33 Коммитууд 171695cc38 ... 3f7fdd03d1

Эзэн SHA1 Мессеж Огноо
  Matze 171695cc38 merge fixes 6 жил өмнө
  Matze ae893b4ebb Merge branch 'kapture2' of http://git.ipe.kit.edu/patrick/KaptureControlGui into kapture2 6 жил өмнө
  Matthias Martin 512f2a8ccd PV Monitoring working 6 жил өмнө
  Matthias Martin e5e33220bd Epics 6 жил өмнө
  Matthias Martin 28a8108ef0 rename 6 жил өмнө
  Matthias Martin 700d5b0624 Widget allows to add and change PV List. 6 жил өмнө
  Matthias Martin 1ae723bb80 Started interface 6 жил өмнө
  Matthias Martin 7800745694 Epics is back 6 жил өмнө
  Matthias Martin 1382f12d9f Epics removed -- will be in new widged 6 жил өмнө
  Matthias Martin 5f096d840b First changes. 6 жил өмнө
  Martin, Matthias b8265d99c6 Update kcg 6 жил өмнө
  Patrick Schreiber e0f5cc24a2 Update README.md 6 жил өмнө
  Patrick Schreiber 809c20623e Merge branch 'follow_plot' 6 жил өмнө
  Patrick Schreiber ffd09b6923 Introduce 50ohm background subtraction for timescan 6 жил өмнө
  Patrick Schreiber 72f317da15 implement Follow plot 6 жил өмнө
  Patrick Schreiber 94cc266862 Optionally include Singleread in LeftBar 6 жил өмнө
  Patrick Schreiber 9d694d303b Update Version 6 жил өмнө
  Patrick Schreiber 37736dbf55 Fix continous read interval 6 жил өмнө
  Patrick Schreiber c4941a4118 Remove Bug when aborting to save config 6 жил өмнө
  Patrick Schreiber 3451bf3485 Introduce Threshold for Timescan Averaging 6 жил өмнө
  Miriam Brosi e2e8478961 Removed possible usage of reikna fft 6 жил өмнө
  Patrick Schreiber dd9a11916c Fix Save/Load Config 7 жил өмнө
  Miriam Brosi ae9b0e7d39 single read tick for board_id 0 if on by default now 7 жил өмнө
  Miriam Brosi 24e2187807 fixed bug: acquisition with ext. trigger was running in main thread, now fixed, now also stop acquisition working 7 жил өмнө
  Miriam Brosi 0f4f391f60 implemented workaround: acquisition with ext. trigger method2 now working; but stop acquisition signal still delayed 7 жил өмнө
  Miriam Brosi 8614b94f1f fixed board.flush_dma function and added calls at begining of acquisition and begining and end of external trigger function 7 жил өмнө
  Lorenzo Rota bdf94a2b17 added logging info that initialisation was skipped and the configuration and status was read from KAPTURE 7 жил өмнө
  Miriam Brosi 598af59917 improved update of statusbar after message 'Data is inconsistent' 7 жил өмнө
  Miriam Brosi ba62421d91 added feature: in time scan possibility to average only over one bunch (if and which can be selected in time scan widget) 7 жил өмнө
  Miriam Brosi e4923697d1 fixed bugs: time scan now displays (and returns for click) the correct numbers for coarse and fine delay also in partial scans, enabled auto range for switching between color and line plot. 7 жил өмнө
  Miriam Brosi a05e83f3a5 replace all 184 by bunches_per_turns from the config file 7 жил өмнө
  Miriam Brosi a022288e67 fixed bug: turn board off is now working 7 жил өмнө
  Miriam Brosi 6e0c51bad0 fixed bug: bitsTable.py was still using old write_pci command instead of pci.write 7 жил өмнө
48 өөрчлөгдсөн 10966 нэмэгдсэн , 11564 устгасан
  1. 17 17
  2. 336 336
  3. 1 1
  4. 0 1
  5. 4 1
  6. 16 16
  7. 123 123
  8. 489 489
  9. 167 167
  10. 204 204
  11. 37 37
  12. 165 165
  13. 18 18
  14. 180 180
  15. 165 172
  16. 155 155
  17. 1503 1517
  18. 443 443
  19. 99 99
  20. 378 417
  21. 24 24
  22. 266 266
  23. 564 584
  24. 720 738
  25. 697 704
  26. 360 333
  27. 147 147
  28. 142 142
  29. 200 212
  30. 885 940
  31. 155 158
  32. 178 178
  33. 29 18
  34. 15 23
  35. BIN
  36. 0 1
  37. 151 153
  38. 1 1
  39. 486 493
  40. 0 388
  41. 47 47
  42. 348 363
  43. 178 178
  44. 778 885
  45. 93 0
  46. 0 18
  47. 0 4
  48. 2 8

+ 17 - 17

@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-"""Sphinx ReadTheDocs theme.
-From https://github.com/ryan-roemer/sphinx-bootstrap-theme.
-import os
-VERSION = (0, 1, 8)
-__version__ = ".".join(str(v) for v in VERSION)
-__version_full__ = __version__
-def get_html_theme_path():
-    """Return list of HTML theme paths."""
-    cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
-    return cur_dir
+"""Sphinx ReadTheDocs theme.
+From https://github.com/ryan-roemer/sphinx-bootstrap-theme.
+import os
+VERSION = (0, 1, 8)
+__version__ = ".".join(str(v) for v in VERSION)
+__version_full__ = __version__
+def get_html_theme_path():
+    """Return list of HTML theme paths."""
+    cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
+    return cur_dir

+ 336 - 336

@@ -1,336 +1,336 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# KCG documentation build configuration file, created by
-# sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jul  1 18:18:47 2015.
-# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
-# containing dir.
-# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
-# autogenerated file.
-# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
-# serve to show the default.
-import sys
-import os
-# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
-# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
-# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
-#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
-# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
-# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
-#needs_sphinx = '1.0'
-# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
-# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
-# ones.
-extensions = [
-#    'sphinx.ext.mathjax',
-# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
-templates_path = ['_templates']
-# The suffix of source filenames.
-source_suffix = '.rst'
-# The encoding of source files.
-#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
-# The master toctree document.
-master_doc = 'index'
-# General information about the project.
-project = 'KCG'
-copyright = '2016, Patrick Schreiber'
-rst_epilog = """
-.. |gui_name| replace:: {gui_name}
-# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
-# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
-# built documents.
-# The short X.Y version.
-version = '0.4'
-# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = '0.4b1'
-# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
-# for a list of supported languages.
-#language = None
-# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
-# non-false value, then it is used:
-#today = ''
-# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
-#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
-# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
-# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
-exclude_patterns = []
-# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all
-# documents.
-#default_role = None
-# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
-#add_function_parentheses = True
-# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
-# unit titles (such as .. function::).
-#add_module_names = True
-# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
-# output. They are ignored by default.
-#show_authors = False
-# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
-pygments_style = 'sphinx'
-# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
-#modindex_common_prefix = []
-# If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents.
-#keep_warnings = False
-# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
-# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.  See the documentation for
-# a list of builtin themes.
-# html_theme = 'default'
-html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
-html_theme_path =['_themes', ]
-# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
-# further.  For a list of options available for each theme, see the
-# documentation.
-#html_theme_options = {}
-# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
-#html_theme_path = []
-# The name for this set of Sphinx documents.  If None, it defaults to
-# "<project> v<release> documentation".
-#html_title = None
-# A shorter title for the navigation bar.  Default is the same as html_title.
-#html_short_title = None
-# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
-# of the sidebar.
-#html_logo = None
-# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
-# docs.  This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
-# pixels large.
-#html_favicon = None
-# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
-# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
-# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
-# html_static_path = ['_static']
-# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or
-# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
-# directly to the root of the documentation.
-#html_extra_path = []
-# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
-# using the given strftime format.
-#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
-# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
-# typographically correct entities.
-#html_use_smartypants = True
-# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
-#html_sidebars = {}
-# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
-# template names.
-#html_additional_pages = {}
-# If false, no module index is generated.
-#html_domain_indices = True
-# If false, no index is generated.
-#html_use_index = True
-# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
-#html_split_index = False
-# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
-#html_show_sourcelink = True
-# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
-#html_show_sphinx = True
-# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
-#html_show_copyright = True
-# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
-# contain a <link> tag referring to it.  The value of this option must be the
-# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
-#html_use_opensearch = ''
-# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
-#html_file_suffix = None
-# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = 'KCGdoc'
-# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
-latex_elements = {
-# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
-#'papersize': 'letterpaper',
-# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
-#'pointsize': '10pt',
-# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
-#'preamble': '',
-# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
-# (source start file, target name, title,
-#  author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
-latex_documents = [
-  ('index', 'KCG.tex', 'KCG Documentation',
-   'Patrick Schreiber', 'manual'),
-# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
-# the title page.
-#latex_logo = None
-# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
-# not chapters.
-#latex_use_parts = False
-# If true, show page references after internal links.
-#latex_show_pagerefs = False
-# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
-#latex_show_urls = False
-# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#latex_appendices = []
-# If false, no module index is generated.
-#latex_domain_indices = True
-# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
-# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
-# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
-man_pages = [
-    ('index', 'kcg', 'KCG Documentation',
-     ['Patrick Schreiber'], 1)
-# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
-#man_show_urls = False
-# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
-# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
-# (source start file, target name, title, author,
-#  dir menu entry, description, category)
-texinfo_documents = [
-  ('index', 'KCG', 'KCG Documentation',
-   'Patrick Schreiber', 'KCG', 'One line description of project.',
-   'Miscellaneous'),
-# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#texinfo_appendices = []
-# If false, no module index is generated.
-#texinfo_domain_indices = True
-# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
-#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
-# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu.
-#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
-# -- Options for Epub output ----------------------------------------------
-# Bibliographic Dublin Core info.
-epub_title = 'KCG'
-epub_author = 'Patrick Schreiber'
-epub_publisher = 'Patrick Schreiber'
-epub_copyright = '2015, Patrick Schreiber'
-# The basename for the epub file. It defaults to the project name.
-#epub_basename = u'KCG'
-# The HTML theme for the epub output. Since the default themes are not optimized
-# for small screen space, using the same theme for HTML and epub output is
-# usually not wise. This defaults to 'epub', a theme designed to save visual
-# space.
-#epub_theme = 'epub'
-# The language of the text. It defaults to the language option
-# or en if the language is not set.
-#epub_language = ''
-# The scheme of the identifier. Typical schemes are ISBN or URL.
-#epub_scheme = ''
-# The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number
-# or the project homepage.
-#epub_identifier = ''
-# A unique identification for the text.
-#epub_uid = ''
-# A tuple containing the cover image and cover page html template filenames.
-#epub_cover = ()
-# A sequence of (type, uri, title) tuples for the guide element of content.opf.
-#epub_guide = ()
-# HTML files that should be inserted before the pages created by sphinx.
-# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
-#epub_pre_files = []
-# HTML files shat should be inserted after the pages created by sphinx.
-# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
-#epub_post_files = []
-# A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file.
-epub_exclude_files = ['search.html']
-# The depth of the table of contents in toc.ncx.
-#epub_tocdepth = 3
-# Allow duplicate toc entries.
-#epub_tocdup = True
-# Choose between 'default' and 'includehidden'.
-#epub_tocscope = 'default'
-# Fix unsupported image types using the PIL.
-#epub_fix_images = False
-# Scale large images.
-#epub_max_image_width = 0
-# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
-#epub_show_urls = 'inline'
-# If false, no index is generated.
-#epub_use_index = True
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# KCG documentation build configuration file, created by
+# sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jul  1 18:18:47 2015.
+# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
+# containing dir.
+# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
+# autogenerated file.
+# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
+# serve to show the default.
+import sys
+import os
+# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
+# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
+# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
+#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
+# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
+# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
+#needs_sphinx = '1.0'
+# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
+# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
+# ones.
+extensions = [
+#    'sphinx.ext.mathjax',
+# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
+templates_path = ['_templates']
+# The suffix of source filenames.
+source_suffix = '.rst'
+# The encoding of source files.
+#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
+# The master toctree document.
+master_doc = 'index'
+# General information about the project.
+project = u'KCG'
+copyright = u'2016, Patrick Schreiber'
+rst_epilog = """
+.. |gui_name| replace:: {gui_name}
+# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
+# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
+# built documents.
+# The short X.Y version.
+version = '0.4'
+# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
+release = '0.4b1'
+# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
+# for a list of supported languages.
+#language = None
+# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
+# non-false value, then it is used:
+#today = ''
+# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
+#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
+# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
+# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
+exclude_patterns = []
+# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all
+# documents.
+#default_role = None
+# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
+#add_function_parentheses = True
+# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
+# unit titles (such as .. function::).
+#add_module_names = True
+# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
+# output. They are ignored by default.
+#show_authors = False
+# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
+pygments_style = 'sphinx'
+# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
+#modindex_common_prefix = []
+# If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents.
+#keep_warnings = False
+# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
+# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.  See the documentation for
+# a list of builtin themes.
+# html_theme = 'default'
+html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
+html_theme_path =['_themes', ]
+# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
+# further.  For a list of options available for each theme, see the
+# documentation.
+#html_theme_options = {}
+# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
+#html_theme_path = []
+# The name for this set of Sphinx documents.  If None, it defaults to
+# "<project> v<release> documentation".
+#html_title = None
+# A shorter title for the navigation bar.  Default is the same as html_title.
+#html_short_title = None
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
+# of the sidebar.
+#html_logo = None
+# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
+# docs.  This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
+# pixels large.
+#html_favicon = None
+# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
+# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
+# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
+# html_static_path = ['_static']
+# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or
+# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
+# directly to the root of the documentation.
+#html_extra_path = []
+# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
+# using the given strftime format.
+#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
+# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
+# typographically correct entities.
+#html_use_smartypants = True
+# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
+#html_sidebars = {}
+# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
+# template names.
+#html_additional_pages = {}
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+#html_domain_indices = True
+# If false, no index is generated.
+#html_use_index = True
+# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
+#html_split_index = False
+# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
+#html_show_sourcelink = True
+# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
+#html_show_sphinx = True
+# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
+#html_show_copyright = True
+# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
+# contain a <link> tag referring to it.  The value of this option must be the
+# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
+#html_use_opensearch = ''
+# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
+#html_file_suffix = None
+# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
+htmlhelp_basename = 'KCGdoc'
+# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
+latex_elements = {
+# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
+#'papersize': 'letterpaper',
+# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
+#'pointsize': '10pt',
+# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
+#'preamble': '',
+# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title,
+#  author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
+latex_documents = [
+  ('index', 'KCG.tex', u'KCG Documentation',
+   u'Patrick Schreiber', 'manual'),
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
+# the title page.
+#latex_logo = None
+# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
+# not chapters.
+#latex_use_parts = False
+# If true, show page references after internal links.
+#latex_show_pagerefs = False
+# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
+#latex_show_urls = False
+# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
+#latex_appendices = []
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+#latex_domain_indices = True
+# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
+# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
+# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
+man_pages = [
+    ('index', 'kcg', u'KCG Documentation',
+     [u'Patrick Schreiber'], 1)
+# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
+#man_show_urls = False
+# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
+# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author,
+#  dir menu entry, description, category)
+texinfo_documents = [
+  ('index', 'KCG', u'KCG Documentation',
+   u'Patrick Schreiber', 'KCG', 'One line description of project.',
+   'Miscellaneous'),
+# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
+#texinfo_appendices = []
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+#texinfo_domain_indices = True
+# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
+#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
+# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu.
+#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
+# -- Options for Epub output ----------------------------------------------
+# Bibliographic Dublin Core info.
+epub_title = u'KCG'
+epub_author = u'Patrick Schreiber'
+epub_publisher = u'Patrick Schreiber'
+epub_copyright = u'2015, Patrick Schreiber'
+# The basename for the epub file. It defaults to the project name.
+#epub_basename = u'KCG'
+# The HTML theme for the epub output. Since the default themes are not optimized
+# for small screen space, using the same theme for HTML and epub output is
+# usually not wise. This defaults to 'epub', a theme designed to save visual
+# space.
+#epub_theme = 'epub'
+# The language of the text. It defaults to the language option
+# or en if the language is not set.
+#epub_language = ''
+# The scheme of the identifier. Typical schemes are ISBN or URL.
+#epub_scheme = ''
+# The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number
+# or the project homepage.
+#epub_identifier = ''
+# A unique identification for the text.
+#epub_uid = ''
+# A tuple containing the cover image and cover page html template filenames.
+#epub_cover = ()
+# A sequence of (type, uri, title) tuples for the guide element of content.opf.
+#epub_guide = ()
+# HTML files that should be inserted before the pages created by sphinx.
+# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
+#epub_pre_files = []
+# HTML files shat should be inserted after the pages created by sphinx.
+# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
+#epub_post_files = []
+# A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file.
+epub_exclude_files = ['search.html']
+# The depth of the table of contents in toc.ncx.
+#epub_tocdepth = 3
+# Allow duplicate toc entries.
+#epub_tocdup = True
+# Choose between 'default' and 'includehidden'.
+#epub_tocscope = 'default'
+# Fix unsupported image types using the PIL.
+#epub_fix_images = False
+# Scale large images.
+#epub_max_image_width = 0
+# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
+#epub_show_urls = 'inline'
+# If false, no index is generated.
+#epub_use_index = True

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1 +1 @@

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from . import base

+ 4 - 1

@@ -1 +1,4 @@
-from . import backend
+__author__ = 'blaxxun'
+Base Stuff for the Gui

+ 16 - 16

@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# make everything conveniently available under the name board
-from .actions import *
-from .board_config import *
-from .boards_connected import *
-from .communication import *
-from .errors import *
-from .sequences import *
-from .status import *
-from .utils import *
-pci = PCI()
+# make everything conveniently available under the name board
+from actions import *
+from board_config import *
+from boards_connected import *
+from communication import *
+from errors import *
+from sequences import *
+from status import *
+from utils import *
+pci = PCI()

+ 123 - 123

@@ -1,123 +1,123 @@
-Actions performed on the board.
-Fore some more actions also see sequences.py
-import time
-from .communication import *
-from .utils import wait_for_revolutions
-def acquire_data(board_id, filename, simulate=False):
-    """
-    Acquire data. This sets registers and reads data to a file
-    :param board_id: the id of the board to acquire with
-    :param filename: the file to write to
-    :param simulate: whether to use the pilotbunch simulator or not
-    """
-    if simulate:
-        start_pilot_bunch_emulator(board_id)
-    #NOTE: New Picosecond Capture does not need flush any more
-    #Get firmware info from registers and decide if we want to flush
-    #or not
-    #flush_dma(board_id)
-    start_acquisition(board_id)
-    wait_for_revolutions(board_id)
-    stop_acquisition(board_id)
-    enable_transfer(board_id)
-    pci.read(board_id, dma='dma0', destination=filename)
-    #flush_dma(board_id)
-def data_reset(board_id):
-    """
-    Reset data
-    :param board_id: the board to reset
-    :return:
-    """
-    log.vinfo('Data reset')
-    pci.write(board_id, '000003f5', hex_mask='7')
-    time.sleep(0.05)
-    pci.write(board_id, '000003f0', hex_mask='7')
-    time.sleep(0.05)
-def flush_dma(board_id, dma='dma0'):
-    """
-    Flush dma. This basically reads data to /dev/null
-    :param board_id: the id to flush dma
-    :param dma: the dma to flush
-    """
-    log.vinfo('Flushing DMA Pipeline')
-    pci.write(board_id, '03f0', hex_mask='CF0')
-    time.sleep(0.05)
-    pci.write(board_id, '007f0', hex_mask='CF0')
-    pci.read(board_id, dma=dma, destination='/dev/null')
-def stop_board(board_id):
-    """
-    Stop a board (turn it off)
-    :param board_id: the board to work with
-    """
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x01', '0x9040')
-    pci.stop_dma(board_id)
-def soft_reset(board_id):
-    """
-    Perform a soft reset on the board.
-    :param board_id: the board to reset
-    :return:
-    """
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x1', '0x9040', hex_mask='0x1')
-    time.sleep(1)
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x0', '0x9040', hex_mask='0x1')
-def start_pilot_bunch_emulator(board_id):
-    """
-    Start the pilot bunch emulator
-    :param board_id: the board to start it for
-    """
-    log.vinfo('Start pilot bunch emulator')
-    pci.write(board_id, '400003f0', hex_mask='400003F0')
-    time.sleep(0.005)
-    pci.write(board_id, '03f0', hex_mask='CF0')
-def start_acquisition(board_id):
-    """
-    Start an acquisition. This will only tell the board to acquire. It will not read data
-    :param board_id: the id to acquire with
-    """
-    log.vinfo('Start acquisition')
-    pci.write(board_id, '1', '4', hex_mask='1')  # Start DMA?
-    time.sleep(0.005)
-    pci.write(board_id, '00bf0', hex_mask='CF0')
-def stop_acquisition(board_id):
-    """
-    Stop an acquisition. This will only stop the acquisition on the board.
-    :param board_id: the board to stop for
-    """
-    log.vinfo('Stop acquisition')
-    pci.write(board_id, '003f0', hex_mask='CF0')
-    time.sleep(0.005)
-def enable_transfer(board_id):
-    """
-    Enable data transfer. This will not transfer data.
-    :param board_id: the id of the board to transfer data from
-    :return:
-    """
-    log.vinfo('Enable data transfer')
-    pci.write(board_id, '007f0', hex_mask='CF0')
-    time.sleep(0.005)
+Actions performed on the board.
+Fore some more actions also see sequences.py
+import time
+from communication import *
+from utils import wait_for_revolutions
+def acquire_data(board_id, filename, simulate=False):
+    """
+    Acquire data. This sets registers and reads data to a file
+    :param board_id: the id of the board to acquire with
+    :param filename: the file to write to
+    :param simulate: whether to use the pilotbunch simulator or not
+    """
+    if simulate:
+        start_pilot_bunch_emulator(board_id)
+    #NOTE: New Picosecond Capture does not need flush any more
+    #Get firmware info from registers and decide if we want to flush
+    #or not
+    #flush_dma(board_id)
+    start_acquisition(board_id)
+    wait_for_revolutions(board_id)
+    stop_acquisition(board_id)
+    enable_transfer(board_id)
+    pci.read(board_id, dma='dma0', destination=filename)
+    #flush_dma(board_id)
+def data_reset(board_id):
+    """
+    Reset data
+    :param board_id: the board to reset
+    :return:
+    """
+    log.vinfo('Data reset')
+    pci.write(board_id, '000003f5', hex_mask='7')
+    time.sleep(0.05)
+    pci.write(board_id, '000003f0', hex_mask='7')
+    time.sleep(0.05)
+def flush_dma(board_id, dma='dma0'):
+    """
+    Flush dma. This basically reads data to /dev/null
+    :param board_id: the id to flush dma
+    :param dma: the dma to flush
+    """
+    log.vinfo('Flushing DMA Pipeline')
+    pci.write(board_id, '03f0', hex_mask='CF0')
+    time.sleep(0.05)
+    pci.write(board_id, '007f0', hex_mask='CF0')
+    pci.read(board_id, dma=dma, destination='/dev/null')
+def stop_board(board_id):
+    """
+    Stop a board (turn it off)
+    :param board_id: the board to work with
+    """
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x01', '0x9040')
+    pci.stop_dma(board_id)
+def soft_reset(board_id):
+    """
+    Perform a soft reset on the board.
+    :param board_id: the board to reset
+    :return:
+    """
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x1', '0x9040', hex_mask='0x1')
+    time.sleep(1)
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x0', '0x9040', hex_mask='0x1')
+def start_pilot_bunch_emulator(board_id):
+    """
+    Start the pilot bunch emulator
+    :param board_id: the board to start it for
+    """
+    log.vinfo('Start pilot bunch emulator')
+    pci.write(board_id, '400003f0', hex_mask='400003F0')
+    time.sleep(0.005)
+    pci.write(board_id, '03f0', hex_mask='CF0')
+def start_acquisition(board_id):
+    """
+    Start an acquisition. This will only tell the board to acquire. It will not read data
+    :param board_id: the id to acquire with
+    """
+    log.vinfo('Start acquisition')
+    pci.write(board_id, '1', '4', hex_mask='1')  # Start DMA?
+    time.sleep(0.005)
+    pci.write(board_id, '00bf0', hex_mask='CF0')
+def stop_acquisition(board_id):
+    """
+    Stop an acquisition. This will only stop the acquisition on the board.
+    :param board_id: the board to stop for
+    """
+    log.vinfo('Stop acquisition')
+    pci.write(board_id, '003f0', hex_mask='CF0')
+    time.sleep(0.005)
+def enable_transfer(board_id):
+    """
+    Enable data transfer. This will not transfer data.
+    :param board_id: the id of the board to transfer data from
+    :return:
+    """
+    log.vinfo('Enable data transfer')
+    pci.write(board_id, '007f0', hex_mask='CF0')
+    time.sleep(0.005)

+ 489 - 489

@@ -1,489 +1,489 @@
-Configuration for each board
-import configparser
-import numpy as np
-import logging
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-from .communication import *
-from .... import config as kcg_config
-class BoardConfiguration(QtGui.QWidget):
-    """
-    The Main configuration class for boards.
-    """
-    callback_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, list)
-    def __init__(self, identifier, config_file=None):
-        super(BoardConfiguration, self).__init__()
-        self.callback_signal.connect(self._notify_observers_receiver)
-        self.identifier = identifier
-        self._config = {}
-        self._observers = {}
-        self._observers_for_all = []
-        self._set_defaults()
-        self.set_default_observers()
-        if config_file:
-            self.load_config(config_file)
-    def _set_defaults(self):
-        """
-        Set default values
-        """
-        self._config ={
-            'fpga_delay_max': 15,
-            'fpga_delay': 0,
-            'fpga_delay_factor': 150,
-            'chip_delay_max': 31,
-            'chip_1_delay': 4,
-            'chip_2_delay': 4,
-            'chip_3_delay': 4,
-            'chip_4_delay': 4,
-            'chip_delay_factor': 3,
-            'th_delay_max': 15,
-            'th_delay': 3,
-            'th_delay_factor': 150,
-            'adc_delay_max': 15,
-            'adc_1_delay': 4,
-            'adc_2_delay': 4,
-            'adc_3_delay': 4,
-            'adc_4_delay': 4,
-            'adc_delay_factor': 150,
-            'th_to_adc_cycles': 7,
-            'adc_1_delay_individual': -1,
-            'orbits_observe': 100,
-            'orbits_skip': 2,
-            'acquisition_count': 10,
-            'orbits_wait_time': 15,
-            'trigger_skip': 0,
-            'trigger_timeout': 12,
-            'trigger_method': 1,
-            'use_trigger': False,
-            'build_spectrograms': False,
-            'pilot_bunch': False,
-            'header': True if kcg_config.save_header is True else False
-        }
-    def set_default_observers(self):
-        """
-        Set observers that are always used
-        """
-        self.observe(None, self.update_header, 'header')
-        self.observe(None, lambda x: pci.write(self.identifier, hex(x), '0x9020'), 'orbits_observe')
-        self.observe(None, lambda x: pci.write(self.identifier, hex(x), '0x9028'), 'orbits_skip')
-    def notify_all_observers(self):
-        """
-        Notify all observers not only the ones that are affected by a change
-        """
-        for key, value in list(self._config.items()):
-            self._notify_observers(key, value)
-            # observers = self._observers.get(key, None)
-            # if observers:
-            #     for (who, callback) in observers:
-            #         callback(self.get(key))
-    def load_config(self, filename):
-        """
-        Load a config from a file
-        :param filename: the configuration file
-        :return:
-        """
-        if filename:
-            config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
-            if not config.read(str(filename)):
-                return False
-            for key in list(self._config.keys()):
-                try:
-                    if type(self._config[key]) == int:
-                        self._config[key] = config.getint('Config', key)
-                    elif type(self._config[key]) == bool:
-                        self._config[key] = config.getboolean('Config', key)
-                    logging.vinfo("Read '%s' for '%s' from '%s'"%(str(self._config[key]), key, str(filename)))
-                except configparser.NoOptionError as e:
-                    pass
-                except configparser.NoSectionError as e:
-                    pass
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def save_config(self, filename):
-        """
-        Save the current configuration to a file
-        :param filename: the file to write to
-        """
-        if filename:
-            # with open(filename, 'w') as f:
-            try:
-                f = open(filename, 'w')
-                cp = configparser.RawConfigParser()
-                cp.add_section('Config')
-                for key in list(self._config.keys()):
-                    cp.set('Config', key, self._config[key])
-                f.write('#\n'
-                        '#  KCG   (KAPTURE Control Gui) Configuration file\n'
-                        '#\n'
-                        '#  (c) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2015\n'
-                        '#  All rights reserved.\n'
-                        '#\n'
-                        '#  Applicable Gui Version(s): 1.0 - 1.0.2\n'
-                        '#\n'
-                        '#  Saved at: ' + time.asctime() + '\n'
-                        '#\n\n')
-                cp.write(f)
-            except (IOError, TypeError):
-                return False
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def get(self, key):
-        """
-        Get the configuration value for key
-        :param key: the key to get the value for
-        :return: the value of the configuration for key
-        """
-        if not key in self._config:
-            raise NoSuchKeyError(key+" is not registered in BoardConfiguration for board "+str(self.identifier))
-        return self._config.get(key, None)
-    def dump(self):
-        """
-        Dump all configuration values
-        :return: all configuration values as list
-        """
-        s = ""
-        for key in list(self._config.keys()):
-            s += key + ": " + str(self.get(key)) + ", "
-        return s[:-1]
-    def update(self, key, value):
-        """
-        Update the value for key in the configuration
-        :param key: the key to update
-        :param value: the value to set the configuration for key to
-        """
-        self._config[key] = value
-        self._notify_observers(key, value)
-    def updateSilent(self, key, value):
-        """
-        Update the configuration without notifying observers
-        :param key: the key to updae
-        :param value: the value to set the configuration of key to
-        """
-        self._config[key] = value
-    def observe(self, who, callback, key):
-        """
-        Register an observer. (A callback that is called when the according configuration value changes)
-        :param who: who is observing
-        :param callback: the callback to call on change of the configuration value
-        :param key: the key to observe
-        """
-        if key not in list(self._config.keys()):
-            raise ObserverError(str("Key '%s' is unknown." % key))
-        if self._observers.get(key, None) is None:
-            self._observers[key] = []
-        self._observers[key].append([who, callback])
-    def observe_all(self, callback):
-        """
-        Register a observer that is called when any key changes
-        :param callback: the callback to register
-        """
-        if callback not in self._observers_for_all:
-            self._observers_for_all.append(callback)
-        else:
-            raise ObserverError("Observer already registered")
-    def unobserve(self, who, key=None):
-        """
-        Remove an observer
-        :param who: the observing entity
-        :param key: the key to remove it from
-        """
-        if key is not None:
-            observers = np.array(self._observers.get(key, None))
-            if observers is None:
-                return
-            if who not in observers[:, 0]:
-                return
-            for i, _obs in enumerate(self._observers[key]):
-                if _obs[0] is who:
-                    del self._observers[key][i]
-                    if not self._observers[key]:
-                        del self._observers[key]
-            return
-        for _key in list(self._observers.keys()):
-            for i, _obs in enumerate(self._observers[_key]):
-                if _obs[0] is who:
-                    del self._observers[_key][i]
-                    if not self._observers[_key]:
-                        del self._observers[_key]
-    def unobserve_all_observer(self, callback):
-        """
-        Unobserve an observer that observes all keys.
-        :param callback: the callback to unobserve
-        """
-        if callback in self._observers_for_all:
-            del self._observers_for_all[self._observers_for_all.index(callback)]
-    def _notify_observers_receiver(self, key, value):
-        """
-        The pyqt signal slot for notifications of observers
-        :param key: the key that changed
-        :param value: the new value
-        """
-        observers = self._observers.get(str(key), None)
-        value = value[0]
-        if observers is None:
-            return
-        for (who, callback) in observers:
-            callback(value)
-        for cb in self._observers_for_all:
-            cb(key, value)
-    def _notify_observers(self, key, value):
-        """
-        Notify observers. This emits a pyqt signal to make it thread save
-        :param key: the key that changed
-        :param value: the new value
-        """
-        self.callback_signal.emit(key, [value])
-    def make_uint(self, value, maximum, name=None):
-        """
-        Convert a value to an uint
-        :param value: the value
-        :param maximum: the maximum of the returned value
-        :param name: the name of this value
-        :return: the converted value
-        """
-        if value is None:
-            raise ValueError(str("%s Value is invalid (None)" % name))
-        val = None
-        try:
-            val = int(value)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise ValueError(str("%s Value is not a valid number" % name))
-        if maximum is not None:
-            if val > maximum:
-                raise ValueError(str("%s Value is too large (>%i)" % (name, maximum)))
-        if val < 0:
-            raise ValueError(str("%s Values below 0 are not allowed" % name))
-        return val
-    def set_fpga_delay(self, value):
-        """
-        Set the fpga_delays on the board
-        :param value: the value to set the delays to
-        """
-        time_factor = self.make_uint(value, self.get('fpga_delay_max'), 'FPGA_Delay')
-        reg_value = "0x000501" + '{0:01x}'.format(time_factor) + "0"
-        pci.write(self.identifier, reg_value, '0x9060')
-        logging.vinfo("Set FPGA clock delay %i * %i --> %i picoseconds" % (time_factor, self.get('fpga_delay_factor'), time_factor*self.get('fpga_delay_factor')))
-        self.update('fpga_delay', value)
-    def set_chip_delay(self, adcs, values):
-        """
-        Set the chip_delays on the board
-        :param adcs: the adcs to set the delays for
-        :param values: the value to set the delays to
-        """
-        if not adcs or not values:
-            logging.vinfo("Nothing to do for chip delay.")
-            return
-        _adcs = []
-        for adc in adcs:
-            _adcs.append(self.make_uint(adc, 3, 'ADC_'))
-        _values = []
-        for value in values:
-            _values.append(self.make_uint(value, self.get('chip_delay_max'), 'ADC_Value'))
-        a_v = list(zip(_adcs, _values))
-        factors = [None, None, None, None]
-        for (adc, value) in a_v:
-            factors[adc] = value
-        reg_value = ''
-        mask = ''
-        # Chip Delays are stored as 'ADC_4 ADC_3 ADC_2 ADC_1' in the register.
-        # Therefore, we need to traverse the factors array in reverse order
-        for value in reversed(factors):
-            if value is not None:
-                reg_value += '{0:02x}'.format(value)
-                mask += 'ff'
-            else:
-                reg_value += '00'
-                mask += '00'
-        pci.write(self.identifier, reg_value, '0x9080', hex_mask=mask)
-        s = "Setting ADC Delays:"
-        for (adc, value) in a_v:
-            s += ' ADC_%i Fine Delay: %i,' % (adc, value)
-        s = s[:-1]  # cut away the last dangling ','
-        logging.vinfo(s)
-        for (adc, value) in a_v:
-            s = 'chip_%i_delay'%(adc+1)
-            self.update(s, value)
-    def set_th_delay(self, value):
-        """
-        Set the track and hold delay on the board
-        :param value: the value to set the delay to
-        """
-        time_factor = self.make_uint(value, self.get('th_delay_max'), 'TH_Delay')
-        reg_value = "0x000501" + '{0:01x}'.format(time_factor) + "3"
-        pci.write(self.identifier, reg_value, '0x9060')
-        logging.vinfo("Set T/H Signal delay %i * %i --> %i picoseconds" % (time_factor, self.get('th_delay_factor'), time_factor*self.get('th_delay_factor')))
-        self.update('th_delay', value)
-    def set_adc_delay(self, adc, value):
-        """
-        Set the adc delay for the given adc on the board
-        :param adc: the adc to change the delay for
-        :param value: the value to set the delay to
-        """
-        if adc is None or value is None:
-            logging.vinfo("Nothing to do for ADC delay.")
-            return
-        _adc = self.make_uint(adc, 3, 'ADC Number')
-        _val = self.make_uint(value, self.get('adc_delay_max'), 'ADC Delay')
-        reg_value = "0x000501" + '{0:01x}'.format(_val) + "%i" % (_adc+4)
-        pci.write(self.identifier, reg_value, '0x9060')
-        s = "Setting ADC_%i delay %i * %i --> %i picoseconds" % ((_adc+1), _val, self.get('adc_delay_factor'), _val*self.get('adc_delay_factor'))
-        logging.vinfo(s)
-        adc_s = 'adc_%i_delay'%(_adc+1)
-        self.update(adc_s, _val)
-    def set_delay(self, n, ignore_seperate_delay=False):
-        """
-        Set delays
-        :param n: ?
-        :param ignore_seperate_delay: ignore the setting of a seperate delay for adc 1
-        """
-        def write_delay(value, channel):
-            '''write the delays to the board'''
-            cmd = '00501' + '%01x' % value + str(channel)
-            pci.write(self.identifier, cmd, reg='0x9060')
-            time.sleep(0.005)
-        logging.vinfo("Setting T/H Delay: " + str(n))
-        write_delay(n, 3)
-        self.update('th_delay', n)
-        delay = n + self.get('th_to_adc_cycles')
-        if delay > self.get('adc_delay_max'):
-            delay -= self.get('adc_delay_max') + 1
-        write_delay(delay, 5)
-        self.update('adc_2_delay', delay)
-        write_delay(delay, 6)
-        self.update('adc_3_delay', delay)
-        write_delay(delay, 7)
-        self.update('adc_4_delay', delay)
-        #ADC 1 might have an individual delay
-        if self.get('adc_1_delay_individual') > 0:
-            try:
-                delay = n + self.make_uint(self.get('adc_1_delay_individual'), 16, 'ADC 1 individual delay')
-                logging.vinfo("Setting ADC1 individual delay to " + str(delay))
-            except ValueError:
-                logging.vinfo(r"'adc_1_delay_individual' not set or inactive. Using default.")
-            if delay > self.get('adc_delay_max'):
-                delay -= self.get('adc_delay_max') + 1
-        write_delay(delay, 4)
-        self.update('adc_1_delay', delay)
-    def update_header(self, state):
-        """
-        Set the flag to write Header to files when acquiring.
-        :param state: True to enabling header and False to disable
-        :return: -
-        """
-        try:
-            control = pci.read(self.identifier, 1, '0x9040')[0]
-            control_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(control, 16))
-            if state:
-                control_bits = control_bits[:3] + '1' + control_bits[4:]
-            else:
-                control_bits = control_bits[:3] + '0' + control_bits[4:]
-            dec_val_bits = int(control_bits, 2)
-            pci.write(self.identifier, hex(dec_val_bits), '0x9040')
-        except BoardError as e:
-            reason = str(e) if str(e) != '' else "Unknown"
-            logging.error("Error in Board Communication, was unable to write value to board "+reason)
-    def read_from_board(self):
-        """
-        Read values from board and update them in the configuration (Mainly used for skip init functionality)
-        """
-        try:
-            settings = ['chip_1_delay','chip_2_delay','chip_3_delay','chip_4_delay']
-            # --[ read fine/chip delays ]
-            val = pci.read(self.identifier, reg='9080')[0]
-            # --[ set chip_1_delay ]--
-            self.update('chip_1_delay', int(val[6:8], 16))
-            # --[ set chip_2_delay ]--
-            self.update('chip_2_delay', int(val[4:6], 16))
-            # --[ set chip_3_delay ]--
-            self.update('chip_3_delay', int(val[2:4], 16))
-            # --[ set chip_4_delay ]--
-            self.update('chip_4_delay', int(val[0:2], 16))
-            # --[ read and set th delay ]--
-            val = pci.read(self.identifier, reg='90a0')[0]
-            self.update('th_delay', int(val, 16))
-            # --[ check for seperate adc1 delay ]--
-            val = pci.read(self.identifier, reg='9088')[0]
-            if int(val, 16) != self.get('th_delay') + self.get('adc_1_delay_individual'):
-                self.update('adc_1_delay_individual', int(val, 16)-self.get('th_delay'))
-            else:
-                self.update('adc_1_delay_individual', -1)
-            # --[ read and set number of orbits to acquire ]--
-            val = pci.read(self.identifier, reg='9020')[0]
-            self.update('orbits_observe', int(val, 16))
-            # --[ read and set number of orbits to skip ]--
-            val = pci.read(self.identifier, reg='9028')[0]
-            self.update('orbits_skip', int(val, 16))
-            # --[ read and update header ]--
-            control = pci.read(self.identifier, 1, '0x9040')[0]
-            control_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(control, 16))
-            if control_bits[3] == '1':
-                self.update('header', True)
-            else:
-                self.update('header', False)
-        except IndexError:
-            error(0x002, "Could not Read data from Board. Pci returned wrong amount of data.")
+Configuration for each board
+import ConfigParser
+import numpy as np
+import logging
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+from communication import *
+from .... import config as kcg_config
+class BoardConfiguration(QtGui.QWidget):
+    """
+    The Main configuration class for boards.
+    """
+    callback_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, list)
+    def __init__(self, identifier, config_file=None):
+        super(BoardConfiguration, self).__init__()
+        self.callback_signal.connect(self._notify_observers_receiver)
+        self.identifier = identifier
+        self._config = {}
+        self._observers = {}
+        self._observers_for_all = []
+        self._set_defaults()
+        self.set_default_observers()
+        if config_file:
+            self.load_config(config_file)
+    def _set_defaults(self):
+        """
+        Set default values
+        """
+        self._config ={
+            'fpga_delay_max': 15,
+            'fpga_delay': 0,
+            'fpga_delay_factor': 150,
+            'chip_delay_max': 31,
+            'chip_1_delay': 4,
+            'chip_2_delay': 4,
+            'chip_3_delay': 4,
+            'chip_4_delay': 4,
+            'chip_delay_factor': 3,
+            'th_delay_max': 15,
+            'th_delay': 3,
+            'th_delay_factor': 150,
+            'adc_delay_max': 15,
+            'adc_1_delay': 4,
+            'adc_2_delay': 4,
+            'adc_3_delay': 4,
+            'adc_4_delay': 4,
+            'adc_delay_factor': 150,
+            'th_to_adc_cycles': 7,
+            'adc_1_delay_individual': -1,
+            'orbits_observe': 100,
+            'orbits_skip': 2,
+            'acquisition_count': 10,
+            'orbits_wait_time': 15,
+            'trigger_skip': 0,
+            'trigger_timeout': 12,
+            'trigger_method': 1,
+            'use_trigger': False,
+            'build_spectrograms': False,
+            'pilot_bunch': False,
+            'header': True if kcg_config.save_header is True else False
+        }
+    def set_default_observers(self):
+        """
+        Set observers that are always used
+        """
+        self.observe(None, self.update_header, 'header')
+        self.observe(None, lambda x: pci.write(self.identifier, hex(x), '0x9020'), 'orbits_observe')
+        self.observe(None, lambda x: pci.write(self.identifier, hex(x), '0x9028'), 'orbits_skip')
+    def notify_all_observers(self):
+        """
+        Notify all observers not only the ones that are affected by a change
+        """
+        for key, value in self._config.items():
+            self._notify_observers(key, value)
+            # observers = self._observers.get(key, None)
+            # if observers:
+            #     for (who, callback) in observers:
+            #         callback(self.get(key))
+    def load_config(self, filename):
+        """
+        Load a config from a file
+        :param filename: the configuration file
+        :return:
+        """
+        if filename:
+            config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+            if not config.read(str(filename)):
+                return False
+            for key in self._config.keys():
+                try:
+                    if type(self._config[key]) == int:
+                        self._config[key] = config.getint('Config', key)
+                    elif type(self._config[key]) == bool:
+                        self._config[key] = config.getboolean('Config', key)
+                    logging.vinfo("Read '%s' for '%s' from '%s'"%(str(self._config[key]), key, str(filename)))
+                except ConfigParser.NoOptionError as e:
+                    pass
+                except ConfigParser.NoSectionError as e:
+                    pass
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def save_config(self, filename):
+        """
+        Save the current configuration to a file
+        :param filename: the file to write to
+        """
+        if filename:
+            # with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+            try:
+                f = open(filename, 'w')
+                cp = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+                cp.add_section('Config')
+                for key in self._config.keys():
+                    cp.set('Config', key, self._config[key])
+                f.write('#\n'
+                        '#  KCG   (KAPTURE Control Gui) Configuration file\n'
+                        '#\n'
+                        '#  (c) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2015\n'
+                        '#  All rights reserved.\n'
+                        '#\n'
+                        '#  Applicable Gui Version(s): 1.0 - 1.0.2\n'
+                        '#\n'
+                        '#  Saved at: ' + time.asctime() + '\n'
+                        '#\n\n')
+                cp.write(f)
+            except (IOError, TypeError):
+                return False
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def get(self, key):
+        """
+        Get the configuration value for key
+        :param key: the key to get the value for
+        :return: the value of the configuration for key
+        """
+        if not key in self._config:
+            raise NoSuchKeyError(key+" is not registered in BoardConfiguration for board "+str(self.identifier))
+        return self._config.get(key, None)
+    def dump(self):
+        """
+        Dump all configuration values
+        :return: all configuration values as list
+        """
+        s = ""
+        for key in self._config.keys():
+            s += key + ": " + str(self.get(key)) + ", "
+        return s[:-1]
+    def update(self, key, value):
+        """
+        Update the value for key in the configuration
+        :param key: the key to update
+        :param value: the value to set the configuration for key to
+        """
+        self._config[key] = value
+        self._notify_observers(key, value)
+    def updateSilent(self, key, value):
+        """
+        Update the configuration without notifying observers
+        :param key: the key to updae
+        :param value: the value to set the configuration of key to
+        """
+        self._config[key] = value
+    def observe(self, who, callback, key):
+        """
+        Register an observer. (A callback that is called when the according configuration value changes)
+        :param who: who is observing
+        :param callback: the callback to call on change of the configuration value
+        :param key: the key to observe
+        """
+        if key not in self._config.keys():
+            raise ObserverError(str("Key '%s' is unknown." % key))
+        if self._observers.get(key, None) is None:
+            self._observers[key] = []
+        self._observers[key].append([who, callback])
+    def observe_all(self, callback):
+        """
+        Register a observer that is called when any key changes
+        :param callback: the callback to register
+        """
+        if callback not in self._observers_for_all:
+            self._observers_for_all.append(callback)
+        else:
+            raise ObserverError("Observer already registered")
+    def unobserve(self, who, key=None):
+        """
+        Remove an observer
+        :param who: the observing entity
+        :param key: the key to remove it from
+        """
+        if key is not None:
+            observers = np.array(self._observers.get(key, None))
+            if observers is None:
+                return
+            if who not in observers[:, 0]:
+                return
+            for i, _obs in enumerate(self._observers[key]):
+                if _obs[0] is who:
+                    del self._observers[key][i]
+                    if not self._observers[key]:
+                        del self._observers[key]
+            return
+        for _key in self._observers.keys():
+            for i, _obs in enumerate(self._observers[_key]):
+                if _obs[0] is who:
+                    del self._observers[_key][i]
+                    if not self._observers[_key]:
+                        del self._observers[_key]
+    def unobserve_all_observer(self, callback):
+        """
+        Unobserve an observer that observes all keys.
+        :param callback: the callback to unobserve
+        """
+        if callback in self._observers_for_all:
+            del self._observers_for_all[self._observers_for_all.index(callback)]
+    def _notify_observers_receiver(self, key, value):
+        """
+        The pyqt signal slot for notifications of observers
+        :param key: the key that changed
+        :param value: the new value
+        """
+        observers = self._observers.get(str(key), None)
+        value = value[0]
+        if observers is None:
+            return
+        for (who, callback) in observers:
+            callback(value)
+        for cb in self._observers_for_all:
+            cb(key, value)
+    def _notify_observers(self, key, value):
+        """
+        Notify observers. This emits a pyqt signal to make it thread save
+        :param key: the key that changed
+        :param value: the new value
+        """
+        self.callback_signal.emit(key, [value])
+    def make_uint(self, value, maximum, name=None):
+        """
+        Convert a value to an uint
+        :param value: the value
+        :param maximum: the maximum of the returned value
+        :param name: the name of this value
+        :return: the converted value
+        """
+        if value is None:
+            raise ValueError(str("%s Value is invalid (None)" % name))
+        val = None
+        try:
+            val = int(value)
+        except ValueError:
+            raise ValueError(str("%s Value is not a valid number" % name))
+        if maximum is not None:
+            if val > maximum:
+                raise ValueError(str("%s Value is too large (>%i)" % (name, maximum)))
+        if val < 0:
+            raise ValueError(str("%s Values below 0 are not allowed" % name))
+        return val
+    def set_fpga_delay(self, value):
+        """
+        Set the fpga_delays on the board
+        :param value: the value to set the delays to
+        """
+        time_factor = self.make_uint(value, self.get('fpga_delay_max'), 'FPGA_Delay')
+        reg_value = "0x000501" + '{0:01x}'.format(time_factor) + "0"
+        pci.write(self.identifier, reg_value, '0x9060')
+        logging.vinfo("Set FPGA clock delay %i * %i --> %i picoseconds" % (time_factor, self.get('fpga_delay_factor'), time_factor*self.get('fpga_delay_factor')))
+        self.update('fpga_delay', value)
+    def set_chip_delay(self, adcs, values):
+        """
+        Set the chip_delays on the board
+        :param adcs: the adcs to set the delays for
+        :param values: the value to set the delays to
+        """
+        if not adcs or not values:
+            logging.vinfo("Nothing to do for chip delay.")
+            return
+        _adcs = []
+        for adc in adcs:
+            _adcs.append(self.make_uint(adc, 3, 'ADC_'))
+        _values = []
+        for value in values:
+            _values.append(self.make_uint(value, self.get('chip_delay_max'), 'ADC_Value'))
+        a_v = zip(_adcs, _values)
+        factors = [None, None, None, None]
+        for (adc, value) in a_v:
+            factors[adc] = value
+        reg_value = ''
+        mask = ''
+        # Chip Delays are stored as 'ADC_4 ADC_3 ADC_2 ADC_1' in the register.
+        # Therefore, we need to traverse the factors array in reverse order
+        for value in reversed(factors):
+            if value is not None:
+                reg_value += '{0:02x}'.format(value)
+                mask += 'ff'
+            else:
+                reg_value += '00'
+                mask += '00'
+        pci.write(self.identifier, reg_value, '0x9080', hex_mask=mask)
+        s = "Setting ADC Delays:"
+        for (adc, value) in a_v:
+            s += ' ADC_%i Fine Delay: %i,' % (adc, value)
+        s = s[:-1]  # cut away the last dangling ','
+        logging.vinfo(s)
+        for (adc, value) in a_v:
+            s = 'chip_%i_delay'%(adc+1)
+            self.update(s, value)
+    def set_th_delay(self, value):
+        """
+        Set the track and hold delay on the board
+        :param value: the value to set the delay to
+        """
+        time_factor = self.make_uint(value, self.get('th_delay_max'), 'TH_Delay')
+        reg_value = "0x000501" + '{0:01x}'.format(time_factor) + "3"
+        pci.write(self.identifier, reg_value, '0x9060')
+        logging.vinfo("Set T/H Signal delay %i * %i --> %i picoseconds" % (time_factor, self.get('th_delay_factor'), time_factor*self.get('th_delay_factor')))
+        self.update('th_delay', value)
+    def set_adc_delay(self, adc, value):
+        """
+        Set the adc delay for the given adc on the board
+        :param adc: the adc to change the delay for
+        :param value: the value to set the delay to
+        """
+        if adc is None or value is None:
+            logging.vinfo("Nothing to do for ADC delay.")
+            return
+        _adc = self.make_uint(adc, 3, 'ADC Number')
+        _val = self.make_uint(value, self.get('adc_delay_max'), 'ADC Delay')
+        reg_value = "0x000501" + '{0:01x}'.format(_val) + "%i" % (_adc+4)
+        pci.write(self.identifier, reg_value, '0x9060')
+        s = "Setting ADC_%i delay %i * %i --> %i picoseconds" % ((_adc+1), _val, self.get('adc_delay_factor'), _val*self.get('adc_delay_factor'))
+        logging.vinfo(s)
+        adc_s = 'adc_%i_delay'%(_adc+1)
+        self.update(adc_s, _val)
+    def set_delay(self, n, ignore_seperate_delay=False):
+        """
+        Set delays
+        :param n: ?
+        :param ignore_seperate_delay: ignore the setting of a seperate delay for adc 1
+        """
+        def write_delay(value, channel):
+            '''write the delays to the board'''
+            cmd = '00501' + '%01x' % value + str(channel)
+            pci.write(self.identifier, cmd, reg='0x9060')
+            time.sleep(0.005)
+        logging.vinfo("Setting T/H Delay: " + str(n))
+        write_delay(n, 3)
+        self.update('th_delay', n)
+        delay = n + self.get('th_to_adc_cycles')
+        if delay > self.get('adc_delay_max'):
+            delay -= self.get('adc_delay_max') + 1
+        write_delay(delay, 5)
+        self.update('adc_2_delay', delay)
+        write_delay(delay, 6)
+        self.update('adc_3_delay', delay)
+        write_delay(delay, 7)
+        self.update('adc_4_delay', delay)
+        #ADC 1 might have an individual delay
+        if self.get('adc_1_delay_individual') > 0:
+            try:
+                delay = n + self.make_uint(self.get('adc_1_delay_individual'), 16, 'ADC 1 individual delay')
+                logging.vinfo("Setting ADC1 individual delay to " + str(delay))
+            except ValueError:
+                logging.vinfo(r"'adc_1_delay_individual' not set or inactive. Using default.")
+            if delay > self.get('adc_delay_max'):
+                delay -= self.get('adc_delay_max') + 1
+        write_delay(delay, 4)
+        self.update('adc_1_delay', delay)
+    def update_header(self, state):
+        """
+        Set the flag to write Header to files when acquiring.
+        :param state: True to enabling header and False to disable
+        :return: -
+        """
+        try:
+            control = pci.read(self.identifier, 1, '0x9040')[0]
+            control_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(control, 16))
+            if state:
+                control_bits = control_bits[:3] + '1' + control_bits[4:]
+            else:
+                control_bits = control_bits[:3] + '0' + control_bits[4:]
+            dec_val_bits = int(control_bits, 2)
+            pci.write(self.identifier, hex(dec_val_bits), '0x9040')
+        except BoardError as e:
+            reason = str(e) if str(e) != '' else "Unknown"
+            logging.error("Error in Board Communication, was unable to write value to board "+reason)
+    def read_from_board(self):
+        """
+        Read values from board and update them in the configuration (Mainly used for skip init functionality)
+        """
+        try:
+            settings = ['chip_1_delay','chip_2_delay','chip_3_delay','chip_4_delay']
+            # --[ read fine/chip delays ]
+            val = pci.read(self.identifier, reg='9080')[0]
+            # --[ set chip_1_delay ]--
+            self.update('chip_1_delay', int(val[6:8], 16))
+            # --[ set chip_2_delay ]--
+            self.update('chip_2_delay', int(val[4:6], 16))
+            # --[ set chip_3_delay ]--
+            self.update('chip_3_delay', int(val[2:4], 16))
+            # --[ set chip_4_delay ]--
+            self.update('chip_4_delay', int(val[0:2], 16))
+            # --[ read and set th delay ]--
+            val = pci.read(self.identifier, reg='90a0')[0]
+            self.update('th_delay', int(val, 16))
+            # --[ check for seperate adc1 delay ]--
+            val = pci.read(self.identifier, reg='9088')[0]
+            if int(val, 16) != self.get('th_delay') + self.get('adc_1_delay_individual'):
+                self.update('adc_1_delay_individual', int(val, 16)-self.get('th_delay'))
+            else:
+                self.update('adc_1_delay_individual', -1)
+            # --[ read and set number of orbits to acquire ]--
+            val = pci.read(self.identifier, reg='9020')[0]
+            self.update('orbits_observe', int(val, 16))
+            # --[ read and set number of orbits to skip ]--
+            val = pci.read(self.identifier, reg='9028')[0]
+            self.update('orbits_skip', int(val, 16))
+            # --[ read and update header ]--
+            control = pci.read(self.identifier, 1, '0x9040')[0]
+            control_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(control, 16))
+            if control_bits[3] == '1':
+                self.update('header', True)
+            else:
+                self.update('header', False)
+        except IndexError:
+            error(0x002, "Could not Read data from Board. Pci returned wrong amount of data.")

+ 167 - 167

@@ -1,167 +1,167 @@
-Discover and manage connected boards
-import glob
-import logging as log
-from .... import config
-from ... kcgwidget import error
-from .communication import pci
-DUMMY_PCI_i_OUTPUT = 'Vendor: 10ee, Device: 6028, Bus: 3, Slot: 0, Function: 0\n\
- Interrupt - Pin: 1, Line: 255\n\
- BAR 0 - MEM32, Start: 0xf5500000, Length: 0x  100000, Flags: 0x00040200\n\
-DMA Engines: \n\
- DMA  0 C2S - Type: Packet, Address Width: 32 bits\n\
-Banks: \n\
- 0x80 dma: DMA Registers\n\
-class BoardsConnected(object):
-    """
-    Container for connected/available boards
-    This will work as a generator and yield the available board_ids
-    NOTE: this is subject to change. In the future this may yield board_names or tuples or something else
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._board_ids = {}
-        self._board_ids_reverse = {}
-        self._device_files = {}
-        self.count = 0
-    def _device_id(self, dev_file):
-        """
-        Get the device id
-        :param dev_file: the dev_file to use
-        :return: string for the dev id
-        """
-        info_string = pci.info(dev_file=dev_file)
-        # info_string = DUMMY_PCI_i_OUTPUT
-        try:
-            return info_string.split('Device: ')[1].split(',')[0]
-        except IndexError:
-            error(0x002, "Pci returned no or wrong information string. Device probably not found.", severe=True)
-    def discover(self):
-        """
-        Discover connected boards
-        This is either a dummy implementation that defaults to /dev/fpga0 for every board
-        it will create 'virtual' boards
-        OR:
-        If config.use_dev_fpga_for_detection == True use number of /dev/fpga devices and use them
-        """
-        def get(dict_, what):  # this will return the dict value for what (Key) or what if what not in dict_
-            return dict_.get(what, what)
-        if config.board_detection_method == 'dev':
-            searchstring = '/dev/fpga'
-            # searchstring = '/dev/lp'
-            device_list = glob.glob(searchstring+'*')
-            log.info("Found {num} devices.".format(num=len(device_list)))
-            self._board_ids = {int(i.replace(searchstring, '')): get(config.device_names, self._device_id(i))
-                               for i in device_list}
-            self._device_files = {int(i.replace(searchstring, '')): i for i in device_list}
-        elif config.board_detection_method == 'dummy':
-            if config.num_dummy_boards:
-                num = int(config.num_dummy_boards)
-            else:
-                num = 5
-            self._board_ids = {i: get(config.device_names, 'test'+str(i)) for i in range(num)}
-            self._device_files = {i: '/dev/fpga0' for i in self.board_ids}
-        elif config.board_detection_method == 'list':
-            self._board_ids = {i: get(config.device_names, self._device_id(d_f)) for i, d_f in enumerate(config.device_list)}
-            self._device_files = {i: d_f for i, d_f in enumerate(config.device_list)}
-        else:
-            raise config.MisconfigurationError("board_detection_method was misconfigured")
-        # if no boards detected create a dummy board (everything will be disabled in the gui) so the gui does
-        # not crash
-        if len(self._board_ids) == 0:
-            self._board_ids[0] = None
-        self._board_ids_reverse = {v: k for k, v in list(self._board_ids.items())}  # build reverse look up
-    @property
-    def has_boards(self):
-        """
-        Check if at least one board is connected
-        """
-        if len(self.board_ids) == 1 and self._board_ids[0] is None:
-            return False
-        elif len(self.board_ids) > 0:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    @property
-    def board_ids(self):
-        """
-        Get Board Ids as list
-        """
-        return list(self._board_ids.keys())
-    @property
-    def board_names(self):
-        """
-        Get Board Names as list
-        :return:
-        """
-        return list(self._board_ids.values())
-    def get_board_name_from_id(self, board_id):
-        """
-        Get the name of a board with the given board_id
-        :param board_id: the board to get the name for
-        :return: the name of the board with id board_id
-        """
-        return self._board_ids[board_id]
-    def get_board_id_from_name(self, board_name):
-        """
-        Get the id of a board with the name board_name
-        :param board_name: the name of the board to get the id for
-        :return: the id of the board with name board_name
-        """
-        return self._board_ids_reverse[board_name]
-    def get_device_file(self, board_id):
-        """
-        Get the device file (/dev/...) to use when communicating with the board
-        :param board_id: the id of the board
-        :return: the device file as string
-        """
-        return self._device_files[board_id]
-    @property
-    def multi_board(self):
-        """
-        If multiple boards are connected this is true else false
-        """
-        if len(self.board_ids) > 1:
-            return True
-        return False
-    def __iter__(self):
-        self.__cur_idx = 0
-        return self
-    def __next__(self):
-        self.__cur_idx += 1
-        if self.__cur_idx > len(self.board_ids):
-            raise StopIteration
-        return self.board_ids[self.__cur_idx-1]
-    def __getitem__(self, item):
-        return self.board_ids[item]
-available_boards = BoardsConnected()
+Discover and manage connected boards
+import glob
+import logging as log
+from .... import config
+from ... kcgwidget import error
+from communication import pci
+DUMMY_PCI_i_OUTPUT = 'Vendor: 10ee, Device: 6028, Bus: 3, Slot: 0, Function: 0\n\
+ Interrupt - Pin: 1, Line: 255\n\
+ BAR 0 - MEM32, Start: 0xf5500000, Length: 0x  100000, Flags: 0x00040200\n\
+DMA Engines: \n\
+ DMA  0 C2S - Type: Packet, Address Width: 32 bits\n\
+Banks: \n\
+ 0x80 dma: DMA Registers\n\
+class BoardsConnected(object):
+    """
+    Container for connected/available boards
+    This will work as a generator and yield the available board_ids
+    NOTE: this is subject to change. In the future this may yield board_names or tuples or something else
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._board_ids = {}
+        self._board_ids_reverse = {}
+        self._device_files = {}
+        self.count = 0
+    def _device_id(self, dev_file):
+        """
+        Get the device id
+        :param dev_file: the dev_file to use
+        :return: string for the dev id
+        """
+        info_string = pci.info(dev_file=dev_file)
+        # info_string = DUMMY_PCI_i_OUTPUT
+        try:
+            return info_string.split('Device: ')[1].split(',')[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            error(0x002, "Pci returned no or wrong information string. Device probably not found.", severe=True)
+    def discover(self):
+        """
+        Discover connected boards
+        This is either a dummy implementation that defaults to /dev/fpga0 for every board
+        it will create 'virtual' boards
+        OR:
+        If config.use_dev_fpga_for_detection == True use number of /dev/fpga devices and use them
+        """
+        def get(dict_, what):  # this will return the dict value for what (Key) or what if what not in dict_
+            return dict_.get(what, what)
+        if config.board_detection_method == 'dev':
+            searchstring = '/dev/fpga'
+            # searchstring = '/dev/lp'
+            device_list = glob.glob(searchstring+'*')
+            log.info("Found {num} devices.".format(num=len(device_list)))
+            self._board_ids = {int(i.replace(searchstring, '')): get(config.device_names, self._device_id(i))
+                               for i in device_list}
+            self._device_files = {int(i.replace(searchstring, '')): i for i in device_list}
+        elif config.board_detection_method == 'dummy':
+            if config.num_dummy_boards:
+                num = int(config.num_dummy_boards)
+            else:
+                num = 5
+            self._board_ids = {i: get(config.device_names, 'test'+str(i)) for i in range(num)}
+            self._device_files = {i: '/dev/fpga0' for i in self.board_ids}
+        elif config.board_detection_method == 'list':
+            self._board_ids = {i: get(config.device_names, self._device_id(d_f)) for i, d_f in enumerate(config.device_list)}
+            self._device_files = {i: d_f for i, d_f in enumerate(config.device_list)}
+        else:
+            raise config.MisconfigurationError("board_detection_method was misconfigured")
+        # if no boards detected create a dummy board (everything will be disabled in the gui) so the gui does
+        # not crash
+        if len(self._board_ids) == 0:
+            self._board_ids[0] = None
+        self._board_ids_reverse = {v: k for k, v in self._board_ids.items()}  # build reverse look up
+    @property
+    def has_boards(self):
+        """
+        Check if at least one board is connected
+        """
+        if len(self.board_ids) == 1 and self._board_ids[0] is None:
+            return False
+        elif len(self.board_ids) > 0:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    @property
+    def board_ids(self):
+        """
+        Get Board Ids as list
+        """
+        return self._board_ids.keys()
+    @property
+    def board_names(self):
+        """
+        Get Board Names as list
+        :return:
+        """
+        return self._board_ids.values()
+    def get_board_name_from_id(self, board_id):
+        """
+        Get the name of a board with the given board_id
+        :param board_id: the board to get the name for
+        :return: the name of the board with id board_id
+        """
+        return self._board_ids[board_id]
+    def get_board_id_from_name(self, board_name):
+        """
+        Get the id of a board with the name board_name
+        :param board_name: the name of the board to get the id for
+        :return: the id of the board with name board_name
+        """
+        return self._board_ids_reverse[board_name]
+    def get_device_file(self, board_id):
+        """
+        Get the device file (/dev/...) to use when communicating with the board
+        :param board_id: the id of the board
+        :return: the device file as string
+        """
+        return self._device_files[board_id]
+    @property
+    def multi_board(self):
+        """
+        If multiple boards are connected this is true else false
+        """
+        if len(self.board_ids) > 1:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def __iter__(self):
+        self.__cur_idx = 0
+        return self
+    def next(self):
+        self.__cur_idx += 1
+        if self.__cur_idx > len(self.board_ids):
+            raise StopIteration
+        return self.board_ids[self.__cur_idx-1]
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        return self.board_ids[item]
+available_boards = BoardsConnected()

+ 204 - 204

@@ -1,204 +1,204 @@
-Communication part of the board package
-import subprocess
-import re
-import logging as log
-import time
-from .errors import *
-from ...kcgwidget import error
-class PCI(object):
-    """
-    The Interface to the pci command
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    def _safe_call(self, cmd):
-        """
-        Actually call the pci command
-        :param cmd: the command line to execute as list
-        :return: the output of the command
-        """
-        log.debug(cmd)
-        try:
-            # if '-r' in cmd:
-            return subprocess.check_output(cmd)
-            # else:
-            #     subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False)
-        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
-            raise BoardError(e.output)
-        except OSError as e:
-            if str(e) == "[Errno 2] No such file or directory":
-                error(0x003, "Pci command not found. Exiting.")
-                raise InterfaceNotFoundError("pci command was not found in your searchpath")
-            else:
-                raise BoardError('{}: {}'.format(' '.join(cmd), str(e)))
-    def _format(self, output):
-        """
-        Format output values (remove unnecessary parts of the output)
-        :param output: the unformatted output
-        :return: the formatted output
-        """
-        output = output.split("\n")
-        lines = []
-        for line in output:
-            if line and line != "\n":
-                lines.append(line.split(":  ")[1])
-        formatted = []
-        for line in lines:
-            if line and line != "\n":
-                formatted += re.findall(r'[\da-fA-F]{8}', line)
-        return formatted
-    def read(self, board_id, amount=1, reg=None, dma=None, destination=None, decimal=False, timeout=None):
-        """
-        Read from boards
-        :param board_id: id of the board to write to (mandatory)
-        :param amount: number of 32byte blocks to read (default is 1) [1]
-        :param reg: register to read from [1]
-        :param dma: the dma to read from [1]
-        :param destination: the destination to write the retrieved data to ('memory' to return the data)
-        :param decimal: whether to return the result as decimal number (default is False)
-        :param timeout: the timeout for the read (only useful when reading data from dma)
-        :return:
-        [1]: If neither reg nor dma are given reg will default to 0x9000 and data from registers will be read
-             If reg is given, data from registers will be read
-             If dma is given, data from dma will be read and amount is ignored
-             If both reg and dma are given, an error will be raised
-        """
-        # either reg or dma have to be None
-        assert reg is None or dma is None, "read was called with reg and dma arguments."
-        if not reg and not dma:
-            reg = '0x9000'
-        source = reg if reg else dma
-        cmd = ['pci', '-d', available_boards.get_device_file(board_id), '-r', source]
-        dst = '/dev/stdout' if destination == 'memory' else destination
-        if reg:
-            cmd_extend = ["-s%i" % amount]
-        else:
-            cmd_extend = ['--multipacket', '-o', dst]
-            if timeout:
-                cmd_extend.extend(['--timeout', str(timeout)])
-            log.vinfo('Write data to {}'.format(dst))
-        cmd.extend(cmd_extend)
-        output = self._safe_call(cmd)
-        if reg:
-            formatted = self._format(output)
-            if decimal:
-                if dst:
-                    with open(dst, 'r+') as f:  # to be consistent with use of destination
-                        f.write(str([int(x, 16) for x in formatted]))
-                    return
-                else:
-                    return [int(x, 16) for x in formatted]
-            else:
-                if dst:
-                    with open(dst, 'r+') as f:  # to be consistent with use of destination
-                        f.write(str(formatted))
-                    return
-                return formatted
-        else:
-            if dst == '/dev/stdout':
-                return output.split('Writting')[0]
-    def write(self, board_id, value, reg='0x9040', hex_mask='FFFFFFFF'):
-        """
-        Write to boards
-        :param board_id: id of the board to write to (mandatory)
-        :param value: value to write (mandatory)
-        :param reg: register to write to (optional, default is '0x9040')
-        :param hex_mask: hex mask to apply to value before writing (optional)
-        :return:
-        """
-        assert len(hex_mask) <= 8, "Hex Mask has more than 32 bit."
-        if hex_mask != 'FFFFFFFF':
-            prev_val = self.read(board_id, 1, reg)[0]
-            prev_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(prev_val, 16))
-            mask_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(hex_mask, 16))
-            value_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(value, 16))
-            new_bits = list(prev_bits)
-            for i, bit in enumerate(mask_bits):
-                if bit == '1':
-                    new_bits[i] = value_bits[i]
-            value = hex(int("".join(new_bits), 2))
-        cmd = ['pci', '-d', available_boards.get_device_file(board_id), '-w', reg, value]
-        self._safe_call(cmd)
-        log.debug('Written %s to register %s' % (value, reg))
-    def read_data_to_file(self, board_id, filename, dma='dma0', timeout=None):
-        """
-        Read data from board and write to file
-        :param board_id: the board to read from
-        :param filename: the filename to write to
-        :param dma: the dma to use?
-        :param timeout: if not None: the timeout for the underlying pci command
-        :return:
-        """
-        return self.read(board_id, dma=dma, destination=filename, timeout=timeout)
-    def read_data_to_variable(self, board_id, dma='dma0', timeout=None):
-        """
-        Read data and return it.
-        :param board_id: the board to read from
-        :param dma: the dma to use?
-        :param timeout: if not None: the timeout for the underlying pci command
-        :return: string with data read from board
-        """
-        return self.read(board_id, dma=dma, timeout=timeout, destination='memory')
-    def start_dma(self, board_id, dma='dma0r'):
-        """
-        Start dma engine.
-        :param board_id: the board to start the dma engine for
-        :param dma: the dma to use
-        :return:
-        """
-        log.vinfo('Start DMA')
-        cmd = ['pci', '-d', available_boards.get_device_file(board_id), '--start-dma', dma]
-        self._safe_call(cmd)
-        time.sleep(0.05)
-    def stop_dma(self, board_id, dma='dma0r'):
-        """
-        Stop dma engine.
-        :param board_id: the board to stop the dma engine for
-        :param dma: the dma to use
-        :return:
-        """
-        log.vinfo('Stop DMA')
-        cmd = ['pci', '-d', available_boards.get_device_file(board_id), '--stop-dma', dma]
-        self._safe_call(cmd)
-        time.sleep(0.05)
-    def info(self, board_id=None, dev_file=None):
-        """
-        Get Device info (output of pci -i)
-        :return: Information string returned by pci -i
-        """
-        assert board_id != dev_file, "info got both board_id and dev_file or got none of both"
-        if board_id is not None:
-            cmd = ['pci', '-d', available_boards.get_device_file(board_id), '-i']
-        else:
-            cmd = ['pci', '-d', dev_file, '-i']
-        return self._safe_call(cmd)
-pci = PCI()
-from .boards_connected import available_boards  # this import has to be here as boards_connected imports pci
+Communication part of the board package
+import subprocess
+import re
+import logging as log
+import time
+from errors import *
+from ...kcgwidget import error
+class PCI(object):
+    """
+    The Interface to the pci command
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def _safe_call(self, cmd):
+        """
+        Actually call the pci command
+        :param cmd: the command line to execute as list
+        :return: the output of the command
+        """
+        log.debug(cmd)
+        try:
+            # if '-r' in cmd:
+            return subprocess.check_output(cmd)
+            # else:
+            #     subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+            raise BoardError(e.output)
+        except OSError as e:
+            if str(e) == "[Errno 2] No such file or directory":
+                error(0x003, "Pci command not found. Exiting.")
+                raise InterfaceNotFoundError("pci command was not found in your searchpath")
+            else:
+                raise BoardError('{}: {}'.format(' '.join(cmd), str(e)))
+    def _format(self, output):
+        """
+        Format output values (remove unnecessary parts of the output)
+        :param output: the unformatted output
+        :return: the formatted output
+        """
+        output = output.split("\n")
+        lines = []
+        for line in output:
+            if line and line != "\n":
+                lines.append(line.split(":  ")[1])
+        formatted = []
+        for line in lines:
+            if line and line != "\n":
+                formatted += re.findall(r'[\da-fA-F]{8}', line)
+        return formatted
+    def read(self, board_id, amount=1, reg=None, dma=None, destination=None, decimal=False, timeout=None):
+        """
+        Read from boards
+        :param board_id: id of the board to write to (mandatory)
+        :param amount: number of 32byte blocks to read (default is 1) [1]
+        :param reg: register to read from [1]
+        :param dma: the dma to read from [1]
+        :param destination: the destination to write the retrieved data to ('memory' to return the data)
+        :param decimal: whether to return the result as decimal number (default is False)
+        :param timeout: the timeout for the read (only useful when reading data from dma)
+        :return:
+        [1]: If neither reg nor dma are given reg will default to 0x9000 and data from registers will be read
+             If reg is given, data from registers will be read
+             If dma is given, data from dma will be read and amount is ignored
+             If both reg and dma are given, an error will be raised
+        """
+        # either reg or dma have to be None
+        assert reg is None or dma is None, "read was called with reg and dma arguments."
+        if not reg and not dma:
+            reg = '0x9000'
+        source = reg if reg else dma
+        cmd = ['pci', '-d', available_boards.get_device_file(board_id), '-r', source]
+        dst = '/dev/stdout' if destination == 'memory' else destination
+        if reg:
+            cmd_extend = ["-s%i" % amount]
+        else:
+            cmd_extend = ['--multipacket', '-o', dst]
+            if timeout:
+                cmd_extend.extend(['--timeout', str(timeout)])
+            log.vinfo('Write data to {}'.format(dst))
+        cmd.extend(cmd_extend)
+        output = self._safe_call(cmd)
+        if reg:
+            formatted = self._format(output)
+            if decimal:
+                if dst:
+                    with open(dst, 'r+') as f:  # to be consistent with use of destination
+                        f.write(str([int(x, 16) for x in formatted]))
+                    return
+                else:
+                    return [int(x, 16) for x in formatted]
+            else:
+                if dst:
+                    with open(dst, 'r+') as f:  # to be consistent with use of destination
+                        f.write(str(formatted))
+                    return
+                return formatted
+        else:
+            if dst == '/dev/stdout':
+                return output.split('Writting')[0]
+    def write(self, board_id, value, reg='0x9040', hex_mask='FFFFFFFF'):
+        """
+        Write to boards
+        :param board_id: id of the board to write to (mandatory)
+        :param value: value to write (mandatory)
+        :param reg: register to write to (optional, default is '0x9040')
+        :param hex_mask: hex mask to apply to value before writing (optional)
+        :return:
+        """
+        assert len(hex_mask) <= 8, "Hex Mask has more than 32 bit."
+        if hex_mask != 'FFFFFFFF':
+            prev_val = self.read(board_id, 1, reg)[0]
+            prev_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(prev_val, 16))
+            mask_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(hex_mask, 16))
+            value_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(value, 16))
+            new_bits = list(prev_bits)
+            for i, bit in enumerate(mask_bits):
+                if bit == '1':
+                    new_bits[i] = value_bits[i]
+            value = hex(int("".join(new_bits), 2))
+        cmd = ['pci', '-d', available_boards.get_device_file(board_id), '-w', reg, value]
+        self._safe_call(cmd)
+        log.debug('Written %s to register %s' % (value, reg))
+    def read_data_to_file(self, board_id, filename, dma='dma0', timeout=None):
+        """
+        Read data from board and write to file
+        :param board_id: the board to read from
+        :param filename: the filename to write to
+        :param dma: the dma to use?
+        :param timeout: if not None: the timeout for the underlying pci command
+        :return:
+        """
+        return self.read(board_id, dma=dma, destination=filename, timeout=timeout)
+    def read_data_to_variable(self, board_id, dma='dma0', timeout=None):
+        """
+        Read data and return it.
+        :param board_id: the board to read from
+        :param dma: the dma to use?
+        :param timeout: if not None: the timeout for the underlying pci command
+        :return: string with data read from board
+        """
+        return self.read(board_id, dma=dma, timeout=timeout, destination='memory')
+    def start_dma(self, board_id, dma='dma0r'):
+        """
+        Start dma engine.
+        :param board_id: the board to start the dma engine for
+        :param dma: the dma to use
+        :return:
+        """
+        log.vinfo('Start DMA')
+        cmd = ['pci', '-d', available_boards.get_device_file(board_id), '--start-dma', dma]
+        self._safe_call(cmd)
+        time.sleep(0.05)
+    def stop_dma(self, board_id, dma='dma0r'):
+        """
+        Stop dma engine.
+        :param board_id: the board to stop the dma engine for
+        :param dma: the dma to use
+        :return:
+        """
+        log.vinfo('Stop DMA')
+        cmd = ['pci', '-d', available_boards.get_device_file(board_id), '--stop-dma', dma]
+        self._safe_call(cmd)
+        time.sleep(0.05)
+    def info(self, board_id=None, dev_file=None):
+        """
+        Get Device info (output of pci -i)
+        :return: Information string returned by pci -i
+        """
+        assert board_id != dev_file, "info got both board_id and dev_file or got none of both"
+        if board_id is not None:
+            cmd = ['pci', '-d', available_boards.get_device_file(board_id), '-i']
+        else:
+            cmd = ['pci', '-d', dev_file, '-i']
+        return self._safe_call(cmd)
+pci = PCI()
+from boards_connected import available_boards  # this import has to be here as boards_connected imports pci

+ 37 - 37

@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-Errors for board actions
-class BoardError(Exception):
-    """
-    A General Error with the Board
-    """
-    pass
-class InterfaceNotFoundError(Exception):
-    """
-    Error if not pci command was found
-    """
-    pass
-class ObserverError(Exception):
-    """
-    Error in Observation of configuration values
-    """
-    pass
-class NoBoardId(Exception):
-    """
-    Error if not board id was given
-    """
-    pass
-class NoSuchKeyError(Exception):
-    """
-    Error if a key is requested that does not exist in configuration
-    """
-    pass
+Errors for board actions
+class BoardError(Exception):
+    """
+    A General Error with the Board
+    """
+    pass
+class InterfaceNotFoundError(Exception):
+    """
+    Error if not pci command was found
+    """
+    pass
+class ObserverError(Exception):
+    """
+    Error in Observation of configuration values
+    """
+    pass
+class NoBoardId(Exception):
+    """
+    Error if not board id was given
+    """
+    pass
+class NoSuchKeyError(Exception):
+    """
+    Error if a key is requested that does not exist in configuration
+    """
+    pass

+ 165 - 165

@@ -1,165 +1,165 @@
-Sequences for various board actions
-These methods are generators that will yield as first element the number
-of actions (other yields) excluding it self
-They will then perform the next action in row (setting registers or reading values from boards etc)
-and will yield True or False depending on the result of the action performed
-import logging
-from . import *
-from .utils import *
-def startup_sequence(board_id):
-    """
-    Star the board
-    """
-    NUMBER = 4
-    yield NUMBER
-    pci.start_dma(board_id)
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x20001000', '0x9100')
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x05', '0x9040')
-    yield True
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x3C1', '0x9040')
-    logging.info("9040:  " + str(pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9040')[0]))
-    yield True
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x3F1', '0x9040')
-    logging.info("9040:  " + str(pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9040')[0]))
-    yield True
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x3F0', '0x9040')
-    logging.info("9040:  " + str(pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9040')[0]))
-    yield True
-def calibration_sequence(board_id):
-    """
-    Calibrate the board
-    """
-    NUMBER = 15
-    yield NUMBER
-    # Removing Board Reset
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x2000003f0', '0x9040')
-    yield True
-    # SPI Fanout Programming...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x083', '0x9068')
-    yield True
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x6a2', '0x9068')
-    yield True
-    # PLL calibration start...
-    # PLL Reset...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x80000000', '0x9060')
-    yield True
-    # Set CH_0 (FPGA) clock FPGA ...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x00050000', '0x9060')
-    yield True
-    # Set CH_3 clock fanout ...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x00050003', '0x9060')
-    yield True
-    # Set CH_4 clock ADC 1 ...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x00050004', '0x9060')
-    yield True
-    # Set CH_5 clock ADC 2 ...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x00050005', '0x9060')
-    yield True
-    # Set CH_6 clock ADC 3 ...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x00050006', '0x9060')
-    yield True
-    # Set CH_7 clock ADC 4 ...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x00050007', '0x9060')
-    yield True
-    # Set R8 ...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x10000908', '0x9060')
-    yield True
-    # Set R11 ...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x0082800B', '0x9060')
-    yield True
-    # Set R13 ...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x029F400D', '0x9060')
-    yield True
-    # Set R14 (F_out and Global_EN => ON) ...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x0830040E', '0x9060')
-    yield True
-    # Set R15 ...
-    #New frequency divider
-    pci.write(board_id, '0xCC00100F', '0x9060')
-    #pci.write(board_id, '0xD000100F', '0x9060')
-    yield True
-def synchronisation_sequence(board_id):
-    """
-    Synchronize the board
-    """
-    NUMBER = 2
-    yield NUMBER
-    # Send the PLL sync signals ...
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x1003f0', '0x9040')
-    yield True
-    pci.write(board_id, '0x0003f0', '0x9040')
-    yield True
-def write_value_sequence(board_id):
-    """
-    Write values to the board
-    """
-    NUMBER = 8
-    yield NUMBER
-    # Set_FPGA_clock_delay.sh 0
-    get_board_config(board_id).set_fpga_delay(get_board_config(board_id).get('fpga_delay'))
-    yield True
-    # Set_Delay_chip.sh 16 16 16 16
-    factors = [get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_1_delay'), get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_2_delay'),
-               get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_3_delay'), get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_4_delay')]
-    get_board_config(board_id).set_chip_delay([0, 1, 2, 3], factors)
-    yield True
-    # Set_TH_Delay.sh 12
-    get_board_config(board_id).set_th_delay(get_board_config(board_id).get('th_delay'))
-    yield True
-    # Set_ADC_1_Delay.sh 4
-    get_board_config(board_id).set_adc_delay(0, get_board_config(board_id).get('adc_1_delay'))
-    yield True
-    # Set_ADC_2_Delay.sh 4
-    get_board_config(board_id).set_adc_delay(1, get_board_config(board_id).get('adc_2_delay'))
-    yield True
-    # Set_ADC_3_Delay.sh 4
-    get_board_config(board_id).set_adc_delay(2, get_board_config(board_id).get('adc_3_delay'))
-    yield True
-    # Set_ADC_4_Delay.sh 4
-    get_board_config(board_id).set_adc_delay(3, get_board_config(board_id).get('adc_4_delay'))
-    yield True
-    pci.write(board_id, '{0:08x}'.format(get_board_config(board_id).get('orbits_observe')), '0x9020')
-    yield True
-    pci.write(board_id, '{0:08x}'.format(get_board_config(board_id).get('orbits_skip')), '0x9028')
-    yield True
+Sequences for various board actions
+These methods are generators that will yield as first element the number
+of actions (other yields) excluding it self
+They will then perform the next action in row (setting registers or reading values from boards etc)
+and will yield True or False depending on the result of the action performed
+import logging
+from . import *
+from utils import *
+def startup_sequence(board_id):
+    """
+    Star the board
+    """
+    NUMBER = 4
+    yield NUMBER
+    pci.start_dma(board_id)
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x20001000', '0x9100')
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x05', '0x9040')
+    yield True
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x3C1', '0x9040')
+    logging.info("9040:  " + str(pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9040')[0]))
+    yield True
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x3F1', '0x9040')
+    logging.info("9040:  " + str(pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9040')[0]))
+    yield True
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x3F0', '0x9040')
+    logging.info("9040:  " + str(pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9040')[0]))
+    yield True
+def calibration_sequence(board_id):
+    """
+    Calibrate the board
+    """
+    NUMBER = 15
+    yield NUMBER
+    # Removing Board Reset
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x2000003f0', '0x9040')
+    yield True
+    # SPI Fanout Programming...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x083', '0x9068')
+    yield True
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x6a2', '0x9068')
+    yield True
+    # PLL calibration start...
+    # PLL Reset...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x80000000', '0x9060')
+    yield True
+    # Set CH_0 (FPGA) clock FPGA ...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x00050000', '0x9060')
+    yield True
+    # Set CH_3 clock fanout ...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x00050003', '0x9060')
+    yield True
+    # Set CH_4 clock ADC 1 ...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x00050004', '0x9060')
+    yield True
+    # Set CH_5 clock ADC 2 ...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x00050005', '0x9060')
+    yield True
+    # Set CH_6 clock ADC 3 ...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x00050006', '0x9060')
+    yield True
+    # Set CH_7 clock ADC 4 ...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x00050007', '0x9060')
+    yield True
+    # Set R8 ...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x10000908', '0x9060')
+    yield True
+    # Set R11 ...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x0082800B', '0x9060')
+    yield True
+    # Set R13 ...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x029F400D', '0x9060')
+    yield True
+    # Set R14 (F_out and Global_EN => ON) ...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x0830040E', '0x9060')
+    yield True
+    # Set R15 ...
+    #New frequency divider
+    pci.write(board_id, '0xCC00100F', '0x9060')
+    #pci.write(board_id, '0xD000100F', '0x9060')
+    yield True
+def synchronisation_sequence(board_id):
+    """
+    Synchronize the board
+    """
+    NUMBER = 2
+    yield NUMBER
+    # Send the PLL sync signals ...
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x1003f0', '0x9040')
+    yield True
+    pci.write(board_id, '0x0003f0', '0x9040')
+    yield True
+def write_value_sequence(board_id):
+    """
+    Write values to the board
+    """
+    NUMBER = 8
+    yield NUMBER
+    # Set_FPGA_clock_delay.sh 0
+    get_board_config(board_id).set_fpga_delay(get_board_config(board_id).get('fpga_delay'))
+    yield True
+    # Set_Delay_chip.sh 16 16 16 16
+    factors = [get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_1_delay'), get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_2_delay'),
+               get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_3_delay'), get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_4_delay')]
+    get_board_config(board_id).set_chip_delay([0, 1, 2, 3], factors)
+    yield True
+    # Set_TH_Delay.sh 12
+    get_board_config(board_id).set_th_delay(get_board_config(board_id).get('th_delay'))
+    yield True
+    # Set_ADC_1_Delay.sh 4
+    get_board_config(board_id).set_adc_delay(0, get_board_config(board_id).get('adc_1_delay'))
+    yield True
+    # Set_ADC_2_Delay.sh 4
+    get_board_config(board_id).set_adc_delay(1, get_board_config(board_id).get('adc_2_delay'))
+    yield True
+    # Set_ADC_3_Delay.sh 4
+    get_board_config(board_id).set_adc_delay(2, get_board_config(board_id).get('adc_3_delay'))
+    yield True
+    # Set_ADC_4_Delay.sh 4
+    get_board_config(board_id).set_adc_delay(3, get_board_config(board_id).get('adc_4_delay'))
+    yield True
+    pci.write(board_id, '{0:08x}'.format(get_board_config(board_id).get('orbits_observe')), '0x9020')
+    yield True
+    pci.write(board_id, '{0:08x}'.format(get_board_config(board_id).get('orbits_skip')), '0x9028')
+    yield True

+ 18 - 18

@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-Status for boards
-class StatusStorage(object):
-    """
-    Class used as Container for various storage purposes
-    """
-    def __getattr__(self, item):
-        try:
-            # return self.old_getattr(item)
-            return object.__getattribute__(self, item)
-        except AttributeError:
-            # print item+" was not set, None is returned"
-            return None
+Status for boards
+class StatusStorage(object):
+    """
+    Class used as Container for various storage purposes
+    """
+    def __getattr__(self, item):
+        try:
+            # return self.old_getattr(item)
+            return object.__getattribute__(self, item)
+        except AttributeError:
+            # print item+" was not set, None is returned"
+            return None

+ 180 - 180

@@ -1,180 +1,180 @@
-Helper methods
-import logging as log
-import time
-from .communication import pci
-from .errors import *
-from .status import StatusStorage
-from .board_config import BoardConfiguration
-from .... import config as kcg_config
-from .boards_connected import available_boards
-def get_dec_from_bits(bits, msb=-1, lsb=-1):
-    """
-    Get decimal values from a string represented binary string
-    :param bits: the string to convert
-    :param msb: the most significant bit to use
-    :param lsb: the least significant bit to use
-    :return: the decimal value
-    """
-    rtrnValue = 0
-    if (msb < 0 or lsb < 0):
-        rtrnValue = int(bits)
-    elif (msb < lsb) or (msb > 31) or (lsb > 31):
-        log.info("Bit range for msb and lsb of get_dec_from_bits was wrong. Not truncating")
-        rtrnValue = int(bits, 2)
-    else:
-        chunk = ('{0:032b}'.format(int(bits, 2)))[31-msb:32-lsb]
-        rtrnValue = int(chunk, 2)
-    return rtrnValue
-def get_status(board_id):
-    """
-    Get the satatus of the board (this is used for the status leds)
-    :param board_id: the id of the board
-    :return: dictionary with the bits for each led (lower case led names are the keys of this dict)
-    """
-    registers = pci.read(board_id, 3, '0x9050', decimal=True)
-    bits = []
-    bits += ['{0:032b}'.format(registers[0])]
-    bits += ['{0:032b}'.format(registers[1])]
-    bits += ['{0:032b}'.format(registers[2])]
-    status = {}
-    s1 = get_dec_from_bits(bits[0], 2, 0)
-    if s1 == 0:
-        # Pipeline in reset mode
-        # self.pipeline_led.set_tri()
-        status['pipeline'] = 2
-    elif s1 == 1:
-        # Pipeline is idle
-        # self.pipeline_led.set_on()
-        status['pipeline'] = 3
-    elif s1 == 6:
-        # Pipeline in error state
-        # self.pipeline_led.set_off()
-        status['pipeline'] = 1
-    else:
-        # Should not happen!
-        # self.pipeline_led.set_out()
-        status['pipeline'] = 0
-    s2 = get_dec_from_bits(bits[0], 29, 26)
-    if s2 == 0:
-        # Master Control in reset mode
-        # self.master_control_led.set_tri()
-        status['master_control'] = 2
-    elif s2 == 1:
-        # Master Control is idle
-        # self.master_control_led.set_on()
-        status['master_control'] = 3
-    elif s2 == 8:
-        # Master Control in error state
-        # self.master_control_led.set_off()
-        status['master_control'] = 1
-    else:
-        # Should not happen!
-        # self.master_control_led.set_out()
-        status['master_control'] = 0
-    s3 = get_dec_from_bits(bits[2], 15, 12)
-    if s3 == 15:
-        # Data Check Idle
-        # self.data_check_led.set_on()
-        status['data_check'] = 3
-    else:
-        # Data Check Error
-        # self.data_check_led.set_off()
-        status['data_check'] = 1
-    s4 = int(bits[0][7])
-    if s4 == 0:
-        # PLL_LD not active
-        # self.pll_ld_led.set_tri()
-        status['PLL_LD'] = 2
-    elif s4 == 1:
-        # PLL_LD is active
-        # self.pll_ld_led.set_on()
-        status['PLL_LD'] = 3
-    else:
-        status['PLL_LD'] = 0
-    return status
-def is_conneced(board_id):
-    """
-    Is the board connected?
-    :param board_id: the id for the board to check
-    :return: True if the board is connected else False
-    """
-    try:
-        pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9040')
-        return True
-    except BoardError:
-        return False
-    except InterfaceNotFoundError:
-        return None
-def is_active(board_id):
-    """
-    Check if a board is active
-    :param board_id: the board to check for
-    :return: True if it is active else False
-    """
-    control = pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9040')[0]
-    control_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(control, 16))
-    return control_bits[22:26] == "1111"
-def wait_for_revolutions(board_id):
-    """
-    Sleep as long as the revolutions in the accelerator last to not stop the acquisition before it ended.
-    :param board_id: the board to wait for?
-    :return:
-    """
-    n = pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9020', decimal=True)[0]  # Get the amount of orbits to observe
-    # n = 1 # Use this for debugging purposes if no board is connected
-    spin_time_ns = kcg_config.tRev * n
-    time.sleep(spin_time_ns * 1.1)  # 10% Safety margin
-_status = []
-_configs = []
-def create_new_board_config(identifier):
-    """
-    This creates a new instance of BoardConfiguration and also a new instance of StatusStorage
-    :param identifier: the identifier for this board (not the id)
-    :return:
-    """
-    global _configs
-    global _status
-    _configs.append(BoardConfiguration(identifier))
-    _status.append(StatusStorage())
-def get_board_config(id):
-    """
-    Get the configuration instance for the board with the given id
-    :param id: the id of the desired board
-    :return: the instance of configuration
-    """
-    return _configs[id]
-def get_board_status(id):
-    """
-    Get the status storage instance for the board with the given id
-    :param id: the id of the desired board
-    :return: the instance of the status storage
-    """
-    return _status[id]
+Helper methods
+import logging as log
+import time
+from communication import pci
+from errors import *
+from status import StatusStorage
+from board_config import BoardConfiguration
+from .... import config as kcg_config
+from boards_connected import available_boards
+def get_dec_from_bits(bits, msb=-1, lsb=-1):
+    """
+    Get decimal values from a string represented binary string
+    :param bits: the string to convert
+    :param msb: the most significant bit to use
+    :param lsb: the least significant bit to use
+    :return: the decimal value
+    """
+    rtrnValue = 0
+    if (msb < 0 or lsb < 0):
+        rtrnValue = int(bits)
+    elif (msb < lsb) or (msb > 31) or (lsb > 31):
+        log.info("Bit range for msb and lsb of get_dec_from_bits was wrong. Not truncating")
+        rtrnValue = int(bits, 2)
+    else:
+        chunk = ('{0:032b}'.format(int(bits, 2)))[31-msb:32-lsb]
+        rtrnValue = int(chunk, 2)
+    return rtrnValue
+def get_status(board_id):
+    """
+    Get the satatus of the board (this is used for the status leds)
+    :param board_id: the id of the board
+    :return: dictionary with the bits for each led (lower case led names are the keys of this dict)
+    """
+    registers = pci.read(board_id, 3, '0x9050', decimal=True)
+    bits = []
+    bits += ['{0:032b}'.format(registers[0])]
+    bits += ['{0:032b}'.format(registers[1])]
+    bits += ['{0:032b}'.format(registers[2])]
+    status = {}
+    s1 = get_dec_from_bits(bits[0], 2, 0)
+    if s1 == 0:
+        # Pipeline in reset mode
+        # self.pipeline_led.set_tri()
+        status['pipeline'] = 2
+    elif s1 == 1:
+        # Pipeline is idle
+        # self.pipeline_led.set_on()
+        status['pipeline'] = 3
+    elif s1 == 6:
+        # Pipeline in error state
+        # self.pipeline_led.set_off()
+        status['pipeline'] = 1
+    else:
+        # Should not happen!
+        # self.pipeline_led.set_out()
+        status['pipeline'] = 0
+    s2 = get_dec_from_bits(bits[0], 29, 26)
+    if s2 == 0:
+        # Master Control in reset mode
+        # self.master_control_led.set_tri()
+        status['master_control'] = 2
+    elif s2 == 1:
+        # Master Control is idle
+        # self.master_control_led.set_on()
+        status['master_control'] = 3
+    elif s2 == 8:
+        # Master Control in error state
+        # self.master_control_led.set_off()
+        status['master_control'] = 1
+    else:
+        # Should not happen!
+        # self.master_control_led.set_out()
+        status['master_control'] = 0
+    s3 = get_dec_from_bits(bits[2], 15, 12)
+    if s3 == 15:
+        # Data Check Idle
+        # self.data_check_led.set_on()
+        status['data_check'] = 3
+    else:
+        # Data Check Error
+        # self.data_check_led.set_off()
+        status['data_check'] = 1
+    s4 = int(bits[0][7])
+    if s4 == 0:
+        # PLL_LD not active
+        # self.pll_ld_led.set_tri()
+        status['PLL_LD'] = 2
+    elif s4 == 1:
+        # PLL_LD is active
+        # self.pll_ld_led.set_on()
+        status['PLL_LD'] = 3
+    else:
+        status['PLL_LD'] = 0
+    return status
+def is_conneced(board_id):
+    """
+    Is the board connected?
+    :param board_id: the id for the board to check
+    :return: True if the board is connected else False
+    """
+    try:
+        pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9040')
+        return True
+    except BoardError:
+        return False
+    except InterfaceNotFoundError:
+        return None
+def is_active(board_id):
+    """
+    Check if a board is active
+    :param board_id: the board to check for
+    :return: True if it is active else False
+    """
+    control = pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9040')[0]
+    control_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(control, 16))
+    return control_bits[22:26] == "1111"
+def wait_for_revolutions(board_id):
+    """
+    Sleep as long as the revolutions in the accelerator last to not stop the acquisition before it ended.
+    :param board_id: the board to wait for?
+    :return:
+    """
+    n = pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9020', decimal=True)[0]  # Get the amount of orbits to observe
+    # n = 1 # Use this for debugging purposes if no board is connected
+    spin_time_ns = kcg_config.tRev * n
+    time.sleep(spin_time_ns * 1.1)  # 10% Safety margin
+_status = []
+_configs = []
+def create_new_board_config(identifier):
+    """
+    This creates a new instance of BoardConfiguration and also a new instance of StatusStorage
+    :param identifier: the identifier for this board (not the id)
+    :return:
+    """
+    global _configs
+    global _status
+    _configs.append(BoardConfiguration(identifier))
+    _status.append(StatusStorage())
+def get_board_config(id):
+    """
+    Get the configuration instance for the board with the given id
+    :param id: the id of the desired board
+    :return: the instance of configuration
+    """
+    return _configs[id]
+def get_board_status(id):
+    """
+    Get the status storage instance for the board with the given id
+    :param id: the id of the desired board
+    :return: the instance of the status storage
+    """
+    return _status[id]

