kcg.rst 2.9 KB

  1. .. This is a autogemerated documentation from python docstrings. It was generated using DStrings2Doc.
  2. .. module:: kcg
  3. .. _kcg:
  4. Module kcg
  5. ==========
  6. .. py:method:: readconfig(parent)
  7. Reads the config and evalues certain variables
  8. Also: Validates config to check if all necessary values are there
  9. :param parent: parent for popup windows
  10. .. py:class:: CentralWidget(kcgw.KCGWidgets)
  11. Central Widget for the KCG gui main window
  12. .. py:method:: __init__(self, parent=None)
  13. .. py:class:: Gui(QtGui.QMainWindow)
  14. Main Window of the KCG gui
  15. .. py:method:: __init__(self)
  16. .. py:method:: initUI(self)
  17. Initialize ui
  18. .. py:method:: createEmptyGroups(self)
  19. This creates empty groups with the GroupedObjects class in groupedelements module.
  20. This has to be done to avoid warnings when groups are enabled or disabled before creation.
  21. .. py:method:: finalizeInit(self)
  22. Final things done at initialisation
  23. .. py:method:: doMenu(self)
  24. Create and show the menu and it's entries
  25. .. py:method:: saveConfig(self, board_id)
  26. Save the current configuration to a configuration file
  27. :param board_id: the board to save the configuration for
  28. .. py:method:: loadConfig(self, board_id)
  29. Load the configuration for the given board from a file
  30. :param board_id: the board to read the configuration for
  31. .. py:method:: rerunConfig(self)
  32. Rerun the initial configuration wizard
  33. .. py:method:: showAbout(self)
  34. Show the about window.
  35. .. py:method:: addWindowMenuEntries(self)
  36. Adds Window Menu entries for custom widgets
  37. .. py:method:: showSettings(self)
  38. Create and show settings window
  39. .. py:method:: updateSettings(self, changedsettings)
  40. Update settings in storage if settings were changed in the settings window.
  41. :param changedsettings: list of settings that have been changed
  42. .. py:method:: showAdvancedControl(self, value)
  43. Enable or disable advanced table control view (Tables for registers)
  44. :param value: (bool) True to show and False to hide advanced view
  45. .. py:method:: after_start_status_handler(self)
  46. Method to check for boards and perform a status_readout after the gui is fully started
  47. .. py:method:: populate_storage(self)
  48. Initially fills storage with predefined settings and configuration values
  49. .. py:method:: update_configuration_file(self, new_conf)
  50. Update variablevalues in config file
  51. NOTE: this doesn't use standard ConfigParser as that would delete comments
  52. :param new_conf: Dictionary with variable, value pair
  53. .. py:method:: closeEvent(self, ev)
  54. Handles closing of the GUI - this function is called by pyqt upon a close event.
  55. Asks if user really wants to close the gui
  56. :param ev: event