__connection_failed_report__Controller0_Core0_2015_11_05.txt 26 KB

  1. ----------------------------------------------------------
  2. Connection Failed Report from
  3. Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8
  4. created: 11/05/15, 17:33:43
  5. ----------------------------------------------------------
  6. Windows version:
  7. Win7 (Service Pack 1)
  8. Admin: yes
  9. UDE version:
  10. Release: 4.04.04
  11. Build: 11456
  12. Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4
  13. Target configuration file:
  14. C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg
  15. Error messages:
  16. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target !
  17. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect JTAG target
  18. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Failed to open JTAG port !
  19. Settings:
  20. PortType: Default
  21. CommDevSel:
  22. TargetPort: Default
  23. TargetPortId: 553582592
  24. DasIsDefault: n
  25. MaxJtagClk: 5000
  26. CheckJtagId: y
  27. ScanJTAG: n
  28. Ocds1ViaPod: n
  29. EtksArbiterMode: None
  30. RefreshJtag: n
  31. RefreshHarr: n
  32. ReenableOcds: y
  33. ReduceJtagClock: n
  34. UseDap: n
  35. DapMode: 2PIN
  36. JtagMuxPort: -1
  37. UseNewJtagEngine: y
  38. ConnOption: Default
  39. SetDebugEnableAb1DisablePin: n
  40. ResetWaitTime: 500
  41. ResetMode: Default
  42. OpenDrainReset: n
  43. DiswdtOnReset: n
  44. SetPllOnReset: 0x00000000
  45. SetPllOnReset2: 0x00000000
  46. ExecInitCmds: y
  47. InitScript Script:
  48. ; Workaround for TLE35584 A-Step Bug
  49. SET 0xF0001E00 0x8
  50. SET 0xF0001E10 0x03C04
  51. SET 0xF0001E04 0x1
  52. SET 0xF0001E14 0x14000000
  53. SET 0xF0001E24 0x501
  54. SET 0xF0001E48 0x00020000
  55. SET 0xF003B310 0x80000000
  56. SET 0xF003B300 0x00
  57. SET 0xF003B510 0x98000000
  58. SET 0xF003B514 0x10009800
  59. SET 0xF003B540 0x33030333
  60. SET 0xF003B410 0x10980000
  61. SET 0xF003B440 0x33333033
  62. WAIT 5
  63. SET 0xF0001E54 0xFFF
  64. SET 0xF0001E60 0x17A10001
  65. SET 0xF0001E10 0x01003C04
  66. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8756
  67. WAIT 5
  68. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  69. WAIT 5
  70. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  71. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87DE
  72. WAIT 5
  73. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  74. WAIT 5
  75. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  76. SET 0xF0001E64 0x86AD
  77. WAIT 5
  78. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  79. WAIT 5
  80. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  81. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8625
  82. WAIT 5
  83. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  84. WAIT 5
  85. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  86. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8D27
  87. WAIT 5
  88. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  89. WAIT 5
  90. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  91. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8811
  92. WAIT 5
  93. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  94. WAIT 5
  95. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  96. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87BE
  97. WAIT 5
  98. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  99. WAIT 5
  100. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  101. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8668
  102. WAIT 5
  103. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  104. WAIT 5
  105. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  106. SET 0xF0001E64 0x877D
  107. WAIT 5
  108. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  109. WAIT 5
  110. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  111. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8795
  112. WAIT 5
  113. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  114. WAIT 5