+ 165 - 172

@@ -1,172 +1,165 @@
-import logging
-import time
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval
-from ... import config
-def _pad_array(array):
-    height, width = array.shape
-    # Miriam uses floor hence the padding is actually a cutting. Will wait for
-    # response if this is desired ...
-    pwidth = 2**np.floor(np.log2(width))
-    padded = np.zeros((height, pwidth))
-    padded[:, :width] = array[:, :pwidth]
-    return padded
-    #import reikna.cluda
-    #import reikna.fft
-    #_plans = {}
-    #_in_buffers = {}
-    #_out_buffers = {}
-    #_api = reikna.cluda.ocl_api()
-    #_thr = _api.Thread.create()
-    #def _fft(array):
-        #start = time.time()
-        #padded = _pad_array(array).astype(np.complex64)
-        #height, width = padded.shape
-        #if width in _plans:
-            #fft = _plans[width]
-            #in_dev = _in_buffers[width]
-            #out_dev = _out_buffers[width]
-        #else:
-            #fft = reikna.fft.FFT(padded, axes=(1,)).compile(_thr)
-            #in_dev = _thr.to_device(padded)
-            #out_dev = _thr.empty_like(in_dev)
-            #_plans[width] = fft
-            #_in_buffers[width] = in_dev
-            #_out_buffers[width] = out_dev
-        #fft(out_dev, in_dev)
-        #logging.debug("GPU fft: {} s".format(time.time() - start))
-        #return out_dev.get()[:, :width / 2 + 1]
-    #logging.info("Using GPU based FFT!")
-#except ImportError:
-    #logging.debug("Failed to import reikna package. Falling back to Numpy FFT.")
-def _fft(array):
-    start = time.time()
-    freqs = np.fft.rfft(_pad_array(array))
-    logging.debug("np fft: {} s".format(time.time() - start))
-    return freqs
-BUNCHES_PER_TURN = config.bunches_per_turn
-class DataSet(object):
-    def __init__(self, array, filename, header=None):
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.array = array
-        self._heatmaps = {}
-        self._ffts = {}
-        self.header = header
-    @property
-    def skipped_turns(self):
-        if self.header:
-            return self.header['skipped_turns']
-        else:
-            return 1
-    def bunch(self, number):
-        return self.array[self.array[:, 4] == number]
-    def num_bunches(self):
-        return self.array.shape[0]
-    def num_turns(self):
-        return self.num_bunches() / BUNCHES_PER_TURN
-    def heatmap(self, adc=1, frm=0, to=-1, bunch_frm=0, bunch_to=-1):
-        if not 1 <= adc <= 4:
-            raise ValueError('adc must be in [1,4]')
-        if not adc in self._heatmaps:
-            heatmap = self.array[:,adc-1].reshape(-1, BUNCHES_PER_TURN).transpose()
-            self._heatmaps[adc] = heatmap
-        return self._heatmaps[adc][bunch_frm:bunch_to, frm:to]
-    def fft(self, adc=1, frm=0, to=-1, drop_first_bin=False):
-        if not 1 <= adc <= 4:
-            raise ValueError('adc must be in [1,4]')
-        # if not adc in self._ffts:
-        #     heatmap = self.heatmap(adc, frm, to)
-        #     self._ffts[adc] = np.fft.fft2(heatmap, axes=[1])
-        # return self._ffts[adc]
-        heatmap = self.heatmap(adc, frm, to)
-        if drop_first_bin:
-            return _fft(heatmap)[:, 1:]
-        else:
-            return _fft(heatmap)
-    def fft_max_freq(self):
-        return (self.num_turns() // 2 + 1) * self.fft_freq_dist()
-    def fft_freq_dist(self):
-        return 1.0/(self.num_turns() * (self.skipped_turns + 1) * config.tRev)
-    def train(self, adc=1, frm=0, to=-1, **kwargs):
-        pdata = self.array[frm:to, :-1]
-        return pdata[:,adc-1]
-    def follow(self, adc=1, frm=0, to=-1, bunch=0, **kwargs):
-        """Follow one bunch through time"""
-        # pdata = self.array[frm:to, :-1]
-        pdata = self.array[bunch::BUNCHES_PER_TURN, adc-1]
-        pdata = pdata[frm:to]
-        return pdata
-    def combined(self, frm=0, to=-1, show_reconstructed=True):
-        array = self.array[frm:to, :]
-        N_s = 16
-        N_p = array.shape[0]
-        # Remove bunch number and flatten array
-        array = array[:,:4].reshape((-1, 1))
-        array = array.flatten()
-        # plot original data
-        orig_xs = np.arange(0, array.shape[0])
-        # axis.plot(orig_xs, array, '.')
-        ret = [np.array([orig_xs, array])]
-        # 4 rows for each ADC
-        ys = array.reshape((4, -1), order='F')
-        # multi-fit for each column of 4 ADCs, unfortunately, xs' are always the
-        # same, so we have to offset them later when computing the value
-        xs = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-        c = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(xs, ys, 6)
-        smooth_xs = np.linspace(1, 4, N_s)
-        fitted_ys = polyval(smooth_xs, c, tensor=True)
-        if True:
-            # Output maxima
-            ys = np.max(fitted_ys, axis=1)
-            xs = 4 * ((np.argmax(fitted_ys, axis=1) + 1) / float(N_s)) + orig_xs[::4] - .5
-            # axis.plot(xs, ys, '.', color="red")
-            ret.append(np.array([xs, ys]))
-        if False:
-            # Debug output
-            ys = fitted_ys.reshape((-1, 1))
-            ys = ys.flatten()
-            xs = np.repeat(np.arange(0, 4 * N_p, 4), N_s) + np.tile(np.linspace(0, 3, N_s), N_p)
-            # axis.plot(xs, ys, '.', alpha=0.3)
-            ret.append(np.array([xs, ys]))
-        return ret
+import logging
+import time
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval
+from ... import config
+def _pad_array(array):
+    height, width = array.shape
+    # Miriam uses floor hence the padding is actually a cutting. Will wait for
+    # response if this is desired ...
+    pwidth = 2**np.floor(np.log2(width))
+    padded = np.zeros((height, pwidth))
+    padded[:, :width] = array[:, :pwidth]
+    return padded
+    import reikna.cluda
+    import reikna.fft
+    _plans = {}
+    _in_buffers = {}
+    _out_buffers = {}
+    _api = reikna.cluda.ocl_api()
+    _thr = _api.Thread.create()
+    def _fft(array):
+        start = time.time()
+        padded = _pad_array(array).astype(np.complex64)
+        height, width = padded.shape
+        if width in _plans:
+            fft = _plans[width]
+            in_dev = _in_buffers[width]
+            out_dev = _out_buffers[width]
+        else:
+            fft = reikna.fft.FFT(padded, axes=(1,)).compile(_thr)
+            in_dev = _thr.to_device(padded)
+            out_dev = _thr.empty_like(in_dev)
+            _plans[width] = fft
+            _in_buffers[width] = in_dev
+            _out_buffers[width] = out_dev
+        fft(out_dev, in_dev)
+        logging.debug("GPU fft: {} s".format(time.time() - start))
+        return out_dev.get()[:, :width / 2 + 1]
+except ImportError:
+    logging.debug("Failed to import reikna package. Falling back to Numpy FFT.")
+    def _fft(array):
+        start = time.time()
+        freqs = np.fft.rfft(_pad_array(array))
+        logging.debug("np fft: {} s".format(time.time() - start))
+        return freqs
+BUNCHES_PER_TURN = config.bunches_per_turn
+class DataSet(object):
+    def __init__(self, array, filename, header=None):
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.array = array
+        self._heatmaps = {}
+        self._ffts = {}
+        self.header = header
+    @property
+    def skipped_turns(self):
+        if self.header:
+            return self.header['skipped_turns']
+        else:
+            return 1
+    def bunch(self, number):
+        return self.array[self.array[:, 4] == number]
+    def num_bunches(self):
+        return self.array.shape[0]
+    def num_turns(self):
+        return self.num_bunches() / BUNCHES_PER_TURN
+    def heatmap(self, adc=1, frm=0, to=-1, bunch_frm=0, bunch_to=-1):
+        if not 1 <= adc <= 4:
+            raise ValueError('adc must be in [1,4]')
+        if not adc in self._heatmaps:
+            heatmap = self.array[:,adc-1].reshape(-1, BUNCHES_PER_TURN).transpose()
+            self._heatmaps[adc] = heatmap
+        return self._heatmaps[adc][bunch_frm:bunch_to, frm:to]
+    def fft(self, adc=1, frm=0, to=-1, drop_first_bin=False):
+        if not 1 <= adc <= 4:
+            raise ValueError('adc must be in [1,4]')
+        # if not adc in self._ffts:
+        #     heatmap = self.heatmap(adc, frm, to)
+        #     self._ffts[adc] = np.fft.fft2(heatmap, axes=[1])
+        # return self._ffts[adc]
+        heatmap = self.heatmap(adc, frm, to)
+        if drop_first_bin:
+            return _fft(heatmap)[:, 1:]
+        else:
+            return _fft(heatmap)
+    def fft_max_freq(self):
+        return (self.num_turns() // 2 + 1) * self.fft_freq_dist()
+    def fft_freq_dist(self):
+        return 1.0/(self.num_turns() * (self.skipped_turns + 1) * config.tRev)
+    def train(self, adc=1, frm=0, to=-1, **kwargs):
+        pdata = self.array[frm:to, :-1]
+        return pdata[:,adc-1]
+    def combined(self, frm=0, to=-1, show_reconstructed=True):
+        array = self.array[frm:to, :]
+        N_s = 16
+        N_p = array.shape[0]
+        # Remove bunch number and flatten array
+        array = array[:,:4].reshape((-1, 1))
+        array = array.flatten()
+        # plot original data
+        orig_xs = np.arange(0, array.shape[0])
+        # axis.plot(orig_xs, array, '.')
+        ret = [np.array([orig_xs, array])]
+        # 4 rows for each ADC
+        ys = array.reshape((4, -1), order='F')
+        # multi-fit for each column of 4 ADCs, unfortunately, xs' are always the
+        # same, so we have to offset them later when computing the value
+        xs = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+        c = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(xs, ys, 6)
+        smooth_xs = np.linspace(1, 4, N_s)
+        fitted_ys = polyval(smooth_xs, c, tensor=True)
+        if True:
+            # Output maxima
+            ys = np.max(fitted_ys, axis=1)
+            xs = 4 * ((np.argmax(fitted_ys, axis=1) + 1) / float(N_s)) + orig_xs[::4] - .5
+            # axis.plot(xs, ys, '.', color="red")
+            ret.append(np.array([xs, ys]))
+        if False:
+            # Debug output
+            ys = fitted_ys.reshape((-1, 1))
+            ys = ys.flatten()
+            xs = np.repeat(np.arange(0, 4 * N_p, 4), N_s) + np.tile(np.linspace(0, 3, N_s), N_p)
+            # axis.plot(xs, ys, '.', alpha=0.3)
+            ret.append(np.array([xs, ys]))
+        return ret

+ 155 - 155

@@ -1,155 +1,155 @@
-import os
-import math
-import logging
-import numpy as np
-# from ...config import bunches_per_turn as BUNCHES_PER_TURN
-from ... import config
-from .board import HEADER_SIZE_BYTES
-from .dataset import DataSet
-from . import board
-BUNCHES_PER_TURN = config.bunches_per_turn
-def is_data_consistent(dataset):
-    if len(dataset.array) == 0:
-        return False
-    bunch_numbers = dataset.array[:, -1]
-    expected = np.tile(np.arange(0, BUNCHES_PER_TURN), bunch_numbers.shape[0] / BUNCHES_PER_TURN)
-    wrong_indices = np.argwhere(bunch_numbers != expected)
-    if wrong_indices.shape[0] > 0:
-        first_error =  bunch_numbers.shape[0] - wrong_indices.shape[0]
-        logging.info('Data inconsistent at offset %i'%first_error)
-        np.savetxt('wrongdump', dataset.array[first_error - 3: first_error + 3])
-        filling = bunch_numbers[wrong_indices[0][0]:]
-        expected_filling = np.tile([222, 223], filling.shape[0] / 2)
-        wrong_filling_indices = np.argwhere(filling != expected_filling)
-        if wrong_filling_indices.shape[0] > 2:  # Some times filling does not start immediately... Why? I have NO IDEA!
-            return False
-        else:
-            return True
-    else:
-        return True
-def _cached_exist(filename):
-    return os.path.exists(os.path.abspath('{}.npy'.format(filename)))
-def decode_data(data):
-        # data = data[np.where(data != 0x01234567)]
-        data = data[np.where(data != 0xDEADDEAD)]  # This is the new filling
-        # Make sure we read multiple of fours
-        data = data[:int(4 * (math.floor(data.size / 4)))]
-        bunch_low = data & 0xfff
-        bunch_high = np.right_shift(data, 12) & 0xfff
-        bunch_number = np.right_shift(data, 24) & 0xfff
-        bunch_low = bunch_low.reshape(-1, 4)
-        bunch_high = bunch_high.reshape(-1, 4)
-        result = np.empty((bunch_low.shape[0] + bunch_high.shape[0], 5), dtype=np.uint16)
-        result[0::2,:4] = bunch_low
-        result[1::2,:4] = bunch_high
-        result[0::2, 4] = bunch_number[::4]
-        result[1::2, 4] = bunch_number[::4] + 1
-        result = result[:int(BUNCHES_PER_TURN * (math.floor(result.shape[0] / BUNCHES_PER_TURN))), :]
-        return result
-def data_has_header(data):
-    possible_header = data[0:board.HEADER_SIZE_BYTES/4]
-    back = possible_header[-1] & 0xF8888888 == 0xF8888888
-    front = possible_header[0] & 0xF8888888 == 0xF8888888
-    return (front, back)
-def get_num_of_skipped_turns(data, header_info):
-    header = data[0:board.HEADER_SIZE_BYTES/4]
-    if header_info[0]:
-        return header[-1] & 0b00111111
-    elif header_info[1]:
-        return header[0] & 0b00111111
-def parse_header(data, header_info):
-    """
-    Parse the Header and return the values in a dictionary
-    :param data: the data which contains a header
-    :return: dictionary with header entries
-    """
-    dic = {"skipped_turns": get_num_of_skipped_turns(data, header_info)}
-    return dic
-def read_from_file(filename, force=False, header=False, cache=False):
-    """
-    Read data from file
-    :param filename: file to read
-    :param force: force reread and do not take values from cache
-    :param header: only for backwards compatibility
-    :param cache: save cache
-    :return: dataset
-    """
-    if _cached_exist(filename) and not force:
-        cached_filename = '{}.npy'.format(filename)
-        logging.vinfo("Read pre-computed data from {}".format(cached_filename))
-        return DataSet(np.load(cached_filename), filename)
-    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
-        logging.vinfo("Read data from {}".format(filename))
-        data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint32)
-        if len(data) == 0:
-            logging.error("File with 0b read.")
-            return DataSet(data, filename, header)
-        # If header is sent with the data, truncate it
-        header_info = data_has_header(data)
-        if True in header_info:
-            logging.vinfo("Header detected.")
-            # We read words of 4 bytes each
-            header = parse_header(data, header_info)
-            splice_words = HEADER_SIZE_BYTES / 4
-            data = data[splice_words:]
-        else:
-            logging.vinfo("No Header detected.")
-            header = None
-        result = decode_data(data)
-        dataset = DataSet(result, filename, header)
-        if cache:
-            logging.vinfo('Saving pre-computed data')
-            np.save('{}.npy'.format(filename), result)
-        return dataset
-def read_from_string(raw_data, force=False, header=False, cache=False, cache_filename="_heb_data_cache"):
-    if _cached_exist(cache_filename) and not force:
-        cache_file = '{}.npy'.format(cache_filename)
-        logging.vinfo("Read pre-computed data from {}".format(cache_file))
-        return DataSet(np.load(cache_file), cache_filename)
-    logging.vinfo("Read data directly from device.")
-    logging.vinfo("Read %i bytes of data" % len(raw_data))
-    data = np.fromstring(raw_data, dtype=np.uint32)
-    #If header is sent with the data, truncate it
-    header_info = data_has_header(data)
-    if True in header_info:
-            # We read words of 4 bytes each
-            header = parse_header(data, header_info)
-            splice_words = HEADER_SIZE_BYTES / 4
-            data = data[splice_words:]
-    else:
-        header = None
-    result = decode_data(data)
-    dataset = DataSet(result, "HEB Live Data", header)
-    if cache:
-        logging.vinfo('Saving pre-computed data')
-        np.save('{}.npy'.format(cache_filename), result)
-    return dataset
+import os
+import math
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+# from ...config import bunches_per_turn as BUNCHES_PER_TURN
+from ... import config
+from board import HEADER_SIZE_BYTES
+from dataset import DataSet
+import board
+BUNCHES_PER_TURN = config.bunches_per_turn
+def is_data_consistent(dataset):
+    if len(dataset.array) == 0:
+        return False
+    bunch_numbers = dataset.array[:, -1]
+    expected = np.tile(np.arange(0, BUNCHES_PER_TURN), bunch_numbers.shape[0] / BUNCHES_PER_TURN)
+    wrong_indices = np.argwhere(bunch_numbers != expected)
+    if wrong_indices.shape[0] > 0:
+        first_error =  bunch_numbers.shape[0] - wrong_indices.shape[0]
+        logging.info('Data inconsistent at offset %i'%first_error)
+        np.savetxt('wrongdump', dataset.array[first_error - 3: first_error + 3])
+        filling = bunch_numbers[wrong_indices[0][0]:]
+        expected_filling = np.tile([222, 223], filling.shape[0] / 2)
+        wrong_filling_indices = np.argwhere(filling != expected_filling)
+        if wrong_filling_indices.shape[0] > 2:  # Some times filling does not start immediately... Why? I have NO IDEA!
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    else:
+        return True
+def _cached_exist(filename):
+    return os.path.exists(os.path.abspath('{}.npy'.format(filename)))
+def decode_data(data):
+        # data = data[np.where(data != 0x01234567)]
+        data = data[np.where(data != 0xDEADDEAD)]  # This is the new filling
+        # Make sure we read multiple of fours
+        data = data[:4 * int((math.floor(data.size / 4)))]
+        bunch_low = data & 0xfff
+        bunch_high = np.right_shift(data, 12) & 0xfff
+        bunch_number = np.right_shift(data, 24) & 0xfff
+        bunch_low = bunch_low.reshape(-1, 4)
+        bunch_high = bunch_high.reshape(-1, 4)
+        result = np.empty((bunch_low.shape[0] + bunch_high.shape[0], 5), dtype=np.uint16)
+        result[0::2,:4] = bunch_low
+        result[1::2,:4] = bunch_high
+        result[0::2, 4] = bunch_number[::4]
+        result[1::2, 4] = bunch_number[::4] + 1
+        result = result[:BUNCHES_PER_TURN * int((math.floor(result.shape[0] / BUNCHES_PER_TURN))), :]
+        return result
+def data_has_header(data):
+    possible_header = data[0:board.HEADER_SIZE_BYTES/4]
+    back = possible_header[-1] & 0xF8888888 == 0xF8888888
+    front = possible_header[0] & 0xF8888888 == 0xF8888888
+    return (front, back)
+def get_num_of_skipped_turns(data, header_info):
+    header = data[0:board.HEADER_SIZE_BYTES/4]
+    if header_info[0]:
+        return header[-1] & 0b00111111
+    elif header_info[1]:
+        return header[0] & 0b00111111
+def parse_header(data, header_info):
+    """
+    Parse the Header and return the values in a dictionary
+    :param data: the data which contains a header
+    :return: dictionary with header entries
+    """
+    dic = {"skipped_turns": get_num_of_skipped_turns(data, header_info)}
+    return dic
+def read_from_file(filename, force=False, header=False, cache=False):
+    """
+    Read data from file
+    :param filename: file to read
+    :param force: force reread and do not take values from cache
+    :param header: only for backwards compatibility
+    :param cache: save cache
+    :return: dataset
+    """
+    if _cached_exist(filename) and not force:
+        cached_filename = '{}.npy'.format(filename)
+        logging.vinfo("Read pre-computed data from {}".format(cached_filename))
+        return DataSet(np.load(cached_filename), filename)
+    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+        logging.vinfo("Read data from {}".format(filename))
+        data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint32)
+        if len(data) == 0:
+            logging.error("File with 0b read.")
+            return DataSet(data, filename, header)
+        # If header is sent with the data, truncate it
+        header_info = data_has_header(data)
+        if True in header_info:
+            logging.vinfo("Header detected.")
+            # We read words of 4 bytes each
+            header = parse_header(data, header_info)
+            splice_words = HEADER_SIZE_BYTES / 4
+            data = data[splice_words:]
+        else:
+            logging.vinfo("No Header detected.")
+            header = None
+        result = decode_data(data)
+        dataset = DataSet(result, filename, header)
+        if cache:
+            logging.vinfo('Saving pre-computed data')
+            np.save('{}.npy'.format(filename), result)
+        return dataset
+def read_from_string(raw_data, force=False, header=False, cache=False, cache_filename="_heb_data_cache"):
+    if _cached_exist(cache_filename) and not force:
+        cache_file = '{}.npy'.format(cache_filename)
+        logging.vinfo("Read pre-computed data from {}".format(cache_file))
+        return DataSet(np.load(cache_file), cache_filename)
+    logging.vinfo("Read data directly from device.")
+    logging.vinfo("Read %i bytes of data" % len(raw_data))
+    data = np.fromstring(raw_data, dtype=np.uint32)
+    #If header is sent with the data, truncate it
+    header_info = data_has_header(data)
+    if True in header_info:
+            # We read words of 4 bytes each
+            header = parse_header(data, header_info)
+            splice_words = HEADER_SIZE_BYTES / 4
+            data = data[splice_words:]
+    else:
+        header = None
+    result = decode_data(data)
+    dataset = DataSet(result, "HEB Live Data", header)
+    if cache:
+        logging.vinfo('Saving pre-computed data')
+        np.save('{}.npy'.format(cache_filename), result)
+    return dataset

+ 1503 - 1517

@@ -1,1517 +1,1503 @@
-This is the interface to the backend.
-It is used to make the backend easily interchangable.
-All Functions that interface directly with the backend are prefixed with bk\_
-Functions only used internal in this module will be prefixed _bif_
-import logging
-import time
-from datetime import datetime as dt
-import os
-import copy
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-import numpy as np
-from .backend import board
-from .backend.board import available_boards
-from .backend import io
-from .backend import dataset
-from .groupedelements import Buttons, Elements, live_plot_windows
-from . import storage
-from .. import config
-from . import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from .kcgwidget import error
-from .callbacks import callbacks
-from .log import log
-from .globals import glob as global_objects
-tr = kcgw.tr
-livePlotData = None
-def initStatus(st):
-    """
-    Initialize Status variables. These variables are used to transfer status variables over different modules.
-    :param st: variable to use (most likely a DummyStorage instance)
-    :return: -
-    """
-    st.continuous_read = False
-    st.calibrated = False
-    st.synced = False
-    st.defaults_set = False
-    st.status_text = tr("sw", "Ready")
-    st.time_scan = False
-    st.wait_on_trigger = False
-    st.last_file = None
-    st.board_connected = True
-    st.continuous_interval = 1000
-# -----------[ Backend Interface ]----------------------
-def _bif_enable_wait_cursor():
-    """
-    Show the "Wait Cursor"
-    """
-    QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor))
-def _bif_disable_wait_cursor():
-    """
-    Show the normal Cursor
-    """
-    QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
-def _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, popup_title_text=None):
-    """
-    Checks if continuous read is enabled and if yes shows a popup dialog to ask if it shall be disabled
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param popup_title_text: Text to display in the popup that asks to disable continuous read
-    :return: bool (True if continuous read is enabled and not disabled in popup else False)
-    """
-    if board.get_board_status(board_id).continuous_read:
-        if not available_boards.multi_board:
-            popup = PopupDialog(tr("Dialog", "Continuous read is currently active!\nStop continuous read and proceed?"),
-                                title=popup_title_text)
-        else:
-            popup = PopupDialog(tr("Dialog", "Board {board_id}\nContinuous read is currently active!\nStop continuous read and proceed?").format(board_id=board_id),
-                                title=popup_title_text)
-        popup.exec_()
-        popup.deleteLater()
-        if popup.get_return_value() is False:
-            return False
-        else:
-            _bif_set_continuous_read_inactive(board_id)
-            Elements.setChecked("continuousread_"+str(board_id), False)
-            return True
-    else:
-        return False
-def bk_status_readout():
-    """
-    Read Status for every connected board
-    """
-    if not available_boards.has_boards:
-        return
-    for brd in available_boards.board_ids:
-        _bif_status_readout(brd)
-def _bif_status_readout(board_id):
-    """
-    Read Status from board and update variables
-    as well as enable and disable corresponding Buttons
-    :return: -
-    """
-    # part_TODO: NOTE: Problem with this is that certain buttons will be greyed out until other buttons are pressed
-    # part_TODO: even if only the gui is restarted and the board is in the same state
-    if kcgw.testing:
-        return
-    if board.is_active(board_id):
-        Buttons.setEnabled("after_start_{}".format(board_id), True)
-        Buttons.setEnabled("start_board_{}".format(board_id), False)
-        Buttons.setEnabled("continuous_read_{}".format(board_id), True)
-        # MenuItems.setEnabled("continuous_read", True)
-    else:
-        board.get_board_status(board_id).calibrated = False
-        board.get_board_status(board_id).synced = False
-        board.get_board_status(board_id).defaults_set = False
-        Buttons.setEnabled("after_start_{}".format(board_id), False)
-        Buttons.setEnabled("continuous_read_{}".format(board_id), False)
-    Buttons.setEnabled("synchronize_{}".format(board_id), board.get_board_status(board_id).calibrated)
-    Buttons.setEnabled("set_defaults_{}".format(board_id), board.get_board_status(board_id).synced)
-    Buttons.setEnabled("acquire_{}".format(board_id), board.get_board_status(board_id).synced)
-    Buttons.setEnabled("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id), board.get_board_status(board_id).synced)
-    Elements.setEnabled("timing_{}".format(board_id), board.get_board_status(board_id).synced)
-    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).update_LED()
-backup_readout = bk_status_readout
-class PopupDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
-    """
-    Simple Class to show a popup dialog.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, text, title=None, parent=None):
-        QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.text = text
-        self.setWindowTitle(title if title else tr("Dialog", "User action required"))
-        self.return_value = False
-        size = QtCore.QSize(200, 200)
-        # self.setMaximumSize(size)
-        self.setMinimumSize(size)
-        box = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.text_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.text)
-        self.text_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
-        box.addWidget(self.text_label)
-        self.okay_btn = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Ok"))
-        self.okay_btn.setStyleSheet("padding: 15px;")
-        self.okay_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_okay)
-        box.addWidget(self.okay_btn)
-        box.addSpacerItem(QtGui.QSpacerItem(1, 20))
-        self.cancel_btn = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Cancel"))
-        self.cancel_btn.setStyleSheet("padding: 15px;")
-        self.cancel_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_cancel)
-        box.addWidget(self.cancel_btn)
-        self.setLayout(box)
-    def on_okay(self):
-        """
-        Handler for the press of the ok button
-        """
-        self.return_value = True
-        self.close()
-    def on_cancel(self):
-        """
-        Handler for the press of the cancel button
-        :return:
-        """
-        self.close()
-    def get_return_value(self):
-        """
-        Get True if the Window was closed with OK else False
-        :return: True if OK else False
-        """
-        return self.return_value
-def bk_start_board(board_id):
-    """
-    Start the Board.
-    This will set initial Registers to power up the Board.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return: -
-    """
-    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
-    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Starting Board - following values are probably default values")
-    sequence = board.startup_sequence(board_id)
-    number = next(sequence)
-    if _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, tr("Button", "Start Board")):
-        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-        return False
-    try:
-        if board.is_active(board_id):
-            _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-            bk_status_readout()
-            return
-        logging.info("Activating Board")
-        next(sequence)
-        time.sleep(1.0)
-        dialog1 = PopupDialog(tr("Button", "Switch On the power supply --> FIRST <-- (on board {0})".format(board_id)))
-        dialog1.exec_()
-        dialog1.deleteLater()
-        if not dialog1.get_return_value():
-            logging.error("Starting procedure canceled")
-            _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-            return False
-        logging.info("Switch ON T/Hs")
-        next(sequence)
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-        dialog2 = PopupDialog(tr("Dialog", "Switch On the power supply --> SECOND <-- (on board {0})".format(board_id)))
-        dialog2.exec_()
-        dialog2.deleteLater()
-        if not dialog2.get_return_value():
-            logging.info("Starting procedure canceled")
-            _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-            return False
-        logging.info("Switch ON ADCs")
-        next(sequence)
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-        next(sequence)
-        time.sleep(1.0)
-        for step in sequence:
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-        logging.info("Board started successfully!")
-    except board.BoardError as e:
-        logging.error("Starting board failed: {}".format(str(e)))
-    bk_update_config(board_id, 'header', bk_get_config(board_id, 'header'))
-    _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-    bk_status_readout()
-class _bif_ProgressBar(QtGui.QProgressBar):
-    """
-    Simple Progressbar class.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, min, max, text):
-        super(_bif_ProgressBar, self).__init__()
-        self.setRange(min, max)
-        self.setMaximumHeight(18)
-        # kcgw.statusbar.clearMessage()
-        self.label = QtGui.QLabel(text)
-        global_objects.get_global('statusbar').insertWidget(0, self.label)
-        global_objects.get_global('statusbar').insertWidget(1, self)
-        self.setValue(0)
-        QtGui.qApp.processEvents()
-    def remove(self, timeout=None):
-        """
-        Remove this instance of a progressbar
-        :param timeout: the time from calling this function to wanishing of the progressbar
-        :return: -
-        """
-        def remove_progressbar():
-            global_objects.get_global('statusbar').removeWidget(self)
-            global_objects.get_global('statusbar').removeWidget(self.label)
-            # kcgw.statusbar.showMessage(board.status.status_text)
-            self.destroy()
-        if timeout:
-            QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(timeout, remove_progressbar)
-        else:
-            remove_progressbar()
-# thread = None
-# cal = None
-def bk_calibrate(board_id, do_the_rest=None):
-    """
-    Send commands to the board that will enable it to calibrate itself.
-    This function checks if a read command is still running. BUT: It does not check if
-    the board is acquiring or something like this.
-    So Another instance of KCG can still be acquiring or calibrating at the same time. This can be dangerous.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param do_the_rest: function to call after calibration. This is used when "Prepare Board" is pressed.
-    :return: -
-    """
-    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Calibrate")
-    thread = storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).setdefault('CalibrateThread', storage.ThreadStorage())
-    if thread.running:
-        logging.info("Calibration already running")
-        return
-    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
-    if _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, tr("Button", "Calibrate Board")):
-        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-        return
-    sequence = board.calibration_sequence(board_id)
-    number = next(sequence)
-    progressbar = _bif_ProgressBar(0, number, tr("sw", "Calibrating"))
-    class Calibrate(QtCore.QObject):
-        """
-        Class to use as thread class. NOTE: this is not used at the moment.
-        """
-        update_progressbar_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
-        finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-        def calibrate(self):
-            """
-            The method that is called inside the thread and that does the calibration
-            :return:
-            """
-            try:
-                logging.info('Started Board Calibration')
-                for idx, step in enumerate(sequence):
-                    time.sleep(0.5)
-                    self.update_progressbar_signal.emit(idx)
-                board.get_board_status(board_id).calibrated = True
-            except board.BoardError as e:
-                logging.error("Calibration failed: {}".format(str(e)))
-                # self.do_status_readout()
-                self.finished.emit()
-                return
-            logging.info("Board Calibration successful!")
-            self.finished.emit()
-    def thread_quit():
-        """
-        Method to handle the end of the calibration thread
-        :return:
-        """
-        thread.stop()
-        bk_status_readout()
-        progressbar.remove(0)
-        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-        if do_the_rest:  # execute sync and set defaults (this is set if prepare board was pressed)
-            do_the_rest(board_id)
-    cal = Calibrate()
-    thread.register(cal)
-    thread.connect('update_progressbar_signal', progressbar.setValue)
-    thread.connect('finished', thread_quit)
-    thread.start('calibrate')
-def bk_sync_board(board_id):
-    """
-    Sends commands to the board to sync with triggers.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return: -
-    """
-    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
-    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Synchronize")
-    if _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, tr("Dialog", "Synchronize Board")):
-        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-        return
-    progressbar = _bif_ProgressBar(0, 100, tr("sw", "Synchronizing"))
-    sequence = board.synchronisation_sequence(board_id)
-    try:
-        next(sequence)  # skip number
-        logging.info("Synchronize PLLs")
-        next(sequence)
-        for i in range(1, 101):
-            time.sleep(0.01)
-            progressbar.setValue(i)
-        next(sequence)
-    except board.BoardError as e:
-        logging.error("Synchronization failed: {}".format(str(e)))
-        progressbar.remove(0)
-        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-        bk_status_readout()
-        return
-    progressbar.remove(0)
-    logging.info("Board synchronization successful!")
-    # self.set_defaults_button.setEnabled(True)
-    board.get_board_status(board_id).synced = True
-    _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-    bk_status_readout()
-def bk_write_values(board_id, defaults=False):
-    """
-    Write values to board.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param defaults: (bool) if True Writes default values
-    :return: -
-    """
-    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
-    if defaults:
-        log(board_id=board_id, additional="Set Default Values")
-    else:
-        log(board_id=board_id, additional="Update Values on board")
-    if _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, tr("Dialog", "Update Values on Board")):
-        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-        return
-    sequence = board.write_value_sequence(board_id)
-    number = next(sequence)
-    if defaults:
-        board.get_board_config(board_id)._set_defaults()
-        progressbar = _bif_ProgressBar(0, number, tr("sw", "Setting Defaults"))
-        logging.info("Setting default Values")
-    else:
-        progressbar = _bif_ProgressBar(0, number, tr("sw", "Updating Values on Board"))
-        logging.info("Updating Values")
-    try:
-        for idx, step in enumerate(sequence):
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-            progressbar.setValue(idx)
-    except board.BoardError as e:
-        logging.error("Updating Values failed: {}".format(str(e)))
-        progressbar.remove(0)
-        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-        bk_status_readout()
-        return
-    board.get_board_status(board_id).defaults_set = True
-    progressbar.remove(0)
-    if defaults:
-        logging.info("Default values set successfully!")
-    else:
-        logging.info("Updated values successfully!")
-    _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-    bk_status_readout()
-    board.get_board_config(board_id).notify_all_observers()
-def bk_stop_board(board_id):
-    """
-    Stops the board and shuts it down
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return: -
-    """
-    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
-    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Stop Board")
-    if _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, tr("Dialog", "Soft Reset Board")):
-        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-        return
-    try:
-        logging.info("Switching Off Board {}".format(board_id))
-        board.pci.write(board_id, '0x9040')
-        board.pci.stop_dma(board_id)
-        board.stop_board(board_id)
-        time.sleep(0.5)
-    except board.BoardError as e:
-        logging.error("Sequence failed: {}".format(str(e)))
-        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-        bk_status_readout()
-        return
-    logging.info("Board switched off successfully!")
-    Buttons.setEnabled("after_start_{}".format(board_id), False)
-    Buttons.setEnabled("start_board_{}".format(board_id), True)
-    board.get_board_status(board_id).calibrated = False
-    _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-    bk_status_readout()
-def bk_soft_reset(board_id):
-    """
-    Perform a soft reset.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return:
-    """
-    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
-    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Soft Reset")
-    if _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, tr("Dialog", "Soft Reset Board")):
-        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-        return
-    try:
-        logging.info("Soft-Resetting Board {}...".format(board_id))
-        board.soft_reset(board_id)
-    except board.BoardError as e:
-        logging.error("Sequence failed: {}".format(str(e)))
-        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-        bk_status_readout()
-        return
-    _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-    bk_status_readout()
-    board.get_board_config(board_id).update('header', True)  # reset header (might be reset by soft reset)
-    logging.info("Soft-Reset successful.")
-def bk_update_config(board_id, key, value, silent=False):
-    """
-    Interface to the update command of the BoardConfiguration class.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param key: Key to update
-    :param value: Value to set for key
-    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
-    :return: -
-    """
-    try:
-        if silent:
-            board.get_board_config(board_id).updateSilent(key, value)
-        else:
-            board.get_board_config(board_id).update(key, value)
-    except board.BoardError as e:
-        logging.error("Setting value of {} failed: {}".format(key, str(e)))
-def bk_get_config(board_id, key):
-    """
-    Interface to the get command of the BoardConfiguration class.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param key: Key to get the value for
-    :return: value stored for key
-    """
-    return board.get_board_config(board_id).get(key)
-def bk_get_board_status(board_id, status_variable):
-    """
-    Interface to the status class for each board.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param status_variable: Key to get the value for
-    :return: value stored for key
-    """
-    return getattr(board.get_board_status(board_id), status_variable, None)
-def bk_get_status(board_id):
-    """
-    Interface to the get_status of the board
-    NOTE: This is not get_board_status
-    :return: status dictionary
-    """
-    return board.get_status(board_id)
-def bk_get_board_config(board_id):
-    """
-    Get the board config instance
-    :param board_id: the id of the board
-    :return: the config instance
-    """
-    return board.get_board_config(board_id)
-def bk_change_num_of_orbits(board_id, value, silent=False):
-    """
-    Send new number of orbits to board and update in config
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param value: the value to send
-    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
-    :return: -
-    """
-    bk_update_config(board_id, "orbits_observe", value, silent=silent)
-def bk_change_num_of_skipped_orbits(board_id, value, silent=False):
-    """
-    Send new number of orbits to skip to board and update in config
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param value: the value to send
-    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
-    :return: -
-    """
-    bk_update_config(board_id, "orbits_skip", value, silent=silent)
-def bk_change_count(board_id, value, silent=False):
-    """
-    Change the number of acquisitions you want to make.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param value: (int) Number of acquisitions
-    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
-    :return: -
-    """
-    bk_update_config(board_id, "acquisition_count", value, silent=silent)
-def bk_change_wait(board_id, value, silent=False):
-    """
-    Change the time between acquisitions.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param value: (bool) Time in seconds
-    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
-    :return: -
-    """
-    bk_update_config(board_id, "orbits_wait_time", value, silent=silent)
-def bk_change_build_spectrograms(board_id, value, silent=False):
-    """
-    Change if spectrograms are built or not)
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param value: (bool) True or False built or not
-    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
-    :return:
-    """
-    bk_update_config(board_id, "build_spectrograms", value, silent=silent)
-def bk_change_pilot_bunch(board_id, value, silent=False):
-    """
-    Change if pilot bunch is simulated
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param value: (bool) True or False to simulate or not
-    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
-    :return:
-    """
-    bk_update_config(board_id, "pilot_bunch", value, silent=silent)
-def _bif_iterate_spectrograms(board_id, path):
-    """
-    Built Spectrograms line by line
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param path: where to built the spectrogram
-    :return: -
-    """
-    return  # because it is broken
-    if not os.path.isdir(str(path)):
-        return
-    # how does this get data? dataset.data does not exist
-    transform = dataset.data.fft(1, frm=0, to=-1)
-    for i in range(config.bunches_per_turn - 1):
-        filename = os.path.join(storage.storage.save_location, storage.storage.subdirname, str(path), "%i.hsp" % i)
-        write_header = False
-        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
-            write_header = True
-        f = open(filename, 'ab')
-        if write_header:
-            f.write("#hsp\n")  # heb spectrogram magic number
-            f.write("#"+str(board.get_board_config(board_id).get("orbits_skip")))
-            f.write("\n")
-        line = transform[i, :]
-        f.write('{:0.3f} '.format(time.time()))
-        for e in line:
-            f.write("%s " % np.absolute(e))
-        f.write("\n")
-        f.close()
-def _bif_read_data_and_save(board_id):
-    """
-    Tell the pci command to start acquisition and save data
-    Also generates the filename from settings
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return:
-    """
-    now = time.time()
-    if not os.path.isdir(str(storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname)):
-        os.makedirs(str(storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname))
-    filename = storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname+'/{:0.3f}.out'.format(now)
-    board.get_board_status(board_id).last_file = filename
-    try:
-        simulate = board.get_board_config(board_id).get("pilot_bunch")
-        try:
-            board.acquire_data(board_id, filename, simulate=simulate)
-            if not os.path.isfile(filename):
-                    error(0x001, "No File Created")
-        except IndexError:
-            error(0x002, "Unexpected output of pci for number of orbits to observe. Returning")
-            return
-        _bif_read_and_update_data_from_file(board_id, filename)
-    except board.BoardError as e:
-        logging.error("Reading failed: {}".format(str(e)))
-def _bif_read_and_update_data_from_file(board_id, filename):
-    """
-    Proxy function for _bif_read_and_update to call with correct read_func
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param filename: filename to read data from
-    :return: -
-    """
-    _bif_read_and_update(board_id, io.read_from_file, str(filename))
-def _bif_read_and_update_data_from_string(board_id, raw_data):
-    """
-    Proxy function for _bif_read_and_update to call with correct read_func
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param raw_data: Data as string
-    :return: -
-    """
-    _bif_read_and_update(board_id, io.read_from_string, raw_data)
-def _bif_read_and_update(board_id, read_func, *args):
-    """
-    Function to read data from file or string (depending on read_func) and update plots etc.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param read_func: function to use to read data
-    :param args: filename or raw_data (see _bif_read_and_update_from_{filename, string}
-    :return: -
-    """
-    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
-    header = board.get_board_config(board_id).get('header')
-    # TODO: force_read: meaning ignore cache and read new -> in the old gui this was a commandline option
-    # TODO: cache_data: meaning cache already processed numpy data -> in the old gui this was a commandline option
-    if live_plot_windows.hasWindows(board_id):
-        data = read_func(*args, force=False, header=header, cache=False)
-        if not io.is_data_consistent(data):
-            callbacks.async_callback('update_consistency', False)
-            global_objects.get_global('statusbar').showMessage(tr("Dialog", "Data is inconsistent!"))
-            if read_func == io.read_from_string:
-                logging.info("Data is inconsistent")
-            else:
-                logging.info("Data is inconsistent - file: " + args[0])
-        else:
-            callbacks.async_callback('update_consistency', True)
-            global_objects.get_global('statusbar').showMessage(tr("Dialog", ""))
-        for plotwin in live_plot_windows.getWindows(board_id):
-            plotwin.plot_live(data=data)
-            QtGui.qApp.processEvents()
-    else:
-        callbacks.async_callback('update_consistency', None)
-    _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-def bk_acquire(board_id):
-    """
-    Toggle Acqisition
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return:
-    """
-    if not bk_get_config(board_id, 'use_trigger'):
-        if board.get_board_status(board_id).acquisition == True:
-            log(board_id=board_id, additional="Manually Stopped Acquisition\nPerformed Acquisitions: " + str(storage.storage.current_acquisition))
-            _bif_stop_acquisition(board_id)
-        else:
-            _bif_start_acquisition(board_id)
-    else:
-        bk_toggle_wait_on_trigger(board_id)
-def _bif_stop_acquisition(board_id):
-    """
-    Stop acquisition
-    This does stop the timer started by _bif_start_acquisition()
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return: -
-    """
-    board.get_board_status(board_id).acquisition = False
-    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_progressbar.remove(0)
-    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_timer.stop()
-    # for elem in Elements.getElements("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id)):
-    #     if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut) or isinstance(elem, QtGui.QCheckBox):
-    #         continue
-        # elem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.startIcon))
-        # elem.setText(tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"))
-    Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), True)
-    callbacks.callback('acquisition_stopped', board_id)
-def _bif_start_acquisition(board_id):
-    """
-    Start acquisition.
-    This will start a timer to automatically acquire data.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return: -
-    """
-    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Started Acquisition")
-    board.get_board_status(board_id).acquisition = True
-    Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), False)
-    # for elem in Elements.getElements("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id)):
-    #     if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut) or isinstance(elem, QtGui.QCheckBox):
-    #         continue
-        # elem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.stopIcon))
-        # elem.setText(tr("Button", "Stop Acquisition"))
-    callbacks.callback('acquisition_started', board_id)
-    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_timer = QtCore.QTimer()
-    num_acquisitions = board.get_board_config(board_id).get("acquisition_count")
-    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_progressbar = \
-        _bif_ProgressBar(0, num_acquisitions, tr("sw", "Acquiring with board ")+str(board_id))
-    # storage.storage.acquisition_progressbar = acquisition_progressbar
-    # We increase already once because we do a single acquisition before the
-    # timer is started, otherwise we have to wait until the timer fires the
-    # first time.
-    try:
-        if isinstance(storage.storage.current_acquisition, dict):
-            storage.storage.current_acquisition[board_id] = 1
-        else:
-            storage.storage.current_acquisition = {board_id: 1}
-    except storage.StorageError:
-        storage.storage.current_acquisition = {board_id: 1}
-    _bif_read_data_and_save(board_id)
-    if board.get_board_config(board_id).get("build_spectrograms"):
-        spectrogram_dir = storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname+"/spectrograms_{:0.3f}".format(time.time())
-        os.makedirs(spectrogram_dir)
-        _bif_iterate_spectrograms(board_id, spectrogram_dir) # TODO: not here?
-    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_progressbar.setValue(storage.storage.current_acquisition[board_id])
-    def on_timeout():
-        '''Handler for the timeout of the acquisition timer. This does the acquisition'''
-        if storage.storage.current_acquisition[board_id] < num_acquisitions:
-            storage.storage.current_acquisition[board_id] += 1
-            storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_progressbar.setValue(storage.storage.current_acquisition[board_id])
-            _bif_read_data_and_save(board_id)
-            if board.get_board_config(board_id).get("build_spectrograms"):
-                _bif_iterate_spectrograms(board_id, spectrogram_dir)  # TODO: not here ?
-        else:
-            log(board_id=board_id, additional="Stopped Acquisition")
-            _bif_stop_acquisition(board_id)
-            storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_progressbar.remove(0)
-    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_timer.timeout.connect(on_timeout)
-    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_timer.start(board.get_board_config(board_id).get('orbits_wait_time') * 1000)
-def bk_single_read(board_id):
-    """
-    Perform a single read of data
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return:
-    """
-    Elements.setEnabled("acquire_{}".format(board_id), False)
-    _bif_read_data_and_save(board_id)
-    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Single Read\nFilename: "+board.get_board_status(board_id).last_file.split('/')[-1])
-    Elements.setEnabled("acquire_{}".format(board_id), True)
-def _bif_set_continuous_read_active(board_id):
-    """
-    Enable continuous read
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return: -
-    """
-    Elements.setEnabled("acquire_{}".format(board_id), False)
-    Elements.setEnabled("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id), False)
-    Elements.setEnabled("continuous_read_{}".format(board_id), True)
-    board.get_board_status(board_id).continuous_read = True
-def _bif_set_continuous_read_inactive(board_id):
-    """
-    Disable continuous read
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return: -
-    """
-    if board.get_board_status(board_id).continuous_read:
-        board.get_board_status(board_id).continuous_read = False
-        storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).continuous_read_timer.stop()
-    Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), True)
-    Elements.setEnabled('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(board_id), True)
-def bk_continuous_read(board_id, interval=100):
-    """
-    Toggle continuous read
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param interval: Time between two consecutive reads.
-    :return: -
-    """
-    if not board.get_board_status(board_id).continuous_read:
-        _bif_set_continuous_read_active(board_id)
-        _bif_continuous_read(board_id, interval)
-    else:
-        _bif_set_continuous_read_inactive(board_id)
-def _bif_continuous_read(board_id, interval=None):
-    """
-    Perform continuous read based on a timer.
-    :param interval:
-    :return:
-    """
-    if interval is not None:
-        # TODO: ueberall checken, dass der board specific storage verwendet wird
-        storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).continuous_interval = interval
-    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).continuous_read_timer = QtCore.QTimer()
-    logging.info("Start continuous read")
-    def continuous_read_step():
-        if board.get_board_status(board_id).continuous_read:
-            _bif_read_data(board_id)
-            storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).continuous_read_timer.singleShot(storage.storage.continuous_interval, continuous_read_step)
-    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).continuous_read_timer.singleShot(storage.storage.continuous_interval, continuous_read_step)
-def _bif_read_data(board_id):
-    """
-    Reads data acquired by board.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return:
-    """
-    try:
-        if board.get_board_config(board_id).get('pilot_bunch'):
-            board.start_pilot_bunch_emulator(board_id)
-        board.start_acquisition(board_id)
-        try:
-            board.wait_for_revolutions(board_id)
-        except IndexError:
-            error(0x002, "Unexpected output of pci for number of orbits to observe. Returning")
-            return
-        board.stop_acquisition(board_id)
-        board.enable_transfer(board_id)
-        data_raw = board.pci.read_data_to_variable(board_id)
-        _bif_read_and_update_data_from_string(board_id, data_raw)
-    except board.BoardError as e:
-        logging.error("Reading failed for board {}: {}".format(str(board_id), str(e)))
-def bk_board_connected(board_id):
-    """
-    Interface to the board to check if it is connected.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return: -
-    """
-    if not available_boards.has_boards:
-        return False
-    else:
-        return board_id in available_boards.board_ids
-def bk_get_temperature(board_id):
-    """
-    Get Temperature from board and format it
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return: -
-    """
-    fpga_temp_raw_hex = board.pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9110')[0]
-    fpga_temp_raw_hex = fpga_temp_raw_hex[-3:]
-    fpga_temp_raw_bin = '{0:012b}'.format(int(fpga_temp_raw_hex, 16))
-    fpga_temp_encoded = board.get_dec_from_bits(fpga_temp_raw_bin, 9, 0)
-    fpga_temp_celsius = '{0:2.2f}'.format(((fpga_temp_encoded * 503.975) / 1024) - 273.15)
-    return fpga_temp_celsius
-backup_get_temp = bk_get_temperature
-def bk_time_scan(board_id, c_frm, c_to, f_frm, f_to, ts_pbar, plot_func, orbits_observe=None, orbits_skip=None, bucket_to_use=None, threshold_counts=None):
-    """
-    Toggle Timescan.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param c_frm: (int) From value for Coarse scan
-    :param c_to:  (int) To value for Coarse scan
-    :param f_frm: (int) From value for Fine scan
-    :param f_to: (int) To value for fine scan
-    :param ts_pbar: Handle to the Timescan Progressbar
-    :param plot_func: Function to plot when timescan ended.
-    :param orbits_observe: Number of orbits to observe for the timescan (original values will be restored after timescan)
-    :param orbits_skip: Number of orbits to skipfor the timescan (original values will be restored after timescan)
-    :return: -
-    """
-    if board.get_board_status(board_id).time_scan:
-        _bif_stop_time_scan(board_id, ts_pbar)
-    else:
-        _bif_start_time_scan(board_id, c_frm, c_to, f_frm, f_to, ts_pbar, plot_func, orbits_observe, orbits_skip, bucket_to_use, threshold_counts)
-def _bif_stop_time_scan(board_id, ts_pbar):
-    """
-    Stop the timescan. This stops the timer.
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param ts_pbar: Timescan Progressbar handle
-    :return: -
-    """
-    Elements.getElements("start_time_scan_{}".format(board_id))[0].setText(tr("Button", "Start time scan"))
-    board.get_board_status(board_id).time_scan = False
-    board.get_board_config(board_id).set_delay(storage.storage.th_old[board_id])
-    board.get_board_config(board_id).set_chip_delay(
-            [0, 1, 2, 3],
-            [
-                storage.storage.chip_1_old[board_id],
-                storage.storage.chip_2_old[board_id],
-                storage.storage.chip_3_old[board_id],
-                storage.storage.chip_4_old[board_id]
-            ]
-    )
-    ts_pbar.reset()
-# tst = None  # Ugly but necessary for the thread not to be killed when function ends (which is almost immediately after start)
-# thread_ts = None
-def _bif_start_time_scan(board_id, c_frm, c_to, f_frm, f_to, timescan_progressbar, plot_func, orbits_observe, orbits_skip, bucket_to_use=None, threshold_counts=None):
-    """
-    Start the timscan. This starts the timer
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param c_frm: From value for coarse scan
-    :param c_to: To value for coarse scan
-    :param f_frm: From value for fine scan
-    :param f_to: To value for fine scan
-    :param timescan_progressbar: Handle for the timescan progressbar
-    :param plot_func: Function to use to plot the data
-    :param orbits_observe: Number of orbits to observe for the timescan (original values will be restored after timescan)
-    :param orbits_skip: Number of orbits to skip for the timescan (original values will be restored after timescan)
-    :param bucket_to_use: Number of the bucket whos data will be used to calculate the average signal at each timescan step (if None all bunches will be used)
-    :param threshold_counts: Skip buckets with adc counts between 2048 +- threshold_counts
-    :return: -
-    """
-    thread = storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).setdefault("TimeScanThread", storage.ThreadStorage())
-    # if thread_ts is not None:
-    #     logging.info("Time scan already running")
-    #     return
-    if thread.running:
-        logging.info("Time scan already running")
-        return
-    board.get_board_status(board_id).time_scan = True
-    Elements.getElements("start_time_scan_{}".format(board_id))[0].setText(tr("Button", "Stop time scan"))
-    if c_frm > c_to:
-        logging.info('Coarse Scan Interval is invalid: (%i > %i)' % (c_frm, c_to))
-        return
-    if f_frm > f_to:
-        logging.info('Fine Scan Interval is invalid: (%i > %i)' % (f_frm, f_to))
-        return
-    # the following could be made nicer with the use of setdefault and the use of get_board_specific_storage
-    if not hasattr(storage.storage, 'th_old'):
-        storage.storage.th_old = {}
-        storage.storage.chip_1_old = {}
-        storage.storage.chip_2_old = {}
-        storage.storage.chip_3_old = {}
-        storage.storage.chip_4_old = {}
-    storage.storage.th_old[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get('th_delay')
-    storage.storage.chip_1_old[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_1_delay')
-    storage.storage.chip_2_old[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_2_delay')
-    storage.storage.chip_3_old[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_3_delay')
-    storage.storage.chip_4_old[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_4_delay')
-    minimum = [None, None, None, None]
-    maximum = np.zeros((4, 3))
-    heatmap = np.zeros((4, (f_to - f_frm + 1), (c_to - c_frm + 1)))
-    timescan_progressbar.setRange(1, ((f_to - f_frm) + 1) * ((c_to - c_frm) + 1))
-    class thread_time_scan(QtCore.QObject):
-        '''Timescan Thread class'''
-        pbarSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
-        stopSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-        finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-        def __init__(self, c_frm, c_to, f_frm, f_to, timescan_progressbar, bucket_to_use, threshold_counts):
-            super(thread_time_scan, self).__init__()
-            self.c_frm = c_frm
-            self.c_to = c_to
-            self.f_frm = f_frm
-            self.f_to = f_to
-            self.timescan_progressbar = timescan_progressbar
-            self.bucket_to_use = bucket_to_use
-            self.threshold_counts = threshold_counts
-        def time_scan(self):
-            '''Method to run in the thread that does the timescan'''
-            Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), False, exclude=Elements.getElements('start_time_scan_{}'.format(board_id)))
-            if orbits_observe:
-                if not hasattr(storage.storage, 'orbits_observe_before_timescan'):
-                    storage.storage.orbits_observe_before_timescan = {}
-                storage.storage.orbits_observe_before_timescan[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get("orbits_observe") # save old values to restore after timescan
-                board.get_board_config(board_id).update("orbits_observe", orbits_observe)
-                bk_change_num_of_orbits(board_id, orbits_observe)
-            if orbits_skip is not None:
-                if not hasattr(storage.storage, 'orbits_skip_before_timescan'):
-                    storage.storage.orbits_skip_before_timescan = {}
-                storage.storage.orbits_skip_before_timescan[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get("orbits_skip")
-                board.get_board_config(board_id).update("orbits_skip", orbits_skip)
-                bk_change_num_of_skipped_orbits(board_id, orbits_skip)
-            c_step = 0
-            for coarse in range(self.c_frm, self.c_to + 1):
-                try:
-                    board.get_board_config(board_id).set_delay(coarse)
-                except board.BoardError as e:
-                    self.stopSignal.emit()
-                    self.finished.emit()
-                    return
-                f_step = 0
-                for fine in range(self.f_frm, self.f_to + 1):
-                    board.get_board_config(board_id).set_chip_delay([0, 1, 2, 3], [fine, fine, fine, fine])
-                    try:
-                        if bk_get_config(board_id, 'pilot_bunch') is True:
-                            board.start_pilot_bunch_emulator(board_id)
-                        board.start_acquisition(board_id)
-                        try:
-                            board.wait_for_revolutions(board_id)  # Wait before asking for data
-                        except IndexError:
-                            error(0x002, "Unexpected output of pci for number of orbits to observe. Stopping Timescan")
-                            self.stopSignal.emit()
-                            return
-                        board.stop_acquisition(board_id)
-                        board.enable_transfer(board_id)
-                        # -----------[ IMPORTANT ]---------------------
-                        if not kcgw.testing:
-                            data_raw = board.pci.read_data_to_variable(board_id)
-                            board.flush_dma(board_id)
-                        # ----------------------------------------------
-                        else:
-                            f_name = "{InsertPathToPreAcquiredTimscanDataHere}" + str(
-                                coarse) + "_" + str(fine) + ".str"
-                            f = open(f_name, 'r')
-                            data_raw = f.read()
-                        # The PCI software not only prints the desired data but also some additional information.
-                        # This information has to be removed here.
-                        # To do so we split the output string from PCI at "Writting" (Note: Writting is correct as
-                        # this is a typo in the PCI driver)
-                        data = io.read_from_string(data_raw, force=True, cache=False)
-                    except board.BoardError as e:
-                        self.stopSignal.emit()
-                        self.finished.emit()
-                        return
-                    for adc in range(4):
-                        if self.bucket_to_use is None:
-                            if self.threshold_counts is not None:
-                                indexes = np.where(np.logical_or(data.array[:, adc] > 2048+self.threshold_counts, data.array[:, adc] < 2048-self.threshold_counts))[0]
-                                if indexes.shape[0] == 0:
-                                    buckets = data.array[:, adc]
-                                else:
-                                    buckets = data.array[indexes, adc]
-                            else:
-                                buckets = data.array[:, adc]
-                        else:
-                            buckets = data.array[self.bucket_to_use::config.bunches_per_turn, adc]
-                        heatmap[adc, f_step, c_step] = float(buckets.sum()) / buckets.shape[0]
-                        # Uncomment this to change back to the old (non functional) method of maxima determination
-                        # if heatmap[adc, f_step, c_step] > maximum[adc, 0]:
-                        #     maximum[adc, 0] = heatmap[adc, f_step, c_step]
-                        #     maximum[adc, 1] = coarse
-                        #     maximum[adc, 2] = fine
-                        # if minimum[adc] is None or minimum[adc] > heatmap[adc, f_step, c_step]:
-                        #     minimum[adc] = heatmap[adc, f_step, c_step]
-                    self.pbarSignal.emit(((c_step * (f_to - f_frm + 1)) + f_step) + 1)
-                    #GUI is blocked in our tight loop. Give it an opportunity to handle events
-                    # QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # remove this if moved to thread again
-                    if board.get_board_status(board_id).time_scan is False:
-                        # Time Scan Stop is already performed by button press. Nothing else to do but leave
-                        self.finished.emit()
-                        return
-                    f_step += 1
-                c_step += 1
-            self.finished.emit()
-    def finished(timescan_progressbar):
-        '''Method to handle the end of the thread'''
-        thread.stop()
-        _bif_stop_time_scan(board_id, timescan_progressbar)
-        Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), True, exclude=Elements.getElements('start_time_scan_{}'.format(board_id)))
-        if orbits_observe:
-            board.get_board_config(board_id).update("orbits_observe", storage.storage.orbits_observe_before_timescan[board_id]) # restore values
-            bk_change_num_of_orbits(board_id, storage.storage.orbits_observe_before_timescan[board_id])
-        if orbits_skip:
-            board.get_board_config(board_id).update("orbits_skip", storage.storage.orbits_skip_before_timescan[board_id])
-            bk_change_num_of_skipped_orbits(board_id, storage.storage.orbits_skip_before_timescan[board_id])
-            board.get_board_config(board_id).set_delay(storage.storage.th_old[board_id])
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).set_chip_delay(
-                [0, 1, 2, 3],
-                [
-                    storage.storage.chip_1_old[board_id],
-                    storage.storage.chip_2_old[board_id],
-                    storage.storage.chip_3_old[board_id],
-                    storage.storage.chip_4_old[board_id]
-                ]
-        )
-#        maximum = []
-        for adc, a in enumerate(heatmap):
-            f, c = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(a), a.shape)
-            maximum[adc] = [a[f, c], c+c_frm, f+f_frm]
-        m = [np.min(heatmap[heatmap != 0]), np.max(heatmap)]  # this gives the same levels for all 4 adcs
-        plot_func(heatmap, levels=m, ranges=[c_frm,c_to,f_frm,f_to], newTitle=str(tr("sw", "Coarserange:{c_f}-{c_t} ; Finerange:{f_f}-{f_t}")).format(
-            c_f=c_frm,
-            c_t=c_to,
-            f_f=f_frm,
-            f_t=f_to),
-                  maxima=maximum
-                  )
-        now = time.time()
-        if not os.path.isdir(str(os.path.join(storage.storage.save_location, storage.storage.subdirname, 'timescan'))):
-            os.makedirs((os.path.join(storage.storage.save_location, storage.storage.subdirname, 'timescan')))
-        filename = os.path.join(storage.storage.save_location, storage.storage.subdirname, 'timescan', 'timescan_{:0.3f}.out'.format(
-            now))
-        f = open(filename, 'wr')
-        for adc in range(4):
-            f.write("#ADC_%s\n" % adc)
-            for coarse, curr_cor in enumerate(np.transpose(heatmap[adc])):
-                for fine, value in enumerate(curr_cor):
-                    f.write("%i;%i;%f\n" % ((coarse + c_frm), (fine + f_frm), value))
-            f.write('\n')
-        f.close()
-        f = open(filename + '.gnuplot', 'wr')
-        f.write('set datafile separator ";"\n')
-        f.write('set multiplot layout 2,2\n')
-        f.write('unset key\n')
-        for i in range(4):
-            f.write('set label 1 "ADC_%i" at graph 0.7,0.95 font ",8"\n' % (i + 1))
-            f.write('plot "%s" every :::%i::%i using 3 with lines\n' % (filename, i, i))
-        f.write('unset multiplot\n')
-        f.close()
-        return
-    tst = thread_time_scan(c_frm, c_to, f_frm, f_to, timescan_progressbar, bucket_to_use, threshold_counts)
-    thread.register(tst)
-    thread.connect('pbarSignal', timescan_progressbar.setValue)
-    thread.connect('finished', lambda: finished(timescan_progressbar))
-    thread.connect('stopSignal', lambda: _bif_stop_time_scan(board_id, timescan_progressbar))
-    thread.start('time_scan')
-def bk_check_for_board(board_id):
-    """
-    Check if board is connected
-    Also overrides the bk_status_readout function with a function that does nothing (suppresses read attempts that
-    generate errors - if no board is connected, there is nothing to read from)
-    Also overrides the bk_get_temperature function as of the same reasons
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :return: -
-    """
-    # global bk_status_readout, bk_get_temperature
-    board_status = bk_board_connected(board_id)
-    if board_status:
-        if not hasattr(board.get_board_status(board_id), 'board_connected') or \
-                not board.get_board_status(board_id).board_connected:
-            globals()['bk_status_readout'] = backup_readout
-            globals()['bk_get_temperature'] = backup_get_temp
-        board.get_board_status(board_id).board_connected = True
-    else:
-        Elements.setEnabled('no_board_{}'.format(board_id), False)
-        def do_nothing():
-            pass
-        def no_temp(board_id):
-            return "-"
-        globals()['bk_status_readout'] = do_nothing
-        globals()['bk_get_temperature'] = no_temp
-        board.get_board_status(board_id).board_connected = False
-        if board_status == False:
-            board.get_board_status(board_id).status_text = tr("sw", "Board {} not connected".format(board_id))
-        elif board_status == None:
-            board.get_board_status(board_id).status_text = tr("sw", "Software Interface not found")
-def bk_toggle_wait_on_trigger(board_id, num_of_acquisitions=None, skip=None, timeout=None, method=None):
-    """
-    Toggle waiting for trigger signal to acquire
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param num_of_acquisitions: number of acquisitions to wait for
-    :param skip: how much trigger signals to skip between acquisitions
-    :param timeout: the timeout for the pci to wait for date
-    :param method: wait method to use
-            1 for wait in pci command and 2 for waiting until register is set that KAPTURE has read data
-            NOTE: this also means that method 1 enables simultaneous read and write to dma and method 2 does write and
-            read sequentially
-    :return:
-    """
-    thread = storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).setdefault('TriggerThread', storage.ThreadStorage())
-    if thread.running:
-        Elements.getElements("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id))[0].setText(tr("Button", "Stopping Acquisition"))
-        # FIXME: Button not updated otherwise:
-        QtGui.qApp.processEvents()
-        log(board_id=board_id, additional="Stop wait on trigger on board {}".format(board_id))
-        thread.quit()
-        thread.stop()
-        # for elem in Elements.getElements("acquire_{}".format(board_id)):
-        #     if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut):
-        #         continue
-            # elem.setText(tr("Button", "Stopping Acquisition"))
-            # elem.setEnabled(False)
-    else:
-        log(board_id=board_id, additional="Start wait on trigger on board {}".format(board_id))
-        # for elem in Elements.getElements("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id)):
-        #     if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut):
-        #         continue
-            # elem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.stopIcon))
-            # elem.setText(tr("Button", "Stop Acquisition"))
-        Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), False)
-        callbacks.callback('acquisition_started', board_id)
-        _bif_start_wait_on_trigger(board_id, num_of_acquisitions, skip, timeout, method)
-def _bif_start_wait_on_trigger(board_id, num_of_acquisitions=None, skip=None, timeout=None, method=None):
-    """
-    Start waiting on external acquisition trigger. This starts the timer
-    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
-    :param num_of_acquisitions: number of acquisitions to do
-    :param count_label: Handle for the countlabel
-    :param method: wait method to use
-            1 for wait in pci command and 2 for waiting until register is set that KAPTURE has read data
-            NOTE: this also means that method 1 enables simultaneous read and write to dma and method 2 does write and
-            read sequentially
-    :return: -
-    """
-    # FIXme: This is a work around, for method 2 to work everytime a standard single read needs to be perform before acquisition is started
-    board.acquire_data(board_id, '/dev/null')
-    #with workaround no flush dema need, because it is done at end of board.acquire_data() anyway.
-    #board.flush_dma(board_id) # TODO: really at begining and end of function necessary?
-    thread = storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).setdefault('TriggerThread', storage.ThreadStorage())
-    if thread.running:
-        logging.info("Wait already running on board {}".format(board_id))
-        return
-    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Start wait on trigger")
-    board.get_board_status(board_id).wait_on_trigger = True
-    if not os.path.isdir(str(os.path.join(storage.storage.save_location, storage.storage.subdirname))):
-        os.makedirs(str(os.path.join(storage.storage.save_location, storage.storage.subdirname)))
-    if not num_of_acquisitions:
-        num_of_acquisitions = bk_get_config(board_id, 'acquisition_count')
-    if not skip:
-        skip = bk_get_config(board_id, 'trigger_skip')
-    if not timeout:
-        timeout = bk_get_config(board_id, 'trigger_timeout')
-    if not method:
-        method = bk_get_config(board_id, 'trigger_method')
-    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).trigger_progressbar = \
-        _bif_ProgressBar(0, num_of_acquisitions, tr("sw", "Acquiring with board ")+str(board_id))
-    board.pci.write(board_id, hex(num_of_acquisitions), "9024")
-    time.sleep(0.1)
-    board.pci.write(board_id, hex(skip), "902C")
-    # time.sleep(0.1)
-    # board.pci.write(board_id, 'ff0', hex_mask='ff0')  # TODO: This writes t/h 3/4 but enable_transfer etc do not
-    # This seems to sometimes lead to segfaults of python it self. An Idea to prevent this
-    # is to use copy.deepcopy in __init__. But there is no reason to think that that causes the problem. In fact
-    # I don't have an idea why it crashes.
-    # A possible reason could the os.rename be (or even the board.safe_call as that saves data to the disk) But I think
-    # this is rather unlikely
-    # ~~NOTE~~: the thread of calibration also triggered segfaults sometimes. But this seems to be miraculously solved.
-    # Something that is likely to cause the problem is the log.debug in board.safe_call
-    # Logging (using the logging module) is directly connected to the main thread and could cause problems
-    class thread_wait_on_signal(QtCore.QObject):
-        '''Class to run the wait on signal functionality in a thread'''
-        countUpdate = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
-        stopSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-        finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-        liveplot = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, str)  # This has to be changed if board_id is no integer
-        def __init__(self):
-            super(thread_wait_on_signal, self).__init__()
-            self.noa = None
-            self.path = None
-            self.timeout = None
-            self._quit = False
-        def init(self, num_of_acquisitions, path, timeout):
-            '''initialise a new run'''
-            self.noa = num_of_acquisitions
-            self.path = path
-            self.timeout = timeout
-            self._quit = False
-            # Elements.setEnabled('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(board_id), False) # exclude=Elements.getElements('wait_on_trigger_{}'.format(board_id)))
-        def wait_rw_simul(self): # Method 1
-            '''Wait simultaniously (with the pci command) for a trigger signal'''
-            board.pci.write(board_id, 'ff0', hex_mask='ff0')  # TODO: This writes t/h 3/4 but enable_transfer etc do not
-            for num_of_acq in range(self.noa):
-                # def step():
-                if self._quit:
-                    break
-                filename = self.path +'/{:0.3f}.out'.format(time.time())
-                board.pci.read_data_to_file(board_id, filename=filename, timeout=(self.timeout*1000000))
-                # rename with correct timestamp - last modified time
-                self.countUpdate.emit(num_of_acq + 1)
-                # file operations
-                if not os.path.isfile(filename):
-                    error(0x001, "No File Created")
-                    continue
-                newfile = '{path}/trigger_{num:05}_{htime}_{unixtime}.out'.format(
-                    num=num_of_acq,
-                    htime=dt.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filename)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%Hh%Mm%Ss%f'),
-                    unixtime=int(os.path.getmtime(filename)),
-                    path=self.path
-                )
-                os.rename(filename, newfile)
-                if os.path.getsize(newfile) > 0:
-                    self.liveplot.emit(board_id, newfile)
-                else:
-                    logging.info("Acquired 0b, possible trigger timeout.")
-            self.finished.emit()
-        def wait_rw_seq(self): # Method 2
-            '''Wait sequentially (in the gui) for a trigger signal'''
-            for num_of_acq in range(self.noa):
-                board.pci.write(board_id, '00bf0', hex_mask='CF0')  # enable readout
-                pre_acq_num = board.pci.read(board_id, 1, '9034')[0]
-                time_a = time.time()
-                timeout = False
-                while pre_acq_num == board.pci.read(board_id, 1, '9034')[0]:
-                    if time.time() - time_a > self.timeout:
-                        timeout = True
-                        break
-                    if self._quit:
-                        self.finished.emit()
-                        return
-                if not timeout:
-                    board.pci.write(board_id, '000f0', hex_mask='8F0')  # disable readout
-                    board.pci.write(board_id, '007f0', hex_mask='CF0')  # enable transfer
-                    filename = self.path +'/{:0.3f}.out'.format(time.time())
-                    board.pci.read_data_to_file(board_id, filename=filename, timeout=(self.timeout*1000000))
-                    # board.pci.write(board_id, '000f0', hex_mask='4F0') # disable transfer
-                    self.countUpdate.emit(copy.deepcopy(num_of_acq+1))
-                    if self._quit:  # is this really the correct position? file is taken but not renamed!
-                        self.finished.emit()
-                        break
-                    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
-                        error(0x001, "No File Created")
-                        continue
-                    newfile = '{path}/trigger_{num:05}_{htime}_{unixtime}.out'.format(
-                        num=num_of_acq,
-                        htime=dt.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filename)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%Hh%Mm%Ss%f'),
-                        unixtime=int(os.path.getmtime(filename)),
-                        path=self.path
-                    )
-                    os.rename(filename, newfile)
-                    self.liveplot.emit(board_id, newfile)
-                else:
-                    logging.info("Trigger timeout.")
-            self.finished.emit()
-        def quit(self):
-            '''quit this thread'''
-            self._quit = True
-        def __del__(self):
-            print('quite')
-            board.pci.write(board_id, '0', '9024')
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-            board.pci.write(board_id, '0', '902C')
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-            board.pci.write(board_id, '3f0', hex_mask='ff0')  # TODO: This writes t/h 3/4 but enable_transfer etc do not
-            board.flush_dma(board_id)
-    def finished():
-        '''Handle the end of the thread'''
-        board.pci.write(board_id, '0', '9024')
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-        board.pci.write(board_id, '0', '902C')
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-        board.pci.write(board_id, '3f0', hex_mask='ff0')  # TODO: This writes t/h 3/4 but enable_transfer etc do not
-        board.flush_dma(board_id)
-        thread.stop()
-        board.get_board_status(board_id).wait_on_trigger = False
-        storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).trigger_progressbar.remove(0)
-        log(board_id=board_id, additional="Stop wait on trigger")
-        Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), True)
-        callbacks.callback('acquisition_stopped', board_id)
-        # for elem in Elements.getElements("acquire_{}".format(board_id)):
-        #     if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut):
-        #         continue
-            # elem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.startIcon))
-            # elem.setText(tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"))
-            # elem.setEnabled(True)
-        return
-    # twt = thread_wait_on_signal(num_of_acquisitions, storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname,
-    #                             timeout)
-    if not thread.is_registered():
-        twt = thread_wait_on_signal()
-        thread.register(twt)
-    else:
-        thread.disconnect('countUpdate', 'finished', 'liveplot')
-    thread.init(num_of_acquisitions, storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname, timeout)
-    # reconnect signals to make sure the correct versions of methods are called
-    thread.connect('countUpdate', storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).trigger_progressbar.setValue)
-    thread.connect('finished', finished)
-    thread.connect('liveplot', _bif_read_and_update_data_from_file)
-    if method == 1:
-        thread.start('wait_rw_simul')
-    elif method == 2:
-        thread.start('wait_rw_seq')
-    else:
-        raise ValueError("Wrong method")
+This is the interface to the backend.
+It is used to make the backend easily interchangable.
+All Functions that interface directly with the backend are prefixed with bk\_
+Functions only used internal in this module will be prefixed _bif_
+import logging
+import time
+from datetime import datetime as dt
+import os
+import copy
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+import numpy as np
+from backend import board
+from backend.board import available_boards
+from backend import io
+from backend import dataset
+from groupedelements import Buttons, Elements, live_plot_windows
+import storage
+from .. import config
+import kcgwidget as kcgw
+from kcgwidget import error
+from callbacks import callbacks
+from log import log
+from globals import glob as global_objects
+tr = kcgw.tr
+livePlotData = None
+def initStatus(st):
+    """
+    Initialize Status variables. These variables are used to transfer status variables over different modules.
+    :param st: variable to use (most likely a DummyStorage instance)
+    :return: -
+    """
+    st.continuous_read = False
+    st.calibrated = False
+    st.synced = False
+    st.defaults_set = False
+    st.status_text = tr("sw", "Ready")
+    st.time_scan = False
+    st.wait_on_trigger = False
+    st.last_file = None
+    st.board_connected = True
+    st.continuous_interval = 1000
+# -----------[ Backend Interface ]----------------------
+def _bif_enable_wait_cursor():
+    """
+    Show the "Wait Cursor"
+    """
+    QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor))
+def _bif_disable_wait_cursor():
+    """
+    Show the normal Cursor
+    """
+    QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
+def _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, popup_title_text=None):
+    """
+    Checks if continuous read is enabled and if yes shows a popup dialog to ask if it shall be disabled
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param popup_title_text: Text to display in the popup that asks to disable continuous read
+    :return: bool (True if continuous read is enabled and not disabled in popup else False)
+    """
+    if board.get_board_status(board_id).continuous_read:
+        if not available_boards.multi_board:
+            popup = PopupDialog(tr("Dialog", "Continuous read is currently active!\nStop continuous read and proceed?"),
+                                title=popup_title_text)
+        else:
+            popup = PopupDialog(tr("Dialog", "Board {board_id}\nContinuous read is currently active!\nStop continuous read and proceed?").format(board_id=board_id),
+                                title=popup_title_text)
+        popup.exec_()
+        popup.deleteLater()
+        if popup.get_return_value() is False:
+            return False
+        else:
+            _bif_set_continuous_read_inactive(board_id)
+            Elements.setChecked("continuousread_"+str(board_id), False)
+            return True
+    else:
+        return False
+def bk_status_readout():
+    """
+    Read Status for every connected board
+    """
+    if not available_boards.has_boards:
+        return
+    for brd in available_boards.board_ids:
+        _bif_status_readout(brd)
+def _bif_status_readout(board_id):
+    """
+    Read Status from board and update variables
+    as well as enable and disable corresponding Buttons
+    :return: -
+    """
+    # part_TODO: NOTE: Problem with this is that certain buttons will be greyed out until other buttons are pressed
+    # part_TODO: even if only the gui is restarted and the board is in the same state
+    if kcgw.testing:
+        return
+    if board.is_active(board_id):
+        Buttons.setEnabled("after_start_{}".format(board_id), True)
+        Buttons.setEnabled("start_board_{}".format(board_id), False)
+        Buttons.setEnabled("continuous_read_{}".format(board_id), True)
+        # MenuItems.setEnabled("continuous_read", True)
+    else:
+        board.get_board_status(board_id).calibrated = False
+        board.get_board_status(board_id).synced = False
+        board.get_board_status(board_id).defaults_set = False
+        Buttons.setEnabled("after_start_{}".format(board_id), False)
+        Buttons.setEnabled("continuous_read_{}".format(board_id), False)
+    Buttons.setEnabled("synchronize_{}".format(board_id), board.get_board_status(board_id).calibrated)
+    Buttons.setEnabled("set_defaults_{}".format(board_id), board.get_board_status(board_id).synced)
+    Buttons.setEnabled("acquire_{}".format(board_id), board.get_board_status(board_id).synced)
+    Buttons.setEnabled("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id), board.get_board_status(board_id).synced)
+    Elements.setEnabled("timing_{}".format(board_id), board.get_board_status(board_id).synced)
+    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).update_LED()
+backup_readout = bk_status_readout
+class PopupDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
+    """
+    Simple Class to show a popup dialog.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, text, title=None, parent=None):
+        QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.text = text
+        self.setWindowTitle(title if title else tr("Dialog", "User action required"))
+        self.return_value = False
+        size = QtCore.QSize(200, 200)
+        # self.setMaximumSize(size)
+        self.setMinimumSize(size)
+        box = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.text_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.text)
+        self.text_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
+        box.addWidget(self.text_label)
+        self.okay_btn = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Ok"))
+        self.okay_btn.setStyleSheet("padding: 15px;")
+        self.okay_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_okay)
+        box.addWidget(self.okay_btn)
+        box.addSpacerItem(QtGui.QSpacerItem(1, 20))
+        self.cancel_btn = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Cancel"))
+        self.cancel_btn.setStyleSheet("padding: 15px;")
+        self.cancel_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_cancel)
+        box.addWidget(self.cancel_btn)
+        self.setLayout(box)
+    def on_okay(self):
+        """
+        Handler for the press of the ok button
+        """
+        self.return_value = True
+        self.close()
+    def on_cancel(self):
+        """
+        Handler for the press of the cancel button
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.close()
+    def get_return_value(self):
+        """
+        Get True if the Window was closed with OK else False
+        :return: True if OK else False
+        """
+        return self.return_value
+def bk_start_board(board_id):
+    """
+    Start the Board.
+    This will set initial Registers to power up the Board.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return: -
+    """
+    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
+    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Starting Board - following values are probably default values")
+    sequence = board.startup_sequence(board_id)
+    number = sequence.next()
+    if _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, tr("Button", "Start Board")):
+        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+        return False
+    try:
+        if board.is_active(board_id):
+            _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+            bk_status_readout()
+            return
+        logging.info("Activating Board")
+        sequence.next()
+        time.sleep(1.0)
+        dialog1 = PopupDialog(tr("Button", "Switch On the power supply --> FIRST <-- (on board {0})".format(board_id)))
+        dialog1.exec_()
+        dialog1.deleteLater()
+        if not dialog1.get_return_value():
+            logging.error("Starting procedure canceled")
+            _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+            return False
+        logging.info("Switch ON T/Hs")
+        sequence.next()
+        time.sleep(0.1)
+        dialog2 = PopupDialog(tr("Dialog", "Switch On the power supply --> SECOND <-- (on board {0})".format(board_id)))
+        dialog2.exec_()
+        dialog2.deleteLater()
+        if not dialog2.get_return_value():
+            logging.info("Starting procedure canceled")
+            _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+            return False
+        logging.info("Switch ON ADCs")
+        sequence.next()
+        time.sleep(0.1)
+        sequence.next()
+        time.sleep(1.0)
+        for step in sequence:
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+        logging.info("Board started successfully!")
+    except board.BoardError as e:
+        logging.error("Starting board failed: {}".format(str(e)))
+    bk_update_config(board_id, 'header', bk_get_config(board_id, 'header'))
+    _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+    bk_status_readout()
+class _bif_ProgressBar(QtGui.QProgressBar):
+    """
+    Simple Progressbar class.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, min, max, text):
+        super(_bif_ProgressBar, self).__init__()
+        self.setRange(min, max)
+        self.setMaximumHeight(18)
+        # kcgw.statusbar.clearMessage()
+        self.label = QtGui.QLabel(text)
+        global_objects.get_global('statusbar').insertWidget(0, self.label)
+        global_objects.get_global('statusbar').insertWidget(1, self)
+        self.setValue(0)
+        QtGui.qApp.processEvents()
+    def remove(self, timeout=None):
+        """
+        Remove this instance of a progressbar
+        :param timeout: the time from calling this function to wanishing of the progressbar
+        :return: -
+        """
+        def remove_progressbar():
+            global_objects.get_global('statusbar').removeWidget(self)
+            global_objects.get_global('statusbar').removeWidget(self.label)
+            # kcgw.statusbar.showMessage(board.status.status_text)
+            self.destroy()
+        if timeout:
+            QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(timeout, remove_progressbar)
+        else:
+            remove_progressbar()
+# thread = None
+# cal = None
+def bk_calibrate(board_id, do_the_rest=None):
+    """
+    Send commands to the board that will enable it to calibrate itself.
+    This function checks if a read command is still running. BUT: It does not check if
+    the board is acquiring or something like this.
+    So Another instance of KCG can still be acquiring or calibrating at the same time. This can be dangerous.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param do_the_rest: function to call after calibration. This is used when "Prepare Board" is pressed.
+    :return: -
+    """
+    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Calibrate")
+    thread = storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).setdefault('CalibrateThread', storage.ThreadStorage())
+    if thread.running:
+        logging.info("Calibration already running")
+        return
+    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
+    if _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, tr("Button", "Calibrate Board")):
+        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+        return
+    sequence = board.calibration_sequence(board_id)
+    number = sequence.next()
+    progressbar = _bif_ProgressBar(0, number, tr("sw", "Calibrating"))
+    class Calibrate(QtCore.QObject):
+        """
+        Class to use as thread class. NOTE: this is not used at the moment.
+        """
+        update_progressbar_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
+        finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+        def calibrate(self):
+            """
+            The method that is called inside the thread and that does the calibration
+            :return:
+            """
+            try:
+                logging.info('Started Board Calibration')
+                for idx, step in enumerate(sequence):
+                    time.sleep(0.5)
+                    self.update_progressbar_signal.emit(idx)
+                board.get_board_status(board_id).calibrated = True
+            except board.BoardError as e:
+                logging.error("Calibration failed: {}".format(str(e)))
+                # self.do_status_readout()
+                self.finished.emit()
+                return
+            logging.info("Board Calibration successful!")
+            self.finished.emit()
+    def thread_quit():
+        """
+        Method to handle the end of the calibration thread
+        :return:
+        """
+        thread.stop()
+        bk_status_readout()
+        progressbar.remove(0)
+        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+        if do_the_rest:  # execute sync and set defaults (this is set if prepare board was pressed)
+            do_the_rest(board_id)
+    cal = Calibrate()
+    thread.register(cal)
+    thread.connect('update_progressbar_signal', progressbar.setValue)
+    thread.connect('finished', thread_quit)
+    thread.start('calibrate')
+def bk_sync_board(board_id):
+    """
+    Sends commands to the board to sync with triggers.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return: -
+    """
+    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
+    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Synchronize")
+    if _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, tr("Dialog", "Synchronize Board")):
+        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+        return
+    progressbar = _bif_ProgressBar(0, 100, tr("sw", "Synchronizing"))
+    sequence = board.synchronisation_sequence(board_id)
+    try:
+        sequence.next()  # skip number
+        logging.info("Synchronize PLLs")
+        sequence.next()
+        for i in range(1, 101):
+            time.sleep(0.01)
+            progressbar.setValue(i)
+        sequence.next()
+    except board.BoardError as e:
+        logging.error("Synchronization failed: {}".format(str(e)))
+        progressbar.remove(0)
+        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+        bk_status_readout()
+        return
+    progressbar.remove(0)
+    logging.info("Board synchronization successful!")
+    # self.set_defaults_button.setEnabled(True)
+    board.get_board_status(board_id).synced = True
+    _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+    bk_status_readout()
+def bk_write_values(board_id, defaults=False):
+    """
+    Write values to board.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param defaults: (bool) if True Writes default values
+    :return: -
+    """
+    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
+    if defaults:
+        log(board_id=board_id, additional="Set Default Values")
+    else:
+        log(board_id=board_id, additional="Update Values on board")
+    if _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, tr("Dialog", "Update Values on Board")):
+        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+        return
+    sequence = board.write_value_sequence(board_id)
+    number = sequence.next()
+    if defaults:
+        board.get_board_config(board_id)._set_defaults()
+        progressbar = _bif_ProgressBar(0, number, tr("sw", "Setting Defaults"))
+        logging.info("Setting default Values")
+    else:
+        progressbar = _bif_ProgressBar(0, number, tr("sw", "Updating Values on Board"))
+        logging.info("Updating Values")
+    try:
+        for idx, step in enumerate(sequence):
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+            progressbar.setValue(idx)
+    except board.BoardError as e:
+        logging.error("Updating Values failed: {}".format(str(e)))
+        progressbar.remove(0)
+        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+        bk_status_readout()
+        return
+    board.get_board_status(board_id).defaults_set = True
+    progressbar.remove(0)
+    if defaults:
+        logging.info("Default values set successfully!")
+    else:
+        logging.info("Updated values successfully!")
+    _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+    bk_status_readout()
+    board.get_board_config(board_id).notify_all_observers()
+def bk_stop_board(board_id):
+    """
+    Stops the board and shuts it down
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return: -
+    """
+    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
+    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Stop Board")
+    if _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, tr("Dialog", "Soft Reset Board")):
+        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+        return
+    try:
+        logging.info("Switching Off Board {}".format(board_id))
+        board.pci.write(board_id, '0x9040')
+        board.pci.stop_dma(board_id)
+        board.stop_board(board_id)
+        time.sleep(0.5)
+    except board.BoardError as e:
+        logging.error("Sequence failed: {}".format(str(e)))
+        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+        bk_status_readout()
+        return
+    logging.info("Board switched off successfully!")
+    Buttons.setEnabled("after_start_{}".format(board_id), False)
+    Buttons.setEnabled("start_board_{}".format(board_id), True)
+    board.get_board_status(board_id).calibrated = False
+    _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+    bk_status_readout()
+def bk_soft_reset(board_id):
+    """
+    Perform a soft reset.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return:
+    """
+    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
+    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Soft Reset")
+    if _bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(board_id, tr("Dialog", "Soft Reset Board")):
+        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+        return
+    try:
+        logging.info("Soft-Resetting Board {}...".format(board_id))
+        board.soft_reset(board_id)
+    except board.BoardError as e:
+        logging.error("Sequence failed: {}".format(str(e)))
+        _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+        bk_status_readout()
+        return
+    _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+    bk_status_readout()
+    board.get_board_config(board_id).update('header', True)  # reset header (might be reset by soft reset)
+    logging.info("Soft-Reset successful.")
+def bk_update_config(board_id, key, value, silent=False):
+    """
+    Interface to the update command of the BoardConfiguration class.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param key: Key to update
+    :param value: Value to set for key
+    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
+    :return: -
+    """
+    try:
+        if silent:
+            board.get_board_config(board_id).updateSilent(key, value)
+        else:
+            board.get_board_config(board_id).update(key, value)
+    except board.BoardError as e:
+        logging.error("Setting value of {} failed: {}".format(key, str(e)))
+def bk_get_config(board_id, key):
+    """
+    Interface to the get command of the BoardConfiguration class.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param key: Key to get the value for
+    :return: value stored for key
+    """
+    return board.get_board_config(board_id).get(key)
+def bk_get_board_status(board_id, status_variable):
+    """
+    Interface to the status class for each board.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param status_variable: Key to get the value for
+    :return: value stored for key
+    """
+    return getattr(board.get_board_status(board_id), status_variable, None)
+def bk_get_status(board_id):
+    """
+    Interface to the get_status of the board
+    NOTE: This is not get_board_status
+    :return: status dictionary
+    """
+    return board.get_status(board_id)
+def bk_get_board_config(board_id):
+    """
+    Get the board config instance
+    :param board_id: the id of the board
+    :return: the config instance
+    """
+    return board.get_board_config(board_id)
+def bk_change_num_of_orbits(board_id, value, silent=False):
+    """
+    Send new number of orbits to board and update in config
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param value: the value to send
+    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
+    :return: -
+    """
+    bk_update_config(board_id, "orbits_observe", value, silent=silent)
+def bk_change_num_of_skipped_orbits(board_id, value, silent=False):
+    """
+    Send new number of orbits to skip to board and update in config
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param value: the value to send
+    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
+    :return: -
+    """
+    bk_update_config(board_id, "orbits_skip", value, silent=silent)
+def bk_change_count(board_id, value, silent=False):
+    """
+    Change the number of acquisitions you want to make.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param value: (int) Number of acquisitions
+    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
+    :return: -
+    """
+    bk_update_config(board_id, "acquisition_count", value, silent=silent)
+def bk_change_wait(board_id, value, silent=False):
+    """
+    Change the time between acquisitions.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param value: (bool) Time in seconds
+    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
+    :return: -
+    """
+    bk_update_config(board_id, "orbits_wait_time", value, silent=silent)
+def bk_change_build_spectrograms(board_id, value, silent=False):
+    """
+    Change if spectrograms are built or not)
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param value: (bool) True or False built or not
+    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
+    :return:
+    """
+    bk_update_config(board_id, "build_spectrograms", value, silent=silent)
+def bk_change_pilot_bunch(board_id, value, silent=False):
+    """
+    Change if pilot bunch is simulated
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param value: (bool) True or False to simulate or not
+    :param silent: (bool) if True do not inform observers on update
+    :return:
+    """
+    bk_update_config(board_id, "pilot_bunch", value, silent=silent)
+def _bif_iterate_spectrograms(board_id, path):
+    """
+    Built Spectrograms line by line
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param path: where to built the spectrogram
+    :return: -
+    """
+    return  # because it is broken
+    if not os.path.isdir(str(path)):
+        return
+    # how does this get data? dataset.data does not exist
+    transform = dataset.data.fft(1, frm=0, to=-1)
+    for i in range(config.bunches_per_turn - 1):
+        filename = os.path.join(storage.storage.save_location, storage.storage.subdirname, str(path), "%i.hsp" % i)
+        write_header = False
+        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+            write_header = True
+        f = open(filename, 'ab')
+        if write_header:
+            f.write("#hsp\n")  # heb spectrogram magic number
+            f.write("#"+str(board.get_board_config(board_id).get("orbits_skip")))
+            f.write("\n")
+        line = transform[i, :]
+        f.write('{:0.3f} '.format(time.time()))
+        for e in line:
+            f.write("%s " % np.absolute(e))
+        f.write("\n")
+        f.close()
+def _bif_read_data_and_save(board_id):
+    """
+    Tell the pci command to start acquisition and save data
+    Also generates the filename from settings
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return:
+    """
+    now = time.time()
+    if not os.path.isdir(str(storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname)):
+        os.makedirs(str(storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname))
+    filename = storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname+'/{:0.3f}.out'.format(now)
+    board.get_board_status(board_id).last_file = filename
+    try:
+        simulate = board.get_board_config(board_id).get("pilot_bunch")
+        try:
+            board.acquire_data(board_id, filename, simulate=simulate)
+            if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+                    error(0x001, "No File Created")
+        except IndexError:
+            error(0x002, "Unexpected output of pci for number of orbits to observe. Returning")
+            return
+        _bif_read_and_update_data_from_file(board_id, filename)
+    except board.BoardError as e:
+        logging.error("Reading failed: {}".format(str(e)))
+def _bif_read_and_update_data_from_file(board_id, filename):
+    """
+    Proxy function for _bif_read_and_update to call with correct read_func
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param filename: filename to read data from
+    :return: -
+    """
+    _bif_read_and_update(board_id, io.read_from_file, str(filename))
+def _bif_read_and_update_data_from_string(board_id, raw_data):
+    """
+    Proxy function for _bif_read_and_update to call with correct read_func
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param raw_data: Data as string
+    :return: -
+    """
+    _bif_read_and_update(board_id, io.read_from_string, raw_data)
+def _bif_read_and_update(board_id, read_func, *args):
+    """
+    Function to read data from file or string (depending on read_func) and update plots etc.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param read_func: function to use to read data
+    :param args: filename or raw_data (see _bif_read_and_update_from_{filename, string}
+    :return: -
+    """
+    _bif_enable_wait_cursor()
+    header = board.get_board_config(board_id).get('header')
+    # TODO: force_read: meaning ignore cache and read new -> in the old gui this was a commandline option
+    # TODO: cache_data: meaning cache already processed numpy data -> in the old gui this was a commandline option
+    if live_plot_windows.hasWindows(board_id):
+        data = read_func(*args, force=False, header=header, cache=False)
+        if not io.is_data_consistent(data):
+            callbacks.async_callback('update_consistency', False)
+            global_objects.get_global('statusbar').showMessage(tr("Dialog", "Data is inconsistent!"))
+            if read_func == io.read_from_string:
+                logging.info("Data is inconsistent")
+            else:
+                logging.info("Data is inconsistent - file: " + args[0])
+        else:
+            callbacks.async_callback('update_consistency', True)
+            global_objects.get_global('statusbar').showMessage(tr("Dialog", ""))
+        for plotwin in live_plot_windows.getWindows(board_id):
+            plotwin.plot_live(data=data)
+            QtGui.qApp.processEvents()
+    else:
+        callbacks.async_callback('update_consistency', None)
+    _bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+def bk_acquire(board_id):
+    """
+    Toggle Acqisition
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return:
+    """
+    if not bk_get_config(board_id, 'use_trigger'):
+        if board.get_board_status(board_id).acquisition == True:
+            log(board_id=board_id, additional="Manually Stopped Acquisition\nPerformed Acquisitions: " + str(storage.storage.current_acquisition))
+            _bif_stop_acquisition(board_id)
+        else:
+            _bif_start_acquisition(board_id)
+    else:
+        bk_toggle_wait_on_trigger(board_id)
+def _bif_stop_acquisition(board_id):
+    """
+    Stop acquisition
+    This does stop the timer started by _bif_start_acquisition()
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return: -
+    """
+    board.get_board_status(board_id).acquisition = False
+    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_progressbar.remove(0)
+    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_timer.stop()
+    # for elem in Elements.getElements("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id)):
+    #     if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut) or isinstance(elem, QtGui.QCheckBox):
+    #         continue
+        # elem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.startIcon))
+        # elem.setText(tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"))
+    Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), True)
+    callbacks.callback('acquisition_stopped', board_id)
+def _bif_start_acquisition(board_id):
+    """
+    Start acquisition.
+    This will start a timer to automatically acquire data.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return: -
+    """
+    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Started Acquisition")
+    board.get_board_status(board_id).acquisition = True
+    Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), False)
+    # for elem in Elements.getElements("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id)):
+    #     if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut) or isinstance(elem, QtGui.QCheckBox):
+    #         continue
+        # elem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.stopIcon))
+        # elem.setText(tr("Button", "Stop Acquisition"))
+    callbacks.callback('acquisition_started', board_id)
+    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_timer = QtCore.QTimer()
+    num_acquisitions = board.get_board_config(board_id).get("acquisition_count")
+    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_progressbar = \
+        _bif_ProgressBar(0, num_acquisitions, tr("sw", "Acquiring with board ")+str(board_id))
+    # storage.storage.acquisition_progressbar = acquisition_progressbar
+    # We increase already once because we do a single acquisition before the
+    # timer is started, otherwise we have to wait until the timer fires the
+    # first time.
+    try:
+        if isinstance(storage.storage.current_acquisition, dict):
+            storage.storage.current_acquisition[board_id] = 1
+        else:
+            storage.storage.current_acquisition = {board_id: 1}
+    except storage.StorageError:
+        storage.storage.current_acquisition = {board_id: 1}
+    _bif_read_data_and_save(board_id)
+    if board.get_board_config(board_id).get("build_spectrograms"):
+        spectrogram_dir = storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname+"/spectrograms_{:0.3f}".format(time.time())
+        os.makedirs(spectrogram_dir)
+        _bif_iterate_spectrograms(board_id, spectrogram_dir) # TODO: not here?
+    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_progressbar.setValue(storage.storage.current_acquisition[board_id])
+    def on_timeout():
+        '''Handler for the timeout of the acquisition timer. This does the acquisition'''
+        if storage.storage.current_acquisition[board_id] < num_acquisitions:
+            storage.storage.current_acquisition[board_id] += 1
+            storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_progressbar.setValue(storage.storage.current_acquisition[board_id])
+            _bif_read_data_and_save(board_id)
+            if board.get_board_config(board_id).get("build_spectrograms"):
+                _bif_iterate_spectrograms(board_id, spectrogram_dir)  # TODO: not here ?
+        else:
+            log(board_id=board_id, additional="Stopped Acquisition")
+            _bif_stop_acquisition(board_id)
+            storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_progressbar.remove(0)
+    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_timer.timeout.connect(on_timeout)
+    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).acquisition_timer.start(board.get_board_config(board_id).get('orbits_wait_time') * 1000)
+def bk_single_read(board_id):
+    """
+    Perform a single read of data
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return:
+    """
+    Elements.setEnabled("acquire_{}".format(board_id), False)
+    _bif_read_data_and_save(board_id)
+    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Single Read\nFilename: "+board.get_board_status(board_id).last_file.split('/')[-1])
+    Elements.setEnabled("acquire_{}".format(board_id), True)
+def _bif_set_continuous_read_active(board_id):
+    """
+    Enable continuous read
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return: -
+    """
+    Elements.setEnabled("acquire_{}".format(board_id), False)
+    Elements.setEnabled("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id), False)
+    Elements.setEnabled("continuous_read_{}".format(board_id), True)
+    board.get_board_status(board_id).continuous_read = True
+def _bif_set_continuous_read_inactive(board_id):
+    """
+    Disable continuous read
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return: -
+    """
+    if board.get_board_status(board_id).continuous_read:
+        board.get_board_status(board_id).continuous_read = False
+        storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).continuous_read_timer.stop()
+    Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), True)
+    Elements.setEnabled('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(board_id), True)
+def bk_continuous_read(board_id, interval=100):
+    """
+    Toggle continuous read
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param interval: Time between two consecutive reads.
+    :return: -
+    """
+    if not board.get_board_status(board_id).continuous_read:
+        _bif_set_continuous_read_active(board_id)
+        _bif_continuous_read(board_id, interval)
+    else:
+        _bif_set_continuous_read_inactive(board_id)
+def _bif_continuous_read(board_id, interval=None):
+    """
+    Perform continuous read based on a timer.
+    :param interval:
+    :return:
+    """
+    if interval is not None:
+        # TODO: ueberall checken, dass der board specific storage verwendet wird
+        storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).continuous_interval = interval
+    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).continuous_read_timer = QtCore.QTimer()
+    logging.info("Start continuous read")
+    def continuous_read_step():
+        if board.get_board_status(board_id).continuous_read:
+            _bif_read_data(board_id)
+            storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).continuous_read_timer.singleShot(storage.storage.continuous_interval, continuous_read_step)
+    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).continuous_read_timer.singleShot(storage.storage.continuous_interval, continuous_read_step)
+def _bif_read_data(board_id):
+    """
+    Reads data acquired by board.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return:
+    """
+    try:
+        if board.get_board_config(board_id).get('pilot_bunch'):
+            board.start_pilot_bunch_emulator(board_id)
+        board.start_acquisition(board_id)
+        try:
+            board.wait_for_revolutions(board_id)
+        except IndexError:
+            error(0x002, "Unexpected output of pci for number of orbits to observe. Returning")
+            return
+        board.stop_acquisition(board_id)
+        board.enable_transfer(board_id)
+        data_raw = board.pci.read_data_to_variable(board_id)
+        _bif_read_and_update_data_from_string(board_id, data_raw)
+    except board.BoardError as e:
+        logging.error("Reading failed for board {}: {}".format(str(board_id), str(e)))
+def bk_board_connected(board_id):
+    """
+    Interface to the board to check if it is connected.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return: -
+    """
+    if not available_boards.has_boards:
+        return False
+    else:
+        return board_id in available_boards.board_ids
+def bk_get_temperature(board_id):
+    """
+    Get Temperature from board and format it
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return: -
+    """
+    fpga_temp_raw_hex = board.pci.read(board_id, 1, '0x9110')[0]
+    fpga_temp_raw_hex = fpga_temp_raw_hex[-3:]
+    fpga_temp_raw_bin = '{0:012b}'.format(int(fpga_temp_raw_hex, 16))
+    fpga_temp_encoded = board.get_dec_from_bits(fpga_temp_raw_bin, 9, 0)
+    fpga_temp_celsius = '{0:2.2f}'.format(((fpga_temp_encoded * 503.975) / 1024) - 273.15)
+    return fpga_temp_celsius
+backup_get_temp = bk_get_temperature
+def bk_time_scan(board_id, c_frm, c_to, f_frm, f_to, ts_pbar, plot_func, orbits_observe=None, orbits_skip=None, bucket_to_use=None):
+    """
+    Toggle Timescan.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param c_frm: (int) From value for Coarse scan
+    :param c_to:  (int) To value for Coarse scan
+    :param f_frm: (int) From value for Fine scan
+    :param f_to: (int) To value for fine scan
+    :param ts_pbar: Handle to the Timescan Progressbar
+    :param plot_func: Function to plot when timescan ended.
+    :param orbits_observe: Number of orbits to observe for the timescan (original values will be restored after timescan)
+    :param orbits_skip: Number of orbits to skipfor the timescan (original values will be restored after timescan)
+    :return: -
+    """
+    if board.get_board_status(board_id).time_scan:
+        _bif_stop_time_scan(board_id, ts_pbar)
+    else:
+        _bif_start_time_scan(board_id, c_frm, c_to, f_frm, f_to, ts_pbar, plot_func, orbits_observe, orbits_skip, bucket_to_use)
+def _bif_stop_time_scan(board_id, ts_pbar):
+    """
+    Stop the timescan. This stops the timer.
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param ts_pbar: Timescan Progressbar handle
+    :return: -
+    """
+    Elements.getElements("start_time_scan_{}".format(board_id))[0].setText(tr("Button", "Start time scan"))
+    board.get_board_status(board_id).time_scan = False
+    board.get_board_config(board_id).set_delay(storage.storage.th_old[board_id])
+    board.get_board_config(board_id).set_chip_delay(
+            [0, 1, 2, 3],
+            [
+                storage.storage.chip_1_old[board_id],
+                storage.storage.chip_2_old[board_id],
+                storage.storage.chip_3_old[board_id],
+                storage.storage.chip_4_old[board_id]
+            ]
+    )
+    ts_pbar.reset()
+# tst = None  # Ugly but necessary for the thread not to be killed when function ends (which is almost immediately after start)
+# thread_ts = None
+def _bif_start_time_scan(board_id, c_frm, c_to, f_frm, f_to, timescan_progressbar, plot_func, orbits_observe, orbits_skip, bucket_to_use=None):
+    """
+    Start the timscan. This starts the timer
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param c_frm: From value for coarse scan
+    :param c_to: To value for coarse scan
+    :param f_frm: From value for fine scan
+    :param f_to: To value for fine scan
+    :param timescan_progressbar: Handle for the timescan progressbar
+    :param plot_func: Function to use to plot the data
+    :param orbits_observe: Number of orbits to observe for the timescan (original values will be restored after timescan)
+    :param orbits_skip: Number of orbits to skip for the timescan (original values will be restored after timescan)
+    :param bucket_to_use: Number of the bucket whos data will be used to calculate the average signal at each timescan step (if None all bunches will be used)
+    :return: -
+    """
+    thread = storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).setdefault("TimeScanThread", storage.ThreadStorage())
+    # if thread_ts is not None:
+    #     logging.info("Time scan already running")
+    #     return
+    if thread.running:
+        logging.info("Time scan already running")
+        return
+    board.get_board_status(board_id).time_scan = True
+    Elements.getElements("start_time_scan_{}".format(board_id))[0].setText(tr("Button", "Stop time scan"))
+    if c_frm > c_to:
+        logging.info('Coarse Scan Interval is invalid: (%i > %i)' % (c_frm, c_to))
+        return
+    if f_frm > f_to:
+        logging.info('Fine Scan Interval is invalid: (%i > %i)' % (f_frm, f_to))
+        return
+    # the following could be made nicer with the use of setdefault and the use of get_board_specific_storage
+    if not hasattr(storage.storage, 'th_old'):
+        storage.storage.th_old = {}
+        storage.storage.chip_1_old = {}
+        storage.storage.chip_2_old = {}
+        storage.storage.chip_3_old = {}
+        storage.storage.chip_4_old = {}
+    storage.storage.th_old[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get('th_delay')
+    storage.storage.chip_1_old[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_1_delay')
+    storage.storage.chip_2_old[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_2_delay')
+    storage.storage.chip_3_old[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_3_delay')
+    storage.storage.chip_4_old[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_4_delay')
+    minimum = [None, None, None, None]
+    maximum = np.zeros((4, 3))
+    heatmap = np.zeros((4, (f_to - f_frm + 1), (c_to - c_frm + 1)))
+    timescan_progressbar.setRange(1, ((f_to - f_frm) + 1) * ((c_to - c_frm) + 1))
+    class thread_time_scan(QtCore.QObject):
+        '''Timescan Thread class'''
+        pbarSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
+        stopSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+        finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+        def __init__(self, c_frm, c_to, f_frm, f_to, timescan_progressbar, bucket_to_use):
+            super(thread_time_scan, self).__init__()
+            self.c_frm = c_frm
+            self.c_to = c_to
+            self.f_frm = f_frm
+            self.f_to = f_to
+            self.timescan_progressbar = timescan_progressbar
+            self.bucket_to_use = bucket_to_use
+        def time_scan(self):
+            '''Method to run in the thread that does the timescan'''
+            Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), False, exclude=Elements.getElements('start_time_scan_{}'.format(board_id)))
+            if orbits_observe:
+                if not hasattr(storage.storage, 'orbits_observe_before_timescan'):
+                    storage.storage.orbits_observe_before_timescan = {}
+                storage.storage.orbits_observe_before_timescan[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get("orbits_observe") # save old values to restore after timescan
+                board.get_board_config(board_id).update("orbits_observe", orbits_observe)
+                bk_change_num_of_orbits(board_id, orbits_observe)
+            if orbits_skip is not None:
+                if not hasattr(storage.storage, 'orbits_skip_before_timescan'):
+                    storage.storage.orbits_skip_before_timescan = {}
+                storage.storage.orbits_skip_before_timescan[board_id] = board.get_board_config(board_id).get("orbits_skip")
+                board.get_board_config(board_id).update("orbits_skip", orbits_skip)
+                bk_change_num_of_skipped_orbits(board_id, orbits_skip)
+            c_step = 0
+            for coarse in range(self.c_frm, self.c_to + 1):
+                try:
+                    board.get_board_config(board_id).set_delay(coarse)
+                except board.BoardError as e:
+                    self.stopSignal.emit()
+                    self.finished.emit()
+                    return
+                f_step = 0
+                for fine in range(self.f_frm, self.f_to + 1):
+                    board.get_board_config(board_id).set_chip_delay([0, 1, 2, 3], [fine, fine, fine, fine])
+                    try:
+                        if bk_get_config(board_id, 'pilot_bunch') is True:
+                            board.start_pilot_bunch_emulator(board_id)
+                        board.start_acquisition(board_id)
+                        try:
+                            board.wait_for_revolutions(board_id)  # Wait before asking for data
+                        except IndexError:
+                            error(0x002, "Unexpected output of pci for number of orbits to observe. Stopping Timescan")
+                            self.stopSignal.emit()
+                            return
+                        board.stop_acquisition(board_id)
+                        board.enable_transfer(board_id)
+                        # -----------[ IMPORTANT ]---------------------
+                        if not kcgw.testing:
+                            data_raw = board.pci.read_data_to_variable(board_id)
+                            board.flush_dma(board_id)
+                        # ----------------------------------------------
+                        else:
+                            f_name = "{InsertPathToPreAcquiredTimscanDataHere}" + str(
+                                coarse) + "_" + str(fine) + ".str"
+                            f = open(f_name, 'r')
+                            data_raw = f.read()
+                        # The PCI software not only prints the desired data but also some additional information.
+                        # This information has to be removed here.
+                        # To do so we split the output string from PCI at "Writting" (Note: Writting is correct as
+                        # this is a typo in the PCI driver)
+                        data = io.read_from_string(data_raw, force=True, cache=False)
+                    except board.BoardError as e:
+                        self.stopSignal.emit()
+                        self.finished.emit()
+                        return
+                    for adc in range(4):
+                        if self.bucket_to_use is None:
+                            buckets = data.array[:, adc]
+                        else:
+                            buckets = data.array[self.bucket_to_use::config.bunches_per_turn, adc]
+                        heatmap[adc, f_step, c_step] = float(buckets.sum()) / buckets.shape[0]
+                        if heatmap[adc, f_step, c_step] > maximum[adc, 0]:
+                            maximum[adc, 0] = heatmap[adc, f_step, c_step]
+                            maximum[adc, 1] = coarse
+                            maximum[adc, 2] = fine
+                        if minimum[adc] is None or minimum[adc] > heatmap[adc, f_step, c_step]:
+                            minimum[adc] = heatmap[adc, f_step, c_step]
+                    self.pbarSignal.emit(((c_step * (f_to - f_frm + 1)) + f_step) + 1)
+                    #GUI is blocked in our tight loop. Give it an opportunity to handle events
+                    # QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # remove this if moved to thread again
+                    if board.get_board_status(board_id).time_scan is False:
+                        # Time Scan Stop is already performed by button press. Nothing else to do but leave
+                        self.finished.emit()
+                        return
+                    f_step += 1
+                c_step += 1
+            self.finished.emit()
+    def finished(timescan_progressbar):
+        '''Method to handle the end of the thread'''
+        thread.stop()
+        _bif_stop_time_scan(board_id, timescan_progressbar)
+        Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), True, exclude=Elements.getElements('start_time_scan_{}'.format(board_id)))
+        if orbits_observe:
+            board.get_board_config(board_id).update("orbits_observe", storage.storage.orbits_observe_before_timescan[board_id]) # restore values
+            bk_change_num_of_orbits(board_id, storage.storage.orbits_observe_before_timescan[board_id])
+        if orbits_skip:
+            board.get_board_config(board_id).update("orbits_skip", storage.storage.orbits_skip_before_timescan[board_id])
+            bk_change_num_of_skipped_orbits(board_id, storage.storage.orbits_skip_before_timescan[board_id])
+            board.get_board_config(board_id).set_delay(storage.storage.th_old[board_id])
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).set_chip_delay(
+                [0, 1, 2, 3],
+                [
+                    storage.storage.chip_1_old[board_id],
+                    storage.storage.chip_2_old[board_id],
+                    storage.storage.chip_3_old[board_id],
+                    storage.storage.chip_4_old[board_id]
+                ]
+        )
+        m = [np.min(heatmap[heatmap != 0]), np.max(heatmap)]  # this gives the same levels for all 4 adcs
+        plot_func(heatmap, levels=m, ranges=[c_frm,c_to,f_frm,f_to], newTitle=str(tr("sw", "Coarserange:{c_f}-{c_t} ; Finerange:{f_f}-{f_t}")).format(
+            c_f=c_frm,
+            c_t=c_to,
+            f_f=f_frm,
+            f_t=f_to),
+                  maxima=maximum
+                  )
+        now = time.time()
+        if not os.path.isdir(str(storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname + '/timescan')):
+            os.makedirs((storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname + '/timescan'))
+        filename = storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname + '/timescan/timescan_{:0.3f}.out'.format(
+            now)
+        f = open(filename, 'wr')
+        for adc in range(4):
+            f.write("#ADC_%s\n" % adc)
+            for coarse, curr_cor in enumerate(np.transpose(heatmap[adc])):
+                for fine, value in enumerate(curr_cor):
+                    f.write("%i;%i;%f\n" % ((coarse + c_frm), (fine + f_frm), value))
+            f.write('\n')
+        f.close()
+        f = open(filename + '.gnuplot', 'wr')
+        f.write('set datafile separator ";"\n')
+        f.write('set multiplot layout 2,2\n')
+        f.write('unset key\n')
+        for i in range(4):
+            f.write('set label 1 "ADC_%i" at graph 0.7,0.95 font ",8"\n' % (i + 1))
+            f.write('plot "%s" every :::%i::%i using 3 with lines\n' % (filename, i, i))
+        f.write('unset multiplot\n')
+        f.close()
+        return
+    tst = thread_time_scan(c_frm, c_to, f_frm, f_to, timescan_progressbar, bucket_to_use)
+    thread.register(tst)
+    thread.connect('pbarSignal', timescan_progressbar.setValue)
+    thread.connect('finished', lambda: finished(timescan_progressbar))
+    thread.connect('stopSignal', lambda: _bif_stop_time_scan(board_id, timescan_progressbar))
+    thread.start('time_scan')
+def bk_check_for_board(board_id):
+    """
+    Check if board is connected
+    Also overrides the bk_status_readout function with a function that does nothing (suppresses read attempts that
+    generate errors - if no board is connected, there is nothing to read from)
+    Also overrides the bk_get_temperature function as of the same reasons
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :return: -
+    """
+    # global bk_status_readout, bk_get_temperature
+    board_status = bk_board_connected(board_id)
+    if board_status:
+        if not hasattr(board.get_board_status(board_id), 'board_connected') or \
+                not board.get_board_status(board_id).board_connected:
+            globals()['bk_status_readout'] = backup_readout
+            globals()['bk_get_temperature'] = backup_get_temp
+        board.get_board_status(board_id).board_connected = True
+    else:
+        Elements.setEnabled('no_board_{}'.format(board_id), False)
+        def do_nothing():
+            pass
+        def no_temp(board_id):
+            return "-"
+        globals()['bk_status_readout'] = do_nothing
+        globals()['bk_get_temperature'] = no_temp
+        board.get_board_status(board_id).board_connected = False
+        if board_status == False:
+            board.get_board_status(board_id).status_text = tr("sw", "Board {} not connected".format(board_id))
+        elif board_status == None:
+            board.get_board_status(board_id).status_text = tr("sw", "Software Interface not found")
+def bk_toggle_wait_on_trigger(board_id, num_of_acquisitions=None, skip=None, timeout=None, method=None):
+    """
+    Toggle waiting for trigger signal to acquire
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param num_of_acquisitions: number of acquisitions to wait for
+    :param skip: how much trigger signals to skip between acquisitions
+    :param timeout: the timeout for the pci to wait for date
+    :param method: wait method to use
+            1 for wait in pci command and 2 for waiting until register is set that KAPTURE has read data
+            NOTE: this also means that method 1 enables simultaneous read and write to dma and method 2 does write and
+            read sequentially
+    :return:
+    """
+    thread = storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).setdefault('TriggerThread', storage.ThreadStorage())
+    if thread.running:
+        Elements.getElements("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id))[0].setText(tr("Button", "Stopping Acquisition"))
+        # FIXME: Button not updated otherwise:
+        QtGui.qApp.processEvents()
+        log(board_id=board_id, additional="Stop wait on trigger on board {}".format(board_id))
+        thread.quit()
+        thread.stop()
+        # for elem in Elements.getElements("acquire_{}".format(board_id)):
+        #     if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut):
+        #         continue
+            # elem.setText(tr("Button", "Stopping Acquisition"))
+            # elem.setEnabled(False)
+    else:
+        log(board_id=board_id, additional="Start wait on trigger on board {}".format(board_id))
+        # for elem in Elements.getElements("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id)):
+        #     if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut):
+        #         continue
+            # elem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.stopIcon))
+            # elem.setText(tr("Button", "Stop Acquisition"))
+        Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), False)
+        callbacks.callback('acquisition_started', board_id)
+        _bif_start_wait_on_trigger(board_id, num_of_acquisitions, skip, timeout, method)
+def _bif_start_wait_on_trigger(board_id, num_of_acquisitions=None, skip=None, timeout=None, method=None):
+    """
+    Start waiting on external acquisition trigger. This starts the timer
+    :param board_id: id of the board do manipulate
+    :param num_of_acquisitions: number of acquisitions to do
+    :param count_label: Handle for the countlabel
+    :param method: wait method to use
+            1 for wait in pci command and 2 for waiting until register is set that KAPTURE has read data
+            NOTE: this also means that method 1 enables simultaneous read and write to dma and method 2 does write and
+            read sequentially
+    :return: -
+    """
+    # FIXme: This is a work around, for method 2 to work everytime a standard single read needs to be perform before acquisition is started
+    board.acquire_data(board_id, '/dev/null')
+    #with workaround no flush dema need, because it is done at end of board.acquire_data() anyway.
+    #board.flush_dma(board_id) # TODO: really at begining and end of function necessary?
+    thread = storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).setdefault('TriggerThread', storage.ThreadStorage())
+    if thread.running:
+        logging.info("Wait already running on board {}".format(board_id))
+        return
+    log(board_id=board_id, additional="Start wait on trigger")
+    board.get_board_status(board_id).wait_on_trigger = True
+    if not os.path.isdir(str(storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname)):
+        os.makedirs(str(storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname))
+    if not num_of_acquisitions:
+        num_of_acquisitions = bk_get_config(board_id, 'acquisition_count')
+    if not skip:
+        skip = bk_get_config(board_id, 'trigger_skip')
+    if not timeout:
+        timeout = bk_get_config(board_id, 'trigger_timeout')
+    if not method:
+        method = bk_get_config(board_id, 'trigger_method')
+    storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).trigger_progressbar = \
+        _bif_ProgressBar(0, num_of_acquisitions, tr("sw", "Acquiring with board ")+str(board_id))
+    board.pci.write(board_id, hex(num_of_acquisitions), "9024")
+    time.sleep(0.1)
+    board.pci.write(board_id, hex(skip), "902C")
+    # time.sleep(0.1)
+    # board.pci.write(board_id, 'ff0', hex_mask='ff0')  # TODO: This writes t/h 3/4 but enable_transfer etc do not
+    # This seems to sometimes lead to segfaults of python it self. An Idea to prevent this
+    # is to use copy.deepcopy in __init__. But there is no reason to think that that causes the problem. In fact
+    # I don't have an idea why it crashes.
+    # A possible reason could the os.rename be (or even the board.safe_call as that saves data to the disk) But I think
+    # this is rather unlikely
+    # ~~NOTE~~: the thread of calibration also triggered segfaults sometimes. But this seems to be miraculously solved.
+    # Something that is likely to cause the problem is the log.debug in board.safe_call
+    # Logging (using the logging module) is directly connected to the main thread and could cause problems
+    class thread_wait_on_signal(QtCore.QObject):
+        '''Class to run the wait on signal functionality in a thread'''
+        countUpdate = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
+        stopSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+        finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+        liveplot = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, str)  # This has to be changed if board_id is no integer
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(thread_wait_on_signal, self).__init__()
+            self.noa = None
+            self.path = None
+            self.timeout = None
+            self._quit = False
+        def init(self, num_of_acquisitions, path, timeout):
+            '''initialise a new run'''
+            self.noa = num_of_acquisitions
+            self.path = path
+            self.timeout = timeout
+            self._quit = False
+            # Elements.setEnabled('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(board_id), False) # exclude=Elements.getElements('wait_on_trigger_{}'.format(board_id)))
+        def wait_rw_simul(self): # Method 1
+            '''Wait simultaniously (with the pci command) for a trigger signal'''
+            board.pci.write(board_id, 'ff0', hex_mask='ff0')  # TODO: This writes t/h 3/4 but enable_transfer etc do not
+            for num_of_acq in xrange(self.noa):
+                # def step():
+                if self._quit:
+                    break
+                filename = self.path +'/{:0.3f}.out'.format(time.time())
+                board.pci.read_data_to_file(board_id, filename=filename, timeout=(self.timeout*1000000))
+                # rename with correct timestamp - last modified time
+                self.countUpdate.emit(num_of_acq + 1)
+                # file operations
+                if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+                    error(0x001, "No File Created")
+                    continue
+                newfile = '{path}/trigger_{num:05}_{htime}_{unixtime}.out'.format(
+                    num=num_of_acq,
+                    htime=dt.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filename)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%Hh%Mm%Ss%f'),
+                    unixtime=int(os.path.getmtime(filename)),
+                    path=self.path
+                )
+                os.rename(filename, newfile)
+                if os.path.getsize(newfile) > 0:
+                    self.liveplot.emit(board_id, newfile)
+                else:
+                    logging.info("Acquired 0b, possible trigger timeout.")
+            self.finished.emit()
+        def wait_rw_seq(self): # Method 2
+            '''Wait sequentially (in the gui) for a trigger signal'''
+            for num_of_acq in xrange(self.noa):
+                board.pci.write(board_id, '00bf0', hex_mask='CF0')  # enable readout
+                pre_acq_num = board.pci.read(board_id, 1, '9034')[0]
+                time_a = time.time()
+                timeout = False
+                while pre_acq_num == board.pci.read(board_id, 1, '9034')[0]:
+                    if time.time() - time_a > self.timeout:
+                        timeout = True
+                        break
+                    if self._quit:
+                        self.finished.emit()
+                        return
+                if not timeout:
+                    board.pci.write(board_id, '000f0', hex_mask='8F0')  # disable readout
+                    board.pci.write(board_id, '007f0', hex_mask='CF0')  # enable transfer
+                    filename = self.path +'/{:0.3f}.out'.format(time.time())
+                    board.pci.read_data_to_file(board_id, filename=filename, timeout=(self.timeout*1000000))
+                    # board.pci.write(board_id, '000f0', hex_mask='4F0') # disable transfer
+                    self.countUpdate.emit(copy.deepcopy(num_of_acq+1))
+                    if self._quit:  # is this really the correct position? file is taken but not renamed!
+                        self.finished.emit()
+                        break
+                    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+                        error(0x001, "No File Created")
+                        continue
+                    newfile = '{path}/trigger_{num:05}_{htime}_{unixtime}.out'.format(
+                        num=num_of_acq,
+                        htime=dt.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filename)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%Hh%Mm%Ss%f'),
+                        unixtime=int(os.path.getmtime(filename)),
+                        path=self.path
+                    )
+                    os.rename(filename, newfile)
+                    self.liveplot.emit(board_id, newfile)
+                else:
+                    logging.info("Trigger timeout.")
+            self.finished.emit()
+        def quit(self):
+            '''quit this thread'''
+            self._quit = True
+        def __del__(self):
+            print ('quite')
+            board.pci.write(board_id, '0', '9024')
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+            board.pci.write(board_id, '0', '902C')
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+            board.pci.write(board_id, '3f0', hex_mask='ff0')  # TODO: This writes t/h 3/4 but enable_transfer etc do not
+            board.flush_dma(board_id)
+    def finished():
+        '''Handle the end of the thread'''
+        board.pci.write(board_id, '0', '9024')
+        time.sleep(0.1)
+        board.pci.write(board_id, '0', '902C')
+        time.sleep(0.1)
+        board.pci.write(board_id, '3f0', hex_mask='ff0')  # TODO: This writes t/h 3/4 but enable_transfer etc do not
+        board.flush_dma(board_id)
+        thread.stop()
+        board.get_board_status(board_id).wait_on_trigger = False
+        storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).trigger_progressbar.remove(0)
+        log(board_id=board_id, additional="Stop wait on trigger")
+        Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(board_id), True)
+        callbacks.callback('acquisition_stopped', board_id)
+        # for elem in Elements.getElements("acquire_{}".format(board_id)):
+        #     if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut):
+        #         continue
+            # elem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.startIcon))
+            # elem.setText(tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"))
+            # elem.setEnabled(True)
+        return
+    # twt = thread_wait_on_signal(num_of_acquisitions, storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname,
+    #                             timeout)
+    if not thread.is_registered():
+        twt = thread_wait_on_signal()
+        thread.register(twt)
+    else:
+        thread.disconnect('countUpdate', 'finished', 'liveplot')
+    thread.init(num_of_acquisitions, storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname, timeout)
+    # reconnect signals to make sure the correct versions of methods are called
+    thread.connect('countUpdate', storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).trigger_progressbar.setValue)
+    thread.connect('finished', finished)
+    thread.connect('liveplot', _bif_read_and_update_data_from_file)
+    if method == 1:
+        thread.start('wait_rw_simul')
+    elif method == 2:
+        thread.start('wait_rw_seq')
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Wrong method")

