#903 Wer verbirgt sich hinter Banksy? Neue Hinweise auf Identität

otvorené 1 mesiac pred užívateľom lantanarecoveryx90 · 0 komentárov

The British street artist Banksy, whose works dominate multi-million dollar auctions and amaze entire cities, remains hidden even in the shadow of fame. But who is really behind the pseudonym Banksy?

who is banky

The British street artist Banksy, whose works dominate multi-million dollar auctions and amaze entire cities, remains hidden even in the shadow of fame. But who is really behind the pseudonym Banksy? <a href="https://www.kunstplaza.de/street-art/banksy-identitaet/">who is banky</a> <p><span id="docs-internal-guid-b987e9c7-7fff-933c-31f1-05f36f5261c1"><span><span><img src="https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/0AXQ49ktNtPogBR3mgBFh0D_h12aNKXWeg5mDYbTJ11XB6UZ6N95rhgztjKNPh26fNlWWCGZ3dMQMssLfO7qDVkaRyXHMd8RIfs6zoZMQObM2JxwQGFQo8e56uuFz2-WERF7Vd07FL7FyekgbPM41Sc" alt="" width="624" height="416" /></span></span></span></p>
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