34 KB

  1. import logging
  2. import time
  3. import os
  4. import math
  5. import numpy as np
  6. from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval
  7. import h5py
  8. import traceback
  9. try:
  10. #Compatibility Python3 and Python 2
  11. from .CalibrationHandle import theCalibration
  12. from .constants import KARA
  13. from . import board
  14. from .board import available_boards
  15. except:
  16. from CalibrationHandle import theCalibration
  17. from constants import KARA
  18. #FIXME: This is device dependent and needs to be in the config file!!
  20. #FIXME: Python Dictionaries? Never heard of them...
  21. RAW_FILE = 1
  22. RAW_FILE_NPY = 2
  23. TIMESCAN = 3
  24. class DataSet(object):
  25. """
  26. Most usefull functions:
  27. train(adc,frm,to,calibrate)
  28. heatmap(adc, frm,to)
  29. fft(adc,frm,to,trunbyturn,mean)
  30. readFromLog()
  31. ! Be aware: parameter ADC is in range of 0 to 7
  32. """
  33. def __init__(self, filename=None, decodedData=None, rawData=None, stringData=None, delays=None, shiftFMC2=0, tRev=KARA.trev, bunchesPerTurn=KARA.h, calibrationFile=""):
  34. """
  35. Initialise the dataset
  36. use one of:
  37. :param filename: string of the rawfile to open. If available it reads automatically the meta information from the Logfile
  38. :param decodedData: array of already decoded Data
  39. :param rawData: filedescriptor (eg. np.memmap) or array of rawdata
  40. :param stringData: handling rawdata given as string (eg. from bif._bif_read_data)
  41. :param delays: dict containing the delaysettings. default is read from LogFile or if not present {'c330':0, 'c25':0, 'c25b':4, 'f':[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]}
  42. :param shiftFMC2: compensate Bucketmissmatch between channel 1-4 and 5-8 (can later be done by setShiftFMC2)
  43. :param tRev: default KARA.trev
  44. :param bunchesPerTrun: default KARA.h
  45. :param calibrationFile: define the to use calibration. by default it looks for "calibration.hdf" in the same dic as the filename
  46. :return: -
  47. """
  48. self.fileName = filename
  49. if filename is not None:
  50. self.path = os.path.dirname(filename)
  51. self.type = 0
  52. self.header = None
  53. self.adcNumber = 4
  54. self.adcSwap = False #compatibility for old data
  55. self.log = None
  56. self.stepper = None
  57. self.invert = False
  58. self.datax = None
  59. self.isAcquisition=False
  60. self.skippedTurns = 0
  61. self.tRev = tRev
  62. self.bunchesPerTurn = bunchesPerTurn
  63. self.shiftFMC2 = shiftFMC2
  64. self.array = []
  65. self.frm = 0
  66. = 0
  67. self.v = False
  68. self._heatmaps = {}
  69. self._ffts = {}
  70. self._fftsnobunching = False
  71. self._f = 0
  72. self._t = 1
  73. self.c330 = 0
  74. self.c25 = 0
  75. self.c25b = 4
  76. self.f = []
  77. self.dataRead = False
  78. self.noFile = False
  79. self.calibId = "current"
  80. if calibrationFile != "":
  81. self.calibId = theCalibration.openFile(calibrationFile)
  82. else:
  83. if filename is not None:
  84. self.calibId = theCalibration.openFile(os.path.join(self.path,'calibration.hdf'))
  85. else:
  86. print('calibrationFile not defined - no calibration possible')
  87. if delays is not None:
  88. try:
  89. self.c330 = delays['c330']
  90. self.c25 = delays['c25']
  91. self.c25b = delays['c25b']
  92. self.f = delays['f']
  93. except:
  94. pass
  95. if decodedData is not None:
  96. self.array = decodedData
  97. self.adcNumber = len(decodedData[1])-1
  98. self.dataRead = True
  99. self.noFile = True
  100. print('load decodedData with ADCs', self.adcNumber)
  101. elif stringData is not None:
  102. logging.vinfo("Read data directly from device.")
  103. logging.vinfo("Read %i bytes of data" % len(stringData))
  104. rawData = np.fromstring(stringData, dtype=np.uint32)
  105. self.loadFromRawData(rawData)
  106. self.dataRead = True
  107. self.noFile = True
  108. elif rawData is not None:
  109. self.loadFromRawData(rawData)
  110. self.dataRead = True
  111. self.noFile = True
  112. elif filename is not None:
  113. if not os.path.isfile(self.fileName):
  114. print('file {} does not exist'.format(self.fileName))
  115. return
  116. else:
  117. self.getFromLog()
  118. else:
  119. print('DataSet nothing given!')