+ 443 - 443

@@ -1,443 +1,443 @@
-This defines the Tables used as Bits display
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-import logging
-from .backend import board
-from .backend.board import available_boards
-from . import backendinterface as bif
-from . import kcgwidget as kcgw
-tr = kcgw.tr
-class BitsDisplayTable(QtGui.QTableWidget):
-    """
-    Widget to use to display the Bits (as table)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, value, parent=None, optimalSize=True):
-        QtGui.QTableWidget.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.numbers = str(value)
-        if len(self.numbers) == 0:
-            raise ValueError("Cant create a table for a value of length 0.")
-        self.length = len(self.numbers)
-        self.do_style()
-        if optimalSize is True:
-            self.do_optimal_size()
-    def do_style(self):
-        self.horizontalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(35)
-        self.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QtGui.QHeaderView.Fixed)
-        self.horizontalHeader().setVisible(True)
-        self.verticalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(17)
-        self.verticalHeader().setResizeMode(QtGui.QHeaderView.Fixed)
-        self.verticalHeader().setVisible(False)
-        self.setEditTriggers(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers)
-        self.setRowCount(1)
-        self.setColumnCount(self.length)
-        # If self.length would be 5, this line would generate ('4', '3',
-        # '2', '1', '0')
-        headers = tuple([str(i) for i in reversed(list(range(0, self.length)))])
-        self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers)
-        for i in range(len(self.numbers)):
-            item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(self.numbers[i])
-            item.setTextAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)
-            self.setItem(0, i, item)
-    def width(self):
-        width = 6
-        if self.verticalHeader().isHidden() is False:
-            width = self.verticalHeader().width() + 6
-        for i in range(self.columnCount()):
-            width = width + self.columnWidth(i)
-        return width
-    def height(self):
-        height = 6
-        if self.horizontalHeader().isHidden() is False:
-            height = self.horizontalHeader().height() + 6
-        for i in range(self.rowCount()):
-            height = height + self.rowHeight(i)
-        return height
-    def do_optimal_size(self):
-        size = QtCore.QSize(self.width(), self.height())
-        self.setMaximumSize(size)
-        self.setMinimumSize(size)
-    def stretch_to_width(self, width_in):
-        width = self.width()
-        if width >= width_in:
-            return
-        factor = width_in/float(width)
-        error = 0
-        for i in range(self.length):
-            current_cell_size = self.columnWidth(i)
-            new_cell_size = int(current_cell_size * factor)
-            error += new_cell_size - (current_cell_size * factor)
-            if (error >= 1.0) or (error <= -1.0):
-                new_cell_size -= int(error)
-                error -= int(error)
-            self.horizontalHeader().resizeSection(i, new_cell_size)
-        self.do_optimal_size()
-    def set_item(self, row, col, value):
-        item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(value))
-        item.setTextAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)
-        width = self._get_table_item_width(QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(value))
-        if width > self.columnWidth(col):
-            self.horizontalHeader().resizeSection(col, width)
-        self.setItem(row, col, item)
-    def set_numbers(self, value):
-        new_numbers = str(value)
-        if len(new_numbers) == 0:
-            raise ValueError("Cant create a table for a value of length 0.")
-        if len(new_numbers) != len(self.numbers):
-            raise ValueError("New Values for table don't match size."
-                             "Expected size %i but got %i" % (len(self.numbers), len(new_numbers)))
-        self.numbers = new_numbers
-        for i in range(len(self.numbers)):
-            item = self.item(0, i)
-            item.setText(self.numbers[i])
-    def set_label(self, start, end, label, color=None):
-        if (start < 0) or (end > self.columnCount()-1) or (start > end):
-            raise ValueError("Invalid Start and End positions for Label: %s" % label)
-        if self.rowCount() < 2:
-            self.insertRow(1)
-            for i in range(self.length):
-                self.setItem(1, i, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(''))
-        span = (end-start)+1
-        if span > 1:
-            self.setSpan(1, start, 1, span)
-        item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(label)
-        item.setTextAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)
-        if color:
-            item.setBackground(color)
-        self.setItem(1, start, item)
-        # Check if the label is larger then then cells it spans and resize the cells
-        # accordingly, if the label ends up larger then the cells.
-        label_width = self._get_table_item_width(QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(label))
-        cells_width = 0
-        for i in range(start, end+1):
-            cells_width = cells_width + self.columnWidth(i)
-        if label_width > cells_width:
-            new_cell_size = label_width/span
-            for i in range(start, end+1):
-                self.horizontalHeader().resizeSection(i, new_cell_size)
-        self.do_optimal_size()
-    def grey_out_column(self, column):
-        if (column < 0) or (column > self.length):
-            raise ValueError("Supplied column is out of range for this table")
-        for i in range(self.rowCount()):
-            self.item(i, column).setForeground(QtGui.QColor(120, 120, 120))
-            self.item(i, column).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(200, 200, 200))
-    def undo_grey_out_column(self, column):
-        if (column < 0) or (column > self.length):
-            raise ValueError("Supplied column is out of range for this table")
-        for i in range(self.rowCount()):
-            self.item(i, column).setForeground(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0))
-            self.item(i, column).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255))
-    # Create a table just to insert our item and show how large its width ends up...
-    # We have to use this stupid workaround since QTableWidgetItem has no width() property...
-    def _get_table_item_width(self, item):
-        table = QtGui.QTableWidget()
-        table.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QtGui.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents)
-        table.setRowCount(1)
-        table.setColumnCount(1)
-        table.setItem(0, 0, item)
-        width = table.columnWidth(0)
-        table.deleteLater()
-        return width
-class BitsEditTable(BitsDisplayTable):
-    def __init__(self, value, parent=None, optimalSize=True):
-        BitsDisplayTable.__init__(self, value, parent, optimalSize)
-        self.checkboxes = []
-        self.populate_checkboxes()
-        self.verticalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(35)
-        self.do_optimal_size()
-    def populate_checkboxes(self):
-        for i in range(self.length):
-            widget = QtGui.QWidget()
-            self.checkboxes += [QtGui.QCheckBox()]
-            layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(widget)
-            layout.addWidget(self.checkboxes[i])
-            layout.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
-            layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
-            widget.setLayout(layout)
-            self.setCellWidget(0, i, widget)
-    def set_numbers(self, value):
-            new_numbers = str(value)
-            if len(new_numbers) == 0:
-                raise ValueError("Cant create a table for a value of length 0.")
-            if len(new_numbers) != len(self.numbers):
-                raise ValueError("New Values for table dont match size."
-                                 "Expected size %i but got %i" % (len(self.numbers), len(new_numbers)))
-            self.numbers = new_numbers
-            for i in range(len(self.numbers)):
-                if self.numbers[i] == '1':
-                    self.checkboxes[i].setChecked(True)
-                else:
-                    self.checkboxes[i].setChecked(False)
-    def get_bits(self):
-        bits = ''
-        for i in range(self.length):
-            if self.checkboxes[i].isChecked():
-                bits += '1'
-            else:
-                bits += '0'
-        return bits
-    def get_bit(self, bit):
-        if bit > self.length:
-            return None
-        return self.checkboxes[(self.length - bit) - 1].isChecked()
-    def clear_all_bits(self):
-        for i in range(self.length):
-            self.checkboxes[i].setChecked(False)
-class AdvancedBoardInterface(QtGui.QWidget):
-    def __init__(self, parent=None, board_id=None):
-        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.do_layout()
-        self.data_flow_pipeline_status = None
-        # self.do_status_update() # Do not update status at init - gets updated whenever page is "opened"
-        if board_id is None:
-            print("No Valid board id specified for AdvancedBoardInterface.")
-            raise ValueError("No Valid board id specified for AdvancedBoardInterface.")
-        self.board_id = board_id
-    def do_layout(self):
-        self.table_grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.table_grid)
-        self.table_grid.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Status1 Register 0x9050 (Readonly)"), 0, 0)
-        self.t1 = QtGui.QScrollArea()
-        self.table_grid.addWidget(self.t1, 1, 0)
-        self.status1_table = BitsDisplayTable(32*'0', self)
-        self.do_status1_table_layout(self.status1_table)
-        # self.table_grid.addWidget(self.status1_table, 1, 0)
-        self.t1.setWidget(self.status1_table)
-        self.t1.setFixedHeight(self.status1_table.height()+24)
-        self.table_grid.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Status2 Register 0x9054 (Readonly)"), 2, 0)
-        self.t2 = QtGui.QScrollArea()
-        self.table_grid.addWidget(self.t2, 3, 0)
-        self.status2_table = BitsDisplayTable(32*'0', self)
-        self.do_status2_table_layout(self.status2_table)
-        # self.table_grid.addWidget(self.status2_table, 3, 0)
-        self.t2.setWidget(self.status2_table)
-        self.t2.setFixedHeight(self.status2_table.height()+24)
-        self.table_grid.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Status3 Register 0x9058 (Readonly)"), 4, 0)
-        self.t3 = QtGui.QScrollArea()
-        self.table_grid.addWidget(self.t3, 5, 0)
-        self.status3_table = BitsDisplayTable(32*'0', self)
-        self.do_status3_table_layout(self.status3_table)
-        # self.table_grid.addWidget(self.status3_table, 5, 0)
-        self.t3.setWidget(self.status3_table)
-        self.t3.setFixedHeight(self.status3_table.height()+24)
-        # self.table_grid.addItem(QtGui.QSpacerItem(1, 20), 6, 0)
-        self.table_grid.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Control Register 0x9040"), 7, 0)
-        buttons_box = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        buttons_box.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft)
-        self.write_control_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Write Values to board")
-        self.write_control_button.setMaximumWidth(200)
-        buttons_box.addWidget(self.write_control_button)
-        self.clear_control_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Clear Input")
-        self.clear_control_button.setMaximumWidth(200)
-        buttons_box.addWidget(self.clear_control_button)
-        self.check_status_control_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Check Status")
-        self.check_status_control_button.setMaximumWidth(200)
-        buttons_box.addWidget(self.check_status_control_button)
-        buttons_widget = QtGui.QWidget()
-        buttons_widget.setLayout(buttons_box)
-        self.table_grid.addWidget(buttons_widget, 8, 0)
-        self.tedit = QtGui.QScrollArea()
-        self.table_grid.addWidget(self.tedit, 9, 0)
-        self.control_table = BitsEditTable(32*'0', self)
-        self.do_control_table_layout(self.control_table)
-        self.tedit.setWidget(self.control_table)
-        self.tedit.setFixedHeight(self.control_table.height()+24)
-        # self.table_grid.addWidget(self.control_table, 9, 0)
-        self.write_control_button.clicked.connect(self.send_control_to_board)
-        self.clear_control_button.clicked.connect(self.control_table.clear_all_bits)
-        self.check_status_control_button.clicked.connect(self.do_status_update)
-        self.check_status_control_button.setShortcut("F5")
-        width1 = self.status1_table.width()
-        width2 = self.status2_table.width()
-        width3 = self.status3_table.width()
-        width4 = self.control_table.width()
-        max_width = max(width1, max(width2, max(width3, width4)))
-        self.status1_table.stretch_to_width(max_width)
-        self.status2_table.stretch_to_width(max_width)
-        self.status3_table.stretch_to_width(max_width)
-        self.control_table.stretch_to_width(max_width)
-    def send_control_to_board(self):
-        if bif._bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(self.board_id, tr("Heading", "Write Registers")):
-            logging.log("Cant write to board while continuous readout is active")
-            return
-        bits = self.control_table.get_bits()
-        # print bits
-        dec_val_bits = int(bits, 2)
-        # print dec_val_bits
-        # self.parent.text_area.write("Writing to board Register 0x9040: %s" % ('0x{0:08x}'.format(dec_val_bits)))
-        logging.info("Writing to board Register 0x9040: %s" % ('0x{0:08x}'.format(dec_val_bits)))
-        try:
-            board.pci.write(self.board_id, hex(dec_val_bits), '0x9040')
-        except board.BoardError as e:
-            QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Board communication",
-                                       "Was unable to write value to board!\nReason: "+str(e)+"\nBoard: "+str(self.board_id))
-        # self.parent.do_status_readout()
-        self.do_status_update()
-    def do_status1_table_layout(self, table):
-        # from right to left
-        table.set_label(29, 31, "FSM_Data_Pipeline_Status", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.grey_out_column(28)
-        table.set_label(27, 27, "FULL", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.set_label(26, 26, "EMPTY", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.grey_out_column(25)
-        table.grey_out_column(24)
-        table.set_label(14, 23, "RD_data_Counts", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.set_label(13, 13, "OVR_ADC", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
-        table.grey_out_column(12)
-        table.grey_out_column(11)
-        table.grey_out_column(10)
-        table.grey_out_column(9)
-        table.grey_out_column(8)
-        table.set_label(7, 7, "PLL_LD", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
-        table.grey_out_column(6)
-        table.set_label(2, 5, "Master Control", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.grey_out_column(1)
-        table.set_label(0, 0, "1")
-    def do_status2_table_layout(self, table):
-        #from right to left
-        table.set_label(31, 31, "FIFO 128 255 empty", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.set_label(30, 30, "FIFO 128 255 full", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.grey_out_column(29)
-        table.grey_out_column(28)
-        table.set_label(17, 27, "wr data count 128 255", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
-        table.grey_out_column(16)
-        table.set_label(15, 15, "FIFO 255 64 empty", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.set_label(14, 14, "FIFO 255 64 full", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.grey_out_column(13)
-        table.grey_out_column(12)
-        table.set_label(2, 11, "rd data count 255 64", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
-        table.grey_out_column(1)
-        table.grey_out_column(0)
-    def do_status3_table_layout(self, table):
-        #from right to left
-        table.set_label(29, 31, "FSM_ARBITER_DDR3", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.grey_out_column(28)
-        table.set_label(25, 27, "FSM_WR_DDR3", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.grey_out_column(24)
-        table.set_label(21, 23, "FSM_R_DDR3", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.grey_out_column(20)
-        table.set_label(16, 19, "BC_ERROR", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
-        table.set_label(1, 15, "Number of wrong BC", QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 0))
-        table.grey_out_column(0)
-    def do_control_table_layout(self, table):
-        #from right to left
-        table.set_label(31, 31, "reset", QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255))
-        table.grey_out_column(30)
-        table.grey_out_column(29)
-        table.grey_out_column(28)
-        table.set_label(27, 27, "ADC_1(A+D)", QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255))
-        table.set_label(26, 26, "ADC_2(A+D)2", QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255))
-        table.set_label(25, 25, "T/H_1", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
-        table.set_label(24, 24, "T/H_2", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
-        table.set_label(23, 23, "T/H_3", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
-        table.set_label(22, 22, "T/H_4", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
-        table.set_label(21, 21, "EN_data_Trans", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
-        table.set_label(20, 20, "EN_readout", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
-        table.set_label(18, 19, "ADC_1", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
-        table.set_label(16, 17, "ADC_2", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
-        table.set_label(14, 15, "ADC_3", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
-        table.set_label(12, 13, "ADC_4", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
-        table.grey_out_column(11)
-        table.grey_out_column(10)
-        table.set_label(9, 9, "Clock Selection", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
-        table.set_label(8, 8, "Sampling", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.set_label(7, 7, "Reset", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
-        table.set_label(6, 6, "ADC_CNT", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
-        table.grey_out_column(5)
-        table.grey_out_column(4)
-        table.set_label(3, 3, "Header", QtCore.Qt.green)
-        table.grey_out_column(2)
-        table.set_label(1, 1, "Pilot Bunch by FPGA", QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255))
-        table.set_label(0, 0, "FPGA Temp monitor Reset", QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255))
-    def update_status(self, registers):
-        try:
-            self.status1_table.set_numbers('{0:032b}'.format(registers[0]))
-            self.status2_table.set_numbers('{0:032b}'.format(registers[1]))
-            self.status3_table.set_numbers('{0:032b}'.format(registers[2]))
-        except Exception:
-            return
-    def do_status_update(self):
-        if board.get_board_status(self.board_id).board_connected:
-            registers = board.pci.read(self.board_id, 3, '0x9050', decimal=True)
-            # TODO: KEEPING read_pci as this entire thing will be removed hopefully
-            self.update_status(registers)
-            control = board.pci.read(self.board_id, 1, '0x9040')[0]
-            control_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(control, 16))
-            self.control_table.set_numbers(control_bits)
-class AdvanceControlView(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(AdvanceControlView, self).__init__()
-        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.tabs = QtGui.QTabWidget()
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.tabs)
-        self.tables = []
-        for bid in available_boards:
-            self.tables.append(AdvancedBoardInterface(board_id=bid))
-            self.tabs.addTab(self.tables[-1], str(bid))
-    def pages_update_function(self):
-        for table in self.tables:
-            table.do_status_update()
+This defines the Tables used as Bits display
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+import logging
+from backend import board
+from backend.board import available_boards
+import backendinterface as bif
+import kcgwidget as kcgw
+tr = kcgw.tr
+class BitsDisplayTable(QtGui.QTableWidget):
+    """
+    Widget to use to display the Bits (as table)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, value, parent=None, optimalSize=True):
+        QtGui.QTableWidget.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.numbers = str(value)
+        if len(self.numbers) == 0:
+            raise ValueError("Cant create a table for a value of length 0.")
+        self.length = len(self.numbers)
+        self.do_style()
+        if optimalSize is True:
+            self.do_optimal_size()
+    def do_style(self):
+        self.horizontalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(35)
+        self.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QtGui.QHeaderView.Fixed)
+        self.horizontalHeader().setVisible(True)
+        self.verticalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(17)
+        self.verticalHeader().setResizeMode(QtGui.QHeaderView.Fixed)
+        self.verticalHeader().setVisible(False)
+        self.setEditTriggers(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers)
+        self.setRowCount(1)
+        self.setColumnCount(self.length)
+        # If self.length would be 5, this line would generate ('4', '3',
+        # '2', '1', '0')
+        headers = tuple([str(i) for i in reversed(range(0, self.length))])
+        self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers)
+        for i in range(len(self.numbers)):
+            item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(self.numbers[i])
+            item.setTextAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)
+            self.setItem(0, i, item)
+    def width(self):
+        width = 6
+        if self.verticalHeader().isHidden() is False:
+            width = self.verticalHeader().width() + 6
+        for i in range(self.columnCount()):
+            width = width + self.columnWidth(i)
+        return width
+    def height(self):
+        height = 6
+        if self.horizontalHeader().isHidden() is False:
+            height = self.horizontalHeader().height() + 6
+        for i in range(self.rowCount()):
+            height = height + self.rowHeight(i)
+        return height
+    def do_optimal_size(self):
+        size = QtCore.QSize(self.width(), self.height())
+        self.setMaximumSize(size)
+        self.setMinimumSize(size)
+    def stretch_to_width(self, width_in):
+        width = self.width()
+        if width >= width_in:
+            return
+        factor = width_in/float(width)
+        error = 0
+        for i in range(self.length):
+            current_cell_size = self.columnWidth(i)
+            new_cell_size = int(current_cell_size * factor)
+            error += new_cell_size - (current_cell_size * factor)
+            if (error >= 1.0) or (error <= -1.0):
+                new_cell_size -= int(error)
+                error -= int(error)
+            self.horizontalHeader().resizeSection(i, new_cell_size)
+        self.do_optimal_size()
+    def set_item(self, row, col, value):
+        item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(value))
+        item.setTextAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)
+        width = self._get_table_item_width(QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(value))
+        if width > self.columnWidth(col):
+            self.horizontalHeader().resizeSection(col, width)
+        self.setItem(row, col, item)
+    def set_numbers(self, value):
+        new_numbers = str(value)
+        if len(new_numbers) == 0:
+            raise ValueError("Cant create a table for a value of length 0.")
+        if len(new_numbers) != len(self.numbers):
+            raise ValueError("New Values for table don't match size."
+                             "Expected size %i but got %i" % (len(self.numbers), len(new_numbers)))
+        self.numbers = new_numbers
+        for i in range(len(self.numbers)):
+            item = self.item(0, i)
+            item.setText(self.numbers[i])
+    def set_label(self, start, end, label, color=None):
+        if (start < 0) or (end > self.columnCount()-1) or (start > end):
+            raise ValueError("Invalid Start and End positions for Label: %s" % label)
+        if self.rowCount() < 2:
+            self.insertRow(1)
+            for i in range(self.length):
+                self.setItem(1, i, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(''))
+        span = (end-start)+1
+        if span > 1:
+            self.setSpan(1, start, 1, span)
+        item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(label)
+        item.setTextAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)
+        if color:
+            item.setBackground(color)
+        self.setItem(1, start, item)
+        # Check if the label is larger then then cells it spans and resize the cells
+        # accordingly, if the label ends up larger then the cells.
+        label_width = self._get_table_item_width(QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(label))
+        cells_width = 0
+        for i in range(start, end+1):
+            cells_width = cells_width + self.columnWidth(i)
+        if label_width > cells_width:
+            new_cell_size = label_width/span
+            for i in range(start, end+1):
+                self.horizontalHeader().resizeSection(i, new_cell_size)
+        self.do_optimal_size()
+    def grey_out_column(self, column):
+        if (column < 0) or (column > self.length):
+            raise ValueError("Supplied column is out of range for this table")
+        for i in range(self.rowCount()):
+            self.item(i, column).setForeground(QtGui.QColor(120, 120, 120))
+            self.item(i, column).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(200, 200, 200))
+    def undo_grey_out_column(self, column):
+        if (column < 0) or (column > self.length):
+            raise ValueError("Supplied column is out of range for this table")
+        for i in range(self.rowCount()):
+            self.item(i, column).setForeground(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0))
+            self.item(i, column).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255))
+    # Create a table just to insert our item and show how large its width ends up...
+    # We have to use this stupid workaround since QTableWidgetItem has no width() property...
+    def _get_table_item_width(self, item):
+        table = QtGui.QTableWidget()
+        table.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QtGui.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents)
+        table.setRowCount(1)
+        table.setColumnCount(1)
+        table.setItem(0, 0, item)
+        width = table.columnWidth(0)
+        table.deleteLater()
+        return width
+class BitsEditTable(BitsDisplayTable):
+    def __init__(self, value, parent=None, optimalSize=True):
+        BitsDisplayTable.__init__(self, value, parent, optimalSize)
+        self.checkboxes = []
+        self.populate_checkboxes()
+        self.verticalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(35)
+        self.do_optimal_size()
+    def populate_checkboxes(self):
+        for i in range(self.length):
+            widget = QtGui.QWidget()
+            self.checkboxes += [QtGui.QCheckBox()]
+            layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(widget)
+            layout.addWidget(self.checkboxes[i])
+            layout.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
+            layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+            widget.setLayout(layout)
+            self.setCellWidget(0, i, widget)
+    def set_numbers(self, value):
+            new_numbers = str(value)
+            if len(new_numbers) == 0:
+                raise ValueError("Cant create a table for a value of length 0.")
+            if len(new_numbers) != len(self.numbers):
+                raise ValueError("New Values for table dont match size."
+                                 "Expected size %i but got %i" % (len(self.numbers), len(new_numbers)))
+            self.numbers = new_numbers
+            for i in range(len(self.numbers)):
+                if self.numbers[i] == '1':
+                    self.checkboxes[i].setChecked(True)
+                else:
+                    self.checkboxes[i].setChecked(False)
+    def get_bits(self):
+        bits = ''
+        for i in range(self.length):
+            if self.checkboxes[i].isChecked():
+                bits += '1'
+            else:
+                bits += '0'
+        return bits
+    def get_bit(self, bit):
+        if bit > self.length:
+            return None
+        return self.checkboxes[(self.length - bit) - 1].isChecked()
+    def clear_all_bits(self):
+        for i in range(self.length):
+            self.checkboxes[i].setChecked(False)
+class AdvancedBoardInterface(QtGui.QWidget):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None, board_id=None):
+        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.do_layout()
+        self.data_flow_pipeline_status = None
+        # self.do_status_update() # Do not update status at init - gets updated whenever page is "opened"
+        if board_id is None:
+            print ("No Valid board id specified for AdvancedBoardInterface.")
+            raise ValueError("No Valid board id specified for AdvancedBoardInterface.")
+        self.board_id = board_id
+    def do_layout(self):
+        self.table_grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.table_grid)
+        self.table_grid.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Status1 Register 0x9050 (Readonly)"), 0, 0)
+        self.t1 = QtGui.QScrollArea()
+        self.table_grid.addWidget(self.t1, 1, 0)
+        self.status1_table = BitsDisplayTable(32*'0', self)
+        self.do_status1_table_layout(self.status1_table)
+        # self.table_grid.addWidget(self.status1_table, 1, 0)
+        self.t1.setWidget(self.status1_table)
+        self.t1.setFixedHeight(self.status1_table.height()+24)
+        self.table_grid.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Status2 Register 0x9054 (Readonly)"), 2, 0)
+        self.t2 = QtGui.QScrollArea()
+        self.table_grid.addWidget(self.t2, 3, 0)
+        self.status2_table = BitsDisplayTable(32*'0', self)
+        self.do_status2_table_layout(self.status2_table)
+        # self.table_grid.addWidget(self.status2_table, 3, 0)
+        self.t2.setWidget(self.status2_table)
+        self.t2.setFixedHeight(self.status2_table.height()+24)
+        self.table_grid.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Status3 Register 0x9058 (Readonly)"), 4, 0)
+        self.t3 = QtGui.QScrollArea()
+        self.table_grid.addWidget(self.t3, 5, 0)
+        self.status3_table = BitsDisplayTable(32*'0', self)
+        self.do_status3_table_layout(self.status3_table)
+        # self.table_grid.addWidget(self.status3_table, 5, 0)
+        self.t3.setWidget(self.status3_table)
+        self.t3.setFixedHeight(self.status3_table.height()+24)
+        # self.table_grid.addItem(QtGui.QSpacerItem(1, 20), 6, 0)
+        self.table_grid.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Control Register 0x9040"), 7, 0)
+        buttons_box = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        buttons_box.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft)
+        self.write_control_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Write Values to board")
+        self.write_control_button.setMaximumWidth(200)
+        buttons_box.addWidget(self.write_control_button)
+        self.clear_control_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Clear Input")
+        self.clear_control_button.setMaximumWidth(200)
+        buttons_box.addWidget(self.clear_control_button)
+        self.check_status_control_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Check Status")
+        self.check_status_control_button.setMaximumWidth(200)
+        buttons_box.addWidget(self.check_status_control_button)
+        buttons_widget = QtGui.QWidget()
+        buttons_widget.setLayout(buttons_box)
+        self.table_grid.addWidget(buttons_widget, 8, 0)
+        self.tedit = QtGui.QScrollArea()
+        self.table_grid.addWidget(self.tedit, 9, 0)
+        self.control_table = BitsEditTable(32*'0', self)
+        self.do_control_table_layout(self.control_table)
+        self.tedit.setWidget(self.control_table)
+        self.tedit.setFixedHeight(self.control_table.height()+24)
+        # self.table_grid.addWidget(self.control_table, 9, 0)
+        self.write_control_button.clicked.connect(self.send_control_to_board)
+        self.clear_control_button.clicked.connect(self.control_table.clear_all_bits)
+        self.check_status_control_button.clicked.connect(self.do_status_update)
+        self.check_status_control_button.setShortcut("F5")
+        width1 = self.status1_table.width()
+        width2 = self.status2_table.width()
+        width3 = self.status3_table.width()
+        width4 = self.control_table.width()
+        max_width = max(width1, max(width2, max(width3, width4)))
+        self.status1_table.stretch_to_width(max_width)
+        self.status2_table.stretch_to_width(max_width)
+        self.status3_table.stretch_to_width(max_width)
+        self.control_table.stretch_to_width(max_width)
+    def send_control_to_board(self):
+        if bif._bif_continuous_read_is_enabled(self.board_id, tr("Heading", "Write Registers")):
+            logging.log("Cant write to board while continuous readout is active")
+            return
+        bits = self.control_table.get_bits()
+        # print bits
+        dec_val_bits = int(bits, 2)
+        # print dec_val_bits
+        # self.parent.text_area.write("Writing to board Register 0x9040: %s" % ('0x{0:08x}'.format(dec_val_bits)))
+        logging.info("Writing to board Register 0x9040: %s" % ('0x{0:08x}'.format(dec_val_bits)))
+        try:
+            board.pci.write(self.board_id, hex(dec_val_bits), '0x9040')
+        except board.BoardError as e:
+            QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Board communication",
+                                       "Was unable to write value to board!\nReason: "+str(e)+"\nBoard: "+str(self.board_id))
+        # self.parent.do_status_readout()
+        self.do_status_update()
+    def do_status1_table_layout(self, table):
+        # from right to left
+        table.set_label(29, 31, "FSM_Data_Pipeline_Status", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.grey_out_column(28)
+        table.set_label(27, 27, "FULL", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.set_label(26, 26, "EMPTY", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.grey_out_column(25)
+        table.grey_out_column(24)
+        table.set_label(14, 23, "RD_data_Counts", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.set_label(13, 13, "OVR_ADC", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
+        table.grey_out_column(12)
+        table.grey_out_column(11)
+        table.grey_out_column(10)
+        table.grey_out_column(9)
+        table.grey_out_column(8)
+        table.set_label(7, 7, "PLL_LD", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
+        table.grey_out_column(6)
+        table.set_label(2, 5, "Master Control", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.grey_out_column(1)
+        table.set_label(0, 0, "1")
+    def do_status2_table_layout(self, table):
+        #from right to left
+        table.set_label(31, 31, "FIFO 128 255 empty", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.set_label(30, 30, "FIFO 128 255 full", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.grey_out_column(29)
+        table.grey_out_column(28)
+        table.set_label(17, 27, "wr data count 128 255", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
+        table.grey_out_column(16)
+        table.set_label(15, 15, "FIFO 255 64 empty", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.set_label(14, 14, "FIFO 255 64 full", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.grey_out_column(13)
+        table.grey_out_column(12)
+        table.set_label(2, 11, "rd data count 255 64", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
+        table.grey_out_column(1)
+        table.grey_out_column(0)
+    def do_status3_table_layout(self, table):
+        #from right to left
+        table.set_label(29, 31, "FSM_ARBITER_DDR3", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.grey_out_column(28)
+        table.set_label(25, 27, "FSM_WR_DDR3", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.grey_out_column(24)
+        table.set_label(21, 23, "FSM_R_DDR3", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.grey_out_column(20)
+        table.set_label(16, 19, "BC_ERROR", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
+        table.set_label(1, 15, "Number of wrong BC", QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 0))
+        table.grey_out_column(0)
+    def do_control_table_layout(self, table):
+        #from right to left
+        table.set_label(31, 31, "reset", QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255))
+        table.grey_out_column(30)
+        table.grey_out_column(29)
+        table.grey_out_column(28)
+        table.set_label(27, 27, "ADC_1(A+D)", QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255))
+        table.set_label(26, 26, "ADC_2(A+D)2", QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255))
+        table.set_label(25, 25, "T/H_1", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
+        table.set_label(24, 24, "T/H_2", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
+        table.set_label(23, 23, "T/H_3", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
+        table.set_label(22, 22, "T/H_4", QtGui.QColor(210, 210, 0))
+        table.set_label(21, 21, "EN_data_Trans", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
+        table.set_label(20, 20, "EN_readout", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
+        table.set_label(18, 19, "ADC_1", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
+        table.set_label(16, 17, "ADC_2", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
+        table.set_label(14, 15, "ADC_3", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
+        table.set_label(12, 13, "ADC_4", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
+        table.grey_out_column(11)
+        table.grey_out_column(10)
+        table.set_label(9, 9, "Clock Selection", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
+        table.set_label(8, 8, "Sampling", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.set_label(7, 7, "Reset", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
+        table.set_label(6, 6, "ADC_CNT", QtCore.Qt.yellow)
+        table.grey_out_column(5)
+        table.grey_out_column(4)
+        table.set_label(3, 3, "Header", QtCore.Qt.green)
+        table.grey_out_column(2)
+        table.set_label(1, 1, "Pilot Bunch by FPGA", QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255))
+        table.set_label(0, 0, "FPGA Temp monitor Reset", QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255))
+    def update_status(self, registers):
+        try:
+            self.status1_table.set_numbers('{0:032b}'.format(registers[0]))
+            self.status2_table.set_numbers('{0:032b}'.format(registers[1]))
+            self.status3_table.set_numbers('{0:032b}'.format(registers[2]))
+        except Exception:
+            return
+    def do_status_update(self):
+        if board.get_board_status(self.board_id).board_connected:
+            registers = board.pci.read(self.board_id, 3, '0x9050', decimal=True)
+            # TODO: KEEPING read_pci as this entire thing will be removed hopefully
+            self.update_status(registers)
+            control = board.pci.read(self.board_id, 1, '0x9040')[0]
+            control_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(int(control, 16))
+            self.control_table.set_numbers(control_bits)
+class AdvanceControlView(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(AdvanceControlView, self).__init__()
+        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.tabs = QtGui.QTabWidget()
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.tabs)
+        self.tables = []
+        for bid in available_boards:
+            self.tables.append(AdvancedBoardInterface(board_id=bid))
+            self.tabs.addTab(self.tables[-1], str(bid))
+    def pages_update_function(self):
+        for table in self.tables:
+            table.do_status_update()

+ 99 - 99

@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
-from PyQt4 import QtCore
-class NoCallbackError(Exception):
-    pass
-class CallbackExistsError(Exception):
-    pass
-class CallbackHandler(QtCore.QObject):
-    """
-    Handler for custom callbacks.
-    It can handle synchronous callbacks as well as async callbacks (using pyqtSignals)
-    """
-    callback_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, list, dict)
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(CallbackHandler, self).__init__()
-        self._callbacks = {}
-        self.callback_signal.connect(self.__async_callback_receiver)
-    def callback(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Call all registered callback method for name
-        This passes all additional arguments and keyword arguments down to the callbacks
-        NOTE: all callbacks therefore need to accept the same number of arguments
-        :param name: the name for which the callbacks are to be called
-        :param args: arguments to be passed to the callbacks
-        :param kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to the callbacks
-        """
-        if name in self._callbacks:
-            for callback in self._callbacks[name]:
-                callback(*args, **kwargs)
-        else:
-            raise NoCallbackError("Callback " + name + " not registered.")
-    def __async_callback_receiver(self, name, *args):
-        """
-        Internal Method (Called when async callbacks are to be executed)
-        """
-        self.callback(str(name), *args[0], **args[1])
-    def async_callback(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Perform a async callback (same as callback but through pyqtSignal and therefore allowed in threads)
-        :param name: the name for which the callbacks are to be called
-        :param args: arguments to be passed to the callbacks
-        :param kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to the callbacks
-        """
-        if name in self._callbacks:
-            self.callback_signal.emit(name, list(args), dict(kwargs))
-        else:
-            raise NoCallbackError("Callback " + name + " not registered.")
-    def add_callback(self, name, callback):
-        """
-        Register a callback for name
-        :param name: the name to register against
-        :param callback: the callback to register
-        """
-        if name in self._callbacks:
-            if callback in self._callbacks[name]:
-                raise CallbackExistsError("Callback " + name + " already registered.")
-            else:
-                self._callbacks[name].append(callback)
-        else:
-            self._callbacks[name] = [callback, ]
-    def delete_callback(self, name, callback):
-        """
-        Delete a callback from name
-        if no callback for name is left the whole group is deleted
-        :param name: the name to delete the callback from
-        :param callback: the callback to delete
-        """
-        if name not in self._callbacks:
-            raise NoCallbackError("Callback " + name + " not registered.")
-        else:
-            if callback in self._callbacks[name]:
-                self._callbacks[name].remove(callback)
-            else:
-                raise NoCallbackError("Callback " + str(callback) + " not registered in " + name+".")
-            if len(self._callbacks[name]) == 0:
-                self.delete_callback_class(name)
-    def delete_callback_class(self, name):
-        """
-        Delete a whole callback class
-        :param name: the name of the class
-        """
-        if name in self._callbacks:
-            del self._callbacks[name]
-        else:
-            raise NoCallbackError("Callback " + name + " not registered.")
-callbacks = CallbackHandler()
+from PyQt4 import QtCore
+class NoCallbackError(Exception):
+    pass
+class CallbackExistsError(Exception):
+    pass
+class CallbackHandler(QtCore.QObject):
+    """
+    Handler for custom callbacks.
+    It can handle synchronous callbacks as well as async callbacks (using pyqtSignals)
+    """
+    callback_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, list, dict)
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(CallbackHandler, self).__init__()
+        self._callbacks = {}
+        self.callback_signal.connect(self.__async_callback_receiver)
+    def callback(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Call all registered callback method for name
+        This passes all additional arguments and keyword arguments down to the callbacks
+        NOTE: all callbacks therefore need to accept the same number of arguments
+        :param name: the name for which the callbacks are to be called
+        :param args: arguments to be passed to the callbacks
+        :param kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to the callbacks
+        """
+        if name in self._callbacks:
+            for callback in self._callbacks[name]:
+                callback(*args, **kwargs)
+        else:
+            raise NoCallbackError("Callback " + name + " not registered.")
+    def __async_callback_receiver(self, name, *args):
+        """
+        Internal Method (Called when async callbacks are to be executed)
+        """
+        self.callback(str(name), *args[0], **args[1])
+    def async_callback(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Perform a async callback (same as callback but through pyqtSignal and therefore allowed in threads)
+        :param name: the name for which the callbacks are to be called
+        :param args: arguments to be passed to the callbacks
+        :param kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to the callbacks
+        """
+        if name in self._callbacks:
+            self.callback_signal.emit(name, list(args), dict(kwargs))
+        else:
+            raise NoCallbackError("Callback " + name + " not registered.")
+    def add_callback(self, name, callback):
+        """
+        Register a callback for name
+        :param name: the name to register against
+        :param callback: the callback to register
+        """
+        if name in self._callbacks:
+            if callback in self._callbacks[name]:
+                raise CallbackExistsError("Callback " + name + " already registered.")
+            else:
+                self._callbacks[name].append(callback)
+        else:
+            self._callbacks[name] = [callback, ]
+    def delete_callback(self, name, callback):
+        """
+        Delete a callback from name
+        if no callback for name is left the whole group is deleted
+        :param name: the name to delete the callback from
+        :param callback: the callback to delete
+        """
+        if name not in self._callbacks:
+            raise NoCallbackError("Callback " + name + " not registered.")
+        else:
+            if callback in self._callbacks[name]:
+                self._callbacks[name].remove(callback)
+            else:
+                raise NoCallbackError("Callback " + str(callback) + " not registered in " + name+".")
+            if len(self._callbacks[name]) == 0:
+                self.delete_callback_class(name)
+    def delete_callback_class(self, name):
+        """
+        Delete a whole callback class
+        :param name: the name of the class
+        """
+        if name in self._callbacks:
+            del self._callbacks[name]
+        else:
+            raise NoCallbackError("Callback " + name + " not registered.")
+callbacks = CallbackHandler()

+ 378 - 417

@@ -1,418 +1,379 @@
-This module defines the Initial view of the gui
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-import logging
-from . import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from .kcgwidget import error
-from .backend import board
-from .backend.board import available_boards
-from .groupedelements import Checkboxes, Buttons, Elements
-from . import backendinterface as bif
-from .loghandler import LogArea
-from . import storage
-from .. import config
-tr = kcgw.tr
-# 888     88888888888888888b.
-# 888     888       888  "Y88b
-# 888     888       888    888
-# 888     8888888   888    888
-# 888     888       888    888
-# 888     888       888    888
-# 888     888       888  .d88P
-# 8888888888888888888888888P"
-class LED(QtGui.QWidget):
-    """
-    Produces a graphical LED
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent=None, status=1, height=10, width=10):
-        """
-        Initialize a LED
-        :param parent: (QWidget) parent of this widget
-        :param status: (int) (0=out, 1=off, 2=orange, 3=on) initial status of this LED
-        :param height: (int) height of the LED
-        :param width: (int) width of the LED
-        :return: -
-        """
-        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
-        colorRGB=(255, 0, 0)
-        self.width = width
-        self.height = height
-        self.color = QtGui.QColor(colorRGB[0], colorRGB[1], colorRGB[2])
-        self.center = QtCore.QPoint(width, height)
-        self.setMinimumSize(2 * width, 2 * height)
-        self.setMaximumSize(2 * width, 2 * height)
-        if status == 3:
-            self.set_on()
-        elif status == 1:
-            self.set_off()
-        elif status == 0:
-            self.set_out()
-        elif status == 2:
-            self.set_tri()
-        self.status = status
-    def paintEvent(self, event):
-        paint = QtGui.QPainter()
-        paint.begin(self)
-        paint.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing)
-        # draw a grey 'socket' for the LED
-        paint.setPen(QtGui.QColor(160, 160, 160))
-        paint.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(180, 180, 180))
-        paint.drawEllipse(self.center, self.width, self.height)
-        # draw the body of the LED
-        paint.setBrush(self.color)
-        paint.drawEllipse(self.center, self.width*0.85, self.height*0.85)
-    def set_on(self):
-        """
-        Set the LED to "on" state
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.color = QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 0)
-        self.update()
-        self.status = 3
-    def set_off(self):
-        """
-        Set the LED to "off" state
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.color = QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 0)
-        self.update()
-        self.status = 1
-    def set_out(self):
-        """
-        Set the LED to "OUT" state (that is like an LED without power)
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.color = QtGui.QColor(150, 150, 150)
-        self.update()
-        self.status = 0
-    def set_tri(self):
-        """
-        Set the LED to "TRI" state (that is led is orange)
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.color = QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 0)
-        self.update()
-        self.status = 2
-    def set_status(self, status):
-        """
-        Set the status of the led
-        :param status: status (in 0, 1, 2, 3)
-        """
-        if status == 0:
-            self.set_out()
-        elif status == 1:
-            self.set_off()
-        elif status == 2:
-            self.set_tri()
-        elif status == 3:
-            self.set_on()
-#  .d8888b. 888           888                   888     88888888888888888b.
-# d88P  Y88b888           888                   888     888       888  "Y88b
-# Y88b.     888           888                   888     888       888    888
-#  "Y888b.  888888 8888b. 888888888  888.d8888b 888     8888888   888    888
-#     "Y88b.888       "88b888   888  88888K     888     888       888    888
-#       "888888   .d888888888   888  888"Y8888b.888     888       888    888
-# Y88b  d88PY88b. 888  888Y88b. Y88b 888     X88888     888       888  .d88P
-#  "Y8888P"  "Y888"Y888888 "Y888 "Y88888 88888P'8888888888888888888888888P"
-class StatusLED(QtGui.QWidget):
-    """
-    Create a Status LED with Label next to it
-    """
-    def __init__(self, text, status=None):
-        """
-        Initialise StatusLED
-        :param text: label text next to the LED
-        :param status: initial status of the LED
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(StatusLED, self).__init__()
-        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.label = QtGui.QLabel(text)
-        self.led = LED(status=status, width=9, height=9)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.led)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.label)
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-    def set_on(self):
-        """
-        See set_on of LED Class
-        """
-        self.led.set_on()
-    def set_off(self):
-        """
-        See set_off of LED Class
-        """
-        self.led.set_off()
-    def set_out(self):
-        """
-        See set_out of LED Class
-        """
-        self.led.set_out()
-    def set_tri(self):
-        """
-        See set_tri of LED Class
-        """
-        self.led.set_tri()
-    def set_status(self, status):
-        """
-        See set_status of LED Class
-        :param status: the status to set the led to
-        """
-        self.led.set_status(status)
-# 888888b.                              888 .d8888b.                 888                  888
-# 888  "88b                             888d88P  Y88b                888                  888
-# 888  .88P                             888888    888                888                  888
-# 8888888K.  .d88b.  8888b. 888d888 .d88888888        .d88b. 88888b. 888888888d888 .d88b. 888
-# 888  "Y88bd88""88b    "88b888P"  d88" 888888       d88""88b888 "88b888   888P"  d88""88b888
-# 888    888888  888.d888888888    888  888888    888888  888888  888888   888    888  888888
-# 888   d88PY88..88P888  888888    Y88b 888Y88b  d88PY88..88P888  888Y88b. 888    Y88..88P888
-# 8888888P"  "Y88P" "Y888888888     "Y88888 "Y8888P"  "Y88P" 888  888 "Y888888     "Y88P" 888
-class BoardControl(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    The main view of the gui for each board at startup
-    """
-    def __init__(self, board_id, single=False):
-        super(BoardControl, self).__init__()
-        self.board_id = board_id
-        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        if not single:
-            self.header_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-            left_line = QtGui.QFrame()
-            left_line.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
-            left_line.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken)
-            right_line = QtGui.QFrame()
-            right_line.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
-            right_line.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken)
-            self.header_layout.addWidget(left_line)
-            header_label = self.createLabel("Board: {}".format(available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(board_id)))
-            header_label.setFixedWidth(header_label.sizeHint().width())
-            self.header_layout.addWidget(header_label)
-            self.header_layout.addWidget(right_line)
-            self.layout.addLayout(self.header_layout)
-        self.mainControlLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.subControlLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.subControlWidget = QtGui.QWidget()
-        self.subControlWidget.setLayout(self.subControlLayout)
-        self.statusLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.layout.addLayout(self.mainControlLayout)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.subControlWidget)
-        self.layout.addLayout(self.statusLayout)
-        # ----------[ LED Status ]---------------
-        self.pipeline_led = StatusLED(tr("Label", "DataFlow Pipeline"))
-        self.master_control_led = StatusLED(tr("Label", "Master Control"))
-        self.data_check_led = StatusLED(tr("Label", "Data Check"))
-        self.pll_ld_led = StatusLED(tr("Label", "PLL_LD"))
-        self.statusLayout.addWidget(self.pipeline_led)
-        self.statusLayout.addWidget(self.master_control_led)
-        self.statusLayout.addWidget(self.data_check_led)
-        self.statusLayout.addWidget(self.pll_ld_led)
-        # -----------[ Buttons ]--------------
-        self.all_in_one_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Prepare Board"), connect=self.all_in_one,
-                                                   tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Start, Calibrate, Synchronize and set Defaults\nCtrl+A"))
-        self.toggleButton = self.createButton(text="", connect=self.toggle_sub_control)
-        self.toggleButton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path("chevron-bottom.svg")))
-        self.toggleButton.setFixedWidth(50)
-        # self.all_in_one_button.setShortcut("Ctrl+A")
-        # self.all_in_one_button.setObjectName("all_in_one")
-        self.skip_init_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Skip Initialisation"), connect=self.skip_init,
-                                                  tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Skip Initialisation and read values from board.\n"
-                                                                        "NOTE: ONLY DO THIS IF BOARD WAS CALIBRATED AND SYNCHRONIZED BEFORE"))
-        self.start_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Start Board"), connect=lambda x: bif.bk_start_board(board_id=board_id))
-        self.calibrate_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Calibrate"), connect=lambda x: bif.bk_calibrate(board_id=board_id))
-        self.syncronize_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Synchronize"), connect=lambda x: bif.bk_sync_board(board_id=board_id))
-        self.set_default_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Set Defaults"), connect=lambda x: bif.bk_write_values(board_id=board_id, defaults=True))
-        self.soft_reset_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Soft Reset"), connect=lambda x: bif.bk_soft_reset(board_id=board_id))
-        self.off_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Board Off"), connect=lambda x: bif.bk_stop_board(board_id=board_id))
-        self.off_button.setObjectName("off")
-        self.check_status_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Check Status"), connect=lambda x: bif._bif_status_readout(board_id=board_id))
-        Buttons.addButton('start_board_{}'.format(board_id), self.start_button)
-        Buttons.addButton(['calibrate_{}'.format(board_id), 'after_start_{}'.format(board_id)], self.calibrate_button)
-        Buttons.addButton(['synchronize_{}'.format(board_id), 'after_start_{}'.format(board_id)], self.syncronize_button)
-        Buttons.addButton(['set_defaults_{}'.format(board_id), 'after_start_{}'.format(board_id)], self.set_default_button)
-        Elements.addItem('no_board_{}'.format(board_id),
-                         [
-                             self.start_button,
-                             self.calibrate_button,
-                             self.syncronize_button,
-                             self.set_default_button,
-                             self.soft_reset_button,
-                             self.off_button,
-                             self.all_in_one_button
-                         ])
-        self.mainControlLayout.addWidget(self.skip_init_button)
-        self.mainControlLayout.addWidget(self.all_in_one_button)
-        self.mainControlLayout.addWidget(self.toggleButton)
-        self.mainControlLayout.addWidget(self.soft_reset_button)
-        self.mainControlLayout.addWidget(self.off_button)
-        self.statusLayout.addWidget(self.check_status_button)
-        self.subControlLayout.addWidget(self.start_button)
-        self.subControlLayout.addWidget(self.calibrate_button)
-        self.subControlLayout.addWidget(self.syncronize_button)
-        self.subControlLayout.addWidget(self.set_default_button)
-        # register the led updater function (used in backendinterface.bk_status_readout)
-        storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).update_LED = self.on_check
-        self.geo = self.saveGeometry()
-        self.subControlWidget.hide()
-    def toggle_sub_control(self):
-        """
-        Show or hide the subcontrol buttons
-        """
-        self.subControlWidget.setHidden(not self.subControlWidget.isHidden())
-        if self.subControlWidget.isHidden():
-            self.toggleButton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path("chevron-bottom.svg")))
-        else:
-            self.toggleButton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path("chevron-top.svg")))
-        self.parent().adjustSize()
-    def all_in_one(self):
-        """
-        Function that gets called when the Prepare Board Button is pressed.
-        It Starts the board, syncs it and sets defaults.
-        This is accomplished via the backendinterface module
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if bif.bk_start_board(self.board_id) is not False:
-            def do_the_rest(board_id):
-                bif.bk_sync_board(board_id)
-                bif.bk_write_values(board_id, defaults=True)
-            bif.bk_calibrate(self.board_id, do_the_rest)
-    def skip_init(self):
-        """
-        Skip board initialisation progress and read data from board. This will adjust the values in the gui to those
-        on the board (for every value that is stored on the board)
-        """
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).read_from_board()
-        board.get_board_status(self.board_id).calibrated = True
-        board.get_board_status(self.board_id).synced = True
-        board.get_board_status(self.board_id).defaults_set = True
-        bif.bk_status_readout()
-        logging.info("Initialisation skipped, configuration and status was read from KAPTURE.")
-    def on_check(self):
-        """
-        This function is the handler for the status leds on the ControlWidget View.
-        Parses the registers and sets the colors of the leds according.
-        :return: -
-        """
-        try:
-            status = bif.bk_get_status(self.board_id)
-        except IndexError:
-            error(0x002, "Pci returned not enough registers to update LEDs.")
-            return
-        for led, st in list(status.items()):
-            getattr(self, led.lower()+"_led").set_status(st)
-#  .d8888b.                 888                  888888       888d8b     888                888
-# d88P  Y88b                888                  888888   o   888Y8P     888                888
-# 888    888                888                  888888  d8b  888        888                888
-# 888        .d88b. 88888b. 888888888d888 .d88b. 888888 d888b 888888 .d88888 .d88b.  .d88b. 888888
-# 888       d88""88b888 "88b888   888P"  d88""88b888888d88888b888888d88" 888d88P"88bd8P  Y8b888
-# 888    888888  888888  888888   888    888  88888888888P Y88888888888  888888  88888888888888
-# Y88b  d88PY88..88P888  888Y88b. 888    Y88..88P8888888P   Y8888888Y88b 888Y88b 888Y8b.    Y88b.
-#  "Y8888P"  "Y88P" 888  888 "Y888888     "Y88P" 888888P     Y888888 "Y88888 "Y88888 "Y8888  "Y888
-#                                                                                888
-#                                                                           Y8b d88P
-#                                                                            "Y88P"
-class ControlWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    Main Widget that is shown at start of gui.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(ControlWidget, self).__init__()
-        self.overlayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.overlayout)
-        self.splitter = QtGui.QSplitter(QtCore.Qt.Vertical)
-        self.overlayout.addWidget(self.splitter)
-        self.board_control_list = {i: BoardControl(i, not available_boards.multi_board) for i in available_boards}
-        self.board_widget = QtGui.QWidget()
-        self.board_widget_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.board_widget.setLayout(self.board_widget_layout)
-        for bc in list(self.board_control_list.values()):
-            self.board_widget_layout.addWidget(bc)
-        self.board_widget_layout.addStretch(1)
-        if available_boards.multi_board:
-            self.scroll_widget = QtGui.QScrollArea()
-            # self.scroll_widget.setMaximumWidth(1.1 * self.board_control_list.values()[0].minimumSizeHint().width())
-            self.scroll_widget.setWidgetResizable(True)
-            self.scroll_widget.setWidget(self.board_widget)
-            self.scroll_widget_container = QtGui.QWidget()
-            self.scroll_widget_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-            self.scroll_widget_layout.addWidget(self.scroll_widget)
-            self.scroll_widget_layout.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft)
-            self.scroll_widget_container.setLayout(self.scroll_widget_layout)
-            self.splitter.addWidget(self.scroll_widget_container)
-        else:
-            self.splitter.addWidget(self.board_widget)
-        # self.log_area = QtGui.QTextEdit()
-        self.log_area = LogArea()
-        self.log_area.setReadOnly(True)
-        self.splitter.addWidget(self.log_area)
-        self.log_area.init_logging()
-        self.log_area.setKeywords([
-            "Activating Board",
-            "Started Board Calibration",
-            "Synchronize PLLs",
-            "Setting default Values",
-            "Updating Values"
-        ])
-        # self.setTabOrder(self.soft_reset_button, self.check_status_button)
-        # self.setTabOrder(self.check_status_button, self.off_button)
-        # ------------------[ Logging ]----------------------
-        # log_handler = LogHandler(self.log_area)
-        # self.logger = logging.getLogger()
-        # self.logger.addHandler(log_handler)
-        # self.logger.setLevel(config.log_level)
-        # logging.logger = self.logger
+This module defines the Initial view of the gui
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+import logging
+import kcgwidget as kcgw
+from kcgwidget import error
+from backend import board
+from backend.board import available_boards
+from groupedelements import Checkboxes, Buttons, Elements
+import backendinterface as bif
+from loghandler import LogArea
+import storage
+from .. import config
+tr = kcgw.tr
+class LED(QtGui.QWidget):
+    """
+    Produces a graphical LED
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent=None, status=1, height=10, width=10):
+        """
+        Initialize a LED
+        :param parent: (QWidget) parent of this widget
+        :param status: (int) (0=out, 1=off, 2=orange, 3=on) initial status of this LED
+        :param height: (int) height of the LED
+        :param width: (int) width of the LED
+        :return: -
+        """
+        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
+        colorRGB=(255, 0, 0)
+        self.width = width
+        self.height = height
+        self.color = QtGui.QColor(colorRGB[0], colorRGB[1], colorRGB[2])
+        self.center = QtCore.QPoint(width, height)
+        self.setMinimumSize(2 * width, 2 * height)
+        self.setMaximumSize(2 * width, 2 * height)
+        if status == 3:
+            self.set_on()
+        elif status == 1:
+            self.set_off()
+        elif status == 0:
+            self.set_out()
+        elif status == 2:
+            self.set_tri()
+        self.status = status
+    def paintEvent(self, event):
+        paint = QtGui.QPainter()
+        paint.begin(self)
+        paint.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing)
+        # draw a grey 'socket' for the LED
+        paint.setPen(QtGui.QColor(160, 160, 160))
+        paint.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(180, 180, 180))
+        paint.drawEllipse(self.center, self.width, self.height)
+        # draw the body of the LED
+        paint.setBrush(self.color)
+        paint.drawEllipse(self.center, self.width*0.85, self.height*0.85)
+    def set_on(self):
+        """
+        Set the LED to "on" state
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.color = QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 0)
+        self.update()
+        self.status = 3
+    def set_off(self):
+        """
+        Set the LED to "off" state
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.color = QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 0)
+        self.update()
+        self.status = 1
+    def set_out(self):
+        """
+        Set the LED to "OUT" state (that is like an LED without power)
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.color = QtGui.QColor(150, 150, 150)
+        self.update()
+        self.status = 0
+    def set_tri(self):
+        """
+        Set the LED to "TRI" state (that is led is orange)
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.color = QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 0)
+        self.update()
+        self.status = 2
+    def set_status(self, status):
+        """
+        Set the status of the led
+        :param status: status (in 0, 1, 2, 3)
+        """
+        if status == 0:
+            self.set_out()
+        elif status == 1:
+            self.set_off()
+        elif status == 2:
+            self.set_tri()
+        elif status == 3:
+            self.set_on()
+class StatusLED(QtGui.QWidget):
+    """
+    Create a Status LED with Label next to it
+    """
+    def __init__(self, text, status=None):
+        """
+        Initialise StatusLED
+        :param text: label text next to the LED
+        :param status: initial status of the LED
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(StatusLED, self).__init__()
+        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.label = QtGui.QLabel(text)
+        self.led = LED(status=status, width=9, height=9)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.led)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.label)
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+    def set_on(self):
+        """
+        See set_on of LED Class
+        """
+        self.led.set_on()
+    def set_off(self):
+        """
+        See set_off of LED Class
+        """
+        self.led.set_off()
+    def set_out(self):
+        """
+        See set_out of LED Class
+        """
+        self.led.set_out()
+    def set_tri(self):
+        """
+        See set_tri of LED Class
+        """
+        self.led.set_tri()
+    def set_status(self, status):
+        """
+        See set_status of LED Class
+        :param status: the status to set the led to
+        """
+        self.led.set_status(status)
+class BoardControl(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    The main view of the gui for each board at startup
+    """
+    def __init__(self, board_id, single=False):
+        super(BoardControl, self).__init__()
+        self.board_id = board_id
+        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        if not single:
+            self.header_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+            left_line = QtGui.QFrame()
+            left_line.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
+            left_line.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken)
+            right_line = QtGui.QFrame()
+            right_line.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
+            right_line.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken)
+            self.header_layout.addWidget(left_line)
+            header_label = self.createLabel("Board: {}".format(available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(board_id)))
+            header_label.setFixedWidth(header_label.sizeHint().width())
+            self.header_layout.addWidget(header_label)
+            self.header_layout.addWidget(right_line)
+            self.layout.addLayout(self.header_layout)
+        self.mainControlLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.subControlLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.subControlWidget = QtGui.QWidget()
+        self.subControlWidget.setLayout(self.subControlLayout)
+        self.statusLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.layout.addLayout(self.mainControlLayout)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.subControlWidget)
+        self.layout.addLayout(self.statusLayout)
+        # ----------[ LED Status ]---------------
+        self.pipeline_led = StatusLED(tr("Label", "DataFlow Pipeline"))
+        self.master_control_led = StatusLED(tr("Label", "Master Control"))
+        self.data_check_led = StatusLED(tr("Label", "Data Check"))
+        self.pll_ld_led = StatusLED(tr("Label", "PLL_LD"))
+        self.statusLayout.addWidget(self.pipeline_led)
+        self.statusLayout.addWidget(self.master_control_led)
+        self.statusLayout.addWidget(self.data_check_led)
+        self.statusLayout.addWidget(self.pll_ld_led)
+        # -----------[ Buttons ]--------------
+        self.all_in_one_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Prepare Board"), connect=self.all_in_one,
+                                                   tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Start, Calibrate, Synchronize and set Defaults\nCtrl+A"))
+        self.toggleButton = self.createButton(text="", connect=self.toggle_sub_control)
+        self.toggleButton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path+"icons/chevron-bottom.svg"))
+        self.toggleButton.setFixedWidth(50)
+        # self.all_in_one_button.setShortcut("Ctrl+A")
+        # self.all_in_one_button.setObjectName("all_in_one")
+        self.skip_init_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Skip Initialisation"), connect=self.skip_init,
+                                                  tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Skip Initialisation and read values from board.\n"
+                                                                        "NOTE: ONLY DO THIS IF BOARD WAS CALIBRATED AND SYNCHRONIZED BEFORE"))
+        self.start_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Start Board"), connect=lambda x: bif.bk_start_board(board_id=board_id))
+        self.calibrate_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Calibrate"), connect=lambda x: bif.bk_calibrate(board_id=board_id))
+        self.syncronize_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Synchronize"), connect=lambda x: bif.bk_sync_board(board_id=board_id))
+        self.set_default_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Set Defaults"), connect=lambda x: bif.bk_write_values(board_id=board_id, defaults=True))
+        self.soft_reset_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Soft Reset"), connect=lambda x: bif.bk_soft_reset(board_id=board_id))
+        self.off_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Board Off"), connect=lambda x: bif.bk_stop_board(board_id=board_id))
+        self.off_button.setObjectName("off")
+        self.check_status_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Check Status"), connect=lambda x: bif._bif_status_readout(board_id=board_id))
+        Buttons.addButton('start_board_{}'.format(board_id), self.start_button)
+        Buttons.addButton(['calibrate_{}'.format(board_id), 'after_start_{}'.format(board_id)], self.calibrate_button)
+        Buttons.addButton(['synchronize_{}'.format(board_id), 'after_start_{}'.format(board_id)], self.syncronize_button)
+        Buttons.addButton(['set_defaults_{}'.format(board_id), 'after_start_{}'.format(board_id)], self.set_default_button)
+        Elements.addItem('no_board_{}'.format(board_id),
+                         [
+                             self.start_button,
+                             self.calibrate_button,
+                             self.syncronize_button,
+                             self.set_default_button,
+                             self.soft_reset_button,
+                             self.off_button,
+                             self.all_in_one_button
+                         ])
+        self.mainControlLayout.addWidget(self.skip_init_button)
+        self.mainControlLayout.addWidget(self.all_in_one_button)
+        self.mainControlLayout.addWidget(self.toggleButton)
+        self.mainControlLayout.addWidget(self.soft_reset_button)
+        self.mainControlLayout.addWidget(self.off_button)
+        self.statusLayout.addWidget(self.check_status_button)
+        self.subControlLayout.addWidget(self.start_button)
+        self.subControlLayout.addWidget(self.calibrate_button)
+        self.subControlLayout.addWidget(self.syncronize_button)
+        self.subControlLayout.addWidget(self.set_default_button)
+        # register the led updater function (used in backendinterface.bk_status_readout)
+        storage.get_board_specific_storage(board_id).update_LED = self.on_check
+        self.geo = self.saveGeometry()
+        self.subControlWidget.hide()
+    def toggle_sub_control(self):
+        """
+        Show or hide the subcontrol buttons
+        """
+        self.subControlWidget.setHidden(not self.subControlWidget.isHidden())
+        if self.subControlWidget.isHidden():
+            self.toggleButton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path+"icons/chevron-bottom.svg"))
+        else:
+            self.toggleButton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path+"icons/chevron-top.svg"))
+        self.parent().adjustSize()
+    def all_in_one(self):
+        """
+        Function that gets called when the Prepare Board Button is pressed.
+        It Starts the board, syncs it and sets defaults.
+        This is accomplished via the backendinterface module
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if bif.bk_start_board(self.board_id) is not False:
+            def do_the_rest(board_id):
+                bif.bk_sync_board(board_id)
+                bif.bk_write_values(board_id, defaults=True)
+            bif.bk_calibrate(self.board_id, do_the_rest)
+    def skip_init(self):
+        """
+        Skip board initialisation progress and read data from board. This will adjust the values in the gui to those
+        on the board (for every value that is stored on the board)
+        """
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).read_from_board()
+        board.get_board_status(self.board_id).calibrated = True
+        board.get_board_status(self.board_id).synced = True
+        board.get_board_status(self.board_id).defaults_set = True
+        bif.bk_status_readout()
+        logging.info("Initialisation skipped, configuration and status was read from KAPTURE.")
+    def on_check(self):
+        """
+        This function is the handler for the status leds on the ControlWidget View.
+        Parses the registers and sets the colors of the leds according.
+        :return: -
+        """
+        try:
+            status = bif.bk_get_status(self.board_id)
+        except IndexError:
+            error(0x002, "Pci returned not enough registers to update LEDs.")
+            return
+        for led, st in status.items():
+            getattr(self, led.lower()+"_led").set_status(st)
+class ControlWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    Main Widget that is shown at start of gui.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(ControlWidget, self).__init__()
+        self.overlayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.overlayout)
+        self.splitter = QtGui.QSplitter(QtCore.Qt.Vertical)
+        self.overlayout.addWidget(self.splitter)
+        self.board_control_list = {i: BoardControl(i, not available_boards.multi_board) for i in available_boards}
+        self.board_widget = QtGui.QWidget()
+        self.board_widget_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.board_widget.setLayout(self.board_widget_layout)
+        for bc in self.board_control_list.values():
+            self.board_widget_layout.addWidget(bc)
+        self.board_widget_layout.addStretch(1)
+        if available_boards.multi_board:
+            self.scroll_widget = QtGui.QScrollArea()
+            # self.scroll_widget.setMaximumWidth(1.1 * self.board_control_list.values()[0].minimumSizeHint().width())
+            self.scroll_widget.setWidgetResizable(True)
+            self.scroll_widget.setWidget(self.board_widget)
+            self.scroll_widget_container = QtGui.QWidget()
+            self.scroll_widget_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+            self.scroll_widget_layout.addWidget(self.scroll_widget)
+            self.scroll_widget_layout.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft)
+            self.scroll_widget_container.setLayout(self.scroll_widget_layout)
+            self.splitter.addWidget(self.scroll_widget_container)
+        else:
+            self.splitter.addWidget(self.board_widget)
+        # self.log_area = QtGui.QTextEdit()
+        self.log_area = LogArea()
+        self.log_area.setReadOnly(True)
+        self.splitter.addWidget(self.log_area)
+        self.log_area.init_logging()
+        self.log_area.setKeywords([
+            "Activating Board",
+            "Started Board Calibration",
+            "Synchronize PLLs",
+            "Setting default Values",
+            "Updating Values"
+        ])
+        # self.setTabOrder(self.soft_reset_button, self.check_status_button)
+        # self.setTabOrder(self.check_status_button, self.off_button)
+        # ------------------[ Logging ]----------------------
+        # log_handler = LogHandler(self.log_area)
+        # self.logger = logging.getLogger()
+        # self.logger.addHandler(log_handler)
+        # self.logger.setLevel(config.log_level)
+        # logging.logger = self.logger
         # logging.logger.addHandler(log_handler)

