settings.rst 735 B

  1. Settings
  2. ========
  3. .. module:: settings
  4. .. py:class:: Settings
  5. This is the settings window class.
  6. You should not subclass or create instances of this class.
  7. .. py:method:: build_new_setting(self, handle, value)
  8. Method to build a new settings entry
  9. :param object handle: The settins object (e.g. Input field or Checkbox etc.)
  10. :param str value: The name of the setting
  11. :return: handle
  12. Add new setting
  13. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  14. As of this version settings can only be added for board configuration elements.
  15. To add a new settings entry, create the settings element in the ``__init__`` method using ``self.build_new_setting(...)``.
  16. Then add the new element in the ``initUI`` method to the layour.