  120. return
  121. def setShiftFMC2(self, shiftFMC2):
  122. self.shiftFMC2 = shiftFMC2
  123. = 0 #force new decode
  124. def setDelays(self, delays):
  125. try:
  126. self.c330 = delays['c330']
  127. self.c25 = delays['c25']
  128. self.c25b = delays['c25b']
  129. self.f = np.array([float(v) for v in delays['f'][1:-1].split(',')])
  130. except:
  131. traceback.print_exc()
  132. pass
  133. def fineDelays(self):
  135. # This is a bandaid patch to make peak reconstruction at least *somewhat*
  136. # working again. We will only use the finedelays from current
  137. # configuration. This will inevitably be incorrect, if data is stored to
  138. # harddrive and then opened again in a new session with different settings
  139. # and configuration. Or on a different KAPTURE system alltogether. So we
  140. # will eventually need to think about a way to couple calibration,
  141. # configuration and measurment data together into one 'container' so it
  142. # can be re-used and moved between system boundaries, without losing
  143. # details.
  144. # if len(self.f):
  145. # return self.f
  146. # if self.header:
  147. # return self.header['fine_delay_adc']
  148. # else:
  149. # return None
  150. adcdelays_ps = [0 for i in range(self.adcNumber)]
  151. #FIXME: I am just *guessing* that available_boards[0] is the right one,
  152. # since support for multiple boards has been phazed out a while ago, but
  153. # still lingers in the codebase as a remnant. So [0] is a good guess, for
  154. # now.
  155. board_config = board.get_board_config(available_boards[0])
  156. bunches_per_turn = board_config.get("bunches_per_turn")
  157. time_between_bunches_s = self.tRev / bunches_per_turn
  158. #Convert seconds to picosecods
  159. time_between_bunches_ps = time_between_bunches_s * (1000**4)
  160. finedelay_factor = board_config.get("chip_delay_factor")
  161. #TRIAGE:
  162. #FMC Banks are currently (18.12.2020) switched, so the slots for the
  163. #ADC delay slots 1,2,3,4 are for ADCs 5,6,7,8 and vice versa
  164. fdelays = board_config.get("chip_delay")
  165. finedelays = fdelays[4:] + fdelays[:4]
  166. finedelays = [i * finedelay_factor for i in finedelays]
  167. #FIXME:
  168. #NOTE:
  169. # Michele Caselle requested, that the 'dead space' between each
  170. # individual bunch be removed. This means, we do not calculate the actual
  171. # time in ps between each bunch, based on the machine geometry and
  172. # configuration, but just assume that the next bunch starts exactly 3ps
  173. # (the smallest possible fine-delay) after the last bunch has ended.
  174. # Therefore, we just assume that the time between bunches is at max the
  175. # highest fine-delay we con configure + 3
  176. time_between_bunches_ps = 3
  177. finedelay_max = board_config.get("chip_delay_max")
  178. time_between_bunches_ps += finedelay_max * finedelay_factor
  179. #FIXME: We need a better way to understand how the ADCs are distributed
  180. # across the FMC connectors. Currently, I have to know that we have 8 ADCs
  181. # distributed as 4 ADCs onto 2 FMCs, and get the delays from the board
  182. # config accordingly. Not good. We should find a way to do this
  183. # programmatically.
  184. fmc1_delay = board_config.get("delay_330_th") * board_config.get("delay_330_factor")
  185. fmc1_delay += board_config.get("delay_25_th") * board_config.get("delay_25_factor")
  186. fmc2_delay = board_config.get("delay_330_th_2") * board_config.get("delay_330_factor")
  187. fmc2_delay += board_config.get("delay_25_th_2") * board_config.get("delay_25_factor")
  188. adcdelays_ps[:4] = [i + fmc1_delay for i in finedelays[:4]]
  189. adcdelays_ps[4:] = [i + fmc2_delay for i in finedelays[4:]]
  190. #NOTE:
  191. # The Track-and-Hold (TH) timings do not have an impact on the actual
  192. # distribution of data across the time domain! The THs only "latches" an
  193. # analogue value at a certain point in time and holds it, so the ADCs
  194. # have time to convert the analogue value into a digital one.