+ 24 - 24

@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-class Globals(object):
-    """
-    Object to make it easy to work with global values
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._globals = dict()
-    def get_global(self, item):
-        """
-        Get a global value
-        :param item: the item to get
-        :return: the value of the global value of item
-        """
-        return self._globals.get(item, None)
-    def set_global(self, key, value):
-        """
-        Set a global value
-        :param key: the key to set
-        :param value: the value to set it to
-        """
-        self._globals[key] = value
-glob = Globals()
+class Globals(object):
+    """
+    Object to make it easy to work with global values
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._globals = dict()
+    def get_global(self, item):
+        """
+        Get a global value
+        :param item: the item to get
+        :return: the value of the global value of item
+        """
+        return self._globals.get(item, None)
+    def set_global(self, key, value):
+        """
+        Set a global value
+        :param key: the key to set
+        :param value: the value to set it to
+        """
+        self._globals[key] = value
+glob = Globals()

+ 266 - 266

@@ -1,266 +1,266 @@
-Module to easily group elements of a gui
-from PyQt4 import QtGui
-import warnings
-from itertools import chain
-class GroupWarning(Warning):
-    """
-    General Warning Class for GroupedObjects
-    """
-    pass
-warnings.simplefilter('always', GroupWarning)
-class GroupedObjects:
-    """
-    This class enables grouping of objects to easily access them as groups throughout the gui.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """
-        Initialise this object
-        :return:
-        """
-        self._objects = {}
-        self._status = {}
-        self.warn = False
-        self.autoremove = False
-        self.exception_on_deleted = False
-        self.notify_deletion = False
-    def setFlags(self, flagDict):
-        """
-        Set Flags that define the behaviour of GroupedObjects in various events.
-        :param flagDict: Dictionary containing the Flags.
-                        Possible Flags are: (They are to be of type bool)
-                        * warn: If an element is deleted and the corresponding entry is encountered by setEnabled, a
-                            Warning is raised if warn is True
-                        * autoremove: If an element is deleted and the corresponding entry is encountered by setEnabled,
-                            the Element will be removed from GroupedObjects if autoremove is True
-                        * exception_on_deleted: If an element is deleted and the corresponding entry is encountered by
-                            setEnabled an Exception will be raised if exception_on_deleted is True
-                        * notify_deletion: If this is set to True a notification will be printed to STDOUT whenever an
-                            autoremove is performed (see above)
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.warn = flagDict.get('warn', False)
-        self.autoremove = flagDict.get('autoremove', False)
-        self.exception_on_deleted = flagDict.get('exception_on_deleted', False)
-        self.notify_deletion = flagDict.get('notify_deletion', False)
-    def createEmptyGroup(self, group):
-        """
-        Create an empty group
-        :param group: (str) the name of the group
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if group in self._objects:
-            raise GroupWarning("Specified Group \""+group+"\" already in list")
-        else:
-            self._objects[group] = []
-    def addItem(self, group, item):
-        """
-        Add a item or items to a group and thus register with the GroupedObjects object
-        :param group: (list or str) List of groups or single group where the item is to be added
-        :param item: (single item or list) What item/s
-        :return: -
-        """
-        group = group if isinstance(group, list) else [group]
-        item = item if isinstance(item, list) else [item]
-        exclude = list(chain(*[self.getElements(i) for i in group]))
-        for gr in group:
-            if not (gr in self._status):
-                self._status[gr] = True
-            if gr in self._objects and isinstance(self._objects[gr], list):
-                self._objects[gr].extend(item)
-            else:
-                self._objects[gr] = item
-            if not self._status[gr]: # for the case when the status is set before the object is registered or the object is recreated
-                self.setEnabled(gr, False, exclude=exclude)
-    def setChecked(self, group, state):
-        """
-        Set the state of all the checkboxes in the group
-        :param group: What group
-        :param state: True for checked, False for unchecked
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if group in self._objects:
-            self._status[group] = state
-            for obj in self._objects[group]:
-                if isinstance(obj, QtGui.QCheckBox):
-                    obj.setChecked(state)
-        else:
-            warnings.warn("Specified Group \""+group+"\" not in list", GroupWarning, stacklevel=2)
-    def setEnabled(self, group, state, exclude=None):
-        """
-        Set the state of all the items in the group
-        :param group: What group
-        :param state: True for enabled, False for disabled
-        :param exclude: Exclude this item
-        :return: -
-        """
-        to_remove = []
-        if group in self._objects:
-            self._status[group] = state
-            if self._objects[group] == []:  # untested if explicit test for empty list is necessary
-                return
-            for obj in self._objects[group]:
-                try:
-                    if exclude and obj in exclude:
-                        continue
-                    if isinstance(obj, QtGui.QAction):
-                        obj.setEnabled(state)
-                    elif isinstance(obj, QtGui.QMenu):
-                        obj.menuAction().setVisible(state)
-                    else:
-                        obj.setEnabled(state)
-                except RuntimeError as e:
-                    if "deleted" in str(e):
-                        # self.removeItem(group, obj)
-                        if self.autoremove:
-                            to_remove.append([group, obj])
-                        if self.warn:
-                            warnings.warn(str(e), GroupWarning, stacklevel=3)
-                        if self.exception_on_deleted:
-                            raise e
-                    else:
-                        raise e
-            if to_remove and self.autoremove:
-                for rm in to_remove:
-                    if self.notify_deletion:
-                        print("Autoremoving element from group '" + rm[0] + "'")
-                    self.removeItem(*rm)
-        else:
-            self._status[group] = state
-            warnings.warn("Specified Group \""+group+"\" not in Elements", GroupWarning, stacklevel=2)
-    def addMenuItem(self, group, item):
-        """
-        Deprecated. Use addItem.
-        """
-        self.addItem(group, item)
-    def addButton(self, group, item):
-        """
-        Deprecated. Use addItem.
-        """
-        self.addItem(group, item)
-    def addCheckbox(self, group, item):
-        """
-        Deprecated. Use addItem.
-        """
-        self.addItem(group, item)
-    def removeItem(self, group, item):
-        """
-        Remove an element from a gropu
-        :param group: (list or str) list of groups or groupname
-        :param item:  (list or item) list of items or item to remove
-        :return: -
-        """
-        groups = group if isinstance(group, list) else [group]
-        items = item if isinstance(item, list) else [item]
-        for gr in groups:
-            if not gr in self._objects:
-                # return
-                continue
-            for it in items:
-                if it in self._objects[gr]:
-                    del self._objects[gr][self._objects[gr].index(it)]
-    def removeGroup(self, group):
-        """
-        Remove a group from GroupedObjects. If the group is not registered, a warning will be raised.
-        :param group: (str) the group to remove
-        :return:
-        """
-        if group in self._objects:
-            del self._objects[group]
-        else:
-            warnings.warn("Group was not registered - Nothing removed", GroupWarning, stacklevel=2)
-    def emptyGroup(self, group):
-        """
-        Unregister all elements from group. (This will delete the group and recreate it.
-        :param group: (str) the group to clean out.
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.removeGroup(group)
-        self.createEmptyGroup(group)
-    def getElements(self, group):
-        """
-        Get the elements of a group as list.
-        :param group: (str) the gorup you want the elements of
-        :return: (list) Elements in group
-        """
-        if group in self._objects:
-            return self._objects[group]
-        else:
-            return []
-    def isEnabled(self, group):
-        """
-        Check if a group is enabled.
-        :param group: (str) the gorup to check.
-        :return: (bool) State of group
-        """
-        if group in self._status:
-            return self._status[group]
-        else:
-            return True  # Default for elements is enabled
-class LivePlotWindows():
-    """
-    Container class to hold open LivePlotWindows.
-    Added LivePlotWindows will automatically be plotted to on the event of new data.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.plotWindows = {}
-    def addWindow(self, board_id, window):
-        """
-        Register a Window.
-        :param window: (PlotWidget) The window to be added.
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if board_id in self.plotWindows:
-            self.plotWindows[board_id].append(window)
-        else:
-            self.plotWindows[board_id] = [window, ]
-    def getWindows(self, board_id):
-        """
-        Get the list of registered plot windows.
-        :return: (list) List of plotWindows
-        """
-        return self.plotWindows[board_id]
-    def hasWindows(self, board_id):
-        """
-        Check if Windows are registered.
-        :return: (bool) True if there are windows and False if not.
-        """
-        if board_id in self.plotWindows and len(self.plotWindows[board_id]) > 0:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def removeWindow(self, board_id, window):
-        """
-        Remove a window from open plot windows
-        :param window: the window to remove
-        :return:
-        """
-        del self.plotWindows[board_id][self.plotWindows[board_id].index(window)]
-# Every Element is acessible through every Variable set here. Checkboxes, Buttons and MenuItems variables are set
-# to improve readability of the code. They refer to the same Object
-Elements = Checkboxes = Buttons = MenuItems = GroupedObjects()
-live_plot_windows = LivePlotWindows()
+Module to easily group elements of a gui
+from PyQt4 import QtGui
+import warnings
+from itertools import chain
+class GroupWarning(Warning):
+    """
+    General Warning Class for GroupedObjects
+    """
+    pass
+warnings.simplefilter('always', GroupWarning)
+class GroupedObjects:
+    """
+    This class enables grouping of objects to easily access them as groups throughout the gui.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        Initialise this object
+        :return:
+        """
+        self._objects = {}
+        self._status = {}
+        self.warn = False
+        self.autoremove = False
+        self.exception_on_deleted = False
+        self.notify_deletion = False
+    def setFlags(self, flagDict):
+        """
+        Set Flags that define the behaviour of GroupedObjects in various events.
+        :param flagDict: Dictionary containing the Flags.
+                        Possible Flags are: (They are to be of type bool)
+                        * warn: If an element is deleted and the corresponding entry is encountered by setEnabled, a
+                            Warning is raised if warn is True
+                        * autoremove: If an element is deleted and the corresponding entry is encountered by setEnabled,
+                            the Element will be removed from GroupedObjects if autoremove is True
+                        * exception_on_deleted: If an element is deleted and the corresponding entry is encountered by
+                            setEnabled an Exception will be raised if exception_on_deleted is True
+                        * notify_deletion: If this is set to True a notification will be printed to STDOUT whenever an
+                            autoremove is performed (see above)
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.warn = flagDict.get('warn', False)
+        self.autoremove = flagDict.get('autoremove', False)
+        self.exception_on_deleted = flagDict.get('exception_on_deleted', False)
+        self.notify_deletion = flagDict.get('notify_deletion', False)
+    def createEmptyGroup(self, group):
+        """
+        Create an empty group
+        :param group: (str) the name of the group
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if group in self._objects:
+            raise GroupWarning("Specified Group \""+group+"\" already in list")
+        else:
+            self._objects[group] = []
+    def addItem(self, group, item):
+        """
+        Add a item or items to a group and thus register with the GroupedObjects object
+        :param group: (list or str) List of groups or single group where the item is to be added
+        :param item: (single item or list) What item/s
+        :return: -
+        """
+        group = group if isinstance(group, list) else [group]
+        item = item if isinstance(item, list) else [item]
+        exclude = list(chain(*[self.getElements(i) for i in group]))
+        for gr in group:
+            if not (gr in self._status):
+                self._status[gr] = True
+            if gr in self._objects and isinstance(self._objects[gr], list):
+                self._objects[gr].extend(item)
+            else:
+                self._objects[gr] = item
+            if not self._status[gr]: # for the case when the status is set before the object is registered or the object is recreated
+                self.setEnabled(gr, False, exclude=exclude)
+    def setChecked(self, group, state):
+        """
+        Set the state of all the checkboxes in the group
+        :param group: What group
+        :param state: True for checked, False for unchecked
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if group in self._objects:
+            self._status[group] = state
+            for obj in self._objects[group]:
+                if isinstance(obj, QtGui.QCheckBox):
+                    obj.setChecked(state)
+        else:
+            warnings.warn("Specified Group \""+group+"\" not in list", GroupWarning, stacklevel=2)
+    def setEnabled(self, group, state, exclude=None):
+        """
+        Set the state of all the items in the group
+        :param group: What group
+        :param state: True for enabled, False for disabled
+        :param exclude: Exclude this item
+        :return: -
+        """
+        to_remove = []
+        if group in self._objects:
+            self._status[group] = state
+            if self._objects[group] == []:  # untested if explicit test for empty list is necessary
+                return
+            for obj in self._objects[group]:
+                try:
+                    if exclude and obj in exclude:
+                        continue
+                    if isinstance(obj, QtGui.QAction):
+                        obj.setEnabled(state)
+                    elif isinstance(obj, QtGui.QMenu):
+                        obj.menuAction().setVisible(state)
+                    else:
+                        obj.setEnabled(state)
+                except RuntimeError, e:
+                    if "deleted" in str(e):
+                        # self.removeItem(group, obj)
+                        if self.autoremove:
+                            to_remove.append([group, obj])
+                        if self.warn:
+                            warnings.warn(str(e), GroupWarning, stacklevel=3)
+                        if self.exception_on_deleted:
+                            raise e
+                    else:
+                        raise e
+            if to_remove and self.autoremove:
+                for rm in to_remove:
+                    if self.notify_deletion:
+                        print ("Autoremoving element from group '" + rm[0] + "'")
+                    self.removeItem(*rm)
+        else:
+            self._status[group] = state
+            warnings.warn("Specified Group \""+group+"\" not in Elements", GroupWarning, stacklevel=2)
+    def addMenuItem(self, group, item):
+        """
+        Deprecated. Use addItem.
+        """
+        self.addItem(group, item)
+    def addButton(self, group, item):
+        """
+        Deprecated. Use addItem.
+        """
+        self.addItem(group, item)
+    def addCheckbox(self, group, item):
+        """
+        Deprecated. Use addItem.
+        """
+        self.addItem(group, item)
+    def removeItem(self, group, item):
+        """
+        Remove an element from a gropu
+        :param group: (list or str) list of groups or groupname
+        :param item:  (list or item) list of items or item to remove
+        :return: -
+        """
+        groups = group if isinstance(group, list) else [group]
+        items = item if isinstance(item, list) else [item]
+        for gr in groups:
+            if not gr in self._objects:
+                # return
+                continue
+            for it in items:
+                if it in self._objects[gr]:
+                    del self._objects[gr][self._objects[gr].index(it)]
+    def removeGroup(self, group):
+        """
+        Remove a group from GroupedObjects. If the group is not registered, a warning will be raised.
+        :param group: (str) the group to remove
+        :return:
+        """
+        if group in self._objects:
+            del self._objects[group]
+        else:
+            warnings.warn("Group was not registered - Nothing removed", GroupWarning, stacklevel=2)
+    def emptyGroup(self, group):
+        """
+        Unregister all elements from group. (This will delete the group and recreate it.
+        :param group: (str) the group to clean out.
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.removeGroup(group)
+        self.createEmptyGroup(group)
+    def getElements(self, group):
+        """
+        Get the elements of a group as list.
+        :param group: (str) the gorup you want the elements of
+        :return: (list) Elements in group
+        """
+        if group in self._objects:
+            return self._objects[group]
+        else:
+            return []
+    def isEnabled(self, group):
+        """
+        Check if a group is enabled.
+        :param group: (str) the gorup to check.
+        :return: (bool) State of group
+        """
+        if group in self._status:
+            return self._status[group]
+        else:
+            return True  # Default for elements is enabled
+class LivePlotWindows():
+    """
+    Container class to hold open LivePlotWindows.
+    Added LivePlotWindows will automatically be plotted to on the event of new data.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.plotWindows = {}
+    def addWindow(self, board_id, window):
+        """
+        Register a Window.
+        :param window: (PlotWidget) The window to be added.
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if board_id in self.plotWindows:
+            self.plotWindows[board_id].append(window)
+        else:
+            self.plotWindows[board_id] = [window, ]
+    def getWindows(self, board_id):
+        """
+        Get the list of registered plot windows.
+        :return: (list) List of plotWindows
+        """
+        return self.plotWindows[board_id]
+    def hasWindows(self, board_id):
+        """
+        Check if Windows are registered.
+        :return: (bool) True if there are windows and False if not.
+        """
+        if board_id in self.plotWindows and len(self.plotWindows[board_id]) > 0:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def removeWindow(self, board_id, window):
+        """
+        Remove a window from open plot windows
+        :param window: the window to remove
+        :return:
+        """
+        del self.plotWindows[board_id][self.plotWindows[board_id].index(window)]
+# Every Element is acessible through every Variable set here. Checkboxes, Buttons and MenuItems variables are set
+# to improve readability of the code. They refer to the same Object
+Elements = Checkboxes = Buttons = MenuItems = GroupedObjects()
+live_plot_windows = LivePlotWindows()

+ 564 - 584

@@ -1,584 +1,564 @@
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-import os
-import logging
-# --------[ Backend ]---------
-from . import backendinterface as bif
-# --------[ Essentials ]---------
-from . import storage
-from .settings import Settings
-# --------[ Necessary Widgets ]------
-from . import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from .controlwidget import ControlWidget
-from .multiWidget import MultiWidget
-from .groupedelements import MenuItems, Elements
-from .backend.board import available_boards
-from .backend import board
-from .multipage import MultiPage
-from .globals import glob as global_objects
-from . import bitsTable as bt
-from . import log
-from ..widgets import initialconfig
-# ---------[ Widgets IMPORTANT!!! ]------------------
-# this enables widgets. If this is not imported (even though it is not directly used) no widgets will be available
-from ..widgets import *
-# from widgets import *  # copy in case the above line gets removed by ide
-# ---------[ IMPORTANT ]---------------------
-tr = kcgw.tr
-from .. import config
-import time
-import getpass
-def readconfig(parent):
-    """
-    Reads the config and evalues certain variables
-    Also: Validates config to check if all necessary values are there
-    :param parent: parent for popup windows
-    :return: -
-    """
-    nec_conf = ['acquireSettingsIcon', 'bunches_per_turn', 'default_log_entries', 'default_save_location', 'default_subdirectory_name',
-                 'force_ask', 'guiIcon', 'language', 'logCommentIcon',
-                 'logIcon', 'newPlotDataIcon', 'newPlotLiveIcon', 'save_header', 'show_advanced_control', 'singleReadIcon', 'startIcon',
-                 'stopIcon', 'style', 'tRev', 'timingIcon']
-    missing_conf = []
-    for c in nec_conf:
-        if c not in dir(config):
-            missing_conf.append(c)
-    if missing_conf:
-        class ConfigError(Exception):
-            pass
-        raise ConfigError('The Following variables are missing in config.py: "' + '", "'.join(missing_conf)+'"')
-    if config.language != "en_GB":
-        kcgw.translator.load(os.path.join(config.install_path,'lang',config.language))
-    else:
-        global tr
-        kcgw.tr = lambda _, x: x
-        tr = lambda _, x: x
-    dateG = "{d}.{m}.{y}"
-    dateGd = "{d}_{m}_{y}"
-    dateA = "{m}-{d}-{y}"
-    times = "{H}_{M}"
-    timel = "{H}_{M}_{S}"
-    session = ""
-    if "{ask}" in config.default_subdirectory_name:
-        status = False
-        while not status:
-            text, status = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(parent, tr("Heading", "Subdirectory"),
-                                                      tr("Dialog", "Enter a name for the Subdirectory\n"
-                                                                            "in which data will be saved:\n"
-                                                                            "NOTE: You are being asked because it "
-                                                                            "was set this way in the config file."))
-            if not status and not config.force_ask:
-                config.default_subdirectory_name = "{user}_{dateGd}-{timel}"
-                break
-            else:
-                config.subdirectory_name = text.replace(" ", "_")
-                return
-    if "{sessionname}" in config.default_subdirectory_name:
-        status = False
-        while not status:
-            text, status = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(parent, tr("Heading", "Sessionname"),
-                                                      tr("Dialog", "Enter Sessionname\n"
-                                                                           "NOTE: You are being asked because it "
-                                                                           "was set this way in the config file.:"))
-            if not status and not config.force_ask:
-                config.default_subdirectory_name = "{user}_{dateGd}-{timel}"
-                break
-            else:
-                session = text.replace(" ", "_")
-    config.default_subdirectory_name = config.default_subdirectory_name.format(
-        dateG=dateG, dateGd=dateGd, dateA=dateA, times=times, timel=timel,
-        d=time.strftime("%d"), m=time.strftime("%m"), y=time.strftime("%y"),
-        H=time.strftime("%H"), M=time.strftime("%M"), S=time.strftime("%S"),
-        timestamp=time.localtime(), user=getpass.getuser(), sessionname=session
-    )
-    config.subdirectory_name = config.default_subdirectory_name.format(
-        d=time.strftime("%d"), m=time.strftime("%m"), y=time.strftime("%y"),
-        H=time.strftime("%H"), M=time.strftime("%M"), S=time.strftime("%S"),
-        timestamp=time.localtime(), user=getpass.getuser()
-    )
-    if config.default_save_location == "pwd":
-        import os
-        config.save_location = os.getcwd()
-    else:
-        config.save_location = config.default_save_location
-    storage.storage.offset_correction = config.fifty_ohm_timescan_datafile
-_MultiView_Name_ = "MultiView"
-class CentralWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    Central Widget for the KCG gui main window
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent=None):
-        super(CentralWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent)
-        # -------[ Create empty Groups to avoid warnings ]---------
-        MenuItems.createEmptyGroup('Setup/Control')
-        MenuItems.createEmptyGroup('Bits Table')
-        # -------[ END ]---------------
-        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.pagesWidget = MultiPage(self)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.pagesWidget)
-        self.mainControlWidget = ControlWidget()
-        self.pagesWidget.addPage(self.mainControlWidget, "Setup/Control")
-        self.mainMultiWidget = MultiWidget()
-        self.pagesWidget.addPage(self.mainMultiWidget, "MultiView")
-        # self.tableWidget = bt.AdvancedBoardInterface(parent=self)
-        self.tableWidget = bt.AdvanceControlView()
-        self.tableWidget.hide()
-#  .d8888b. 888     8888888888
-# d88P  Y88b888     888  888
-# 888    888888     888  888
-# 888       888     888  888
-# 888  88888888     888  888
-# 888    888888     888  888
-# Y88b  d88PY88b. .d88P  888
-#  "Y8888P88 "Y88888P" 8888888
-class Gui(QtGui.QMainWindow):
-    """
-    Main Window of the KCG gui
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(Gui, self).__init__()
-        self.createEmptyGroups()
-        # -------[ Check for boards and create corresponding objects ]------
-        for board_id in available_boards:
-            board.create_new_board_config(board_id)
-            # board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(None, lambda x: bif.update_header(board_id), 'header') #  Set update_header as function to call when header config is changed
-        for board_id in available_boards:
-            bif.initStatus(board.get_board_status(board_id))  # fill status storage with correct variables
-        readconfig(self)
-        # ----------[ Set Variables and create objects ]-----------------
-        # self.storage = storage.Storage()
-        self.storage = storage.storage
-        # storage.storage = self.storage
-        self.settings = None  # (this holds the settings window) Only create Window when used
-        self.statusbar = self.statusBar()
-        # kcgw.statusbar = self.statusbar # set status bar to kcgw to easily access from other sources
-        global_objects.set_global('statusbar', self.statusbar)
-        self.pageIndicator = QtGui.QLabel()
-        self.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.pageIndicator)
-        self.cw = CentralWidget(self)
-        self.doMenu()
-        self.setCentralWidget(self.cw)
-        self.initUI()
-        self.finalizeInit()
-        self.after_start_status_handler()
-        self.setContentsMargins(0, -10, 0, 0)
-    def initUI(self):
-        """
-        Initialize ui
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.setWindowTitle("KCG - Kapture Control Gui")
-        self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.guiIcon)))
-        # QtGui.QApplication.setStyle("Oxygen") # Make it look less blown up in Gnome for example
-    def createEmptyGroups(self):
-        """
-        This creates empty groups with the GroupedObjects class in groupedelements module.
-        This has to be done to avoid warnings when groups are enabled or disabled before creation.
-        :return: -
-        """
-        for board_id in available_boards:
-            Elements.createEmptyGroup("acquire_{}".format(board_id))
-            Elements.createEmptyGroup("timing_{}".format(board_id))
-            Elements.createEmptyGroup("no_board_{}".format(board_id))
-            Elements.createEmptyGroup("continuous_read_{}".format(board_id))
-    def finalizeInit(self):
-        """
-        Final things done at initialisation
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.populate_storage()
-        with open(config.style_path("style.css")) as f:
-            styleSheet = f.read()
-        if config.style == 'blue':
-            with open(config.style_path('blue.css')) as f:
-                styleSheet += f.read()
-        self.setStyleSheet(styleSheet)
-        # evaluate config file regarding advanced_control
-        self.showAdvancedControl(config.show_advanced_control)
-        self.storage.advanced_control = config.show_advanced_control
-        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(storage.storage.save_location, storage.storage.subdirname)):
-            os.makedirs(     os.path.join(storage.storage.save_location, storage.storage.subdirname))
-        self.measurementLogger = log.MeasurementLogger()
-        log.logger = self.measurementLogger
-        logStrings = []
-        functionAndParameter = []
-        for par in self.measurementLogger.predefined_parameters:  # get strings and functions in seperate lists
-            logStrings.append(par[0])
-            functionAndParameter.append(par[1])
-        for e in config.default_log_entries:  # for every entry:
-            if e in logStrings:
-                self.measurementLogger.register_parameter(e, functionAndParameter[logStrings.index(e)][0], functionAndParameter[logStrings.index(e)][1])
-        #if log.no_epics and log.epics_reachable:
-        #    logging.error("Epics installation not found. Logfiles will not contain information that is to be "
-        #                 "obtained via epics.")
-        #if not log.epics_reachable:
-        #    logging.error("Epics PVs could not be accessed. Check Internet connection and Epics PV provider. Logfiles will not contain"
-        #                "information that is to be obtained via epics.")
-        # activate Epics if defined
-        if config.use_epics:
-            from ..widgets import epics_widget
-            epics_widget.epicsConfig = epics_widget.EpicsConfig()
-    def doMenu(self):
-        """
-        Create and show the menu and it's entries
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.menu = self.menuBar()
-        self.fileMenu = self.menu.addMenu("&"+tr("Button", "File"))
-        self.saveConfigAction = self.fileMenu.addAction(tr("Button", "Save Board Configuration"), self.saveConfig)
-        self.saveConfigAction = self.fileMenu.addAction(tr("Button", "Load Board Configuration"), self.loadConfig)
-        self.settingsAction = self.fileMenu.addAction(tr("Button", "Settings"), self.showSettings, "Ctrl+P")
-        self.configAction = self.fileMenu.addAction(tr("Button", "Rerun Configuration Wizard"), self.rerunConfig)
-        self.quitAction = self.fileMenu.addAction(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path("exit.png")), tr("Button", "Quit"), self.close, "Ctrl+Q")
-        self.menu.setCornerWidget(self.cw.pagesWidget.leftright)
-        # ----------[ Page specific Menu Entries ]-------------
-        self.multiMenu = self.menu.addMenu("&"+tr("Button", "Windows"))
-        MenuItems.addMenuItem(_MultiView_Name_, self.multiMenu)
-        self.plotAction = self.multiMenu.addAction(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.newPlotLiveIcon)), tr("Button", "New Plot"), self.cw.mainMultiWidget.leftBar.add_plot)
-        self.addWindowMenuEntries()
-        if not available_boards.multi_board:
-            self.acquireMenu = self.menu.addMenu("&"+tr("Button", "Acquire"))
-            MenuItems.addMenuItem(_MultiView_Name_, self.acquireMenu)
-            self.startAcquisitionAction = self.acquireMenu.addAction(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.startIcon)),
-                         tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"), lambda: bif.bk_acquire(available_boards[0]))
-            self.startAcquisitionAction.setObjectName("start_acquisition_action")
-            MenuItems.addMenuItem("continuous_read_{}".format(available_boards[0]), self.startAcquisitionAction)
-            MenuItems.addMenuItem("acquireTrigger_{}".format(available_boards[0]), self.startAcquisitionAction)
-        # -----[ disable Menu Items for MultiView as it is not the startup page ]-------------
-        # this could be avoided if menu is created before the multipage widget
-        MenuItems.setEnabled(_MultiView_Name_, False)
-        self.help = self.menu.addMenu("&"+tr("Button", "Help"))
-        import webbrowser
-        self.help.addAction(tr("Button", "Open Manual"), lambda: webbrowser.open(os.path.join(config.install_path, "Documentation","build","html","index.html")))
-        self.help.addAction(tr("Button", "About"), self.showAbout)
-    def _show_board_chooser(self):
-        selected_boards = []
-        if len(available_boards.board_ids) == 1:
-            return [available_boards.board_ids[0]]
-        chooser = QtGui.QDialog(self)
-        chooser.setWindowTitle("KCG - Choose Boards")
-        chooser_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        chooser.setLayout(chooser_layout)
-        chooser_layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Choose Boards"))
-        boards = {}
-        for bid in available_boards.board_ids:
-            boards[bid] = QtGui.QCheckBox(str(bid), chooser)
-            chooser_layout.addWidget(boards[bid])
-        button = QtGui.QPushButton("OK", chooser)
-        def ok():
-            for bi, box in list(boards.items()):
-                if box.isChecked():
-                    selected_boards.append(bi)
-            chooser.close()
-        button.clicked.connect(ok)
-        chooser_layout.addWidget(button)
-        chooser.exec_()
-        return selected_boards
-    def saveConfig(self, board_id=None):
-        """
-        Save the current configuration to a configuration file
-        :param board_id: the board to save the configuration for
-        """
-        filenameDialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(self, tr("Heading", "Save Configuration"), '', 'KAPTURE Configuration File (*.kcf)')
-        filenameDialog.setDefaultSuffix("kcf")
-        filenameDialog.setAcceptMode(filenameDialog.AcceptSave)
-        filenameDialog.exec_()
-        filename = filenameDialog.selectedFiles()
-        if not filename:
-            return
-        if board_id is None:
-            board_id = self._show_board_chooser()
-        elif not isinstance(board_id, list):
-            board_id = [board_id]
-        fname = filename[0].split(".")
-        for bid in board_id:
-            if len(board_id) == 1:
-                fname_board = filename[0]
-            else:
-                fname_board = ".".join(map(str, fname[:-1]))+"_"+str(bid)+"."+fname[-1]
-            if not board.get_board_config(bid).save_config(fname_board):
-                QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, tr("Heading", "Error Saving Config"), tr("Dialog", "There was an error saving to a config file."))
-    def loadConfig(self, board_id=None):
-        """
-        Load the configuration for the given board from a file
-        :param board_id: the board to read the configuration for
-        """
-        filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open Configuration', '', 'KAPTURE Configuration File (*.kcf)')
-        if not filename:
-            return
-        if board_id is None:
-            board_id = self._show_board_chooser()
-        elif not isinstance(board_id, list):
-            board_id = [board_id]
-        for bid in board_id:
-            if board.get_board_config(bid).load_config(filename):
-                bif.bk_write_values(bid, defaults=False)
-            else:
-                QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, tr("Heading", "Error Loading Config"), tr("Dialog", "There was an error loading the config file, make sure it is valid and try again."))
-    def rerunConfig(self):
-        """
-        Rerun the initial configuration wizard
-        """
-        self.setupConfig = initialconfig.ConfigSetup(restart=True)
-        self.setupConfig.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.ApplicationModal)
-        def restart():
-            import subprocess
-            import sys
-            import os
-            try:
-                subprocess.Popen(['kcg'])
-            except OSError as exception:
-                try:
-                    path = config.install_path[:-4]+'kcg'
-                    subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, path])
-                except:
-                    print('ERROR: could not restart aplication:')
-                    print(('  %s' % str(exception)))
-                else:
-                    QtGui.qApp.quit()
-            else:
-                QtGui.qApp.quit()
-        self.setupConfig.success_signal.connect(restart)
-        self.setupConfig.show()
-    def showAbout(self):
-        """
-        Show the about window.
-        :return: -
-        """
-        version = open(os.path.join(config.install_path,"VERSION")).read()
-        about = QtGui.QDialog(self)
-        about.setWindowTitle("KCG - About")
-        about_label = QtGui.QLabel(tr("About", "KAPTURE Control Gui\n"
-                                      "KCG is a graphical control interface to the KAPTURE board\n\n"
-                                      "Author: Patrick Schreiber\n\n"
-                                      "Version:\n")+version)
-        about_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
-        header_label = QtGui.QLabel(tr("About", "KCG"))
-        header_label.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25pt; text-align: center;")
-        header_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
-        footer_label = QtGui.QLabel(tr("About", "\nKAPTURE - Karlsruhe Pulse-Taking and Ultrafast Readout Electronics"))
-        footer_label.setStyleSheet("font-size: 7pt;")
-        footer_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
-        about_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        about_text_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        about.setLayout(about_layout)
-        # pxm = QtGui.QPixmap(config.guiIcon)
-        # icon_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        # icon_label = QtGui.QLabel("")
-        # icon_label.setPixmap(pxm.scaled(QtCore.QSize(128, 128), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio))
-        # icon_label.setFixedSize(130, 130)
-        # icon_layout.addWidget(icon_label)
-        # icon_layout.addStretch(1)
-        # about_layout.addLayout(icon_layout)
-        about_layout.addLayout(about_text_layout)
-        about_text_layout.addWidget(header_label)
-        about_text_layout.addWidget(about_label)
-        about_text_layout.addWidget(footer_label)
-        about.setFixedSize(400, 230)
-        about.setStyleSheet("background-color: darkgrey;")
-        about.exec_()
-    def addWindowMenuEntries(self):
-        """
-        Adds Window Menu entries for custom widgets
-        :return: -
-        """
-        for f in kcgw.get_registered_widgets():
-            self.multiMenu.addAction(*f[:3]) # TODO: icon - ???
-    def showSettings(self):
-        """
-        Create and show settings window
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if self.settings: # use preopened window
-            self.settings.show()
-            self.settings.raise_()
-            self.settings.activateWindow()
-        else:
-            self.settings = Settings(self.storage)
-            self.settings.changed.connect(self.updateSettings)
-    def updateSettings(self, changedsettings):
-        """
-        Update settings in storage if settings were changed in the settings window.
-        :param changedsettings: list of settings that have been changed
-        :return: -
-        """
-        for setting in changedsettings:
-            if setting == 'language':
-                lang = getattr(self.storage, setting)
-                self.update_configuration_file({'language':'"'+str(lang)+'"'})
-                QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "Change Language", "Language change takes effect after Gui restart", 1)
-            if setting == 'advanced_control':
-                self.showAdvancedControl(getattr(self.storage, setting))
-#       if setting == 'offset_correction':
-#       config.fifty_ohm_timescan_datafile = getattr(self.storage, setting)
-            for bid in available_boards.board_ids:
-                try:
-                    if bif.bk_get_config(bid, setting) != None:
-                        bif.bk_update_config(bid, setting, getattr(self.storage, setting))
-                except board.NoSuchKeyError:
-                    pass
-    def showAdvancedControl(self, value):
-        """
-        Enable or disable advanced table control view (Tables for registers)
-        :param value: (bool) True to show and False to hide advanced view
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if value:
-            if self.cw.tableWidget.isHidden():
-                self.cw.pagesWidget.addPage(self.cw.tableWidget, 'Bits Table', set_to_first=False)
-                self.cw.tableWidget.show()
-        else:
-            if not self.cw.tableWidget.isHidden():
-                self.cw.pagesWidget.removePage(self.cw.tableWidget)
-                self.cw.tableWidget.hide()
-    def after_start_status_handler(self):
-        """
-        Method to check for boards and perform a status_readout after the gui is fully started
-        :return:
-        """
-        for bid in available_boards.board_ids:  # there is always at least a dummy board
-            bif.bk_check_for_board(bid)
-        bif.bk_status_readout()
-    def populate_storage(self):
-        """
-        Initially fills storage with predefined settings and configuration values
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.storage.header = config.save_header
-        self.storage.subdirname = config.subdirectory_name
-        self.storage.save_location = config.save_location
-        self.storage.language = config.language
-        self.storage.advanced_control = False
-        def update_header(val):
-            '''Update header'''
-            self.storage.header = val
-            if self.settings:
-                self.settings.headerTick.setChecked(val)
-        board.get_board_config(available_boards[0]).observe(self.storage.header, update_header, 'header')  # TODO: header at one place for all boards? (here it uses the first board)
-    def update_configuration_file(self, new_conf):
-        """
-        Update variablevalues in config file
-        NOTE: this doesn't use standard ConfigParser as that would delete comments
-        :param new_conf: Dictionary with variable, value pair
-        :return:
-        """
-        import re
-        # filename = "config.py"
-        filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".kcg","config.cfg")
-        RE = '(('+'|'.join(list(new_conf.keys()))+')\s*=)[^\r\n]*?(\r?\n|\r)'
-        pat = re.compile(RE)
-        def jojo(mat,dic = new_conf ):
-            return dic[mat.group(2)].join(mat.group(1,3))
-        with open(filename,'rb') as f:
-            content = f.read()
-        with open(filename,'wb') as f:
-            f.write(pat.sub(jojo,content))
-    def closeEvent(self, ev):
-        """
-        Handles closing of the GUI - this function is called by pyqt upon a close event.
-        Asks if user really wants to close the gui
-        :param ev: event
-        :return: -
-        """
-        extra = ""
-        for b in available_boards:
-            if board.get_board_status(b).wait_on_trigger:
-                extra += '\n'+tr('Dialog', 'Waiting on external trigger is still enabled.')
-            if board.get_board_status(b).continuous_read:
-                extra += '\n'+tr('Dialog', 'Continuous read is still enabled.')
-            if extra:
-                break
-        cl = None
-        if extra:
-            cl = QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, tr("Heading", "Close KCG"),
-                    tr("Dialog", "Close KCG?")+extra,
-                    QtGui.QMessageBox.No | QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes,
-                    QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
-        if not cl or cl == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
-            cl = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, tr("Heading", "Close KCG"),
-                                            tr("Dialog", "Close KCG?\nYou will loose the state of open plots etc."),
-                                            QtGui.QMessageBox.No | QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes,
-                                            QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
-        if cl == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
-            if self.settings:
-                self.settings.close()
-            ev.accept()
-        else:
-            ev.ignore()
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+import os
+import logging
+# --------[ Backend ]---------
+import backendinterface as bif
+# --------[ Essentials ]---------
+import storage
+from settings import Settings
+# --------[ Necessary Widgets ]------
+import kcgwidget as kcgw
+from controlwidget import ControlWidget
+from multiWidget import MultiWidget
+from groupedelements import MenuItems, Elements
+from backend.board import available_boards
+from backend import board
+from multipage import MultiPage
+from globals import glob as global_objects
+import bitsTable as bt
+import log
+from ..widgets import initialconfig
+# ---------[ Widgets IMPORTANT!!! ]------------------
+# this enables widgets. If this is not imported (even though it is not directly used) no widgets will be available
+from ..widgets import *
+# from widgets import *  # copy in case the above line gets removed by ide
+# ---------[ IMPORTANT ]---------------------
+tr = kcgw.tr
+from .. import config
+import time
+import getpass
+def readconfig(parent):
+    """
+    Reads the config and evalues certain variables
+    Also: Validates config to check if all necessary values are there
+    :param parent: parent for popup windows
+    :return: -
+    """
+    nec_conf = ['acquireSettingsIcon', 'bunches_per_turn', 'default_log_entries', 'default_save_location', 'default_subdirectory_name',
+                 'epics_base_path', 'epics_log_entry_pvs', 'epics_test_pv', 'force_ask', 'guiIcon', 'language', 'logCommentIcon',
+                 'logIcon', 'newPlotDataIcon', 'newPlotLiveIcon', 'save_header', 'show_advanced_control', 'singleReadIcon', 'startIcon',
+                 'stopIcon', 'style', 'tRev', 'timingIcon']
+    missing_conf = []
+    for c in nec_conf:
+        if c not in dir(config):
+            missing_conf.append(c)
+    if missing_conf:
+        class ConfigError(Exception):
+            pass
+        raise ConfigError('The Following variables are missing in config.py: "' + '", "'.join(missing_conf)+'"')
+    if config.language != "en_GB":
+        kcgw.translator.load(config.install_path+'lang/'+ config.language)
+    else:
+        global tr
+        kcgw.tr = lambda _, x: x
+        tr = lambda _, x: x
+    dateG = "{d}.{m}.{y}"
+    dateGd = "{d}_{m}_{y}"
+    dateA = "{m}-{d}-{y}"
+    times = "{H}_{M}"
+    timel = "{H}_{M}_{S}"
+    session = ""
+    if "{ask}" in config.default_subdirectory_name:
+        status = False
+        while not status:
+            text, status = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(parent, tr("Heading", "Subdirectory"),
+                                                      tr("Dialog", "Enter a name for the Subdirectory\n"
+                                                                            "in which data will be saved:\n"
+                                                                            "NOTE: You are being asked because it "
+                                                                            "was set this way in the config file."))
+            if not status and not config.force_ask:
+                config.default_subdirectory_name = "{user}_{dateGd}-{timel}"
+                break
+            else:
+                config.subdirectory_name = text.replace(" ", "_")
+                return
+    if "{sessionname}" in config.default_subdirectory_name:
+        status = False
+        while not status:
+            text, status = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(parent, tr("Heading", "Sessionname"),
+                                                      tr("Dialog", "Enter Sessionname\n"
+                                                                           "NOTE: You are being asked because it "
+                                                                           "was set this way in the config file.:"))
+            if not status and not config.force_ask:
+                config.default_subdirectory_name = "{user}_{dateGd}-{timel}"
+                break
+            else:
+                session = text.replace(" ", "_")
+    config.default_subdirectory_name = config.default_subdirectory_name.format(
+        dateG=dateG, dateGd=dateGd, dateA=dateA, times=times, timel=timel,
+        d=time.strftime("%d"), m=time.strftime("%m"), y=time.strftime("%y"),
+        H=time.strftime("%H"), M=time.strftime("%M"), S=time.strftime("%S"),
+        timestamp=time.localtime(), user=getpass.getuser(), sessionname=session
+    )
+    config.subdirectory_name = config.default_subdirectory_name.format(
+        d=time.strftime("%d"), m=time.strftime("%m"), y=time.strftime("%y"),
+        H=time.strftime("%H"), M=time.strftime("%M"), S=time.strftime("%S"),
+        timestamp=time.localtime(), user=getpass.getuser()
+    )
+    if config.default_save_location == "pwd":
+        import os
+        config.save_location = os.getcwd()
+    else:
+        config.save_location = config.default_save_location
+_MultiView_Name_ = "MultiView"
+class CentralWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    Central Widget for the KCG gui main window
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        super(CentralWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent)
+        # -------[ Create empty Groups to avoid warnings ]---------
+        MenuItems.createEmptyGroup('Setup/Control')
+        MenuItems.createEmptyGroup('Bits Table')
+        # -------[ END ]---------------
+        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.pagesWidget = MultiPage(self)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.pagesWidget)
+        self.mainControlWidget = ControlWidget()
+        self.pagesWidget.addPage(self.mainControlWidget, "Setup/Control")
+        self.mainMultiWidget = MultiWidget()
+        self.pagesWidget.addPage(self.mainMultiWidget, "MultiView")
+        # self.tableWidget = bt.AdvancedBoardInterface(parent=self)
+        self.tableWidget = bt.AdvanceControlView()
+        self.tableWidget.hide()
+class Gui(QtGui.QMainWindow):
+    """
+    Main Window of the KCG gui
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(Gui, self).__init__()
+        self.createEmptyGroups()
+        # -------[ Check for boards and create corresponding objects ]------
+        for board_id in available_boards:
+            board.create_new_board_config(board_id)
+            # board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(None, lambda x: bif.update_header(board_id), 'header') #  Set update_header as function to call when header config is changed
+        for board_id in available_boards:
+            bif.initStatus(board.get_board_status(board_id))  # fill status storage with correct variables
+        readconfig(self)
+        # ----------[ Set Variables and create objects ]-----------------
+        # self.storage = storage.Storage()
+        self.storage = storage.storage
+        # storage.storage = self.storage
+        self.settings = None  # (this holds the settings window) Only create Window when used
+        self.statusbar = self.statusBar()
+        # kcgw.statusbar = self.statusbar # set status bar to kcgw to easily access from other sources
+        global_objects.set_global('statusbar', self.statusbar)
+        self.pageIndicator = QtGui.QLabel()
+        self.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.pageIndicator)
+        self.cw = CentralWidget(self)
+        self.doMenu()
+        self.setCentralWidget(self.cw)
+        self.initUI()
+        self.finalizeInit()
+        self.after_start_status_handler()
+        self.setContentsMargins(0, -10, 0, 0)
+    def initUI(self):
+        """
+        Initialize ui
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.setWindowTitle("KCG - Kapture Control Gui")
+        self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.guiIcon))
+        # QtGui.QApplication.setStyle("Oxygen") # Make it look less blown up in Gnome for example
+    def createEmptyGroups(self):
+        """
+        This creates empty groups with the GroupedObjects class in groupedelements module.
+        This has to be done to avoid warnings when groups are enabled or disabled before creation.
+        :return: -
+        """
+        for board_id in available_boards:
+            Elements.createEmptyGroup("acquire_{}".format(board_id))
+            Elements.createEmptyGroup("timing_{}".format(board_id))
+            Elements.createEmptyGroup("no_board_{}".format(board_id))
+            Elements.createEmptyGroup("continuous_read_{}".format(board_id))
+    def finalizeInit(self):
+        """
+        Final things done at initialisation
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.populate_storage()
+        with open(config.install_path+"style/style.css") as f:
+            styleSheet = f.read()
+        if config.style == 'blue':
+            with open(config.install_path+'style/blue.css') as f:
+                styleSheet += f.read()
+        self.setStyleSheet(styleSheet)
+        # evaluate config file regarding advanced_control
+        self.showAdvancedControl(config.show_advanced_control)
+        self.storage.advanced_control = config.show_advanced_control
+        if not os.path.isdir(storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname):
+            os.makedirs(storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname)
+        self.measurementLogger = log.MeasurementLogger()
+        log.logger = self.measurementLogger
+        logStrings = []
+        functionAndParameter = []
+        for par in self.measurementLogger.predefined_parameters:  # get strings and functions in seperate lists
+            logStrings.append(par[0])
+            functionAndParameter.append(par[1])
+        for e in config.default_log_entries:  # for every entry:
+            if e in logStrings:
+                self.measurementLogger.register_parameter(e, functionAndParameter[logStrings.index(e)][0], functionAndParameter[logStrings.index(e)][1])
+        if not "disabled" in config.epics_base_path:
+            if log.no_epics and log.epics_reachable:
+                logging.error("Epics installation not found. Logfiles will not contain information that is to be "
+                             "obtained via epics.")
+            if not log.epics_reachable:
+                logging.error("Epics PVs could not be accessed. Check Internet connection and Epics PV provider. Logfiles will not contain"
+                            "information that is to be obtained via epics.")
+    def doMenu(self):
+        """
+        Create and show the menu and it's entries
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.menu = self.menuBar()
+        self.fileMenu = self.menu.addMenu("&"+tr("Button", "File"))
+        self.saveConfigAction = self.fileMenu.addAction(tr("Button", "Save Board Configuration"), self.saveConfig)
+        self.saveConfigAction = self.fileMenu.addAction(tr("Button", "Load Board Configuration"), self.loadConfig)
+        self.settingsAction = self.fileMenu.addAction(tr("Button", "Settings"), self.showSettings, "Ctrl+P")
+        self.configAction = self.fileMenu.addAction(tr("Button", "Rerun Configuration Wizard"), self.rerunConfig)
+        self.quitAction = self.fileMenu.addAction(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + "icons/exit.png"), tr("Button", "Quit"), self.close, "Ctrl+Q")
+        self.menu.setCornerWidget(self.cw.pagesWidget.leftright)
+        # ----------[ Page specific Menu Entries ]-------------
+        self.multiMenu = self.menu.addMenu("&"+tr("Button", "Windows"))
+        MenuItems.addMenuItem(_MultiView_Name_, self.multiMenu)
+        self.plotAction = self.multiMenu.addAction(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.newPlotLiveIcon), tr("Button", "New Plot"), self.cw.mainMultiWidget.leftBar.add_plot)
+        self.addWindowMenuEntries()
+        if not available_boards.multi_board:
+            self.acquireMenu = self.menu.addMenu("&"+tr("Button", "Acquire"))
+            MenuItems.addMenuItem(_MultiView_Name_, self.acquireMenu)
+            self.startAcquisitionAction = self.acquireMenu.addAction(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.startIcon),
+                         tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"), lambda: bif.bk_acquire(available_boards[0]))
+            self.startAcquisitionAction.setObjectName("start_acquisition_action")
+            MenuItems.addMenuItem("continuous_read_{}".format(available_boards[0]), self.startAcquisitionAction)
+            MenuItems.addMenuItem("acquireTrigger_{}".format(available_boards[0]), self.startAcquisitionAction)
+        # -----[ disable Menu Items for MultiView as it is not the startup page ]-------------
+        # this could be avoided if menu is created before the multipage widget
+        MenuItems.setEnabled(_MultiView_Name_, False)
+        self.help = self.menu.addMenu("&"+tr("Button", "Help"))
+        import webbrowser
+        self.help.addAction(tr("Button", "Open Manual"), lambda: webbrowser.open(config.install_path + "Documentation/build/html/index.html"))
+        self.help.addAction(tr("Button", "About"), self.showAbout)
+    def _show_board_chooser(self):
+        selected_boards = []
+        if len(available_boards.board_ids) == 1:
+            return [available_boards.board_ids[0]]
+        chooser = QtGui.QDialog(self)
+        chooser.setWindowTitle("KCG - Choose Boards")
+        chooser_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        chooser.setLayout(chooser_layout)
+        chooser_layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Choose Boards"))
+        boards = {}
+        for bid in available_boards.board_ids:
+            boards[bid] = QtGui.QCheckBox(str(bid), chooser)
+            chooser_layout.addWidget(boards[bid])
+        button = QtGui.QPushButton("OK", chooser)
+        def ok():
+            for bi, box in boards.items():
+                if box.isChecked():
+                    selected_boards.append(bi)
+            chooser.close()
+        button.clicked.connect(ok)
+        chooser_layout.addWidget(button)
+        chooser.exec_()
+        return selected_boards
+    def saveConfig(self, board_id=None):
+        """
+        Save the current configuration to a configuration file
+        :param board_id: the board to save the configuration for
+        """
+        filenameDialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(self, tr("Heading", "Save Configuration"), '', 'KAPTURE Configuration File (*.kcf)')
+        filenameDialog.setDefaultSuffix("kcf")
+        filenameDialog.setAcceptMode(filenameDialog.AcceptSave)
+        filenameDialog.exec_()
+        filename = filenameDialog.selectedFiles()
+        if not filename:
+            return
+        if board_id is None:
+            board_id = self._show_board_chooser()
+        elif not isinstance(board_id, list):
+            board_id = [board_id]
+        fname = filename[0].split(".")
+        for bid in board_id:
+            if len(board_id) == 1:
+                fname_board = filename[0]
+            else:
+                fname_board = ".".join(map(str, fname[:-1]))+"_"+str(bid)+"."+fname[-1]
+            if not board.get_board_config(bid).save_config(fname_board):
+                QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, tr("Heading", "Error Saving Config"), tr("Dialog", "There was an error saving to a config file."))
+    def loadConfig(self, board_id=None):
+        """
+        Load the configuration for the given board from a file
+        :param board_id: the board to read the configuration for
+        """
+        filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open Configuration', '', 'KAPTURE Configuration File (*.kcf)')
+        if not filename:
+            return
+        if board_id is None:
+            board_id = self._show_board_chooser()
+        elif not isinstance(board_id, list):
+            board_id = [board_id]
+        for bid in board_id:
+            if board.get_board_config(bid).load_config(filename):
+                bif.bk_write_values(bid, defaults=False)
+            else:
+                QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, tr("Heading", "Error Loading Config"), tr("Dialog", "There was an error loading the config file, make sure it is valid and try again."))
+    def rerunConfig(self):
+        """
+        Rerun the initial configuration wizard
+        """
+        self.setupConfig = initialconfig.ConfigSetup(restart=True)
+        self.setupConfig.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.ApplicationModal)
+        def restart():
+            import subprocess
+            import sys
+            import os
+            try:
+                subprocess.Popen(['kcg'])
+            except OSError as exception:
+                try:
+                    path = config.install_path[:-4]+'kcg'
+                    subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, path])
+                except:
+                    print('ERROR: could not restart aplication:')
+                    print('  %s' % str(exception))
+                else:
+                    QtGui.qApp.quit()
+            else:
+                QtGui.qApp.quit()
+        self.setupConfig.success_signal.connect(restart)
+        self.setupConfig.show()
+    def showAbout(self):
+        """
+        Show the about window.
+        :return: -
+        """
+        version = open(config.install_path+"VERSION").read()
+        about = QtGui.QDialog(self)
+        about.setWindowTitle("KCG - About")
+        about_label = QtGui.QLabel(tr("About", "KAPTURE Control Gui\n"
+                                      "KCG is a graphical control interface to the KAPTURE board\n\n"
+                                      "Author: Patrick Schreiber\n\n"
+                                      "Version:\n")+version)
+        about_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
+        header_label = QtGui.QLabel(tr("About", "KCG"))
+        header_label.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25pt; text-align: center;")
+        header_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
+        footer_label = QtGui.QLabel(tr("About", "\nKAPTURE - Karlsruhe Pulse-Taking and Ultrafast Readout Electronics"))
+        footer_label.setStyleSheet("font-size: 7pt;")
+        footer_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
+        about_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        about_text_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        about.setLayout(about_layout)
+        # pxm = QtGui.QPixmap(config.guiIcon)
+        # icon_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        # icon_label = QtGui.QLabel("")
+        # icon_label.setPixmap(pxm.scaled(QtCore.QSize(128, 128), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio))
+        # icon_label.setFixedSize(130, 130)
+        # icon_layout.addWidget(icon_label)
+        # icon_layout.addStretch(1)
+        # about_layout.addLayout(icon_layout)
+        about_layout.addLayout(about_text_layout)
+        about_text_layout.addWidget(header_label)
+        about_text_layout.addWidget(about_label)
+        about_text_layout.addWidget(footer_label)
+        about.setFixedSize(400, 230)
+        about.setStyleSheet("background-color: darkgrey;")
+        about.exec_()
+    def addWindowMenuEntries(self):
+        """
+        Adds Window Menu entries for custom widgets
+        :return: -
+        """
+        for f in kcgw.get_registered_widgets():
+            self.multiMenu.addAction(*f[:3]) # TODO: icon - ???
+    def showSettings(self):
+        """
+        Create and show settings window
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if self.settings: # use preopened window
+            self.settings.show()
+            self.settings.raise_()
+            self.settings.activateWindow()
+        else:
+            self.settings = Settings(self.storage)
+            self.settings.changed.connect(self.updateSettings)
+    def updateSettings(self, changedsettings):
+        """
+        Update settings in storage if settings were changed in the settings window.
+        :param changedsettings: list of settings that have been changed
+        :return: -
+        """
+        for setting in changedsettings:
+            if setting == 'language':
+                lang = getattr(self.storage, setting)
+                self.update_configuration_file({'language':'"'+str(lang)+'"'})
+                QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "Change Language", "Language change takes effect after Gui restart", 1)
+            if setting == 'advanced_control':
+                self.showAdvancedControl(getattr(self.storage, setting))
+            for bid in available_boards.board_ids:
+                try:
+                    if bif.bk_get_config(bid, setting) != None:
+                        bif.bk_update_config(bid, setting, getattr(self.storage, setting))
+                except board.NoSuchKeyError:
+                    pass
+    def showAdvancedControl(self, value):
+        """
+        Enable or disable advanced table control view (Tables for registers)
+        :param value: (bool) True to show and False to hide advanced view
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if value:
+            if self.cw.tableWidget.isHidden():
+                self.cw.pagesWidget.addPage(self.cw.tableWidget, 'Bits Table', set_to_first=False)
+                self.cw.tableWidget.show()
+        else:
+            if not self.cw.tableWidget.isHidden():
+                self.cw.pagesWidget.removePage(self.cw.tableWidget)
+                self.cw.tableWidget.hide()
+    def after_start_status_handler(self):
+        """
+        Method to check for boards and perform a status_readout after the gui is fully started
+        :return:
+        """
+        for bid in available_boards.board_ids:  # there is always at least a dummy board
+            bif.bk_check_for_board(bid)
+        bif.bk_status_readout()
+    def populate_storage(self):
+        """
+        Initially fills storage with predefined settings and configuration values
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.storage.header = config.save_header
+        self.storage.subdirname = config.subdirectory_name
+        self.storage.save_location = config.save_location
+        self.storage.language = config.language
+        self.storage.advanced_control = False
+        def update_header(val):
+            '''Update header'''
+            self.storage.header = val
+            if self.settings:
+                self.settings.headerTick.setChecked(val)
+        board.get_board_config(available_boards[0]).observe(self.storage.header, update_header, 'header')  # TODO: header at one place for all boards? (here it uses the first board)
+    def update_configuration_file(self, new_conf):
+        """
+        Update variablevalues in config file
+        NOTE: this doesn't use standard ConfigParser as that would delete comments
+        :param new_conf: Dictionary with variable, value pair
+        :return:
+        """
+        import re
+        # filename = "config.py"
+        filename = os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.kcg/config.cfg"
+        RE = '(('+'|'.join(new_conf.keys())+')\s*=)[^\r\n]*?(\r?\n|\r)'
+        pat = re.compile(RE)
+        def jojo(mat,dic = new_conf ):
+            return dic[mat.group(2)].join(mat.group(1,3))
+        with open(filename,'rb') as f:
+            content = f.read()
+        with open(filename,'wb') as f:
+            f.write(pat.sub(jojo,content))
+    def closeEvent(self, ev):
+        """
+        Handles closing of the GUI - this function is called by pyqt upon a close event.
+        Asks if user really wants to close the gui
+        :param ev: event
+        :return: -
+        """
+        extra = ""
+        for b in available_boards:
+            if board.get_board_status(b).wait_on_trigger:
+                extra += '\n'+tr('Dialog', 'Waiting on external trigger is still enabled.')
+            if board.get_board_status(b).continuous_read:
+                extra += '\n'+tr('Dialog', 'Continuous read is still enabled.')
+            if extra:
+                break
+        cl = None
+        if extra:
+            cl = QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, tr("Heading", "Close KCG"),
+                    tr("Dialog", "Close KCG?")+extra,
+                    QtGui.QMessageBox.No | QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes,
+                    QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
+        if not cl or cl == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
+            cl = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, tr("Heading", "Close KCG"),
+                                            tr("Dialog", "Close KCG?\nYou will loose the state of open plots etc."),
+                                            QtGui.QMessageBox.No | QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes,
+                                            QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
+        if cl == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
+            if self.settings:
+                self.settings.close()
+            ev.accept()
+        else:
+            ev.ignore()

+ 720 - 738

@@ -1,738 +1,720 @@
-Base Classes used in KCG.
-This module also contains various helpful Classes to make live easier ;)
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, QtSvg
-import logging
-import sys
-from .. import config
-def tr(_, x):
-    """
-    Dummy Translation method that does not translate
-    :param _: unused
-    :param x: the string to "translate"
-    :return: x
-    """
-    return x
-class BigIconButton(QtGui.QPushButton):
-    """
-    This is a Button with a big Icon (that can fill the whole button)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, path, width, height, connect=None, tooltip=None, parent=None):
-        """
-        Setting various properties
-        :param path: (str) the path to the icon
-        :param width: (int) with of the button
-        :param height: (int) height of the button
-        :param connect: (callable) function to call when button is pressed
-        :param tooltip: (str) tool tip to show
-        :param parent: (QWidget) parent widget.
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(BigIconButton, self).__init__(parent)
-        self.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(path))
-        self.setFixedSize(width, height)
-        self.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(width*0.7, height*0.7))
-        if connect:
-            self.clicked.connect(connect)
-        if tooltip:
-            self.setToolTip(tooltip)
-class clickLabel(QtGui.QLabel):
-    """
-    Clickable Label
-    """
-    clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
-        """
-        Reimplementation of QLabel.mouseReleaseEvent to make this clickable
-        """
-        self.clicked.emit()
-class ClickableHBoxLayout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout):
-    """
-    A clickable HBoxLayout
-    """
-    clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    def event(self, QEvent):
-        """
-        Reimplementation of QHBoxLayout.event to make it clickable
-        """
-        self.clicked.emit()
-        if QEvent.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease:
-            self.clicked.emit()
-            return True
-        else:
-            super(ClickableHBoxLayout, self).event(QEvent)
-            return True
-class switchLabel(QtGui.QLabel):
-    """
-    This implements a Switch.
-    It switches between left and right.
-    """
-    clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    def __init__(self, startRight=False): # self.state: True->Right False->Left
-        """
-        Initialise switchLabel
-        As a normal Button it emits the clicked event when clicked.
-        It does NOT have two events for each side at the moment.
-        :param startRight: (bool) whether the switch is initially set to the right position (default is left (False))
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(switchLabel, self).__init__()
-        self.leftSwitch = QtGui.QPixmap(config.icon_path("SwitchButtonLeft.png"))
-        self.leftSwitch = self.leftSwitch.scaled(40, 20, transformMode=QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation)
-        self.rightSwitch = QtGui.QPixmap(config.icon_path("SwitchButtonRight.png"))
-        self.rightSwitch = self.rightSwitch.scaled(40, 20, transformMode=QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation)
-        if startRight:
-            self.setPixmap(self.rightSwitch)
-            self.state = True
-        else:
-            self.setPixmap(self.leftSwitch)
-            self.state = False
-    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
-        """
-        Reimplementation of QLabel.mouseReleaseEvent to make it clickable
-        """
-        if self.state:
-            self.state = False
-            self.setPixmap(self.leftSwitch)
-        else:
-            self.state = True
-            self.setPixmap(self.rightSwitch)
-        self.clicked.emit()
-class Switch(QtGui.QWidget):
-    """
-    A Simple Switch
-    """
-    clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    def __init__(self, leftLabel, rightLabel, startRight=False):
-        super(Switch, self).__init__()
-        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.switch = switchLabel(startRight)
-        self.switch.clicked.connect(self.clicked.emit)
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.layout.addStretch(1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(leftLabel))
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.switch)
-        self.layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(rightLabel))
-        self.layout.addStretch(1)
-    def state(self):
-        """
-        Get the state of this switch
-        :return: the state of this switch
-        """
-        return self.switch.state
-class ClickableSVG(QtGui.QWidget):
-    """
-    This implements a clickable SVG Image
-    """
-    clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    def __init__(self, path, width, height, wwidth=None, wheight=None, parent=None):
-        """
-        Initialisation of ClickabeSVG
-        :param path: (str) path to the svg file
-        :param width: (int) width of the svg
-        :param height: (int) height of the svg
-        :param wwidth: (int) width of the widget (not the svg)
-        :param wheight: (int) height of the widget (not the svg)
-        :param parent: (QWidget) parent widget of the ClickableSVG
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(ClickableSVG, self).__init__(parent)
-        self.svg = QtSvg.QSvgWidget(path)
-        self.svg.setFixedSize(width, height)
-        layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        layout.addWidget(self.svg)
-        self.setLayout(layout)
-        if wwidth:
-            self.setFixedWidth(wwidth)
-        if wheight:
-            self.setFixedHeight(wheight)
-    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
-        """
-        Reimplementation of QWidget.mouseReleaseEvent to make it clickable
-        """
-        self.clicked.emit()
-    def changeSvg(self, path):
-        """
-        Change the SVG of this widget
-        :param path: (str) path to the new svg file
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.svg.load(path)
-# 888    d8P  .d8888b.  .d8888b.    888       888d8b     888                888
-# 888   d8P  d88P  Y88bd88P  Y88b   888   o   888Y8P     888                888
-# 888  d8P   888    888888    888   888  d8b  888        888                888
-# 888d88K    888       888          888 d888b 888888 .d88888 .d88b.  .d88b. 888888.d8888b
-# 8888888b   888       888  88888   888d88888b888888d88" 888d88P"88bd8P  Y8b888   88K
-# 888  Y88b  888    888888    888   88888P Y88888888888  888888  88888888888888   "Y8888b.
-# 888   Y88b Y88b  d88PY88b  d88P   8888P   Y8888888Y88b 888Y88b 888Y8b.    Y88b.      X88
-# 888    Y88b "Y8888P"  "Y8888P88   888P     Y888888 "Y88888 "Y88888 "Y8888  "Y888 88888P'
-#                                                                888
-#                                                           Y8b d88P
-#                                                            "Y88P"
-class KCGWidgets(QtGui.QWidget):
-    """
-    Base Class for alsmost all Widgets used in KCG.
-    It holds various properties as well as methods that simplify creation of certain objects such as labels, buttons ...
-    """
-    closeSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None):
-        """
-        Initialise this baseclass
-        :param name: (str) name of the widget
-        :param parent: (QWidget) parent of this widget
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(KCGWidgets, self).__init__(parent)
-        self._id = None
-        self._type = None
-        self._name = None
-        if name:
-            self.theName = name
-    @property
-    def theType(self):
-        """
-        Type of this widget
-        """
-        return self._type
-    @property
-    def theId(self):
-        """
-        ID of this widget
-        """
-        return self._id
-    @property
-    def theName(self):
-        """
-        Name of this widget
-        """
-        return self._name
-    @theType.setter
-    def theType(self, t):
-        """
-        Setter for the type of this widget
-        :param t: (int) type
-        """
-        self._type = t
-    @theId.setter
-    def theId(self, i):
-        """
-        Setter for the id of this widget
-        :param i: (int) id
-        """
-        self._id = i
-    @theName.setter
-    def theName(self, n):
-        """
-        Setter for the name of this widget
-        :param n: (str) name
-        """
-        self._name = n
-    def createButton(self, text="", x=None, y=None, dimensions=None, tooltip="", connect=False, icon=None):
-        """
-        Create a Button
-        :param text: (str) Text to display on the button
-        :param x: (int) x-position
-        :param y: (int) y-position
-        :param dimensions: (QSize) dimensions of the button
-        :param tooltip: (str) tooltip to display
-        :param connect: (callable) connect the button pressed event to this callable
-        :param icon: (QIcon) Icon to display on the button
-        :return: -
-        """
-        button = QtGui.QPushButton(text, self)
-        if tooltip:
-            button.setToolTip(tooltip)
-        if not dimensions:
-            button.resize(button.sizeHint())
-        else:
-            button.resize(dimensions)
-        if x and y:
-            button.move(x, y)
-        if connect:
-            button.clicked.connect(connect)
-        if icon:
-            button.setIcon(icon)
-        return button
-    def createLabel(self, text=None, image=None, tooltip=None, click=False, connect=None):
-        """
-        Create a Label
-        :param text: (str) Text to display on this label
-        :param image: (QPixmap) Image to display on this label
-        :param tooltip: (str) tooltip to display
-        :param click: (bool) make this a clickable label?
-        :param connect: (callable) if click is true, connect the clicked event to this callable
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if click:
-            label = clickLabel(self)
-            if connect:
-                label.clicked.connect(connect)
-        else:
-            label = QtGui.QLabel(self)
-        if text:
-            label.setText(text)
-        if image:
-            label.setPixmap(image)
-        if tooltip:
-            label.setToolTip(tooltip)
-        return label
-    def createSpinbox(self, min, max, interval=1, start_value=0, connect=None):
-        """
-        create a Spinbox
-        :param min: (int) minimum Value
-        :param max: (int) maximum Value
-        :param interval: (int) interval
-        :param start_value: (int) start Value
-        :param connect: (callable) function to call on value change
-        :return: -
-        """
-        spinbox = QtGui.QSpinBox()
-        spinbox.setRange(min, max)
-        spinbox.setSingleStep(interval)
-        spinbox.setValue(start_value)
-        if connect:
-            spinbox.valueChanged.connect(connect)
-        return spinbox
-    def createInput(self, text=None, read_only=False, width=None):
-        """
-        Create Input
-        :param text: (str) Default Text
-        :param read_only: (bool) set input as read only
-        :param width: (int) width of the input field in pixels
-        :return: -
-        """
-        input = QtGui.QLineEdit()
-        if text:
-            input.setText(text)
-        if width:
-            input.setMinimumWidth(width)
-        input.setReadOnly(read_only)
-        return input
-    def createCheckbox(self, text="", tooltip="", checked=False, connect=None):
-        """
-        Create Checkbox
-        :param tooltip: (str) what tooltip text to display
-        :param checked: (bool) Checkt as default?
-        :param connect: (callable) function to connect
-        :return:
-        """
-        cb = QtGui.QCheckBox(text)
-        cb.setToolTip(tooltip)
-        cb.setChecked(checked)
-        if connect:
-            cb.clicked.connect(connect)
-        return cb
-    def createSwitch(self, startRight=False, connect=None):
-        """
-        Create a Switch
-        :param startRight: (bool) if this is True the initial setting is set to right (default is left)
-        :param connect: (callable) connect the switches clicked event to this callable
-        :return: -
-        """
-        sw = switchLabel(startRight)
-        if connect:
-            sw.clicked.connect(connect)
-        return sw
-    def closeEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Reimplementation of QWidget.closeEvent
-        """
-        super(KCGWidgets, self).closeEvent(event)
-        self.closeSignal.emit()
-class KCGSubWidget(QtGui.QMdiSubWindow):
-    """
-    Base Class for Subwindows in the KCG Gui
-    """
-    _id = None
-    _name = None
-    _type = None
-    def __init__(self, name=None, unique_id=None, typ=None, minSize=False):
-        """
-        Initialise a Subwindow
-        :param name: (str) name of this window
-        :param unique_id: (int) unique id of this window
-        :param typ: (int) type of this window
-        :param minSize: (bool) whether the window is to be resized to its minimum size
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(KCGSubWidget, self).__init__()
-        if name != None:
-            self.theName = name
-        if unique_id != None:
-            self.theId = unique_id
-        if typ != None:
-            self.theType = typ
-    @property
-    def theType(self):
-        """
-        Type of this widget
-        """
-        return self._type
-    @property
-    def theId(self):
-        """
-        ID of this widget
-        """
-        return self._id
-    @property
-    def theName(self):
-        """
-        Name of this widget
-        """
-        return self._name
-    @theType.setter
-    def theType(self, t):
-        """
-        Setter for the type of this widget
-        :param t: (int) type
-        """
-        self._type = t
-    @theId.setter
-    def theId(self, i):
-        """
-        Setter for the id of this widget
-        :param i: (int) id
-        """
-        self._id = i
-    @theName.setter
-    def theName(self, n):
-        """
-        Setter for the name of this widget
-        :param n: (str) name
-        """
-        self._name = n
-class AccordionClickLine(QtGui.QWidget):
-    """
-    A simple clickable line used in the accordion widget below
-    """
-    clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    def __init__(self, text):
-        super(AccordionClickLine, self).__init__()
-        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.layout.setSpacing(0)
-        self.setContentsMargins(0, -5, 0, -5)
-        self.layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(text))
-        self.layout.addStretch(1)
-        self.down_chev = QtSvg.QSvgWidget(config.icon_path("chevron-bottom.svg"))
-        self.down_chev.setFixedSize(10, 10)
-        self.left_chev = QtSvg.QSvgWidget(config.icon_path("chevron-left.svg"))
-        self.left_chev.setFixedSize(10, 10)
-        self.down_chev.hide()
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.left_chev)
-        self.expanded = True
-    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
-        """
-        Reimplementation of QWidget.mouseReleaseEvent to make it clickable
-        """
-        self.clicked.emit()
-        super(AccordionClickLine, self).mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent)
-    def expand(self, state):
-        """
-        Expand or deexpand the Accordion entry
-        :param state: True to expand False to deexpand
-        """
-        if state:  # if you want to expand
-            if not self.expanded:  # and it is not already expanded
-                self.layout.removeWidget(self.down_chev)
-                self.down_chev.hide()
-                self.left_chev.show()
-                self.layout.addWidget(self.left_chev)
-                self.expanded = True
-        else:  # if you want to unexpand
-            if self.expanded:  # and it is epanded
-                self.layout.removeWidget(self.left_chev)
-                self.left_chev.hide()
-                self.down_chev.show()
-                self.layout.addWidget(self.down_chev)
-                self.expanded = False
-class AccordionWidget(QtGui.QWidget):  # TODO: accordion or accordeon?
-    """
-    Simple accordion widget similar to QToolBox
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """
-        Initialise the accordion widget
-        """
-        super(AccordionWidget, self).__init__()
-        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.layout.setSpacing(0)
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.widgets = []
-        self.headers = []
-    def resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent):
-        """
-        Reimplementation of QWidget.resizeEvent to make it look nice
-        """
-        self.setMaximumHeight(self.layout.sizeHint().height())
-        super(AccordionWidget, self).resizeEvent(QResizeEvent)
-    def addItem(self, widget, text):
-        """
-        Add a Widget to the Accordion widget
-        :param widget: the widget to add
-        :param text: the text for this widget
-        """
-        hline2 = QtGui.QFrame()
-        hline2.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
-        hline2.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken)
-        cidx = len(self.widgets)
-        header = AccordionClickLine(text)
-        header.clicked.connect(lambda: self.toggleIndex(cidx))
-        self.headers.append(header)
-        self.layout.addWidget(hline2)
-        self.layout.addWidget(header)
-        self.layout.addWidget(widget)
-        self.widgets.append(widget)
-    def toggleIndex(self, index):
-        """
-        Toggle the visibility of the widget with index index
-        :param index: the index to toggle
-        :return:
-        """
-        if self.widgets[index].isHidden():
-            self.expandIndex(index)
-        else:
-            self.hideIndex(index)
-    def expandIndex(self, index):
-        """
-        Expand the widget with index index
-        :param index: the index of the widget to show
-        """
-        self.widgets[index].show()
-        self.headers[index].expand(True)
-        self.resize(1, 1)  # this will trigger a resizeEvent and thus will set the correct size
-    def hideIndex(self, index):
-        """
-        Hide the widget with the index index
-        :param index: the index of the widget to hide
-        """
-        self.widgets[index].hide()
-        self.headers[index].expand(False)
-        self.resize(1, 1)  # this will trigger a resizeEvent and thus will set the correct size
-    def hideAll(self):
-        """
-        Hide all widgets
-        """
-        for wid, header in zip(self.widgets, self.headers):
-            wid.hide()
-            header.expand(False)
-    def showAll(self):
-        """
-        Show all widgets
-        """
-        for wid, header in zip(self.widgets, self.headers):
-            wid.show()
-            header.expand(True)
-class MultilineInputDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
-    """
-    Multiline Input Dialog
-    When using this dialog, create is and open it with get_text. this also returns the entered text.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(MultilineInputDialog, self).__init__()
-        self.answer = False
-    def fill(self, heading, label):
-        """
-        Fill the widget with elements
-        :param heading: (str) the heading of this widget
-        :param label: (str) the text to show above the input field
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.setWindowTitle(heading)
-        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.tl = QtGui.QLabel(label)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.tl)
-        self.ti = QtGui.QPlainTextEdit()
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.ti)
-        # Advanced method to activate function call on Ctrl+Return (in this case the ok function aka press ok button)
-        # def ctrlEnter(event):
-        #     if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Return:
-        #         if event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier:
-        #             self.ok()
-        #     QtGui.QPlainTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self.ti, event)
-        # self.ti.keyPressEvent = ctrlEnter
-        self.blayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.layout.addLayout(self.blayout)
-        self.okButton = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "OK"))
-        self.okButton.pressed.connect(self.ok)
-        self.okButton.setShortcut("Ctrl+Return")
-        self.cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Cancel"))
-        self.cancelButton.pressed.connect(self.cancel)
-        self.cancelButton.setShortcut("Esc")
-        self.blayout.addWidget(self.okButton)
-        self.blayout.addWidget(self.cancelButton)
-    def ok(self):
-        """
-        This gets executed when the ok button is pressed
-        """
-        self.answer = True
-        self.close()
-    def cancel(self):
-        """
-        This gets executed when the cancel button is pressed
-        """
-        self.answer = False
-        self.close()
-    def get_text(self, heading, label):
-        """
-        This function is the main entry point.
-        :param heading: (str) the heading of the widget
-        :param label: (str) the text to show above the input field
-        :return: (unicode) the entered text
-        """
-        self.fill(heading, label)
-        self.exec_()
-        return str(self.ti.toPlainText()), self.answer
-class IdGenerator():
-    """
-    Generate Unique Id for every subwindow
-    """
-    highest_id = 0
-    def genid(self):
-        """
-        Generate a new Id
-        :return:
-        """
-        self.highest_id += 1
-        return self.highest_id
-idg = IdGenerator()  # declare idgenerator instance to use globally
-_registered_possible_widgets = []
-_registered_possible_widget_functions = []
-def register_widget_creation_function(creation_func):
-    """
-    Register the function to create a certain widget
-    :param creation_func: (callable) function to call when the widget is to be created
-    :return: -
-    """
-    _registered_possible_widget_functions.append(creation_func)
-def register_widget(icon, text, target, shortcut=None):
-    """
-    Register a widget
-    :param icon: (QIcon) Icon to show on the toolbar button
-    :param text: (str) tooltip for the toolbar button
-    :param target: (callable) the function to create the widget
-    :param shortcut: (str) keyboard shortcut to open this widget
-    :return: -
-    """
-    _registered_possible_widgets.append([icon, text, target, shortcut])
-def get_registered_widgets():
-    """
-    Get the registered widgets
-    :return: (list) list of registered widgets
-    """
-    return _registered_possible_widgets
-def get_registered_widget_functions():
-    """
-    Get the functions that are registered
-    :return: (list) list of functions
-    """
-    return _registered_possible_widget_functions
-def error(code, text, severe=False):
-    """
-    Log an error using the logging module
-    :param code: the error code
-    :param text: the text to show
-    :param severe: if it is a severe error that has to quit the program
-    :return:
-    """
-    if isinstance(code, str) and code[0:2] == '0x':
-        cde = code
-    elif isinstance(code, str):
-        cde = '0x'+code
-    else:
-        cde = '0x'+format(code, '03x')
-    logging.critical('{code}: {text}'.format(code=cde, text=text))
-    if severe:
-        sys.exit(int(cde, 16))
+Base Classes used in KCG.
+This module also contains various helpful Classes to make live easier ;)
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, QtSvg
+import logging
+import sys
+from .. import config
+def tr(_, x):
+    """
+    Dummy Translation method that does not translate
+    :param _: unused
+    :param x: the string to "translate"
+    :return: x
+    """
+    return x
+class BigIconButton(QtGui.QPushButton):
+    """
+    This is a Button with a big Icon (that can fill the whole button)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, path, width, height, connect=None, tooltip=None, parent=None):
+        """
+        Setting various properties
+        :param path: (str) the path to the icon
+        :param width: (int) with of the button
+        :param height: (int) height of the button
+        :param connect: (callable) function to call when button is pressed
+        :param tooltip: (str) tool tip to show
+        :param parent: (QWidget) parent widget.
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(BigIconButton, self).__init__(parent)
+        self.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(path))
+        self.setFixedSize(width, height)
+        self.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(width*0.7, height*0.7))
+        if connect:
+            self.clicked.connect(connect)
+        if tooltip:
+            self.setToolTip(tooltip)
+class clickLabel(QtGui.QLabel):
+    """
+    Clickable Label
+    """
+    clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
+        """
+        Reimplementation of QLabel.mouseReleaseEvent to make this clickable
+        """
+        self.clicked.emit()
+class ClickableHBoxLayout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout):
+    """
+    A clickable HBoxLayout
+    """
+    clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+    def event(self, QEvent):
+        """
+        Reimplementation of QHBoxLayout.event to make it clickable
+        """
+        self.clicked.emit()
+        if QEvent.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease:
+            self.clicked.emit()
+            return True
+        else:
+            super(ClickableHBoxLayout, self).event(QEvent)
+            return True
+class switchLabel(QtGui.QLabel):
+    """
+    This implements a Switch.
+    It switches between left and right.
+    """
+    clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+    def __init__(self, startRight=False): # self.state: True->Right False->Left
+        """
+        Initialise switchLabel
+        As a normal Button it emits the clicked event when clicked.
+        It does NOT have two events for each side at the moment.
+        :param startRight: (bool) whether the switch is initially set to the right position (default is left (False))
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(switchLabel, self).__init__()
+        self.leftSwitch = QtGui.QPixmap(config.install_path+"icons/SwitchButtonLeft.png")
+        self.leftSwitch = self.leftSwitch.scaled(40, 20, transformMode=QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation)
+        self.rightSwitch = QtGui.QPixmap(config.install_path+"icons/SwitchButtonRight.png")
+        self.rightSwitch = self.rightSwitch.scaled(40, 20, transformMode=QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation)
+        if startRight:
+            self.setPixmap(self.rightSwitch)
+            self.state = True
+        else:
+            self.setPixmap(self.leftSwitch)
+            self.state = False
+    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
+        """
+        Reimplementation of QLabel.mouseReleaseEvent to make it clickable
+        """
+        if self.state:
+            self.state = False
+            self.setPixmap(self.leftSwitch)
+        else:
+            self.state = True
+            self.setPixmap(self.rightSwitch)
+        self.clicked.emit()
+class Switch(QtGui.QWidget):
+    """
+    A Simple Switch
+    """
+    clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+    def __init__(self, leftLabel, rightLabel, startRight=False):
+        super(Switch, self).__init__()
+        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.switch = switchLabel(startRight)
+        self.switch.clicked.connect(self.clicked.emit)
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.layout.addStretch(1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(leftLabel))
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.switch)
+        self.layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(rightLabel))
+        self.layout.addStretch(1)
+    def state(self):
+        """
+        Get the state of this switch
+        :return: the state of this switch
+        """
+        return self.switch.state
+class ClickableSVG(QtGui.QWidget):
+    """
+    This implements a clickable SVG Image
+    """
+    clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+    def __init__(self, path, width, height, wwidth=None, wheight=None, parent=None):
+        """
+        Initialisation of ClickabeSVG
+        :param path: (str) path to the svg file
+        :param width: (int) width of the svg
+        :param height: (int) height of the svg
+        :param wwidth: (int) width of the widget (not the svg)
+        :param wheight: (int) height of the widget (not the svg)
+        :param parent: (QWidget) parent widget of the ClickableSVG
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(ClickableSVG, self).__init__(parent)
+        self.svg = QtSvg.QSvgWidget(path)
+        self.svg.setFixedSize(width, height)
+        layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        layout.addWidget(self.svg)
+        self.setLayout(layout)
+        if wwidth:
+            self.setFixedWidth(wwidth)
+        if wheight:
+            self.setFixedHeight(wheight)
+    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
+        """
+        Reimplementation of QWidget.mouseReleaseEvent to make it clickable
+        """
+        self.clicked.emit()
+    def changeSvg(self, path):
+        """
+        Change the SVG of this widget
+        :param path: (str) path to the new svg file
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.svg.load(path)
+class KCGWidgets(QtGui.QWidget):
+    """
+    Base Class for alsmost all Widgets used in KCG.
+    It holds various properties as well as methods that simplify creation of certain objects such as labels, buttons ...
+    """
+    closeSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+    def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None):
+        """
+        Initialise this baseclass
+        :param name: (str) name of the widget
+        :param parent: (QWidget) parent of this widget
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(KCGWidgets, self).__init__(parent)
+        self._id = None
+        self._type = None
+        self._name = None
+        if name:
+            self.theName = name
+    @property
+    def theType(self):
+        """
+        Type of this widget
+        """
+        return self._type
+    @property
+    def theId(self):
+        """
+        ID of this widget
+        """
+        return self._id
+    @property
+    def theName(self):
+        """
+        Name of this widget
+        """
+        return self._name
+    @theType.setter
+    def theType(self, t):
+        """
+        Setter for the type of this widget
+        :param t: (int) type
+        """
+        self._type = t
+    @theId.setter
+    def theId(self, i):
+        """
+        Setter for the id of this widget
+        :param i: (int) id
+        """
+        self._id = i
+    @theName.setter
+    def theName(self, n):
+        """
+        Setter for the name of this widget
+        :param n: (str) name
+        """
+        self._name = n
+    def createButton(self, text="", x=None, y=None, dimensions=None, tooltip="", connect=False, icon=None):
+        """
+        Create a Button
+        :param text: (str) Text to display on the button
+        :param x: (int) x-position
+        :param y: (int) y-position
+        :param dimensions: (QSize) dimensions of the button
+        :param tooltip: (str) tooltip to display
+        :param connect: (callable) connect the button pressed event to this callable
+        :param icon: (QIcon) Icon to display on the button
+        :return: -
+        """
+        button = QtGui.QPushButton(text, self)
+        if tooltip:
+            button.setToolTip(tooltip)
+        if not dimensions:
+            button.resize(button.sizeHint())
+        else:
+            button.resize(dimensions)
+        if x and y:
+            button.move(x, y)
+        if connect:
+            button.clicked.connect(connect)
+        if icon:
+            button.setIcon(icon)
+        return button
+    def createLabel(self, text=None, image=None, tooltip=None, click=False, connect=None):
+        """
+        Create a Label
+        :param text: (str) Text to display on this label
+        :param image: (QPixmap) Image to display on this label
+        :param tooltip: (str) tooltip to display
+        :param click: (bool) make this a clickable label?
+        :param connect: (callable) if click is true, connect the clicked event to this callable
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if click:
+            label = clickLabel(self)
+            if connect:
+                label.clicked.connect(connect)
+        else:
+            label = QtGui.QLabel(self)
+        if text:
+            label.setText(text)
+        if image:
+            label.setPixmap(image)
+        if tooltip:
+            label.setToolTip(tooltip)
+        return label
+    def createSpinbox(self, min, max, interval=1, start_value=0, connect=None):
+        """
+        create a Spinbox
+        :param min: (int) minimum Value
+        :param max: (int) maximum Value
+        :param interval: (int) interval
+        :param start_value: (int) start Value
+        :param connect: (callable) function to call on value change
+        :return: -
+        """
+        spinbox = QtGui.QSpinBox()
+        spinbox.setRange(min, max)
+        spinbox.setSingleStep(interval)
+        spinbox.setValue(start_value)
+        if connect:
+            spinbox.valueChanged.connect(connect)
+        return spinbox
+    def createInput(self, text=None, read_only=False, width=None):
+        """
+        Create Input
+        :param text: (str) Default Text
+        :param read_only: (bool) set input as read only
+        :param width: (int) width of the input field in pixels
+        :return: -
+        """
+        input = QtGui.QLineEdit()
+        if text:
+            input.setText(text)
+        if width:
+            input.setMinimumWidth(width)
+        input.setReadOnly(read_only)
+        return input
+    def createCheckbox(self, text="", tooltip="", checked=False, connect=None):
+        """
+        Create Checkbox
+        :param tooltip: (str) what tooltip text to display
+        :param checked: (bool) Checkt as default?
+        :param connect: (callable) function to connect
+        :return:
+        """
+        cb = QtGui.QCheckBox(text)
+        cb.setToolTip(tooltip)
+        cb.setChecked(checked)
+        if connect:
+            cb.clicked.connect(connect)
+        return cb
+    def createSwitch(self, startRight=False, connect=None):
+        """
+        Create a Switch
+        :param startRight: (bool) if this is True the initial setting is set to right (default is left)
+        :param connect: (callable) connect the switches clicked event to this callable
+        :return: -
+        """
+        sw = switchLabel(startRight)
+        if connect:
+            sw.clicked.connect(connect)
+        return sw
+    def closeEvent(self, event):
+        """
+        Reimplementation of QWidget.closeEvent
+        """
+        super(KCGWidgets, self).closeEvent(event)
+        self.closeSignal.emit()
+class KCGSubWidget(QtGui.QMdiSubWindow):
+    """
+    Base Class for Subwindows in the KCG Gui
+    """
+    _id = None
+    _name = None
+    _type = None
+    def __init__(self, name=None, unique_id=None, typ=None, minSize=False):
+        """
+        Initialise a Subwindow
+        :param name: (str) name of this window
+        :param unique_id: (int) unique id of this window
+        :param typ: (int) type of this window
+        :param minSize: (bool) whether the window is to be resized to its minimum size
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(KCGSubWidget, self).__init__()
+        if name != None:
+            self.theName = name
+        if unique_id != None:
+            self.theId = unique_id
+        if typ != None:
+            self.theType = typ
+    @property
+    def theType(self):
+        """
+        Type of this widget
+        """
+        return self._type
+    @property
+    def theId(self):
+        """
+        ID of this widget
+        """
+        return self._id
+    @property
+    def theName(self):
+        """
+        Name of this widget
+        """
+        return self._name
+    @theType.setter
+    def theType(self, t):
+        """
+        Setter for the type of this widget
+        :param t: (int) type
+        """
+        self._type = t
+    @theId.setter
+    def theId(self, i):
+        """
+        Setter for the id of this widget
+        :param i: (int) id
+        """
+        self._id = i
+    @theName.setter
+    def theName(self, n):
+        """
+        Setter for the name of this widget
+        :param n: (str) name
+        """
+        self._name = n
+class AccordionClickLine(QtGui.QWidget):
+    """
+    A simple clickable line used in the accordion widget below
+    """
+    clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+    def __init__(self, text):
+        super(AccordionClickLine, self).__init__()
+        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.layout.setSpacing(0)
+        self.setContentsMargins(0, -5, 0, -5)
+        self.layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(text))
+        self.layout.addStretch(1)
+        self.down_chev = QtSvg.QSvgWidget(config.install_path+"icons/chevron-bottom.svg")
+        self.down_chev.setFixedSize(10, 10)
+        self.left_chev = QtSvg.QSvgWidget(config.install_path+"icons/chevron-left.svg")
+        self.left_chev.setFixedSize(10, 10)
+        self.down_chev.hide()
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.left_chev)
+        self.expanded = True
+    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
+        """
+        Reimplementation of QWidget.mouseReleaseEvent to make it clickable
+        """
+        self.clicked.emit()
+        super(AccordionClickLine, self).mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent)
+    def expand(self, state):
+        """
+        Expand or deexpand the Accordion entry
+        :param state: True to expand False to deexpand
+        """
+        if state:  # if you want to expand
+            if not self.expanded:  # and it is not already expanded
+                self.layout.removeWidget(self.down_chev)
+                self.down_chev.hide()
+                self.left_chev.show()
+                self.layout.addWidget(self.left_chev)
+                self.expanded = True
+        else:  # if you want to unexpand
+            if self.expanded:  # and it is epanded
+                self.layout.removeWidget(self.left_chev)
+                self.left_chev.hide()
+                self.down_chev.show()
+                self.layout.addWidget(self.down_chev)
+                self.expanded = False
+class AccordionWidget(QtGui.QWidget):  # TODO: accordion or accordeon?
+    """
+    Simple accordion widget similar to QToolBox
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        Initialise the accordion widget
+        """
+        super(AccordionWidget, self).__init__()
+        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.layout.setSpacing(0)
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.widgets = []
+        self.headers = []
+    def resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent):
+        """
+        Reimplementation of QWidget.resizeEvent to make it look nice
+        """
+        self.setMaximumHeight(self.layout.sizeHint().height())
+        super(AccordionWidget, self).resizeEvent(QResizeEvent)
+    def addItem(self, widget, text):
+        """
+        Add a Widget to the Accordion widget
+        :param widget: the widget to add
+        :param text: the text for this widget
+        """
+        hline2 = QtGui.QFrame()
+        hline2.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
+        hline2.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken)
+        cidx = len(self.widgets)
+        header = AccordionClickLine(text)
+        header.clicked.connect(lambda: self.toggleIndex(cidx))
+        self.headers.append(header)
+        self.layout.addWidget(hline2)
+        self.layout.addWidget(header)
+        self.layout.addWidget(widget)
+        self.widgets.append(widget)
+    def toggleIndex(self, index):
+        """
+        Toggle the visibility of the widget with index index
+        :param index: the index to toggle
+        :return:
+        """
+        if self.widgets[index].isHidden():
+            self.expandIndex(index)
+        else:
+            self.hideIndex(index)
+    def expandIndex(self, index):
+        """
+        Expand the widget with index index
+        :param index: the index of the widget to show
+        """
+        self.widgets[index].show()
+        self.headers[index].expand(True)
+        self.resize(1, 1)  # this will trigger a resizeEvent and thus will set the correct size
+    def hideIndex(self, index):
+        """
+        Hide the widget with the index index
+        :param index: the index of the widget to hide
+        """
+        self.widgets[index].hide()
+        self.headers[index].expand(False)
+        self.resize(1, 1)  # this will trigger a resizeEvent and thus will set the correct size
+    def hideAll(self):
+        """
+        Hide all widgets
+        """
+        for wid, header in zip(self.widgets, self.headers):
+            wid.hide()
+            header.expand(False)
+    def showAll(self):
+        """
+        Show all widgets
+        """
+        for wid, header in zip(self.widgets, self.headers):
+            wid.show()
+            header.expand(True)
+class MultilineInputDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
+    """
+    Multiline Input Dialog
+    When using this dialog, create is and open it with get_text. this also returns the entered text.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(MultilineInputDialog, self).__init__()
+        self.answer = False
+    def fill(self, heading, label):
+        """
+        Fill the widget with elements
+        :param heading: (str) the heading of this widget
+        :param label: (str) the text to show above the input field
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.setWindowTitle(heading)
+        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.tl = QtGui.QLabel(label)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.tl)
+        self.ti = QtGui.QPlainTextEdit()
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.ti)
+        # Advanced method to activate function call on Ctrl+Return (in this case the ok function aka press ok button)
+        # def ctrlEnter(event):
+        #     if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Return:
+        #         if event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier:
+        #             self.ok()
+        #     QtGui.QPlainTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self.ti, event)
+        # self.ti.keyPressEvent = ctrlEnter
+        self.blayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.layout.addLayout(self.blayout)
+        self.okButton = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "OK"))
+        self.okButton.pressed.connect(self.ok)
+        self.okButton.setShortcut("Ctrl+Return")
+        self.cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Cancel"))
+        self.cancelButton.pressed.connect(self.cancel)
+        self.cancelButton.setShortcut("Esc")
+        self.blayout.addWidget(self.okButton)
+        self.blayout.addWidget(self.cancelButton)
+    def ok(self):
+        """
+        This gets executed when the ok button is pressed
+        """
+        self.answer = True
+        self.close()
+    def cancel(self):
+        """
+        This gets executed when the cancel button is pressed
+        """
+        self.answer = False
+        self.close()
+    def get_text(self, heading, label):
+        """
+        This function is the main entry point.
+        :param heading: (str) the heading of the widget
+        :param label: (str) the text to show above the input field
+        :return: (unicode) the entered text
+        """
+        self.fill(heading, label)
+        self.exec_()
+        return unicode(self.ti.toPlainText()), self.answer
+class IdGenerator():
+    """
+    Generate Unique Id for every subwindow
+    """
+    highest_id = 0
+    def genid(self):
+        """
+        Generate a new Id
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.highest_id += 1
+        return self.highest_id
+idg = IdGenerator()  # declare idgenerator instance to use globally
+_registered_possible_widgets = []
+_registered_possible_widget_functions = []
+def register_widget_creation_function(creation_func):
+    """
+    Register the function to create a certain widget
+    :param creation_func: (callable) function to call when the widget is to be created
+    :return: -
+    """
+    _registered_possible_widget_functions.append(creation_func)
+def register_widget(icon, text, target, shortcut=None):
+    """
+    Register a widget
+    :param icon: (QIcon) Icon to show on the toolbar button
+    :param text: (str) tooltip for the toolbar button
+    :param target: (callable) the function to create the widget
+    :param shortcut: (str) keyboard shortcut to open this widget
+    :return: -
+    """
+    _registered_possible_widgets.append([icon, text, target, shortcut])
+def get_registered_widgets():
+    """
+    Get the registered widgets
+    :return: (list) list of registered widgets
+    """
+    return _registered_possible_widgets
+def get_registered_widget_functions():
+    """
+    Get the functions that are registered
+    :return: (list) list of functions
+    """
+    return _registered_possible_widget_functions
+def error(code, text, severe=False):
+    """
+    Log an error using the logging module
+    :param code: the error code
+    :param text: the text to show
+    :param severe: if it is a severe error that has to quit the program
+    :return:
+    """
+    if isinstance(code, str) and code[0:2] == '0x':
+        cde = code
+    elif isinstance(code, str):
+        cde = '0x'+code
+    else:
+        cde = '0x'+format(code, '03x')
+    logging.critical('{code}: {text}'.format(code=cde, text=text))
+    if severe:
+        sys.exit(int(cde, 16))

