index.rst 802 B

  1. .. KCG documentation master file, created by
  2. sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jul 1 18:18:47 2015.
  3. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
  4. contain the root `toctree` directive.
  5. Welcome to KCG's documentation!
  6. ===============================
  7. This documentation consists of two parts, the user part and the developer part.
  8. The user part gives a brief explanation on how to use the gui during measurements etc.
  9. The developer part gives an overview on how to add custom widgets and gives insight in various interface methods. But keep
  10. in mind: this is NOT a full documentation of the source code.
  11. .. toctree::
  12. :maxdepth: 3
  13. :numbered:
  14. Requirements
  15. Man/index
  16. Dev/index
  17. Indices and tables
  18. ==================
  19. * :ref:`genindex`
  20. * :ref:`modindex`