  195. adcdelays_ps = finedelays
  196. #Express the delays as fractions of full timing distance between bunches
  197. adcdelays_ps = [float(i) / time_between_bunches_ps for i in adcdelays_ps]
  198. #print("###############################")
  199. #print(finedelays)
  200. #print(adcdelays_ps)
  201. #print(board_config.dump())
  202. #print("###############################")
  203. return adcdelays_ps
  204. def getCalibratedDelay(self):
  205. if self.datax is not None:
  206. return self.datax*1e-12
  207. out = []
  208. for i,v in enumerate(self.f):
  209. out.append(theCalibration.calibrateX(i, self.c330, self.c25, v, self.c25b))
  210. return np.array(out)
  211. def numOfBunches(self):
  212. return self.array.shape[0]
  213. def numOfTurns(self):
  214. return self.numOfBunches() / self.bunchesPerTurn
  215. def heatmap(self, adc=1, frm=0, to=-1, bunch_frm=0, bunch_to=-1):
  216. newone = self.loadFromFile(0, to*self.bunchesPerTurn)
  217. if isinstance(adc, list):
  218. adc = adc[0]
  219. if not 0 <= adc <= self.adcNumber:
  220. raise ValueError('adc must be in [0,{:}]'.format(self.adcNumber-1))
  221. l = len(self.array)
  222. l = (l//self.bunchesPerTurn)*self.bunchesPerTurn
  223. if not adc in self._heatmaps or newone:
  224. heatmap = self.array[:l,adc].reshape(-1, self.bunchesPerTurn).transpose()
  225. self._heatmaps[adc] = heatmap
  226. return self._heatmaps[adc][bunch_frm:bunch_to, frm:to]
  227. def fft(self, adc=0, frm=0, to=-1, drop_first_bin=True, nobunching=False):
  228. """
  229. :param adc: single int in [0:7] or list.
  230. :param nobunching: False - generate img with fft for every bunch; True - generate one fft without splitting into bunches
  231. :return: if param adc is a list it returns a list with lenght 8 in which the requested elements containing the array with the fft
  232. """
  233. if nobunching:
  234. if not isinstance(adc, list):
  235. adc=[adc]
  236. if self._fftsnobunching != nobunching:
  237. self._fftsnobunching = nobunching
  238. self._ffts = {}
  239. if isinstance(adc, list):
  240. #print('list', adc)
  241. out = [[],[],[],[], [],[],[],[]]
  242. for i in adc:
  243. if i in self._ffts:
  244. if self._ffts[i][0] == frm and self._ffts[i][1] == to:
  245. #print('use stored FFT')
  246. out[i]=self._ffts[i][2]
  247. continue
  248. if self._fftsnobunching:
  249. heatmap = self.train(i,frm,to)
  250. else:
  251. heatmap = self.heatmap(i, frm, to)
  252. if drop_first_bin:
  253. if self._fftsnobunching:
  254. self._ffts[i] = [frm, to, self._fft(heatmap, self._fftsnobunching)[1:] ]
  255. else:
  256. self._ffts[i] = [frm, to, self._fft(heatmap, self._fftsnobunching)[:, 1:] ]
  257. else:
  258. self._ffts[i] = [frm, to, self._fft(heatmap, self._fftsnobunching)]
  259. out[i]=self._ffts[i][2]
  260. return out
  261. else:
  262. #print('single', adc)
  263. heatmap = self.heatmap(adc, frm, to)
  264. if drop_first_bin:
  265. return self._fft(heatmap)[:, 1:]
  266. else:
  267. return self._fft(heatmap)
  268. def fftMaxFreq(self):
  269. mult=1.0
  270. if self._fftsnobunching:
  271. mult = 184.0
  272. return ((self.numOfTurns()* mult) // 2 + 1) * self.fftFreqDist()
  273. def fftFreqDist(self):
  274. mult=1.0
  275. #if self._fftsnobunching:
  276. # mult = 1.0/184.0
  277. return 1.0/(self.numOfTurns() * (self.skippedTurns + 1) * self.tRev * mult)
  278. def train(self, adc=0, frm=0, to=-1, calibrate=False):
  279. #FIXME: This method seems pretty superfluous (with maybe the exception of
  280. # the calibration stuff).
  281. # Essentially all it does is just truncating data for a second time, and
  282. # reorders data so we access ADC data as 'data[adc][bunch]' rather than
  283. # 'data[:,adc][bunch]'. What's the point? Really just to save TWO characters
  284. # of coding? (:,)
  285. # Also, returning different data structures depending on the given
  286. # parameters is VERY DANGEROUS!!