+ 697 - 704

@@ -1,704 +1,697 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-from . import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from .callbacks import callbacks
-from .plotWidget import PlotWidget
-from .backend.board import available_boards
-from .backend import io
-from . import storage
-from ..widgets import acquiresettings as acqs
-from .groupedelements import Elements
-from . import backendinterface as bif
-from ..widgets import singleread
-from . import log
-tr = kcgw.tr
-from .. import config
-LIVE = 1
-FILE = 2
-class BoardSpecificInformation(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    Specific Part for each board
-    """
-    def __init__(self, board_id):
-        """
-        This creates the information part for board with id board_id.
-        This is used to be able to create a variable number of board information areas.
-        :param board_id: the id of the board
-        """
-        super(BoardSpecificInformation, self).__init__()
-        self.temperature = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Temp:"))
-        def update_temp():
-            '''update the temperature in the gui'''
-            if bif.bk_get_board_status(board_id, 'board_connected'):
-                self.temperature.setText("Temp: " + bif.bk_get_temperature(board_id) + " °C")
-        try:
-            update_temp()
-        except Exception:  # TODO: Find correct exception to catch
-            print("cannot get temperature")
-        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
-        self.timer.timeout.connect(update_temp)
-        self.timer.start(30000)
-        self.skipturns = self.createLabel(
-            tr("Label", "O_skip:") + " " + str(bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'orbits_skip')),
-            tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Skipped orbits\nKlick to open acquire settings"),
-            click=True,
-            connect=lambda: acqs.add_acquire_settings_widget(board_id=board_id)
-        )
-        bif.bk_get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.skipturns,
-                                                 lambda x: self.skipturns.setText(tr("Label", "O_skip:")+" "+str(x)),
-                                                 'orbits_skip')
-        self.orbitsobserved = self.createLabel(
-            tr("Label", "O_obs:") + " " + str(bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'orbits_observe')),
-            tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Number of observed Orbits\nKlick to open acquire settings"),
-            click=True,
-            connect=lambda: acqs.add_acquire_settings_widget(board_id=board_id)
-        )
-        bif.bk_get_board_config(board_id).observe(
-                self.orbitsobserved,
-                lambda x: self.orbitsobserved.setText(tr("Label", "O_obs:") + " " + str(x)), 'orbits_observe')
-        self.orbitscount = self.createLabel(
-            tr("Label", "Count:") + " " + str(bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'acquisition_count')),
-            tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Number of acquisitions\nKlick to open acquire settings"),
-            click=True,
-            connect=lambda: acqs.add_acquire_settings_widget(board_id=board_id)
-        )
-        bif.bk_get_board_config(board_id).observe(
-                self.orbitscount,
-                lambda x: self.orbitscount.setText(tr("Label", "Count:") + " " + str(x)), 'acquisition_count')
-        self.orbitswait = self.createLabel(
-            tr("Label", "T_wait:") + " " + str(bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'orbits_wait_time')),
-            tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Time in seconds to wait between acquisitions\nKlick to open acquire settings"),
-            click=True,
-            connect=lambda: acqs.add_acquire_settings_widget(board_id=board_id)
-        )
-        bif.bk_get_board_config(board_id).observe(
-                self.orbitswait,
-                lambda x: self.orbitswait.setText(tr("Label", "T_wait:") + " " + str(x)), 'orbits_wait_time')
-        self.boardSpecificLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.boardSpecificLayout)
-        self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.temperature, 0, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.skipturns, 1, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.orbitsobserved, 1, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.orbitscount, 2, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.orbitswait, 2, 1)
-        self.boardSpecificLayout.addLayout(self.layout)
-class AcquisitionAndInfo(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    Widget to show below the plot list.
-    Show certain information.
-    Provide Start Acquisition button and settings.
-    """
-    # consistency_updated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(bool)
-    # acquisition_started_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(AcquisitionAndInfo, self).__init__()
-        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        if available_boards.multi_board:
-            self.scroll_area = QtGui.QScrollArea()
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.scroll_area)
-            self.information_box = kcgw.AccordionWidget()
-            for brd in available_boards.board_ids:
-                self.information_box.addItem(BoardSpecificInformation(brd),
-                                             available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(brd))
-            self.scroll_area.setWidget(self.information_box)
-            self.scroll_area.setWidgetResizable(True)
-            self.information_box.hideAll()
-            self.information_box.expandIndex(0)
-        else:
-            self.layout.addWidget(BoardSpecificInformation(available_boards.board_ids[0]))
-        # -----[ Constistency ]-----------
-        self.consistency = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.layout.addLayout(self.consistency)
-        self.consistency_label = self.createLabel("Consistency:")
-        self.consistency_content = self.createLabel("●")
-        self.consistency_content.setStyleSheet("color: lightgrey;")
-        self.consistency.addWidget(self.consistency_label)
-        self.consistency.addWidget(self.consistency_content)
-        # -------[ acquire ]--------------
-        self.acquire = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"),
-                                         icon=QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.startIcon)),
-                                         connect=self.toggle_acquisition)
-        if not available_boards.multi_board:
-            Elements.addItem('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(available_boards.board_ids[0]), self.acquire)
-        if available_boards.multi_board:
-            self.list_to_acquire = {
-                i: self.createCheckbox(
-                        str(i),
-                        tooltip=str(tr("Tooltip",
-                                       "Check this checkbox if you want to acquire with board {board}")
-                                    ). format(board=i),
-                        connect=self.update_acq_tickboxes) for i in available_boards}
-            self.list_of_active_boards = {i: False for i in available_boards}
-            self.acq_list_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-            for b_id, cb in self.list_to_acquire.items():
-                self.acq_list_layout.addWidget(cb)
-                Elements.addItem('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(b_id), cb)
-                self.acquisition_stopped(b_id)
-        # -----[ log ]-------
-        self.log = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Log"),
-                                     icon=QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.logIcon)),
-                                     connect=lambda: log.log(additional="Manual Log"),
-                                     tooltip="Rightclick to Configure")
-        self.log_w_comment = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Log"),
-                                               icon=QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.logCommentIcon)),
-                                               connect=self.do_log_w_comment,
-                                               tooltip="Log with Comment\nRightclick to Configure")
-        self.log.contextMenuEvent = self.log_configure_context_menu
-        self.log_w_comment.contextMenuEvent = self.log_configure_context_menu
-        # self.layout.addLayout(self.consistency, 0, 0)  # TODO: für welches board? zum board???
-        if available_boards.multi_board:
-            self.layout.addLayout(self.acq_list_layout)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.acquire)
-        self.logLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.logLayout.addWidget(self.log)
-        self.logLayout.addWidget(self.log_w_comment)
-        self.layout.addLayout(self.logLayout)
-        callbacks.add_callback('update_consistency', self.update_consistency)
-        callbacks.add_callback('acquisition_started', self.acquisition_started)
-        callbacks.add_callback('acquisition_stopped', self.acquisition_stopped)
-    def toggle_acquisition(self):
-        """
-        Turn acquisition on/off. This gets the information about which board to use by checking state of the checkboxes.
-        :return:
-        """
-        if not available_boards.multi_board:
-            bif.bk_acquire(available_boards.board_ids[0])
-            return
-        for b_id, cb in self.list_to_acquire.items():
-            if cb.isChecked():
-                bif.bk_acquire(b_id)
-        for cb in list(self.list_to_acquire.values()):
-            cb.setChecked(False)
-        self.update_acq_tickboxes()
-    def update_acq_tickboxes(self):
-        """
-        If at least one checkbox is checked, set all checkboxes with other state (acquiring or not)
-        to disabled. This prevents the user to start with one board and stop with the other simultaneously.
-        TODO: add option in settings to allow the now eliminated behaviour
-        """
-        active = False
-        inactive = False
-        for b_id, cb in self.list_to_acquire.items():
-            if cb.isChecked():  # search for first checked box
-                if self.list_of_active_boards[b_id] is True:  # if board is acquiring
-                    active = True
-                    break
-                else:
-                    inactive = True
-                    break
-        if active:  # if checked box is for acquiring boards (meaning to stop them)
-            for b_id, state in self.list_of_active_boards.items():
-                if Elements.isEnabled('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(b_id)):
-                    self.list_to_acquire[b_id].setEnabled(state)  # set all active boards to enabled
-            self.acquire.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.stopIcon)))
-            self.acquire.setText(tr("Button", "Stop Acquisition"))
-        elif inactive:
-            for b_id, state in self.list_of_active_boards.items():
-                if Elements.isEnabled('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(b_id)) or bif.bk_get_board_status(b_id, 'acquisition'):
-                    self.list_to_acquire[b_id].setEnabled(not state)  # set all active boards to not enabled
-            self.acquire.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.startIcon)))
-            self.acquire.setText(tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"))
-        else:  # if no board is selected
-            for b_id, cb in list(self.list_to_acquire.items()):
-                if Elements.isEnabled('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(b_id)):
-                    cb.setEnabled(True)
-            self.acquire.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.startIcon)))
-            self.acquire.setText(tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"))
-    def acquisition_stopped(self, board_id):
-        """
-        This is called when a acquisition is stopped.
-        (has to be registered in Callbacks under 'acquisition_stopped'
-        :param board_id: id of the board
-        """
-        if not available_boards.multi_board:
-            for elem in Elements.getElements("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id)):
-                if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut) or isinstance(elem, QtGui.QCheckBox):
-                    continue
-                elem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.startIcon)))
-                elem.setText(tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"))
-            return
-        self.list_to_acquire[board_id].setStyleSheet('')
-        self.list_of_active_boards[board_id] = False
-        self.update_acq_tickboxes()
-    def acquisition_started(self, board_id):
-        """
-        This is called when a acquisition is started.
-        (has to be registered in Callbacks under 'acquisition_started'
-        :param board_id: id of the board
-        """
-        if not available_boards.multi_board:
-            for elem in Elements.getElements("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id)):
-                if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut) or isinstance(elem, QtGui.QCheckBox):
-                    continue
-                elem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.stopIcon)))
-                elem.setText(tr("Button", "Stop Acquisition"))
-            return
-        self.list_to_acquire[board_id].setStyleSheet("background-color: lightgreen;")
-        self.list_of_active_boards[board_id] = True
-        self.update_acq_tickboxes()
-    def do_log_w_comment(self):
-        """
-        Function to handle logging with comments
-        """
-        # text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, tr("Heading", 'Log Comment'), tr("Label", 'Log Comment:'))
-        text, ok = kcgw.MultilineInputDialog().get_text(tr("Heading", "Log Comment"), tr("Label", "Log Comment:"))
-        if ok:
-            log.log(additional=text)
-    def log_configure_context_menu(self, event):
-        """
-        Function that creates the context menu for the log buttons
-        :param event: (QEvent) the event
-        :return: -
-        """
-        pos = event.globalPos()
-        def configure_log():
-            '''Open the configuration window for logs'''
-            c = log.ConfigureLog(self)
-            c.exec_()
-            del c
-        if pos is not None:
-            menu = QtGui.QMenu(self)
-            configure = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "Configure Log"))
-            configure.triggered.connect(configure_log)
-            menu.popup(pos)
-        event.accept()
-    def update_consistency(self, status):
-        """
-        Set consistency indicator
-        :param status: True if consistent, False if inconsistent, None is nothing
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if status is True:
-            self.consistency_content.setStyleSheet("color: green;")
-        elif status is False:
-            self.consistency_content.setStyleSheet("color: red;")
-        else:
-            self.consistency_content.setStyleSheet("color: lightgrey;")
-class LeftBar(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    Left bar in the main view of the gui.
-    Shows plot list and acquisition and info panel
-    """
-    # general notes:
-    # uid = unique_id
-    # usid = unique_sub_id
-    # upid = unique_parent_id
-    possiblePlots = ["Heatmap", "FFT", "Trains", "Combined", "Compare", "Follow"]
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        super(LeftBar, self).__init__("LeftBar")
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.openData = {}
-        self.openDataNames = {}
-        self.openPlots = {}
-        self.openPlotWindows = {}
-        self.Data = {}
-        self.initUI()
-    def initUI(self):
-        """
-        Initialise the UI
-        """
-        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
-        self.setMinimumWidth(230)
-        self.treeWidget = QtGui.QTreeWidget()
-        self.treeWidget.setObjectName("tree_view")
-        self.treeWidget.setColumnCount(2)
-        self.treeWidget.resizeColumnToContents(1)
-#        self.treeWidget.header().resizeSection(0, 110)
-        self.treeWidget.setHeaderHidden(True)
-        self.treeWidget.itemClicked.connect(self.plot_clicked)
-        self.treeWidget.contextMenuEvent = self.contextMenuEventListView
-        self.rootItem = self.treeWidget.invisibleRootItem()
-        self.infoAndAcquisitionWidget = AcquisitionAndInfo()
-        if config.integrate_single_read:
-            self.singleReadWidget = singleread.SingleReadWidget(0, self)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.treeWidget)
-        if config.integrate_single_read:
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.singleReadWidget)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.infoAndAcquisitionWidget)
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-    def _generate_menu(self, menu, item):
-        """
-        Generate the right click menu
-        :param menu: the menu to add the entries to
-        :param item: the item that was clicked on
-        """
-        heatmap = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "Heatmap"))
-        fft = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "FFT"))
-        trains = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "Trains"))
-        combined = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "Combined"))
-        compare = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "Compare"))
-        heatmap.triggered.connect(lambda: self.add_plot_node(
-                text=tr("Label", 'Heatmap'), unique_id=item.uid, d_type=0, datatype=item.datatype))
-        fft.triggered.connect(lambda: self.add_plot_node(
-                text=tr("Label", 'FFT'), unique_id=item.uid, d_type=1, datatype=item.datatype))
-        trains.triggered.connect(lambda: self.add_plot_node(
-                text=tr("Label", 'Trains'), unique_id=item.uid, d_type=2, datatype=item.datatype))
-        combined.triggered.connect(lambda: self.add_plot_node(
-                text=tr("Label", 'Combined'), unique_id=item.uid, d_type=3, datatype=item.datatype))
-        compare.triggered.connect(lambda: self.add_plot_node(
-                text=tr("Label", 'Combined'), unique_id=item.uid, d_type=4, datatype=item.datatype))
-    def contextMenuEventListView(self, event):
-        """
-        Gets called when right mouse button is clicked
-        :param event: the event that causes the call of this function
-        :return: -
-        """
-        pos = event.globalPos()
-        try:
-            item = self.treeWidget.selectedItems()[0]
-        except IndexError:
-            return
-        if pos is not None:
-            menu = QtGui.QMenu(self)
-            close = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "Close"))
-            if item.is_child:
-                close.triggered.connect(lambda: self.remove_plot(item.usid, silent=False, close_plot_window=True))
-            else:
-                close.triggered.connect(lambda: self.remove_plot_tree(item.uid))
-                self._generate_menu(menu, item)
-            menu.popup(pos)
-        event.accept()
-    def plot_clicked(self, item, i):
-        """
-        Function to handle when a plot item is clicked.
-        :param item: what item is clicked
-        :param i: what column
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if item.is_child:
-            self.openPlotWindows[item.usid].setFocus()
-        else:
-            if not item.ready:
-                return
-            if i == 1:
-                position = QtGui.QCursor.pos()
-                menu = QtGui.QMenu(self)
-                self._generate_menu(menu, item)
-                menu.popup(position)
-    def add_plot_tree(self, text=False, unique_id=None, datatype=None):
-        """
-        Add a top node to the plot list.
-        :param text: (str) text to be displayed in the plot list
-        :param unique_id: (int) unique id of this top node
-        :param datatype: (int) live or data from file
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if datatype == FILE:
-            file_name = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName()
-            if file_name == "":
-                return
-            if file_name in iter(self.openDataNames.values()):  # is this to prevent double opening?
-                return
-            self.openDataNames[unique_id] = file_name
-        else:
-            if text in iter(self.openDataNames.values()):
-                return
-            self.openDataNames[unique_id] = QtCore.QString(text)  # Add a qstring for comparison
-        self.openData[unique_id] = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem()
-        self.openData[unique_id].uid = unique_id
-        self.openData[unique_id].is_child = False
-        self.openData[unique_id].datatype = datatype
-        if datatype == FILE:
-            self.openData[unique_id].file_name = file_name
-        self.openData[unique_id].setText(0, "Live" if datatype == LIVE else file_name.split('/')[-1])
-        self.openData[unique_id].setToolTip(0, "Live" if datatype == LIVE else file_name.split('/')[-1])
-        self.openData[unique_id].setText(1, "Reading")
-        if datatype == LIVE:  # Insert LIVE on top
-            self.treeWidget.insertTopLevelItem(0, self.openData[unique_id])
-        else:
-            self.treeWidget.addTopLevelItem(self.openData[unique_id])
-        self.treeWidget.expandItem(self.openData[unique_id])
-        self.treeWidget.resizeColumnToContents(0)
-        self.openData[unique_id].ready = False  # indicates whether data was completely read or not
-        QtGui.qApp.processEvents()
-        try:
-            self.read_data(datatype, unique_id, file_name if datatype == FILE else None)
-        except Exception:
-            self.Data[unique_id] = None
-            self.remove_plot_tree(unique_id, silent=True)
-            QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(
-                    self,
-                    tr("Heading", "Error Reading Data"),
-                    tr("Dialog", "There was an error reading the datafile, make shure it is valid and try again."))
-        self.openData[unique_id].ready = True  # indicates whether data was completely read or not
-        self.openData[unique_id].setText(1, "+")
-        self.add_plot_node(d_type=0, unique_id=unique_id, datatype=datatype)
-    def read_data(self, d_type, uid, file_name):
-        """
-        Reads datafile
-        :param d_type: FILE or LIVE - type of datasource
-        :param uid: unique id for the treeelement
-        :param file_name: filename if type is FILE
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if d_type == FILE:
-            self.Data[uid] = io.read_from_file(file_name, header=storage.storage.header)
-        else:
-            self.Data[uid] = bif.livePlotData
-    def add_plot_node(self, board_id=None, text=False, unique_id=None, d_type=None, datatype=None):
-        """
-        Actually open a new plot window.
-        :param board_id: the id of the board to which the plot corresponds
-        :param text: (str) text that is displayed in the plot list
-        :param unique_id: (int) unique id of this plot window
-        :param d_type: (int) type of this plot window
-        :param datatype: (int) live or data from file
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if datatype == LIVE and board_id is None:  # get board_id for live plot from popup menu
-            # board_id = 0
-            if available_boards.multi_board:
-                # raise NotImplementedError("Dialog to ask for board is not implemented yet.")
-                position = QtGui.QCursor.pos()
-                menu = QtGui.QMenu(self)
-                for bid in available_boards:
-                    tmp = menu.addAction(available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(bid))
-                    tmp.triggered.connect(lambda _, b=bid: self.add_plot_node(board_id=b,
-                                                                           text=text,
-                                                                           unique_id=unique_id,
-                                                                           d_type=d_type,
-                                                                           datatype=datatype))
-                    # NOTE to the above: the lambda needs b=bid to capture the variable for the lambda
-                    # additionally the _ is needed because the call to the lambda includes an optional parameter
-                    # that is true or false, passed by pyqt
-                menu.popup(position)
-                return
-            else:
-                board_id = available_boards.board_ids[0]
-        # if not board_id:
-        #     TODO: Activate this (No Board Id Given)
-            # pass
-           # raise NoBoardId("No Board Id was given.")
-        unique_sub_id = kcgw.idg.genid()
-        nr = self.openData[unique_id].childCount()
-        if datatype == FILE:
-            file_name = self.openData[unique_id].file_name
-        else:
-            file_name = None
-        name = "Live" if not file_name else file_name.split(os.sep)[-1]
-        self.openPlotWindows[unique_sub_id] = PlotWidget(
-                board_id=board_id,
-                parent=self,
-                name=name,
-                unique_id=unique_sub_id,
-                type=d_type,
-                datatype=datatype,
-                prefix=nr,
-                fName=file_name,
-                data=self.Data[unique_id]
-        )
-        self.openPlotWindows[unique_sub_id].change_type_signal.connect(self.update_plot)
-        self.openPlotWindows[unique_sub_id].upid = unique_id
-        self.parent.area.newWidget(
-                self.openPlotWindows[unique_sub_id],
-                name=text,
-                unique_id=unique_sub_id,
-                widget_type=d_type
-        )
-        self.openPlots[unique_sub_id] = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem()
-        if datatype == LIVE:
-            brd = " B: "+available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(board_id)
-        else:
-            brd = ""
-        if d_type == 4:  # Compare Plot
-            adc = "1+2"
-        else:
-            adc = "1"
-        self.openPlots[unique_sub_id].is_child = True
-        self.openPlots[unique_sub_id].usid = unique_sub_id
-        self.openPlots[unique_sub_id].nr = nr
-        self.update_plot(unique_sub_id, d_type, adc+brd)
-        self.openData[unique_id].addChild(self.openPlots[unique_sub_id])
-        self.treeWidget.resizeColumnToContents(0)
-    @QtCore.pyqtSlot()
-    def remove_plot(self, unique_id, silent=False, close_plot_window=False):
-        """
-        Removes a plot from the plot list.
-        :param unique_id: (int) the unique id of the plot to remove
-        :param silent: (bool) Ask to close the plot source node in the list if the last plot window is closed
-                        (if False the source node will not be closed)
-        :param close_plot_window: (bool) close the corresponding plot window
-        :return: -
-        """
-        parent = self.openData[self.openPlotWindows[unique_id].upid]
-        if not silent:
-            reply = QtGui.QMessageBox()
-            reply.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Question)
-            reply.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", 'Close Plot'))
-            reply.setText(tr("Dialog", "Close this plot?"))
-            reply.addButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes)
-            reply.addButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
-            reply.setDefaultButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
-            if parent.childCount() == 1:
-                reply.addButton("Close Plot Source", QtGui.QMessageBox.ResetRole)
-            reply.exec_()
-            if reply.buttonRole(reply.clickedButton()) == QtGui.QMessageBox.ResetRole:
-                self.remove_plot_tree(parent.uid, silent=True)
-                return True
-            elif reply.buttonRole(reply.clickedButton()) == QtGui.QMessageBox.NoRole:
-                return False
-        if close_plot_window:
-            self.openPlotWindows[unique_id].close_silent = True
-            self.openPlotWindows[unique_id].close()
-        parent.removeChild(self.openPlots[unique_id])
-        self.openPlotWindows[unique_id] = None
-        self.openPlots[unique_id] = None
-        del self.openPlotWindows[unique_id]
-        del self.openPlots[unique_id]
-        return True
-    def remove_plot_tree(self, unique_id, silent=False):
-        """
-        Remove the top node from the plot list
-        :param unique_id: (int) the id of the top node
-        :param silent: (bool) ask to close even if corresponding plot windows are open
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if self.openData[unique_id].childCount() != 0 and not silent:
-            reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(
-                    self, tr("Heading", 'Close Data Source'), tr(
-                            "Dialog", "There are open plot windows.\n"
-                            "Close this plot source and all corresponding plot windows?"),
-                    QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No,
-                    QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
-            if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.No:
-                return
-        for plot in self.openData[unique_id].takeChildren():
-            self.openPlotWindows[plot.usid].close_silent = True
-            self.openPlotWindows[plot.usid].close()
-            self.openData[unique_id].removeChild(plot)
-        self.rootItem.removeChild(self.openData[unique_id])
-        del self.openData[unique_id]
-        del self.openDataNames[unique_id]
-        del self.Data[unique_id]
-    @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int, int, str)
-    def update_plot(self, uid, b_type, add):
-        """
-        Updates the plot list when the type of a plot window changes
-        :param uid: (int) unique id of the plot window to update
-        :param b_type: (int) type of that plot window
-        :param str add: the add, board and additional text to update
-        :return: -
-        """
-        text = str(self.openPlots[uid].nr) + "." + self.possiblePlots[b_type] + " - ADC " + str(add)
-        self.openPlots[uid].setText(0, text)
-        self.openPlots[uid].setToolTip(0, text)
-        self.treeWidget.resizeColumnToContents(0)
-    def handle_dialog(self, value, diag=None,):
-        """
-        Function that handles the return of the dialog that asks for live or data from file
-        :param value: (int) the value of the pressed button in the dialog
-        :param diag: (QDialog) the dialog that is to be closed (optional)
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if diag:
-            diag.close()
-        s = kcgw.idg.genid()
-        if value == 1:
-            if tr("Label", "Live") in iter(self.openDataNames.values()):
-                x = [bid for bid, obj in self.openData.items() if obj.datatype == LIVE][0]
-                self.add_plot_node(unique_id=x, d_type=0, datatype=LIVE)
-            else:
-                self.add_plot_tree(text=tr("Label", "Live"), unique_id=s, datatype=LIVE)
-        elif value == 2:
-            self.add_plot_tree(text=tr("Label", "File"), unique_id=s, datatype=FILE)
-        else:
-            pass
-    def add_plot(self, d_type=None):
-        """
-        Handles the creation of a plot.
-        Also shows the dialog that asks for the data source.
-        :param d_type: the type of the plot to add
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if d_type == LIVE or d_type == FILE:
-            self.handle_dialog(value=d_type)
-            return
-        ask = QtGui.QDialog()
-        window = self.parent.geometry()
-        ask_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        ask_layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(tr("Dialog", "Open file from disk or read live data?")))
-        button_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        ask_button_live = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Live"))
-        ask_button_file = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Open File"))
-        ask_button_cancel = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Cancel"))
-        ask_button_live.pressed.connect(lambda: self.handle_dialog(diag=ask, value=1))
-        ask_button_file.pressed.connect(lambda: self.handle_dialog(diag=ask, value=2))
-        ask_button_cancel.pressed.connect(lambda: self.handle_dialog(diag=ask, value=3))
-        button_layout.addWidget(ask_button_live)
-        button_layout.addWidget(ask_button_file)
-        button_layout.addWidget(ask_button_cancel)
-        ask_layout.addLayout(button_layout)
-        ask.setGeometry(window.width()/2.-100, window.height()/2.-50, 200, 100)
-        ask.setLayout(ask_layout)
-        ask.exec_()
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+import kcgwidget as kcgw
+from callbacks import callbacks
+from plotWidget import PlotWidget
+from backend.board import available_boards
+from backend import io
+import storage
+from ..widgets import acquiresettings as acqs
+from groupedelements import Elements
+import backendinterface as bif
+import log
+tr = kcgw.tr
+from .. import config
+LIVE = 1
+FILE = 2
+class BoardSpecificInformation(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    Specific Part for each board
+    """
+    def __init__(self, board_id):
+        """
+        This creates the information part for board with id board_id.
+        This is used to be able to create a variable number of board information areas.
+        :param board_id: the id of the board
+        """
+        super(BoardSpecificInformation, self).__init__()
+        self.temperature = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Temp:"))
+        def update_temp():
+            '''update the temperature in the gui'''
+            if bif.bk_get_board_status(board_id, 'board_connected'):
+                self.temperature.setText("Temp: " + bif.bk_get_temperature(board_id) + u" °C")
+        try:
+            update_temp()
+        except Exception:  # TODO: Find correct exception to catch
+            print ("cannot get temperature")
+        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
+        self.timer.timeout.connect(update_temp)
+        self.timer.start(30000)
+        self.skipturns = self.createLabel(
+            tr("Label", "O_skip:") + " " + str(bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'orbits_skip')),
+            tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Skipped orbits\nKlick to open acquire settings"),
+            click=True,
+            connect=lambda: acqs.add_acquire_settings_widget(board_id=board_id)
+        )
+        bif.bk_get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.skipturns,
+                                                 lambda x: self.skipturns.setText(tr("Label", "O_skip:")+" "+str(x)),
+                                                 'orbits_skip')
+        self.orbitsobserved = self.createLabel(
+            tr("Label", "O_obs:") + " " + str(bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'orbits_observe')),
+            tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Number of observed Orbits\nKlick to open acquire settings"),
+            click=True,
+            connect=lambda: acqs.add_acquire_settings_widget(board_id=board_id)
+        )
+        bif.bk_get_board_config(board_id).observe(
+                self.orbitsobserved,
+                lambda x: self.orbitsobserved.setText(tr("Label", "O_obs:") + " " + str(x)), 'orbits_observe')
+        self.orbitscount = self.createLabel(
+            tr("Label", "Count:") + " " + str(bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'acquisition_count')),
+            tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Number of acquisitions\nKlick to open acquire settings"),
+            click=True,
+            connect=lambda: acqs.add_acquire_settings_widget(board_id=board_id)
+        )
+        bif.bk_get_board_config(board_id).observe(
+                self.orbitscount,
+                lambda x: self.orbitscount.setText(tr("Label", "Count:") + " " + str(x)), 'acquisition_count')
+        self.orbitswait = self.createLabel(
+            tr("Label", "T_wait:") + " " + str(bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'orbits_wait_time')),
+            tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Time in seconds to wait between acquisitions\nKlick to open acquire settings"),
+            click=True,
+            connect=lambda: acqs.add_acquire_settings_widget(board_id=board_id)
+        )
+        bif.bk_get_board_config(board_id).observe(
+                self.orbitswait,
+                lambda x: self.orbitswait.setText(tr("Label", "T_wait:") + " " + str(x)), 'orbits_wait_time')
+        self.boardSpecificLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.boardSpecificLayout)
+        self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.temperature, 0, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.skipturns, 1, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.orbitsobserved, 1, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.orbitscount, 2, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.orbitswait, 2, 1)
+        self.boardSpecificLayout.addLayout(self.layout)
+class AcquisitionAndInfo(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    Widget to show below the plot list.
+    Show certain information.
+    Provide Start Acquisition button and settings.
+    """
+    # consistency_updated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(bool)
+    # acquisition_started_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(AcquisitionAndInfo, self).__init__()
+        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        if available_boards.multi_board:
+            self.scroll_area = QtGui.QScrollArea()
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.scroll_area)
+            self.information_box = kcgw.AccordionWidget()
+            for brd in available_boards.board_ids:
+                self.information_box.addItem(BoardSpecificInformation(brd),
+                                             available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(brd))
+            self.scroll_area.setWidget(self.information_box)
+            self.scroll_area.setWidgetResizable(True)
+            self.information_box.hideAll()
+            self.information_box.expandIndex(0)
+        else:
+            self.layout.addWidget(BoardSpecificInformation(available_boards.board_ids[0]))
+        # -----[ Constistency ]-----------
+        self.consistency = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.layout.addLayout(self.consistency)
+        self.consistency_label = self.createLabel("Consistency:")
+        self.consistency_content = self.createLabel(u"●")
+        self.consistency_content.setStyleSheet("color: lightgrey;")
+        self.consistency.addWidget(self.consistency_label)
+        self.consistency.addWidget(self.consistency_content)
+        # -------[ acquire ]--------------
+        self.acquire = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"),
+                                         icon=QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.startIcon),
+                                         connect=self.toggle_acquisition)
+        if not available_boards.multi_board:
+            Elements.addItem('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(available_boards.board_ids[0]), self.acquire)
+        if available_boards.multi_board:
+            self.list_to_acquire = {
+                i: self.createCheckbox(
+                        str(i),
+                        tooltip=str(tr("Tooltip",
+                                       "Check this checkbox if you want to acquire with board {board}")
+                                    ). format(board=i),
+                        connect=self.update_acq_tickboxes) for i in available_boards}
+            self.list_of_active_boards = {i: False for i in available_boards}
+            self.acq_list_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+            for b_id, cb in self.list_to_acquire.iteritems():
+                self.acq_list_layout.addWidget(cb)
+                Elements.addItem('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(b_id), cb)
+                self.acquisition_stopped(b_id)
+        # -----[ log ]-------
+        self.log = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Log"),
+                                     icon=QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.logIcon),
+                                     connect=lambda: log.log(additional="Manual Log"),
+                                     tooltip="Rightclick to Configure")
+        self.log_w_comment = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Log"),
+                                               icon=QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.logCommentIcon),
+                                               connect=self.do_log_w_comment,
+                                               tooltip="Log with Comment\nRightclick to Configure")
+        self.log.contextMenuEvent = self.log_configure_context_menu
+        self.log_w_comment.contextMenuEvent = self.log_configure_context_menu
+        # self.layout.addLayout(self.consistency, 0, 0)  # TODO: für welches board? zum board???
+        if available_boards.multi_board:
+            self.layout.addLayout(self.acq_list_layout)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.acquire)
+        self.logLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.logLayout.addWidget(self.log)
+        self.logLayout.addWidget(self.log_w_comment)
+        self.layout.addLayout(self.logLayout)
+        callbacks.add_callback('update_consistency', self.update_consistency)
+        callbacks.add_callback('acquisition_started', self.acquisition_started)
+        callbacks.add_callback('acquisition_stopped', self.acquisition_stopped)
+    def toggle_acquisition(self):
+        """
+        Turn acquisition on/off. This gets the information about which board to use by checking state of the checkboxes.
+        :return:
+        """
+        if not available_boards.multi_board:
+            bif.bk_acquire(available_boards.board_ids[0])
+            return
+        for b_id, cb in self.list_to_acquire.iteritems():
+            if cb.isChecked():
+                bif.bk_acquire(b_id)
+        for cb in self.list_to_acquire.values():
+            cb.setChecked(False)
+        self.update_acq_tickboxes()
+    def update_acq_tickboxes(self):
+        """
+        If at least one checkbox is checked, set all checkboxes with other state (acquiring or not)
+        to disabled. This prevents the user to start with one board and stop with the other simultaneously.
+        TODO: add option in settings to allow the now eliminated behaviour
+        """
+        active = False
+        inactive = False
+        for b_id, cb in self.list_to_acquire.iteritems():
+            if cb.isChecked():  # search for first checked box
+                if self.list_of_active_boards[b_id] is True:  # if board is acquiring
+                    active = True
+                    break
+                else:
+                    inactive = True
+                    break
+        if active:  # if checked box is for acquiring boards (meaning to stop them)
+            for b_id, state in self.list_of_active_boards.iteritems():
+                if Elements.isEnabled('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(b_id)):
+                    self.list_to_acquire[b_id].setEnabled(state)  # set all active boards to enabled
+            self.acquire.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.stopIcon))
+            self.acquire.setText(tr("Button", "Stop Acquisition"))
+        elif inactive:
+            for b_id, state in self.list_of_active_boards.iteritems():
+                if Elements.isEnabled('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(b_id)) or bif.bk_get_board_status(b_id, 'acquisition'):
+                    self.list_to_acquire[b_id].setEnabled(not state)  # set all active boards to not enabled
+            self.acquire.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.startIcon))
+            self.acquire.setText(tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"))
+        else:  # if no board is selected
+            for b_id, cb in self.list_to_acquire.items():
+                if Elements.isEnabled('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(b_id)):
+                    cb.setEnabled(True)
+            self.acquire.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.startIcon))
+            self.acquire.setText(tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"))
+    def acquisition_stopped(self, board_id):
+        """
+        This is called when a acquisition is stopped.
+        (has to be registered in Callbacks under 'acquisition_stopped'
+        :param board_id: id of the board
+        """
+        if not available_boards.multi_board:
+            for elem in Elements.getElements("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id)):
+                if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut) or isinstance(elem, QtGui.QCheckBox):
+                    continue
+                elem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.startIcon))
+                elem.setText(tr("Button", "Start Acquisition"))
+            return
+        self.list_to_acquire[board_id].setStyleSheet('')
+        self.list_of_active_boards[board_id] = False
+        self.update_acq_tickboxes()
+    def acquisition_started(self, board_id):
+        """
+        This is called when a acquisition is started.
+        (has to be registered in Callbacks under 'acquisition_started'
+        :param board_id: id of the board
+        """
+        if not available_boards.multi_board:
+            for elem in Elements.getElements("acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id)):
+                if isinstance(elem, QtGui.QShortcut) or isinstance(elem, QtGui.QCheckBox):
+                    continue
+                elem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.stopIcon))
+                elem.setText(tr("Button", "Stop Acquisition"))
+            return
+        self.list_to_acquire[board_id].setStyleSheet("background-color: lightgreen;")
+        self.list_of_active_boards[board_id] = True
+        self.update_acq_tickboxes()
+    def do_log_w_comment(self):
+        """
+        Function to handle logging with comments
+        """
+        # text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, tr("Heading", 'Log Comment'), tr("Label", 'Log Comment:'))
+        text, ok = kcgw.MultilineInputDialog().get_text(tr("Heading", "Log Comment"), tr("Label", "Log Comment:"))
+        if ok:
+            log.log(additional=text)
+    def log_configure_context_menu(self, event):
+        """
+        Function that creates the context menu for the log buttons
+        :param event: (QEvent) the event
+        :return: -
+        """
+        pos = event.globalPos()
+        def configure_log():
+            '''Open the configuration window for logs'''
+            c = log.ConfigureLog(self)
+            c.exec_()
+            del c
+        if pos is not None:
+            menu = QtGui.QMenu(self)
+            configure = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "Configure Log"))
+            configure.triggered.connect(configure_log)
+            menu.popup(pos)
+        event.accept()
+    def update_consistency(self, status):
+        """
+        Set consistency indicator
+        :param status: True if consistent, False if inconsistent, None is nothing
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if status is True:
+            self.consistency_content.setStyleSheet("color: green;")
+        elif status is False:
+            self.consistency_content.setStyleSheet("color: red;")
+        else:
+            self.consistency_content.setStyleSheet("color: lightgrey;")
+class LeftBar(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    Left bar in the main view of the gui.
+    Shows plot list and acquisition and info panel
+    """
+    # general notes:
+    # uid = unique_id
+    # usid = unique_sub_id
+    # upid = unique_parent_id
+    possiblePlots = ["Heatmap", "FFT", "Trains", "Combined", "Compare"]
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        super(LeftBar, self).__init__("LeftBar")
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.openData = {}
+        self.openDataNames = {}
+        self.openPlots = {}
+        self.openPlotWindows = {}
+        self.Data = {}
+        self.initUI()
+    def initUI(self):
+        """
+        Initialise the UI
+        """
+        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 5, 0)
+        self.setMinimumWidth(230)
+        self.treeWidget = QtGui.QTreeWidget()
+        self.treeWidget.setObjectName("tree_view")
+        self.treeWidget.setColumnCount(2)
+        self.treeWidget.resizeColumnToContents(1)
+#        self.treeWidget.header().resizeSection(0, 110)
+        self.treeWidget.setHeaderHidden(True)
+        self.treeWidget.itemClicked.connect(self.plot_clicked)
+        self.treeWidget.contextMenuEvent = self.contextMenuEventListView
+        self.rootItem = self.treeWidget.invisibleRootItem()
+        self.infoAndAcquisitionWidget = AcquisitionAndInfo()
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.treeWidget)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.infoAndAcquisitionWidget)
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+    def _generate_menu(self, menu, item):
+        """
+        Generate the right click menu
+        :param menu: the menu to add the entries to
+        :param item: the item that was clicked on
+        """
+        heatmap = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "Heatmap"))
+        fft = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "FFT"))
+        trains = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "Trains"))
+        combined = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "Combined"))
+        compare = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "Compare"))
+        heatmap.triggered.connect(lambda: self.add_plot_node(
+                text=tr("Label", 'Heatmap'), unique_id=item.uid, d_type=0, datatype=item.datatype))
+        fft.triggered.connect(lambda: self.add_plot_node(
+                text=tr("Label", 'FFT'), unique_id=item.uid, d_type=1, datatype=item.datatype))
+        trains.triggered.connect(lambda: self.add_plot_node(
+                text=tr("Label", 'Trains'), unique_id=item.uid, d_type=2, datatype=item.datatype))
+        combined.triggered.connect(lambda: self.add_plot_node(
+                text=tr("Label", 'Combined'), unique_id=item.uid, d_type=3, datatype=item.datatype))
+        compare.triggered.connect(lambda: self.add_plot_node(
+                text=tr("Label", 'Combined'), unique_id=item.uid, d_type=4, datatype=item.datatype))
+    def contextMenuEventListView(self, event):
+        """
+        Gets called when right mouse button is clicked
+        :param event: the event that causes the call of this function
+        :return: -
+        """
+        pos = event.globalPos()
+        try:
+            item = self.treeWidget.selectedItems()[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            return
+        if pos is not None:
+            menu = QtGui.QMenu(self)
+            close = menu.addAction(tr("Button", "Close"))
+            if item.is_child:
+                close.triggered.connect(lambda: self.remove_plot(item.usid, silent=False, close_plot_window=True))
+            else:
+                close.triggered.connect(lambda: self.remove_plot_tree(item.uid))
+                self._generate_menu(menu, item)
+            menu.popup(pos)
+        event.accept()
+    def plot_clicked(self, item, i):
+        """
+        Function to handle when a plot item is clicked.
+        :param item: what item is clicked
+        :param i: what column
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if item.is_child:
+            self.openPlotWindows[item.usid].setFocus()
+        else:
+            if not item.ready:
+                return
+            if i == 1:
+                position = QtGui.QCursor.pos()
+                menu = QtGui.QMenu(self)
+                self._generate_menu(menu, item)
+                menu.popup(position)
+    def add_plot_tree(self, text=False, unique_id=None, datatype=None):
+        """
+        Add a top node to the plot list.
+        :param text: (str) text to be displayed in the plot list
+        :param unique_id: (int) unique id of this top node
+        :param datatype: (int) live or data from file
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if datatype == FILE:
+            file_name = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName()
+            if file_name == "":
+                return
+            if file_name in self.openDataNames.itervalues():  # is this to prevent double opening?
+                return
+            self.openDataNames[unique_id] = file_name
+        else:
+            if text in self.openDataNames.itervalues():
+                return
+            self.openDataNames[unique_id] = QtCore.QString(text)  # Add a qstring for comparison
+        self.openData[unique_id] = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem()
+        self.openData[unique_id].uid = unique_id
+        self.openData[unique_id].is_child = False
+        self.openData[unique_id].datatype = datatype
+        if datatype == FILE:
+            self.openData[unique_id].file_name = file_name
+        self.openData[unique_id].setText(0, "Live" if datatype == LIVE else file_name.split('/')[-1])
+        self.openData[unique_id].setToolTip(0, "Live" if datatype == LIVE else file_name.split('/')[-1])
+        self.openData[unique_id].setText(1, "Reading")
+        if datatype == LIVE:  # Insert LIVE on top
+            self.treeWidget.insertTopLevelItem(0, self.openData[unique_id])
+        else:
+            self.treeWidget.addTopLevelItem(self.openData[unique_id])
+        self.treeWidget.expandItem(self.openData[unique_id])
+        self.treeWidget.resizeColumnToContents(0)
+        self.openData[unique_id].ready = False  # indicates whether data was completely read or not
+        QtGui.qApp.processEvents()
+        try:
+            self.read_data(datatype, unique_id, file_name if datatype == FILE else None)
+        except Exception:
+            self.Data[unique_id] = None
+            self.remove_plot_tree(unique_id, silent=True)
+            QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(
+                    self,
+                    tr("Heading", "Error Reading Data"),
+                    tr("Dialog", "There was an error reading the datafile, make shure it is valid and try again."))
+        self.openData[unique_id].ready = True  # indicates whether data was completely read or not
+        self.openData[unique_id].setText(1, "+")
+        self.add_plot_node(d_type=0, unique_id=unique_id, datatype=datatype)
+    def read_data(self, d_type, uid, file_name):
+        """
+        Reads datafile
+        :param d_type: FILE or LIVE - type of datasource
+        :param uid: unique id for the treeelement
+        :param file_name: filename if type is FILE
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if d_type == FILE:
+            self.Data[uid] = io.read_from_file(file_name, header=storage.storage.header)
+        else:
+            self.Data[uid] = bif.livePlotData
+    def add_plot_node(self, board_id=None, text=False, unique_id=None, d_type=None, datatype=None):
+        """
+        Actually open a new plot window.
+        :param board_id: the id of the board to which the plot corresponds
+        :param text: (str) text that is displayed in the plot list
+        :param unique_id: (int) unique id of this plot window
+        :param d_type: (int) type of this plot window
+        :param datatype: (int) live or data from file
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if datatype == LIVE and board_id is None:  # get board_id for live plot from popup menu
+            # board_id = 0
+            if available_boards.multi_board:
+                # raise NotImplementedError("Dialog to ask for board is not implemented yet.")
+                position = QtGui.QCursor.pos()
+                menu = QtGui.QMenu(self)
+                for bid in available_boards:
+                    tmp = menu.addAction(available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(bid))
+                    tmp.triggered.connect(lambda _, b=bid: self.add_plot_node(board_id=b,
+                                                                           text=text,
+                                                                           unique_id=unique_id,
+                                                                           d_type=d_type,
+                                                                           datatype=datatype))
+                    # NOTE to the above: the lambda needs b=bid to capture the variable for the lambda
+                    # additionally the _ is needed because the call to the lambda includes an optional parameter
+                    # that is true or false, passed by pyqt
+                menu.popup(position)
+                return
+            else:
+                board_id = available_boards.board_ids[0]
+        # if not board_id:
+        #     TODO: Activate this (No Board Id Given)
+            # pass
+           # raise NoBoardId("No Board Id was given.")
+        unique_sub_id = kcgw.idg.genid()
+        nr = self.openData[unique_id].childCount()
+        if datatype == FILE:
+            file_name = self.openData[unique_id].file_name
+        else:
+            file_name = None
+        name = "Live" if not file_name else file_name.split('/')[-1]
+        self.openPlotWindows[unique_sub_id] = PlotWidget(
+                board_id=board_id,
+                parent=self,
+                name=name,
+                unique_id=unique_sub_id,
+                type=d_type,
+                datatype=datatype,
+                prefix=nr,
+                fName=file_name,
+                data=self.Data[unique_id]
+        )
+        self.openPlotWindows[unique_sub_id].change_type_signal.connect(self.update_plot)
+        self.openPlotWindows[unique_sub_id].upid = unique_id
+        self.parent.area.newWidget(
+                self.openPlotWindows[unique_sub_id],
+                name=text,
+                unique_id=unique_sub_id,
+                widget_type=d_type
+        )
+        self.openPlots[unique_sub_id] = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem()
+        if datatype == LIVE:
+            brd = " B: "+available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(board_id)
+        else:
+            brd = ""
+        if d_type == 4:  # Compare Plot
+            adc = "1+2"
+        else:
+            adc = "1"
+        self.openPlots[unique_sub_id].is_child = True
+        self.openPlots[unique_sub_id].usid = unique_sub_id
+        self.openPlots[unique_sub_id].nr = nr
+        self.update_plot(unique_sub_id, d_type, adc+brd)
+        self.openData[unique_id].addChild(self.openPlots[unique_sub_id])
+        self.treeWidget.resizeColumnToContents(0)
+    @QtCore.pyqtSlot()
+    def remove_plot(self, unique_id, silent=False, close_plot_window=False):
+        """
+        Removes a plot from the plot list.
+        :param unique_id: (int) the unique id of the plot to remove
+        :param silent: (bool) Ask to close the plot source node in the list if the last plot window is closed
+                        (if False the source node will not be closed)
+        :param close_plot_window: (bool) close the corresponding plot window
+        :return: -
+        """
+        parent = self.openData[self.openPlotWindows[unique_id].upid]
+        if not silent:
+            reply = QtGui.QMessageBox()
+            reply.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Question)
+            reply.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", 'Close Plot'))
+            reply.setText(tr("Dialog", "Close this plot?"))
+            reply.addButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes)
+            reply.addButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
+            reply.setDefaultButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
+            if parent.childCount() == 1:
+                reply.addButton("Close Plot Source", QtGui.QMessageBox.ResetRole)
+            reply.exec_()
+            if reply.buttonRole(reply.clickedButton()) == QtGui.QMessageBox.ResetRole:
+                self.remove_plot_tree(parent.uid, silent=True)
+                return True
+            elif reply.buttonRole(reply.clickedButton()) == QtGui.QMessageBox.NoRole:
+                return False
+        if close_plot_window:
+            self.openPlotWindows[unique_id].close_silent = True
+            self.openPlotWindows[unique_id].close()
+        parent.removeChild(self.openPlots[unique_id])
+        self.openPlotWindows[unique_id] = None
+        self.openPlots[unique_id] = None
+        del self.openPlotWindows[unique_id]
+        del self.openPlots[unique_id]
+        return True
+    def remove_plot_tree(self, unique_id, silent=False):
+        """
+        Remove the top node from the plot list
+        :param unique_id: (int) the id of the top node
+        :param silent: (bool) ask to close even if corresponding plot windows are open
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if self.openData[unique_id].childCount() != 0 and not silent:
+            reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(
+                    self, tr("Heading", 'Close Data Source'), tr(
+                            "Dialog", "There are open plot windows.\n"
+                            "Close this plot source and all corresponding plot windows?"),
+                    QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No,
+                    QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
+            if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.No:
+                return
+        for plot in self.openData[unique_id].takeChildren():
+            self.openPlotWindows[plot.usid].close_silent = True
+            self.openPlotWindows[plot.usid].close()
+            self.openData[unique_id].removeChild(plot)
+        self.rootItem.removeChild(self.openData[unique_id])
+        del self.openData[unique_id]
+        del self.openDataNames[unique_id]
+        del self.Data[unique_id]
+    @QtCore.pyqtSlot(int, int, str)
+    def update_plot(self, uid, b_type, add):
+        """
+        Updates the plot list when the type of a plot window changes
+        :param uid: (int) unique id of the plot window to update
+        :param b_type: (int) type of that plot window
+        :param str add: the add, board and additional text to update
+        :return: -
+        """
+        text = str(self.openPlots[uid].nr) + "." + self.possiblePlots[b_type] + " - ADC " + str(add)
+        self.openPlots[uid].setText(0, text)
+        self.openPlots[uid].setToolTip(0, text)
+        self.treeWidget.resizeColumnToContents(0)
+    def handle_dialog(self, value, diag=None,):
+        """
+        Function that handles the return of the dialog that asks for live or data from file
+        :param value: (int) the value of the pressed button in the dialog
+        :param diag: (QDialog) the dialog that is to be closed (optional)
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if diag:
+            diag.close()
+        s = kcgw.idg.genid()
+        if value == 1:
+            if tr("Label", "Live") in self.openDataNames.itervalues():
+                x = [bid for bid, obj in self.openData.iteritems() if obj.datatype == LIVE][0]
+                self.add_plot_node(unique_id=x, d_type=0, datatype=LIVE)
+            else:
+                self.add_plot_tree(text=tr("Label", "Live"), unique_id=s, datatype=LIVE)
+        elif value == 2:
+            self.add_plot_tree(text=tr("Label", "File"), unique_id=s, datatype=FILE)
+        else:
+            pass
+    def add_plot(self, d_type=None):
+        """
+        Handles the creation of a plot.
+        Also shows the dialog that asks for the data source.
+        :param d_type: the type of the plot to add
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if d_type == LIVE or d_type == FILE:
+            self.handle_dialog(value=d_type)
+            return
+        ask = QtGui.QDialog()
+        window = self.parent.geometry()
+        ask_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        ask_layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(tr("Dialog", "Open file from disk or read live data?")))
+        button_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        ask_button_live = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Live"))
+        ask_button_file = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Open File"))
+        ask_button_cancel = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Cancel"))
+        ask_button_live.pressed.connect(lambda: self.handle_dialog(diag=ask, value=1))
+        ask_button_file.pressed.connect(lambda: self.handle_dialog(diag=ask, value=2))
+        ask_button_cancel.pressed.connect(lambda: self.handle_dialog(diag=ask, value=3))
+        button_layout.addWidget(ask_button_live)
+        button_layout.addWidget(ask_button_file)
+        button_layout.addWidget(ask_button_cancel)
+        ask_layout.addLayout(button_layout)
+        ask.setGeometry(window.width()/2.-100, window.height()/2.-50, 200, 100)
+        ask.setLayout(ask_layout)
+        ask.exec_()

+ 360 - 333

@@ -1,333 +1,360 @@
-This is a custom logfile creation module
-import datetime
-import os
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-# from backend import board
-from .backend.board import available_boards
-from . import backendinterface as bif
-import numpy as np
-import codecs
-from .. import config
-from . import storage
-import logging
-# after = datetime.datetime.now()
-# if (after-before).total_seconds() > 3.0:
-#     no_epics = True
-#     logging.error("Epics is not accessible (Timeout)")
-# tr = kcgw.tr
-tr = lambda _, x: x  # log entries will not be translated
-class LogLevels:  # Keep every new value an integer. Every level with higher value will include those with lower level
-    """
-    Used Log Levels Container
-    """
-    NONE = -1
-    INFO = 0
-    DEBUG = 1
-class MeasurementLogger(object):
-    """
-    Logfile creator class
-    It will automatically get the info needed to create a logfile entry from registered functions.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, filename=None, level=LogLevels.INFO, oneline=False):
-        """
-        Initialise the logfile creator
-        :param filename: (str) filename of the logfile THIS IS IGNORED AS OF NOW
-        :param level: (int) valid log level (see LogLevels)
-        :param oneline: (bool) whether to format the logfile entries in multilines or one line
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.level = level
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.parameter_functions = []
-        self.oneline = oneline
-        self.dumper = None
-        self.predefined_parameters = [  # format: [logstring, [function (args,)]]
-            ["Number of Orbits", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'orbits_observe')]],
-            ["Number of Skipped Orbits", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'orbits_skip')]],
-            ["Number of Acquisitions", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'acquisition_count')]],
-            ["Time between Acquisitions", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'orbits_wait_time')]],
-            ["Pilot Bunch Simulator", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'pilot_bunch')]],
-            ["Header saved", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'header')]],
-            ["T/H Delay", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'th_delay')]],
-            ["ADC 1 Delay", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'chip_1_delay')]],
-            ["ADC 2 Delay", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'chip_2_delay')]],
-            ["ADC 3 Delay", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'chip_3_delay')]],
-            ["ADC 4 Delay", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'chip_4_delay')]]
-        ]
-        self.gui_values_number = len(self.predefined_parameters)
-    def __now(self):
-        """
-        Get the current time in %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S format
-        :return: the time
-        """
-        return datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-    def _logging_formatter(self, info):
-        """
-        Formatter for the logfile entries
-        Override this to implement custom formatters
-        """
-        if self.oneline:
-            return self.__now() + " " + ", ".join(info)
-        return self.__now() + "\n\t" + "\n\t".join(info)
-    def _log(self, board_id, stuff):
-        """
-        Write entries to logfile
-        This will also make shure the directory the logfile is located is available and if not creates it
-        :param stuff: (str) the entrie to write
-        :return: -
-        """
-        # if not self.filename:
-        #     filename = storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname + "/Measurement.log"
-        # else:
-        #     filename = self.filename
-        filename = os.path.join(storage.storage.save_location, storage.storage.subdirname,"Measurement_board_" 
-                                + available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(board_id).replace(' ', '_') + ".log")
-        if not os.path.isdir(str(os.path.join(storage.storage.save_location, storage.storage.subdirname))):
-            os.makedirs(str(os.path.join(storage.storage.save_location, storage.storage.subdirname)))
-        f = codecs.open(filename, 'a', encoding='utf-8')
-        f.write(stuff+'\n\n')
-        f.close()
-    def register_parameter(self, logstring, func, args):
-        """
-        This function is used to register parameters for the logfile entries
-        :param logstring: (str) the string to describe the value in the logfile
-        :param func: (callable) the function used to get the value
-        :param args: arguments to pass to func upon gathering of information
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if not isinstance(args, tuple):
-            args = (args,)
-        self.parameter_functions.append([func, args, logstring])
-        # self.parameter_functions[logstring] = [func, args, logstring]
-    def reset_parameters(self):
-        """
-        Resets all parameters (unregisteres all parameters)
-        """
-        self.parameter_functions = []
-    def register_dumper(self, func):
-        """
-        Register a dumper that is used to dump a log of data into the logfile
-        :param func: (callable) Function that is used as dumper
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.dumper = func
-    def dump(self, board_id):
-        """
-        Perform a dump (see register_dumper)
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.do_log(board_id=board_id, c=self.__now() + " " + self.dumper())
-    def do_log(self, c=None, additional=None, board_id=None, level=LogLevels.INFO):
-        """
-        Perform a log. This creates a log entry in the logfile
-        :param c: (str) if this is not None this is the only text written to the logfile (in addition to the current time)
-        :param additional: (str) This text is written below the current time to customize log entries
-        :param board_id: the id of the board to log for, if this is not given, all boards are logged
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if level > self.level:
-            return
-        if c:
-            if board_id is not None:
-                self._log(board_id, c)
-            else:
-                for bid in available_boards:
-                    self._log(bid, c)
-        else:
-            def do_the_log(bid):
-                '''Actually perform the log'''
-                st = []
-                if additional:
-                    s = additional.split('\n')[0]
-                    for line in additional.split('\n')[1:]:
-                        s += "\n\t"+line
-                    st.append(s)
-                for par in self.parameter_functions:
-                    par[1] = list(par[1])
-                    for i, p in enumerate(par[1]):
-                        if p == BOARDID:
-                            par[1][i] = bid
-                    st.append(par[2] + ": " + str(par[0](*par[1])))
-                return st
-            if board_id is not None:
-                st = do_the_log(board_id)
-                self._log(board_id, self._logging_formatter(st))
-            else:
-                for bid in available_boards:
-                    st = do_the_log(bid)
-                    self._log(bid, self._logging_formatter(st))
-logger = None
-dump_general = False
-def log(c=None, additional=None, dump=False, board_id=None, level=LogLevels.INFO):
-    """
-    Execute logging if logger was registered
-    :param (str) c: if this is given c is the only entry that is created (additional is ignored)
-    :param (str) additional: the additional text that is written below the current time
-    :param (bool) dump: if this is true, a dump of every log value is performed
-    :param board_id: the board id to log for, if this is not given, all boards are logged
-    :return: -
-    """
-    global logger, dump_general
-    if logger:
-        if dump or dump_general:
-            logger.dump(board_id=board_id)
-        else:
-            logger.do_log(c, additional, board_id=board_id, level=level)
-    else:
-        print("No Logger registered")
-class ConfigureLog(QtGui.QDialog):
-    """
-    Class that is basically a QDialog to configure the logger
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent=None):  # parameter parent does nothing when adding parent to the folowing __init__
-                                        # no entry in taskbar is made
-        super(ConfigureLog, self).__init__()
-        self.setWindowTitle("Configure Measurement Log Entries")
-        self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.guiIcon)))
-        self.sl = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.sl)
-        self.scrollArea = QtGui.QScrollArea()
-        if TWO_COLUMNS:
-            self.scrollArea.setMinimumSize(410, 300)
-        else:
-            self.scrollArea.setMinimumSize(250, 520)
-        self.sl.addWidget(self.scrollArea)
-        self.widget = QtGui.QWidget()
-        if TWO_COLUMNS:
-            self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
-        else:
-            self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.widget.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.parameter = []
-        for par in logger.predefined_parameters:
-            self.parameter.append((QtGui.QCheckBox(par[0]), par[1]))
-        self.i = 0
-        def add(w):
-            '''add a widget to the layout. if w is 'sep' a seperator is added'''
-            if w == 'sep':
-                sep = QtGui.QFrame()
-                sep.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
-                w = sep
-            self.layout.addWidget(w, self.i//2, self.i%2)
-            self.i += 1
-        for i, (cb, _) in enumerate(self.parameter):
-            if TWO_COLUMNS:
-                if i == logger.gui_values_number:
-                    # sep1 = QtGui.QFrame()
-                    # sep1.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
-                    # sep2 = QtGui.QFrame()
-                    # sep2.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
-                    if logger.gui_values_number%2 == 1:
-                        self.i += 1
-                    # add(sep1)
-                    # add(sep2)
-                    add('sep')
-                    add('sep')
-                add(cb)
-            else:
-                if i == logger.gui_values_number:
-                    sep = QtGui.QFrame()
-                    sep.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
-                    self.layout.addWidget(sep)
-                self.layout.addWidget(cb)
-        self.all = QtGui.QCheckBox(tr("Label", "All of the above"))
-        self.all.clicked.connect(self.all_changed)
-        if TWO_COLUMNS:
-            if (len(logger.predefined_parameters)-1)%2 == 1:
-                self.i += 1
-            add('sep')
-            add('sep')
-            add(self.all)
-        else:
-            sepa = QtGui.QFrame()
-            sepa.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
-            self.layout.addWidget(sepa)
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.all)
-        self.buttonLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.sl.addLayout(self.buttonLayout)
-        self.ok = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "OK"))
-        self.cancel = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Cancel"))
-        self.buttonLayout.addWidget(self.ok)
-        self.buttonLayout.addWidget(self.cancel)
-        self.ok.pressed.connect(self.do)
-        self.cancel.pressed.connect(self.close)
-        self.scrollArea.setWidget(self.widget)
-        self.initial_ticks()
-    def initial_ticks(self):
-        """
-        Set the initial ticks.
-        """
-        pf = np.array(logger.parameter_functions)
-        for cb, _ in self.parameter:
-            cb.setChecked(str(cb.text()) in pf[:, 2])
-    def all_changed(self):
-        """
-        This is called when the "all" checkbox is checked. It de/activates the other checkboxes
-        """
-        if self.all.isChecked():
-            for cb, _ in self.parameter:
-                cb.setEnabled(False)
-        else:
-             for cb, _ in self.parameter:
-                cb.setEnabled(True)
-    def do(self):
-        """
-        Change the logger instance to the activated log entries
-        :return:
-        """
-        global logger
-        logger.reset_parameters()
-        def nif(cb, f, args):
-            '''actually set the new parameters'''
-            if cb.isChecked() or self.all.isChecked():
-                logger.register_parameter(str(cb.text()), f, args)
-        for cb, par in self.parameter:
-            nif(cb, par[0], par[1])
-        self.close()
+This is a custom logfile creation module
+import datetime
+import os
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+# from backend import board
+from backend.board import available_boards
+import backendinterface as bif
+import numpy as np
+import codecs
+from .. import config
+import storage
+import logging
+epics_reachable = True
+try:  # try to import epics
+    import epics
+    no_epics = False
+    os.environ["EPICS_BASE"] = config.epics_base_path
+    try:  # if import was successful, try to find libca and test for connectivity with config.epics_test_pv
+        # sys.stderr = os.devnull  # epics.ca.find_libca() prints a useless None to stderr if libca is not found
+        epics.ca.find_libca()
+        # sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
+        if epics.caget(config.epics_test_pv) == None:
+            no_epics = True
+            epics_reachable = False
+            logging.error("Epics is not accessible (possible Timeout)")
+    except epics.ca.ChannelAccessException as e:
+        if str(e) == "cannot find Epics CA DLL":
+            no_epics = True
+            logging.error("Epics CA DLL not found")
+except ImportError:
+    no_epics = True
+# after = datetime.datetime.now()
+# if (after-before).total_seconds() > 3.0:
+#     no_epics = True
+#     logging.error("Epics is not accessible (Timeout)")
+# tr = kcgw.tr
+tr = lambda _, x: x  # log entries will not be translated
+class LogLevels:  # Keep every new value an integer. Every level with higher value will include those with lower level
+    """
+    Used Log Levels Container
+    """
+    NONE = -1
+    INFO = 0
+    DEBUG = 1
+class MeasurementLogger(object):
+    """
+    Logfile creator class
+    It will automatically get the info needed to create a logfile entry from registered functions.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename=None, level=LogLevels.INFO, oneline=False):
+        """
+        Initialise the logfile creator
+        :param filename: (str) filename of the logfile THIS IS IGNORED AS OF NOW
+        :param level: (int) valid log level (see LogLevels)
+        :param oneline: (bool) whether to format the logfile entries in multilines or one line
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.level = level
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.parameter_functions = []
+        self.oneline = oneline
+        self.dumper = None
+        self.predefined_parameters = [  # format: [logstring, [function (args,)]]
+            ["Number of Orbits", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'orbits_observe')]],
+            ["Number of Skipped Orbits", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'orbits_skip')]],
+            ["Number of Acquisitions", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'acquisition_count')]],
+            ["Time between Acquisitions", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'orbits_wait_time')]],
+            ["Pilot Bunch Simulator", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'pilot_bunch')]],
+            ["Header saved", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'header')]],
+            ["T/H Delay", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'th_delay')]],
+            ["ADC 1 Delay", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'chip_1_delay')]],
+            ["ADC 2 Delay", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'chip_2_delay')]],
+            ["ADC 3 Delay", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'chip_3_delay')]],
+            ["ADC 4 Delay", [bif.bk_get_config, (BOARDID, 'chip_4_delay')]]
+        ]
+        self.gui_values_number = len(self.predefined_parameters)
+        if not no_epics:
+            for entr in config.epics_log_entry_pvs:
+                self.predefined_parameters.append([entr[0], [epics.caget, entr[1]]])
+    def __now(self):
+        """
+        Get the current time in %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S format
+        :return: the time
+        """
+        return datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+    def _logging_formatter(self, info):
+        """
+        Formatter for the logfile entries
+        Override this to implement custom formatters
+        """
+        if self.oneline:
+            return self.__now() + " " + ", ".join(info)
+        return self.__now() + "\n\t" + "\n\t".join(info)
+    def _log(self, board_id, stuff):
+        """
+        Write entries to logfile
+        This will also make shure the directory the logfile is located is available and if not creates it
+        :param stuff: (str) the entrie to write
+        :return: -
+        """
+        # if not self.filename:
+        #     filename = storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname + "/Measurement.log"
+        # else:
+        #     filename = self.filename
+        filename = storage.storage.save_location + '/' + \
+            storage.storage.subdirname + '/' + "/Measurement_board_" + \
+            available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(board_id).replace(' ', '_') + ".log"
+        if not os.path.isdir(str(storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname)):
+            os.makedirs(str(storage.storage.save_location + '/' + storage.storage.subdirname))
+        f = codecs.open(filename, 'a', encoding='utf-8')
+        f.write(stuff+'\n\n')
+        f.close()
+    def register_parameter(self, logstring, func, args):
+        """
+        This function is used to register parameters for the logfile entries
+        :param logstring: (str) the string to describe the value in the logfile
+        :param func: (callable) the function used to get the value
+        :param args: arguments to pass to func upon gathering of information
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if not isinstance(args, tuple):
+            args = (args,)
+        self.parameter_functions.append([func, args, logstring])
+        # self.parameter_functions[logstring] = [func, args, logstring]
+    def reset_parameters(self):
+        """
+        Resets all parameters (unregisteres all parameters)
+        """
+        self.parameter_functions = []
+    def register_dumper(self, func):
+        """
+        Register a dumper that is used to dump a log of data into the logfile
+        :param func: (callable) Function that is used as dumper
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.dumper = func
+    def dump(self, board_id):
+        """
+        Perform a dump (see register_dumper)
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.do_log(board_id=board_id, c=self.__now() + " " + self.dumper())
+    def do_log(self, c=None, additional=None, board_id=None, level=LogLevels.INFO):
+        """
+        Perform a log. This creates a log entry in the logfile
+        :param c: (str) if this is not None this is the only text written to the logfile (in addition to the current time)
+        :param additional: (str) This text is written below the current time to customize log entries
+        :param board_id: the id of the board to log for, if this is not given, all boards are logged
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if level > self.level:
+            return
+        if c:
+            if board_id is not None:
+                self._log(board_id, c)
+            else:
+                for bid in available_boards:
+                    self._log(bid, c)
+        else:
+            def do_the_log(bid):
+                '''Actually perform the log'''
+                st = []
+                if additional:
+                    s = additional.split('\n')[0]
+                    for line in additional.split('\n')[1:]:
+                        s += "\n\t"+line
+                    st.append(s)
+                for par in self.parameter_functions:
+                    par[1] = list(par[1])
+                    for i, p in enumerate(par[1]):
+                        if p == BOARDID:
+                            par[1][i] = bid
+                    st.append(par[2] + ": " + str(par[0](*par[1])))
+                return st
+            if board_id is not None:
+                st = do_the_log(board_id)
+                self._log(board_id, self._logging_formatter(st))
+            else:
+                for bid in available_boards:
+                    st = do_the_log(bid)
+                    self._log(bid, self._logging_formatter(st))
+logger = None
+dump_general = False
+def log(c=None, additional=None, dump=False, board_id=None, level=LogLevels.INFO):
+    """
+    Execute logging if logger was registered
+    :param (str) c: if this is given c is the only entry that is created (additional is ignored)
+    :param (str) additional: the additional text that is written below the current time
+    :param (bool) dump: if this is true, a dump of every log value is performed
+    :param board_id: the board id to log for, if this is not given, all boards are logged
+    :return: -
+    """
+    global logger, dump_general
+    if logger:
+        if dump or dump_general:
+            logger.dump(board_id=board_id)
+        else:
+            logger.do_log(c, additional, board_id=board_id, level=level)
+    else:
+        print ("No Logger registered")
+class ConfigureLog(QtGui.QDialog):
+    """
+    Class that is basically a QDialog to configure the logger
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):  # parameter parent does nothing when adding parent to the folowing __init__
+                                        # no entry in taskbar is made
+        super(ConfigureLog, self).__init__()
+        self.setWindowTitle("Configure Measurement Log Entries")
+        self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.guiIcon))
+        self.sl = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.sl)
+        self.scrollArea = QtGui.QScrollArea()
+        if TWO_COLUMNS:
+            self.scrollArea.setMinimumSize(410, 300)
+        else:
+            self.scrollArea.setMinimumSize(250, 520)
+        self.sl.addWidget(self.scrollArea)
+        self.widget = QtGui.QWidget()
+        if TWO_COLUMNS:
+            self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+        else:
+            self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.widget.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.parameter = []
+        for par in logger.predefined_parameters:
+            self.parameter.append((QtGui.QCheckBox(par[0]), par[1]))
+        self.i = 0
+        def add(w):
+            '''add a widget to the layout. if w is 'sep' a seperator is added'''
+            if w == 'sep':
+                sep = QtGui.QFrame()
+                sep.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
+                w = sep
+            self.layout.addWidget(w, self.i//2, self.i%2)
+            self.i += 1
+        for i, (cb, _) in enumerate(self.parameter):
+            if TWO_COLUMNS:
+                if i == logger.gui_values_number:
+                    # sep1 = QtGui.QFrame()
+                    # sep1.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
+                    # sep2 = QtGui.QFrame()
+                    # sep2.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
+                    if logger.gui_values_number%2 == 1:
+                        self.i += 1
+                    # add(sep1)
+                    # add(sep2)
+                    add('sep')
+                    add('sep')
+                add(cb)
+            else:
+                if i == logger.gui_values_number:
+                    sep = QtGui.QFrame()
+                    sep.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
+                    self.layout.addWidget(sep)
+                self.layout.addWidget(cb)
+        self.all = QtGui.QCheckBox(tr("Label", "All of the above"))
+        self.all.clicked.connect(self.all_changed)
+        if TWO_COLUMNS:
+            if (len(logger.predefined_parameters)-1)%2 == 1:
+                self.i += 1
+            add('sep')
+            add('sep')
+            add(self.all)
+        else:
+            sepa = QtGui.QFrame()
+            sepa.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
+            self.layout.addWidget(sepa)
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.all)
+        self.buttonLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.sl.addLayout(self.buttonLayout)
+        self.ok = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "OK"))
+        self.cancel = QtGui.QPushButton(tr("Button", "Cancel"))
+        self.buttonLayout.addWidget(self.ok)
+        self.buttonLayout.addWidget(self.cancel)
+        self.ok.pressed.connect(self.do)
+        self.cancel.pressed.connect(self.close)
+        self.scrollArea.setWidget(self.widget)
+        self.initial_ticks()
+    def initial_ticks(self):
+        """
+        Set the initial ticks.
+        """
+        pf = np.array(logger.parameter_functions)
+        for cb, _ in self.parameter:
+            cb.setChecked(str(cb.text()) in pf[:, 2])
+    def all_changed(self):
+        """
+        This is called when the "all" checkbox is checked. It de/activates the other checkboxes
+        """
+        if self.all.isChecked():
+            for cb, _ in self.parameter:
+                cb.setEnabled(False)
+        else:
+             for cb, _ in self.parameter:
+                cb.setEnabled(True)
+    def do(self):
+        """
+        Change the logger instance to the activated log entries
+        :return:
+        """
+        global logger
+        logger.reset_parameters()
+        def nif(cb, f, args):
+            '''actually set the new parameters'''
+            if cb.isChecked() or self.all.isChecked():
+                logger.register_parameter(str(cb.text()), f, args)
+        for cb, par in self.parameter:
+            nif(cb, par[0], par[1])
+        self.close()

+ 147 - 147

@@ -1,147 +1,147 @@
-import logging
-from logging import handlers
-import os
-import sys
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-from .. import config
-This intends to be a QThread save logging handler with syntax highlighting
-class LogHandler(logging.Handler):
-    """
-    Handler Class to configure Logging
-    This also enables logging to the output field in the gui
-    """
-    def __init__(self, log_area):
-        logging.Handler.__init__(self)
-        self.text_area = log_area
-        self.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
-        self._normal_weight = self.text_area.fontWeight()
-        self._bold = 100
-    def emit(self, record):
-        """
-        Emit a log record
-        """
-        self.acquire()
-        self.text_area.append_signal.emit(record)
-        self.release()
-class Highlighter(QtGui.QSyntaxHighlighter):
-    """
-    Highlighter for the logging area
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent, theme):
-        super(Highlighter, self).__init__(parent, )
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.highlightingRules = []
-        timestamp = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
-        timestamp.setForeground(QtCore.Qt.blue)
-        timestamp.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold)
-        self.timestamp_pattern = QtCore.QRegExp(r"^.{23}")
-        self.timestamp_pattern.setMinimal(True)
-        self.highlightingRules.append((self.timestamp_pattern, timestamp))
-        loglevel = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
-        loglevel.setForeground(QtCore.Qt.black)
-        loglevel.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold)
-        self.loglevel_pattern = QtCore.QRegExp(r":[A-Z\_]{3,13}:")
-        self.loglevel_pattern.setMinimal(True)
-        self.highlightingRules.append((self.loglevel_pattern, loglevel))
-        success = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
-        success.setForeground(QtGui.QColor(30, 210, 0))
-        success.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold)
-        pattern = QtCore.QRegExp(r".*(S|s)uccess.*")
-        self.highlightingRules.append((pattern, success))
-        error = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
-        error.setBackground(QtGui.QColor(255, 50, 50))
-        self.error_pattern = QtCore.QRegExp("ERROR")
-        self.error_pattern.setMinimal(True)
-        self.highlightingRules.append((self.error_pattern, error))
-    def setKeywords(self, kw):
-        """
-        Set the keywords to check for
-        :param kw: the keywords
-        """
-        keyword = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
-        keyword.setForeground(QtCore.Qt.darkBlue)
-        keyword.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold)
-        keywords = QtCore.QStringList(kw)
-        for word in keywords:
-            pattern = QtCore.QRegExp("\\b" + word + "\\b")
-            self.highlightingRules.append((pattern, keyword))
-    def highlightBlock(self, text):
-        """
-        Highlight a block of text
-        :param text: the text to check in
-        """
-        for pattern, format in self.highlightingRules:
-            start = 0
-            if pattern not in [self.timestamp_pattern, self.error_pattern, self.loglevel_pattern]:
-                start = self.loglevel_pattern.indexIn(text)
-                start += self.loglevel_pattern.matchedLength()
-            index = pattern.indexIn(text, offset=start)
-            while index >= 0:
-                length = pattern.matchedLength()
-                pref_format = self.format(index)
-                pref_format.merge(format)
-                self.setFormat(index, length, pref_format)
-                index = text.indexOf(pattern, index + length)
-        self.setCurrentBlockState(0)
-class LogArea(QtGui.QTextEdit):
-    """
-    The log area for the KCG Gui
-    """
-    append_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(logging.LogRecord)
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(LogArea, self).__init__()
-        self.highlighter = Highlighter(self, 'Classic')
-        self.logHandler = None
-        self.streamLogger = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
-        self.streamLogger.setLevel(config.log_level)
-        self.streamLogger.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
-        logging.getLogger().addHandler(self.streamLogger)
-        self.fileLogHandler = handlers.RotatingFileHandler(os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.kcg/kcg.log", maxBytes=10**7, backupCount=5)
-        self.fileLogHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
-        self.fileLogHandler.setLevel(config.log_level)
-        logging.getLogger().addHandler(self.fileLogHandler)
-        self.append_signal.connect(self.append)
-    def init_logging(self):
-        """
-        Initialize logging
-        """
-        self.logHandler = LogHandler(self)
-        self.logHandler.setLevel(config.log_level)
-        logging.getLogger().addHandler(self.logHandler)
-    def append(self, record):
-        """
-        Append to the logarea
-        :param record: the record to append
-        """
-        super(LogArea, self).append(self.logHandler.format(record))
-        self.ensureCursorVisible()
-    def setKeywords(self, kw):
-        """
-        Set the keywords for the highlighter
-        :param kw: the keywords to set
-        """
-        self.highlighter.setKeywords(kw)
+import logging
+from logging import handlers
+import os
+import sys
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+from .. import config
+This intends to be a QThread save logging handler with syntax highlighting
+class LogHandler(logging.Handler):
+    """
+    Handler Class to configure Logging
+    This also enables logging to the output field in the gui
+    """
+    def __init__(self, log_area):
+        logging.Handler.__init__(self)
+        self.text_area = log_area
+        self.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
+        self._normal_weight = self.text_area.fontWeight()
+        self._bold = 100
+    def emit(self, record):
+        """
+        Emit a log record
+        """
+        self.acquire()
+        self.text_area.append_signal.emit(record)
+        self.release()
+class Highlighter(QtGui.QSyntaxHighlighter):
+    """
+    Highlighter for the logging area
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent, theme):
+        super(Highlighter, self).__init__(parent, )
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.highlightingRules = []
+        timestamp = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
+        timestamp.setForeground(QtCore.Qt.blue)
+        timestamp.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold)
+        self.timestamp_pattern = QtCore.QRegExp(r"^.{23}")
+        self.timestamp_pattern.setMinimal(True)
+        self.highlightingRules.append((self.timestamp_pattern, timestamp))
+        loglevel = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
+        loglevel.setForeground(QtCore.Qt.black)
+        loglevel.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold)
+        self.loglevel_pattern = QtCore.QRegExp(r":[A-Z\_]{3,13}:")
+        self.loglevel_pattern.setMinimal(True)
+        self.highlightingRules.append((self.loglevel_pattern, loglevel))
+        success = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
+        success.setForeground(QtGui.QColor(30, 210, 0))
+        success.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold)
+        pattern = QtCore.QRegExp(r".*(S|s)uccess.*")
+        self.highlightingRules.append((pattern, success))
+        error = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
+        error.setBackground(QtGui.QColor(255, 50, 50))
+        self.error_pattern = QtCore.QRegExp("ERROR")
+        self.error_pattern.setMinimal(True)
+        self.highlightingRules.append((self.error_pattern, error))
+    def setKeywords(self, kw):
+        """
+        Set the keywords to check for
+        :param kw: the keywords
+        """
+        keyword = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
+        keyword.setForeground(QtCore.Qt.darkBlue)
+        keyword.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold)
+        keywords = QtCore.QStringList(kw)
+        for word in keywords:
+            pattern = QtCore.QRegExp("\\b" + word + "\\b")
+            self.highlightingRules.append((pattern, keyword))
+    def highlightBlock(self, text):
+        """
+        Highlight a block of text
+        :param text: the text to check in
+        """
+        for pattern, format in self.highlightingRules:
+            start = 0
+            if pattern not in [self.timestamp_pattern, self.error_pattern, self.loglevel_pattern]:
+                start = self.loglevel_pattern.indexIn(text)
+                start += self.loglevel_pattern.matchedLength()
+            index = pattern.indexIn(text, offset=start)
+            while index >= 0:
+                length = pattern.matchedLength()
+                pref_format = self.format(index)
+                pref_format.merge(format)
+                self.setFormat(index, length, pref_format)
+                index = text.indexOf(pattern, index + length)
+        self.setCurrentBlockState(0)
+class LogArea(QtGui.QTextEdit):
+    """
+    The log area for the KCG Gui
+    """
+    append_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(logging.LogRecord)
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(LogArea, self).__init__()
+        self.highlighter = Highlighter(self, 'Classic')
+        self.logHandler = None
+        self.streamLogger = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
+        self.streamLogger.setLevel(config.log_level)
+        self.streamLogger.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
+        logging.getLogger().addHandler(self.streamLogger)
+        self.fileLogHandler = handlers.RotatingFileHandler(os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.kcg/kcg.log", maxBytes=10**7, backupCount=5)
+        self.fileLogHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
+        self.fileLogHandler.setLevel(config.log_level)
+        logging.getLogger().addHandler(self.fileLogHandler)
+        self.append_signal.connect(self.append)
+    def init_logging(self):
+        """
+        Initialize logging
+        """
+        self.logHandler = LogHandler(self)
+        self.logHandler.setLevel(config.log_level)
+        logging.getLogger().addHandler(self.logHandler)
+    def append(self, record):
+        """
+        Append to the logarea
+        :param record: the record to append
+        """
+        super(LogArea, self).append(self.logHandler.format(record))
+        self.ensureCursorVisible()
+    def setKeywords(self, kw):
+        """
+        Set the keywords for the highlighter
+        :param kw: the keywords to set
+        """
+        self.highlighter.setKeywords(kw)

+ 142 - 142

@@ -1,142 +1,142 @@
-This is the container widget for multiple subwindows
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-from . import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from .leftbar import LeftBar
-from . import leftbar
-from .globals import glob as global_objects
-from .. import config
-tr = kcgw.tr
-class WidgetTypeError(Exception):
-    """
-    Simple error that describes when a wrong window type gets added
-    """
-    pass
-class MDIArea(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    The MDI Area used by Multiwidget
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        super(MDIArea, self).__init__("MDIArea")
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.widgets = {}
-        self.area = QtGui.QMdiArea()
-        self.area.setFrameStyle(self.area.StyledPanel | self.area.Sunken)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.area)
-        brush = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor('white'))
-        self.area.setBackground(brush)
-    def newWidget(self, widget, name, unique_id, widget_type, minSize=False):
-        """
-        Add a new Widget to the MDIArea
-        :param widget: (subclass of QMdiSubWindow) The widget to show
-        :param name: (str) name of the window
-        :param unique_id: (int) unique id of the window
-        :param widget_type: (int) the type of this window
-        :param minSize: (bool) whether to shrink the window to minimum size upon creation
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if not isinstance(widget, kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-            raise WidgetTypeError("Newly Created Widget is of type " +
-                                  type(widget).__name__ +
-                                  ". Expected class derived of " +
-                                  kcgw.KCGWidgets.__name__ + ".")
-        subWidget = kcgw.KCGSubWidget(name=name, unique_id=unique_id, typ=widget_type, minSize=minSize)
-        subWidget.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose)
-        widget.setParent(subWidget)
-        if minSize:
-            subWidget.resize(widget.minimumSizeHint()*1.2)
-        widget.closeSignal.connect(subWidget.close)
-        subWidget.setWidget(widget)
-        self.area.addSubWindow(subWidget)
-        subWidget.show()
-        self.widgets[unique_id] = widget
-class MultiWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
-    """
-    The Widget used as Multiwidget. This is the main View during operation with KCG.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(MultiWidget, self).__init__()
-        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.splitter = QtGui.QSplitter(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)
-        self.leftBar = LeftBar(self)
-        self.area = MDIArea(self)
-        self.area.setObjectName("MDIArea")
-        self.toolbar = QtGui.QToolBar()
-        global_objects.set_global('area', self.area)
-        # --------[ ToolBar ]--------
-        self.new_live_action = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.newPlotLiveIcon)), tr("Button", "New Live Plot"), self)
-        self.new_live_action.setShortcut("Ctrl+L")
-        self.toolbar.addAction(self.new_live_action)
-        self.new_live_action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.leftBar.add_plot(leftbar.LIVE))
-        self.new_live_action.setToolTip(tr("Button", "New Live Plot") + "\n(Ctrl+L)")
-        self.new_data_action = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.newPlotDataIcon)), tr("Button", "New Data Plot"), self)
-        self.new_data_action.setShortcuts(["Ctrl+D", "Ctrl+O"])
-        self.toolbar.addAction(self.new_data_action)
-        self.new_data_action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.leftBar.add_plot(leftbar.FILE))
-        self.new_data_action.setToolTip(tr("Button", "New Data Plot") + "\n(Ctrl+D/O)")
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.toolbar)
-        # ------[ End Tool Bar ]-----
-        self.splitter.addWidget(self.leftBar)
-        self.splitter.addWidget(self.area)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.splitter)
-        self.evaluate_registered_widgets()
-        self.evaluate_registered_widget_functions()
-    def addToolbarButton(self, icon, text, target, shortcut=None):
-        """
-        Add a toolbar button.
-        :param icon: (QIcon) The icon to show on the toolbar button
-        :param text: (str) tooltip for this button
-        :param target: (callable) The function to call upon press on button
-        :param shortcut: (str) Keyboard shortcut to call target
-        :return: -
-        """
-        na = QtGui.QAction(icon, text, self)
-        if shortcut:
-            na.setShortcut(shortcut)
-            na.setToolTip(text + "\n("+shortcut+")")
-        self.toolbar.addAction(na)
-        na.triggered.connect(target)
-    def evaluate_registered_widgets(self):
-        """
-        Evaluate all the registered widgets and add a toolbar button for those
-        :return:
-        """
-        for f in kcgw.get_registered_widgets():
-            self.addToolbarButton(*f)
-    def evaluate_registered_widget_functions(self):
-        """
-        Evaluate the functions that are registered
-        Those are in general functions that have to be called after widgets are created
-        :return:
-        """
-        for f in kcgw.get_registered_widget_functions():
-            f()
+This is the container widget for multiple subwindows
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+import kcgwidget as kcgw
+from leftbar import LeftBar
+import leftbar
+from globals import glob as global_objects
+from .. import config
+tr = kcgw.tr
+class WidgetTypeError(Exception):
+    """
+    Simple error that describes when a wrong window type gets added
+    """
+    pass
+class MDIArea(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    The MDI Area used by Multiwidget
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        super(MDIArea, self).__init__("MDIArea")
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.widgets = {}
+        self.area = QtGui.QMdiArea()
+        self.area.setFrameStyle(self.area.StyledPanel | self.area.Sunken)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.area)
+        brush = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor('white'))
+        self.area.setBackground(brush)
+    def newWidget(self, widget, name, unique_id, widget_type, minSize=False):
+        """
+        Add a new Widget to the MDIArea
+        :param widget: (subclass of QMdiSubWindow) The widget to show
+        :param name: (str) name of the window
+        :param unique_id: (int) unique id of the window
+        :param widget_type: (int) the type of this window
+        :param minSize: (bool) whether to shrink the window to minimum size upon creation
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if not isinstance(widget, kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+            raise WidgetTypeError("Newly Created Widget is of type " +
+                                  type(widget).__name__ +
+                                  ". Expected class derived of " +
+                                  kcgw.KCGWidgets.__name__ + ".")
+        subWidget = kcgw.KCGSubWidget(name=name, unique_id=unique_id, typ=widget_type, minSize=minSize)
+        subWidget.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose)
+        widget.setParent(subWidget)
+        if minSize:
+            subWidget.resize(widget.minimumSizeHint()*1.2)
+        widget.closeSignal.connect(subWidget.close)
+        subWidget.setWidget(widget)
+        self.area.addSubWindow(subWidget)
+        subWidget.show()
+        self.widgets[unique_id] = widget
+class MultiWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
+    """
+    The Widget used as Multiwidget. This is the main View during operation with KCG.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(MultiWidget, self).__init__()
+        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.splitter = QtGui.QSplitter(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)
+        self.leftBar = LeftBar(self)
+        self.area = MDIArea(self)
+        self.area.setObjectName("MDIArea")
+        self.toolbar = QtGui.QToolBar()
+        global_objects.set_global('area', self.area)
+        # --------[ ToolBar ]--------
+        self.new_live_action = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.newPlotLiveIcon), tr("Button", "New Live Plot"), self)
+        self.new_live_action.setShortcut("Ctrl+L")
+        self.toolbar.addAction(self.new_live_action)
+        self.new_live_action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.leftBar.add_plot(leftbar.LIVE))
+        self.new_live_action.setToolTip(tr("Button", "New Live Plot") + "\n(Ctrl+L)")
+        self.new_data_action = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.newPlotDataIcon), tr("Button", "New Data Plot"), self)
+        self.new_data_action.setShortcuts(["Ctrl+D", "Ctrl+O"])
+        self.toolbar.addAction(self.new_data_action)
+        self.new_data_action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.leftBar.add_plot(leftbar.FILE))
+        self.new_data_action.setToolTip(tr("Button", "New Data Plot") + "\n(Ctrl+D/O)")
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.toolbar)
+        # ------[ End Tool Bar ]-----
+        self.splitter.addWidget(self.leftBar)
+        self.splitter.addWidget(self.area)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.splitter)
+        self.evaluate_registered_widgets()
+        self.evaluate_registered_widget_functions()
+    def addToolbarButton(self, icon, text, target, shortcut=None):
+        """
+        Add a toolbar button.
+        :param icon: (QIcon) The icon to show on the toolbar button
+        :param text: (str) tooltip for this button
+        :param target: (callable) The function to call upon press on button
+        :param shortcut: (str) Keyboard shortcut to call target
+        :return: -
+        """
+        na = QtGui.QAction(icon, text, self)
+        if shortcut:
+            na.setShortcut(shortcut)
+            na.setToolTip(text + "\n("+shortcut+")")
+        self.toolbar.addAction(na)
+        na.triggered.connect(target)
+    def evaluate_registered_widgets(self):
+        """
+        Evaluate all the registered widgets and add a toolbar button for those
+        :return:
+        """
+        for f in kcgw.get_registered_widgets():
+            self.addToolbarButton(*f)
+    def evaluate_registered_widget_functions(self):
+        """
+        Evaluate the functions that are registered
+        Those are in general functions that have to be called after widgets are created
+        :return:
+        """
+        for f in kcgw.get_registered_widget_functions():
+            f()

