vreiling преди 7 години
променени са 2 файла, в които са добавени 161 реда и са изтрити 70 реда
  1. 69 70
      BMS Master/.project
  2. 92 0
      BMS Master/Sources/ADC_1.c

+ 69 - 70
BMS Master/.project

@@ -1,70 +1,69 @@
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+ 92 - 0
BMS Master/Sources/ADC_1.c

@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ADC_1.c  
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Beschreibung:	ADC_1 - Interner 12 Bit ADC
+// Revision:		06. Januar 2017, neu	Reiling, IPE
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "BMS_Master.h"
+int8_t ADC_1_init(void)
+	int8_t ret = 0;
+	SIU.PCR[20].R = 0x2000;       /* Initialize PB[4] as ADC1 CH0 */
+	SIU.PCR[21].R = 0x2000;       /* Initialize PB[5] as ADC1 CH1 */
+	SIU.PCR[22].R = 0x2000;       /* Initialize PB[6] as ADC1 CH2 */
+	SIU.PCR[23].R = 0x2000;       /* Initialize PB[7] as ADC1 CH3 */
+	SIU.PCR[48].R = 0x2000;       /* Initialize PD[0] as ADC1 CH4 */
+	SIU.PCR[49].R = 0x2000;       /* Initialize PD[1] as ADC1 CH5 */
+	SIU.PCR[50].R = 0x2000;       /* Initialize PD[2] as ADC1 CH6 */
+	SIU.PCR[51].R = 0x2000;       /* Initialize PD[3] as ADC1 CH7 */
+	SIU.PCR[52].R = 0x2000;       /* Initialize PD[4] as ADC1 CH8 */
+	SIU.PCR[53].R = 0x2000;       /* Initialize PD[5] as ADC1 CH9 */
+	SIU.PCR[54].R = 0x2000;       /* Initialize PD[6] as ADC1 CH10 */
+	SIU.PCR[55].R = 0x2000;       /* Initialize PD[7] as ADC1 CH11 */
+	ADC_1.MCR.R   = 0x20000000;   /* Initialize ADC1 for scan mode */
+	ADC_1.CTR0.R  = 0x0000001F;   /* Conversion times: INPSAMP=31, INPCMP=4, INPLATCH=0, SHIFT=No  */
+	return ret;
+int8_t ADC_1_run(uint8_t Channel, uint16_t* Result)
+	uint16_t  	i, j;
+	uint32_t    Dummy=0;
+	int8_t   	ret=NoError;
+	if( Channel > 11)                          		/* only AIN0 to AIN11 allowed */
+		ret = ADCwrongCH;
+	else {
+		ADC_1.NCMR0.R = 0x001 << Channel;   		/* Select ADC1 Channel input for conversion */
+		ADC_1.MCR.B.NSTART = 1;               		/* Trigger normal conversions for ADC1 */
+		for(i=0; i<64; i++){          	            /* 64 times Over-Sampling Loop */
+			for(j=0;j<32; j++){                     /* TimeOut Loop */
+				if(j>30) return ADCtimeout;       	/* if TimeOut occurred end funktion */
+				if(ADC_1.ISR.B.ECH == 1) break;     /* if 1st chain to complete then end TimeOut Loop */
+			}
+			Dummy += ADC_1.CDR[Channel].B.CDATA;	/* Read ADC1 conversion result data */
+		}
+		ADC_1.MCR.B.NSTART = 0;               		/* Stop ADC1 */
+		*Result = (uint16_t)(Dummy >> 2);           /* Result: 16 Bit */
+	}
+	return ret;
+int8_t CheckSupplyVoltages(uint16_t* U12, uint16_t* U33)
+	uint32_t U12work=0, U33work=0;
+	uint16_t i, j;
+	int8_t   ret=NoError;
+	ADC_1.NCMR0.R = 0x003;                  		/* Select ADC1 Channel input for conversion */
+	ADC_1.MCR.B.NSTART = 1;               			/* Trigger normal conversions for ADC1 */
+	for(i=0; i<128; i++){          	            	/* 64 times Over-Sampling Loop */
+		for(j=0;j<32; j++){                     	/* TimeOut Loop */
+			if(j>30) return ADCtimeout;          	/* if TimeOut occurred end funktion */
+			if(ADC_1.ISR.B.ECH == 1) break;       	/* if 1st chain to complete then end TimeOut Loop */
+		}			
+		U12work += ADC_1.CDR[0].B.CDATA;			/* Read ADC1 conversion result data */
+		U33work += ADC_1.CDR[1].B.CDATA;			/* Read ADC1 conversion result data */
+	}
+	ADC_1.MCR.B.NSTART = 0;               			/* Stop ADC1 */
+	*U12 = (uint16_t)((1977 * U12work) >> 16);      /* U12=12000mV, Q=12Bit, R1=91k, R2=24k  */
+	*U33 = (uint16_t)(( 551 * U33work) >> 16);      /* U33=3300mV,  Q=12Bit, R1=18k, R2=56k  */	
+	if(*U12 < U12under)	ret = Under12V;
+	if(*U12 > U12over)	ret = Over12V;
+	if(*U33 < U33under)	ret = Under3_3V;
+	if(*U33 > U33over)	ret = Over3_3V;
+	return ret;