  287. # If we give 'adc' as a single integer, it returns a 1-Dimensional array
  288. # (basically, a list) and if we give 'adc' as a list, it reutrns a
  289. # 2-dimensional array?
  290. # This is basically guaranteed to sooner or later cause trouble down the
  291. # line...
  292. """
  293. params: adc: single int in [0:7] or list. if adc is a list (eg. [1,3]) it returns a list of length 8 with the requested elements filled
  294. """
  295. self.loadFromFile(frm, to)
  296. #FIXME: Why are there two truncation parameters?
  297. #One passed in from the function call and one from the DatSet object?
  298. if to !=
  299. to -= self.frm
  300. pdata = self.array[frm-self.frm:to, :-1]
  301. else:
  302. pdata = self.array[frm-self.frm:, :-1]
  303. #print("train", adc)
  304. #print(pdata)
  305. if isinstance(adc, list):
  306. #FIXME: What happens if we have more than 8 ADCs in the future?
  307. #This should NOT be hardcoded!!!
  308. data = [[],[],[],[], [],[],[],[]]
  309. for item in range(len(data)):
  310. if item in adc:
  311. if calibrate:
  312. data[item] = theCalibration.calibrateY(pdata[:,item], item, self.calibId)
  313. else:
  314. data[item] = pdata[:,item]
  315. else:
  316. data[item] = np.zeros(len(pdata))
  317. #print('train', len(data))
  318. #Note: Data is now stored as
  319. #[[ADC 1: Bunch1, Bunch2, Bunch3 ... Bunch n]
  320. # [ADC 2: Bunch1, Bunch2, Bunch3 ... Bunch n]
  321. # [ADC 3: Bunch1, Bunch2, Bunch3 ... Bunch n]
  322. # ...
  323. # [ADC m: Bunch1, Bunch2, Bunch3 ... Bunch n]]
  324. return np.array(data)
  325. if calibrate:
  326. return theCalibration.calibrateY(pdata[:,adc], adc, self.calibId)
  327. #FIXME: Missing range checking for ADC
  328. #This should ideally happen at the BEGINNING of the function
  329. return pdata[:,adc]
  330. def combined(self, adc=0, frm=0, to=-1, calibrate=False, turnbyturn=False, mean=False, workingChannels=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]):
  331. """
  332. generates one array with all adc
  333. :param adc: select the adc that will be return solo
  334. :param turnbyturn: default False. if set to one it repeats the x value with the maximum bunchnumber. so to overlay the turns
  335. :param mean: only used with turnbyturn set to True. If set to 1 it calculates the mean of all used turns
  336. :param working_channels: to dissable channels in the Combined data (List)
  337. :return: 2D List [0] contains X data and Y data of all. [1] only for selected adc
  338. """
  339. if len(workingChannels) < 2:
  340. #FIXME: This should not be an exception, but rather an expectation
  341. #Error handling could be improved
  342. raise ValueError('working_channels must have at least 2 channels; {}'.format(workingChannels))
  343. if turnbyturn:
  344. if to != -1:
  345. to = to//184*184
  346. selector = [0,1,2,3]
  347. if self.adcNumber > 4:
  348. #selector = [0,1,2,3,6,7] #currently not all chanels are working
  349. selector = workingChannels
  350. #FIXME: WHY are we using .train() to re-arrange our data to be in
  351. # ADC-Bunches order, just to transpose it back into Bunch-ADC order, which
  352. # is EXACTLY what the raw data was to begin with...?
  353. array = self.train(adc=selector, frm=frm,to=to, calibrate=calibrate).T
  354. array = array[:, np.array(selector)]
  355. #At this point, 'array' is basically just a truncated version of the
  356. #raw-data in 'self.array' without the bunch-numbers
  357. if isinstance(adc, list):
  358. adc = adc[0]
  359. finedelays = np.array(self.fineDelays())
  360. if finedelays is None:
  361. finedelays = np.array([0,0,0,0])
  362. if self.adcNumber >4:
  363. #FIXME: Highly dangerous! What happens if we will have more than
  364. #8 ADCs in the future?
  365. finedelays = np.repeat(finedelays, 2)
  366. if calibrate:
  367. for i in range(self.adcNumber):
  368. finedelays[i] = (theCalibration.calibrateX(i, self.c330, self.c25, finedelays[i], self.c25b, self.calibId) - theCalibration.calibrateX(0, self.c330, self.c25, 0, self.c25b, self.calibId) )*1e12
  369. else:
  370. #FIXME:
  372. #finedelays = finedelays*3
  373. pass
  374. #FIXME: Why? What purpose does this serve?