+ 200 - 212

@@ -1,212 +1,200 @@
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-from .groupedelements import Elements, MenuItems
-from . import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from .. import config
-class RightSwitch(kcgw.ClickableSVG):
-    """
-    Buttons to change the Page in a MultiPage
-    """
-    def __init__(self, pagesWidget, width=10, height=20, wwidth=None, hidden=False):
-        """
-        Initialise a RightSwitch
-        :param pagesWidget: (MultiPage) The MultiPage widget to switch pages upon press
-        :param width: (int) width of the icon shown on the switch
-        :param height: (int) height of the icon shown on the switch
-        :param wwidth: (int) Width of the switch
-        :param hidden: (bool) whether this switch is shown or hidden
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(RightSwitch, self).__init__(config.icon_path("chevron-right.svg"), width, height, wwidth)
-        self.setObjectName("right_switch")
-        if hidden:
-            self.hide()
-        self.clicked.connect(lambda: pagesWidget.setCurrentIndex(pagesWidget.currentIndex()+1))
-class LeftSwitch(kcgw.ClickableSVG):
-    """
-    Buttons to change the Page in a MultiPage Widget
-    """
-    def __init__(self, pagesWidget, width=10, height=20, wwidth=None, hidden=False):
-        """
-        Initialise a LeftSwitch
-        :param pagesWidget: (MultiPage) The MultiPage widget to switch pages upon press
-        :param width: (int) width of the icon shown on the switch
-        :param height: (int) height of the icon shown on the switch
-        :param wwidth: (int) Width of the switch
-        :param hidden: (bool) whether this switch is shown or hidden
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(LeftSwitch, self).__init__(config.icon_path("chevron-left.svg"), width, height, wwidth)
-        self.setObjectName("left_switch")
-        if hidden:
-            self.hide()
-        self.clicked.connect(lambda: pagesWidget.setCurrentIndex(pagesWidget.currentIndex()-1))
-class LeftRightSwitch(QtGui.QWidget):
-    """
-    Small Buttons to change the Page in a MultiPage Widget
-    """
-    def __init__(self, pagesWidget):
-        """
-        Initialise a combination of left and right switch
-        :param pagesWidget: (MultiPage) The multipage widget instance to change pages on
-        """
-        super(LeftRightSwitch, self).__init__()
-        self.right = RightSwitch(pagesWidget, width=10, height=10)
-        self.right.setObjectName("leftright")
-        self.left = LeftSwitch(pagesWidget, width=10, height=10)
-        self.left.setObjectName("leftright")
-        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.left)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.right)
-    def disable_left(self):
-        """
-        Disable the switch to the page left of the current one
-        :return: -
-        """
-        # self.left.setStyleSheet("border-radius: 4px; background-color: lightgrey;")
-        self.left.setStyleSheet("#leftright:hover { background-color: none;}")
-        self.left.changeSvg(config.icon_path("chevron-left-grey.svg"))
-    def enable_left(self):
-        """
-        Enable the switch to the page left of the current one
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.left.setStyleSheet("")
-        self.left.changeSvg(config.icon_path("chevron-left.svg"))
-    def disable_right(self):
-        """
-        Disable the switch to the page right of the current one
-        :return: -
-        """
-        # self.right.setStyleSheet("border-radius: 4px; background-color: lightgrey;")
-        self.right.setStyleSheet("#leftright:hover { background-color: none;}")
-        self.right.changeSvg(config.icon_path("chevron-right-grey.svg"))
-    def enable_right(self):
-        """
-        Enable the switch to the page right of the current one
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.right.setStyleSheet("")
-        self.right.changeSvg(config.icon_path("chevron-right.svg"))
-# 888b     d888        888888   d8b8888888b.
-# 8888b   d8888        888888   Y8P888   Y88b
-# 88888b.d88888        888888      888    888
-# 888Y88888P888888  888888888888888888   d88P 8888b.  .d88b.  .d88b.
-# 888 Y888P 888888  888888888   8888888888P"     "88bd88P"88bd8P  Y8b
-# 888  Y8P  888888  888888888   888888       .d888888888  88888888888
-# 888   "   888Y88b 888888Y88b. 888888       888  888Y88b 888Y8b.
-# 888       888 "Y88888888 "Y888888888       "Y888888 "Y88888 "Y8888
-#                                                         888
-#                                                    Y8b d88P
-#                                                     "Y88P"
-class MultiPage(QtGui.QStackedWidget):
-    """
-    Implementation of a Paginated View Widget
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent=None):
-        super(MultiPage, self).__init__(parent)
-        self.pages = []
-        self.numOfPages = -1
-        self.leftright = LeftRightSwitch(self)
-        self.leftright.hide()
-        self.setCurrentIndex(0)
-        self.leftShortcut = QtGui.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+Left"), self, self.left)
-        self.rightShortcut = QtGui.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+Right"), self, self.right)
-        self.lSwitches = []
-        self.rSwitches = []
-    def addPage(self, NewPage, name=None, set_to_first=True):
-        """
-        Add a page (a Widget) to the MultiPage Widget
-        :param NewPage: widget to add as new page
-        :param name: name of that page (e.g. to show in the status bar)
-        :param bool set_to_first: Set the current page to first page
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.leftright.show()
-        self.numOfPages += 1
-        self.pages.append(QtGui.QWidget())
-        self.pages[-1].widget = NewPage
-        self.rSwitches.append(RightSwitch(self, wwidth=20, hidden=True))
-        self.lSwitches.append(LeftSwitch(self, wwidth=20, hidden=True))
-        NewPage.index = len(self.pages)-1
-        self.pages[-1].name = name
-        self.pages[-1].layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.pages[-1].setLayout(self.pages[-1].layout)
-        if len(self.pages) == 1:
-            self.pages[-1].layout.addWidget(NewPage)
-        if len(self.pages) > 1:
-            self.rSwitches[-2].show()
-            self.pages[-2].layout.addWidget(self.rSwitches[-2])
-            self.lSwitches[-1].show()
-            self.pages[-1].layout.addWidget(self.lSwitches[-1])
-            self.pages[-1].layout.addWidget(NewPage)
-        self.addWidget(self.pages[-1])
-        if set_to_first:
-            self.setCurrentIndex(0)
-        else:
-            name = self.pages[self.currentIndex()].name+" " if self.pages[self.currentIndex()].name else " "
-            self.window().pageIndicator.setText(name+"| "+str(self.currentIndex()+1)+"/"+str(self.numOfPages+1))
-    def removePage(self, page):
-        """
-        Removes a page from the pages widget and adjusts switches accordingly
-        :param page: what page to remove
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if self.numOfPages == 1:
-            raise IndexError("Not enough pages left")
-        self.numOfPages -=1
-        idx = page.index
-        self.removeWidget(self.pages[idx])
-        del self.pages[idx]
-        del self.lSwitches[idx]
-        del self.rSwitches[idx]
-        self.pages[-1].layout.removeWidget(self.rSwitches[-1])
-        self.rSwitches[-1].hide()
-        name = self.pages[self.currentIndex()].name+" " if self.pages[self.currentIndex()].name else " "
-        self.window().pageIndicator.setText(name+"| "+str(self.currentIndex()+1)+"/"+str(self.numOfPages+1))
-    def left(self):
-        self.setCurrentIndex(self.currentIndex()-1)
-    def right(self):
-        self.setCurrentIndex(self.currentIndex()+1)
-    def setCurrentIndex(self, p_int):
-        """
-        Set te current Index of the MultiPage Widget (e.g. set the current page)
-        :param p_int: (int) what page
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if self.currentIndex() >= 0 and p_int <= self.numOfPages:
-            MenuItems.setEnabled(self.pages[self.currentIndex()].name.strip(), False)
-        if p_int > self.numOfPages or p_int < 0:
-            return
-        if p_int <= 0:
-            self.leftright.disable_left()
-        else:
-            self.leftright.enable_left()
-        if p_int >= self.numOfPages:
-            self.leftright.disable_right()
-        else:
-            self.leftright.enable_right()
-        name = self.pages[p_int].name+" " if self.pages[p_int].name else " "
-        self.window().pageIndicator.setText(name+"| "+str(p_int+1)+"/"+str(self.numOfPages+1))
-        super(MultiPage, self).setCurrentIndex(p_int)
-        MenuItems.setEnabled(name.strip(), True)
-        if getattr(self.pages[self.currentIndex()].widget, 'pages_update_function', None) is not None:
-            self.pages[self.currentIndex()].widget.pages_update_function()
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+from groupedelements import Elements, MenuItems
+import kcgwidget as kcgw
+from .. import config
+class RightSwitch(kcgw.ClickableSVG):
+    """
+    Buttons to change the Page in a MultiPage
+    """
+    def __init__(self, pagesWidget, width=10, height=20, wwidth=None, hidden=False):
+        """
+        Initialise a RightSwitch
+        :param pagesWidget: (MultiPage) The MultiPage widget to switch pages upon press
+        :param width: (int) width of the icon shown on the switch
+        :param height: (int) height of the icon shown on the switch
+        :param wwidth: (int) Width of the switch
+        :param hidden: (bool) whether this switch is shown or hidden
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(RightSwitch, self).__init__(config.install_path+"icons/chevron-right.svg", width, height, wwidth)
+        self.setObjectName("right_switch")
+        if hidden:
+            self.hide()
+        self.clicked.connect(lambda: pagesWidget.setCurrentIndex(pagesWidget.currentIndex()+1))
+class LeftSwitch(kcgw.ClickableSVG):
+    """
+    Buttons to change the Page in a MultiPage Widget
+    """
+    def __init__(self, pagesWidget, width=10, height=20, wwidth=None, hidden=False):
+        """
+        Initialise a LeftSwitch
+        :param pagesWidget: (MultiPage) The MultiPage widget to switch pages upon press
+        :param width: (int) width of the icon shown on the switch
+        :param height: (int) height of the icon shown on the switch
+        :param wwidth: (int) Width of the switch
+        :param hidden: (bool) whether this switch is shown or hidden
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(LeftSwitch, self).__init__(config.install_path+"icons/chevron-left.svg", width, height, wwidth)
+        self.setObjectName("left_switch")
+        if hidden:
+            self.hide()
+        self.clicked.connect(lambda: pagesWidget.setCurrentIndex(pagesWidget.currentIndex()-1))
+class LeftRightSwitch(QtGui.QWidget):
+    """
+    Small Buttons to change the Page in a MultiPage Widget
+    """
+    def __init__(self, pagesWidget):
+        """
+        Initialise a combination of left and right switch
+        :param pagesWidget: (MultiPage) The multipage widget instance to change pages on
+        """
+        super(LeftRightSwitch, self).__init__()
+        self.right = RightSwitch(pagesWidget, width=10, height=10)
+        self.right.setObjectName("leftright")
+        self.left = LeftSwitch(pagesWidget, width=10, height=10)
+        self.left.setObjectName("leftright")
+        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.left)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.right)
+    def disable_left(self):
+        """
+        Disable the switch to the page left of the current one
+        :return: -
+        """
+        # self.left.setStyleSheet("border-radius: 4px; background-color: lightgrey;")
+        self.left.setStyleSheet("#leftright:hover { background-color: none;}")
+        self.left.changeSvg(config.install_path+"icons/chevron-left-grey.svg")
+    def enable_left(self):
+        """
+        Enable the switch to the page left of the current one
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.left.setStyleSheet("")
+        self.left.changeSvg(config.install_path+"icons/chevron-left.svg")
+    def disable_right(self):
+        """
+        Disable the switch to the page right of the current one
+        :return: -
+        """
+        # self.right.setStyleSheet("border-radius: 4px; background-color: lightgrey;")
+        self.right.setStyleSheet("#leftright:hover { background-color: none;}")
+        self.right.changeSvg(config.install_path+"icons/chevron-right-grey.svg")
+    def enable_right(self):
+        """
+        Enable the switch to the page right of the current one
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.right.setStyleSheet("")
+        self.right.changeSvg(config.install_path+"icons/chevron-right.svg")
+class MultiPage(QtGui.QStackedWidget):
+    """
+    Implementation of a Paginated View Widget
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        super(MultiPage, self).__init__(parent)
+        self.pages = []
+        self.numOfPages = -1
+        self.leftright = LeftRightSwitch(self)
+        self.leftright.hide()
+        self.setCurrentIndex(0)
+        self.leftShortcut = QtGui.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+Left"), self, self.left)
+        self.rightShortcut = QtGui.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+Right"), self, self.right)
+        self.lSwitches = []
+        self.rSwitches = []
+    def addPage(self, NewPage, name=None, set_to_first=True):
+        """
+        Add a page (a Widget) to the MultiPage Widget
+        :param NewPage: widget to add as new page
+        :param name: name of that page (e.g. to show in the status bar)
+        :param bool set_to_first: Set the current page to first page
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.leftright.show()
+        self.numOfPages += 1
+        self.pages.append(QtGui.QWidget())
+        self.pages[-1].widget = NewPage
+        self.rSwitches.append(RightSwitch(self, wwidth=20, hidden=True))
+        self.lSwitches.append(LeftSwitch(self, wwidth=20, hidden=True))
+        NewPage.index = len(self.pages)-1
+        self.pages[-1].name = name
+        self.pages[-1].layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.pages[-1].setLayout(self.pages[-1].layout)
+        if len(self.pages) == 1:
+            self.pages[-1].layout.addWidget(NewPage)
+        if len(self.pages) > 1:
+            self.rSwitches[-2].show()
+            self.pages[-2].layout.addWidget(self.rSwitches[-2])
+            self.lSwitches[-1].show()
+            self.pages[-1].layout.addWidget(self.lSwitches[-1])
+            self.pages[-1].layout.addWidget(NewPage)
+        self.addWidget(self.pages[-1])
+        if set_to_first:
+            self.setCurrentIndex(0)
+        else:
+            name = self.pages[self.currentIndex()].name+" " if self.pages[self.currentIndex()].name else " "
+            self.window().pageIndicator.setText(name+"| "+str(self.currentIndex()+1)+"/"+str(self.numOfPages+1))
+    def removePage(self, page):
+        """
+        Removes a page from the pages widget and adjusts switches accordingly
+        :param page: what page to remove
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if self.numOfPages == 1:
+            raise IndexError("Not enough pages left")
+        self.numOfPages -=1
+        idx = page.index
+        self.removeWidget(self.pages[idx])
+        del self.pages[idx]
+        del self.lSwitches[idx]
+        del self.rSwitches[idx]
+        self.pages[-1].layout.removeWidget(self.rSwitches[-1])
+        self.rSwitches[-1].hide()
+        name = self.pages[self.currentIndex()].name+" " if self.pages[self.currentIndex()].name else " "
+        self.window().pageIndicator.setText(name+"| "+str(self.currentIndex()+1)+"/"+str(self.numOfPages+1))
+    def left(self):
+        self.setCurrentIndex(self.currentIndex()-1)
+    def right(self):
+        self.setCurrentIndex(self.currentIndex()+1)
+    def setCurrentIndex(self, p_int):
+        """
+        Set te current Index of the MultiPage Widget (e.g. set the current page)
+        :param p_int: (int) what page
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if self.currentIndex() >= 0 and p_int <= self.numOfPages:
+            MenuItems.setEnabled(self.pages[self.currentIndex()].name.strip(), False)
+        if p_int > self.numOfPages or p_int < 0:
+            return
+        if p_int <= 0:
+            self.leftright.disable_left()
+        else:
+            self.leftright.enable_left()
+        if p_int >= self.numOfPages:
+            self.leftright.disable_right()
+        else:
+            self.leftright.enable_right()
+        name = self.pages[p_int].name+" " if self.pages[p_int].name else " "
+        self.window().pageIndicator.setText(name+"| "+str(p_int+1)+"/"+str(self.numOfPages+1))
+        super(MultiPage, self).setCurrentIndex(p_int)
+        MenuItems.setEnabled(name.strip(), True)
+        if getattr(self.pages[self.currentIndex()].widget, 'pages_update_function', None) is not None:
+            self.pages[self.currentIndex()].widget.pages_update_function()

+ 885 - 940

@@ -1,940 +1,885 @@
-This Module implements the Plot Windows used in KCG
-import pyqtgraph as pg
-try:  # on some versions of pyqtgraph useOpenGl is no valid option
-    pg.setConfigOption('useOpenGl', True)
-    pass
-pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w')
-pg.setConfigOption('foreground', 'k')
-import numpy as np
-from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
-from .groupedelements import live_plot_windows
-from .backend import io
-from .backend import board
-from .backend.board import available_boards
-from . import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from .. import config
-tr = kcgw.tr
-LIVE = 1
-FILE = 2
-ERROR = 99
-NO_DATA = 98
-class Enum():
-    """
-    Simple Enum Class (as this is not supported by clean python)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *args):
-        self.idx = 0
-        for i in args:
-            setattr(self, i, self.idx)
-            self.idx += 1
-plotList = [tr("Label", "Heatmap"), tr("Label", "FFT"), tr("Label", "Trains"), tr("Label", "Combined"), tr("Label", "Compare"), tr("Label", "Follow")]
-PlotType = Enum(*[str(i) for i in plotList])
-# gradient = {'mode': 'rgb',
-#             'ticks': [(0.0, (0.37281, 0.11883, 3.53583, 255)),
-#                       (0.0390625, (4.9401150000000005, 3.858915, 22.635585, 255)),
-#                       (0.078125, (15.6417, 9.330449999999999, 45.29871, 255)),
-#                       (0.1171875, (29.74728, 12.13137, 69.44185499999999, 255)),
-#                       (0.15625, (46.774395000000005, 10.283895, 90.51760499999999, 255)),
-#                       (0.1953125, (64.1631, 9.614775, 102.86139, 255)),
-#                       (0.234375, (80.65191, 13.63995, 108.40458, 255)),
-#                       (0.2734375, (96.64525499999999, 19.444515, 110.343345, 255)),
-#                       (0.3125, (112.507785, 25.33119, 110.05646999999999, 255)),
-#                       (0.3515625, (128.390715, 31.001625, 107.95578, 255)),
-#                       (0.390625, (144.29277, 36.609585, 104.10579, 255)),
-#                       (0.4296875, (160.100985, 42.476625, 98.50038, 255)),
-#                       (0.46875, (175.606515, 49.020945, 91.188765, 255)),
-#                       (0.5078125, (190.517385, 56.70639, 82.32827999999999, 255)),
-#                       (0.546875, (204.477105, 65.96187, 72.190245, 255)),
-#                       (0.5859375, (217.10292, 77.07629999999999, 61.10718, 255)),
-#                       (0.625, (228.047775, 90.11674500000001, 49.36392, 255)),
-#                       (0.6640625, (237.05922, 104.927145, 37.068585, 255)),
-#                       (0.703125, (243.99726, 121.21578, 24.147225, 255)),
-#                       (0.7421875, (248.797635, 138.66849, 11.122589999999999, 255)),
-#                       (0.78125, (251.41776000000002, 157.01625, 6.52596, 255)),
-#                       (0.8203125, (251.80332, 176.04333, 20.397450000000003, 255)),
-#                       (0.859375, (249.90816, 195.543435, 42.420015, 255)),
-#                       (0.8984375, (245.92047, 215.18124, 69.714705, 255)),
-#                       (0.9375, (241.63647, 233.936745, 104.719575, 255)),
-#                       (0.9765625, (245.26206, 248.86062, 145.840875, 255)),
-#                       (0.99609375, (252.03231, 254.58282, 164.45562, 255))]}
-gradient = {'mode': 'rgb',
-            'ticks': [(0.0, (0.37281, 0.11883, 3.53583, 255)),
-                      (0.1171875, (29.74728, 12.13137, 69.44185499999999, 255)),
-                      (0.234375, (80.65191, 13.63995, 108.40458, 255)),
-                      (0.3515625, (128.390715, 31.001625, 107.95578, 255)),
-                      (0.46875, (175.606515, 49.020945, 91.188765, 255)),
-                      (0.5859375, (217.10292, 77.07629999999999, 61.10718, 255)),
-                      (0.703125, (243.99726, 121.21578, 24.147225, 255)),
-                      (0.8203125, (251.80332, 176.04333, 20.397450000000003, 255)),
-                      (0.9375, (241.63647, 233.936745, 104.719575, 255)),
-                      (0.99609375, (252.03231, 254.58282, 164.45562, 255))]}
-class CustomGradientEditorItem(pg.GradientEditorItem):
-    """
-    A Gradient Editor Item to insert a perception linear gradient
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        pg.GradientEditorItem.__init__(self, **kwargs)
-        self.customGradients = {}
-    def addGrad(self, name, grad_dic):
-        """
-        Add a gradient to the list of gradients in the gui
-        :param name: the name of the gradient
-        :param grad_dic: the dictionary containing the gradient data
-        """
-        if name not in self.customGradients:
-            self.customGradients[name] = grad_dic
-            px = QtGui.QPixmap(100, 15)
-            p = QtGui.QPainter(px)
-            self.restoreState(grad_dic)
-            length_backup = self.length
-            self.length = 100
-            grad = self.getGradient()
-            self.length = length_backup
-            brush = QtGui.QBrush(grad)
-            p.fillRect(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 100, 15), brush)
-            p.end()
-            label = QtGui.QLabel()
-            label.setPixmap(px)
-            label.setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1)
-            act = QtGui.QWidgetAction(self)
-            act.setDefaultWidget(label)
-            act.triggered.connect(self.contextMenuClicked)
-            act.name = name
-            if len(self.customGradients) > 1:
-                self.menu.insertAction(self.menu.actions()[0], act)
-            else:
-                sep = self.menu.insertSeparator(self.menu.actions()[0])
-                self.menu.insertAction(sep, act)
-        self.restoreState(grad_dic)
-    def restoreState(self, state):
-        """
-        Reimplemented of pyqtgraph.GradientEditorItem.restoreState to work with our custom perception linear gradient.
-        :param state: the state to restore to
-        """
-        self.setColorMode(state['mode'])
-        for t in list(self.ticks.keys()):
-            self.removeTick(t, finish=False)
-        self.bottomTick = [None, 10]
-        self.topmostTick = [None, -1]
-        for t in state['ticks']:
-            c = QtGui.QColor(*t[1])
-            tick = self.addTick(t[0], c, finish=False)
-            if t[0] < self.bottomTick[1]:
-                self.bottomTick = [tick, t[0]]
-            if t[0] > self.topmostTick[1]:
-                self.topmostTick = [tick, t[0]]
-        self.tickPosInPercent = self.ticks.copy()
-        for t in self.ticks:
-            if t is self.topmostTick[0] or t is self.bottomTick[0]:
-                continue
-            t.hide()
-            t.movable = False
-        # self.bottomTick[1] *= self.length
-        # self.topmostTick[1] *= self.length
-        self.updateGradient()
-        self.sigGradientChangeFinished.emit(self)
-    def loadPreset(self, name):
-        """
-        Reimplemented of pyqtgraph.GradientEditorItem.loadPreset to work with our custom perception linear gradient.
-        :param name: the name of the preset to load
-        """
-        if name in self.customGradients:
-            self.restoreState(self.customGradients[name])
-        else:
-            super(CustomGradientEditorItem, self).loadPreset(name)
-    def tickMoved(self, tick, pos):
-        """
-        Reimplemented of pyqtgraph.GradientEditorItem.tickMoved to work with our custom perception linear gradient,
-        which has a lot of steps which would create a lot of ticks in the gradient legend. This removes all but 2
-        ticks and aligns all the internal ticks accordingly.
-        :param tick: the tick to move
-        :param pos: the position to move to
-        """
-        if tick is self.bottomTick[0]:
-            # self.bottomTick[1] = pos.x()
-            pg.TickSliderItem.tickMoved(self, tick, pos)
-        elif tick is self.topmostTick[0]:
-            # self.topmostTick[1] = pos.x()
-            pg.TickSliderItem.tickMoved(self, tick, pos)
-        if tick in [self.bottomTick[0], self.topmostTick[0]]:  # if bottom or topmost tick was moved
-            if pos.x() < self.length and pos.x() > 0:  # if tick is not at top or bottom
-                newUnit = (self.topmostTick[0].pos().x() - self.bottomTick[0].pos().x())  # create new virtual unit length
-                for t in self.ticks:  # for every tick
-                    if t not in [self.bottomTick[0], self.topmostTick[0]]:  # if tick is not bottom or topmost tick
-                        pos = t.pos()
-                        new_x = self.bottomTick[0].pos().x() + self.tickPosInPercent[t] * newUnit
-                        pos.setX(new_x)
-                        t.setPos(pos)
-                        pg.TickSliderItem.tickMoved(self, t, pos)
-        self.updateGradient()
-#  .d8888b.                         888                                                       .d8888b.         888
-# d88P  Y88b                        888                                                      d88P  Y88b        888
-# Y88b.                             888                                                      888    888        888
-#  "Y888b.  88888b.  .d88b.  .d8888b888888888d888 .d88b.  .d88b. 888d888 8888b. 88888b.d88b. 888        .d88b. 888 .d88b. 888d888
-#     "Y88b.888 "88bd8P  Y8bd88P"   888   888P"  d88""88bd88P"88b888P"      "88b888 "888 "88b888       d88""88b888d88""88b888P"
-#       "888888  88888888888888     888   888    888  888888  888888    .d888888888  888  888888    888888  888888888  888888
-# Y88b  d88P888 d88PY8b.    Y88b.   Y88b. 888    Y88..88PY88b 888888    888  888888  888  888Y88b  d88PY88..88P888Y88..88P888
-#  "Y8888P" 88888P"  "Y8888  "Y8888P "Y888888     "Y88P"  "Y88888888    "Y888888888  888  888 "Y8888P"  "Y88P" 888 "Y88P" 888
-#           888                                               888
-#           888                                          Y8b d88P
-#           888                                           "Y88P"
-class SpectrogramColorLegendItem(pg.GraphicsWidget):
-    """
-    The Item used as Legend for Heatmap and FFT Plot
-    """
-    gradientChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    def __init__(self, img=None):
-        """
-        Initialise the Legend
-        :param img: (ImageItem) the image item this is the legend for
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(SpectrogramColorLegendItem, self).__init__()
-        self.layout = QtGui.QGraphicsGridLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.img = img
-        # self.gei = pg.GradientEditorItem(orientation='right')
-        self.gei = CustomGradientEditorItem(orientation='right', allowAdd=False)
-        self.legend_axis = pg.AxisItem(orientation='left')
-        # self.addItem(self.legend_axis)
-        self.layout.addItem(self.legend_axis, 0, 0, alignment=QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)
-        # self.addItem(self.gei)
-        self.layout.addItem(self.gei, 0, 1)
-        self.gei.sigGradientChanged.connect(self.gradient_changed)
-        # self.gei.loadPreset('spectrum')
-        self.gei.addGrad('inferno', gradient)
-        # self.setFixedWidth(80)
-        self.image_changed()
-    def gradient_changed(self):
-        """
-        Proxy function for the gradient_cnahged event of the GradientEditorItem
-        :return:
-        """
-        self.gradientChanged.emit()
-    def set_image(self, img):
-        """
-        Set the Image this is the legend for (only needed if not already done upon initialisation)
-        :param img: (ImageItem) The image item to use
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.img = img
-        self.image_changed(True)
-    def update_axis(self):
-        """
-        Update the axis of this legend
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if self.img.getLevels():
-            # min, max = self.img.getLevels()
-            min, max = (np.min(self.img.image), np.max(self.img.image))
-            self.legend_axis.setRange(min, max)
-    def reset_gradient(self):
-        """
-        Reset the gradient to the preset "spectrum"
-        :return: -
-        """
-        # self.gei.loadPreset('spectrum')
-        self.gei.loadPreset('inferno')
-        # self.gei.restoreState(gradient)
-    def image_changed(self, reset_gradient=True):
-        """
-        Call this to adjust the legend when the image has changed
-        :param reset_gradient: (bool) whether to reset the gradient or not
-        :return:
-        """
-        if self.img:
-            self.update_axis()
-            if reset_gradient:
-                self.reset_gradient()
-    def getLookupTable(self, nPts, alpha=None):
-        """
-        Get the look up table of the imageitem
-        :param nPts: (int) number of points the lookup table is defined on
-        :param alpha: ??
-        :return: -
-        """
-        return self.gei.getLookupTable(nPts, alpha=alpha)
-    def resizeEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Handle resizing of the window
-        """
-        self.legend_axis.setHeight(self.gei.length)
-#  .d8888b.         888     8888888b. 888        888   888       888d8b     888                888
-# d88P  Y88b        888     888   Y88b888        888   888   o   888Y8P     888                888
-# Y88b.             888     888    888888        888   888  d8b  888        888                888
-#  "Y888b.  888  88888888b. 888   d88P888 .d88b. 888888888 d888b 888888 .d88888 .d88b.  .d88b. 888888
-#     "Y88b.888  888888 "88b8888888P" 888d88""88b888   888d88888b888888d88" 888d88P"88bd8P  Y8b888
-#       "888888  888888  888888       888888  888888   88888P Y88888888888  888888  88888888888888
-# Y88b  d88PY88b 888888 d88P888       888Y88..88PY88b. 8888P   Y8888888Y88b 888Y88b 888Y8b.    Y88b.
-#  "Y8888P"  "Y8888888888P" 888       888 "Y88P"  "Y888888P     Y888888 "Y88888 "Y88888 "Y8888  "Y888
-#                                                                                   888
-#                                                                              Y8b d88P
-#                                                                               "Y88P"
-class SubPlotWidget(pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget):
-    """
-    The Widget actually containing the plots and images
-    """
-    def __init__(self, dType=FILE):
-        super(SubPlotWidget, self).__init__()
-        self.dType = dType
-        self._type_changed = False
-        # self.setStyleSheet("border: 5px solid black; margin: 10px;")
-        self.plotType = 1
-        self.plotItem = pg.PlotItem()
-        self.img = pg.ImageItem()
-        self.plotItem2 = pg.PlotItem()
-        self.img2 = pg.ImageItem()
-        self.plotItem2.addItem(self.img2)
-        self.setFrameStyle(self.StyledPanel | self.Sunken)
-        self.gradient_legend = SpectrogramColorLegendItem(self.img)
-        def changelut():
-            """
-            Handle changing of the lookup table
-            """
-            self.img.setLookupTable(self.gradient_legend.getLookupTable(512))
-            self.img2.setLookupTable(self.gradient_legend.getLookupTable(512))
-        self.gradient_legend.gradientChanged.connect(changelut)
-        self.addItem(self.plotItem)
-        self.plotItem.addItem(self.img)
-        self.plotItemPlotScatter = pg.PlotDataItem(pen=None, symbolPen=pg.mkPen(50, 50, 255), symbolSize=3, pxMode=True, symbolBrush=pg.mkBrush(50, 50, 255), downsample=200)
-        self.plotItemPlotScatter1 = pg.PlotDataItem(pen=None, symbolPen=pg.mkPen(255, 50, 50), symbolSize=3, pxMode=True, symbolBrush=pg.mkBrush(255, 50, 50), downsample=200)
-        # self.plotItemPlotScatter2 = pg.PlotDataItem(pen=None, symbolPen=pg.mkPen(50, 255, 50), symbolSize=3, pxMode=True, symbolBrush=pg.mkBrush(50, 255, 50), downsample=200)
-        self.plotItemPlot = pg.PlotDataItem()  # pen="#000000")
-        self.plotItem.addItem(self.plotItemPlot)
-        self.plotItem.addItem(self.plotItemPlotScatter)
-        self.plotItem.addItem(self.plotItemPlotScatter1)
-        # self.plotItem.addItem(self.plotItemPlotScatter2)
-        self.plotItem.vb.origAutoRange = self.plotItem.vb.autoRange
-        self.error_label = pg.LabelItem("Error during plot.", color=(200, 50, 50))
-        self.error_label.hide()
-        self.error_label.scale(1, -0.6)
-        self.error_label.translate(0, -30)
-        self.plotItem.addItem(self.error_label)
-        self.no_data_label = pg.LabelItem("No data to plot.", color=(200, 50, 50))
-        self.no_data_label.hide()
-        self.no_data_label.scale(1, -0.6)
-        self.no_data_label.translate(0, -30)
-        self.plotItem.addItem(self.no_data_label)
-    def _enableCustomAutoRange(self, data):
-        """
-        Enable custom auto range in this plot
-        :param data: the data to autorange
-        :return:
-        """
-        def newAutoRange(*args, **kwargs):
-            ''' function to handle the new autorange '''
-            if len(data) == 0:
-                return
-            bounds = [np.min(data), np.max(data)]
-            self.plotItem.vb.setRange(xRange=[0, len(data)],
-                yRange=[bounds[0]-0.1*(bounds[1]-bounds[0])-1, bounds[1]+0.1*(bounds[1]-bounds[0])+1], update=True)
-            self.plotItem.update()
-        self.plotItem.vb.autoRange = newAutoRange
-        self.plotItem.autoBtn.clicked.disconnect()
-        self.plotItem.autoBtn.clicked.connect(newAutoRange)
-    def _disableCustomAutoRange(self):
-        """
-        Disable the custom autorange and reset it to default
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.plotItem.vb.autoRange = self.plotItem.vb.origAutoRange
-        self.plotItem.autoBtn.clicked.disconnect()
-        self.plotItem.autoBtn.clicked.connect(self.plotItem.autoBtnClicked)
-    @QtCore.pyqtSlot(np.ndarray, tuple, tuple)
-    def plot(self, data, xvalueborders=None, yvalueborders=None, autorange=True):
-        """
-        Plot Data. The plot type depends on the type property
-        :param data: (dataset.DataSet) data to plot
-        :param xvalueborders: (touple) the borders for the xvalues
-        :param yvalueborders: (touple) the borders for the yvalues
-        :param autorange: (bool) whether to perform a autorange or not
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.error_label.hide()
-        self.no_data_label.hide()
-        self.plotItemPlot.clear()
-        self.plotItemPlotScatter.clear()
-        self.plotItemPlotScatter1.clear()
-        # self.plotItemPlotScatter2.clear()
-        self.plotItem.resetTransform()
-        self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setScale()
-        self.img.show()
-        if self._type_changed:
-            self.plotItem.autoBtnClicked()
-        try:
-            self.removeItem(self.plotItem2)
-        except Exception as e:
-            if "Could not determine index of item" in str(e):
-                pass
-            else:
-                raise
-        if self.plotType == PlotType.FFT or self.plotType == PlotType.Heatmap:
-            self.addItem(self.gradient_legend)
-            self.gradient_legend.show()
-            self.img.setImage(data, scale=[1, 1/1000.])
-            self.img.resetTransform()
-            self.img.setAutoDownsample(True)
-            if autorange:
-                self.gradient_legend.image_changed()
-            if xvalueborders:
-                self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setScale((xvalueborders[1]-xvalueborders[0])/float(data.shape[0]))
-                self.img.translate(xvalueborders[0]/self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').scale, 0)
-            else:
-                self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setScale()
-            if yvalueborders:
-                self.img.translate(0, yvalueborders[0])
-                self.plotItem.getAxis('left').setScale(yvalueborders[1]/float(data.shape[1]))
-            self._disableCustomAutoRange()
-            self.plotItem.setClipToView(True)
-        if self.plotType == PlotType.Compare:
-            self.addItem(self.plotItem2)
-            self.plotItem2.vb.linkView(self.plotItem2.vb.XAxis, self.plotItem.vb)
-            self.plotItem2.vb.linkView(self.plotItem2.vb.YAxis, self.plotItem.vb)
-            self.addItem(self.gradient_legend)
-            self.gradient_legend.show()
-            self.img.setImage(data[0], scale=[1, 1/1000.])
-            self.img.show()
-            self.img.resetTransform()
-            self.img2.setImage(data[1], scale=[1, 1/1000.])
-            self.img2.show()
-            self.img2.resetTransform()
-            self.img.setAutoDownsample(True)
-            self.img2.setAutoDownsample(True)
-            if autorange:
-                self.gradient_legend.image_changed()
-                pass
-            if xvalueborders:
-                self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setScale((xvalueborders[1]-xvalueborders[0])/float(data[0].shape[0]))
-                self.plotItem2.getAxis('bottom').setScale((xvalueborders[1]-xvalueborders[0])/float(data[1].shape[0]))
-                self.img.translate(xvalueborders[0]/self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').scale, 0)
-                self.img2.translate(xvalueborders[0]/self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').scale, 0)
-            else:
-                self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setScale()
-                self.plotItem2.getAxis('bottom').setScale()
-            if yvalueborders:
-                self.img.translate(0, yvalueborders[0])
-                self.img2.translate(0, yvalueborders[0])
-                self.plotItem.getAxis('left').setScale(yvalueborders[1]/float(data[0].shape[1]))
-                self.plotItem2.getAxis('left').setScale(yvalueborders[1]/float(data[1].shape[1]))
-            self._disableCustomAutoRange()
-            self.plotItem.setClipToView(True)
-        if self.plotType == PlotType.Trains or self.plotType == PlotType.Follow:
-            self.img.clear()
-            self.plotItemPlot.show()
-            self.gradient_legend.hide()
-            try:
-                self.removeItem(self.gradient_legend)
-                pass
-            except Exception as e:
-                if not "Could not determine index of item" in str(e):
-                    raise
-            self.plotItemPlotScatter.clear()
-            self.plotItemPlotScatter1.clear()
-            self.plotItemPlot.setData(data)
-            self._enableCustomAutoRange(data)
-        if self.plotType == PlotType.Combined:
-            self.img.clear()
-            self.plotItemPlotScatter.show()
-            self.plotItemPlotScatter1.show()
-            self.gradient_legend.hide()
-            try:
-                self.removeItem(self.gradient_legend)
-                pass
-            except Exception as e:
-                if not "Could not determine index of item" in str(e):
-                    raise
-            self.plotItemPlot.clear()
-            self.plotItemPlotScatter.setData(data[0].transpose())
-            self.plotItemPlotScatter1.setData(data[1].transpose())
-            self._enableCustomAutoRange(data[0][1])
-            self.plotItem.setClipToView(False)  # NOTE: otherwise only a very small portion of data is visible :wonder:
-        if self.plotType == ERROR or self.plotType == NO_DATA:
-            self.img.hide()
-            self.gradient_legend.hide()
-            self.img2.hide()
-            self.plotItemPlot.hide()
-            self.plotItemPlotScatter.hide()
-            self.plotItemPlotScatter1.hide()
-            if self.plotType == ERROR:
-                self.error_label.show()
-            else:
-                self.no_data_label.show()
-        if autorange:
-            self.plotItem.getViewBox().autoRange()
-            self.plotItem.getViewBox().autoRange()
-        self.labelAxes()
-        if self.plotType in [PlotType.FFT, PlotType.Heatmap, PlotType.Compare]:
-            self.gradient_legend.update_axis()
-    def labelAxes(self):
-        """
-        Add Labels to the axis depending on the self.plotType property.
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if self.plotType == PlotType.Heatmap:
-            self.plotItem.setLabel('bottom', 'Turn', '')
-            self.plotItem.setLabel('left', 'Bunch Position', '')
-        elif self.plotType == PlotType.FFT:
-            self.plotItem.setLabel('left', 'Bunch Position', '')
-            self.plotItem.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz')
-        elif self.plotType == PlotType.Trains or self.plotType == PlotType.Follow:
-            self.plotItem.setLabel('left', '', '')
-            self.plotItem.setLabel('bottom', 'Sample Point', '')
-        elif self.plotType == PlotType.Combined:
-            self.plotItem.setLabel('left', '', '')
-            self.plotItem.setLabel('bottom', '', '')
-        if self.plotType == PlotType.Compare:
-            self.plotItem.setLabel('bottom', 'Turn', '')
-            self.plotItem.setLabel('left', 'Bunch Position', '')
-            self.plotItem2.setLabel('bottom', 'Turn', '')
-            self.plotItem2.setLabel('left', 'Bunch Position', '')
-    def changeType(self, type):
-        """
-        Change the plot Type
-        :param type: (int) the new type
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if type != self.plotType:
-            self._type_changed = True
-        self.plotType = type
-        # if type in [PlotType.FFT, PlotType.Compare, PlotType.Heatmap]:  # this will generate an error
-        #     self.gradient_legend.image_changed()
-# 8888888b. 888        888   888       888d8b     888                888
-# 888   Y88b888        888   888   o   888Y8P     888                888
-# 888    888888        888   888  d8b  888        888                888
-# 888   d88P888 .d88b. 888888888 d888b 888888 .d88888 .d88b.  .d88b. 888888
-# 8888888P" 888d88""88b888   888d88888b888888d88" 888d88P"88bd8P  Y8b888
-# 888       888888  888888   88888P Y88888888888  888888  88888888888888
-# 888       888Y88..88PY88b. 8888P   Y8888888Y88b 888Y88b 888Y8b.    Y88b.
-# 888       888 "Y88P"  "Y888888P     Y888888 "Y88888 "Y88888 "Y8888  "Y888
-#                                                         888
-#                                                    Y8b d88P
-#                                                     "Y88P"
-class PlotWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    The container Class holding various buttons and controls and the actual plots as SubPlotWidgets instance
-    """
-    close_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    change_type_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, int, str)
-    def __init__(self, board_id, parent=None, name=None, unique_id=None, type=None, datatype=None, prefix=None, fName=None, data=None):
-        """
-        Initialise the Plot Widgt
-        :param parent: (QWidget) the parent widget
-        :param name: (str) name of this widget
-        :param unique_id: (int) unique id of this widget
-        :param type: (int) type of this widget
-        :param datatype: (int) datatype (LIVE or FILE)
-        :param prefix: (str) prefix for text in the listview in LeftBar
-        :param fName: (str) the filename (this is only used if datatype is FILE)
-        :param data: (dataset.DataSet) the data to be plotted
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(PlotWidget, self).__init__()
-        self.board_id = board_id
-        if name != None:
-            self.theName = name
-        if unique_id != None:
-            self.theId = unique_id
-        if type != None:
-            self.theType = type
-            self._old_type = type
-        if datatype != None:
-            self.theDataType = datatype
-        if prefix != None:
-            self.thePrefix = prefix
-        if self.theDataType == FILE:
-            self.fName = fName
-        if self.theDataType == FILE:
-            self.data = data
-        else:
-            self.data = None
-        self.close_silent = False
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.adc = 1
-        self.secadc = 2
-        self._single_adc_checked = False
-        self.initUI()
-        self.changePlotType(self.theType)  # initially mark the correct button
-        self.setWindowTitle(self.theName + " - " + plotList[type] + " - " + str(self.thePrefix))
-        if self.theDataType == FILE:
-            self.plot(type)
-        else:
-            live_plot_windows.addWindow(board_id, self)
-            if board.get_board_status(board_id).last_file is not None:
-                self.data = io.read_from_file(board.get_board_status(board_id).last_file)
-                self.plot(type)
-    def initUI(self):
-        """
-        Initialise the UI
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.plot_widget = SubPlotWidget(dType=self.theDataType)
-        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.plot_buttons_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.heatmap_button  = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Heatmap"),  connect=lambda: self.plot(type=PlotType.Heatmap))
-        self.fft_button      = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "FFT"),      connect=lambda: self.plot(type=PlotType.FFT))
-        self.trains_button   = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Trains"),   connect=lambda: self.plot(type=PlotType.Trains))
-        self.combined_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Combined"), connect=lambda: self.plot(type=PlotType.Combined))
-        self.compare_button  = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Compare"),  connect=lambda: self.plot(type=PlotType.Compare))
-        self.follow_button   = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Follow"),   connect=lambda: self.plot(type=PlotType.Follow))
-        self.type_buttons    = {PlotType.Heatmap:self.heatmap_button, PlotType.FFT:self.fft_button,
-                                PlotType.Trains:self.trains_button,   PlotType.Combined:self.combined_button,
-                                PlotType.Compare:self.compare_button, PlotType.Follow:self.follow_button}
-        self.defaultButtonStyleSheet = self.heatmap_button.styleSheet()
-        self.plot_buttons_layout.addWidget(self.heatmap_button)
-        self.plot_buttons_layout.addWidget(self.fft_button)
-        self.plot_buttons_layout.addWidget(self.trains_button)
-        self.plot_buttons_layout.addWidget(self.combined_button)
-        self.plot_buttons_layout.addWidget(self.compare_button)
-        self.plot_buttons_layout.addWidget(self.follow_button)
-        self.adc1 = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 1", connect=self.change_adc)
-        self.adc1.setChecked(True)
-        self.adc2 = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 2", connect=self.change_adc)
-        self.adc3 = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 3", connect=self.change_adc)
-        self.adc4 = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 4", connect=self.change_adc)  
-        self.adc_checkbox_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.adc_checkbox_layout.addWidget(self.adc1)
-        self.adc_checkbox_layout.addWidget(self.adc2)
-        self.adc_checkbox_layout.addWidget(self.adc3)
-        self.adc_checkbox_layout.addWidget(self.adc4)
-        self.groupWidget = QtGui.QWidget()
-        self.groupWidget.setLayout(self.adc_checkbox_layout)
-        self.group = QtGui.QButtonGroup()
-        self.group.addButton(self.adc1, 1)
-        self.group.addButton(self.adc2, 2)
-        self.group.addButton(self.adc3, 3)
-        self.group.addButton(self.adc4, 4)
-        self.group.setExclusive(True)
-        self.compare_heading_left = self.createLabel("ADC 1")
-        self.compare_heading_left.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
-        self.compare_heading_right = self.createLabel("ADC 2")
-        self.compare_heading_right.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
-        self.compare_heading = QtGui.QWidget()
-        self.compare_heading_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.compare_heading_layout.addWidget(self.compare_heading_left)
-        self.compare_heading_layout.addWidget(self.compare_heading_right)
-        self.compare_heading.setLayout(self.compare_heading_layout)
-        self.compare_heading.hide()
-        self.adc1Compare = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 1", connect=lambda: self.change_adc_compare(who=1))
-        self.adc2Compare = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 2", connect=lambda: self.change_adc_compare(who=2))
-        self.adc3Compare = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 3", connect=lambda: self.change_adc_compare(who=3))
-        self.adc4Compare = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 4", connect=lambda: self.change_adc_compare(who=4))
-        self.adc1Compare.setChecked(True)
-        self.adc2Compare.setChecked(True)
-        self.adc_checkbox_compare_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.adc_checkbox_compare_layout.addWidget(self.adc1Compare)
-        self.adc_checkbox_compare_layout.addWidget(self.adc2Compare)
-        self.adc_checkbox_compare_layout.addWidget(self.adc3Compare)
-        self.adc_checkbox_compare_layout.addWidget(self.adc4Compare)
-        self.groupWidgetCompare = QtGui.QWidget()
-        self.groupWidgetCompare.setLayout(self.adc_checkbox_compare_layout)
-        self.groupCompare = QtGui.QButtonGroup()
-        self.groupCompare.setExclusive(False)
-        self.groupCompare.addButton(self.adc1Compare, 1)
-        self.groupCompare.addButton(self.adc2Compare, 2)
-        self.groupCompare.addButton(self.adc3Compare, 3)
-        self.groupCompare.addButton(self.adc4Compare, 4)
-        self.groupWidgetCompare.hide()
-        self.from_to_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.bucket_part = QtGui.QWidget()
-        self.bucket_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.bucket_layout.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Bucket:")))
-        self.bucket_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, config.bunches_per_turn-1, interval=1, connect=lambda: self.plot(self.theType))
-        self.bucket_layout.addWidget(self.bucket_spinbox)
-        self.bucket_part.setLayout(self.bucket_layout)
-        self.from_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, 100000000, interval=100, connect=lambda: self.plot(self.theType))
-        self.to_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, 100000000, start_value=1000, interval=100, connect=lambda: self.plot(self.theType))
-        self.from_to_layout.addStretch()
-        self.from_to_layout.addWidget(self.bucket_part)
-        self.from_to_layout.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "From:")))
-        self.from_to_layout.addWidget(self.from_spinbox)
-        self.from_to_layout.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "To:")))
-        self.from_to_layout.addWidget(self.to_spinbox)
-        self.layout.addLayout(self.plot_buttons_layout)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.compare_heading)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.plot_widget)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.groupWidget)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.groupWidgetCompare)
-        self.layout.addLayout(self.from_to_layout)
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-    def change_adc(self):
-        """
-        Change the adc for which data is plotted
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.adc = self.group.checkedId()
-        self.change_identifier_text()
-        self.plot(self.theType)
-    def change_adc_compare(self, who):
-        """
-        Change the adcs displayed in a compare plot
-        :return:
-        """
-        if not self._single_adc_checked:
-            self.adc1Compare.setChecked(False)
-            self.adc2Compare.setChecked(False)
-            self.adc3Compare.setChecked(False)
-            self.adc4Compare.setChecked(False)
-            getattr(self, 'adc'+str(who)+'Compare').setChecked(True)
-            self._single_adc_checked = True
-        else:
-            checked = [i.isChecked() for i in self.groupCompare.buttons()]
-            self._single_adc_checked = False
-            self.adc    = np.where(np.array(checked) == True)[0][0] + 1  # +1 because adcs are 1 based and indices 0
-            self.secadc = np.where(np.array(checked) == True)[0][1] + 1  # +1 because adcs are 1 based and indices 0
-            self.compare_heading_left.setText("ADC "+str(self.adc))
-            self.compare_heading_right.setText("ADC "+str(self.secadc))
-            self.change_identifier_text()
-            if self.theType in [ERROR, NO_DATA]:
-                self.plot(self._old_type)
-            else:
-                self.plot(self.theType)
-    def disable_buttons(self, b_bool):
-        """
-        Disable the buttons on this widget
-        This is not used at the moment
-        :param b_bool: (bool) disable(False) or enable(True)
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.heatmap_button.setDisabled(b_bool)
-        self.fft_button.setDisabled(b_bool)
-        self.trains_button.setDisabled(b_bool)
-        self.combined_button.setDisabled(b_bool)
-    def changePlotType(self, type):
-        """
-        Change the plot type to the given type.
-        :param type: the new type
-        """
-        if type not in [ERROR, NO_DATA]:
-            self._old_type = type
-        self.theType = type
-        self.plot_widget.changeType(type)
-        for btype, button in self.type_buttons.items():
-            style = ""
-            if btype == type:
-                style += "QPushButton {background-color:lightgreen;}"
-            else:
-                style += self.defaultButtonStyleSheet
-            style += "QPushButton:focus{background-color: lightgrey!important; border-color: lightblue;}"  # Note: this does not work
-            button.setStyleSheet(style)
-        if self.theType == PlotType.Follow:
-            self.bucket_part.show()
-        else:
-            self.bucket_part.hide()
-    def plot(self, type=None):
-        """
-        Wrapper function to call the correct plot function depending on type
-        :param type: (int) the plot type
-        :return: -
-        """
-        try:
-            if type == None:
-                if self.theType in [ERROR, NO_DATA]:
-                    type = self._old_type
-                else:
-                    type = self.theType
-            self.do_plot(type)
-        except Exception:
-            if self.data is None or len(self.data.array) == 0:
-                self.changePlotType(NO_DATA)
-            else:
-                self.changePlotType(ERROR)
-            self.plot_widget.plot(None)
-    def plot_live(self, type=None, data=None):
-        """
-        Function to call when livedata is to be plotted
-        :param type: (int) plot type
-        :param data: (dataset.DataSet) data to plot
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.data = data
-        try:
-            if type == None:
-                if self.theType in [ERROR, NO_DATA]:
-                    type = self._old_type
-                else:
-                    type = self.theType
-            if type == PlotType.Trains or type == PlotType.Combined or type == PlotType.Follow:
-                self.do_plot(type, autorange=True)
-            else:
-                self.do_plot(type, autorange=False)
-        except Exception:
-            if len(self.data.array) == 0:
-                self.changePlotType(NO_DATA)
-            else:
-                self.changePlotType(ERROR)
-            self.plot_widget.plot(None)
-    def do_plot(self, type, autorange=True):
-        """
-        Actually perform a plot (this calls SubPlotWidget.plot)
-        :param type: (int) plot type
-        :param autorange: (bool) whether to perform a autorange upon plot
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if self.theType != type:
-            if type == PlotType.Combined:
-                self.groupWidget.hide()
-            elif self.theType == PlotType.Combined:
-                self.groupWidget.show()
-            if type == PlotType.Compare:
-                self.groupWidget.hide()
-                self.groupWidgetCompare.show()
-                self.compare_heading.show()
-            else:
-                self.groupWidget.show()
-                self.groupWidgetCompare.hide()
-                self.compare_heading.hide()
-            self.changePlotType(type)
-            self.setWindowTitle(self.theName + " - " + plotList[type] + " - " + str(self.thePrefix))
-            self.change_identifier_text()
-            if self.theType == PlotType.Compare:
-                self.change_identifier_text()
-        if self.theType == PlotType.Compare:
-            self.groupWidget.hide()
-            self.groupWidgetCompare.show()
-            self.compare_heading.show()
-        else:
-            self.groupWidgetCompare.hide()
-            self.compare_heading.hide()
-        f = self.from_spinbox.value()
-        t = self.to_spinbox.value() if self.to_spinbox.value() > f else f+1
-        b = self.bucket_spinbox.value()
-        if type == PlotType.FFT:
-            self.plot_widget.plot(np.abs(self.data.fft(adc=self.adc, frm=f, to=t+1, drop_first_bin=True)).transpose(),
-                                  autorange=autorange,
-                                  xvalueborders=[self.data.fft_freq_dist(), self.data.fft_max_freq()])
-        if type == PlotType.Heatmap:
-            self.plot_widget.plot(self.data.heatmap(adc=self.adc, frm=f, to=t).transpose(), autorange=autorange)
-        if type == PlotType.Compare:
-            self.plot_widget.plot([self.data.heatmap(adc=self.adc, frm=f, to=t).transpose(),self.data.heatmap(adc=self.secadc, frm=f, to=t).transpose()], autorange=autorange)
-        if type == PlotType.Trains:
-            self.plot_widget.plot(self.data.train(adc=self.adc, frm=f, to=t), autorange=autorange)
-        if type == PlotType.Follow:
-            self.plot_widget.plot(self.data.follow(adc=self.adc, frm=f, to=t, bunch=b), autorange=autorange)
-        if type == PlotType.Combined:
-            self.plot_widget.plot(self.data.combined(frm=f, to=t), autorange=autorange)
-    def change_identifier_text(self):
-        """
-        Change the text that identifies the plot in the left bar
-        :return:
-        """
-        if self.theType is PlotType.Compare:
-            the_text = str(self.adc)+"+"+str(self.secadc)
-        else:
-            the_text = str(self.adc)
-        if self.theType in [ERROR, NO_DATA]:
-            type = self._old_type
-        else:
-            type = self.theType
-        if self.theDataType is LIVE:
-            self.change_type_signal.emit(self.theId, type,
-                                         the_text+" B: "+available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(self.board_id))
-        else:
-            self.change_type_signal.emit(self.theId, type, the_text)
-    def closeEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Event Handler to handle the event of closing this window
-        :param event: QEvent
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if not self.close_silent:
-            if not self.parent.remove_plot(self.theId, silent=self.close_silent):
-                event.ignore()
-                return
-        del self.data
-        del self.plot_widget
-        super(PlotWidget, self).closeEvent(event)
-        if self.theDataType == LIVE:
-            live_plot_windows.removeWindow(self.board_id, self)
-        self.close_signal.emit()
-        del self
+This Module implements the Plot Windows used in KCG
+import pyqtgraph as pg
+try:  # some versions of pyqtgraph do not support this option
+    pg.setConfigOption('useOpenGl', True)
+    pass
+pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w')
+pg.setConfigOption('foreground', 'k')
+import numpy as np
+from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
+from groupedelements import live_plot_windows
+from backend import io
+from backend import board
+from backend.board import available_boards
+import kcgwidget as kcgw
+tr = kcgw.tr
+LIVE = 1
+FILE = 2
+ERROR = 99
+NO_DATA = 98
+class Enum():
+    """
+    Simple Enum Class (as this is not supported by clean python)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        self.idx = 0
+        for i in args:
+            setattr(self, i, self.idx)
+            self.idx += 1
+plotList = [tr("Label", "Heatmap"), tr("Label", "FFT"), tr("Label", "Trains"), tr("Label", "Combined"), tr("Label", "Compare")]
+PlotType = Enum(*[str(i) for i in plotList])
+# gradient = {'mode': 'rgb',
+#             'ticks': [(0.0, (0.37281, 0.11883, 3.53583, 255)),
+#                       (0.0390625, (4.9401150000000005, 3.858915, 22.635585, 255)),
+#                       (0.078125, (15.6417, 9.330449999999999, 45.29871, 255)),
+#                       (0.1171875, (29.74728, 12.13137, 69.44185499999999, 255)),
+#                       (0.15625, (46.774395000000005, 10.283895, 90.51760499999999, 255)),
+#                       (0.1953125, (64.1631, 9.614775, 102.86139, 255)),
+#                       (0.234375, (80.65191, 13.63995, 108.40458, 255)),
+#                       (0.2734375, (96.64525499999999, 19.444515, 110.343345, 255)),
+#                       (0.3125, (112.507785, 25.33119, 110.05646999999999, 255)),
+#                       (0.3515625, (128.390715, 31.001625, 107.95578, 255)),
+#                       (0.390625, (144.29277, 36.609585, 104.10579, 255)),
+#                       (0.4296875, (160.100985, 42.476625, 98.50038, 255)),
+#                       (0.46875, (175.606515, 49.020945, 91.188765, 255)),
+#                       (0.5078125, (190.517385, 56.70639, 82.32827999999999, 255)),
+#                       (0.546875, (204.477105, 65.96187, 72.190245, 255)),
+#                       (0.5859375, (217.10292, 77.07629999999999, 61.10718, 255)),
+#                       (0.625, (228.047775, 90.11674500000001, 49.36392, 255)),
+#                       (0.6640625, (237.05922, 104.927145, 37.068585, 255)),
+#                       (0.703125, (243.99726, 121.21578, 24.147225, 255)),
+#                       (0.7421875, (248.797635, 138.66849, 11.122589999999999, 255)),
+#                       (0.78125, (251.41776000000002, 157.01625, 6.52596, 255)),
+#                       (0.8203125, (251.80332, 176.04333, 20.397450000000003, 255)),
+#                       (0.859375, (249.90816, 195.543435, 42.420015, 255)),
+#                       (0.8984375, (245.92047, 215.18124, 69.714705, 255)),
+#                       (0.9375, (241.63647, 233.936745, 104.719575, 255)),
+#                       (0.9765625, (245.26206, 248.86062, 145.840875, 255)),
+#                       (0.99609375, (252.03231, 254.58282, 164.45562, 255))]}
+gradient = {'mode': 'rgb',
+            'ticks': [(0.0, (0.37281, 0.11883, 3.53583, 255)),
+                      (0.1171875, (29.74728, 12.13137, 69.44185499999999, 255)),
+                      (0.234375, (80.65191, 13.63995, 108.40458, 255)),
+                      (0.3515625, (128.390715, 31.001625, 107.95578, 255)),
+                      (0.46875, (175.606515, 49.020945, 91.188765, 255)),
+                      (0.5859375, (217.10292, 77.07629999999999, 61.10718, 255)),
+                      (0.703125, (243.99726, 121.21578, 24.147225, 255)),
+                      (0.8203125, (251.80332, 176.04333, 20.397450000000003, 255)),
+                      (0.9375, (241.63647, 233.936745, 104.719575, 255)),
+                      (0.99609375, (252.03231, 254.58282, 164.45562, 255))]}
+class CustomGradientEditorItem(pg.GradientEditorItem):
+    """
+    A Gradient Editor Item to insert a perception linear gradient
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        pg.GradientEditorItem.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+        self.customGradients = {}
+    def addGrad(self, name, grad_dic):
+        """
+        Add a gradient to the list of gradients in the gui
+        :param name: the name of the gradient
+        :param grad_dic: the dictionary containing the gradient data
+        """
+        if name not in self.customGradients:
+            self.customGradients[name] = grad_dic
+            px = QtGui.QPixmap(100, 15)
+            p = QtGui.QPainter(px)
+            self.restoreState(grad_dic)
+            length_backup = self.length
+            self.length = 100
+            grad = self.getGradient()
+            self.length = length_backup
+            brush = QtGui.QBrush(grad)
+            p.fillRect(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 100, 15), brush)
+            p.end()
+            label = QtGui.QLabel()
+            label.setPixmap(px)
+            label.setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1)
+            act = QtGui.QWidgetAction(self)
+            act.setDefaultWidget(label)
+            act.triggered.connect(self.contextMenuClicked)
+            act.name = name
+            if len(self.customGradients) > 1:
+                self.menu.insertAction(self.menu.actions()[0], act)
+            else:
+                sep = self.menu.insertSeparator(self.menu.actions()[0])
+                self.menu.insertAction(sep, act)
+        self.restoreState(grad_dic)
+    def restoreState(self, state):
+        """
+        Reimplemented of pyqtgraph.GradientEditorItem.restoreState to work with our custom perception linear gradient.
+        :param state: the state to restore to
+        """
+        self.setColorMode(state['mode'])
+        for t in list(self.ticks.keys()):
+            self.removeTick(t, finish=False)
+        self.bottomTick = [None, 10]
+        self.topmostTick = [None, -1]
+        for t in state['ticks']:
+            c = QtGui.QColor(*t[1])
+            tick = self.addTick(t[0], c, finish=False)
+            if t[0] < self.bottomTick[1]:
+                self.bottomTick = [tick, t[0]]
+            if t[0] > self.topmostTick[1]:
+                self.topmostTick = [tick, t[0]]
+        self.tickPosInPercent = self.ticks.copy()
+        for t in self.ticks:
+            if t is self.topmostTick[0] or t is self.bottomTick[0]:
+                continue
+            t.hide()
+            t.movable = False
+        # self.bottomTick[1] *= self.length
+        # self.topmostTick[1] *= self.length
+        self.updateGradient()
+        self.sigGradientChangeFinished.emit(self)
+    def loadPreset(self, name):
+        """
+        Reimplemented of pyqtgraph.GradientEditorItem.loadPreset to work with our custom perception linear gradient.
+        :param name: the name of the preset to load
+        """
+        if name in self.customGradients:
+            self.restoreState(self.customGradients[name])
+        else:
+            super(CustomGradientEditorItem, self).loadPreset(name)
+    def tickMoved(self, tick, pos):
+        """
+        Reimplemented of pyqtgraph.GradientEditorItem.tickMoved to work with our custom perception linear gradient,
+        which has a lot of steps which would create a lot of ticks in the gradient legend. This removes all but 2
+        ticks and aligns all the internal ticks accordingly.
+        :param tick: the tick to move
+        :param pos: the position to move to
+        """
+        if tick is self.bottomTick[0]:
+            # self.bottomTick[1] = pos.x()
+            pg.TickSliderItem.tickMoved(self, tick, pos)
+        elif tick is self.topmostTick[0]:
+            # self.topmostTick[1] = pos.x()
+            pg.TickSliderItem.tickMoved(self, tick, pos)
+        if tick in [self.bottomTick[0], self.topmostTick[0]]:  # if bottom or topmost tick was moved
+            if pos.x() < self.length and pos.x() > 0:  # if tick is not at top or bottom
+                newUnit = (self.topmostTick[0].pos().x() - self.bottomTick[0].pos().x())  # create new virtual unit length
+                for t in self.ticks:  # for every tick
+                    if t not in [self.bottomTick[0], self.topmostTick[0]]:  # if tick is not bottom or topmost tick
+                        pos = t.pos()
+                        new_x = self.bottomTick[0].pos().x() + self.tickPosInPercent[t] * newUnit
+                        pos.setX(new_x)
+                        t.setPos(pos)
+                        pg.TickSliderItem.tickMoved(self, t, pos)
+        self.updateGradient()
+class SpectrogramColorLegendItem(pg.GraphicsWidget):
+    """
+    The Item used as Legend for Heatmap and FFT Plot
+    """
+    gradientChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+    def __init__(self, img=None):
+        """
+        Initialise the Legend
+        :param img: (ImageItem) the image item this is the legend for
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(SpectrogramColorLegendItem, self).__init__()
+        self.layout = QtGui.QGraphicsGridLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.img = img
+        # self.gei = pg.GradientEditorItem(orientation='right')
+        self.gei = CustomGradientEditorItem(orientation='right', allowAdd=False)
+        self.legend_axis = pg.AxisItem(orientation='left')
+        # self.addItem(self.legend_axis)
+        self.layout.addItem(self.legend_axis, 0, 0, alignment=QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)
+        # self.addItem(self.gei)
+        self.layout.addItem(self.gei, 0, 1)
+        self.gei.sigGradientChanged.connect(self.gradient_changed)
+        # self.gei.loadPreset('spectrum')
+        self.gei.addGrad('inferno', gradient)
+        # self.setFixedWidth(80)
+        self.image_changed()
+    def gradient_changed(self):
+        """
+        Proxy function for the gradient_cnahged event of the GradientEditorItem
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.gradientChanged.emit()
+    def set_image(self, img):
+        """
+        Set the Image this is the legend for (only needed if not already done upon initialisation)
+        :param img: (ImageItem) The image item to use
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.img = img
+        self.image_changed(True)
+    def update_axis(self):
+        """
+        Update the axis of this legend
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if self.img.getLevels():
+            # min, max = self.img.getLevels()
+            min, max = (np.min(self.img.image), np.max(self.img.image))
+            self.legend_axis.setRange(min, max)
+    def reset_gradient(self):
+        """
+        Reset the gradient to the preset "spectrum"
+        :return: -
+        """
+        # self.gei.loadPreset('spectrum')
+        self.gei.loadPreset('inferno')
+        # self.gei.restoreState(gradient)
+    def image_changed(self, reset_gradient=True):
+        """
+        Call this to adjust the legend when the image has changed
+        :param reset_gradient: (bool) whether to reset the gradient or not
+        :return:
+        """
+        if self.img:
+            self.update_axis()
+            if reset_gradient:
+                self.reset_gradient()
+    def getLookupTable(self, nPts, alpha=None):
+        """
+        Get the look up table of the imageitem
+        :param nPts: (int) number of points the lookup table is defined on
+        :param alpha: ??
+        :return: -
+        """
+        return self.gei.getLookupTable(nPts, alpha=alpha)
+    def resizeEvent(self, event):
+        """
+        Handle resizing of the window
+        """
+        self.legend_axis.setHeight(self.gei.length)
+class SubPlotWidget(pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget):
+    """
+    The Widget actually containing the plots and images
+    """
+    def __init__(self, dType=FILE):
+        super(SubPlotWidget, self).__init__()
+        self.dType = dType
+        self._type_changed = False
+        # self.setStyleSheet("border: 5px solid black; margin: 10px;")
+        self.plotType = 1
+        self.plotItem = pg.PlotItem()
+        self.img = pg.ImageItem()
+        self.plotItem2 = pg.PlotItem()
+        self.img2 = pg.ImageItem()
+        self.plotItem2.addItem(self.img2)
+        self.setFrameStyle(self.StyledPanel | self.Sunken)
+        self.gradient_legend = SpectrogramColorLegendItem(self.img)
+        def changelut():
+            """
+            Handle changing of the lookup table
+            """
+            self.img.setLookupTable(self.gradient_legend.getLookupTable(512))
+            self.img2.setLookupTable(self.gradient_legend.getLookupTable(512))
+        self.gradient_legend.gradientChanged.connect(changelut)
+        self.addItem(self.plotItem)
+        self.plotItem.addItem(self.img)
+        self.plotItemPlotScatter = pg.PlotDataItem(pen=None, symbolPen=pg.mkPen(50, 50, 255), symbolSize=3, pxMode=True, symbolBrush=pg.mkBrush(50, 50, 255), downsample=200)
+        self.plotItemPlotScatter1 = pg.PlotDataItem(pen=None, symbolPen=pg.mkPen(255, 50, 50), symbolSize=3, pxMode=True, symbolBrush=pg.mkBrush(255, 50, 50), downsample=200)
+        # self.plotItemPlotScatter2 = pg.PlotDataItem(pen=None, symbolPen=pg.mkPen(50, 255, 50), symbolSize=3, pxMode=True, symbolBrush=pg.mkBrush(50, 255, 50), downsample=200)
+        self.plotItemPlot = pg.PlotDataItem()  # pen="#000000")
+        self.plotItem.addItem(self.plotItemPlot)
+        self.plotItem.addItem(self.plotItemPlotScatter)
+        self.plotItem.addItem(self.plotItemPlotScatter1)
+        # self.plotItem.addItem(self.plotItemPlotScatter2)
+        self.plotItem.vb.origAutoRange = self.plotItem.vb.autoRange
+        self.error_label = pg.LabelItem("Error during plot.", color=(200, 50, 50))
+        self.error_label.hide()
+        self.error_label.scale(1, -0.6)
+        self.error_label.translate(0, -30)
+        self.plotItem.addItem(self.error_label)
+        self.no_data_label = pg.LabelItem("No data to plot.", color=(200, 50, 50))
+        self.no_data_label.hide()
+        self.no_data_label.scale(1, -0.6)
+        self.no_data_label.translate(0, -30)
+        self.plotItem.addItem(self.no_data_label)
+    def _enableCustomAutoRange(self, data):
+        """
+        Enable custom auto range in this plot
+        :param data: the data to autorange
+        :return:
+        """
+        def newAutoRange(*args, **kwargs):
+            ''' function to handle the new autorange '''
+            bounds = [np.min(data), np.max(data)]
+            self.plotItem.vb.setRange(xRange=[0, len(data)],
+                yRange=[bounds[0]-0.1*(bounds[1]-bounds[0])-1, bounds[1]+0.1*(bounds[1]-bounds[0])+1], update=True)
+            self.plotItem.update()
+        self.plotItem.vb.autoRange = newAutoRange
+        self.plotItem.autoBtn.clicked.disconnect()
+        self.plotItem.autoBtn.clicked.connect(newAutoRange)
+    def _disableCustomAutoRange(self):
+        """
+        Disable the custom autorange and reset it to default
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.plotItem.vb.autoRange = self.plotItem.vb.origAutoRange
+        self.plotItem.autoBtn.clicked.disconnect()
+        self.plotItem.autoBtn.clicked.connect(self.plotItem.autoBtnClicked)
+    @QtCore.pyqtSlot(np.ndarray, tuple, tuple)
+    def plot(self, data, xvalueborders=None, yvalueborders=None, autorange=True):
+        """
+        Plot Data. The plot type depends on the type property
+        :param data: (dataset.DataSet) data to plot
+        :param xvalueborders: (touple) the borders for the xvalues
+        :param yvalueborders: (touple) the borders for the yvalues
+        :param autorange: (bool) whether to perform a autorange or not
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.error_label.hide()
+        self.no_data_label.hide()
+        self.plotItemPlot.clear()
+        self.plotItemPlotScatter.clear()
+        self.plotItemPlotScatter1.clear()
+        # self.plotItemPlotScatter2.clear()
+        self.plotItem.resetTransform()
+        self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setScale()
+        self.img.show()
+        if self._type_changed:
+            self.plotItem.autoBtnClicked()
+        try:
+            self.removeItem(self.plotItem2)
+        except Exception as e:
+            if "Could not determine index of item" in str(e):
+                pass
+            else:
+                raise
+        if self.plotType == PlotType.FFT or self.plotType == PlotType.Heatmap:
+            self.addItem(self.gradient_legend)
+            self.gradient_legend.show()
+            self.img.setImage(data, scale=[1, 1/1000.])
+            self.img.resetTransform()
+            self.img.setAutoDownsample(True)
+            if autorange:
+                self.gradient_legend.image_changed()
+            if xvalueborders:
+                self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setScale((xvalueborders[1]-xvalueborders[0])/float(data.shape[0]))
+                self.img.translate(xvalueborders[0]/self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').scale, 0)
+            else:
+                self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setScale()
+            if yvalueborders:
+                self.img.translate(0, yvalueborders[0])
+                self.plotItem.getAxis('left').setScale(yvalueborders[1]/float(data.shape[1]))
+            self._disableCustomAutoRange()
+            self.plotItem.setClipToView(True)
+        if self.plotType == PlotType.Compare:
+            self.addItem(self.plotItem2)
+            self.plotItem2.vb.linkView(self.plotItem2.vb.XAxis, self.plotItem.vb)
+            self.plotItem2.vb.linkView(self.plotItem2.vb.YAxis, self.plotItem.vb)
+            self.addItem(self.gradient_legend)
+            self.gradient_legend.show()
+            self.img.setImage(data[0], scale=[1, 1/1000.])
+            self.img.show()
+            self.img.resetTransform()
+            self.img2.setImage(data[1], scale=[1, 1/1000.])
+            self.img2.show()
+            self.img2.resetTransform()
+            self.img.setAutoDownsample(True)
+            self.img2.setAutoDownsample(True)
+            if autorange:
+                self.gradient_legend.image_changed()
+                pass
+            if xvalueborders:
+                self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setScale((xvalueborders[1]-xvalueborders[0])/float(data[0].shape[0]))
+                self.plotItem2.getAxis('bottom').setScale((xvalueborders[1]-xvalueborders[0])/float(data[1].shape[0]))
+                self.img.translate(xvalueborders[0]/self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').scale, 0)
+                self.img2.translate(xvalueborders[0]/self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').scale, 0)
+            else:
+                self.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setScale()
+                self.plotItem2.getAxis('bottom').setScale()
+            if yvalueborders:
+                self.img.translate(0, yvalueborders[0])
+                self.img2.translate(0, yvalueborders[0])
+                self.plotItem.getAxis('left').setScale(yvalueborders[1]/float(data[0].shape[1]))
+                self.plotItem2.getAxis('left').setScale(yvalueborders[1]/float(data[1].shape[1]))
+            self._disableCustomAutoRange()
+            self.plotItem.setClipToView(True)
+        if self.plotType == PlotType.Trains:
+            self.img.clear()
+            self.plotItemPlot.show()
+            self.gradient_legend.hide()
+            try:
+                self.removeItem(self.gradient_legend)
+                pass
+            except Exception, e:
+                if not "Could not determine index of item" in str(e):
+                    raise
+            self.plotItemPlotScatter.clear()
+            self.plotItemPlotScatter1.clear()
+            self.plotItemPlot.setData(data)
+            self._enableCustomAutoRange(data)
+        if self.plotType == PlotType.Combined:
+            self.img.clear()
+            self.plotItemPlotScatter.show()
+            self.plotItemPlotScatter1.show()
+            self.gradient_legend.hide()
+            try:
+                self.removeItem(self.gradient_legend)
+                pass
+            except Exception, e:
+                if not "Could not determine index of item" in str(e):
+                    raise
+            self.plotItemPlot.clear()
+            self.plotItemPlotScatter.setData(data[0].transpose())
+            self.plotItemPlotScatter1.setData(data[1].transpose())
+            self._enableCustomAutoRange(data[0][1])
+            self.plotItem.setClipToView(False)  # NOTE: otherwise only a very small portion of data is visible :wonder:
+        if self.plotType == ERROR or self.plotType == NO_DATA:
+            self.img.hide()
+            self.gradient_legend.hide()
+            self.img2.hide()
+            self.plotItemPlot.hide()
+            self.plotItemPlotScatter.hide()
+            self.plotItemPlotScatter1.hide()
+            if self.plotType == ERROR:
+                self.error_label.show()
+            else:
+                self.no_data_label.show()
+        if autorange:
+            self.plotItem.getViewBox().autoRange()
+            self.plotItem.getViewBox().autoRange()
+        self.labelAxes()
+        if self.plotType in [PlotType.FFT, PlotType.Heatmap, PlotType.Compare]:
+            self.gradient_legend.update_axis()
+    def labelAxes(self):
+        """
+        Add Labels to the axis depending on the self.plotType property.
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if self.plotType == PlotType.Heatmap:
+            self.plotItem.setLabel('bottom', 'Turn', '')
+            self.plotItem.setLabel('left', 'Bunch Position', '')
+        elif self.plotType == PlotType.FFT:
+            self.plotItem.setLabel('left', 'Bunch Position', '')
+            self.plotItem.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz')
+        elif self.plotType == PlotType.Trains:
+            self.plotItem.setLabel('left', '', '')
+            self.plotItem.setLabel('bottom', 'Sample Point', '')
+        elif self.plotType == PlotType.Combined:
+            self.plotItem.setLabel('left', '', '')
+            self.plotItem.setLabel('bottom', '', '')
+        if self.plotType == PlotType.Compare:
+            self.plotItem.setLabel('bottom', 'Turn', '')
+            self.plotItem.setLabel('left', 'Bunch Position', '')
+            self.plotItem2.setLabel('bottom', 'Turn', '')
+            self.plotItem2.setLabel('left', 'Bunch Position', '')
+    def changeType(self, type):
+        """
+        Change the plot Type
+        :param type: (int) the new type
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if type != self.plotType:
+            self._type_changed = True
+        self.plotType = type
+        # if type in [PlotType.FFT, PlotType.Compare, PlotType.Heatmap]:  # this will generate an error
+        #     self.gradient_legend.image_changed()
+class PlotWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    The container Class holding various buttons and controls and the actual plots as SubPlotWidgets instance
+    """
+    close_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+    change_type_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, int, str)
+    def __init__(self, board_id, parent=None, name=None, unique_id=None, type=None, datatype=None, prefix=None, fName=None, data=None):
+        """
+        Initialise the Plot Widgt
+        :param parent: (QWidget) the parent widget
+        :param name: (str) name of this widget
+        :param unique_id: (int) unique id of this widget
+        :param type: (int) type of this widget
+        :param datatype: (int) datatype (LIVE or FILE)
+        :param prefix: (str) prefix for text in the listview in LeftBar
+        :param fName: (str) the filename (this is only used if datatype is FILE)
+        :param data: (dataset.DataSet) the data to be plotted
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(PlotWidget, self).__init__()
+        self.board_id = board_id
+        if name != None:
+            self.theName = name
+        if unique_id != None:
+            self.theId = unique_id
+        if type != None:
+            self.theType = type
+            self._old_type = type
+        if datatype != None:
+            self.theDataType = datatype
+        if prefix != None:
+            self.thePrefix = prefix
+        if self.theDataType == FILE:
+            self.fName = fName
+        if self.theDataType == FILE:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = None
+        self.close_silent = False
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.adc = 1
+        self.secadc = 2
+        self._single_adc_checked = False
+        self.initUI()
+        self.changePlotType(self.theType)  # initially mark the correct button
+        self.setWindowTitle(self.theName + " - " + plotList[type] + " - " + str(self.thePrefix))
+        if self.theDataType == FILE:
+            self.plot(type)
+        else:
+            live_plot_windows.addWindow(board_id, self)
+            if board.get_board_status(board_id).last_file is not None:
+                self.data = io.read_from_file(board.get_board_status(board_id).last_file)
+                self.plot(type)
+    def initUI(self):
+        """
+        Initialise the UI
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.plot_widget = SubPlotWidget(dType=self.theDataType)
+        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.plot_buttons_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.heatmap_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Heatmap"), connect=lambda: self.plot(type=PlotType.Heatmap))
+        self.fft_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "FFT"), connect=lambda: self.plot(type=PlotType.FFT))
+        self.trains_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Trains"), connect=lambda: self.plot(type=PlotType.Trains))
+        self.combined_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Combined"), connect=lambda: self.plot(type=PlotType.Combined))
+        self.compare_button = self.createButton(text=tr("Button", "Compare"), connect=lambda: self.plot(type=PlotType.Compare))
+        self.type_buttons = {PlotType.Heatmap:self.heatmap_button, PlotType.FFT:self.fft_button,
+                             PlotType.Trains:self.trains_button, PlotType.Combined:self.combined_button,
+                             PlotType.Compare:self.compare_button}
+        self.defaultButtonStyleSheet = self.heatmap_button.styleSheet()
+        self.adc1 = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 1", connect=self.change_adc)
+        self.adc1.setChecked(True)
+        self.adc2 = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 2", connect=self.change_adc)
+        self.adc3 = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 3", connect=self.change_adc)
+        self.adc4 = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 4", connect=self.change_adc)
+        self.plot_buttons_layout.addWidget(self.heatmap_button)
+        self.plot_buttons_layout.addWidget(self.fft_button)
+        self.plot_buttons_layout.addWidget(self.trains_button)
+        self.plot_buttons_layout.addWidget(self.combined_button)
+        self.plot_buttons_layout.addWidget(self.compare_button)
+        self.adc_checkbox_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.adc_checkbox_layout.addWidget(self.adc1)
+        self.adc_checkbox_layout.addWidget(self.adc2)
+        self.adc_checkbox_layout.addWidget(self.adc3)
+        self.adc_checkbox_layout.addWidget(self.adc4)
+        self.groupWidget = QtGui.QWidget()
+        self.groupWidget.setLayout(self.adc_checkbox_layout)
+        self.group = QtGui.QButtonGroup()
+        self.group.addButton(self.adc1, 1)
+        self.group.addButton(self.adc2, 2)
+        self.group.addButton(self.adc3, 3)
+        self.group.addButton(self.adc4, 4)
+        self.group.setExclusive(True)
+        self.compare_heading_left = self.createLabel("ADC 1")
+        self.compare_heading_left.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
+        self.compare_heading_right = self.createLabel("ADC 2")
+        self.compare_heading_right.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
+        self.compare_heading = QtGui.QWidget()
+        self.compare_heading_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.compare_heading_layout.addWidget(self.compare_heading_left)
+        self.compare_heading_layout.addWidget(self.compare_heading_right)
+        self.compare_heading.setLayout(self.compare_heading_layout)
+        self.compare_heading.hide()
+        self.adc1Compare = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 1", connect=lambda: self.change_adc_compare(who=1))
+        self.adc2Compare = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 2", connect=lambda: self.change_adc_compare(who=2))
+        self.adc3Compare = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 3", connect=lambda: self.change_adc_compare(who=3))
+        self.adc4Compare = self.createCheckbox(text="ADC 4", connect=lambda: self.change_adc_compare(who=4))
+        self.adc1Compare.setChecked(True)
+        self.adc2Compare.setChecked(True)
+        self.adc_checkbox_compare_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.adc_checkbox_compare_layout.addWidget(self.adc1Compare)
+        self.adc_checkbox_compare_layout.addWidget(self.adc2Compare)
+        self.adc_checkbox_compare_layout.addWidget(self.adc3Compare)
+        self.adc_checkbox_compare_layout.addWidget(self.adc4Compare)
+        self.groupWidgetCompare = QtGui.QWidget()
+        self.groupWidgetCompare.setLayout(self.adc_checkbox_compare_layout)
+        self.groupCompare = QtGui.QButtonGroup()
+        self.groupCompare.setExclusive(False)
+        self.groupCompare.addButton(self.adc1Compare, 1)
+        self.groupCompare.addButton(self.adc2Compare, 2)
+        self.groupCompare.addButton(self.adc3Compare, 3)
+        self.groupCompare.addButton(self.adc4Compare, 4)
+        self.groupWidgetCompare.hide()
+        self.from_to_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.from_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, 100000000, interval=100, connect=lambda: self.plot(self.theType))
+        self.to_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, 100000000, start_value=1000, interval=100, connect=lambda: self.plot(self.theType))
+        self.from_to_layout.addStretch()
+        self.from_to_layout.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "From:")))
+        self.from_to_layout.addWidget(self.from_spinbox)
+        self.from_to_layout.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "To:")))
+        self.from_to_layout.addWidget(self.to_spinbox)
+        self.layout.addLayout(self.plot_buttons_layout)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.compare_heading)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.plot_widget)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.groupWidget)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.groupWidgetCompare)
+        self.layout.addLayout(self.from_to_layout)
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+    def change_adc(self):
+        """
+        Change the adc for which data is plotted
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.adc = self.group.checkedId()
+        self.change_identifier_text()
+        self.plot(self.theType)
+    def change_adc_compare(self, who):
+        """
+        Change the adcs displayed in a compare plot
+        :return:
+        """
+        if not self._single_adc_checked:
+            self.adc1Compare.setChecked(False)
+            self.adc2Compare.setChecked(False)
+            self.adc3Compare.setChecked(False)
+            self.adc4Compare.setChecked(False)
+            getattr(self, 'adc'+str(who)+'Compare').setChecked(True)
+            self._single_adc_checked = True
+        else:
+            checked = [i.isChecked() for i in self.groupCompare.buttons()]
+            self._single_adc_checked = False
+            self.adc = np.where(np.array(checked) == True)[0][0] + 1  # +1 because adcs are 1 based and indices 0
+            self.secadc = np.where(np.array(checked) == True)[0][1] + 1  # +1 because adcs are 1 based and indices 0
+            self.compare_heading_left.setText("ADC "+str(self.adc))
+            self.compare_heading_right.setText("ADC "+str(self.secadc))
+            self.change_identifier_text()
+            if self.theType in [ERROR, NO_DATA]:
+                self.plot(self._old_type)
+            else:
+                self.plot(self.theType)
+    def disable_buttons(self, b_bool):
+        """
+        Disable the buttons on this widget
+        This is not used at the moment
+        :param b_bool: (bool) disable(False) or enable(True)
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.heatmap_button.setDisabled(b_bool)
+        self.fft_button.setDisabled(b_bool)
+        self.trains_button.setDisabled(b_bool)
+        self.combined_button.setDisabled(b_bool)
+    def changePlotType(self, type):
+        """
+        Change the plot type to the given type.
+        :param type: the new type
+        """
+        if type not in [ERROR, NO_DATA]:
+            self._old_type = type
+        self.theType = type
+        self.plot_widget.changeType(type)
+        for btype, button in self.type_buttons.iteritems():
+            style = ""
+            if btype == type:
+                style += "QPushButton {background-color:lightgreen;}"
+            else:
+                style += self.defaultButtonStyleSheet
+            style += "QPushButton:focus{background-color: lightgrey!important; border-color: lightblue;}"  # Note: this does not work
+            button.setStyleSheet(style)
+    def plot(self, type=None):
+        """
+        Wrapper function to call the correct plot function depending on type
+        :param type: (int) the plot type
+        :return: -
+        """
+        try:
+            if type == None:
+                if self.theType in [ERROR, NO_DATA]:
+                    type = self._old_type
+                else:
+                    type = self.theType
+            self.do_plot(type)
+        except Exception:
+            if self.data is None or len(self.data.array) == 0:
+                self.changePlotType(NO_DATA)
+            else:
+                self.changePlotType(ERROR)
+            self.plot_widget.plot(None)
+    def plot_live(self, type=None, data=None):
+        """
+        Function to call when livedata is to be plotted
+        :param type: (int) plot type
+        :param data: (dataset.DataSet) data to plot
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.data = data
+        try:
+            if type == None:
+                if self.theType in [ERROR, NO_DATA]:
+                    type = self._old_type
+                else:
+                    type = self.theType
+            if type == PlotType.Trains or type == PlotType.Combined:
+                self.do_plot(type, autorange=True)
+            else:
+                self.do_plot(type, autorange=False)
+        except Exception:
+            if len(self.data.array) == 0:
+                self.changePlotType(NO_DATA)
+            else:
+                self.changePlotType(ERROR)
+            self.plot_widget.plot(None)
+    def do_plot(self, type, autorange=True):
+        """
+        Actually perform a plot (this calls SubPlotWidget.plot)
+        :param type: (int) plot type
+        :param autorange: (bool) whether to perform a autorange upon plot
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if self.theType != type:
+            if type == PlotType.Combined:
+                self.groupWidget.hide()
+            elif self.theType == PlotType.Combined:
+                self.groupWidget.show()
+            if type == PlotType.Compare:
+                self.groupWidget.hide()
+                self.groupWidgetCompare.show()
+                self.compare_heading.show()
+            else:
+                self.groupWidget.show()
+                self.groupWidgetCompare.hide()
+                self.compare_heading.hide()
+            self.changePlotType(type)
+            self.setWindowTitle(self.theName + " - " + plotList[type] + " - " + str(self.thePrefix))
+            self.change_identifier_text()
+            if self.theType == PlotType.Compare:
+                self.change_identifier_text()
+        if self.theType == PlotType.Compare:
+            self.groupWidget.hide()
+            self.groupWidgetCompare.show()
+            self.compare_heading.show()
+        else:
+            self.groupWidgetCompare.hide()
+            self.compare_heading.hide()
+        f = self.from_spinbox.value()
+        t = self.to_spinbox.value() if self.to_spinbox.value() > f else f+1
+        if type == PlotType.FFT:
+            self.plot_widget.plot(np.abs(self.data.fft(adc=self.adc, frm=f, to=t+1, drop_first_bin=True)).transpose(),
+                                  autorange=autorange,
+                                  xvalueborders=[self.data.fft_freq_dist(), self.data.fft_max_freq()])
+        if type == PlotType.Heatmap:
+            self.plot_widget.plot(self.data.heatmap(adc=self.adc, frm=f, to=t).transpose(), autorange=autorange)
+        if type == PlotType.Compare:
+            self.plot_widget.plot([self.data.heatmap(adc=self.adc, frm=f, to=t).transpose(),self.data.heatmap(adc=self.secadc, frm=f, to=t).transpose()], autorange=autorange)
+        if type == PlotType.Trains:
+            self.plot_widget.plot(self.data.train(adc=self.adc, frm=f, to=t), autorange=autorange)
+        if type == PlotType.Combined:
+            self.plot_widget.plot(self.data.combined(frm=f, to=t), autorange=autorange)
+    def change_identifier_text(self):
+        """
+        Change the text that identifies the plot in the left bar
+        :return:
+        """
+        if self.theType is PlotType.Compare:
+            the_text = str(self.adc)+"+"+str(self.secadc)
+        else:
+            the_text = str(self.adc)
+        if self.theType in [ERROR, NO_DATA]:
+            type = self._old_type
+        else:
+            type = self.theType
+        if self.theDataType is LIVE:
+            self.change_type_signal.emit(self.theId, type,
+                                         the_text+" B: "+available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(self.board_id))
+        else:
+            self.change_type_signal.emit(self.theId, type, the_text)
+    def closeEvent(self, event):
+        """
+        Event Handler to handle the event of closing this window
+        :param event: QEvent
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if not self.close_silent:
+            if not self.parent.remove_plot(self.theId, silent=self.close_silent):
+                event.ignore()
+                return
+        del self.data
+        del self.plot_widget
+        super(PlotWidget, self).closeEvent(event)
+        if self.theDataType == LIVE:
+            live_plot_windows.removeWindow(self.board_id, self)
+        self.close_signal.emit()
+        del self

