---------------------------------------------------------- Connection Failed Report from Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8 created: 11/11/15, 12:16:48 ---------------------------------------------------------- Windows version: Win7 (Service Pack 1) Admin: yes UDE version: Release: 4.04.04 Build: 11456 Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4 Target configuration file: C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg Error messages: Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target ! Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't determine the default communication device ! Current selection is ambiguous ! ---------------------------------------------------------- Connection Failed Report from Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8 created: 11/11/15, 12:17:00 ---------------------------------------------------------- Windows version: Win7 (Service Pack 1) Admin: yes UDE version: Release: 4.04.04 Build: 11456 Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4 Target configuration file: C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg Error messages: Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target ! Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't determine the default communication device ! Current selection is ambiguous ! ---------------------------------------------------------- Connection Failed Report from Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8 created: 11/11/15, 12:17:48 ---------------------------------------------------------- Windows version: Win7 (Service Pack 1) Admin: yes UDE version: Release: 4.04.04 Build: 11456 Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4 Target configuration file: C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg Error messages: Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target ! Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect JTAG target Tc2CoreTargIntf: No JTAG client found ! Please check: - target power supply - JTAG cable connection - target configuration Settings: PortType: Default CommDevSel: TargetPort: Default TargetPortId: 0 DasIsDefault: n MaxJtagClk: 5000 CheckJtagId: y ScanJTAG: n Ocds1ViaPod: n EtksArbiterMode: None RefreshJtag: n RefreshHarr: n ReenableOcds: y ReduceJtagClock: n UseDap: n DapMode: 2PIN JtagMuxPort: -1 UseNewJtagEngine: y ConnOption: Default SetDebugEnableAb1DisablePin: n ResetWaitTime: 500 ResetMode: Default OpenDrainReset: n DiswdtOnReset: n SetPllOnReset: 0x00000000 SetPllOnReset2: 0x00000000 ExecInitCmds: y InitScript Script: ; Workaround for TLE35584 A-Step Bug SET 0xF0001E00 0x8 SET 0xF0001E10 0x03C04 SET 0xF0001E04 0x1 SET 0xF0001E14 0x14000000 SET 0xF0001E24 0x501 SET 0xF0001E48 0x00020000 SET 0xF003B310 0x80000000 SET 0xF003B300 0x00 SET 0xF003B510 0x98000000 SET 0xF003B514 0x10009800 SET 0xF003B540 0x33030333 SET 0xF003B410 0x10980000 SET 0xF003B440 0x33333033 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0xFFF SET 0xF0001E60 0x17A10001 SET 0xF0001E10 0x01003C04 SET 0xF0001E64 0x8756 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x200 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x400 SET 0xF0001E64 0x87DE WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x200 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x400 SET 0xF0001E64 0x86AD WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x200 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x400 SET 0xF0001E64 0x8625 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x200 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x400 SET 0xF0001E64 0x8D27 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x200 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x400 SET 0xF0001E64 0x8811 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x200 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x400 SET 0xF0001E64 0x87BE WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x200 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x400 SET 0xF0001E64 0x8668 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x200 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x400 SET 0xF0001E64 0x877D WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x200 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x400 SET 0xF0001E64 0x8795 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x200 WAIT 5 SET 0xF0001E54 0x400 ; switch off FLASH error traps SET 0xF80020A8 0x8000 SET 0xF80020AC 0x8000 ExecOnConnectCmds: n OnConnectScript Script: Script is empty FailOnResetMalfunction: n ResetPulseLen: 10 AddResetDelay: 0 UseTrstOnReset: n ExecEmemInitOnReset: 0x00000000 SimHsmBootEnabled: n UnlockInterface: n BootPasswd0: 0x00000000 BootPasswd1: 0x00000000 BootPasswd2: 0x00000000 BootPasswd3: 0x00000000 BootPasswd4: 0x00000000 BootPasswd5: 0x00000000 BootPasswd6: 0x00000000 BootPasswd7: 0x00000000 HandleBmiHeader: n MaxTry: 1 ForceEdMode: -1 UseTranslateAddr: y DownloadToAllRams: y HaltAfterReset: y TargetAppHandshakeMode: None TargetAppHandshakeTimeout: 100 TargetAppHandshakeParameter0: 0x00000000 TargetAppHandshakeParameter1: 0x00000000 TargetAppHandshakeParameter2: 0x00000000 TargetAppHandshakeParameter3: 0x00000000 SimioAddr: g_JtagSimioAccess UseStmForPtm: 1 ExecOnStartCmds: n OnStartScript Script: ExecOnHaltCmds: n OnHaltScript Script: UseTriggerToBreak: y UseIoinfoHalt: y UseOstateStable: y AllowJtagResetWhileRunning: y MaxAccRetry: 1 AccRetryDelay: 100 DefOcdsReserved: UseRestartWhileRunningHandling: n DebugResetOnDisconnect: n IgnoreEmemAccessErrors: n RemapEmemAccess: n EnableAutomaticHsmStart: n EnableAutomaticHsmRunControl: n ReadPmcsrWhileRunning: n IvIcacheOnHalt: y IvPlbOnHalt: y SuspendSlaveCores: n FilterMemAcc: y DasDllPath: das_api.dll DasHost: DasTryStartSrv: y DasSrvPath: servers\udas\udas.exe DasStopSrv: y DasResetHelperBreakAddr: main DasResetMode: 2 DasRemoveLogFile: n DasForwardSerNum: n DasSrvSel: -1 DasPortType: 0 DasPortSel: 0 JTAG target infos: JTAG-ID: 0x00000000 UsedJtagClk: 5000 kHz ExtVoltage: 0.7 V IntVoltageUsed: n STSTAT: 0x24191C3C Component Version: Communication device: Type/Revision: UAD2 Serial Number: 604429 Firmware: Communication protocol handler: LastCmd: 0x0410 LastResult: 0xC000 ExpBytes: 228 (0x00E4) RetBytes: 228 (0x00E4) LastTimeout: 12000 Protocol diagnostic output: LastAddr: 0x00000000 IOINFO: 0x00000000 LastJioError: 0x0000 LastSupervisorJioError: 0x0000 JioErrorLine: 0 ProtErrorLine: 3526 AddInfo4: 0 (0x00000000) AddInfo5: 0 (0x00000000)