  375. #Why do we divide by 100!?
  376. #Disabled for now, until we understand why this was even implemented
  377. # if self.datax is not None:
  378. # finedelays = self.datax - np.min(self.datax)
  379. #finedelays = finedelays/100.0
  380. if not turnbyturn:
  381. #'array' should have numBunches many entries. So 'a' should now be
  382. # [0,1,2,3,4 ... NumBunches]
  383. a = np.arange(0, len(array))
  384. #Now 'a' should be numADC*numBunches long and internally repeat the
  385. #same each element of the previous array len(selector)-times in a row
  386. #Think [0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2 ... len(array)], if len(selector)
  387. #would be 4
  388. a = np.repeat(a, len(selector))
  389. #But ... a already IS 1-dimensional? Whay reshape it with -1 AGAIN?
  390. #a = np.reshape(a, -1)
  391. #And finally, we turn a into a np.float type array...
  392. a = np.array(a, dtype=np.float)
  393. else:
  394. a = np.array(np.reshape(np.tile(np.repeat(np.arange(0, 184), len(selector)), len(array)//184),-1),dtype=np.float)
  395. b = np.reshape(np.repeat([finedelays[np.array(selector)]], len(array),0), -1)
  396. orig_xs = a+b
  397. # 'a' is a list of all the bunch-bumbers (basically X-Coordinates) which
  398. # the individual datapoints from the ADCs belong to.
  399. # 'b' is a list of all fine-delays for all the ADCs, repeated for numBunches times.
  400. # This means 'a+b' is X-Coordinates with respect to the individual
  401. # delays of the ADCs. The "calibrated" X-Coordinates, so to say
  402. # Flatten array
  403. array = array.flatten()
  404. # Okay, so if I understand this correctly, 'array' should now be
  405. # basically just one long vector of values with all the the ADCs in
  406. # sequence.
  407. # Basically:
  408. # [ADC 1 Bunch1, ADC 1 Bunch2, ADC 1 Bunch3 ... ADC 1 Bunch n,
  409. # ADC 2 Bunch1, ADC 2 Bunch2, ADC 2 Bunch3 ... ADC 2 Bunch n,
  410. # ...
  411. # ADC M Bunch1, ADC M Bunch2, ADC M Bunch3 ... ADC M Bunch n]
  412. if turnbyturn and mean:
  413. array = np.mean(array.reshape((-1, 184, len(selector))),0)
  414. orig_xs = np.mean(orig_xs.reshape((-1, 184, len(selector))),0)
  415. array = array.reshape(-1)
  416. orig_xs = orig_xs.reshape(-1)
  417. #print(adc)
  418. ret = [np.array([orig_xs, array])]
  419. if adc not in selector:
  420. ret.append(np.array([0,0]))
  421. return ret
  422. #FIXME: I assume the check for ==6 is because of the 'Working channels'
  423. # thing that used to be in a previous version?
  424. if len(selector) == 6:
  425. if adc > 4:
  426. adc -= 2
  427. while adc not in selector:
  428. adc -= 1
  429. if adc < 0:
  430. adc = self.adcNumber
  431. ret.append(np.array([orig_xs[adc::len(selector)], array[adc::len(selector)]]))
  432. # Okay, so what comes out of this is an array with 2x2xnumBunches size.
  433. # [0][0] contains 'orig_xs', telling which element belongs to which X level
  434. # [0][1] contains the flattened ADC array, giving the Y levels for each element
  435. # [1][0] and [1][1] are the same, but for only 1 specific ADC, so the
  436. # plotting can color that one ADC differently. Which is completely
  437. # nonesensical, because we could have just pulled that data out [0] either
  438. # way...
  439. return ret
  440. def loadFromRawData(self, rawData):
  441. print('loadfromrawdata')
  442. #self.printData(rawData[:32+32])
  443. #print('-------------------')
  444. headerInfo = self.dataHasHeader(rawData)
  445. if True in headerInfo:
  446. #logging.vinfo("Header detected.")
  447. # We read words of 4 bytes each
  448. self.header = self.parseHeader(rawData, headerInfo)
  449. spliceWords = HEADER_SIZE_BYTES // 4
  450. rawData = rawData[spliceWords:]
  451. else:
  452. #logging.vinfo("No Header detected.")