  115. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  116. ; switch off FLASH error traps
  117. SET 0xF80020A8 0x8000
  118. SET 0xF80020AC 0x8000
  119. ExecOnConnectCmds: n
  120. OnConnectScript Script:
  121. Script is empty
  122. FailOnResetMalfunction: n
  123. ResetPulseLen: 10
  124. AddResetDelay: 0
  125. UseTrstOnReset: n
  126. ExecEmemInitOnReset: 0x00000000
  127. SimHsmBootEnabled: n
  128. UnlockInterface: n
  129. BootPasswd0: 0x00000000
  130. BootPasswd1: 0x00000000
  131. BootPasswd2: 0x00000000
  132. BootPasswd3: 0x00000000
  133. BootPasswd4: 0x00000000
  134. BootPasswd5: 0x00000000
  135. BootPasswd6: 0x00000000
  136. BootPasswd7: 0x00000000
  137. HandleBmiHeader: n
  138. MaxTry: 1
  139. ForceEdMode: -1
  140. UseTranslateAddr: y
  141. DownloadToAllRams: y
  142. HaltAfterReset: y
  143. TargetAppHandshakeMode: None
  144. TargetAppHandshakeTimeout: 100
  145. TargetAppHandshakeParameter0: 0x00000000
  146. TargetAppHandshakeParameter1: 0x00000000
  147. TargetAppHandshakeParameter2: 0x00000000
  148. TargetAppHandshakeParameter3: 0x00000000
  149. SimioAddr: g_JtagSimioAccess
  150. UseStmForPtm: 1
  151. ExecOnStartCmds: n
  152. OnStartScript Script:
  153. ExecOnHaltCmds: n
  154. OnHaltScript Script:
  155. UseTriggerToBreak: y
  156. UseIoinfoHalt: y
  157. UseOstateStable: y
  158. AllowJtagResetWhileRunning: y
  159. MaxAccRetry: 1
  160. AccRetryDelay: 100
  161. DefOcdsReserved:
  162. UseRestartWhileRunningHandling: n
  163. DebugResetOnDisconnect: n
  164. IgnoreEmemAccessErrors: n
  165. RemapEmemAccess: n
  166. EnableAutomaticHsmStart: n
  167. EnableAutomaticHsmRunControl: n
  168. ReadPmcsrWhileRunning: n
  169. IvIcacheOnHalt: y
  170. IvPlbOnHalt: y
  171. SuspendSlaveCores: n
  172. FilterMemAcc: y
  173. DasDllPath: das_api.dll
  174. DasHost:
  175. DasTryStartSrv: y
  176. DasSrvPath: servers\udas\udas.exe
  177. DasStopSrv: y
  178. DasResetHelperBreakAddr: main
  179. DasResetMode: 2
  180. DasRemoveLogFile: n
  181. DasForwardSerNum: n
  182. DasSrvSel: -1
  183. DasPortType: 0
  184. DasPortSel: 0
  185. JTAG target infos:
  186. JTAG-ID: 0x00000000
  187. UsedJtagClk: -1520805211 kHz
  188. ExtVoltage: 0.0 V
  189. IntVoltageUsed: n
  190. STSTAT: 0x24191C3C
  191. Component Version:
  192. Communication device:
  193. Type/Revision: UAD2
  194. Serial Number: 604429
  195. Firmware:
  196. Communication protocol handler:
  197. LastCmd: 0x0410
  198. LastResult: 0xC01E
  199. ExpBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  200. RetBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  201. LastTimeout: 12000
  202. Protocol diagnostic output:
  203. LastAddr: 0x00000000
  204. IOINFO: 0x00000000
  205. LastJioError: 0x0000
  206. LastSupervisorJioError: 0x0000
  207. JioErrorLine: 0
  208. ProtErrorLine: 921
  209. AddInfo4: 0 (0x00000000)
  210. AddInfo5: 0 (0x00000000)
  211. ----------------------------------------------------------
  212. Connection Failed Report from
  213. Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8
  214. created: 11/05/15, 17:34:02
  215. ----------------------------------------------------------
  216. Windows version:
  217. Win7 (Service Pack 1)
  218. Admin: yes
  219. UDE version:
  220. Release: 4.04.04
  221. Build: 11456
  222. Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4
  223. Target configuration file:
  224. C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg
  225. Error messages:
  226. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target !
  227. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect JTAG target
  228. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Failed to get diagnostic output !
  229. UAD2CommDev: Failed to get communication result !
  230. UAD2CommDev: Connection to Universal Access Device 2 lost !
  231. Please restart
  232. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Failed to open JTAG port !