+ 155 - 158

@@ -1,158 +1,155 @@
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-from . import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from .. import config
-tr = kcgw.tr
-class Settings(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    Settings Window
-    """
-    changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list)
-    def __init__(self, storage_handler):
-        """
-        Initialise the Settings Window
-        :param storage_handler: the container class used to store settings
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(Settings, self).__init__()
-        self.storage_handler = storage_handler
-        self.local_storage = []
-        self.langlist = ["de_DE", "en_GB"]
-        # --------[ Instance Objects ]-----------
-        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()
-        self.headerTick = self.build_new_setting(QtGui.QCheckBox(tr("Button", "Header")), 'header')
-        self.subDirName = self.build_new_setting(self.createInput(self.storage_handler.subdirname, width=320), 'subdirname')
-        self.dirName = self.build_new_setting(self.createInput(self.storage_handler.save_location, width=320), 'save_location')
-        self.timescan_offset_correction = self.build_new_setting(self.createInput(self.storage_handler.offset_correction, width=320), 'offset_correction')
-        self.language = self.build_new_setting(QtGui.QComboBox(), 'language')
-        self.advanced_control = self.build_new_setting(self.createCheckbox(tr("Label", "Enable Advanced Table View")), 'advanced_control')
-        for lang in self.langlist:
-            self.language.addItem(lang)
-        self.local_storage.append(self.headerTick)
-        self.applyButton = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Apply"), connect=self._apply)
-        self.okButton = self.createButton(tr("Button", "OK"), connect=self._ok)
-        self.cancelButton = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Cancel"), connect=self._cancel)
-        # ------[ End Instance Objects ]--------
-        # ------[ Apply Layout and read Settings ] ---------
-        self.initUI()
-        self._setSettings()
-        # ------[ End Apply... ]----------------------------
-        self.show()
-    def initUI(self):
-        """
-        Initialise the UI
-        """
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.layout.addLayout(self.grid)
-        self.headerTick.setToolTip(tr("Tooltip", "Save header in output file")) # TODO: better tooltip
-        self.applyButton.setToolTip(tr("Tooltip", "Save settings"))
-        self.okButton.setToolTip(tr("Tooltip", "Save settings and close settings-window"))
-        self.cancelButton.setToolTip(tr("Tooltip", "Discard changes and close settings-window"))
-        # self.grid.addWidget(self.createLabel("Settings"), 0, 0)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.headerTick, 0, 0)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Subdirectory Name:")), 1, 0)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.subDirName, 1, 1)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Save location:")), 2, 0)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.dirName, 2, 1)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Timescan Offset Correction:")), 3, 0)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.timescan_offset_correction, 3, 1)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Language")), 4, 0)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.language, 4, 1)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.advanced_control, 5, 0)
-        self.hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.layout.addLayout(self.hbox)
-        self.hbox.addStretch(1)
-        self.hbox.addWidget(self.okButton)
-        self.hbox.addWidget(self.applyButton)
-        self.hbox.addWidget(self.cancelButton)
-        self.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", "KCG - Settings"))
-        self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.guiIcon)))
-    def build_new_setting(self, handle, value):
-        """
-        Build a new setting.
-        This will add the setting to the local_storage.
-        :param handle: the handle of the new setting (input field, checkbox etc)
-        :param value: (str) key for this setting
-        :return: the handle :)
-        """
-        self.local_storage.append(handle)
-        self.local_storage[-1].setting_name = value
-        return handle
-    def _read_setting_from_object(self, object):
-        """
-        Get the value from a settings object
-        :param object: the object to read the value from
-        :return:
-        """
-        if type(object).__name__ == 'QCheckBox':
-            return object.isChecked()
-        if isinstance(object, QtGui.QLineEdit):
-            return str(object.text())
-        if isinstance(object, QtGui.QComboBox):
-            return object.currentText()
-    def _setSettings(self):
-        """
-        Set the values in the settings window to the current values
-        :return:
-        """
-        self.headerTick.setChecked(self.storage_handler.header)
-        self.subDirName.setText(self.storage_handler.subdirname)
-        self.dirName.setText(self.storage_handler.save_location)
-        self.language.setCurrentIndex(self.langlist.index(self.storage_handler.language))
-        self.advanced_control.setChecked(self.storage_handler.advanced_control)
-    def _apply(self):
-        """
-        Called when the apply button is pressed. It emits the changed signal if anything was changed
-        """
-        hasChanged = False
-        changedSettings = []
-        for object in self.local_storage:
-            if self.storage_handler.__getattr__(object.setting_name) != self._read_setting_from_object(object):
-                hasChanged = True
-                self.storage_handler.__setattr__(object.setting_name, self._read_setting_from_object(object))
-                changedSettings.append(object.setting_name)
-        if hasChanged:
-            self.changed.emit(changedSettings)
-    def _ok(self):
-        """
-        Handler for the ok button. It calls _apply and close
-        :return:
-        """
-        self._apply()
-        self.close()
-    def _cancel(self):
-        """
-        Handler for the cancel button. It calls close() and discards changed values
-        :return:
-        """
-        self.close()
-    def show(self):
-        """
-        Shows the window and sets the current values (calls _setSettings)
-        :return:
-        """
-        self._setSettings()
-        super(Settings, self).show()
-    def keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent):
-        """
-        Reimplementation of the keyPressEvent of QWidget to close the window on ESC press.
-        """
-        if QKeyEvent.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape:
-            self.close()
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+import kcgwidget as kcgw
+from .. import config
+tr = kcgw.tr
+class Settings(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    Settings Window
+    """
+    changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list)
+    def __init__(self, storage_handler):
+        """
+        Initialise the Settings Window
+        :param storage_handler: the container class used to store settings
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(Settings, self).__init__()
+        self.storage_handler = storage_handler
+        self.local_storage = []
+        self.langlist = ["de_DE", "en_GB"]
+        # --------[ Instance Objects ]-----------
+        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+        self.headerTick = self.build_new_setting(QtGui.QCheckBox(tr("Button", "Header")), 'header')
+        self.subDirName = self.build_new_setting(self.createInput(self.storage_handler.subdirname, width=320), 'subdirname')
+        self.dirName = self.build_new_setting(self.createInput(self.storage_handler.save_location, width=320), 'save_location')
+        self.language = self.build_new_setting(QtGui.QComboBox(), 'language')
+        self.advanced_control = self.build_new_setting(self.createCheckbox(tr("Label", "Enable Advanced Table View")), 'advanced_control')
+        for lang in self.langlist:
+            self.language.addItem(lang)
+        self.local_storage.append(self.headerTick)
+        self.applyButton = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Apply"), connect=self._apply)
+        self.okButton = self.createButton(tr("Button", "OK"), connect=self._ok)
+        self.cancelButton = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Cancel"), connect=self._cancel)
+        # ------[ End Instance Objects ]--------
+        # ------[ Apply Layout and read Settings ] ---------
+        self.initUI()
+        self._setSettings()
+        # ------[ End Apply... ]----------------------------
+        self.show()
+    def initUI(self):
+        """
+        Initialise the UI
+        """
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.layout.addLayout(self.grid)
+        self.headerTick.setToolTip(tr("Tooltip", "Save header in output file")) # TODO: better tooltip
+        self.applyButton.setToolTip(tr("Tooltip", "Save settings"))
+        self.okButton.setToolTip(tr("Tooltip", "Save settings and close settings-window"))
+        self.cancelButton.setToolTip(tr("Tooltip", "Discard changes and close settings-window"))
+        # self.grid.addWidget(self.createLabel("Settings"), 0, 0)
+        self.grid.addWidget(self.headerTick, 0, 0)
+        self.grid.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Subdirectory Name:")), 1, 0)
+        self.grid.addWidget(self.subDirName, 1, 1)
+        self.grid.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Save location:")), 2, 0)
+        self.grid.addWidget(self.dirName, 2, 1)
+        self.grid.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Language")), 3, 0)
+        self.grid.addWidget(self.language, 3, 1)
+        self.grid.addWidget(self.advanced_control, 4, 0)
+        self.hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.layout.addLayout(self.hbox)
+        self.hbox.addStretch(1)
+        self.hbox.addWidget(self.okButton)
+        self.hbox.addWidget(self.applyButton)
+        self.hbox.addWidget(self.cancelButton)
+        self.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", "KCG - Settings"))
+        self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.guiIcon))
+    def build_new_setting(self, handle, value):
+        """
+        Build a new setting.
+        This will add the setting to the local_storage.
+        :param handle: the handle of the new setting (input field, checkbox etc)
+        :param value: (str) key for this setting
+        :return: the handle :)
+        """
+        self.local_storage.append(handle)
+        self.local_storage[-1].setting_name = value
+        return handle
+    def _read_setting_from_object(self, object):
+        """
+        Get the value from a settings object
+        :param object: the object to read the value from
+        :return:
+        """
+        if type(object).__name__ == 'QCheckBox':
+            return object.isChecked()
+        if isinstance(object, QtGui.QLineEdit):
+            return str(object.text())
+        if isinstance(object, QtGui.QComboBox):
+            return object.currentText()
+    def _setSettings(self):
+        """
+        Set the values in the settings window to the current values
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.headerTick.setChecked(self.storage_handler.header)
+        self.subDirName.setText(self.storage_handler.subdirname)
+        self.dirName.setText(self.storage_handler.save_location)
+        self.language.setCurrentIndex(self.langlist.index(self.storage_handler.language))
+        self.advanced_control.setChecked(self.storage_handler.advanced_control)
+    def _apply(self):
+        """
+        Called when the apply button is pressed. It emits the changed signal if anything was changed
+        """
+        hasChanged = False
+        changedSettings = []
+        for object in self.local_storage:
+            if self.storage_handler.__getattr__(object.setting_name) != self._read_setting_from_object(object):
+                hasChanged = True
+                self.storage_handler.__setattr__(object.setting_name, self._read_setting_from_object(object))
+                changedSettings.append(object.setting_name)
+        if hasChanged:
+            self.changed.emit(changedSettings)
+    def _ok(self):
+        """
+        Handler for the ok button. It calls _apply and close
+        :return:
+        """
+        self._apply()
+        self.close()
+    def _cancel(self):
+        """
+        Handler for the cancel button. It calls close() and discards changed values
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.close()
+    def show(self):
+        """
+        Shows the window and sets the current values (calls _setSettings)
+        :return:
+        """
+        self._setSettings()
+        super(Settings, self).show()
+    def keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent):
+        """
+        Reimplementation of the keyPressEvent of QWidget to close the window on ESC press.
+        """
+        if QKeyEvent.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape:
+            self.close()

+ 178 - 178

@@ -1,178 +1,178 @@
-from PyQt4 import QtCore
-class StorageError(Exception):
-    """
-    Simple Storage Error Base Class
-    """
-    pass
-class Storage(object):
-    """
-    Simple Class to store Values and Throw an error if a value is retrieved that has not been stored before.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, default=None):
-        self._storage = {}
-        if default:
-            self._storage = default
-    def setdefault(self, key, object):
-        """
-        Call setdefault on the underlying dictionary and return the result
-        :param key: the key to call setdefault with
-        :param object: the object to call setdefault with
-        :return: the return value of setdefault of the dictionary
-        """
-        return self._storage.setdefault(key, object)
-    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
-        if key == '_storage':
-            super(Storage, self).__setattr__(key, value)
-        else:
-            self._storage[key] = value
-    def __getattr__(self, item):
-        if item == '_storage':
-            return super(Storage, self).__getattr__(item)
-        if item in self._storage:
-            return self._storage[item]
-        else:
-            raise StorageError("'"+item+"' Not saved in Storage")
-storage = Storage()  # Container Object to use storage globally
-_board_specific_storages = {}
-def get_board_specific_storage(board_id):
-    """
-    Get the storage instance for a specific board
-    :param board_id: the board to get the storage for
-    :return: the instance of the storage for the given board
-    """
-    if board_id in _board_specific_storages:
-        return _board_specific_storages[board_id]
-    else:
-        _board_specific_storages[board_id] = Storage()
-        return _board_specific_storages[board_id]
-class ThreadStorage(object):
-    """
-    Wrapper for QThreads
-    """
-    #FixMe: I am a workaround, because before the acquisition thread was not used and the acquisition accidentally run in the main thread
-    class TThread(QtCore.QThread):
-        def run(self):
-            self.m()
-        def set_run_method(self, m):
-            self.m=m
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._q_thread = None
-        self._threaded_object = None
-        self.running = False
-    def register(self, threaded_object):
-        """
-        Register a class object to run in a QThread
-        :param threaded_object: the class object
-        :return:
-        """
-        del self._q_thread  # start over
-        self._q_thread = ThreadStorage.TThread()
-        #self._q_thread.started.connect(self.__start)
-        self._threaded_object = threaded_object
-    def is_registered(self):
-        """
-        Check if a class for this thread is registered.
-        :return:
-        """
-        return not (self._threaded_object is None)
-    def __start(self):
-        """
-        This will be registered to the QThread started signal and will call the actual start_method
-        :return:
-        """
-        self._start_method()
-    def start(self, method_to_run_in_thread):
-        """
-        Move the class object to a QThread, connect the QThread.started signal to the given method of the
-        class object
-        :param method_to_run_in_thread: the method to start when starting the QThread
-        :return:
-        """
-        self._threaded_object.moveToThread(self._q_thread)
-        if isinstance(method_to_run_in_thread, str):
-            self._start_method = getattr(self._threaded_object, method_to_run_in_thread)
-            # self._q_thread.started.connect(getattr(self._threaded_object, method_to_run_in_thread))
-        else:
-            self._start_method = method_to_run_in_thread
-            # self._q_thread.started.connect(method_to_run_in_thread)
-        self._q_thread.set_run_method(self._start_method)
-        self._q_thread.start()
-        self.running = True
-    def quit(self):
-        """
-        Quit the thread class (if it has a method to quit)
-        :return:
-        """
-        if hasattr(self._threaded_object, 'quit'):
-            self._threaded_object.quit()
-    def stop(self):
-        """
-        Call quit and wait to the underlying QThread
-        :return:
-        """
-        self._q_thread.quit()
-        self._q_thread.wait()
-        self.running = False
-    def __getattr__(self, item):
-        """
-        Get Attributes of the registered class object
-        :param item: the item to get from the class object
-        :return: the attribute of the class object
-        """
-        if not item.startswith('obj_'):
-            raise AttributeError("If this was a call to an object of the threaded object, the call has to start with"
-                                 "obj_.")
-        if self._threaded_object is None:
-            raise AttributeError("This Thread object does not have a threaded object. Register one first")
-        return getattr(self._threaded_object, item[4:])
-    def connect(self, signal, slot):
-        """
-        Connect signals of the class object to the given slots
-        :param signal: the signal
-        :param slot: the slot
-        :return:
-        """
-        if isinstance(signal, str):
-            getattr(self._threaded_object, signal).connect(slot)
-        else:
-            signal.connect(slot)
-    def disconnect(self, *args):
-        """
-        Disconnect the given signals
-        :param args: the signals to disconnect
-        :return:
-        """
-        for signal in args:
-            getattr(self._threaded_object, signal).disconnect()
-    def init(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """
-        call the threaded objects init method (not __init__) with the passed arguments
-        :return:
-        """
-        self._threaded_object.init(*args, **kwargs)
+from PyQt4 import QtCore
+class StorageError(Exception):
+    """
+    Simple Storage Error Base Class
+    """
+    pass
+class Storage(object):
+    """
+    Simple Class to store Values and Throw an error if a value is retrieved that has not been stored before.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, default=None):
+        self._storage = {}
+        if default:
+            self._storage = default
+    def setdefault(self, key, object):
+        """
+        Call setdefault on the underlying dictionary and return the result
+        :param key: the key to call setdefault with
+        :param object: the object to call setdefault with
+        :return: the return value of setdefault of the dictionary
+        """
+        return self._storage.setdefault(key, object)
+    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
+        if key == '_storage':
+            super(Storage, self).__setattr__(key, value)
+        else:
+            self._storage[key] = value
+    def __getattr__(self, item):
+        if item == '_storage':
+            return super(Storage, self).__getattr__(item)
+        if item in self._storage:
+            return self._storage[item]
+        else:
+            raise StorageError("'"+item+"' Not saved in Storage")
+storage = Storage()  # Container Object to use storage globally
+_board_specific_storages = {}
+def get_board_specific_storage(board_id):
+    """
+    Get the storage instance for a specific board
+    :param board_id: the board to get the storage for
+    :return: the instance of the storage for the given board
+    """
+    if board_id in _board_specific_storages:
+        return _board_specific_storages[board_id]
+    else:
+        _board_specific_storages[board_id] = Storage()
+        return _board_specific_storages[board_id]
+class ThreadStorage(object):
+    """
+    Wrapper for QThreads
+    """
+    #FixMe: I am a workaround, because before the acquisition thread was not used and the acquisition accidentally run in the main thread
+    class TThread(QtCore.QThread):
+        def run(self):
+            self.m()
+        def set_run_method(self, m):
+            self.m=m
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._q_thread = None
+        self._threaded_object = None
+        self.running = False
+    def register(self, threaded_object):
+        """
+        Register a class object to run in a QThread
+        :param threaded_object: the class object
+        :return:
+        """
+        del self._q_thread  # start over
+        self._q_thread = ThreadStorage.TThread()
+        #self._q_thread.started.connect(self.__start)
+        self._threaded_object = threaded_object
+    def is_registered(self):
+        """
+        Check if a class for this thread is registered.
+        :return:
+        """
+        return not (self._threaded_object is None)
+    def __start(self):
+        """
+        This will be registered to the QThread started signal and will call the actual start_method
+        :return:
+        """
+        self._start_method()
+    def start(self, method_to_run_in_thread):
+        """
+        Move the class object to a QThread, connect the QThread.started signal to the given method of the
+        class object
+        :param method_to_run_in_thread: the method to start when starting the QThread
+        :return:
+        """
+        self._threaded_object.moveToThread(self._q_thread)
+        if isinstance(method_to_run_in_thread, str):
+            self._start_method = getattr(self._threaded_object, method_to_run_in_thread)
+            # self._q_thread.started.connect(getattr(self._threaded_object, method_to_run_in_thread))
+        else:
+            self._start_method = method_to_run_in_thread
+            # self._q_thread.started.connect(method_to_run_in_thread)
+        self._q_thread.set_run_method(self._start_method)
+        self._q_thread.start()
+        self.running = True
+    def quit(self):
+        """
+        Quit the thread class (if it has a method to quit)
+        :return:
+        """
+        if hasattr(self._threaded_object, 'quit'):
+            self._threaded_object.quit()
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Call quit and wait to the underlying QThread
+        :return:
+        """
+        self._q_thread.quit()
+        self._q_thread.wait()
+        self.running = False
+    def __getattr__(self, item):
+        """
+        Get Attributes of the registered class object
+        :param item: the item to get from the class object
+        :return: the attribute of the class object
+        """
+        if not item.startswith('obj_'):
+            raise AttributeError("If this was a call to an object of the threaded object, the call has to start with"
+                                 "obj_.")
+        if self._threaded_object is None:
+            raise AttributeError("This Thread object does not have a threaded object. Register one first")
+        return getattr(self._threaded_object, item[4:])
+    def connect(self, signal, slot):
+        """
+        Connect signals of the class object to the given slots
+        :param signal: the signal
+        :param slot: the slot
+        :return:
+        """
+        if isinstance(signal, str):
+            getattr(self._threaded_object, signal).connect(slot)
+        else:
+            signal.connect(slot)
+    def disconnect(self, *args):
+        """
+        Disconnect the given signals
+        :param args: the signals to disconnect
+        :return:
+        """
+        for signal in args:
+            getattr(self._threaded_object, signal).disconnect()
+    def init(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        call the threaded objects init method (not __init__) with the passed arguments
+        :return:
+        """
+        self._threaded_object.init(*args, **kwargs)

+ 29 - 18
KCG/default_config.cfg → KCG/config.cfg

@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ default_save_location = "pwd"
 # {timestamp} unix timestamp without msec
 # {user} the current logged in user
 # {sessionname} Ask for session name at startup
 # {ask} always ask for a foldername
 #default_subdirectory_name = "{user}_{dateGd}-{timel}_{sessionname}"
 default_subdirectory_name = "{sessionname}"
@@ -47,10 +48,25 @@ force_ask = False
 # Show advanced table view per default? (boolean value)
 show_advanced_control = False
-# Integrate the single read functionality into the left bar above the general acquisition widget
-integrate_single_read = False
+# These are PVs that will be possible to insert into log files
+# This variable is to be a list consisting of touples of two entries,
+# the first ist the Text that describes the value and the second is the EPICS PV that
+# holds that value
+epics_log_entry_pvs = [
+    ("Beam Energy (GeV)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Energy"),
+    ("Beam Current (mA)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Current"),
+    ("Beam Lifetime (s)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Lifetime"),
+    ("Beam Lifetime (H:M:S)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Lifetime:String"),
+    ("Injection Rate (mA/s)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:InjRate"),
+    ("Injection Rate (mA/5s)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:InjRate:5s"),
+    ("Fill Number", "A:SR:OperationStatus:01:FillNumber")
+    ]
+# This pv is used to determine if epics pvs are accessible
+epics_test_pv = "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Current"
+# Path to your epics base installation
+epics_base_path = "/opt/epics/base/"
 # List of Entries that are default to save in Log
 # Possible Values are:
 # "Number of Orbits"
@@ -77,19 +93,17 @@ default_log_entries = [
     "Beam Current (mA)"
-# defined relativ to icons folder
-newPlotLiveIcon= "graph.svg"
-newPlotDataIcon= "folder.svg"
-timingIcon = "clock.svg"
-singleReadIcon = "project.svg"
-acquireSettingsIcon = "wrench.svg"
-startIcon = "media-play-black.svg"
-stopIcon = "media-stop.svg"
-logIcon = "clipboard.svg"
-logCommentIcon = "clipboard_comm.svg"
-guiIcon = "KCG_Logo_r.png"
+newPlotLiveIcon= "icons/graph.svg"
+newPlotDataIcon= "icons/folder.svg"
+timingIcon = "icons/clock.svg"
+singleReadIcon = "icons/project.svg"
+acquireSettingsIcon = "icons/wrench.svg"
+startIcon = "icons/media-play-black.svg"
+stopIcon = "icons/media-stop.svg"
+logIcon = "icons/clipboard.svg"
+logCommentIcon = "icons/clipboard_comm.svg"
+guiIcon = "icons/KCG_Logo_r.png"
 # style = 'blue'
 style = 'default'
 # board_detection_method has to be one of 'dev', 'dummy', 'list'
@@ -107,6 +121,3 @@ device_list = []
 device_names = {'test0': 'ich_bin_toll', 'test1': 'ne'}
 # num_dummy_boards is the number of dummy boards to create
 num_dummy_boards = 5
-# Datafile whith Timescandata for 50ohm termination
-fifty_ohm_timescan_datafile = "Put 'fifty_ohm_timescan_datafile = path_to_50_ohm_termination_timescanfile' into ~/.kcg/config.cfg"

+ 15 - 23

@@ -2,20 +2,12 @@
 Configuration Module.
 This reads the configuration file and conveniently makes the settings available to KCG
-import configparser
+import ConfigParser
 import ast
 import os
 import sys
 import logging
-install_path = ''
-def icon_path(iconName):
-    return os.path.join(install_path,"icons",iconName) 
-def style_path(styleName):
-    return os.path.join(install_path,"style",styleName)
 class NoValueException(Exception):
@@ -78,7 +70,7 @@ class ConfSection(object):
                 except Exception:
                     if self._log_level <= logging.ERROR:
-                        print("Error in parsing commandline configuration using configuration in config file.")
+                        print ("Error in parsing commandline configuration using configuration in config file.")
             if self._conf_obj.has_option(self._section, conf):
                     globals()[conf] = leval(self._conf_obj.get(self._section, conf))
@@ -86,7 +78,7 @@ class ConfSection(object):
                     error = True
             elif self._def_conf_obj is not None:
                 if self._log_level <= logging.DEBUG:
-                    print("Using default configuration value for " + conf)
+                    print ("Using default configuration value for " + conf)
                 globals()[conf] = leval(self._def_conf_obj.get(self._section, conf))
                 error = True
@@ -126,7 +118,7 @@ class Configuration(object):
                 section = self._parsed_args.setdefault(sec, {})
                 section[sets.strip()] = setv.strip()
-                print("Format of commandline configuration is wrong. Using config file version")
+                print ("Format of commandline configuration is wrong. Using config file version")
     def read(self):
@@ -134,20 +126,20 @@ class Configuration(object):
         user config file does not contain all values) and adds them as parameters to this module
-        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+        config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
         config.optionxform = str
-        config.read(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".kcg","config.cfg"))
-        defaultConfig = configparser.ConfigParser()
+        config.read(os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.kcg/config.cfg")
+        defaultConfig = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
         defaultConfig.optionxform = str
-        defaultConfig.read(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "default_config.cfg"))
+        defaultConfig.read(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "config.cfg"))
         Machine_conf = ["bunches_per_turn", "save_header", "tRev"]
-        Ui_conf = ["language", "default_save_location", "default_subdirectory_name", "force_ask", "show_advanced_control", "integrate_single_read", "use_epics"]
-        Logging_conf = ["default_log_entries"]
+        Ui_conf = ["language", "default_save_location", "default_subdirectory_name", "force_ask", "show_advanced_control"]
+        Logging_conf = ["epics_test_pv", "epics_base_path", "epics_log_entry_pvs", "default_log_entries"]
         Misc_conf = ['newPlotLiveIcon', 'newPlotDataIcon', 'timingIcon', 'singleReadIcon',
                      'acquireSettingsIcon', 'startIcon', 'stopIcon', 'logIcon', 'logCommentIcon', 'guiIcon', 'style',
                      'board_detection_method', 'device_list', 'device_names',
-                     'num_dummy_boards', 'fifty_ohm_timescan_datafile']
+                     'num_dummy_boards']
             machine_c = ConfSection('Machine', Machine_conf, config, log_level=self._log_level)
@@ -174,16 +166,16 @@ class Configuration(object):
             #     if not conf in globals().keys():
             #         globals()[conf] = leval(val)
-        except (configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError) as e:
+        except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError) as e:
             self.error = True
-            print("There was an error parsing configuration: " + str(e))
+            print ("There was an error parsing configuration: " + str(e))
     def setup(self):
         Check for the user config file and if not exists calls doSetup
-        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".kcg","config.cfg")):
+        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.kcg/config.cfg"):
@@ -193,7 +185,7 @@ class Configuration(object):
         Shows the initial config dialog
-        from .widgets.initialconfig import ConfigSetup
+        from widgets.initialconfig import ConfigSetup
         from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
         if not rerun:
             setupConfigApp = QtGui.QApplication([])


+ 0 - 1

@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ SOURCES += ./base/kcg.py \
 ./widgets/example_widget.py \
 ./widgets/singleread.py \
 ./widgets/acquiresettings.py \
-./widgets/epics_widget.py \
 ./kcg.py \
 ./base/groupedelements.py \
 ./base/multiWidget.py \

+ 151 - 153

@@ -1,153 +1,151 @@
-This is the main program for KCG
-It imports all modules and starts the Gui
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-import sys
-import os
-import argparse as ap
-import logging
-from logging import handlers
-from . import config
-# -------[ Register Logger here to enable logging before anything of this app is performed ]---------------
-if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".kcg")):
-    os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".kcg"))
-fileLogHandler = handlers.RotatingFileHandler(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".kcg","kcg.log.full"), maxBytes=10**7, backupCount=5)
-fileLogHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
-logging.info("==========[Start Application]===========")
-import KCG.base.kcgwidget as kcgw
-import KCG.config as config
-from KCG.config import Configuration
-logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO-1, 'VINFO')
-translator = QtCore.QTranslator()
-kcgw.translator = translator
-# kcgw.tr = translator.translate
-kcgw.tr = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate
-config.install_path = os.path.dirname(config.__file__)
-try:  # Try to use Erax for exception logging
-    sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),"Documents","PythonProjects"))
-    from erax import Erax
-    exception_log_handler = Erax('https://psraspi.no-ip.biz/p/erax/insert/78e55a9524a191f7628f82a20bcaa167:kcg',
-                                 no_epl_errors=True, cert='/tmp/raspi.pem')
-    exception_log_handler.install()
-except ImportError:
-    pass
-def print_version(verbose=False):
-    """
-    Print the version of the current used KCG instance
-    :param verbose: print verbose?
-    """
-    # print "KCG - KAPTURE Control Gui"
-    # print "=" * 30
-    print("KCG", end=' ')
-    with open(os.path.join(config.install_path,'VERSION'), 'r') as v:
-        print(v.read().strip())
-    if verbose:
-        print("=" * 30)
-        print("Using Python:")
-        print(sys.version)
-        print("=" * 30)
-        print("From: " + config.install_path)
-def inject_setting(section, setting, value, args):
-    """
-    Inject a setting from the command line
-    :param section: the section to inject to
-    :param setting: the setting to inject
-    :param value: the value of this setting
-    :param args: the argparse parsed instance
-    """
-    args.config += section + '->' + setting + '=' + str(value) + ';'
-def log_type(level):
-    """
-    Method to validate and cast the log level
-    :param level: the level to validate and cast
-    :return: a valid logging level
-    """
-    try:
-        return int(level)
-    except ValueError:
-        try:
-            return logging._checkLevel(level)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise ap.ArgumentTypeError("No valid log level.")
-def run():
-    """
-    Main Function, gets called when GUI is started
-    :return:
-    """
-    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
-    app.installTranslator(translator)
-    app.processEvents()
-    # pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(config.install_path+"icons/KCG_Logo.png").scaled(400, 400)
-    # splash_screen = QtGui.QSplashScreen(pixmap)
-    # splash_screen.setMask(pixmap.mask())
-    # splash_screen.show()
-    # splash_screen.update()
-    # splash_screen.showMessage("Loading KCG", QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignBottom, QtCore.Qt.red)
-    # splash_screen.update()
-    # app.processEvents()
-    parser = ap.ArgumentParser("KCG - KAPTURE Control Gui")
-    parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, default='', help='Override Configuration file settings.'
-                        'Format: "Section->setting=content;Section->setting2=content;Section2->setting3=content" etc.')
-    parser.add_argument('--version', action='store_true', help="Print Version and exit")
-    parser.add_argument('--vversion', action='store_true', help="Print Version verbose and exit")
-    parser.add_argument('--fpga-detection', action='store_true', help="If Present, use 'dev' detection mode (detect"
-                                                                      "boards by using /dev/fpga# files.)")
-    parser.add_argument('--log', type=log_type, default=config.logging.INFO, help="Set the log level")
-    parser.add_argument('--testing', action='store_true', default=False,
-                        help="start KCG in testing version. DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION.")
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    if args.version or args.vversion:
-        print_version(args.vversion)
-        sys.exit()
-    kcgw.testing = args.testing
-    if args.fpga_detection:
-        inject_setting('Misc', 'board_detection_method', '"dev"', args)
-    # logger = logging.getLogger()
-    # logger.setLevel(args.log)
-    # logging.logger = logger
-    def vinfo(content):
-        '''log with level VINFO'''
-        logging.log(logging.getLevelName('VINFO'), content)
-    logging.vinfo = vinfo
-    conf = Configuration(args.config, log_level=args.log)
-    conf.setup()
-    while conf.error:
-        conf.doSetup()
-    if args.testing:
-        config.default_subdirectory_name = 't'
-        config.board_detection_method = 'dummy'
-    import KCG.base.kcg as kcg
-    gui = kcg.Gui()
-    # splash_screen.finish(gui)
-    gui.show()
-    sys.exit(app.exec_())
+This is the main program for KCG
+It imports all modules and starts the Gui
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+import sys
+import os
+import argparse as ap
+import logging
+from logging import handlers
+# -------[ Register Logger here to enable logging before anything of this app is performed ]---------------
+if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.kcg"):
+    os.makedirs(os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.kcg")
+fileLogHandler = handlers.RotatingFileHandler(os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.kcg/kcg.log.full", maxBytes=10**7, backupCount=5)
+fileLogHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
+logging.info("==========[Start Application]===========")
+import base.kcgwidget as kcgw
+import config
+from config import Configuration
+logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO-1, 'VINFO')
+translator = QtCore.QTranslator()
+kcgw.translator = translator
+# kcgw.tr = translator.translate
+kcgw.tr = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate
+config.install_path = os.path.dirname(config.__file__) + "/"
+try:  # Try to use Erax for exception logging
+    sys.path.append(os.path.expanduser('~/Documents/PythonProjects/'))
+    from erax import Erax
+    exception_log_handler = Erax('https://psraspi.no-ip.biz/p/erax/insert/78e55a9524a191f7628f82a20bcaa167:kcg',
+                                 no_epl_errors=True, cert='/tmp/raspi.pem')
+    exception_log_handler.install()
+except ImportError:
+    pass
+def print_version(verbose=False):
+    """
+    Print the version of the current used KCG instance
+    :param verbose: print verbose?
+    """
+    # print "KCG - KAPTURE Control Gui"
+    # print "=" * 30
+    print ("KCG",)
+    with open(config.install_path+'VERSION', 'r') as v:
+        print (v.read().strip())
+    if verbose:
+        print ("=" * 30)
+        print ("Using Python:")
+        print (sys.version)
+        print ("=" * 30)
+        print ("From: " + config.install_path)
+def inject_setting(section, setting, value, args):
+    """
+    Inject a setting from the command line
+    :param section: the section to inject to
+    :param setting: the setting to inject
+    :param value: the value of this setting
+    :param args: the argparse parsed instance
+    """
+    args.config += section + '->' + setting + '=' + str(value) + ';'
+def log_type(level):
+    """
+    Method to validate and cast the log level
+    :param level: the level to validate and cast
+    :return: a valid logging level
+    """
+    try:
+        return int(level)
+    except ValueError:
+        try:
+            return logging._checkLevel(level)
+        except ValueError:
+            raise ap.ArgumentTypeError("No valid log level.")
+def run():
+    """
+    Main Function, gets called when GUI is started
+    :return:
+    """
+    # pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(config.install_path+"icons/KCG_Logo.png").scaled(400, 400)
+    # splash_screen = QtGui.QSplashScreen(pixmap)
+    # splash_screen.setMask(pixmap.mask())
+    # splash_screen.show()
+    # splash_screen.update()
+    # splash_screen.showMessage("Loading KCG", QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignBottom, QtCore.Qt.red)
+    # splash_screen.update()
+    # app.processEvents()
+    parser = ap.ArgumentParser("KCG - KAPTURE Control Gui")
+    parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, default='', help='Override Configuration file settings.'
+                        'Format: "Section->setting=content;Section->setting2=content;Section2->setting3=content" etc.')
+    parser.add_argument('--version', action='store_true', help="Print Version and exit")
+    parser.add_argument('--vversion', action='store_true', help="Print Version verbose and exit")
+    parser.add_argument('--fpga-detection', action='store_true', help="If Present, use 'dev' detection mode (detect"
+                                                                      "boards by using /dev/fpga# files.)")
+    parser.add_argument('--log', type=log_type, default=config.logging.INFO, help="Set the log level")
+    parser.add_argument('--testing', action='store_true', default=False,
+                        help="start KCG in testing version. DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION.")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.version or args.vversion:
+        print_version(args.vversion)
+        sys.exit()
+    kcgw.testing = args.testing
+    if args.fpga_detection:
+        inject_setting('Misc', 'board_detection_method', '"dev"', args)
+    # logger = logging.getLogger()
+    # logger.setLevel(args.log)
+    # logging.logger = logger
+    def vinfo(content):
+        '''log with level VINFO'''
+        logging.log(logging.getLevelName('VINFO'), content)
+    logging.vinfo = vinfo
+    conf = Configuration(args.config, log_level=args.log)
+    conf.setup()
+    while conf.error:
+        conf.doSetup()
+    if args.testing:
+        config.default_subdirectory_name = 't'
+    import base.kcg as kcg
+    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
+    app.installTranslator(translator)
+    app.processEvents()
+    gui = kcg.Gui()
+    # splash_screen.finish(gui)
+    gui.show()
+    sys.exit(app.exec_())

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1 +1 @@
-__all__ = ['acquiresettings', 'singleread', 'timingWidget', 'epics_widget'] #, 'example_widget']
+__all__ = ['acquiresettings', 'singleread', 'timingWidget'] #, 'example_widget']

+ 486 - 493

@@ -1,493 +1,486 @@
-This Module Is the Acquiresettings subWindow.
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from ..base import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from ..base.backend import board
-from ..base.backend.board import available_boards
-from ..base import backendinterface as bif
-from ..base.groupedelements import Elements
-from .. import config
-from ..base.globals import glob as global_objects
-tr = kcgw.tr
-__widget_id__ = None
-class AcquireSettingsTab(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    A single tab in the acquire settings window
-    """
-    available_for_same_as = OrderedDict()
-    def __init__(self, board_id, same_as_widgets, parent=None):
-        super(AcquireSettingsTab, self).__init__()
-        self.available_for_same_as[board_id] = True
-        self.same_as_widgets = same_as_widgets
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.board_id = board_id
-        self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
-        self.outerLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.layout)
-        self.outerLayout.addStretch(1)
-        self.setLayout(self.outerLayout)
-        self.sameAsLabel = self.createLabel("Same as")
-        self.sameAsCombo = QtGui.QComboBox()
-        self.sameAsTick = self.createCheckbox("", connect=self.same_as)
-        self.sameAs = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.sameAs.addWidget(self.sameAsCombo)
-        self.sameAs.addWidget(self.sameAsTick)
-        if available_boards.multi_board:
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.sameAsLabel, 0, 0)
-            self.layout.addLayout(self.sameAs, 0, 1)
-        else:
-            self.sameAsLabel.hide()
-        # ---------[ Create Labels and corresponding Fields ]---------
-        self.numOfOrbitsLabel       = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Number of turns to observe"))
-        self.numOfSkipOrbitsLabel   = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Number of turns to skip"))
-        self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox     = self.createSpinbox(1, 10000000, connect=self.on_number_of_orbits_changed)
-        self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, 100, connect=self.on_number_of_skipped_orbits_changed)
-        self.fileSizeLabel          = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Resulting file size"))
-        self.fileSizeOutLabel       = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "??"))
-        self.countLabel             = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Number of acquisitions"))
-        self.countSpinbox           = self.createSpinbox(1, 10000000, start_value=10, connect=self.on_count_changed)
-        self.waitLabel              = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Wait(s)"))
-        self.waitSpinbox            = self.createSpinbox(0, 60, start_value=15, connect=self.on_wait_changed)
-        self.simulatePilotBunch     = self.createCheckbox(tr("Button", "Simulate Pilot Bunch"),
-                                                      connect=self.on_simulate_pilot_bunch_changed)
-        self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox = self.createCheckbox(tr("Button", "Build Spectograms"),
-                                                            connect=self.on_build_spectrograms_changed)
-        # ----------[ Trigger part ]--------------------
-        self.trigger_skip_label   = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Number of trigger signals to skip"))
-        self.trigger_skip_signals = self.createSpinbox(0, 1000, 1, start_value=0,
-                                                       connect=self.on_trigger_skip_signals_changed)
-        self.timeout_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Timeout (s)"))
-        self.timeout       = self.createSpinbox(0, 10000000, start_value=12, connect=self.on_trigger_timeout_changed)
-        self.method_label  = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Method"))
-        self.method = kcgw.Switch("1", "2")
-        self.method.clicked.connect(self.on_trigger_method_changed)
-        self.trigger_skip_label.hide()
-        self.trigger_skip_signals.hide()
-        self.timeout_label.hide()
-        self.timeout.hide()
-        self.method_label.hide()
-        self.method.hide()
-        self.trigger_tick = self.createCheckbox(tr("Label", "Use External Trigger"), connect=self.use_external_trigger)
-        # -------[ register observers ]------
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox,
-                                                 lambda x: self.set_value_silent(self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox, x),
-                                                 'orbits_observe')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox,
-                                                 lambda x: self.set_value_silent(self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox, x),
-                                                 'orbits_skip')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.countSpinbox,
-                                                 lambda x: self.set_value_silent(self.countSpinbox, x),
-                                                 'acquisition_count')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.waitSpinbox,
-                                                 lambda x: self.set_value_silent(self.waitSpinbox, x),
-                                                 'orbits_wait_time')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.simulatePilotBunch,
-                                                 lambda x: self.tick_silent(self.simulatePilotBunch, x),
-                                                 'pilot_bunch')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox,
-                                                 lambda x: self.tick_silent(self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox, x),
-                                                 'build_spectrograms')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.trigger_skip_signals,
-                                                 lambda x: self.set_value_silent(self.trigger_skip_signals, x),
-                                                 'trigger_skip')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.timeout,
-                                                 lambda x: self.set_value_silent(self.timeout, x), 'trigger_timeout')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.trigger_tick, self.update_external_trigger, 'use_trigger')
-        # -------[ register elements ]-------
-        Elements.addItem(["acquire", "no_board", "acquire_"+str(board_id)],
-                         [
-                             self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox,
-                             self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox,
-                             self.countSpinbox,
-                             self.waitSpinbox,
-                             self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox,
-                             self.simulatePilotBunch,
-                             self.trigger_skip_signals,
-                             self.timeout,
-                             self.method,
-                             self.trigger_tick
-                         ])
-        # -------[ Add to grid ]-------------
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.numOfOrbitsLabel, 1, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox, 1, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.numOfSkipOrbitsLabel, 2, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox, 2, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.fileSizeLabel, 3,0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.fileSizeOutLabel, 3,1)
-        line = QtGui.QFrame()
-        line.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
-        self.layout.addWidget(line, 4, 0, 1, 2)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.countLabel, 5, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.countSpinbox, 5, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.waitLabel, 6, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.waitSpinbox, 6, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.simulatePilotBunch, 11, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox, 11, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.trigger_tick, 9, 0)
-        line = QtGui.QFrame()
-        line.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
-        self.layout.addWidget(line, 10, 0, 1, 2)
-    def build_same_as_list(self):
-        """
-        Build the list to show in the same-as drop down menu
-        :return:
-        """
-        for wid_id, wid in self.widgets.items():
-            wid.sameAsCombo.clear()
-            for key, value in self.available_for_same_as.items():
-                if value:
-                    if key is not wid_id:
-                        wid.sameAsCombo.addItem(available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(key))
-    def same_as(self):
-        """
-        Toggle SameAs functionality
-        :return: -
-        """
-        # This only does the ui
-        bif._bif_enable_wait_cursor()
-        QtGui.qApp.processEvents()
-        c_t = available_boards.get_board_id_from_name(str(self.sameAsCombo.currentText()))
-        if self.sameAsTick.isChecked():
-            self.available_for_same_as[self.board_id] = False
-            self.sameAsCombo.setEnabled(False)
-            board.get_board_config(c_t).observe_all(
-                board.get_board_config(self.board_id).update)
-            self.widgets[c_t].sameAsTick.setEnabled(False)
-            self.widgets[c_t].sameAsCombo.setEnabled(False)
-            Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(self.board_id), False)
-            board.get_board_config(c_t).notify_all_observers()
-        else:
-            self.available_for_same_as[self.board_id] = True
-            self.sameAsCombo.setEnabled(True)
-            board.get_board_config(c_t).unobserve_all_observer(
-                board.get_board_config(self.board_id).update)
-            self.widgets[c_t].sameAsTick.setEnabled(True)
-            self.widgets[c_t].sameAsCombo.setEnabled(True)
-            Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(self.board_id), True)
-        # actual changes on board
-        if c_t in self.same_as_widgets:
-            self.same_as_widgets[c_t].append(self.board_id)
-        else:
-            self.same_as_widgets[c_t] = [self.board_id, ]
-        self.build_same_as_list()
-        bif._bif_disable_wait_cursor()
-    def update_external_trigger(self, state):
-        """
-        Update the use external trigger tick
-        :param state: the state to set the tick to
-        """
-        self.tick_silent(self.trigger_tick, state)
-        self.use_external_trigger(state, update_config=False)
-    def use_external_trigger(self, state, update_config=True):
-        """
-        Set use external trigger to state
-        :param state: the state to set to
-        :param update_config: true to update the board config
-        """
-        if state:
-            if update_config:
-                board.get_board_config(self.board_id).update('use_trigger', True)
-            self.layout.removeWidget(self.waitLabel)
-            self.layout.removeWidget(self.waitSpinbox)
-            self.waitLabel.hide()
-            self.waitSpinbox.hide()
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.timeout_label, 6, 0)
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.timeout, 6, 1)
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.trigger_skip_label, 7, 0)
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.trigger_skip_signals, 7, 1)
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.method_label, 8, 0)
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.method, 8, 1)
-            self.timeout_label.show()
-            self.timeout.show()
-            self.trigger_skip_label.show()
-            self.trigger_skip_signals.show()
-            self.method_label.show()
-            self.method.show()
-        else:
-            if update_config:
-                board.get_board_config(self.board_id).update('use_trigger', False)
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.waitLabel, 6, 0)
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.waitSpinbox, 6, 1)
-            self.waitLabel.show()
-            self.waitSpinbox.show()
-            self.layout.removeWidget(self.timeout_label)
-            self.layout.removeWidget(self.timeout)
-            self.layout.removeWidget(self.trigger_skip_label)
-            self.layout.removeWidget(self.trigger_skip_signals)
-            self.layout.removeWidget(self.method_label)
-            self.layout.removeWidget(self.method)
-            self.timeout_label.hide()
-            self.timeout.hide()
-            self.trigger_skip_label.hide()
-            self.trigger_skip_signals.hide()
-            self.method_label.hide()
-            self.method.hide()
-        QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents()
-        try:
-            self.parent.parent().adjustSize()
-        except AttributeError:  # when widget is opened with external trigger activated parent.parent() is None
-            pass
-    def set_value_silent(self, element, value):
-        """
-        Set a Value silent without notifying observers
-        :param element: what element
-        :param value: set to what value
-        :return: -
-        """
-        element.blockSignals(True)
-        element.setValue(value)
-        element.blockSignals(False)
-    def tick_silent(self, element, state):
-        """
-        Tick a tickbox without notifying observers
-        :param element: what tickbox
-        :param state: (bool) to what state
-        :return: -
-        """
-        element.blockSignals(True)
-        element.setChecked(state)
-        element.blockSignals(False)
-    def set_values(self):
-        """
-        Set Initial Values when creating this Window.
-        This will read the appropriate Values from the base.backend.board.BoardConfiguration instance used in the gui.
-        :return: -
-        """
-        # bk_get_config has to be done for each widget seperately (get dientifier by widget.board_id)
-        self.set_value_silent(self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox, bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'orbits_observe'))
-        self.set_value_silent(self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox, bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'orbits_skip'))
-        self.set_value_silent(self.countSpinbox, bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'acquisition_count'))
-        self.set_value_silent(self.waitSpinbox, bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'orbits_wait_time'))
-        self.tick_silent(self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox, bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'build_spectrograms'))
-        self.tick_silent(self.simulatePilotBunch, bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'pilot_bunch'))
-        self.update_external_trigger(bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'use_trigger'))
-    # -----------------[ Value Change Handlers ]---------------------------
-    def on_number_of_orbits_changed(self):
-        """
-        Handle the change of the number of orbits
-        """
-        bif.bk_change_num_of_orbits(self.board_id, self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox.value())
-        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
-            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
-            bif.bk_change_num_of_orbits(wid.board_id, wid.numOfOrbitsSpinbox.value())
-    def on_number_of_skipped_orbits_changed(self):
-        """
-        Handle the change of the number of skipped orbits
-        """
-        bif.bk_change_num_of_skipped_orbits(self.board_id, self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox.value())
-        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
-            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
-            bif.bk_change_num_of_skipped_orbits(wid.board_id, wid.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox.value())
-    def on_count_changed(self):
-        """
-        Handle the change of the count value
-        """
-        bif.bk_change_count(self.board_id, self.countSpinbox.value())
-        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
-            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
-            bif.bk_change_count(wid.board_id, wid.countSpinbox.value())
-    def on_wait_changed(self):
-        """
-        Handle the change of the wait time
-        """
-        bif.bk_change_wait(self.board_id, self.waitSpinbox.value())
-        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
-            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
-            bif.bk_change_wait(wid.board_id, wid.waitSpinbox.value())
-    def on_build_spectrograms_changed(self):
-        """
-        Handle the change of the build_spectrograms checkbox
-        """
-        bif.bk_change_build_spectrograms(self.board_id, self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox.checkState())
-        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
-            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
-            bif.bk_change_build_spectrograms(wid.board_id, wid.buildSpectrogrammTickbox.checkState())
-    def on_simulate_pilot_bunch_changed(self):
-        """
-        Handle the change of the simulate_pilot_bunch checkbox
-        """
-        bif.bk_change_pilot_bunch(self.board_id, self.simulatePilotBunch.checkState())
-        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
-            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
-            bif.bk_change_pilot_bunch(wid.board_id, wid.simulatePilotBunch.checkState())
-    def on_trigger_skip_signals_changed(self, value):
-        """
-        Handle change of trigger skip signal spinbox
-        :param int value: the value to set trigger_skip to (the number of trigger signals to skip between acquisitions
-        """
-        bif.bk_update_config(self.board_id, 'trigger_skip', value)
-        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
-            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
-            bif.bk_update_config(wid.board_id, 'trigger_skip', value)
-    def on_trigger_method_changed(self):
-        """
-        Handle change of trigger method.
-        """
-        bif.bk_update_config(self.board_id, 'trigger_method', 2 if self.method.state() else 1)
-        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
-            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
-            bif.bk_update_config(wid.board_id, 'trigger_method', 2 if self.method.satate() else 1)
-    def on_trigger_timeout_changed(self, value):
-        """
-        Handle change of trigger timeout spinbox
-        :param int value: the value to set the trigger_timout to
-        """
-        bif.bk_update_config(self.board_id, 'trigger_timeout', value)
-        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
-            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
-            bif.bk_update_config(wid.board_id, 'trigger_timeout', value)
-    def closeEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Event handler to handle the event of closing this window and gracefully delete resources and such
-        :param event: the event to handle (gets passed to by PyQt)
-        """
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox, 'orbits_observe')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox, 'orbits_skip')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.countSpinbox, 'acquisition_count')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.waitSpinbox, 'orbits_wait_time')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.simulatePilotBunch, 'pilot_bunch')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox, 'build_spectrograms')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.trigger_skip_signals, 'trigger_skip')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.timeout, 'trigger_timeout')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.trigger_tick, 'use_trigger')
-        Elements.removeItem(["acquire_{}".format(self.board_id), "no_board_{}".format(self.board_id)],
-                            [
-                                 self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox,
-                                 self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox,
-                                 self.countSpinbox,
-                                 self.waitSpinbox,
-                                 self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox,
-                                 self.simulatePilotBunch,
-                                 self.trigger_skip_signals,
-                                 self.timeout,
-                                 self.method,
-                                 self.trigger_tick
-                             ]
-                            )
-class AcquireSettings(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    This is the actual Acquire Settings Window.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, unique_id, parent=None):
-        """
-        Initialise the acquire settings window
-        :param unique_id: the id for thiw widget
-        :param parent: parent object
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(AcquireSettings, self).__init__()
-        self.id = unique_id
-        self.par = parent
-        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", "Acquire Settings"))
-        self.same_as_widgets = {i: [] for i in available_boards}
-        self.widgets = OrderedDict({i: AcquireSettingsTab(i, self.same_as_widgets, self) for i in available_boards})
-        if available_boards.multi_board:
-            self.tabs = QtGui.QTabWidget()
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.tabs)
-            for wid in list(self.widgets.values()):
-                self.tabs.addTab(wid, available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(wid.board_id))
-                wid.sameAsCombo.addItems([available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(i) for i in available_boards if i != wid.board_id])
-                wid.widgets = self.widgets
-        else:
-            self.single_widget = list(self.widgets.values())[0]
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.single_widget)
-        for wid in list(self.widgets.values()):
-            wid.set_values()
-    def show_tab(self, board_id):
-        """
-        Show the tab for the given board
-        :param board_id: the id of the board to show
-        """
-        if not available_boards.multi_board:
-            return
-        self.tabs.setCurrentIndex(list(self.widgets.keys()).index(board_id))
-    def closeEvent(self, event):
-        global __widget_id__
-        for wid in list(self.widgets.values()):
-            wid.closeEvent(event)
-        __widget_id__ = None
-        del self.par.widgets[self.id]
-        super(AcquireSettings, self).closeEvent(event)
-def add_acquire_settings_widget(board_id=None):
-    """
-    Add this widget to the gui.
-    This function will actually open the subwindow.
-    :return: -
-    """
-    global __widget_id__
-    if __widget_id__:
-        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].setFocus()
-        if board_id is not None:
-            global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].show_tab(board_id)
-    else:
-        nid = kcgw.idg.genid()
-        __widget_id__ = nid
-        w = AcquireSettings(nid, global_objects.get_global('area'))
-        global_objects.get_global('area').newWidget(w, "Acquire", nid, widget_type=4, minSize=True)  # TODO: proper type
-        if board_id is not None:
-            global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].show_tab(board_id)
-def setValueSilent(key, value):
-    """
-    Set values without notifying observers
-    :param key: the key
-    :param value: the value to set
-    :return: -
-    """
-    if not __widget_id__:
-        return
-    global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].blockSignals(True)
-    if key == "orbits_observe":
-        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].numOfOrbitsSpinbox.setValue(value)
-    if key == "orbits_skip":
-        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox.setValue(value)
-    global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].blockSignals(False)
-kcgw.register_widget(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.acquireSettingsIcon)), tr("Heading", "Acquire Settings"), add_acquire_settings_widget, "Ctrl+A")
+This Module Is the Acquiresettings subWindow.
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from ..base import kcgwidget as kcgw
+from ..base.backend import board
+from ..base.backend.board import available_boards
+from ..base import backendinterface as bif
+from ..base.groupedelements import Elements
+from .. import config
+from ..base.globals import glob as global_objects
+tr = kcgw.tr
+__widget_id__ = None
+class AcquireSettingsTab(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    A single tab in the acquire settings window
+    """
+    available_for_same_as = OrderedDict()
+    def __init__(self, board_id, same_as_widgets, parent=None):
+        super(AcquireSettingsTab, self).__init__()
+        self.available_for_same_as[board_id] = True
+        self.same_as_widgets = same_as_widgets
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.board_id = board_id
+        self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+        self.outerLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.layout)
+        self.outerLayout.addStretch(1)
+        self.setLayout(self.outerLayout)
+        self.sameAsLabel = self.createLabel("Same as")
+        self.sameAsCombo = QtGui.QComboBox()
+        self.sameAsTick = self.createCheckbox("", connect=self.same_as)
+        self.sameAs = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.sameAs.addWidget(self.sameAsCombo)
+        self.sameAs.addWidget(self.sameAsTick)
+        if available_boards.multi_board:
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.sameAsLabel, 0, 0)
+            self.layout.addLayout(self.sameAs, 0, 1)
+        else:
+            self.sameAsLabel.hide()
+        # ---------[ Create Labels and corresponding Fields ]---------
+        self.numOfOrbitsLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Number of orbits to observe"))
+        self.numOfSkipOrbitsLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Number of orbits to skip"))
+        self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox = self.createSpinbox(1, 10000000, connect=self.on_number_of_orbits_changed)
+        self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, 100, connect=self.on_number_of_skipped_orbits_changed)
+        self.countLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Number of acquisitions"))
+        self.countSpinbox = self.createSpinbox(1, 10000000, start_value=10, connect=self.on_count_changed)
+        self.waitLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Wait(s)"))
+        self.waitSpinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, 60, start_value=15, connect=self.on_wait_changed)
+        self.simulatePilotBunch = self.createCheckbox(tr("Button", "Simulate Pilot Bunch"),
+                                                      connect=self.on_simulate_pilot_bunch_changed)
+        self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox = self.createCheckbox(tr("Button", "Build Spectograms"),
+                                                            connect=self.on_build_spectrograms_changed)
+        # ----------[ Trigger part ]--------------------
+        self.trigger_skip_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Number of trigger signals to skip"))
+        self.trigger_skip_signals = self.createSpinbox(0, 1000, 1, start_value=0,
+                                                       connect=self.on_trigger_skip_signals_changed)
+        self.timeout_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Timeout (s)"))
+        self.timeout = self.createSpinbox(0, 10000000, start_value=12, connect=self.on_trigger_timeout_changed)
+        self.method_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Method"))
+        self.method = kcgw.Switch("1", "2")
+        self.method.clicked.connect(self.on_trigger_method_changed)
+        self.trigger_skip_label.hide()
+        self.trigger_skip_signals.hide()
+        self.timeout_label.hide()
+        self.timeout.hide()
+        self.method_label.hide()
+        self.method.hide()
+        self.trigger_tick = self.createCheckbox(tr("Label", "Use External Trigger"), connect=self.use_external_trigger)
+        # -------[ register observers ]------
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox,
+                                                 lambda x: self.set_value_silent(self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox, x),
+                                                 'orbits_observe')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox,
+                                                 lambda x: self.set_value_silent(self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox, x),
+                                                 'orbits_skip')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.countSpinbox,
+                                                 lambda x: self.set_value_silent(self.countSpinbox, x),
+                                                 'acquisition_count')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.waitSpinbox,
+                                                 lambda x: self.set_value_silent(self.waitSpinbox, x),
+                                                 'orbits_wait_time')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.simulatePilotBunch,
+                                                 lambda x: self.tick_silent(self.simulatePilotBunch, x),
+                                                 'pilot_bunch')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox,
+                                                 lambda x: self.tick_silent(self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox, x),
+                                                 'build_spectrograms')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.trigger_skip_signals,
+                                                 lambda x: self.set_value_silent(self.trigger_skip_signals, x),
+                                                 'trigger_skip')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.timeout,
+                                                 lambda x: self.set_value_silent(self.timeout, x), 'trigger_timeout')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.trigger_tick, self.update_external_trigger, 'use_trigger')
+        # -------[ register elements ]-------
+        Elements.addItem(["acquire", "no_board", "acquire_"+str(board_id)],
+                         [
+                             self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox,
+                             self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox,
+                             self.countSpinbox,
+                             self.waitSpinbox,
+                             self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox,
+                             self.simulatePilotBunch,
+                             self.trigger_skip_signals,
+                             self.timeout,
+                             self.method,
+                             self.trigger_tick
+                         ])
+        # -------[ Add to grid ]-------------
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.numOfOrbitsLabel, 1, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox, 1, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.numOfSkipOrbitsLabel, 2, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox, 2, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.countLabel, 3, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.countSpinbox, 3, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.waitLabel, 4, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.waitSpinbox, 4, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.simulatePilotBunch, 9, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox, 9, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.trigger_tick, 7, 0)
+        line = QtGui.QFrame()
+        line.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
+        self.layout.addWidget(line, 8, 0, 1, 2)
+    def build_same_as_list(self):
+        """
+        Build the list to show in the same-as drop down menu
+        :return:
+        """
+        for wid_id, wid in self.widgets.iteritems():
+            wid.sameAsCombo.clear()
+            for key, value in self.available_for_same_as.iteritems():
+                if value:
+                    if key is not wid_id:
+                        wid.sameAsCombo.addItem(available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(key))
+    def same_as(self):
+        """
+        Toggle SameAs functionality
+        :return: -
+        """
+        # This only does the ui
+        bif._bif_enable_wait_cursor()
+        QtGui.qApp.processEvents()
+        c_t = available_boards.get_board_id_from_name(str(self.sameAsCombo.currentText()))
+        if self.sameAsTick.isChecked():
+            self.available_for_same_as[self.board_id] = False
+            self.sameAsCombo.setEnabled(False)
+            board.get_board_config(c_t).observe_all(
+                board.get_board_config(self.board_id).update)
+            self.widgets[c_t].sameAsTick.setEnabled(False)
+            self.widgets[c_t].sameAsCombo.setEnabled(False)
+            Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(self.board_id), False)
+            board.get_board_config(c_t).notify_all_observers()
+        else:
+            self.available_for_same_as[self.board_id] = True
+            self.sameAsCombo.setEnabled(True)
+            board.get_board_config(c_t).unobserve_all_observer(
+                board.get_board_config(self.board_id).update)
+            self.widgets[c_t].sameAsTick.setEnabled(True)
+            self.widgets[c_t].sameAsCombo.setEnabled(True)
+            Elements.setEnabled('acquire_{}'.format(self.board_id), True)
+        # actual changes on board
+        if c_t in self.same_as_widgets:
+            self.same_as_widgets[c_t].append(self.board_id)
+        else:
+            self.same_as_widgets[c_t] = [self.board_id, ]
+        self.build_same_as_list()
+        bif._bif_disable_wait_cursor()
+    def update_external_trigger(self, state):
+        """
+        Update the use external trigger tick
+        :param state: the state to set the tick to
+        """
+        self.tick_silent(self.trigger_tick, state)
+        self.use_external_trigger(state, update_config=False)
+    def use_external_trigger(self, state, update_config=True):
+        """
+        Set use external trigger to state
+        :param state: the state to set to
+        :param update_config: true to update the board config
+        """
+        if state:
+            if update_config:
+                board.get_board_config(self.board_id).update('use_trigger', True)
+            self.layout.removeWidget(self.waitLabel)
+            self.layout.removeWidget(self.waitSpinbox)
+            self.waitLabel.hide()
+            self.waitSpinbox.hide()
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.timeout_label, 4, 0)
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.timeout, 4, 1)
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.trigger_skip_label, 5, 0)
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.trigger_skip_signals, 5, 1)
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.method_label, 6, 0)
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.method, 6, 1)
+            self.timeout_label.show()
+            self.timeout.show()
+            self.trigger_skip_label.show()
+            self.trigger_skip_signals.show()
+            self.method_label.show()
+            self.method.show()
+        else:
+            if update_config:
+                board.get_board_config(self.board_id).update('use_trigger', False)
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.waitLabel, 4, 0)
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.waitSpinbox, 4, 1)
+            self.waitLabel.show()
+            self.waitSpinbox.show()
+            self.layout.removeWidget(self.timeout_label)
+            self.layout.removeWidget(self.timeout)
+            self.layout.removeWidget(self.trigger_skip_label)
+            self.layout.removeWidget(self.trigger_skip_signals)
+            self.layout.removeWidget(self.method_label)
+            self.layout.removeWidget(self.method)
+            self.timeout_label.hide()
+            self.timeout.hide()
+            self.trigger_skip_label.hide()
+            self.trigger_skip_signals.hide()
+            self.method_label.hide()
+            self.method.hide()
+        QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents()
+        try:
+            self.parent.parent().adjustSize()
+        except AttributeError:  # when widget is opened with external trigger activated parent.parent() is None
+            pass
+    def set_value_silent(self, element, value):
+        """
+        Set a Value silent without notifying observers
+        :param element: what element
+        :param value: set to what value
+        :return: -
+        """
+        element.blockSignals(True)
+        element.setValue(value)
+        element.blockSignals(False)
+    def tick_silent(self, element, state):
+        """
+        Tick a tickbox without notifying observers
+        :param element: what tickbox
+        :param state: (bool) to what state
+        :return: -
+        """
+        element.blockSignals(True)
+        element.setChecked(state)
+        element.blockSignals(False)
+    def set_values(self):
+        """
+        Set Initial Values when creating this Window.
+        This will read the appropriate Values from the base.backend.board.BoardConfiguration instance used in the gui.
+        :return: -
+        """
+        # bk_get_config has to be done for each widget seperately (get dientifier by widget.board_id)
+        self.set_value_silent(self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox, bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'orbits_observe'))
+        self.set_value_silent(self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox, bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'orbits_skip'))
+        self.set_value_silent(self.countSpinbox, bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'acquisition_count'))
+        self.set_value_silent(self.waitSpinbox, bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'orbits_wait_time'))
+        self.tick_silent(self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox, bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'build_spectrograms'))
+        self.tick_silent(self.simulatePilotBunch, bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'pilot_bunch'))
+        self.update_external_trigger(bif.bk_get_config(self.board_id, 'use_trigger'))
+    # -----------------[ Value Change Handlers ]---------------------------
+    def on_number_of_orbits_changed(self):
+        """
+        Handle the change of the number of orbits
+        """
+        bif.bk_change_num_of_orbits(self.board_id, self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox.value())
+        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
+            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
+            bif.bk_change_num_of_orbits(wid.board_id, wid.numOfOrbitsSpinbox.value())
+    def on_number_of_skipped_orbits_changed(self):
+        """
+        Handle the change of the number of skipped orbits
+        """
+        bif.bk_change_num_of_skipped_orbits(self.board_id, self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox.value())
+        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
+            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
+            bif.bk_change_num_of_skipped_orbits(wid.board_id, wid.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox.value())
+    def on_count_changed(self):
+        """
+        Handle the change of the count value
+        """
+        bif.bk_change_count(self.board_id, self.countSpinbox.value())
+        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
+            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
+            bif.bk_change_count(wid.board_id, wid.countSpinbox.value())
+    def on_wait_changed(self):
+        """
+        Handle the change of the wait time
+        """
+        bif.bk_change_wait(self.board_id, self.waitSpinbox.value())
+        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
+            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
+            bif.bk_change_wait(wid.board_id, wid.waitSpinbox.value())
+    def on_build_spectrograms_changed(self):
+        """
+        Handle the change of the build_spectrograms checkbox
+        """
+        bif.bk_change_build_spectrograms(self.board_id, self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox.checkState())
+        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
+            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
+            bif.bk_change_build_spectrograms(wid.board_id, wid.buildSpectrogrammTickbox.checkState())
+    def on_simulate_pilot_bunch_changed(self):
+        """
+        Handle the change of the simulate_pilot_bunch checkbox
+        """
+        bif.bk_change_pilot_bunch(self.board_id, self.simulatePilotBunch.checkState())
+        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
+            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
+            bif.bk_change_pilot_bunch(wid.board_id, wid.simulatePilotBunch.checkState())
+    def on_trigger_skip_signals_changed(self, value):
+        """
+        Handle change of trigger skip signal spinbox
+        :param int value: the value to set trigger_skip to (the number of trigger signals to skip between acquisitions
+        """
+        bif.bk_update_config(self.board_id, 'trigger_skip', value)
+        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
+            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
+            bif.bk_update_config(wid.board_id, 'trigger_skip', value)
+    def on_trigger_method_changed(self):
+        """
+        Handle change of trigger method.
+        """
+        bif.bk_update_config(self.board_id, 'trigger_method', 2 if self.method.state() else 1)
+        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
+            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
+            bif.bk_update_config(wid.board_id, 'trigger_method', 2 if self.method.satate() else 1)
+    def on_trigger_timeout_changed(self, value):
+        """
+        Handle change of trigger timeout spinbox
+        :param int value: the value to set the trigger_timout to
+        """
+        bif.bk_update_config(self.board_id, 'trigger_timeout', value)
+        for b_id in self.same_as_widgets[self.board_id]:
+            wid = self.widgets[b_id]
+            bif.bk_update_config(wid.board_id, 'trigger_timeout', value)
+    def closeEvent(self, event):
+        """
+        Event handler to handle the event of closing this window and gracefully delete resources and such
+        :param event: the event to handle (gets passed to by PyQt)
+        """
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox, 'orbits_observe')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox, 'orbits_skip')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.countSpinbox, 'acquisition_count')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.waitSpinbox, 'orbits_wait_time')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.simulatePilotBunch, 'pilot_bunch')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox, 'build_spectrograms')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.trigger_skip_signals, 'trigger_skip')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.timeout, 'trigger_timeout')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.trigger_tick, 'use_trigger')
+        Elements.removeItem(["acquire_{}".format(self.board_id), "no_board_{}".format(self.board_id)],
+                            [
+                                 self.numOfOrbitsSpinbox,
+                                 self.numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox,
+                                 self.countSpinbox,
+                                 self.waitSpinbox,
+                                 self.buildSpectrogrammTickbox,
+                                 self.simulatePilotBunch,
+                                 self.trigger_skip_signals,
+                                 self.timeout,
+                                 self.method,
+                                 self.trigger_tick
+                             ]
+                            )
+class AcquireSettings(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    This is the actual Acquire Settings Window.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, unique_id, parent=None):
+        """
+        Initialise the acquire settings window
+        :param unique_id: the id for thiw widget
+        :param parent: parent object
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(AcquireSettings, self).__init__()
+        self.id = unique_id
+        self.par = parent
+        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", "Acquire Settings"))
+        self.same_as_widgets = {i: [] for i in available_boards}
+        self.widgets = OrderedDict({i: AcquireSettingsTab(i, self.same_as_widgets, self) for i in available_boards})
+        if available_boards.multi_board:
+            self.tabs = QtGui.QTabWidget()
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.tabs)
+            for wid in self.widgets.values():
+                self.tabs.addTab(wid, available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(wid.board_id))
+                wid.sameAsCombo.addItems([available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(i) for i in available_boards if i != wid.board_id])
+                wid.widgets = self.widgets
+        else:
+            self.single_widget = self.widgets.values()[0]
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.single_widget)
+        for wid in self.widgets.values():
+            wid.set_values()
+    def show_tab(self, board_id):
+        """
+        Show the tab for the given board
+        :param board_id: the id of the board to show
+        """
+        if not available_boards.multi_board:
+            return
+        self.tabs.setCurrentIndex(self.widgets.keys().index(board_id))
+    def closeEvent(self, event):
+        global __widget_id__
+        for wid in self.widgets.values():
+            wid.closeEvent(event)
+        __widget_id__ = None
+        del self.par.widgets[self.id]
+        super(AcquireSettings, self).closeEvent(event)
+def add_acquire_settings_widget(board_id=None):
+    """
+    Add this widget to the gui.
+    This function will actually open the subwindow.
+    :return: -
+    """
+    global __widget_id__
+    if __widget_id__:
+        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].setFocus()
+        if board_id is not None:
+            global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].show_tab(board_id)
+    else:
+        nid = kcgw.idg.genid()
+        __widget_id__ = nid
+        w = AcquireSettings(nid, global_objects.get_global('area'))
+        global_objects.get_global('area').newWidget(w, "Acquire", nid, widget_type=4, minSize=True)  # TODO: proper type
+        if board_id is not None:
+            global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].show_tab(board_id)
+def setValueSilent(key, value):
+    """
+    Set values without notifying observers
+    :param key: the key
+    :param value: the value to set
+    :return: -
+    """
+    if not __widget_id__:
+        return
+    global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].blockSignals(True)
+    if key == "orbits_observe":
+        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].numOfOrbitsSpinbox.setValue(value)
+    if key == "orbits_skip":
+        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].numOfSkipOrbitsSpinbox.setValue(value)
+    global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].blockSignals(False)
+kcgw.register_widget(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.acquireSettingsIcon), tr("Heading", "Acquire Settings"), add_acquire_settings_widget, "Ctrl+A")

+ 0 - 388

@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-from PyQt4 import QtGui
-from ..base import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from ..base.globals import glob as global_objects
-from ..base import log
-from .. import config
-import configparser
-import os
-import logging
-from functools import partial
-import numpy as np
-__widget_id__ = None
-try:  # try to import epics
-    import epics
-    no_epics = False
-except ImportError:
-    no_epics = True
-    logging.error("Python Epics not found")
-def caget(pv):
-    if no_epics: return -np.inf
-    try:
-        return epics.caget(pv)
-    except:
-        logging.error("Epics PV is not accessible (possible Timeout)")
-        return -np.inf
-class EpicsConfig(object):
-    """
-    need one instance at app startup
-    is done by kcgGUI via
-    from ..widgets import epics_widget
-        epics_widget.epicsConfig = epics_widget.EpicsConfig()
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.loadConfig(False)
-        os.environ["EPICS_BASE"] = self.getKey('epics_base_path') # config.epics_base_path
-        try:  # if import was successful, try to find libca and test for connectivity with config.epics_test_pv
-            # sys.stderr = os.devnull  # epics.ca.find_libca() prints a useless None to stderr if libca is not found
-            epics.ca.find_libca()
-            # sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
-            if epics.caget(self.getKey('epics_test_pv')) == None:
-                no_epics = True
-                epics_reachable = False
-                logging.error("Epics is not accessible (possible Timeout)")
-        except epics.ca.ChannelAccessException as e:
-            if str(e) == "cannot find Epics CA DLL":
-                no_epics = True
-                logging.error("Epics CA DLL not found")
-        self.setLogger()
-    def setLogger(self):
-        if no_epics:
-            return
-        # first remove all epics entrys
-        params = log.logger.predefined_parameters
-        log.logger.predefined_parameters = []
-        for item in params:
-            if item[1][0] != epics.caget:
-                log.logger.predefined_parameters.append(item)
-        params = log.logger.parameter_functions
-        log.logger.reset_parameters()
-        for item in params:
-            if item[0] != epics.caget:
-                log.logger.register_parameter(item[2], item[0], item[1])
-        # add epics entrys
-        for entry in self.getKey('epics_log_entry_pvs'):#config.epics_log_entry_pvs:
-            log.logger.predefined_parameters.append([entry[0], [epics.caget, entry[1]]])
-            if entry[2] == "True":
-                log.logger.register_parameter(entry[0], epics.caget, entry[1])
-    def loadConfig(self, updateLogger=True):
-        epics_key = ["epics_log_entry_pvs", "epics_test_pv", "epics_base_path"]
-        self.parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
-        self.parser.optionxform = str
-        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".kcg","epics.cfg")):
-            with open(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".kcg","epics.cfg"), 'w') as f:
-                self.parser['EPICS'] = {'epics_log_entry_pvs':'[("Beam Energy (GeV)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Energy","False"),("Beam Current (mA)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Current","True")]',
-                                    'epics_test_pv':'"A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Current"',
-                                    'epics_base_path':'"/opt/epics/base/"'
-                                    }
-                self.parser.write(f)
-         #       print("new Epics config")
-        self.parser.read(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".kcg","epics.cfg"))
-        #print("epics config loaded")
-        if updateLogger: self.setLogger()  
-    def saveConfig(self):
-        with open(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".kcg","epics.cfg"), 'w+') as f:
-            self.parser.write(f)
-        self.setLogger()
-    def getKey(self, key):
-        return config.leval(self.parser['EPICS'][key])
-    def getPVList(self):
-        return self.getKey('epics_log_entry_pvs')
-    def setPVList(self, pvList):
-        self.parser['EPICS']['epics_log_entry_pvs'] = self.generatePVKey(pvList)
-    def addPV(self, name, pv, default, monitor=False):
-        dat = self.getKey('epics_log_entry_pvs')
-        dat.append((name,pv,default,monitor))
-        self.parser['EPICS']['epics_log_entry_pvs'] = self.generatePVKey(dat)
-    def removePV(self, index):
-        n = int(index)
-        pvList = []
-        for i, item in enumerate(self.getPVList()):
-            if n != i: pvList.append((item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3]))
-        self.setPVList(pvList)
-    def generatePVKey(self, pvList):
-        out = "[\n"
-        i=0
-        for item in pvList:
-            if i: out = out + ",\n"
-            out = out + "('" + str(item[0]) + "', '" + str(item[1]) + "', '" + str(item[2]) + "', '" + str(item[3]) +"')"
-            i = i+1
-        out = out + "\n]"
-        return out
-# 8888888888        d8b                888       888d8b     888                888
-# 888               Y8P                888   o   888Y8P     888                888
-# 888                                  888  d8b  888        888                888
-# 8888888   88888b. 888 .d8888b.d8888b 888 d888b 888888 .d88888 .d88b.  .d88b. 888888
-# 888       888 "88b888d88P"   88K     888d88888b888888d88" 888d88P"88bd8P  Y8b888
-# 888       888  888888888     "Y8888b.88888P Y88888888888  888888  88888888888888
-# 888       888 d88P888Y88b.        X888888P   Y8888888Y88b 888Y88b 888Y8b.    Y88b.
-# 888888888888888P" 888 "Y8888P 88888P'888P     Y888888 "Y88888 "Y88888 "Y8888  "Y888
-#           888                                                     888
-#           888                                                Y8b d88P
-#           888                                                 "Y88P"
-class EpicsWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    def __init__(self, unique_id, parent):
-        super(EpicsWidget, self).__init__()
-        self.id = unique_id
-        self.par = parent
-        self.monitorPVList = {}
-        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() #.QGridLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.editInnerGroupBox = QtGui.QGroupBox("")
-        self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
-        self.editScrollArea = QtGui.QScrollArea()
-        self.pvInputList = []
-        self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("Name"), 0,0)
-        self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("EPICS PV"), 0,1)
-        self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("in Log"), 0,2)
-        self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("Monitoring"), 0,3)
-        self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("Value"), 0,4)
-        self.generateList(False)
-        self.editInnerGroupBox.setLayout(self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout)
-        self.editScrollArea.setWidget(self.editInnerGroupBox)
-        self.editOuterGroupBox = QtGui.QGroupBox("Epics PV List")
-        self.editOuterGroupBox.clicked.connect(self.toggleEdit)
-        self.editOuterGroupBoxLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
-        self.editOuterGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.editScrollArea,0,0,1,5)
-        self.readValues()
-        self.button1 = self.createButton("refresh values",  connect=self.readValues)
-        self.button2 = self.createButton("apply changes",   connect=self.apply)
-        self.button3 = self.createButton("restore changes", connect=self.restore)
-        self.button4 = self.createButton("apply + save",  connect=self.save)
-        self.button5 = self.createButton("load", connect=self.load)
-        self.editOuterGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.button1, 1,0)
-        self.editOuterGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.button2, 1,1)
-        self.editOuterGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.button3, 1,2)
-        self.editOuterGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.button4, 1,3)
-        self.editOuterGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.button5, 1,4)
-        self.editOuterGroupBox.setLayout(self.editOuterGroupBoxLayout)
-        self.monitorLabel = self.createLabel("Monitor\n")
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.monitorLabel)#,0,0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.createCheckbox("Open PV List", connect=self.toggleEdit))#, 1,0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.editOuterGroupBox)#,2,0)
-        self.pvList = []
-        self.editHide = False
-        self.toggleEdit()
-        self.addMonitor()
-       # self.resize(self.monitorLabel.frameGeometry().width()+50, self.monitorLabel.frameGeometry().height()+10)
-        self.layout.addStretch(1)
-        self.setWindowTitle("Epics Widget")
-    def generateList(self, updateMonitor=True):
-        if updateMonitor:
-            self.removeMonitor()
-        if len(self.pvInputList):
-            for item in self.pvInputList:
-                for q in item:
-                    self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.removeWidget(q)
-                    q.deleteLater()
-            self.pvInputList = []
-            for q in self.pvInputAdd:
-                self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.removeWidget(q)
-                q.deleteLater()
-        i = 0
-        for item in epicsConfig.getKey('epics_log_entry_pvs'): #config.epics_log_entry_pvs:
-            self.pvInputList.append([self.createInput(item[0]), self.createInput(item[1],width=300), self.createSwitch(item[2]=="True"), 
-                                    self.createSwitch(item[3]=="True"), self.createLabel("value"), 
-                                    self.createLabel(image=QtGui.QPixmap(config.icon_path('open-trash-can.png')), click=True, connect=partial(self.remove,i))
-                                    ])
-            self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.pvInputList[i][0], i+1, 0)
-            self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.pvInputList[i][1], i+1, 1)
-            self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.pvInputList[i][2], i+1, 2)
-            self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.pvInputList[i][3], i+1, 3)
-            self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.pvInputList[i][4], i+1, 4)
-            self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.pvInputList[i][5], i+1, 5)
-            i = i+1
-        self.pvInputAdd = [ self.createInput('name?'), self.createInput("?",width=300), 
-                            self.createSwitch(True), self.createSwitch(False),self.createButton("add",connect=self.add)]
-        self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.pvInputAdd[0], i+1, 0)
-        self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.pvInputAdd[1], i+1, 1)
-        self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.pvInputAdd[2], i+1, 2)
-        self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.pvInputAdd[3], i+1, 3)
-        self.editInnerGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.pvInputAdd[4], i+1, 4)
-        if updateMonitor:
-            self.addMonitor()
-    def closeEvent(self, event):
-        global __widget_id__
-        __widget_id__ = None
-        self.removeMonitor()
-        del self.par.widgets[self.id]
-    def toggleEdit(self):
-        if self.editHide:            
-        #   self.resize(800, 800)
-            self.editOuterGroupBox.show()
-        else:
-         #   self.resize(self.monitorLabel.frameGeometry().width()+10, self.monitorLabel.frameGeometry().height()+50)
-            self.editOuterGroupBox.hide()
-        self.editHide = not self.editHide
-        #self.update()
-    def readValues(self):
-        for item in self.pvInputList:
-            try:
-                val = str(epics.caget(str(item[1].text())))
-            except:
-                val = "ERROR"
-            try:
-                val = "{0:.5f}".format(float(val))
-            except:
-                pass
-            item[4].setText(val)
-    def add(self):
-        epicsConfig.addPV(self.pvInputAdd[0].text(), self.pvInputAdd[1].text(), self.pvInputAdd[2].state, self.pvInputAdd[3].state)
-        self.generateList()
-        self.readValues()
-    def remove(self, n):
-        epicsConfig.removePV(n)
-        self.generateList()
-        self.readValues()
-    def restore(self):
-        self.generateList()
-        self.readValues()
-    def load(self):
-        epicsConfig.loadConfig()
-        self.generateList()
-        self.readValues()
-    def save(self):
-        self.apply()
-        epicsConfig.saveConfig()
-    def apply(self):
-        pvList = []
-        for item in self.pvInputList:
-            pvList.append((item[0].text(), item[1].text(), item[2].state, item[3].state))
-        epicsConfig.setPVList(pvList)
-        self.generateList()
-        self.readValues()
-    def monitorPV(self, pvname=None, value=None, char_value=None, **kw):
-        self.monitorPVList[str(pvname)] = [str(pvname), char_value]
-        self.updateMonitor()
-    def updateMonitor(self):
-        string = "Monitor\n"
-        for item in self.monitorPVList:
-            string += str(self.monitorPVList[item][0]) + " = " + str(self.monitorPVList[item][1]) + "\n"
-        self.monitorLabel.setText(string)
-    def addMonitor(self):
-        if len(self.pvList):
-            self.removeMonitor()
-        for item in epicsConfig.getKey('epics_log_entry_pvs'):
-            if item[3] == 'True': 
-                try:
-                    if epics.caget(item[1]) != None:
-                        self.pvList.append(item[1])
-                        epics.camonitor(item[1], callback=self.monitorPV)
-                        self.monitorPV(item[1], char_value=epics.caget(item[1]))
-                except:
-                    print('add Failed', item[1])
-                    pass
-    def removeMonitor(self):
-        for item in self.pvList:
-            try:
-                epics.camonitor_clear(item)
-            except:
-                print('remove Failed', item)
-                pass
-        self.pvList = []
-        self.monitorPVList = {}
-def addEpicsWidget():
-    global __widget_id__
-    if __widget_id__:
-        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].setFocus()
-    else:
-        nid = kcgw.idg.genid()
-        __widget_id__ = nid
-        w = EpicsWidget(nid, global_objects.get_global('area'))
-        global_objects.get_global('area').newWidget(w, "Epics Widget", nid, widget_type=4)
-kcgw.register_widget(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path("sproject.svg")), "Epics Widget", addEpicsWidget, "Ctrl+e")

+ 47 - 47

@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-from PyQt4 import QtGui
-from ..base import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from ..base.globals import glob as global_objects
-__widget_id__ = None
-class exampleWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    def __init__(self, unique_id, parent):
-        super(exampleWidget, self).__init__()
-        self.id = unique_id
-        self.par = parent
-        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.button1 = self.createButton("Button 1", connect=self.pressed)
-        self.button2 = self.createButton("Button 2", connect=self.pressed)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.button1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.button2)
-        self.setWindowTitle("Example Widget")
-    def pressed(self):
-        print('Pressed')
-    def closeEvent(self, event):
-        global __widget_id__
-        __widget_id__ = None
-        del self.par.widgets[self.id]
-def addExampleWidget():
-    global __widget_id__
-    if __widget_id__:
-        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].setFocus()
-    else:
-        nid = kcgw.idg.genid()
-        __widget_id__ = nid
-        w = exampleWidget(nid, global_objects.get_global('area'))
-        global_objects.get_global('area').newWidget(w, "Example Widget", nid, widget_type=4)
-kcgw.register_widget(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path("sproject.svg")), "Example Widget", addExampleWidget, "Ctrl+e")
+from PyQt4 import QtGui
+from ..base import kcgwidget as kcgw
+from ..base.globals import glob as global_objects
+__widget_id__ = None
+class exampleWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    def __init__(self, unique_id, parent):
+        super(exampleWidget, self).__init__()
+        self.id = unique_id
+        self.par = parent
+        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.button1 = self.createButton("Button 1", connect=self.pressed)
+        self.button2 = self.createButton("Button 2", connect=self.pressed)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.button1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.button2)
+        self.setWindowTitle("Example Widget")
+    def pressed(self):
+        print ('Pressed')
+    def closeEvent(self, event):
+        global __widget_id__
+        __widget_id__ = None
+        del self.par.widgets[self.id]
+def addExampleWidget():
+    global __widget_id__
+    if __widget_id__:
+        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].setFocus()
+    else:
+        nid = kcgw.idg.genid()
+        __widget_id__ = nid
+        w = exampleWidget(nid, global_objects.get_global('area'))
+        global_objects.get_global('area').newWidget(w, "Example Widget", nid, widget_type=4)
+kcgw.register_widget(QtGui.QIcon("icons/project.svg"), "Example Widget", addExampleWidget, "Ctrl+e")

+ 348 - 363

@@ -1,363 +1,348 @@
-This defines the window for initial configuration
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-from ..base import kcgwidget as kcgw
-import os
-from .. import config
-    from pprint import pformat
-except ImportError:
-    def pformat(string, width=None):
-        return string
-#  .d8888b.                  .d888d8b        8888888888        888
-# d88P  Y88b                d88P" Y8P        888               888
-# 888    888                888              888               888
-# 888        .d88b. 88888b. 888888888 .d88b. 8888888   88888b. 888888888d888888  888
-# 888       d88""88b888 "88b888   888d88P"88b888       888 "88b888   888P"  888  888
-# 888    888888  888888  888888   888888  888888       888  888888   888    888  888
-# Y88b  d88PY88..88P888  888888   888Y88b 888888       888  888Y88b. 888    Y88b 888
-#  "Y8888P"  "Y88P" 888  888888   888 "Y888888888888888888  888 "Y888888     "Y88888
-#                                         888                                    888
-#                                    Y8b d88P                               Y8b d88P
-#                                     "Y88P"                                 "Y88P"
-class ConfigEntry(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    Container for a single entry in the init config window
-    """
-    def __init__(self, comm='', conf='', type=str, multiline=False):
-        """
-        Initialise an entry
-        :param comm: comment
-        :param conf: configuration option
-        :param type: data type for this option
-        :param multiline: if multiline editfield or not
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(ConfigEntry, self).__init__()
-        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.entryLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.toggle = self.createButton("?", connect=self.toggle)
-        self.toggle.setFixedWidth(20)
-        if len(comm.split("\n")) <= 4:
-            self.comment = self.createLabel(comm)
-            self.comment.setStyleSheet("color: grey;")
-            self.comment.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
-        else:
-            self.commentText = self.createLabel(comm)
-            self.commentText.setStyleSheet("color: grey;")
-            self.commentText.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
-            self.commentWidget = QtGui.QWidget()
-            self.comment = QtGui.QScrollArea()
-            self.comment.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
-            self.commlayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-            self.commentWidget.setLayout(self.commlayout)
-            self.commlayout.addWidget(self.commentText, alignment=QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
-            self.comment.setWidget(self.commentWidget)
-            self.comment.text = lambda: self.commentText.text()
-        self.config = self.createLabel(conf)
-        self.config.setFixedWidth(200)
-        self.multiline = multiline
-        self.type = type
-        if not multiline:
-            self.value = self.createInput(width=300)
-        else:
-            self.value = QtGui.QTextEdit()
-            self.value.setFixedWidth(500)
-        try:
-            self.value.setText(pformat(getattr(config, conf), width=60, indent=4))
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.comment)
-        self.layout.addLayout(self.entryLayout)
-        self.entryLayout.addWidget(self.config)
-        self.entryLayout.addWidget(self.value)
-        self.entryLayout.addWidget(self.toggle)
-        self.comment.hide()
-    def toggle(self):
-        """
-        Toggle the visibility of the comment
-        :return:
-        """
-        self.comment.setHidden(not self.comment.isHidden())
-    def set_comment(self, comm):
-        """
-        Set the comment
-        :param comm:
-        :return:
-        """
-        self.comment.setText(comm)
-    def set_config(self, conf):
-        """
-        Set the config option
-        :param conf:
-        :return:
-        """
-        self.config.setText(conf)
-    def validate(self, mark=False):
-        """
-        Validate if entered value is valid
-        :param mark: mark false entered values?
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if not self.value.isEnabled():
-            return True
-        if self.multiline:
-            try:
-                v, e = self.san(str(self.value.toPlainText()))
-                if e:
-                    self.value.setText(v)
-                if type(config.leval(v)) == self.type:
-                    self.value.setStyleSheet("background-color: #FFFFFF;")
-                    return True
-            except (ValueError, config.NoValueException, SyntaxError):
-                pass
-        else:
-            try:
-                v, e = self.san(str(self.value.text()))
-                if e:
-                    self.value.setText(v)
-                if type(config.leval(v)) == self.type:
-                    self.value.setStyleSheet("background-color: #FFFFFF;")
-                    return True
-            except (ValueError, config.NoValueException, SyntaxError):
-                pass
-        if mark:
-            self.value.setStyleSheet("background-color: #FFAAAA;")
-        return False
-    def san(self, val):
-        """
-        Sanitise string entries (adding " or ' and converting mixed ones)
-        :param val: the value to sanitise
-        :return: sanitised value and errors
-        """
-        print(val)
-        err = False
-        if self.type == str:
-            val.replace('"', '\'')
-            if len(val) == 0:
-                return "", False
-            if val[0] == "'":
-                if not val[-1] == "'":
-                    val += "'"
-                    err = True
-            elif val[-1] == "'":
-                val = "'" + val
-                err = True
-            else:
-                val = '"' + val + '"'
-                err = False
-        return val, err
-    def __str__(self):
-        """
-        Convert this entry to a string that can be saved to a configuration file
-        :return:
-        """
-        comment = ''
-        for line in str(self.comment.text()).split('\n'):
-            comment += "# " + line + '\n'
-        if self.value.isEnabled():
-            if self.multiline:
-                val = self.value.toPlainText()
-            else:
-                val = self.value.text()
-        else:
-            val = "'\"disabled\"'"
-        val, e = self.san(val)
-        return str(comment + self.config.text() + " = " + str(val))
-#  .d8888b.                  .d888d8b         .d8888b.         888
-# d88P  Y88b                d88P" Y8P        d88P  Y88b        888
-# 888    888                888              Y88b.             888
-# 888        .d88b. 88888b. 888888888 .d88b.  "Y888b.   .d88b. 888888888  88888888b.
-# 888       d88""88b888 "88b888   888d88P"88b    "Y88b.d8P  Y8b888   888  888888 "88b
-# 888    888888  888888  888888   888888  888      "88888888888888   888  888888  888
-# Y88b  d88PY88..88P888  888888   888Y88b 888Y88b  d88PY8b.    Y88b. Y88b 888888 d88P
-#  "Y8888P"  "Y88P" 888  888888   888 "Y88888 "Y8888P"  "Y8888  "Y888 "Y8888888888P"
-#                                         888                                888
-#                                    Y8b d88P                                888
-#                                     "Y88P"                                 888
-class ConfigSetup(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    This is the Config window
-    """
-    success_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    machine_comments = ["Bunches per turn of accelerator (integer value)",
-                        "Save headerinformation in file (bool value[True/False])",
-                        "Revolution time (double value in s eg 3.6825476109875985e-07)"
-                        ]
-    ui_comments = ['NOTE: This value will be overwritten when the language is changed in the gui-settings\n'
-                        'possible languages:\n'
-                        '"en_GB" - English\n'
-                        '"de_DE" - German',
-                   'default_save_location: use "pwd" for current working\n'
-                        'directory KCG will always save in a subdirectory to\n'
-                        'this given path and save files in this directory',
-                   'default_subdirectory_name_format: this is the\n'
-                        'naming scheme for the subdirectory in which the\n'
-                        'files are saved. Format of this string:\n'
-                        '"{tag1}text{tag2}text" etc.\n'
-                        'possible tags:\n'
-                        '{dateG} will produce e.g. 04.01.2015\n'
-                        '{dateGd} will produce e.g. 04_01_2015\n'
-                        '{dateA} will pdoduce e.g. 01-04-2015\n'
-                        '{times} will produce e.g. 14_04\n'
-                        '{timel} will produce e.g. 14_04_12\n'
-                        '{d} the Day in 2 digit format\n'
-                        '{m} the Month in 2 digit format\n'
-                        '{y} the Year in 4 digit Format\n'
-                        '{H} the Hour in 2 digit format\n'
-                        '{M} the minute in 2 digit format\n'
-                        '{S} the seconds in 2 digit format\n'
-                        '{timestamp} unix timestamp without msec\n'
-                        '{user} the current logged in user\n'
-                        '{sessionname} Ask for session name at startup\n'
-                        '{ask} always ask for a foldername',
-                   'reask on cancel in dialog or use {user}_{dateGd}-{timel} as default when cancel is pressed?',
-                   'Show advanced table view per default? (boolean value)'
-                ]
-    logging_comments = ['These are PVs that will be possible to insert into log files\n'
-                            'This variable is to be a list consisting of touples of two entries,\n'
-                            'the first ist the Text that describes the value and the second is the EPICS PV that\n'
-                            'holds that value',
-                       'This pv is used to determine if epics pvs are accessible' ,
-                       'Path to your epics base installation',
-                       'List of Entries that are default to save in Log\n'
-                           'Possible Values are:\n'
-                           '"Number of Turns" \n'
-                           '"Number of Skipped Turns" \n'
-                           '"Number of Acquisitions" \n'
-                           '"Time between Acquisitions" \n'
-                           '"Pilot Bunch Simulator" \n'
-                           '"Header saved" \n'
-                           '"T/H Delay" \n'
-                           '"ADC 1 Delay" \n'
-                           '"ADC 2 Delay" \n'
-                           '"ADC 3 Delay" \n'
-                           '"ADC 4 Delay" \n'
-                           'All of the description text entries in epics_log_entry_pvs, see above \n'
-                           'NOTE: These entries have to match the aforementioned strings exactly'
-                    ]
-    machine_configs = ['bunches_per_turn',
-                       'save_header',
-                       'tRev']
-    ui_configs = ['language',
-                  'default_save_location',
-                  'default_subdirectory_name',
-                  'force_ask',
-                  'show_advanced_control']
-    logging_configs = ['epics_log_entry_pvs',
-                       'epics_test_pv',
-                       'epics_base_path',
-                       'default_log_entries']
-    machine_types = [int, bool, float]
-    ui_types = [str, str, str, bool, bool]
-    logging_types = [list, str, str, list]
-    def __init__(self, restart=False):
-        """
-        Initialise this config window
-        :return:
-        """
-        super(ConfigSetup, self).__init__()
-        self.restart = restart
-        self.configs = []
-        self.result = False
-        self.resize(800, 600)
-        self.mainlayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        # self.textEdit = QtGui.QTextEdit()
-        # self.layout.addWidget(self.textEdit)
-        # with open(os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/../config.cfg', 'r') as f:
-        #     self.textEdit.setText(f.read())
-        self.setLayout(self.mainlayout)
-        self.scrollWidget = QtGui.QScrollArea()
-        self.heading = self.createLabel("Initial Configuration Setup")
-        self.heading.setStyleSheet("font-size:25pt;")
-        self.mainlayout.addWidget(self.heading)
-        self.mainlayout.addWidget(self.scrollWidget)
-        add = " and restart" if self.restart else ""
-        self.saveButton = self.createButton("save"+add, connect=self.save)
-        self.mainlayout.addWidget(self.saveButton)
-        self.wid = QtGui.QWidget()
-        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.wid.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.machine_label = self.createLabel("Machine")
-        self.machine_label.setStyleSheet("font-size: 20pt;")
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.machine_label)
-        self.configs.append("\n[Machine]")
-        for comm, conf, type in zip(self.machine_comments, self.machine_configs, self.machine_types):
-            self.configs.append(ConfigEntry(comm, conf, type))
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.configs[-1])
-        self.ui_label = self.createLabel("Ui")
-        self.ui_label.setStyleSheet("font-size: 20pt;")
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.ui_label)
-        self.configs.append("\n[Ui]")
-        for comm, conf, type in zip(self.ui_comments, self.ui_configs, self.ui_types):
-            self.configs.append(ConfigEntry(comm, conf, type))
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.configs[-1])
-        self.logging_label = self.createLabel("Logging")
-        self.logging_label.setStyleSheet("font-size:20pt;")
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.logging_label)
-        self.configs.append("\n[Logging]")
-        self.logging_entries = []
-        for comm, conf, type in zip(self.logging_comments, self.logging_configs, self.logging_types):
-            if conf == 'epics_log_entry_pvs' or conf == 'default_log_entries':
-                self.configs.append(ConfigEntry(comm, conf, type, multiline=True))
-            else:
-                self.configs.append(ConfigEntry(comm, conf, type))
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.configs[-1])
-            self.logging_entries.append(self.configs[-1])
-        self.scrollWidget.setWidget(self.wid)
-    def save(self):
-        """
-        Save the configuration entered in the config window to a configuration file
-        namely: os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.kcg/config.cfg"
-        This also makes shure the entered information is valid to some level
-        :return:
-        """
-        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".kcg")):
-            os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".kcg"))
-        abort = False
-        for item in self.configs:
-            if type(item) == str:
-                continue
-            if not item.validate(mark=True):
-                abort = True
-        if abort:
-            return
-        with open(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),'.kcg','config.cfg', 'w+')) as f:
-            for item in self.configs:
-                f.write(str(item)+'\n')
-        self.result = True
-        self.success_signal.emit()
-        self.close()
+This defines the window for initial configuration
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+from ..base import kcgwidget as kcgw
+import os
+from .. import config
+    from pprint import pformat
+except ImportError:
+    def pformat(string, width=None):
+        return string
+class ConfigEntry(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    Container for a single entry in the init config window
+    """
+    def __init__(self, comm='', conf='', type=str, multiline=False):
+        """
+        Initialise an entry
+        :param comm: comment
+        :param conf: configuration option
+        :param type: data type for this option
+        :param multiline: if multiline editfield or not
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(ConfigEntry, self).__init__()
+        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.entryLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.toggle = self.createButton("?", connect=self.toggle)
+        self.toggle.setFixedWidth(20)
+        if len(comm.split("\n")) <= 4:
+            self.comment = self.createLabel(comm)
+            self.comment.setStyleSheet("color: grey;")
+            self.comment.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
+        else:
+            self.commentText = self.createLabel(comm)
+            self.commentText.setStyleSheet("color: grey;")
+            self.commentText.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
+            self.commentWidget = QtGui.QWidget()
+            self.comment = QtGui.QScrollArea()
+            self.comment.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
+            self.commlayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+            self.commentWidget.setLayout(self.commlayout)
+            self.commlayout.addWidget(self.commentText, alignment=QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
+            self.comment.setWidget(self.commentWidget)
+            self.comment.text = lambda: self.commentText.text()
+        self.config = self.createLabel(conf)
+        self.config.setFixedWidth(200)
+        self.multiline = multiline
+        self.type = type
+        if not multiline:
+            self.value = self.createInput(width=300)
+        else:
+            self.value = QtGui.QTextEdit()
+            self.value.setFixedWidth(500)
+        try:
+            self.value.setText(pformat(getattr(config, conf), width=60, indent=4))
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.comment)
+        self.layout.addLayout(self.entryLayout)
+        self.entryLayout.addWidget(self.config)
+        self.entryLayout.addWidget(self.value)
+        self.entryLayout.addWidget(self.toggle)
+        self.comment.hide()
+    def toggle(self):
+        """
+        Toggle the visibility of the comment
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.comment.setHidden(not self.comment.isHidden())
+    def set_comment(self, comm):
+        """
+        Set the comment
+        :param comm:
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.comment.setText(comm)
+    def set_config(self, conf):
+        """
+        Set the config option
+        :param conf:
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.config.setText(conf)
+    def validate(self, mark=False):
+        """
+        Validate if entered value is valid
+        :param mark: mark false entered values?
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if not self.value.isEnabled():
+            return True
+        if self.multiline:
+            try:
+                v, e = self.san(str(self.value.toPlainText()))
+                if e:
+                    self.value.setText(v)
+                if type(config.leval(v)) == self.type:
+                    self.value.setStyleSheet("background-color: #FFFFFF;")
+                    return True
+            except (ValueError, config.NoValueException, SyntaxError):
+                pass
+        else:
+            try:
+                v, e = self.san(str(self.value.text()))
+                if e:
+                    self.value.setText(v)
+                if type(config.leval(v)) == self.type:
+                    self.value.setStyleSheet("background-color: #FFFFFF;")
+                    return True
+            except (ValueError, config.NoValueException, SyntaxError):
+                pass
+        if mark:
+            self.value.setStyleSheet("background-color: #FFAAAA;")
+        return False
+    def san(self, val):
+        """
+        Sanitise string entries (adding " or ' and converting mixed ones)
+        :param val: the value to sanitise
+        :return: sanitised value and errors
+        """
+        err = False
+        if self.type == str:
+            val.replace('"', '\'')
+            if len(val) == 0:
+                return "", False
+            if val[0] == "'":
+                if not val[-1] == "'":
+                    val += "'"
+                    err = True
+            elif val[-1] == "'":
+                val = "'" + val
+                err = True
+            else:
+                val = '"' + val + '"'
+                err = False
+        return val, err
+    def __str__(self):
+        """
+        Convert this entry to a string that can be saved to a configuration file
+        :return:
+        """
+        comment = ''
+        for line in str(self.comment.text()).split('\n'):
+            comment += "# " + line + '\n'
+        if self.value.isEnabled():
+            if self.multiline:
+                val = self.value.toPlainText()
+            else:
+                val = self.value.text()
+        else:
+            val = "'\"disabled\"'"
+        val, e = self.san(val)
+        return str(comment + self.config.text() + " = " + str(val))
+class ConfigSetup(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    This is the Config window
+    """
+    success_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+    machine_comments = ["Bunches per turn of accelerator (integer value)",
+                        "Save headerinformation in file (bool value)",
+                        "Revolution time (double value)"
+                        ]
+    ui_comments = ['NOTE: This value will be overwritten when the language is changed in the gui-settings\n'
+                        'possible languages:\n'
+                        '"en_GB" - English\n'
+                        '"de_DE" - German',
+                   'default_save_location: use "pwd" for current working\n'
+                        'directory KCG will always save in a subdirectory to\n'
+                        'this given path and save files in this directory',
+                   'default_subdirectory_name_format: this is the\n'
+                        'naming scheme for the subdirectory in which the\n'
+                        'files are saved. Format of this string:\n'
+                        '"{tag1}text{tag2}text" etc.\n'
+                        'possible tags:\n'
+                        '{dateG} will produce e.g. 04.01.2015\n'
+                        '{dateGd} will produce e.g. 04_01_2015\n'
+                        '{dateA} will pdoduce e.g. 01-04-2015\n'
+                        '{times} will produce e.g. 14_04\n'
+                        '{timel} will produce e.g. 14_04_12\n'
+                        '{d} the Day in 2 digit format\n'
+                        '{m} the Month in 2 digit format\n'
+                        '{y} the Year in 4 digit Format\n'
+                        '{H} the Hour in 2 digit format\n'
+                        '{M} the minute in 2 digit format\n'
+                        '{S} the seconds in 2 digit format\n'
+                        '{timestamp} unix timestamp without msec\n'
+                        '{user} the current logged in user\n'
+                        '{sessionname} Ask for session name at startup\n'
+                        '{ask} always ask for a foldername',
+                   'reask on cancel in dialog or use {user}_{dateGd}-{timel} as default when cancel is pressed?',
+                   'Show advanced table view per default? (boolean value)'
+                ]
+    logging_comments = ['These are PVs that will be possible to insert into log files\n'
+                            'This variable is to be a list consisting of touples of two entries,\n'
+                            'the first ist the Text that describes the value and the second is the EPICS PV that\n'
+                            'holds that value',
+                       'This pv is used to determine if epics pvs are accessible' ,
+                       'Path to your epics base installation',
+                       'List of Entries that are default to save in Log\n'
+                           'Possible Values are:\n'
+                           '"Number of Orbits" \n'
+                           '"Number of Skipped Orbits" \n'
+                           '"Number of Acquisitions" \n'
+                           '"Time between Acquisitions" \n'
+                           '"Pilot Bunch Simulator" \n'
+                           '"Header saved" \n'
+                           '"T/H Delay" \n'
+                           '"ADC 1 Delay" \n'
+                           '"ADC 2 Delay" \n'
+                           '"ADC 3 Delay" \n'
+                           '"ADC 4 Delay" \n'
+                           'All of the description text entries in epics_log_entry_pvs, see above \n'
+                           'NOTE: These entries have to match the aforementioned strings exactly'
+                    ]
+    machine_configs = ['bunches_per_turn',
+                       'save_header',
+                       'tRev']
+    ui_configs = ['language',
+                  'default_save_location',
+                  'default_subdirectory_name',
+                  'force_ask',
+                  'show_advanced_control']
+    logging_configs = ['epics_log_entry_pvs',
+                       'epics_test_pv',
+                       'epics_base_path',
+                       'default_log_entries']
+    machine_types = [int, bool, float]
+    ui_types = [str, str, str, bool, bool]
+    logging_types = [list, str, str, list]
+    def __init__(self, restart=False):
+        """
+        Initialise this config window
+        :return:
+        """
+        super(ConfigSetup, self).__init__()
+        self.restart = restart
+        self.configs = []
+        self.result = False
+        self.resize(800, 600)
+        self.mainlayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        # self.textEdit = QtGui.QTextEdit()
+        # self.layout.addWidget(self.textEdit)
+        # with open(os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/../config.cfg', 'r') as f:
+        #     self.textEdit.setText(f.read())
+        self.setLayout(self.mainlayout)
+        self.scrollWidget = QtGui.QScrollArea()
+        self.heading = self.createLabel("Initial Configuration Setup")
+        self.heading.setStyleSheet("font-size:25pt;")
+        self.mainlayout.addWidget(self.heading)
+        self.mainlayout.addWidget(self.scrollWidget)
+        add = " and restart" if self.restart else ""
+        self.saveButton = self.createButton("save"+add, connect=self.save)
+        self.mainlayout.addWidget(self.saveButton)
+        self.wid = QtGui.QWidget()
+        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.wid.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.machine_label = self.createLabel("Machine")
+        self.machine_label.setStyleSheet("font-size: 20pt;")
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.machine_label)
+        self.configs.append("\n[Machine]")
+        for comm, conf, type in zip(self.machine_comments, self.machine_configs, self.machine_types):
+            self.configs.append(ConfigEntry(comm, conf, type))
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.configs[-1])
+        self.ui_label = self.createLabel("Ui")
+        self.ui_label.setStyleSheet("font-size: 20pt;")
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.ui_label)
+        self.configs.append("\n[Ui]")
+        for comm, conf, type in zip(self.ui_comments, self.ui_configs, self.ui_types):
+            self.configs.append(ConfigEntry(comm, conf, type))
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.configs[-1])
+        self.logging_label = self.createLabel("Logging")
+        self.logging_label.setStyleSheet("font-size:20pt;")
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.logging_label)
+        self.disable_logging = self.createCheckbox("Disable Epics", connect=self.disable_epics)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.disable_logging)
+        self.configs.append("\n[Logging]")
+        self.logging_entries = []
+        for comm, conf, type in zip(self.logging_comments, self.logging_configs, self.logging_types):
+            if conf == 'epics_log_entry_pvs' or conf == 'default_log_entries':
+                self.configs.append(ConfigEntry(comm, conf, type, multiline=True))
+            else:
+                self.configs.append(ConfigEntry(comm, conf, type))
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.configs[-1])
+            self.logging_entries.append(self.configs[-1])
+        self.scrollWidget.setWidget(self.wid)
+        try:
+            import epics
+        except ImportError:
+            self.disable_epics()
+            self.disable_logging.setChecked(True)
+    def disable_epics(self, state=True):
+        for le in self.logging_entries:
+            le.value.setEnabled(not state)
+    def save(self):
+        """
+        Save the configuration entered in the config window to a configuration file
+        namely: os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.kcg/config.cfg"
+        This also makes shure the entered information is valid to some level
+        :return:
+        """
+        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.kcg"):
+            os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.kcg")
+        abort = False
+        for item in self.configs:
+            if type(item) == str:
+                continue
+            if not item.validate(mark=True):
+                abort = True
+        if abort:
+            return
+        with open(os.path.expanduser("~")+'/.kcg/config.cfg', 'w+') as f:
+            for item in self.configs:
+                f.write(str(item)+'\n')
+        self.result = True
+        self.success_signal.emit()
+        self.close()

