+'<br>';
+              Summary += 'Submission time: ' + dateTime + '<br>';
+              Summary += 'Measurement type: '+ localStorage.getItem('measurement')+'<br>';
+              Summary += 'Run range: ' + document.getElementById('First_run').value + ' - ' + document.getElementById('Last_run').value + '<br><br>'
+              Summary += '<pre>Parameter summary:<br>';
+              var temp = '';
+              for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++){
+                var good = document.getElementById(Checkboxes[i]);
+                var comment = document.getElementById(Comments[i])
+                if (good.checked == true){
+                  //temp += '<pre>    ' + VariableName[i] + ': <br>        status = good <br>';
+                }
+                else{
+                  temp += '    ' + VariableName[i] + ': <br>        status = bad <br>        comment = '+ comment.value +'<br>';
+                  badFlags += 1;
+                }
+              }
+              Summary += '    ' + badFlags.toString() + ' item(s) have been makred as bad.<br><br>';
+              if (badFlags > 0) {
+                Summary += temp
+              }
+              if(additional_comments.value != ""){
+                Summary += '<br>Additional comments: <br><br>'+additional_comments.value;
+              }
+              Summary += '</pre>';
+            localStorage.setItem('summary', Summary);
+            window.location.href="submit.html";
+          }
+      </script>

+ 19 - 5

@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
     <div class="navbar">
+      <a style="background-color:#1761B2;text-decoration:none"><b>Quick links:</b></a>
       <a href="" target="_blank">Adei</a>
       <a href="" target="_blank">katana</a>
-      <a href="" target="_blank">brew</a>
+      <a href="  " target="_blank">brew</a>
       <a href="" target="_blank">webtrium</a>
@@ -25,19 +26,32 @@
       <h3>Please enter your name:</h3>
-      <p>
-        <input type="text" placeholder ="Author" id="author">
+      <table id="table" align="center">
+        <tr>
+          <th>Author name:</th>
+          <th><input type="text" placeholder ="Author" id="author"></th>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <th>Measurement type:</th>
+          <th><select name="Measurement type" id="measurement">
+            <option value="Tritium">Tritium</option>
+            <option value="Krypton">Krypton</option>
+            <option value="Other">Other</option>
+          </select></th>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
-        <button type="submit" onclick="myfunc()" id="demo">Next</button>
+        <button type="submit" onclick="submitName()" id="Next">Next</button>
         <script type="text/javascript">
-            function myfunc() {
+            function submitName() {
                 var author = document.getElementById('author');
                 if(author.value == ""){
                   alert("Please provide a name.")
                 else {
                   localStorage.setItem('author', author.value);
+                  localStorage.setItem('measurement', measurement.value);

+ 16 - 1

@@ -92,11 +92,26 @@ input:checked + .slider:before {
   border-radius: 50%;
+pre {
+  font-family: sans-serif;
+  font-size: 16px;
 input {
   font-size: 16px;
-button {
+textarea {
+  font-size: 16px;
+  resize: none;
+  border-radius: 5px;
+  font-size: 16px;
   font-size: 16px;

+ 59 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+      <meta charset="utf-8">
+      <meta name="generator" content="GitLab Pages">
+      <title>KATRIN remote analysis shift</title>
+      <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" />
+      <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <div class="navbar">
+      <a style="background-color:#1761B2;text-decoration:none"><b>Quick links:</b></a>
+      <a href="" target="_blank">Adei</a>
+      <a href="" target="_blank">katana</a>
+      <a href="" target="_blank">brew</a>
+      <a href="" target="_blank">webtrium</a>
+    </div>
+    <center>
+      <h1>Checklist for remote analysis shifts</h1>
+    </center>
+    <hr>
+    <h2 style="text-align:right">Step 3/3</h2>
+    <center>
+      <h3>Summary:</h3>
+      <br>
+      <hr>
+      <table id="table" style="max-width:600px;">
+        <tr>
+        <td style="text-align:left"><body onload="document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = localStorage.getItem('summary')">
+          <text id="result"></text>
+        </body></td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
+      <br>
+      <hr>
+      <br>
+      <button type="submit" onclick="cancel()" id="Cancel">Cancel</button>
+      <button type="submit" onclick="submit()" id="Submit">Submit report</button>
+      <br><br><br><br>
+      <script type="text/javascript">
+          function cancel() {
+              window.location.href="index.html";
+          }
+          function submit() {
+              window.location.href="index.html";
+          }
+      </script>
+    </center>
+  </body>