Shubham Balyan c60955f5e0 added asyncua server and benchmarking work 2 жил өмнө
Dockerfile c60955f5e0 added asyncua server and benchmarking work 2 жил өмнө c60955f5e0 added asyncua server and benchmarking work 2 жил өмнө
db.db c60955f5e0 added asyncua server and benchmarking work 2 жил өмнө
opcuaIoc c60955f5e0 added asyncua server and benchmarking work 2 жил өмнө
opcuaIoc.dbd c60955f5e0 added asyncua server and benchmarking work 2 жил өмнө
st.cmd c60955f5e0 added asyncua server and benchmarking work 2 жил өмнө

Deploy EPICS in a Docker Container

To build the image from Dockerfile:

$ docker build -t <repository_name>:<tag> .

For example,

$ docker build -t epicsimage:latest .

To run the image with a shell prompt:

$ docker run -i -t <repository_name>:<tag> /bin/bash

For example,

$ docker run -i -t epicsimage:latest /bin/bash
# ./st.cmd
# exit