+ 178 - 178

@@ -1,178 +1,178 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-This Module is the SingleRead window.
-from PyQt4 import QtGui
-from ..base import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from ..base import backendinterface as bif
-from ..base.groupedelements import Elements
-from ..base.backend.board import available_boards
-from ..base.storage import storage
-from ..base.globals import glob as global_objects
-from .. import config
-tr = kcgw.tr
-__widget_id__ = None
-class SingleReadWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    The actual single read window.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, unique_id, parent=None):
-        """
-        Initialise the single read widget
-        :param unique_id: the id for this widget
-        :param parent: parent object
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(SingleReadWidget, self).__init__()
-        self.id = unique_id
-        self.par = parent
-        self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
-        self.outerLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.outerLayout)
-        # ---------[ Create Labels and corresponding Fields ]---------
-        self.single_read_button = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Single Read"), connect=self.on_single_read)
-        self.interval_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, 100000, start_value=1000)
-        self.interval_spinbox.valueChanged.connect(self.set_interval)
-        self.board_ticks = {board_id: self.createCheckbox(str(board_id), checked=True if board_id==0 else False) for board_id in available_boards}
-        self.board_ticks_continuous_read = {
-            board_id: self.createCheckbox(str(board_id),
-                                          connect=lambda state, b_id=board_id:
-                                          self.on_continuous_read(state, board_id=b_id))
-            for board_id in available_boards
-            }
-        for board_id, tick in list(self.board_ticks_continuous_read.items()):
-            Elements.addItem('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(board_id), tick)
-            Elements.addItem(["acquire_{}".format(board_id), "no_board_{}".format(board_id)], tick)
-            Elements.addItem('continuous_read_{}'.format(board_id), tick)
-        for board_id, tick in self.board_ticks.items():
-            Elements.addItem('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(board_id), tick)
-            Elements.addItem(["acquire_{}".format(board_id), "no_board_{}".format(board_id)], tick)
-        # --------[ Fill Grid ]----------------
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.single_read_button, 0, 1)
-        # self.layout.addWidget(self.continuous_read_button, 0, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Interval:") + " (ms)"), 1, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.interval_spinbox, 1, 1)
-        self.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", "Single and Continuous Read"))
-        self.tickLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.tickLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel(
-                tr("Label", "Boards"), tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Check the board you want to select for single read"))
-        )
-        self.tickLayout.addStretch(1)
-        for tick in list(self.board_ticks.values()):
-            self.tickLayout.addWidget(tick)
-        self.tickLayoutContinuousRead = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.tickLayoutContinuousRead.addWidget(self.createLabel(
-                tr("Label", "Continuous Read"),
-                tooltip=tr("Tooltip",
-                           "Tick the board you want to continuously read."
-                           "\nThe selected boards will continue reading until the checkbox is unticked.")
-                )
-        )
-        self.tickLayoutContinuousRead.addStretch(1)
-        for tick in list(self.board_ticks_continuous_read.values()):
-            self.tickLayoutContinuousRead.addWidget(tick)
-        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.tickLayoutContinuousRead)
-        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.tickLayout)
-        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.layout)
-#        self.outerLayout.addStretch(1)
-        self.set_interval()
-    def on_single_read(self):
-        """
-        Perform a single read on all boards which ticks are set
-        :return:
-        """
-        for board_id, tick in self.board_ticks.items():
-            if tick.isChecked() and tick.isEnabled():
-                bif.bk_single_read(board_id)
-    def on_continuous_read(self, state, board_id):
-        """
-        Toggle function to toggle continuous read when the corresponding button is pressed.
-        :param bool state: True to activate and False to deactivate continuous read for board_id
-        :param int? board_id: the id of the board to take action with
-        :return: -
-        """
-        # if self.board_ticks_continuous_read[id].isChecked():
-        self.set_interval()
-        if state:
-            # self.continuous_read_button.setText(tr("Button", "Stop Continuous Read"))
-            # self.continuous_read[id] = True
-            self.board_ticks_continuous_read[board_id].setStyleSheet("border-color: green; border-width: 3px;")
-        else:
-            self.board_ticks_continuous_read[board_id].setStyleSheet("")
-        bif.bk_continuous_read(board_id)  # interval=self.interval_spinbox.value())
-    def set_interval(self):
-        """
-        Set the interval between reads
-        """
-        storage.continuous_interval = self.interval_spinbox.value()
-    def closeEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Event handler to handle the event of closing this window and gracefully delete ids and such
-        :param event: the event to process (gets passed by PyQt)
-        """
-        global __widget_id__
-        __widget_id__ = None
-        del self.par.widgets[self.id]
-        Elements.removeItem(['no_board', 'acquire'],
-                            [
-                                self.single_read_button,
-                                # self.continuous_read_button
-                            ])
-        for board_id, tick in list(self.board_ticks_continuous_read.items()):
-            Elements.removeItem(
-                [
-                    "continuous_read_{}".format(board_id),
-                    "acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id),
-                    "acquire_{}".format(board_id),
-                    "no_board_{}".format(board_id)
-                ], tick)
-        for board_id, tick in self.board_ticks.items():
-            Elements.removeItem(
-                [
-                    "acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id),
-                    "acquire_{}".format(board_id),
-                    "no_board_{}".format(board_id)
-                ], tick)
-        super(SingleReadWidget, self).closeEvent(event)
-def add_single_read_widget():
-    """
-    Add this widget to the gui.
-    This function will actually open the subwindow.
-    :return: -
-    """
-    global __widget_id__
-    if __widget_id__:
-        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].setFocus()
-    else:
-        nid = kcgw.idg.genid()
-        __widget_id__ = nid
-        w = SingleReadWidget(nid, global_objects.get_global('area'))
-        global_objects.get_global('area').newWidget(w, "Single and Continuous Read", nid, widget_type=4, minSize=True)  # TODO: proper type
-                     tr("Heading", "Single Read"),
-                     add_single_read_widget,
-                     "Ctrl+i"
-                     )
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+This Module is the SingleRead window.
+from PyQt4 import QtGui
+from ..base import kcgwidget as kcgw
+from ..base import backendinterface as bif
+from ..base.groupedelements import Elements
+from ..base.backend.board import available_boards
+from ..base.storage import storage
+from ..base.globals import glob as global_objects
+from .. import config
+tr = kcgw.tr
+__widget_id__ = None
+class SingleReadWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    The actual single read window.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, unique_id, parent=None):
+        """
+        Initialise the single read widget
+        :param unique_id: the id for this widget
+        :param parent: parent object
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(SingleReadWidget, self).__init__()
+        self.id = unique_id
+        self.par = parent
+        self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+        self.outerLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.outerLayout)
+        # ---------[ Create Labels and corresponding Fields ]---------
+        self.single_read_button = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Single Read"), connect=self.on_single_read)
+        self.interval_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, 100000, start_value=1000)
+        self.interval_spinbox.valueChanged.connect(self.set_interval)
+        self.board_ticks = {board_id: self.createCheckbox(str(board_id), checked=True if board_id==0 else False) for board_id in available_boards}
+        self.board_ticks_continuous_read = {
+            board_id: self.createCheckbox(str(board_id),
+                                          connect=lambda state, b_id=board_id:
+                                          self.on_continuous_read(state, board_id=b_id))
+            for board_id in available_boards
+            }
+        for board_id, tick in self.board_ticks_continuous_read.items():
+            Elements.addItem('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(board_id), tick)
+            Elements.addItem(["acquire_{}".format(board_id), "no_board_{}".format(board_id)], tick)
+            Elements.addItem('continuous_read_{}'.format(board_id), tick)
+        for board_id, tick in self.board_ticks.iteritems():
+            Elements.addItem('acquireTrigger_{}'.format(board_id), tick)
+            Elements.addItem(["acquire_{}".format(board_id), "no_board_{}".format(board_id)], tick)
+        # --------[ Fill Grid ]----------------
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.single_read_button, 0, 1)
+        # self.layout.addWidget(self.continuous_read_button, 0, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Interval:") + " (ms)"), 1, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.interval_spinbox, 1, 1)
+        self.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", "Single and Continuous Read"))
+        self.tickLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.tickLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel(
+                tr("Label", "Boards"), tooltip=tr("Tooltip", "Check the board you want to select for single read"))
+        )
+        self.tickLayout.addStretch(1)
+        for tick in self.board_ticks.values():
+            self.tickLayout.addWidget(tick)
+        self.tickLayoutContinuousRead = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.tickLayoutContinuousRead.addWidget(self.createLabel(
+                tr("Label", "Continuous Read"),
+                tooltip=tr("Tooltip",
+                           "Tick the board you want to continuously read."
+                           "\nThe selected boards will continue reading until the checkbox is unticked.")
+                )
+        )
+        self.tickLayoutContinuousRead.addStretch(1)
+        for tick in self.board_ticks_continuous_read.values():
+            self.tickLayoutContinuousRead.addWidget(tick)
+        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.tickLayoutContinuousRead)
+        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.tickLayout)
+        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.layout)
+        self.outerLayout.addStretch(1)
+        self.set_interval()
+    def on_single_read(self):
+        """
+        Perform a single read on all boards which ticks are set
+        :return:
+        """
+        for board_id, tick in self.board_ticks.iteritems():
+            if tick.isChecked() and tick.isEnabled():
+                bif.bk_single_read(board_id)
+    def on_continuous_read(self, state, board_id):
+        """
+        Toggle function to toggle continuous read when the corresponding button is pressed.
+        :param bool state: True to activate and False to deactivate continuous read for board_id
+        :param int? board_id: the id of the board to take action with
+        :return: -
+        """
+        # if self.board_ticks_continuous_read[id].isChecked():
+        self.set_interval()
+        if state:
+            # self.continuous_read_button.setText(tr("Button", "Stop Continuous Read"))
+            # self.continuous_read[id] = True
+            self.board_ticks_continuous_read[board_id].setStyleSheet("border-color: green; border-width: 3px;")
+        else:
+            self.board_ticks_continuous_read[board_id].setStyleSheet("")
+        bif.bk_continuous_read(board_id)  # interval=self.interval_spinbox.value())
+    def set_interval(self):
+        """
+        Set the interval between reads
+        """
+        storage.continuous_interval = self.interval_spinbox.value()
+    def closeEvent(self, event):
+        """
+        Event handler to handle the event of closing this window and gracefully delete ids and such
+        :param event: the event to process (gets passed by PyQt)
+        """
+        global __widget_id__
+        __widget_id__ = None
+        del self.par.widgets[self.id]
+        Elements.removeItem(['no_board', 'acquire'],
+                            [
+                                self.single_read_button,
+                                # self.continuous_read_button
+                            ])
+        for board_id, tick in self.board_ticks_continuous_read.items():
+            Elements.removeItem(
+                [
+                    "continuous_read_{}".format(board_id),
+                    "acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id),
+                    "acquire_{}".format(board_id),
+                    "no_board_{}".format(board_id)
+                ], tick)
+        for board_id, tick in self.board_ticks.iteritems():
+            Elements.removeItem(
+                [
+                    "acquireTrigger_{}".format(board_id),
+                    "acquire_{}".format(board_id),
+                    "no_board_{}".format(board_id)
+                ], tick)
+        super(SingleReadWidget, self).closeEvent(event)
+def add_single_read_widget():
+    """
+    Add this widget to the gui.
+    This function will actually open the subwindow.
+    :return: -
+    """
+    global __widget_id__
+    if __widget_id__:
+        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].setFocus()
+    else:
+        nid = kcgw.idg.genid()
+        __widget_id__ = nid
+        w = SingleReadWidget(nid, global_objects.get_global('area'))
+        global_objects.get_global('area').newWidget(w, "Single and Continuous Read", nid, widget_type=4, minSize=True)  # TODO: proper type
+kcgw.register_widget(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.singleReadIcon),
+                     tr("Heading", "Single Read"),
+                     add_single_read_widget,
+                     "Ctrl+i"
+                     )

+ 778 - 885

@@ -1,885 +1,778 @@
-This Module Is the Timingsettings subWindow.
-import logging
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
-import pyqtgraph as pg
-import numpy as np
-from ..base import kcgwidget as kcgw
-from ..base.backend import board
-from ..base.backend.board import available_boards
-from ..base import backendinterface as bif
-from ..base.groupedelements import Elements
-from ..base.globals import glob as global_objects
-from .. import config
-from ..base import storage
-tr = kcgw.tr
-__widget_id__ = None
-__timing_plot_widget_id__ = {}
-__timing_plot_widget__ = None
-BUNCHES_PER_TURN = config.bunches_per_turn
-class timingPlotWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    The Timescan result plot subwindow.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, unique_id, board_id, parent=None):
-        """
-        Initialises the timing plot window
-        :param unique_id: the id for this window
-        :param parent: parent object
-        :return: -
-        """
-        super(timingPlotWidget, self).__init__()
-        self.id = unique_id
-        self.par = parent
-        self.board_id = board_id
-        # ------[ Variable declaration ]------------
-        self.plot_type = "colour"  # The Plot Type for this window (Changeable in this window)
-        self.xrange = (None, None)
-        self.yrange = (None, None)
-        self.x = None  # Number of Ticks in the x-direction     This is set by the gui programmatically
-        self.y = None  # Number of Ticks in the y-direction     This is set by the gui programmatically
-        self.data = None  # Data to plot
-        self.levels = None  # Levels for colors
-        self.inputsSet = False  # If Inputs (Timing) are set
-        # -------[ Create Plot Elements ]-----------
-        self.adc1_plot_widget = pg.PlotWidget(title="ADC 1")
-        self.adc2_plot_widget = pg.PlotWidget(title="ADC 2")
-        self.adc3_plot_widget = pg.PlotWidget(title="ADC 3")
-        self.adc4_plot_widget = pg.PlotWidget(title="ADC 4")
-        # -------[ Create structure ]----------
-        self.outerLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()  # Outermost layout of this window
-        self.setLayout(self.outerLayout)
-        self.headerLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()  # Layout for the header (including the switch to change plots)
-        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.headerLayout)
-        self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()  # Main Layout to hold the most elements in this window
-        # ------[ Create Some Elements ]-----------
-        self.position_label = self.createLabel("")
-        self.position_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
-        self.plot_type_switcher = self.createSwitch(connect=self.switch)
-        self.zero_correction_switcher = self.createSwitch(connect=self.zero_correction)
-        self.uses_zero_correction = False
-        self.zero_correction_values = None
-        # ------[ Add Elements to various layouts ]--------------
-        self.headerLayout.addWidget(self.position_label)
-        self.headerLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("Colour Plot"))
-        self.headerLayout.addWidget(self.plot_type_switcher)
-        self.headerLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("Line Plot"))
-        t = QtGui.QFrame()
-        t.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.VLine)
-        t.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken)
-        self.headerLayout.addWidget(t)
-        self.headerLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("RawData"))
-        self.headerLayout.addWidget(self.zero_correction_switcher)
-        self.headerLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("Corrected"))
-        self.headerLayout.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc1_plot_widget, 0, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc2_plot_widget, 0, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc3_plot_widget, 1, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc4_plot_widget, 1, 1)
-        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.layout)
-        self.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", "Timescan Results")+" "+available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(board_id))
-        # Initially show the colour plot
-        self.colour_plot()
-    def switch(self):
-        """
-        Switch Plot types
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if self.plot_type == 'colour':
-            self.remove_colour_plot()
-            self.line_plot()
-            self.plot()
-        else:
-            self.adc1_plot_widget.plotItem.clearPlots()
-            self.adc2_plot_widget.plotItem.clearPlots()
-            self.adc3_plot_widget.plotItem.clearPlots()
-            self.adc4_plot_widget.plotItem.clearPlots()
-            self.colour_plot()
-            self.plot()
-    def zero_correction(self):
-        """
-        Toggle Zero (50Ohm) Correction
-        """
-    # Note: when selecting a slice the upper bound has to be included since that's how the timescan works. Python array slicing does not include the upper bound => +1
-        if self.uses_zero_correction:
-            self.uses_zero_correction = False
-            self.data += self.zero_correction_values[:, self.xrange[0]:self.xrange[1]+1, self.yrange[0]:self.yrange[1]+1]
-        else:
-            self.uses_zero_correction = True
-            if self.zero_correction_values is None:
-                # Adjust for closed measurement of 0 (Measured using a 50 ohm impedance
-                # This will read the complete file into memory. Could be optimized to read only necessary values
-#                f = file(config.fifty_ohm_timescan_datafile)
-                f = file(storage.storage.offset_correction)
-                c_adc = -1  # -1 because first adc will have #ADC0 and this will increment c_adc
-                self.zero_correction_values = np.zeros((4, 32, 16))  # we know there are 4 adcs, 16 coarse delays and 32 fine delays
-                all_check = np.zeros((4, 32, 16), dtype=np.bool)
-                for line in f:
-                    line = line.strip()
-                    if line == "": continue  # skip empty lines
-                    if line.startswith("#"):
-                        c_adc += 1  # c_adc = int(line.split("_")[-1])
-                        continue
-                    coarse, fine, value = line.split(";")
-                    self.zero_correction_values[c_adc, int(fine), int(coarse)] = value
-                    all_check[c_adc, int(fine), int(coarse)] = True
-                if False in all_check:
-                    logging.warn("Read 50Ohm timescan for offset correction does not include all delay values")
-            self.data -= self.zero_correction_values[:, self.xrange[0]:self.xrange[1]+1, self.yrange[0]:self.yrange[1]+1]
-        maxima = np.zeros((4, 3))
-        for adc, a in enumerate(self.data):
-            f, c = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(a), a.shape)
-            maxima[adc] = [a[f, c], c+self.yrange[0], f+self.xrange[0]]
-        self.plot(maxima=maxima)
-    def colour_plot(self):
-        """
-        Initialize Color Plot
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.plot_type = "colour"
-        self.adc1 = pg.ImageItem()
-        self.adc2 = pg.ImageItem()
-        self.adc3 = pg.ImageItem()
-        self.adc4 = pg.ImageItem()
-        self.adc1.mouseClickEvent = lambda x: self.click("ADC 1", x)
-        self.adc2.mouseClickEvent = lambda x: self.click("ADC 2", x)
-        self.adc3.mouseClickEvent = lambda x: self.click("ADC 3", x)
-        self.adc4.mouseClickEvent = lambda x: self.click("ADC 4", x)
-        def xtickStrings(values, scale, spacing):
-            """
-            Generate the strings for ticks
-            """
-            return [str(i + self.xrange[0]) for i in range(int(values[0]), int(values[-1]),int(spacing))]
-        def ytickStrings(values, scale, spacing):
-            """
-            Generate the strings for ticks
-            """
-            return [str(int(i) + self.yrange[0]) for i in values]
-        # ----------[ Configure and add color plots for ADC1 ]----------
-        for i in range(1, 5):
-            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).enableAutoRange() #axis=getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).getViewBox().YAxis)
-            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).getPlotItem().setLabel("left", tr("Heading", "Coarse delay"))
-            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).getPlotItem().setLabel("bottom", tr("Heading", "Fine delay"))
-            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).plotItem.addItem(getattr(self, "adc"+str(i)))
-            bax = getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).plotItem.getAxis('bottom')
-            lax = getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).plotItem.getAxis('left')
-            bax.tickSpacing = self.spacing
-            bax.tickStrings = xtickStrings
-            lax.setTickSpacing(levels=[(1, 1.5),])
-            lax.tickStrings = ytickStrings
-        pos = np.array([0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 1])
-        color = np.array([[0, 0, 255, 255], [0, 255, 255, 255], [0, 255, 0, 255], [130, 255, 0, 255], [255, 255, 0, 255], [255, 180, 0, 255], [255, 100, 0, 255], [255, 0, 0, 255]])
-        cmap = pg.ColorMap(pos, color)
-        lut = cmap.getLookupTable(0.0, 1.0, 256)
-        self.adc1.setLookupTable(lut)
-        self.adc2.setLookupTable(lut)
-        self.adc3.setLookupTable(lut)
-        self.adc4.setLookupTable(lut)
-    def remove_colour_plot(self):
-        """
-        Remove the color plot elements
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.adc1_plot_widget.plotItem.removeItem(self.adc1)
-        self.adc2_plot_widget.plotItem.removeItem(self.adc2)
-        self.adc3_plot_widget.plotItem.removeItem(self.adc3)
-        self.adc4_plot_widget.plotItem.removeItem(self.adc4)
-    def line_plot_axis_strings(self, values, scale, spacing):
-        """
-        Plot to format the strings for the line plot
-        This is used to override the default tickStrings method of pyqtgraph.AxisItem
-        :param values: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickStrings
-        :param scale: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickStrings
-        :param spacing: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickStrings
-        :return: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickStrings
-        """
-        coarses = [self.yrange[0] + i//(self.x) for i in values]
-        fines   = [self.xrange[0] + i%(self.x) for i in values]
-        return [str(int(c))+"\n"+str(int(f)) for c, f in zip(coarses, fines)]
-    def spacing(self, minVal, maxVal, size):
-        """
-        Calculate spacing between ticks
-        This is used to override the default tickSpacing method of pyqtgraph.AxisItem
-        :param minVal: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickSpacing
-        :param maxVal: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickSpacing
-        :param size: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickSpacing
-        :return: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickSpacing
-        """
-        if maxVal - minVal < 10.:
-            return [(1, 0),]
-        else:
-            return [(round((maxVal-minVal)/10.), 0),]
-    def y_axis_strings(self, values, scale, spacing):
-        """
-        Sets the strings for the y axis
-        :param values:
-        :param scale:
-        :param spacing:
-        :return:
-        """
-        if np.mean(values) > 3:
-            return [str(int(v)) for v in values]
-        return [str(v) for v in values]
-    def line_plot(self):
-        """
-        Initialise the Line Plot
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.plot_type = "line"
-        for i in range(1, 5):
-            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).enableAutoRange() #axis=getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).getViewBox().YAxis)
-            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).getPlotItem().setLabel("left", tr("Heading", "Intensity"))
-            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).getPlotItem().setLabel("bottom", tr("Heading", "Coarse over Fine"))
-            bax = getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).plotItem.getAxis('bottom')
-            lax = getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).plotItem.getAxis('left')
-            bax.setTickSpacing()
-            bax.tickSpacing = self.spacing
-            bax.tickStrings = self.line_plot_axis_strings
-            lax.setTickSpacing()
-            lax.tickStrings = self.y_axis_strings
-    def setInputs(self, coarse_input, fine_inputs):
-        """
-        Register the Inputfields for timing in the timingsettings window
-        :param coarse_input: (QSpinBox) Spinbox for coarse timing settings
-        :param fine_inputs: (list) List of (QSpinBox)es for fine timing settings
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.c_input = coarse_input
-        self.adc1_f_input = fine_inputs[0]
-        self.adc2_f_input = fine_inputs[1]
-        self.adc3_f_input = fine_inputs[2]
-        self.adc4_f_input = fine_inputs[3]
-        self.inputsSet = True
-    def click(self, adc, event):
-        """
-        Handler for the click event in color plots
-        :param adc: (str) The ADC plot that was clicked on
-        :param event: (QEvent) the event
-        :return: -
-        """
-        event.accept()
-        pos = event.pos()
-        self.position_label.setText(adc + " - " + str(int(pos.x())+self.xrange[0]) + ":"+str(int(pos.y())+self.yrange[0]))
-        if not self.inputsSet:
-            return
-        self.c_input.setValue(int(pos.y())+self.yrange[0])
-        if adc == "ADC 1":
-            self.adc1_f_input.setValue(int(pos.x())+self.xrange[0])
-        elif adc == "ADC 2":
-            self.adc2_f_input.setValue(int(pos.x())+self.xrange[0])
-        elif adc == "ADC 3":
-            self.adc3_f_input.setValue(int(pos.x())+self.xrange[0])
-        elif adc == "ADC 4":
-            self.adc4_f_input.setValue(int(pos.x())+self.xrange[0])
-    def plot(self, data=None, levels=None, ranges=None, newTitle=None, maxima=None):
-        """
-        Plot Data
-        :param data: (numpy 4d array) data to plot
-        :param levels: (tuple) Min and Max Values for color plot
-        :param ranges: (list) From to range of coarse (y) and fine (x) delay scan
-        :param newTitle: (str) The title for the window
-        :param maxima: (list) Maximum for each adc
-        :return: -
-        """
-#        if self.data is not None and data is not None: # keine ahnung
-#            return
-        if self.data is None and data is None:
-            return
-        if data is not None:
-            self.data = data # if called with no data a replot is performed (if data is set previously)
-        if levels is not None:
-            self.levels = levels
-        if ranges is not None:
-            self.yrange = ranges[0:2]
-            self.xrange = ranges[2:4]
-        self.x = self.data.shape[1]
-        self.y = self.data.shape[2]
-        if self.plot_type == 'colour':
-            # self.colour_plot()
-            self.adc1.setImage(self.data[0])
-            self.adc2.setImage(self.data[1])
-            self.adc3.setImage(self.data[2])
-            self.adc4.setImage(self.data[3])
-            if self.levels:
-                self.adc1.setLevels(self.levels)
-                self.adc2.setLevels(self.levels)
-                self.adc3.setLevels(self.levels)
-                self.adc4.setLevels(self.levels)
-            if newTitle:
-                self.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", "Timescan Result:") + " " + newTitle + " " +
-                                    available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(self.board_id))
-        if maxima is not None:
-            self.adc1_plot_widget.getPlotItem().setTitle(str(tr("Heading", "ADC 1: Maximum C:{c} F:{f}")).format(c=int(maxima[0, 1]), f=int(maxima[0, 2])))
-            self.adc2_plot_widget.getPlotItem().setTitle(str(tr("Heading", "ADC 2: Maximum C:{c} F:{f}")).format(c=int(maxima[1, 1]), f=int(maxima[1, 2])))
-            self.adc3_plot_widget.getPlotItem().setTitle(str(tr("Heading", "ADC 3: Maximum C:{c} F:{f}")).format(c=int(maxima[2, 1]), f=int(maxima[2, 2])))
-            self.adc4_plot_widget.getPlotItem().setTitle(str(tr("Heading", "ADC 4: Maximum C:{c} F:{f}")).format(c=int(maxima[3, 1]), f=int(maxima[3, 2])))
-        if self.plot_type == 'line':
-            # self.line_plot()
-            def reshape(data):
-                ''' simply reshape the data'''
-                return np.reshape(data, data.shape[0]*data.shape[1], order='F')
-            self.adc1_plot_widget.plotItem.clear()
-            self.adc2_plot_widget.plotItem.clear()
-            self.adc3_plot_widget.plotItem.clear()
-            self.adc4_plot_widget.plotItem.clear()
-            self.adc1_plot_widget.plotItem.plot(reshape(self.data[0]))
-            self.adc2_plot_widget.plotItem.plot(reshape(self.data[1]))
-            self.adc3_plot_widget.plotItem.plot(reshape(self.data[2]))
-            self.adc4_plot_widget.plotItem.plot(reshape(self.data[3]))
-        # ---[ Show this window and set focus to it ]------
-        self.parent().show()
-        self.show()
-        self.setFocus()
-    def closeEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Event handler for closing this window
-        """
-        global __timing_plot_widget_id__
-        __timing_plot_widget_id__ = {}
-        del self.par.widgets[self.id]
-# 88888888888d8b             d8b                8888888b.                888
-#     888    Y8P             Y8P                888   Y88b               888
-#     888                                       888    888               888
-#     888    88888888b.d88b. 88888888b.  .d88b. 888   d88P 8888b. 888d888888888
-#     888    888888 "888 "88b888888 "88bd88P"88b8888888P"     "88b888P"  888
-#     888    888888  888  888888888  888888  888888       .d888888888    888
-#     888    888888  888  888888888  888Y88b 888888       888  888888    Y88b.
-#     888    888888  888  888888888  888 "Y88888888       "Y888888888     "Y888
-#                                            888
-#                                       Y8b d88P
-#                                        "Y88P"
-class timingPart(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    The actual timing settings window
-    """
-    def __init__(self, board_id, parent=None):
-        """
-        Initialise the timing settings window
-        :param unique_id:
-        :param parent:
-        :return:
-        """
-        super(timingPart, self).__init__()
-        if __timing_plot_widget__:
-            self.plotWidget = __timing_plot_widget__
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.board_id = board_id
-        self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
-        self.outerLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.layout)
-        self.setLayout(self.outerLayout)
-        self.time_scan_enabled = False
-        # --------[ Create TimeScan part ]----------
-        # --------[ Create Elements ]-------------
-        self.coarse_scan_range_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Coarse scan"))
-        self.fine_scan_range_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Fine scan"))
-        self.from_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "From"))
-        self.to_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "To"))
-        self.coarse_scan_min_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'th_delay_max'), start_value=0)
-        self.coarse_scan_max_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'th_delay_max'), start_value=bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'th_delay_max'))
-        self.fine_scan_min_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'chip_delay_max'), start_value=0)
-        self.fine_scan_max_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'chip_delay_max'), start_value=bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'chip_delay_max'))
-        self.average_one_bunch_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Average bunch number"))
-        self.average_all_bunches_checkbox = self.createCheckbox(tr("Button", "Average all bunches"), tr("Tooltip", "Average over signal from all bunches for timescan"),
-                                                         checked=True,connect=self.showAverageOneBunch)
-        self.average_one_bunch_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, BUNCHES_PER_TURN-1, start_value=0)
-        self.average_one_bunch_spinbox.setEnabled(False)
-        self.average_threshold_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Averaging Threshold"))
-        self.average_threshold_checkbox = self.createCheckbox(tr("Button", "Use Threshold"), tr("Tooltip", "Average over signal from all bunches that are above/below the specified threshold for timescan"),
-                                                         checked=False,connect=self.considerThreshold)
-        self.average_threshold_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, 2048, start_value=0)
-        self.average_threshold_spinbox.setEnabled(False)
-        self.orbits_observe_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(1, 10000000, start_value=100)
-        self.orbits_skip_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, 100, start_value=2)
-        self.time_scan_progressbar = QtGui.QProgressBar()
-        self.time_scan_button = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Start time scan"), connect=self.time_scan)
-        Elements.addButton("start_time_scan_{}".format(board_id), self.time_scan_button)
-        self.timeScan = QtGui.QWidget()
-        # --------[ Create and Fill Timescan layouts ]----------------
-        self.timeScanVLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.timeScanLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
-        self.timeScanVLayout.addWidget(self.time_scan_progressbar)
-        self.timeScanVLayout.addLayout(self.timeScanLayout)
-        self.timeScan.setLayout(self.timeScanVLayout)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.from_label, 0, 1)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.to_label, 0, 2)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.coarse_scan_range_label, 1, 0)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.coarse_scan_min_spinbox, 1, 1)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.coarse_scan_max_spinbox, 1, 2)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.fine_scan_range_label, 2, 0)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.fine_scan_min_spinbox, 2, 1)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.fine_scan_max_spinbox, 2, 2)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("Orbits to Observe"), 3, 1)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.orbits_observe_spinbox, 3, 2)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("Orbits to Skip"), 4, 1)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.orbits_skip_spinbox, 4, 2)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.average_all_bunches_checkbox, 5, 0)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.average_one_bunch_label, 5, 1)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.average_one_bunch_spinbox, 5, 2)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.average_threshold_checkbox, 6, 0)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.average_threshold_label, 6, 1)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.average_threshold_spinbox, 6, 2)
-        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.time_scan_button, 7, 2)
-        self.setTabOrder(self.fine_scan_max_spinbox, self.time_scan_button)
-        #  --------[ End Time Scan Part ]-------------
-        #  --------[ Create Labels and corresponding Fields ]---------
-        def update_delay(which, spinbox):
-            '''update the delays on the board'''
-            board.get_board_config(board_id).update(which, getattr(self, spinbox).value())
-            board.get_board_config(board_id).set_delay(self.coarseInput.value())
-        self.thdelayLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "T/H Delay"))
-        self.adc1thdelayLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "2. ADC1 T/H Delay"))
-        self.coarseLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Coarse Delay"))
-        self.coarseInput = self.createSpinbox(0, 15, connect=lambda: update_delay("th_delay", "coarseInput"))
-        self.adc1CoarseInput = self.createSpinbox(0, 15, connect=lambda: update_delay("adc_1_delay_individual", "adc1CoarseInput"))
-        self.adc1CoarseInput.setEnabled(False)
-        self.adc1CoarseInputSwitch = self.createCheckbox(tr("Label", "Enable second ADC1 T/H Delay"), connect=self.toggleAdc1IndividualDelay)
-        self.fineLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Fine Delay"))
-        self.fineAdc1Input = self.createSpinbox(0, 31, connect=self.on_adc_delay_changed)
-        self.fineAdc2Input = self.createSpinbox(0, 31, connect=self.on_adc_delay_changed)
-        self.fineAdc3Input = self.createSpinbox(0, 31, connect=self.on_adc_delay_changed)
-        self.fineAdc4Input = self.createSpinbox(0, 31, connect=self.on_adc_delay_changed)
-        self.toggleTimeScanCheckbox = self.createCheckbox(tr("Button", "Time Scan"), tr("Tooltip", "Show time scan part"),
-                                                          connect=self.showTimeScan)
-        #---------[ End ]---------
-        Elements.addItem(["timing_{}".format(self.board_id), "no_board_{}".format(self.board_id)], [
-            self.coarseInput,
-            self.fineAdc1Input,
-            self.fineAdc2Input,
-            self.fineAdc3Input,
-            self.fineAdc4Input,
-            self.time_scan_button,
-            self.adc1CoarseInputSwitch
-        ])
-        Elements.addItem('acquire_{}'.format(self.board_id), self.time_scan_button)
-        def setValueSilent(value, spinbox):
-            '''set values silent to not trigger signals'''
-            spinbox.blockSignals(True)
-            spinbox.setValue(value)
-            spinbox.blockSignals(False)
-        # --------[ Set observers ]------------
-        def obs(who, what):
-            '''observe something'''
-            board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(
-                who,
-                lambda value=None: setValueSilent(value=value, spinbox=who),
-                what
-            )
-        obs(self.fineAdc1Input, 'chip_1_delay')
-        obs(self.fineAdc2Input, 'chip_2_delay')
-        obs(self.fineAdc3Input, 'chip_3_delay')
-        obs(self.fineAdc4Input, 'chip_4_delay')
-        obs(self.coarseInput, 'th_delay')
-        obs(self.adc1CoarseInput, 'adc_1_delay_individual')
-        # -------[ Create outputs ]---------------
-        self.totalLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Total Delay"))
-        self.totalAdc1Box = self.createInput("", read_only=True)
-        self.totalAdc2Box = self.createInput("", read_only=True)
-        self.totalAdc3Box = self.createInput("", read_only=True)
-        self.totalAdc4Box = self.createInput("", read_only=True)
-        def observe_function(x, box):
-            '''method to pass as callable to to the configuration as observer'''
-            box.setText('%i + %i' % (board.get_board_config(board_id).get('th_delay')*
-                                     board.get_board_config(board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
-                                     x*board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
-        def observe_function_total(x, box, adc):
-            '''method to pass as callable to to the configuration as observer'''
-            box.setText('%i + %i' % (x *
-                                     board.get_board_config(board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
-                                     board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_'+adc+'_delay') *
-                                     board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
-        # def adc1_observe_function_total(x, box):
-        #     adc1_individual = board.get_board_config(board_id).get("adc_1_delay_individual")
-        #     if adc1_individual == -1:
-        #         adc1_individual = 0
-        #     box.setText('%i + %i' % ((x+adc1_individual)*
-        #                              board.get_board_config(board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
-        #                              board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_1_delay') *
-        #                              board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc1Box,
-                                                 lambda x: observe_function(x, self.totalAdc1Box), 'chip_1_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc1Box,
-                                                 lambda x: observe_function_total(x, self.totalAdc1Box, '1'), 'th_delay')
-        # board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc1Box, lambda x: adc1_observe_function_total(x, self.totalAdc1Box), 'th_delay')
-        # board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc1Box, lambda x: adc1_observe_function_total(x, self.totalAdc1Box), 'adc_1_delay_individual')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc2Box,
-                                                 lambda x: observe_function(x, self.totalAdc2Box), 'chip_2_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc2Box,
-                                                 lambda x: observe_function_total(x, self.totalAdc2Box, '2'), 'th_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc3Box,
-                                                 lambda x: observe_function(x, self.totalAdc3Box), 'chip_3_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc3Box,
-                                                 lambda x: observe_function_total(x, self.totalAdc3Box, '3'), 'th_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc4Box,
-                                                 lambda x: observe_function(x, self.totalAdc4Box), 'chip_4_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc4Box,
-                                                 lambda x: observe_function_total(x, self.totalAdc4Box, '4'), 'th_delay')
-        #--------[ Fill Grid ]----------------
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.thdelayLabel, 0, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.coarseLabel, 1, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.coarseInput, 1, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc1thdelayLabel, 0, 2)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc1CoarseInput, 1, 2)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc1CoarseInputSwitch, 1, 3, 1, 2)
-        self.layout.addItem(QtGui.QSpacerItem(10, 15), 2, 1)
-        # Leave some rows free for additional things (empty rows will not be shown)
-        for i in range(4):
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.createLabel("ADC "+str(i+1)), 5, i+1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.fineLabel, 6, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.fineAdc1Input, 6, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.fineAdc2Input, 6, 2)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.fineAdc3Input, 6, 3)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.fineAdc4Input, 6, 4)
-        self.layout.addItem(QtGui.QSpacerItem(10, 15), 7, 1)
-        line = QtGui.QFrame()
-        line.setFrameStyle(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
-        self.layout.addWidget(line, 8, 0, 1, 5)
-        self.layout.addItem(QtGui.QSpacerItem(10, 15), 9, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.totalLabel, 10, 0)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.totalAdc1Box, 10, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.totalAdc2Box, 10, 2)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.totalAdc3Box, 10, 3)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.totalAdc4Box, 10, 4)
-        self.layout.addItem(QtGui.QSpacerItem(10, 15), 11, 1)
-        self.layout.addWidget(self.toggleTimeScanCheckbox, 12, 0)
-        #  -------[ Add TimeScan ]---------
-        self.outerLayout.addWidget(self.timeScan)
-        self.timeScan.hide()
-        self.outerLayout.addStretch(1)
-        #  -------[ End ]-----------
-        #  ------[ Exclude Total Delay Boxes from Tab Order ]--------
-        self.totalAdc1Box.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus)
-        self.totalAdc2Box.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus)
-        self.totalAdc3Box.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus)
-        self.totalAdc4Box.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus)
-        self.setTabOrder(self.fineAdc4Input, self.toggleTimeScanCheckbox)
-        self.setValues()
-        self.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", "Timing"))
-    def toggleAdc1IndividualDelay(self):
-        """
-        Toggle to use an individual delay for adc1 or not
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.adc1CoarseInput.setEnabled(self.adc1CoarseInputSwitch.checkState())
-        if not self.adc1CoarseInput.isEnabled():
-            board.get_board_config(self.board_id).update('adc_1_delay_individual', -1) # Be careful this does no silent update
-    def showAverageOneBunch(self):
-        """
-        Toggle to use an individual bunch for the averaging in the time delay scan or to use all bunches
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.average_one_bunch_spinbox.setEnabled(not self.average_all_bunches_checkbox.checkState())
-        self.average_threshold_spinbox.setEnabled(self.average_all_bunches_checkbox.checkState() and self.average_threshold_checkbox.checkState())
-        self.average_threshold_checkbox.setEnabled(self.average_all_bunches_checkbox.checkState())
-        self.average_threshold_checkbox.setChecked(False)
-    def considerThreshold(self):
-        """
-        Toggle to consider the Threshold for the averaging in the time delay scan
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.average_threshold_spinbox.setEnabled(self.average_threshold_checkbox.checkState() and self.average_all_bunches_checkbox.checkState())
-    def showTimeScan(self):
-        """
-        Show the time scan part of this window
-        :return: -
-        """
-        if self.timeScan.isHidden():
-            # self.outerLayout.addWidget(self.timeScan)
-            self.timeScan.show()
-        else:
-            self.timeScan.hide()
-            # self.outerLayout.removeWidget(self.timeScan)
-        self.parent.adjustSizeForTimeScan()
-    def time_scan(self):
-        """
-        Toggle timescan and create timingPlotWidget if it doesn't exist
-        :return: -
-        """
-        global __timing_plot_widget_id__
-        global __timing_plot_widget__
-        if not (self.board_id in __timing_plot_widget_id__):
-            nid = kcgw.idg.genid()
-            __timing_plot_widget_id__[self.board_id] = nid
-            self.plotWidget = timingPlotWidget(nid, self.board_id, global_objects.get_global('area'))
-            __timing_plot_widget__ = self.plotWidget
-            global_objects.get_global('area').newWidget(self.plotWidget, tr("Heading", "Timing result"), nid, widget_type=5)
-            self.plotWidget.parent().hide()
-            self.plotWidget.setInputs(self.coarseInput, [
-                self.fineAdc1Input,
-                self.fineAdc2Input,
-                self.fineAdc3Input,
-                self.fineAdc4Input
-            ])
-        bif.bk_time_scan(
-            self.board_id,
-            self.coarse_scan_min_spinbox.value(),
-            self.coarse_scan_max_spinbox.value(),
-            self.fine_scan_min_spinbox.value(),
-            self.fine_scan_max_spinbox.value(),
-            self.time_scan_progressbar,
-            self.plotWidget.plot,
-            orbits_observe = self.orbits_observe_spinbox.value(),
-            orbits_skip = self.orbits_skip_spinbox.value(),
-            bucket_to_use = self.average_one_bunch_spinbox.value() if self.average_one_bunch_spinbox.isEnabled() else None,
-            threshold_counts = self.average_threshold_spinbox.value() if self.average_threshold_spinbox.isEnabled() else None
-        )
-    def setValueSilent(self, element, value):
-        """
-        Set Values to inputs without notifying observers
-        :param element: the input
-        :param value: the value
-        :return: -
-        """
-        element.blockSignals(True)
-        element.setValue(value)
-        element.blockSignals(False)
-    def setValues(self):
-        """
-        Set Values to inputs (initially)
-        :return: -
-        """
-        self.setValueSilent(self.fineAdc1Input, board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_1_delay'))
-        self.setValueSilent(self.fineAdc2Input, board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_2_delay'))
-        self.setValueSilent(self.fineAdc3Input, board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_3_delay'))
-        self.setValueSilent(self.fineAdc4Input, board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_4_delay'))
-        self.setValueSilent(self.coarseInput, board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay'))
-        if board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('adc_1_delay_individual') != -1: # This may be nonsense Also: it is only possible to set adc1 higher than th_delay
-            self.totalAdc1Box.setText('%i + %i' % ((board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay')+board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('adc_1_delay_individual'))
-                                                    * board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
-                                                   board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_1_delay')*board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
-        else:
-            self.totalAdc1Box.setText('%i + %i' % (board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay')* board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
-                                                   board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_1_delay')*board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
-        self.totalAdc2Box.setText('%i + %i' % (board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay')* board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
-                                               board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_2_delay')*board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
-        self.totalAdc3Box.setText('%i + %i' % (board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay')* board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
-                                               board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_3_delay')*board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
-        self.totalAdc4Box.setText('%i + %i' % (board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay')* board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
-                                               board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_4_delay')*board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
-    def closeEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Event handler when this window is closed
-        """
-        Elements.emptyGroup('timing_{}'.format(self.board_id))
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.fineAdc1Input, 'chip_1_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.fineAdc2Input, 'chip_2_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.fineAdc3Input, 'chip_3_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.fineAdc4Input, 'chip_4_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.coarseInput, 'th_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc1Box, 'chip_1_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc2Box, 'chip_2_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc3Box, 'chip_3_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc4Box, 'chip_4_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc1Box, 'th_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc2Box, 'th_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc3Box, 'th_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc4Box, 'th_delay')
-        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.adc1CoarseInput, 'adc_1_delay_individual')
-        Elements.removeItem('no_board_{}'.format(self.board_id),
-                            [
-                                self.fineAdc1Input,
-                                self.fineAdc2Input,
-                                self.fineAdc3Input,
-                                self.fineAdc4Input,
-                                self.coarseInput,
-                                self.time_scan_button,
-                                self.adc1CoarseInputSwitch
-                            ])
-        Elements.removeItem("start_time_scan_{}".format(self.board_id), self.time_scan_button)
-        Elements.removeItem(['acquire_{}'.format(self.board_id), "start_time_scan_{}".format(self.board_id)], self.time_scan_button)
-        super(timingPart, self).closeEvent(event)
-    def on_adc_delay_changed(self):
-        """
-        Handler that gets called when an adc delay gets changed
-        """
-        try:
-            board.get_board_config(self.board_id).set_delay(self.coarseInput.value())
-            factors = [self.fineAdc1Input.value(), self.fineAdc2Input.value(),
-                       self.fineAdc3Input.value(), self.fineAdc4Input.value()]
-            board.get_board_config(self.board_id).set_chip_delay([0, 1, 2, 3], factors)
-        except board.BoardError as e:
-            logging.error("ADC fine delay failed: {}".format(str(e)))
-            bif.bk_status_readout(self.board_id)
-            return
-# 888   d8b             d8b                888       888d8b     888                888
-# 888   Y8P             Y8P                888   o   888Y8P     888                888
-# 888                                      888  d8b  888        888                888
-# 88888888888888b.d88b. 88888888b.  .d88b. 888 d888b 888888 .d88888 .d88b.  .d88b. 888888
-# 888   888888 "888 "88b888888 "88bd88P"88b888d88888b888888d88" 888d88P"88bd8P  Y8b888
-# 888   888888  888  888888888  888888  88888888P Y88888888888  888888  88888888888888
-# Y88b. 888888  888  888888888  888Y88b 8888888P   Y8888888Y88b 888Y88b 888Y8b.    Y88b.
-#  "Y888888888  888  888888888  888 "Y88888888P     Y888888 "Y88888 "Y88888 "Y8888  "Y888
-#                                       888                             888
-#                                  Y8b d88P                        Y8b d88P
-#                                   "Y88P"                          "Y88P"
-class timingWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
-    """
-    This is the container that holds the tab widget which contains the timing widgets for each board
-    """
-    def __init__(self, unique_id, parent=None):
-        super(timingWidget, self).__init__()
-        self.id = unique_id
-        self.par = parent
-        self.setWindowTitle("Timing")
-        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.setLayout(self.layout)
-        self.widgets = {i: timingPart(i, self) for i in available_boards}  # has to set parent with self because
-                                            # otherwise the window does not get resized correctly upon enabling timescan
-        if available_boards.multi_board:
-            self.tabWidget = QtGui.QTabWidget()
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.tabWidget)
-            for id, widget in self.widgets.items():
-                self.tabWidget.addTab(widget, available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(id))
-        else:
-            self.single_board_widget = list(self.widgets.values())[0]
-            self.layout.addWidget(self.single_board_widget)
-    def adjustSizeForTimeScan(self):
-        """
-        Adjust the size of the widget to accomodate the time_scan part
-        :return:
-        """
-                # self.parentWindow = self.parent().parent().parent().parent()  # one up is stacked widget, second up is
-                #                     tab widget, third up is timingWidget fourh up is KCGWSubWindow (the actual window)
-        QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents()
-        if self.parent().windowState() & QtCore.Qt.WindowMaximized:
-            self.parent().setWindowState(QtCore.Qt.WindowMaximized)
-        else:
-            # self.parent().resize(self.minimumSizeHint().width() * 1.2, self.minimumSizeHint().height()*1.1)
-            self.parent().adjustSize()
-    def closeEvent(self, event):
-        global __widget_id__
-        __widget_id__ = None
-        for widget in list(self.widgets.values()):
-            widget.closeEvent(event)
-        del self.par.widgets[self.id]
-        super(timingWidget, self).closeEvent(event)
-def addTimingWidget():
-    """
-    Add this widget to the gui.
-    This function will actually open the subwindow.
-    :return: -
-    """
-    global __widget_id__
-    if __widget_id__:
-        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].setFocus()
-    else:
-        nid = kcgw.idg.genid()
-        __widget_id__ = nid
-        w = timingWidget(nid, global_objects.get_global('area'))
-        global_objects.get_global('area').newWidget(w, tr("Heading", "Timing"), nid, widget_type=4, minSize=True) #TODO: proper type
-kcgw.register_widget(QtGui.QIcon(config.icon_path(config.timingIcon)), tr("Heading", "Timing"), addTimingWidget, "Ctrl+T")
+This Module Is the Timingsettings subWindow.
+import logging
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+import pyqtgraph as pg
+import numpy as np
+from ..base import kcgwidget as kcgw
+from ..base.backend import board
+from ..base.backend.board import available_boards
+from ..base import backendinterface as bif
+from ..base.groupedelements import Elements
+from ..base.globals import glob as global_objects
+from .. import config
+tr = kcgw.tr
+__widget_id__ = None
+__timing_plot_widget_id__ = {}
+__timing_plot_widget__ = None
+BUNCHES_PER_TURN = config.bunches_per_turn
+class timingPlotWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    The Timescan result plot subwindow.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, unique_id, board_id, parent=None):
+        """
+        Initialises the timing plot window
+        :param unique_id: the id for this window
+        :param parent: parent object
+        :return: -
+        """
+        super(timingPlotWidget, self).__init__()
+        self.id = unique_id
+        self.par = parent
+        self.board_id = board_id
+        # ------[ Variable declaration ]------------
+        self.plot_type = "colour"  # The Plot Type for this window (Changeable in this window)
+        self.xrange = (None, None)
+        self.yrange = (None, None)
+        self.x = None  # Number of Ticks in the x-direction     This is set by the gui programmatically
+        self.y = None  # Number of Ticks in the y-direction     This is set by the gui programmatically
+        self.data = None  # Data to plot
+        self.levels = None  # Levels for colors
+        self.inputsSet = False  # If Inputs (Timing) are set
+        # -------[ Create Plot Elements ]-----------
+        self.adc1_plot_widget = pg.PlotWidget(title="ADC 1")
+        self.adc2_plot_widget = pg.PlotWidget(title="ADC 2")
+        self.adc3_plot_widget = pg.PlotWidget(title="ADC 3")
+        self.adc4_plot_widget = pg.PlotWidget(title="ADC 4")
+        # -------[ Create structure ]----------
+        self.outerLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()  # Outermost layout of this window
+        self.setLayout(self.outerLayout)
+        self.headerLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()  # Layout for the header (including the switch to change plots)
+        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.headerLayout)
+        self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()  # Main Layout to hold the most elements in this window
+        # ------[ Create Some Elements ]-----------
+        self.position_label = self.createLabel("")
+        self.position_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
+        self.plot_type_switcher = self.createSwitch(connect=self.switch)
+        # ------[ Add Elements to various layouts ]--------------
+        self.headerLayout.addWidget(self.position_label)
+        self.headerLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("Colour Plot"))
+        self.headerLayout.addWidget(self.plot_type_switcher)
+        self.headerLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("Line Plot"))
+        self.headerLayout.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc1_plot_widget, 0, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc2_plot_widget, 0, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc3_plot_widget, 1, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc4_plot_widget, 1, 1)
+        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.layout)
+        self.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", "Timescan Results")+" "+available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(board_id))
+        # Initially show the colour plot
+        self.colour_plot()
+    def switch(self):
+        """
+        Switch Plot types
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if self.plot_type == 'colour':
+            self.remove_colour_plot()
+            self.line_plot()
+            self.plot()
+        else:
+            self.adc1_plot_widget.plotItem.clearPlots()
+            self.adc2_plot_widget.plotItem.clearPlots()
+            self.adc3_plot_widget.plotItem.clearPlots()
+            self.adc4_plot_widget.plotItem.clearPlots()
+            self.colour_plot()
+            self.plot()
+    def colour_plot(self):
+        """
+        Initialize Color Plot
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.plot_type = "colour"
+        self.adc1 = pg.ImageItem()
+        self.adc2 = pg.ImageItem()
+        self.adc3 = pg.ImageItem()
+        self.adc4 = pg.ImageItem()
+        self.adc1.mouseClickEvent = lambda x: self.click("ADC 1", x)
+        self.adc2.mouseClickEvent = lambda x: self.click("ADC 2", x)
+        self.adc3.mouseClickEvent = lambda x: self.click("ADC 3", x)
+        self.adc4.mouseClickEvent = lambda x: self.click("ADC 4", x)
+        def xtickStrings(values, scale, spacing):
+            """
+            Generate the strings for ticks
+            """
+            return [str(i + self.xrange[0]) for i in range(int(values[0]), int(values[-1]),int(spacing))]
+        def ytickStrings(values, scale, spacing):
+            """
+            Generate the strings for ticks
+            """
+            return [str(int(i) + self.yrange[0]) for i in values]
+        # ----------[ Configure and add color plots for ADC1 ]----------
+        for i in range(1, 5):
+            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).enableAutoRange() #axis=getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).getViewBox().YAxis)
+            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).getPlotItem().setLabel("left", tr("Heading", "Coarse delay"))
+            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).getPlotItem().setLabel("bottom", tr("Heading", "Fine delay"))
+            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).plotItem.addItem(getattr(self, "adc"+str(i)))
+            bax = getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).plotItem.getAxis('bottom')
+            lax = getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).plotItem.getAxis('left')
+            bax.tickSpacing = self.spacing
+            bax.tickStrings = xtickStrings
+            lax.setTickSpacing(levels=[(1, 1.5),])
+            lax.tickStrings = ytickStrings
+        pos = np.array([0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 1])
+        color = np.array([[0, 0, 255, 255], [0, 255, 255, 255], [0, 255, 0, 255], [130, 255, 0, 255], [255, 255, 0, 255], [255, 180, 0, 255], [255, 100, 0, 255], [255, 0, 0, 255]])
+        cmap = pg.ColorMap(pos, color)
+        lut = cmap.getLookupTable(0.0, 1.0, 256)
+        self.adc1.setLookupTable(lut)
+        self.adc2.setLookupTable(lut)
+        self.adc3.setLookupTable(lut)
+        self.adc4.setLookupTable(lut)
+    def remove_colour_plot(self):
+        """
+        Remove the color plot elements
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.adc1_plot_widget.plotItem.removeItem(self.adc1)
+        self.adc2_plot_widget.plotItem.removeItem(self.adc2)
+        self.adc3_plot_widget.plotItem.removeItem(self.adc3)
+        self.adc4_plot_widget.plotItem.removeItem(self.adc4)
+    def line_plot_axis_strings(self, values, scale, spacing):
+        """
+        Plot to format the strings for the line plot
+        This is used to override the default tickStrings method of pyqtgraph.AxisItem
+        :param values: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickStrings
+        :param scale: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickStrings
+        :param spacing: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickStrings
+        :return: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickStrings
+        """
+        coarses = [self.yrange[0] + i//(self.x) for i in values]
+        fines = [self.xrange[0] + i%(self.x) for i in values]
+        return [str(int(c))+"\n"+str(int(f)) for c, f in zip(coarses, fines)]
+    def spacing(self, minVal, maxVal, size):
+        """
+        Calculate spacing between ticks
+        This is used to override the default tickSpacing method of pyqtgraph.AxisItem
+        :param minVal: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickSpacing
+        :param maxVal: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickSpacing
+        :param size: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickSpacing
+        :return: See pyqtgraph.AxisItem.tickSpacing
+        """
+        if maxVal - minVal < 10.:
+            return [(1, 0),]
+        else:
+            return [(round((maxVal-minVal)/10.), 0),]
+    def y_axis_strings(self, values, scale, spacing):
+        """
+        Sets the strings for the y axis
+        :param values:
+        :param scale:
+        :param spacing:
+        :return:
+        """
+        return [str(int(v)) for v in values]
+    def line_plot(self):
+        """
+        Initialise the Line Plot
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.plot_type = "line"
+        for i in range(1, 5):
+            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).enableAutoRange() #axis=getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).getViewBox().YAxis)
+            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).getPlotItem().setLabel("left", tr("Heading", "Intensity"))
+            getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).getPlotItem().setLabel("bottom", tr("Heading", "Coarse over Fine"))
+            bax = getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).plotItem.getAxis('bottom')
+            lax = getattr(self, "adc{}_plot_widget".format(i)).plotItem.getAxis('left')
+            bax.setTickSpacing()
+            bax.tickSpacing = self.spacing
+            bax.tickStrings = self.line_plot_axis_strings
+            lax.setTickSpacing()
+            lax.tickStrings = self.y_axis_strings
+    def setInputs(self, coarse_input, fine_inputs):
+        """
+        Register the Inputfields for timing in the timingsettings window
+        :param coarse_input: (QSpinBox) Spinbox for coarse timing settings
+        :param fine_inputs: (list) List of (QSpinBox)es for fine timing settings
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.c_input = coarse_input
+        self.adc1_f_input = fine_inputs[0]
+        self.adc2_f_input = fine_inputs[1]
+        self.adc3_f_input = fine_inputs[2]
+        self.adc4_f_input = fine_inputs[3]
+        self.inputsSet = True
+    def click(self, adc, event):
+        """
+        Handler for the click event in color plots
+        :param adc: (str) The ADC plot that was clicked on
+        :param event: (QEvent) the event
+        :return: -
+        """
+        event.accept()
+        pos = event.pos()
+        self.position_label.setText(adc + " - " + str(int(pos.x())+self.xrange[0]) + ":"+str(int(pos.y())+self.yrange[0]))
+        if not self.inputsSet:
+            return
+        self.c_input.setValue(int(pos.y())+self.yrange[0])
+        if adc == "ADC 1":
+            self.adc1_f_input.setValue(int(pos.x())+self.xrange[0])
+        elif adc == "ADC 2":
+            self.adc2_f_input.setValue(int(pos.x())+self.xrange[0])
+        elif adc == "ADC 3":
+            self.adc3_f_input.setValue(int(pos.x())+self.xrange[0])
+        elif adc == "ADC 4":
+            self.adc4_f_input.setValue(int(pos.x())+self.xrange[0])
+    def plot(self, data=None, levels=None, ranges=None, newTitle=None, maxima=None):
+        """
+        Plot Data
+        :param data: (numpy 4d array) data to plot
+        :param levels: (tuple) Min and Max Values for color plot
+        :param ranges: (list) From to range of coarse (y) and fine (x) delay scan
+        :param newTitle: (str) The title for the window
+        :param maxima: (list) Maximum for each adc
+        :return: -
+        """
+#        if self.data is not None and data is not None: # keine ahnung
+#            return
+        if self.data is None and data is None:
+            return
+        if data is not None:
+            self.data = data # if called with no data a replot is performed (if data is set previously)
+        if levels is not None:
+            self.levels = levels
+        if ranges is not None:
+            self.yrange = ranges[0:2]
+            self.xrange = ranges[2:4]
+        self.x = self.data.shape[1]
+        self.y = self.data.shape[2]
+        if self.plot_type == 'colour':
+            # self.colour_plot()
+            self.adc1.setImage(self.data[0])
+            self.adc2.setImage(self.data[1])
+            self.adc3.setImage(self.data[2])
+            self.adc4.setImage(self.data[3])
+            if self.levels:
+                self.adc1.setLevels(self.levels)
+                self.adc2.setLevels(self.levels)
+                self.adc3.setLevels(self.levels)
+                self.adc4.setLevels(self.levels)
+            if newTitle:
+                self.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", "Timescan Result:") + " " + newTitle + " " +
+                                    available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(self.board_id))
+            if maxima is not None:
+                self.adc1_plot_widget.getPlotItem().setTitle(str(tr("Heading", "ADC 1: Maximum C:{c} F:{f}")).format(
+                    c=int(maxima[0, 1]), f=int(maxima[0, 2])))
+                self.adc2_plot_widget.getPlotItem().setTitle(str(tr("Heading", "ADC 2: Maximum C:{c} F:{f}")).format(
+                    c=int(maxima[1, 1]), f=int(maxima[1, 2])))
+                self.adc3_plot_widget.getPlotItem().setTitle(str(tr("Heading", "ADC 3: Maximum C:{c} F:{f}")).format(
+                    c=int(maxima[2, 1]), f=int(maxima[2, 2])))
+                self.adc4_plot_widget.getPlotItem().setTitle(str(tr("Heading", "ADC 4: Maximum C:{c} F:{f}")).format(
+                    c=int(maxima[3, 1]), f=int(maxima[3, 2])))
+        if self.plot_type == 'line':
+            # self.line_plot()
+            def reshape(data):
+                ''' simply reshape the data'''
+                return np.reshape(data, data.shape[0]*data.shape[1], order='F')
+            self.adc1_plot_widget.plotItem.clear()
+            self.adc2_plot_widget.plotItem.clear()
+            self.adc3_plot_widget.plotItem.clear()
+            self.adc4_plot_widget.plotItem.clear()
+            self.adc1_plot_widget.plotItem.plot(reshape(self.data[0]))
+            self.adc2_plot_widget.plotItem.plot(reshape(self.data[1]))
+            self.adc3_plot_widget.plotItem.plot(reshape(self.data[2]))
+            self.adc4_plot_widget.plotItem.plot(reshape(self.data[3]))
+        # ---[ Show this window and set focus to it ]------
+        self.parent().show()
+        self.show()
+        self.setFocus()
+    def closeEvent(self, event):
+        """
+        Event handler for closing this window
+        """
+        global __timing_plot_widget_id__
+        __timing_plot_widget_id__ = {}
+        del self.par.widgets[self.id]
+class timingPart(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    The actual timing settings window
+    """
+    def __init__(self, board_id, parent=None):
+        """
+        Initialise the timing settings window
+        :param unique_id:
+        :param parent:
+        :return:
+        """
+        super(timingPart, self).__init__()
+        if __timing_plot_widget__:
+            self.plotWidget = __timing_plot_widget__
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.board_id = board_id
+        self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+        self.outerLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.outerLayout.addLayout(self.layout)
+        self.setLayout(self.outerLayout)
+        self.time_scan_enabled = False
+        # --------[ Create TimeScan part ]----------
+        # --------[ Create Elements ]-------------
+        self.coarse_scan_range_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Coarse scan"))
+        self.fine_scan_range_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Fine scan"))
+        self.from_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "From"))
+        self.to_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "To"))
+        self.coarse_scan_min_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'th_delay_max'), start_value=0)
+        self.coarse_scan_max_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'th_delay_max'), start_value=bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'th_delay_max'))
+        self.fine_scan_min_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'chip_delay_max'), start_value=0)
+        self.fine_scan_max_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'chip_delay_max'), start_value=bif.bk_get_config(board_id, 'chip_delay_max'))
+        self.average_one_bunch_label = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Average bunch number"))
+        self.average_all_bunches_checkbox = self.createCheckbox(tr("Button", "Average all bunches"), tr("Tooltip", "Average over signal from all bunches for timescan"),
+                                                         checked=True,connect=self.showAverageOneBunch)
+        self.average_one_bunch_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, BUNCHES_PER_TURN-1, start_value=0)
+        self.average_one_bunch_spinbox.setEnabled(False)
+        self.orbits_observe_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(1, 10000000, start_value=100)
+        self.orbits_skip_spinbox = self.createSpinbox(0, 100, start_value=2)
+        self.time_scan_progressbar = QtGui.QProgressBar()
+        self.time_scan_button = self.createButton(tr("Button", "Start time scan"), connect=self.time_scan)
+        Elements.addButton("start_time_scan_{}".format(board_id), self.time_scan_button)
+        self.timeScan = QtGui.QWidget()
+        # --------[ Create and Fill Timescan layouts ]----------------
+        self.timeScanVLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.timeScanLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+        self.timeScanVLayout.addWidget(self.time_scan_progressbar)
+        self.timeScanVLayout.addLayout(self.timeScanLayout)
+        self.timeScan.setLayout(self.timeScanVLayout)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.from_label, 0, 1)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.to_label, 0, 2)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.coarse_scan_range_label, 1, 0)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.coarse_scan_min_spinbox, 1, 1)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.coarse_scan_max_spinbox, 1, 2)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.fine_scan_range_label, 2, 0)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.fine_scan_min_spinbox, 2, 1)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.fine_scan_max_spinbox, 2, 2)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("Orbits to Observe"), 3, 1)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.orbits_observe_spinbox, 3, 2)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.createLabel("Orbits to Skip"), 4, 1)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.orbits_skip_spinbox, 4, 2)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.average_all_bunches_checkbox, 5, 0)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.average_one_bunch_label, 5, 1)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.average_one_bunch_spinbox, 5, 2)
+        self.timeScanLayout.addWidget(self.time_scan_button, 6, 2)
+        self.setTabOrder(self.fine_scan_max_spinbox, self.time_scan_button)
+        #  --------[ End Time Scan Part ]-------------
+        #  --------[ Create Labels and corresponding Fields ]---------
+        def update_delay(which, spinbox):
+            '''update the delays on the board'''
+            board.get_board_config(board_id).update(which, getattr(self, spinbox).value())
+            board.get_board_config(board_id).set_delay(self.coarseInput.value())
+        self.thdelayLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "T/H Delay"))
+        self.adc1thdelayLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "2. ADC1 T/H Delay"))
+        self.coarseLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Coarse Delay"))
+        self.coarseInput = self.createSpinbox(0, 15, connect=lambda: update_delay("th_delay", "coarseInput"))
+        self.adc1CoarseInput = self.createSpinbox(0, 15, connect=lambda: update_delay("adc_1_delay_individual", "adc1CoarseInput"))
+        self.adc1CoarseInput.setEnabled(False)
+        self.adc1CoarseInputSwitch = self.createCheckbox(tr("Label", "Enable second ADC1 T/H Delay"), connect=self.toggleAdc1IndividualDelay)
+        self.fineLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Fine Delay"))
+        self.fineAdc1Input = self.createSpinbox(0, 31, connect=self.on_adc_delay_changed)
+        self.fineAdc2Input = self.createSpinbox(0, 31, connect=self.on_adc_delay_changed)
+        self.fineAdc3Input = self.createSpinbox(0, 31, connect=self.on_adc_delay_changed)
+        self.fineAdc4Input = self.createSpinbox(0, 31, connect=self.on_adc_delay_changed)
+        self.toggleTimeScanCheckbox = self.createCheckbox(tr("Button", "Time Scan"), tr("Tooltip", "Show time scan part"),
+                                                          connect=self.showTimeScan)
+        #---------[ End ]---------
+        Elements.addItem(["timing_{}".format(self.board_id), "no_board_{}".format(self.board_id)], [
+            self.coarseInput,
+            self.fineAdc1Input,
+            self.fineAdc2Input,
+            self.fineAdc3Input,
+            self.fineAdc4Input,
+            self.time_scan_button,
+            self.adc1CoarseInputSwitch
+        ])
+        Elements.addItem('acquire_{}'.format(self.board_id), self.time_scan_button)
+        def setValueSilent(value, spinbox):
+            '''set values silent to not trigger signals'''
+            spinbox.blockSignals(True)
+            spinbox.setValue(value)
+            spinbox.blockSignals(False)
+        # --------[ Set observers ]------------
+        def obs(who, what):
+            '''observe something'''
+            board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(
+                who,
+                lambda value=None: setValueSilent(value=value, spinbox=who),
+                what
+            )
+        obs(self.fineAdc1Input, 'chip_1_delay')
+        obs(self.fineAdc2Input, 'chip_2_delay')
+        obs(self.fineAdc3Input, 'chip_3_delay')
+        obs(self.fineAdc4Input, 'chip_4_delay')
+        obs(self.coarseInput, 'th_delay')
+        obs(self.adc1CoarseInput, 'adc_1_delay_individual')
+        # -------[ Create outputs ]---------------
+        self.totalLabel = self.createLabel(tr("Label", "Total Delay"))
+        self.totalAdc1Box = self.createInput("", read_only=True)
+        self.totalAdc2Box = self.createInput("", read_only=True)
+        self.totalAdc3Box = self.createInput("", read_only=True)
+        self.totalAdc4Box = self.createInput("", read_only=True)
+        def observe_function(x, box):
+            '''method to pass as callable to to the configuration as observer'''
+            box.setText('%i + %i' % (board.get_board_config(board_id).get('th_delay')*
+                                     board.get_board_config(board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
+                                     x*board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
+        def observe_function_total(x, box, adc):
+            '''method to pass as callable to to the configuration as observer'''
+            box.setText('%i + %i' % (x *
+                                     board.get_board_config(board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
+                                     board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_'+adc+'_delay') *
+                                     board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
+        # def adc1_observe_function_total(x, box):
+        #     adc1_individual = board.get_board_config(board_id).get("adc_1_delay_individual")
+        #     if adc1_individual == -1:
+        #         adc1_individual = 0
+        #     box.setText('%i + %i' % ((x+adc1_individual)*
+        #                              board.get_board_config(board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
+        #                              board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_1_delay') *
+        #                              board.get_board_config(board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc1Box,
+                                                 lambda x: observe_function(x, self.totalAdc1Box), 'chip_1_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc1Box,
+                                                 lambda x: observe_function_total(x, self.totalAdc1Box, '1'), 'th_delay')
+        # board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc1Box, lambda x: adc1_observe_function_total(x, self.totalAdc1Box), 'th_delay')
+        # board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc1Box, lambda x: adc1_observe_function_total(x, self.totalAdc1Box), 'adc_1_delay_individual')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc2Box,
+                                                 lambda x: observe_function(x, self.totalAdc2Box), 'chip_2_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc2Box,
+                                                 lambda x: observe_function_total(x, self.totalAdc2Box, '2'), 'th_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc3Box,
+                                                 lambda x: observe_function(x, self.totalAdc3Box), 'chip_3_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc3Box,
+                                                 lambda x: observe_function_total(x, self.totalAdc3Box, '3'), 'th_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc4Box,
+                                                 lambda x: observe_function(x, self.totalAdc4Box), 'chip_4_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(board_id).observe(self.totalAdc4Box,
+                                                 lambda x: observe_function_total(x, self.totalAdc4Box, '4'), 'th_delay')
+        #--------[ Fill Grid ]----------------
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.thdelayLabel, 0, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.coarseLabel, 1, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.coarseInput, 1, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc1thdelayLabel, 0, 2)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc1CoarseInput, 1, 2)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.adc1CoarseInputSwitch, 1, 3, 1, 2)
+        self.layout.addItem(QtGui.QSpacerItem(10, 15), 2, 1)
+        # Leave some rows free for additional things (empty rows will not be shown)
+        for i in range(4):
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.createLabel("ADC "+str(i+1)), 5, i+1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.fineLabel, 6, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.fineAdc1Input, 6, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.fineAdc2Input, 6, 2)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.fineAdc3Input, 6, 3)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.fineAdc4Input, 6, 4)
+        self.layout.addItem(QtGui.QSpacerItem(10, 15), 7, 1)
+        line = QtGui.QFrame()
+        line.setFrameStyle(QtGui.QFrame.HLine)
+        self.layout.addWidget(line, 8, 0, 1, 5)
+        self.layout.addItem(QtGui.QSpacerItem(10, 15), 9, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.totalLabel, 10, 0)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.totalAdc1Box, 10, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.totalAdc2Box, 10, 2)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.totalAdc3Box, 10, 3)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.totalAdc4Box, 10, 4)
+        self.layout.addItem(QtGui.QSpacerItem(10, 15), 11, 1)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.toggleTimeScanCheckbox, 12, 0)
+        #  -------[ Add TimeScan ]---------
+        self.outerLayout.addWidget(self.timeScan)
+        self.timeScan.hide()
+        self.outerLayout.addStretch(1)
+        #  -------[ End ]-----------
+        #  ------[ Exclude Total Delay Boxes from Tab Order ]--------
+        self.totalAdc1Box.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus)
+        self.totalAdc2Box.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus)
+        self.totalAdc3Box.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus)
+        self.totalAdc4Box.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus)
+        self.setTabOrder(self.fineAdc4Input, self.toggleTimeScanCheckbox)
+        self.setValues()
+        self.setWindowTitle(tr("Heading", "Timing"))
+    def toggleAdc1IndividualDelay(self):
+        """
+        Toggle to use an individual delay for adc1 or not
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.adc1CoarseInput.setEnabled(self.adc1CoarseInputSwitch.checkState())
+        if not self.adc1CoarseInput.isEnabled():
+            board.get_board_config(self.board_id).update('adc_1_delay_individual', -1) # Be careful this does no silent update
+    def showAverageOneBunch(self):
+        """
+        Toggle to use an individual bunch for the averaging in the time delay scan or to use all bunches
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.average_one_bunch_spinbox.setEnabled(not self.average_all_bunches_checkbox.checkState())
+    def showTimeScan(self):
+        """
+        Show the time scan part of this window
+        :return: -
+        """
+        if self.timeScan.isHidden():
+            # self.outerLayout.addWidget(self.timeScan)
+            self.timeScan.show()
+        else:
+            self.timeScan.hide()
+            # self.outerLayout.removeWidget(self.timeScan)
+        self.parent.adjustSizeForTimeScan()
+    def time_scan(self):
+        """
+        Toggle timescan and create timingPlotWidget if it doesn't exist
+        :return: -
+        """
+        global __timing_plot_widget_id__
+        global __timing_plot_widget__
+        if not (self.board_id in __timing_plot_widget_id__):
+            nid = kcgw.idg.genid()
+            __timing_plot_widget_id__[self.board_id] = nid
+            self.plotWidget = timingPlotWidget(nid, self.board_id, global_objects.get_global('area'))
+            __timing_plot_widget__ = self.plotWidget
+            global_objects.get_global('area').newWidget(self.plotWidget, tr("Heading", "Timing result"), nid, widget_type=5)
+            self.plotWidget.parent().hide()
+            self.plotWidget.setInputs(self.coarseInput, [
+                self.fineAdc1Input,
+                self.fineAdc2Input,
+                self.fineAdc3Input,
+                self.fineAdc4Input
+            ])
+        bif.bk_time_scan(
+            self.board_id,
+            self.coarse_scan_min_spinbox.value(),
+            self.coarse_scan_max_spinbox.value(),
+            self.fine_scan_min_spinbox.value(),
+            self.fine_scan_max_spinbox.value(),
+            self.time_scan_progressbar,
+            self.plotWidget.plot,
+            orbits_observe = self.orbits_observe_spinbox.value(),
+            orbits_skip = self.orbits_skip_spinbox.value(),
+            bucket_to_use = self.average_one_bunch_spinbox.value() if self.average_one_bunch_spinbox.isEnabled() else None
+        )
+    def setValueSilent(self, element, value):
+        """
+        Set Values to inputs without notifying observers
+        :param element: the input
+        :param value: the value
+        :return: -
+        """
+        element.blockSignals(True)
+        element.setValue(value)
+        element.blockSignals(False)
+    def setValues(self):
+        """
+        Set Values to inputs (initially)
+        :return: -
+        """
+        self.setValueSilent(self.fineAdc1Input, board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_1_delay'))
+        self.setValueSilent(self.fineAdc2Input, board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_2_delay'))
+        self.setValueSilent(self.fineAdc3Input, board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_3_delay'))
+        self.setValueSilent(self.fineAdc4Input, board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_4_delay'))
+        self.setValueSilent(self.coarseInput, board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay'))
+        if board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('adc_1_delay_individual') != -1: # This may be nonsense Also: it is only possible to set adc1 higher than th_delay
+            self.totalAdc1Box.setText('%i + %i' % ((board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay')+board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('adc_1_delay_individual'))
+                                                    * board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
+                                                   board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_1_delay')*board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
+        else:
+            self.totalAdc1Box.setText('%i + %i' % (board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay')* board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
+                                                   board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_1_delay')*board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
+        self.totalAdc2Box.setText('%i + %i' % (board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay')* board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
+                                               board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_2_delay')*board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
+        self.totalAdc3Box.setText('%i + %i' % (board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay')* board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
+                                               board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_3_delay')*board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
+        self.totalAdc4Box.setText('%i + %i' % (board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay')* board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('th_delay_factor'),
+                                               board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_4_delay')*board.get_board_config(self.board_id).get('chip_delay_factor')))
+    def closeEvent(self, event):
+        """
+        Event handler when this window is closed
+        """
+        Elements.emptyGroup('timing_{}'.format(self.board_id))
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.fineAdc1Input, 'chip_1_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.fineAdc2Input, 'chip_2_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.fineAdc3Input, 'chip_3_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.fineAdc4Input, 'chip_4_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.coarseInput, 'th_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc1Box, 'chip_1_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc2Box, 'chip_2_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc3Box, 'chip_3_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc4Box, 'chip_4_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc1Box, 'th_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc2Box, 'th_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc3Box, 'th_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.totalAdc4Box, 'th_delay')
+        board.get_board_config(self.board_id).unobserve(self.adc1CoarseInput, 'adc_1_delay_individual')
+        Elements.removeItem('no_board_{}'.format(self.board_id),
+                            [
+                                self.fineAdc1Input,
+                                self.fineAdc2Input,
+                                self.fineAdc3Input,
+                                self.fineAdc4Input,
+                                self.coarseInput,
+                                self.time_scan_button,
+                                self.adc1CoarseInputSwitch
+                            ])
+        Elements.removeItem("start_time_scan_{}".format(self.board_id), self.time_scan_button)
+        Elements.removeItem(['acquire_{}'.format(self.board_id), "start_time_scan_{}".format(self.board_id)], self.time_scan_button)
+        super(timingPart, self).closeEvent(event)
+    def on_adc_delay_changed(self):
+        """
+        Handler that gets called when an adc delay gets changed
+        """
+        try:
+            board.get_board_config(self.board_id).set_delay(self.coarseInput.value())
+            factors = [self.fineAdc1Input.value(), self.fineAdc2Input.value(),
+                       self.fineAdc3Input.value(), self.fineAdc4Input.value()]
+            board.get_board_config(self.board_id).set_chip_delay([0, 1, 2, 3], factors)
+        except board.BoardError as e:
+            logging.error("ADC fine delay failed: {}".format(str(e)))
+            bif.bk_status_readout(self.board_id)
+            return
+class timingWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets):
+    """
+    This is the container that holds the tab widget which contains the timing widgets for each board
+    """
+    def __init__(self, unique_id, parent=None):
+        super(timingWidget, self).__init__()
+        self.id = unique_id
+        self.par = parent
+        self.setWindowTitle("Timing")
+        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.setLayout(self.layout)
+        self.widgets = {i: timingPart(i, self) for i in available_boards}  # has to set parent with self because
+                                            # otherwise the window does not get resized correctly upon enabling timescan
+        if available_boards.multi_board:
+            self.tabWidget = QtGui.QTabWidget()
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.tabWidget)
+            for id, widget in self.widgets.iteritems():
+                self.tabWidget.addTab(widget, available_boards.get_board_name_from_id(id))
+        else:
+            self.single_board_widget = self.widgets.values()[0]
+            self.layout.addWidget(self.single_board_widget)
+    def adjustSizeForTimeScan(self):
+        """
+        Adjust the size of the widget to accomodate the time_scan part
+        :return:
+        """
+                # self.parentWindow = self.parent().parent().parent().parent()  # one up is stacked widget, second up is
+                #                     tab widget, third up is timingWidget fourh up is KCGWSubWindow (the actual window)
+        QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents()
+        if self.parent().windowState() & QtCore.Qt.WindowMaximized:
+            self.parent().setWindowState(QtCore.Qt.WindowMaximized)
+        else:
+            # self.parent().resize(self.minimumSizeHint().width() * 1.2, self.minimumSizeHint().height()*1.1)
+            self.parent().adjustSize()
+    def closeEvent(self, event):
+        global __widget_id__
+        __widget_id__ = None
+        for widget in self.widgets.values():
+            widget.closeEvent(event)
+        del self.par.widgets[self.id]
+        super(timingWidget, self).closeEvent(event)
+def addTimingWidget():
+    """
+    Add this widget to the gui.
+    This function will actually open the subwindow.
+    :return: -
+    """
+    global __widget_id__
+    if __widget_id__:
+        global_objects.get_global('area').widgets[__widget_id__].setFocus()
+    else:
+        nid = kcgw.idg.genid()
+        __widget_id__ = nid
+        w = timingWidget(nid, global_objects.get_global('area'))
+        global_objects.get_global('area').newWidget(w, tr("Heading", "Timing"), nid, widget_type=4, minSize=True) #TODO: proper type
+kcgw.register_widget(QtGui.QIcon(config.install_path + config.timingIcon), tr("Heading", "Timing"), addTimingWidget, "Ctrl+T")

+ 93 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Bunches per turn of accelerator (integer value)
+bunches_per_turn = 184
+# Save headerinformation in file (bool value)
+save_header = True
+# Revolution time (double value)
+tRev =3.6825476109875985e-07
+# NOTE: This value will be overwritten when the language is changed in the gui-settings
+# possible languages:
+# en_GB - English
+# de_DE - German
+language ="en_GB"
+# default_save_location: use "pwd" for current working
+# directory KCG will always save in a subdirectory to
+# this given path and save files in this directory
+default_save_location = "pwd"
+# default_subdirectory_name_format: this is the
+# naming scheme for the subdirectory in which the
+# files are saved. Format of this string:
+# "{tag1}text{tag2}text" etc.
+# possible tags:
+# {dateG} will produce e.g. 04.01.2015
+# {dateGd} will produce e.g. 04_01_2015
+# {dateA} will pdoduce e.g. 01-04-2015
+# {times} will produce e.g. 14_04
+# {timel} will produce e.g. 14_04_12
+# {d} the Day in 2 digit format
+# {m} the Month in 2 digit format
+# {y} the Year in 4 digit Format
+# {H} the Hour in 2 digit format
+# {M} the minute in 2 digit format
+# {S} the seconds in 2 digit format
+# {timestamp} unix timestamp without msec
+# {user} the current logged in user
+# {sessionname} Ask for session name at startup
+# {ask} always ask for a foldername
+#default_subdirectory_name = "{user}_{dateGd}-{timel}_{sessionname}"
+default_subdirectory_name = "{sessionname}"
+# reask on cancel in dialog or use {user}_{dateGd}-{timel} as default when cancel is pressed?
+force_ask = False
+# Show advanced table view per default? (boolean value)
+show_advanced_control = False
+# These are PVs that will be possible to insert into log files
+# This variable is to be a list consisting of touples of two entries,
+# the first ist the Text that describes the value and the second is the EPICS PV that
+# holds that value
+epics_log_entry_pvs = [
+    ("Beam Energy (GeV)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Energy"),
+    ("Beam Current (mA)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Current"),
+    ("Beam Lifetime (s)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Lifetime"),
+    ("Beam Lifetime (H:M:S)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Lifetime:String"),
+    ("Injection Rate (mA/s)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:InjRate"),
+    ("Injection Rate (mA/5s)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:InjRate:5s"),
+    ("Fill Number", "A:SR:OperationStatus:01:FillNumber")
+    ]
+# This pv is used to determine if epics pvs are accessible
+epics_test_pv = "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Current"
+# Path to your epics base installation
+epics_base_path = "/opt/epics/base/"
+# List of Entries that are default to save in Log
+# Possible Values are:
+# "Number of Orbits"
+# "Number of Skipped Orbits"
+# "Number of Acquisitions"
+# "Time between Acquisitions"
+# "Pilot Bunch Simulator"
+# "Header saved"
+# "T/H Delay"
+# "ADC 1 Delay"
+# "ADC 2 Delay"
+# "ADC 3 Delay"
+# "ADC 4 Delay"
+# All of the description text entries in epics_log_entry_pvs, see above
+# NOTE: These entries have to match the aforementioned strings exactly
+default_log_entries = [
+    "Number of Orbits",
+    "Number of Skipped Orbits",
+    "Number of Acquisitions",
+    "Time between Acquisitions",
+    "Fill Number",
+    "Beam Energy (GeV)",
+    "Beam Current (mA)"
+    ]

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# These are PVs that will be possible to insert into log files
-# This variable is to be a list consisting of touples of three entries,
-# the first ist the Text that describes the value and the second is the EPICS PV that
-# holds that value. The third sets the PV to be by default aktivated for logging
-epics_log_entry_pvs = [
-    ("Beam Energy (GeV)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Energy", "True"),
-    ("Beam Current (mA)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Current", "True"),
-    ("Beam Lifetime (s)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Lifetime", "False"),
-    ("Beam Lifetime (H:M:S)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Lifetime:String", "False"),
-    ("Injection Rate (mA/s)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:InjRate", "False"),
-    ("Injection Rate (mA/5s)", "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:InjRate:5s", "False"),
-    ("Fill Number", "A:SR:OperationStatus:01:FillNumber", "True")
-    ]
-# This pv is used to determine if epics pvs are accessible
-epics_test_pv = "A:SR:BeamInfo:01:Current"
-# Path to your epics base installation
-epics_base_path = "/opt/epics/base/"

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-import sip #needed for pyQT4 to run with python 3
-sip.setapi('QString', 1)
-sip.setapi('QStringList', 1)
 import KCG.kcg as k

+ 2 - 8

@@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-import time, subprocess
-git_count = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-list", "--count", "HEAD"]).strip()
-version_time = time.strftime("%d%m%y")
-VERSION = "0.3.2."+git_count+"."+version_time+"-beta"
-with open("KCG/VERSION", 'w') as vfile:
-    vfile.write(VERSION)
-#    version='',
-    version=VERSION,
+    version='',
     author='Patrick Schreiber',
 #    license='GPL',