Checklist for remote analysis shifts

If you have questions, problems, or findings regarding the remote analysis shift, write into the #remote.monitoring group on RocketChat

To summarise the week for the general KATRIN call you can find a presentation template here

Step 1/3

Please enter your name:

Author name:
Measurement type:

Checklist history - $tableName"; $db= new SQLite3("data/mydb.sqlite"); $db->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $tableName(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Run_Range Text, Mode Text, Submitted Text, Author Text, webtrium text, HV_K65 Text, HV_tank_potential Text, U_MTD_discrepancy Text, Missing_K35 Text, BIXS Text, LARA Text, LARA_crosscheck Text, FBM Text, RW Text, Run_length Text, Data_size Text, FPD_energy Text, Grid_sync Text, Rate_300 Text, Rate_90 Text, Tritium_purity Text, Summary Text )"); $sql_select="SELECT * FROM $tableName ORDER BY ID DESC"; $result=$db->query($sql_select); echo ""; echo ""; $numColumns=$result->numColumns(); for ($i = 1; $i < $numColumns; $i++) { $colname=$result->columnName($i); $colname = str_replace('_', ' ', $colname); if ($tableName.length < 5 || $i != 11) // column 11 = LARA, which is skipped since KNM10 (length 5, KNM9 and before length 4) { if ($i < 5){ echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } } echo ""; $rowCount = 0; $lastChecked = ''; while($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { echo ""; for ($i = 1; $i < $numColumns-1; $i++) { $value=$row[$i]; if ($rowCount == 0 && $i == 1){ $lastChecked = "runs ($value)
"; } if($rowCount == 0 && $i == 3){ $lastChecked = "$lastChecked $value (UTC)"; echo ""; } if ($tableName.length < 5 || $i != 11) // skip column 11 = LARA, which is true since KNM10 (length 5, KNM9 and before length 4) { if ($value == "good"){ echo ""; } elseif ($value == "bad") { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } } $value=$row[$numColumns-1]; echo ""; echo ""; $rowCount += 1; } echo "
$value$value$value"; #echo "$value
"; } ?>

If you have any suggestions for improvement, please give feedback via email.