default_config.cfg 4.2 KB

  1. [Machine]
  2. # Bunches per turn of accelerator (integer value)
  3. bunches_per_turn = 184
  4. # Save headerinformation in file (bool value)
  5. save_header = True
  6. # Revolution time (double value)
  7. tRev =3.6825476109875985e-07
  8. [Board]
  9. # List of Working Channels
  10. #working_channels = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
  11. working_channels = [0,1,2,3,6,7]
  12. [Ui]
  13. # NOTE: This value will be overwritten when the language is changed in the gui-settings
  14. # possible languages:
  15. # en_GB - English
  16. # de_DE - German
  17. language ="en_GB"
  18. # default_save_location: use "pwd" for current working
  19. # directory KCG will always save in a subdirectory to
  20. # this given path and save files in this directory
  21. default_save_location = "pwd"
  22. # default_subdirectory_name_format: this is the
  23. # naming scheme for the subdirectory in which the
  24. # files are saved. Format of this string:
  25. # "{tag1}text{tag2}text" etc.
  26. # possible tags:
  27. # {dateG} will produce e.g. 04.01.2015
  28. # {dateGd} will produce e.g. 04_01_2015
  29. # {dateA} will pdoduce e.g. 01-04-2015
  30. # {times} will produce e.g. 14_04
  31. # {timel} will produce e.g. 14_04_12
  32. # {d} the Day in 2 digit format
  33. # {m} the Month in 2 digit format
  34. # {y} the Year in 4 digit Format
  35. # {H} the Hour in 2 digit format
  36. # {M} the minute in 2 digit format
  37. # {S} the seconds in 2 digit format
  38. # {timestamp} unix timestamp without msec
  39. # {user} the current logged in user
  40. # {sessionname} Ask for session name at startup
  41. # {ask} always ask for a foldername
  42. #default_subdirectory_name = "{user}_{dateGd}-{timel}_{sessionname}"
  43. default_subdirectory_name = "{y}_{m}_{d}_{sessionname}"
  44. # reask on cancel in dialog or use {user}_{dateGd}-{timel} as default when cancel is pressed?
  45. force_ask = False
  46. # Show advanced table view per default? (boolean value)
  47. show_advanced_control = True
  48. # Integrate the single read functionality into the left bar above the general acquisition widget
  49. integrate_single_read = True
  50. # Activate Epics Widget
  51. # Epics settings need to be in epics.cfg
  52. use_epics = True
  53. [Logging]
  54. # List of Entries that are default to save in Log
  55. # Possible Values are:
  56. # "Number of Turns"
  57. # "Number of Skipped Turns"
  58. # "Number of Acquisitions"
  59. # "Time between Acquisitions"
  60. # "Pilot Bunch Simulator"
  61. # "Header saved"
  62. # "T/H Delay"
  63. # "25ps Delay"
  64. # "ADC Delays"
  65. # "25ps Delay 2"
  66. # "T/H Delay 2"
  67. # "Delay Cascade"
  68. # "Delay Cascade 2"
  69. # All of the description text entries in epics_log_entry_pvs, see above
  70. # NOTE: These entries have to match the aforementioned strings exactly
  71. default_log_entries = [
  72. "Number of Turns",
  73. "Number of Skipped Turns",
  74. "Number of Acquisitions",
  75. "Time between Acquisitions",
  76. "ADC Delays",
  77. "T/H Delay",
  78. "25ps Delay",
  79. "T/H Delay 2",
  80. "25ps Delay 2",
  81. "Delay Cascade",
  82. "Delay Cascade 25ps",
  83. "Working Channels",
  84. "shiftFMC2"
  85. ]
  86. [Misc]
  87. # defined relativ to icons folder
  88. newPlotLiveIcon= "graph.svg"
  89. newPlotDataIcon= "folder.svg"
  90. timingIcon = "clock.svg"
  91. singleReadIcon = "project.svg"
  92. acquireSettingsIcon = "wrench.svg"
  93. startIcon = "media-play-black.svg"
  94. stopIcon = "media-stop.svg"
  95. logIcon = "clipboard.svg"
  96. logCommentIcon = "clipboard_comm.svg"
  97. guiIcon = "KCG_Logo_r.png"
  98. # style = 'blue'
  99. style = 'default'
  100. # board_detection_method has to be one of 'dev', 'dummy', 'list'
  101. # 'dev' means: search for /dev/fpga# (# is a number) and use each result as board
  102. # (be careful when /dev/fpga devices could exist other than for KAPTURE boards)
  103. # 'dummy' means: create a set of dummy boards all use the device file /dev/fpga0
  104. # 'list' means: use boards specified with board_list
  105. # (board_list has to be a python list with device files as strings (e.g. '/dev/fpga0'), becareful the
  106. # specified /dev/ files will be used with pci without validation)
  107. board_detection_method = 'dev'
  108. device_list = []
  109. # device_names is a mapping for device ids to pretty names, this makes the use of boards more intuitive
  110. # format is: device_names = {'device id': 'device name', ...}
  111. # if this is an empty dict it won't be used
  112. device_names = {'test0': 'DEFAULT', 'test1': 'ne'}
  113. # num_dummy_boards is the number of dummy boards to create
  114. num_dummy_boards = 1
  115. # Datafile whith Timescandata for 50ohm termination
  116. fifty_ohm_timescan_datafile = "Put 'fifty_ohm_timescan_datafile = path_to_50_ohm_termination_timescanfile' into ~/.kcg/config.cfg"