  453. self.header = None
  454. self.array = self.decodeData(rawData)
  455. self.dataRead=True
  456. def printData(self, data):
  457. try:
  458. for line in range(len(data)//4):
  459. print('0x{:08x}: 0x{:08x} 0x{:08x} 0x{:08x} 0x{:08x}'.format(line*16, data[line*4+0], data[line*4+1], data[line*4+2], data[line*4+3]))
  460. except:
  461. traceback.print_exc()
  462. def loadFromFile(self, frm, to):
  463. if self.noFile:
  464. return False
  465. if self.dataRead == False:
  466. if '.npy' in self.fileName:
  467. self.type = RAW_FILE_NPY
  468. self.array = np.load(self.fileName)
  469. elif '.out' in self.fileName:
  470. self.type = RAW_FILE
  471. self.fp = np.memmap(self.fileName, dtype='uint32')
  472. #print('loadfromfile')
  473. #self.printdata(self.fp[:32+32])
  474. #print('-------------------')
  475. headerInfo = self.dataHasHeader(self.fp)
  476. if True in headerInfo:
  477. #logging.vinfo("Header detected.")
  478. # We read words of 4 bytes each
  479. self.header = self.parseHeader(self.fp, headerInfo)
  480. #if self.header == dict():
  481. # self.getFromLog()
  482. spliceWords = HEADER_SIZE_BYTES // 4
  483. self.fp = self.fp[spliceWords:]
  484. else:
  485. #logging.vinfo("No Header detected.")
  486. self.header = None
  487. self.getFromLog()
  488. self.adcNumber = self.dataAdcCount(self.fp)
  489. self.dataRead=True
  490. if to == -1:
  491. if != to:
  492. if self.type == RAW_FILE:
  493. self.array = self.decodeData(self.fp[frm*self.adcNumber//2:])
  494. = to
  495. return True
  496. return False
  497. tto = to+184*3
  498. if self.frm > frm or < tto:
  499. if self.type == RAW_FILE:
  500. self.array = self.decodeData(self.fp[frm*self.adcNumber//2:tto*self.adcNumber//2])
  501. self.frm = frm
  502. = tto
  503. return True
  504. return False
  505. def decodeData(self, data):
  506. #This method assumes any potential header data has already been removed
  507. self.adcNumber = self.dataAdcCount(data)
  508. try:
  509. end = np.where(data==0xDEADDEAD)[0][0]
  510. data = data[:end]
  511. except Exception as e:
  512. #FIXME: No error handling!?
  513. #Is not finding a filling pattern actually an exception?
  514. #Shouldn't this be EXPECTED?
  515. #print('decode_data', e)
  516. pass
  517. #data = data[np.where(data != 0xDEADDEAD)] # This is the new filling
  518. #print('len data', len(data))
  519. # Make sure we read multiple of adcNumber
  520. data = data[:self.adcNumber * int((math.floor(data.size // self.adcNumber)))]
  521. #print('len data', len(data))
  522. bunch_low = data & 0xfff
  523. bunch_high = np.right_shift(data, 12) & 0xfff
  524. #FIXME: Same as with the adcNumber thing. Why does the mask use 12 bits,
  525. # if we shift all but 8 bits to the right?
  526. bunch_number = np.right_shift(data, 24) & 0xfff
  527. bunch_low = bunch_low.reshape(-1, self.adcNumber)
  528. bunch_high = bunch_high.reshape(-1, self.adcNumber)
  529. if self.invert:
  530. #FIXME: What's the logic behind this math...?
  531. #Isn't this the same as 2x2048 - bunch ?
  532. bunch_high = 2048 - (bunch_high-2048)
  533. bunch_low = 2048 - (bunch_low-2048)
  534. result = np.empty((bunch_low.shape[0] + bunch_high.shape[0], self.adcNumber+1), dtype=np.uint16)
  535. result[0::2,:self.adcNumber] = bunch_low
  536. result[1::2,:self.adcNumber] = bunch_high
  537. result[0::2, self.adcNumber] = bunch_number[::self.adcNumber]
  538. result[1::2, self.adcNumber] = bunch_number[::self.adcNumber] + 1
  539. #result = result[:int(self.bunchesPerTurn * (math.floor(result.shape[0] // self.bunchesPerTurn))), :]
  540. if self.shiftFMC2:
  541. if self.v: print('shift FMC2 by ', self.shiftFMC2)
  542. #print('decode_data ', result.shape)
  543. tmp = []
  544. for i in range(self.adcNumber+1):
  545. if self.shiftFMC2 > 0:
  546. if i < 4:
  547. tmp.append(result[self.shiftFMC2:,i])
  548. else:
  549. tmp.append(result[:-self.shiftFMC2,i])
  550. else:
  551. shift = self.shiftFMC2*(-1)
  552. if i < 4:
  553. tmp.append(result[:-shift:,i])
  554. else:
  555. tmp.append(result[shift:,i])
  556. result = np.array(tmp, dtype=np.uint16).T
  557. result = result[:int(self.bunchesPerTurn * (math.floor(result.shape[0] // self.bunchesPerTurn))), :]
  558. if self.v: print('decode_data ', result.shape)
  559. #print(result)
  560. return result
  561. def dataAdcCount(self, data):
  562. #FIXME: Shift-Right would also clone any sign-bits on the very far left
  563. # end of the data repeatedly, when shifting to the right. This might
  564. # produce incorrect results, since we shift all but 8 bits off the data,
  565. # but then check for 12 bits (0xFFF), meaning we might catch up to 4
  566. # 'cloned' sign bits in the mask
  567. #Additionally, why do we even shift in the first place...?