  233. Settings:
  234. PortType: Default
  235. CommDevSel:
  236. TargetPort: Default
  237. TargetPortId: 553582592
  238. DasIsDefault: n
  239. MaxJtagClk: 5000
  240. CheckJtagId: y
  241. ScanJTAG: n
  242. Ocds1ViaPod: n
  243. EtksArbiterMode: None
  244. RefreshJtag: n
  245. RefreshHarr: n
  246. ReenableOcds: y
  247. ReduceJtagClock: n
  248. UseDap: n
  249. DapMode: 2PIN
  250. JtagMuxPort: -1
  251. UseNewJtagEngine: y
  252. ConnOption: Default
  253. SetDebugEnableAb1DisablePin: n
  254. ResetWaitTime: 500
  255. ResetMode: Default
  256. OpenDrainReset: n
  257. DiswdtOnReset: n
  258. SetPllOnReset: 0x00000000
  259. SetPllOnReset2: 0x00000000
  260. ExecInitCmds: y
  261. InitScript Script:
  262. ; Workaround for TLE35584 A-Step Bug
  263. SET 0xF0001E00 0x8
  264. SET 0xF0001E10 0x03C04
  265. SET 0xF0001E04 0x1
  266. SET 0xF0001E14 0x14000000
  267. SET 0xF0001E24 0x501
  268. SET 0xF0001E48 0x00020000
  269. SET 0xF003B310 0x80000000
  270. SET 0xF003B300 0x00
  271. SET 0xF003B510 0x98000000
  272. SET 0xF003B514 0x10009800
  273. SET 0xF003B540 0x33030333
  274. SET 0xF003B410 0x10980000
  275. SET 0xF003B440 0x33333033
  276. WAIT 5
  277. SET 0xF0001E54 0xFFF
  278. SET 0xF0001E60 0x17A10001
  279. SET 0xF0001E10 0x01003C04
  280. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8756
  281. WAIT 5
  282. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  283. WAIT 5
  284. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  285. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87DE
  286. WAIT 5
  287. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  288. WAIT 5
  289. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  290. SET 0xF0001E64 0x86AD
  291. WAIT 5
  292. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  293. WAIT 5
  294. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  295. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8625
  296. WAIT 5
  297. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  298. WAIT 5
  299. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  300. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8D27
  301. WAIT 5
  302. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  303. WAIT 5
  304. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  305. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8811
  306. WAIT 5
  307. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  308. WAIT 5
  309. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  310. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87BE
  311. WAIT 5
  312. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  313. WAIT 5
  314. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  315. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8668
  316. WAIT 5
  317. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  318. WAIT 5
  319. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  320. SET 0xF0001E64 0x877D
  321. WAIT 5
  322. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  323. WAIT 5
  324. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  325. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8795
  326. WAIT 5
  327. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  328. WAIT 5
  329. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  330. ; switch off FLASH error traps
  331. SET 0xF80020A8 0x8000
  332. SET 0xF80020AC 0x8000
  333. ExecOnConnectCmds: n
  334. OnConnectScript Script:
  335. Script is empty
  336. FailOnResetMalfunction: n
  337. ResetPulseLen: 10
  338. AddResetDelay: 0
  339. UseTrstOnReset: n
  340. ExecEmemInitOnReset: 0x00000000
  341. SimHsmBootEnabled: n
  342. UnlockInterface: n
  343. BootPasswd0: 0x00000000
  344. BootPasswd1: 0x00000000
  345. BootPasswd2: 0x00000000
  346. BootPasswd3: 0x00000000
  347. BootPasswd4: 0x00000000
  348. BootPasswd5: 0x00000000
  349. BootPasswd6: 0x00000000
  350. BootPasswd7: 0x00000000
  351. HandleBmiHeader: n
  352. MaxTry: 1
  353. ForceEdMode: -1
  354. UseTranslateAddr: y
  355. DownloadToAllRams: y
  356. HaltAfterReset: y
  357. TargetAppHandshakeMode: None
  358. TargetAppHandshakeTimeout: 100
  359. TargetAppHandshakeParameter0: 0x00000000
  360. TargetAppHandshakeParameter1: 0x00000000
  361. TargetAppHandshakeParameter2: 0x00000000
  362. TargetAppHandshakeParameter3: 0x00000000
  363. SimioAddr: g_JtagSimioAccess
  364. UseStmForPtm: 1
  365. ExecOnStartCmds: n
  366. OnStartScript Script:
  367. ExecOnHaltCmds: n
  368. OnHaltScript Script:
  369. UseTriggerToBreak: y
  370. UseIoinfoHalt: y
  371. UseOstateStable: y
  372. AllowJtagResetWhileRunning: y
  373. MaxAccRetry: 1
  374. AccRetryDelay: 100
  375. DefOcdsReserved:
  376. UseRestartWhileRunningHandling: n
  377. DebugResetOnDisconnect: n
  378. IgnoreEmemAccessErrors: n
  379. RemapEmemAccess: n
  380. EnableAutomaticHsmStart: n
  381. EnableAutomaticHsmRunControl: n
  382. ReadPmcsrWhileRunning: n
  383. IvIcacheOnHalt: y
  384. IvPlbOnHalt: y
  385. SuspendSlaveCores: n
  386. FilterMemAcc: y
  387. DasDllPath: das_api.dll
  388. DasHost:
  389. DasTryStartSrv: y
  390. DasSrvPath: servers\udas\udas.exe
  391. DasStopSrv: y
  392. DasResetHelperBreakAddr: main
  393. DasResetMode: 2
  394. DasRemoveLogFile: n
  395. DasForwardSerNum: n
  396. DasSrvSel: -1
  397. DasPortType: 0
  398. DasPortSel: 0
  399. JTAG target infos:
  400. JTAG-ID: 0x00000000
  401. UsedJtagClk: -1520805211 kHz
  402. ExtVoltage: 0.0 V
  403. IntVoltageUsed: n
  404. STSTAT: 0x24191C3C
  405. Component Version:
  406. Communication device:
  407. Type/Revision: UAD2
  408. Serial Number: 604429
  409. Firmware:
  410. Communication protocol handler:
  411. LastCmd: 0x0410
  412. LastResult: 0xC01E
  413. ExpBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  414. RetBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  415. LastTimeout: 12000
