--- # Remote analysis check HTML/php website to handle remote analysis shifts Content `public/`: - `navbar.html`: Contains the description of the blue navigation bar. - `index.php`: Start page with shift history. - `checklist.php`: Page containing the checklist. - `submit.php`: Submission page showing the summary. - `style.css`: File defining style for tables, buttons ... - `recentSQLName.txt`: Only contains name of the latest campaign. This initialises a new sql database table when changed. - `data/mydb.sqlite`: This file is local on the server and contains the sql database. ## What to update when new campaign starts Go to the `public/` folder: - `recentSQLName.txt`: Change campaign number (auto-initialises new sql table) - `navbar.html`: Add link to latest brew table to the navigation bar in the `brew` dropdown menu. - `checklist.php`: Just search and replace the name of the previous campaign with the name of the current campaign: `KNMx` → `KNMy` - `index.php`: Add new campaign to list of campaigns that should be displayed on start page → `$Campaigns = ["KNMy", ... , "KNM8", "KNM7", "KNM6"];` ## What to update when the KATRIN password changes - Update salted password in `.htpasswd` - Update kdb acess link/password in `checklist.php`. Find and edit `XXX` in kdb link:
`"http://katrin:XXX@kdb.kaas.kit.edu/kdb-api.fcgi/json?run&system= ..."`.
This line pulls the last run number from kdb. ## General stuff The remote template slides can be changed and updated [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Fj3TjNkry1fAC94sEvml2LyvrICDhh_e7i75_7pimqk/edit?usp=sharing)
You can access/bulid the website on `https://kaas.kit.edu:8443/console/` (only works within kit network). To get the password contact Florian Fränkle.
Generally the project is connected to git via a webhook, auto-triggering a build and deployment. If you want to manually build and deploy, see the following steps. To build and deploy the page go into the `status` project (same level as bora, katrin ...) - Build the new page if something is updated. This should happen automatically after every git push. If you need to build it manually, click: * `Builds/Builds` → `remote-shift` → `Start Build` - Deploy the page manually: * `Application` → `Deployments` → `remote-shift` → `Deploy`
(This could be changed to some automation method in the future) - Wait some minutes ... Done :)
To develop the page locally on your computer, go to the public folder and run: ```php -S``` then you can access the page in your browser under `` ## What to do if you want to manually change something in the sql database: *Only do this if you are confident in what you are doing. Try the commands in your local build first.* - Login into open shift: `oc login https://kaas.kit.edu:8443` (enter username and password) - Go into correct project: `oc project status` - Get a list of the pods: `oc get pods` - Open a shell for the latest pod: `oc rsh ` - Change dir: `cd data` - Open the sql database manually: `sqlite3 mydb.sqlite` - Congratulations, you have the power. Now you can use sql commands to manually edit the database.
Author: Leonard Köllenberger
Contact: leonard.koellenberger@kit.edu