  568. #We are using a mask anyway, why not just make the mask use the correct
  569. #bits...? And why do we apply the shift and the mask to the ENTIRE
  570. #DATASET, when all we end up checking is just the first 10 entries...?
  571. bunch_number = np.right_shift(data, 24) & 0xfff
  572. ctr = 0
  573. b0 = bunch_number[0]
  574. for i in range(10):
  575. if b0 == bunch_number[i]:
  576. ctr += 1
  577. else:
  578. break
  579. if ctr < 4:
  580. ctr = 4
  581. if self.v: print('ADC number ', ctr)
  582. #FIXME: Where is the case with 8 ADCs?
  583. #What about any other number of ADCs?
  584. if ctr < 4:
  585. ctr = 4
  586. #return 8
  587. return ctr
  588. def dataHasHeader(self, data):
  589. possible_header = data[0:HEADER_SIZE_BYTES//4]
  590. kapture2 = (possible_header[0] & 0xFF000000) != 0
  591. back = possible_header[-1] & 0xF8888888 == 0xF8888888
  592. front = possible_header[0] & 0xF8888888 == 0xF8888888
  593. if self.v: print("has head", (front, back, kapture2))
  594. return (front, back, kapture2)
  595. def parseHeader(self, data, header_info, verbose=False):
  596. """
  597. Not supported for KAPTURE-2
  598. """
  599. #FIXME: Good to know, but what prevents me from wrongly using it anyway?
  600. global HEADER_SIZE_BYTES
  601. if header_info[2] == True:
  603. header = data[0:HEADER_SIZE_BYTES//4]
  604. parsed = dict()
  605. if verbose: print('parsing header')
  606. # print([format(b, '#08X') for b in header])
  607. try:
  608. assert header[0] == 0xf8888888 or header[7] == 0xf8888888, 'Field 8 is saved for data'
  609. assert header[1] == 0xf7777777 or header[6] == 0xf7777777, 'Field 7 is saved for data'
  610. assert header[2] == 0xf6666666 or header[5] == 0xf6666666, 'Field 6 is saved for data'
  611. if header[0] == 0xf8888888 and header[1] == 0xf7777777 and header[2] == 0xf6666666:
  612. header = header[::-1]
  613. # TODO: what kind of timestamp is this? counts with appr. 25MHz up?!
  614. parsed['timestamp'] = header[4]
  615. assert header[3] >> 8 == 0, 'Highest 6 x 4 bits of field 3 is supposed to be zero'
  616. parsed['delay_adc4'] = header[3] & 0xf
  617. parsed['delay_adc3'] = header[3] >> 4 & 0xf
  618. assert header[2] >> 16 == 0, 'Highest 4 x 4 bits of field 2 is supposed to be zero'
  619. parsed['delay_adc2'] = header[2] & 0xf
  620. parsed['delay_adc1'] = header[2] >> 4 & 0xf
  621. parsed['delay_th'] = header[2] >> 8 & 0xf
  622. parsed['delay_fpga'] = header[2] >> 12 & 0xf
  623. parsed['fine_delay_adc'] = np.array([header[1] & 0xff,
  624. header[1] >> 8 & 0xff,
  625. header[1] >> 16 & 0xff,
  626. header[1] >> 24 & 0xff])
  627. assert header[0] >> 28 == 0xF, 'Highest 4 bits of field 0 is supposed to be 0xF'
  628. parsed['skip_turns'] = header[0] & 0xfffffff
  629. if verbose: print(parsed)
  630. except Exception as e:
  631. #FIXME: So... if the decoding from header breaks, we just return a
  632. #broken 'parsed' object!?