  416. Protocol diagnostic output:
  417. Diagnostic output invalid !
  418. ----------------------------------------------------------
  419. Connection Failed Report from
  420. Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8
  421. created: 11/05/15, 17:34:03
  422. ----------------------------------------------------------
  423. Windows version:
  424. Win7 (Service Pack 1)
  425. Admin: yes
  426. UDE version:
  427. Release: 4.04.04
  428. Build: 11456
  429. Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4
  430. Target configuration file:
  431. C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg
  432. Error messages:
  433. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target !
  434. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect JTAG target
  435. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Failed to open JTAG port !
  436. Settings:
  437. PortType: Default
  438. CommDevSel:
  439. TargetPort: Default
  440. TargetPortId: 553582592
  441. DasIsDefault: n
  442. MaxJtagClk: 5000
  443. CheckJtagId: y
  444. ScanJTAG: n
  445. Ocds1ViaPod: n
  446. EtksArbiterMode: None
  447. RefreshJtag: n
  448. RefreshHarr: n
  449. ReenableOcds: y
  450. ReduceJtagClock: n
  451. UseDap: n
  452. DapMode: 2PIN
  453. JtagMuxPort: -1
  454. UseNewJtagEngine: y
  455. ConnOption: Default
  456. SetDebugEnableAb1DisablePin: n
  457. ResetWaitTime: 500
  458. ResetMode: Default
  459. OpenDrainReset: n
  460. DiswdtOnReset: n
  461. SetPllOnReset: 0x00000000
  462. SetPllOnReset2: 0x00000000
  463. ExecInitCmds: y
  464. InitScript Script:
  465. ; Workaround for TLE35584 A-Step Bug
  466. SET 0xF0001E00 0x8
  467. SET 0xF0001E10 0x03C04
  468. SET 0xF0001E04 0x1
  469. SET 0xF0001E14 0x14000000
  470. SET 0xF0001E24 0x501
  471. SET 0xF0001E48 0x00020000
  472. SET 0xF003B310 0x80000000
  473. SET 0xF003B300 0x00
  474. SET 0xF003B510 0x98000000
  475. SET 0xF003B514 0x10009800
  476. SET 0xF003B540 0x33030333
  477. SET 0xF003B410 0x10980000
  478. SET 0xF003B440 0x33333033
  479. WAIT 5
  480. SET 0xF0001E54 0xFFF
  481. SET 0xF0001E60 0x17A10001
  482. SET 0xF0001E10 0x01003C04
  483. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8756
  484. WAIT 5
  485. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  486. WAIT 5
  487. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  488. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87DE
  489. WAIT 5
  490. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  491. WAIT 5
  492. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  493. SET 0xF0001E64 0x86AD
  494. WAIT 5
  495. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  496. WAIT 5
  497. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  498. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8625
  499. WAIT 5
  500. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  501. WAIT 5
  502. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  503. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8D27
  504. WAIT 5
  505. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  506. WAIT 5
  507. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  508. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8811
  509. WAIT 5
  510. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  511. WAIT 5
  512. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  513. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87BE
  514. WAIT 5
  515. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  516. WAIT 5
  517. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  518. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8668
  519. WAIT 5
  520. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  521. WAIT 5
  522. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  523. SET 0xF0001E64 0x877D
  524. WAIT 5
  525. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  526. WAIT 5
  527. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  528. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8795
