acquiresettings.rst 3.7 KB

  1. .. This is a autogemerated documentation from python docstrings. It was generated using DStrings2Doc.
  2. .. module:: acquiresettings
  3. .. _acquiresettings:
  4. Module acquiresettings
  5. ======================
  6. This Module Is the Acquiresettings subWindow.
  7. .. py:class:: AcquireSettingsTab(kcgw.KCGWidgets)
  8. A single tab in the acquire settings window
  9. .. py:method:: __init__(self, board_id, same_as_widgets, parent=None)
  10. .. py:method:: build_same_as_list(self)
  11. Build the list to show in the same-as drop down menu
  12. .. py:method:: same_as(self)
  13. Toggle SameAs functionality
  14. .. py:method:: update_external_trigger(self, state)
  15. Update the use external trigger tick
  16. :param state: the state to set the tick to
  17. .. py:method:: use_external_trigger(self, state, update_config=True)
  18. Set use external trigger to state
  19. :param state: the state to set to
  20. :param update_config: true to update the board config
  21. .. py:method:: set_value_silent(self, element, value)
  22. Set a Value silent without notifying observers
  23. :param element: what element
  24. :param value: set to what value
  25. .. py:method:: tick_silent(self, element, state)
  26. Tick a tickbox without notifying observers
  27. :param element: what tickbox
  28. :param state: (bool) to what state
  29. .. py:method:: set_values(self)
  30. Set Initial Values when creating this Window.
  31. This will read the appropriate Values from the base.backend.board.BoardConfiguration instance used in the gui.
  32. .. py:method:: on_number_of_orbits_changed(self)
  33. Handle the change of the number of orbits
  34. .. py:method:: on_number_of_skipped_orbits_changed(self)
  35. Handle the change of the number of skipped orbits
  36. .. py:method:: on_count_changed(self)
  37. Handle the change of the count value
  38. .. py:method:: on_wait_changed(self)
  39. Handle the change of the wait time
  40. .. py:method:: on_build_spectrograms_changed(self)
  41. Handle the change of the build_spectrograms checkbox
  42. .. py:method:: on_simulate_pilot_bunch_changed(self)
  43. Handle the change of the simulate_pilot_bunch checkbox
  44. .. py:method:: on_trigger_skip_signals_changed(self, value)
  45. Handle change of trigger skip signal spinbox
  46. :param int value: the value to set trigger_skip to (the number of trigger signals to skip between acquisitions
  47. .. py:method:: on_trigger_method_changed(self)
  48. Handle change of trigger method.
  49. .. py:method:: on_trigger_timeout_changed(self, value)
  50. Handle change of trigger timeout spinbox
  51. :param int value: the value to set the trigger_timout to
  52. .. py:method:: closeEvent(self, event)
  53. Event handler to handle the event of closing this window and gracefully delete resources and such
  54. :param event: the event to handle (gets passed to by PyQt)
  55. .. py:class:: AcquireSettings(kcgw.KCGWidgets)
  56. This is the actual Acquire Settings Window.
  57. .. py:method:: __init__(self, unique_id, parent=None)
  58. Initialise the acquire settings window
  59. :param unique_id: the id for thiw widget
  60. :param parent: parent object
  61. .. py:method:: show_tab(self, board_id)
  62. Show the tab for the given board
  63. :param board_id: the id of the board to show
  64. .. py:method:: closeEvent(self, event)
  65. .. py:method:: add_acquire_settings_widget(board_id=None)
  66. Add this widget to the gui.
  67. This function will actually open the subwindow.
  68. .. py:method:: setValueSilent(key, value)
  69. Set values without notifying observers
  70. :param key: the key
  71. :param value: the value to set