  633. pass
  634. #traceback.print_exc()
  635. return parsed
  636. def readLogfile(self):
  637. """
  638. return: dict with all information present in the Logfile
  639. """
  640. if self.noFile:
  641. return None
  642. #FIXME: Why is the name of the Log File hardcoded!?
  643. logFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.fileName), 'Measurement_board_6028.log')
  644. if not os.path.isfile(logFile):
  645. return None
  646. log = self._readLogfile(logFile)
  647. file = os.path.basename(self.fileName)
  648. for entry in log:
  649. try:
  650. if entry['Filename'] == file:
  651. return entry
  652. except:
  653. pass
  654. return None
  655. #FIXME: Why is this split into one private and one public method?
  656. def _readLogfile(self, file):
  657. defaultKeys = ['Number of Turns', 'Number of Skipped Turns', 'T/H Delay', '25ps Delay', 'ADC 1 Delay', 'ADC 2 Delay', 'ADC 3 Delay', 'ADC 4 Delay', 'ADC Delays', "25ps Delay 2", "T/H Delay 2", 'Stage Step']
  658. out = []
  659. with open(file,'r') as f:
  660. log ='---')[1:]
  661. for entry in log:
  662. tmp={}
  663. ptr = 0
  664. for item in defaultKeys:
  665. tmp[item] = '?'
  666. if item == '25ps Delay 2':
  667. tmp[item] = '4'
  668. for item in entry.split('\n')[1:]:
  669. t = item.split(':')
  670. if len(t) == 1:
  671. tmp[str(ptr)] = t[0].strip('\t')
  672. ptr+=1
  673. else:
  674. tmp[str(t[0]).strip('\t')] = t[1].strip(' ')
  675. out.append(tmp)
  676. return out
  677. def getFromLog(self):
  678. """
  679. used to get information from the Logfile.
  680. """
  681. print('getFromLog')
  682. self.log = self.readLogfile()
  683. if self.log == None:
  684. print('no Log found')
  685. return False
  686. try:
  687. self.isAcquisition=False
  688. try:
  689. if "Acquisition" in self.log['0']:
  690. self.isAcquisition = True
  691. elif "Acquisition" in self.log['1']:
  692. self.isAcquisition = True
  693. except:
  694. pass
  695. try:
  696. self.skippedTurns = int(self.log['Number of Skipped Turns'])
  697. except:
  698. pass
  699. self.c330 = int(self.log['T/H Delay'])
  700. self.c25 = int(self.log['25ps Delay'])
  701. self.f = np.array([float(v) for v in self.log['ADC Delays'][1:-1].split(',')])
  702. try:
  703. self.datax = np.array([float(v) for v in self.log['datax'][1:-1].split(',')])
  704. except:
  705. self.datax = None
  706. pass
  707. self.adcNumber = len(self.f)
  708. file = self.log['Filename'].split('_')[-1]
  709. self.swap_adc = float(file[:-4]) < 1543859487
  710. if self.swap_adc and self.adcNumber > 4:
  711. if self.v: print('swapping ADC', self.log['Filename'])
  712. t = np.array(self.f[4:])
  713. self.f[4:] = self.f[:4]
  714. self.f[:4] = t
  715. self.c25b = int(self.log['25ps Delay 2'])
  716. try:
  717. self.stepper = int(self.log['Stage Step'])
  718. except:
  719. self.stepper = None
  720. try:
  721. self.workingChannels = np.array([float(v) for v in self.log['Working Channels'][1:-1].split(',')])
  722. except:
  723. self.workingChannels = None
  724. try:
  725. self.shiftFMC2 = int(self.log['shiftFMC2'])
  726. except:
  727. pass
  728. #print('get good')
  729. return True
  730. except:
  731. #print('getFromLog ', self.fileName)
  732. #traceback.print_exc()
  733. pass
  734. return False
  735. def _pad_array(self, array):
  736. #return array
  737. height, width = array.shape
  738. pwidth = int(2**np.floor(np.log2(width)))
  739. padded = np.zeros((height, pwidth))
  740. padded[:, :width] = array[:, :pwidth]
  741. return padded
  742. def _fft(self, array, is1D=False):
  743. start = time.time()
  744. print('fft', array.shape)
  745. if is1D:
  746. freqs = np.fft.rfft(array)
  747. else:
  748. freqs = np.fft.rfft(self._pad_array(array))
  749. #logging.debug("np fft: {} s".format(time.time() - start))
  750. print('FFT done {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start))
  751. return freqs