  529. WAIT 5
  530. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  531. WAIT 5
  532. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  533. ; switch off FLASH error traps
  534. SET 0xF80020A8 0x8000
  535. SET 0xF80020AC 0x8000
  536. ExecOnConnectCmds: n
  537. OnConnectScript Script:
  538. Script is empty
  539. FailOnResetMalfunction: n
  540. ResetPulseLen: 10
  541. AddResetDelay: 0
  542. UseTrstOnReset: n
  543. ExecEmemInitOnReset: 0x00000000
  544. SimHsmBootEnabled: n
  545. UnlockInterface: n
  546. BootPasswd0: 0x00000000
  547. BootPasswd1: 0x00000000
  548. BootPasswd2: 0x00000000
  549. BootPasswd3: 0x00000000
  550. BootPasswd4: 0x00000000
  551. BootPasswd5: 0x00000000
  552. BootPasswd6: 0x00000000
  553. BootPasswd7: 0x00000000
  554. HandleBmiHeader: n
  555. MaxTry: 1
  556. ForceEdMode: -1
  557. UseTranslateAddr: y
  558. DownloadToAllRams: y
  559. HaltAfterReset: y
  560. TargetAppHandshakeMode: None
  561. TargetAppHandshakeTimeout: 100
  562. TargetAppHandshakeParameter0: 0x00000000
  563. TargetAppHandshakeParameter1: 0x00000000
  564. TargetAppHandshakeParameter2: 0x00000000
  565. TargetAppHandshakeParameter3: 0x00000000
  566. SimioAddr: g_JtagSimioAccess
  567. UseStmForPtm: 1
  568. ExecOnStartCmds: n
  569. OnStartScript Script:
  570. ExecOnHaltCmds: n
  571. OnHaltScript Script:
  572. UseTriggerToBreak: y
  573. UseIoinfoHalt: y
  574. UseOstateStable: y
  575. AllowJtagResetWhileRunning: y
  576. MaxAccRetry: 1
  577. AccRetryDelay: 100
  578. DefOcdsReserved:
  579. UseRestartWhileRunningHandling: n
  580. DebugResetOnDisconnect: n
  581. IgnoreEmemAccessErrors: n
  582. RemapEmemAccess: n
  583. EnableAutomaticHsmStart: n
  584. EnableAutomaticHsmRunControl: n
  585. ReadPmcsrWhileRunning: n
  586. IvIcacheOnHalt: y
  587. IvPlbOnHalt: y
  588. SuspendSlaveCores: n
  589. FilterMemAcc: y
  590. DasDllPath: das_api.dll
  591. DasHost:
  592. DasTryStartSrv: y
  593. DasSrvPath: servers\udas\udas.exe
  594. DasStopSrv: y
  595. DasResetHelperBreakAddr: main
  596. DasResetMode: 2
  597. DasRemoveLogFile: n
  598. DasForwardSerNum: n
  599. DasSrvSel: -1
  600. DasPortType: 0
  601. DasPortSel: 0
  602. JTAG target infos:
  603. JTAG-ID: 0x00000000
  604. UsedJtagClk: -1520805211 kHz
  605. ExtVoltage: 0.0 V
  606. IntVoltageUsed: n
  607. STSTAT: 0x24191C3C
  608. Component Version:
  609. Communication device:
  610. Type/Revision: UAD2
  611. Serial Number: 604429
  612. Firmware:
  613. Communication protocol handler:
  614. LastCmd: 0x0410
  615. LastResult: 0xC01E
  616. ExpBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  617. RetBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  618. LastTimeout: 12000
  619. Protocol diagnostic output:
  620. LastAddr: 0x00000000
  621. IOINFO: 0x00000000
  622. LastJioError: 0x0000
  623. LastSupervisorJioError: 0x0000
  624. JioErrorLine: 0
  625. ProtErrorLine: 921
  626. AddInfo4: 0 (0x00000000)
  627. AddInfo5: 0 (0x00000000)
  628. ----------------------------------------------------------
  629. Connection Failed Report from
  630. Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8
  631. created: 11/05/15, 17:34:04
  632. ----------------------------------------------------------
  633. Windows version:
  634. Win7 (Service Pack 1)
  635. Admin: yes
  636. UDE version:
  637. Release: 4.04.04
  638. Build: 11456
  639. Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4
  640. Target configuration file:
  641. C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg
  642. Error messages:
  643. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target !
  644. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect JTAG target
  645. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Failed to open JTAG port !
  646. Settings:
  647. PortType: Default
  648. CommDevSel:
  649. TargetPort: Default
  650. TargetPortId: 553582592
  651. DasIsDefault: n
  652. MaxJtagClk: 5000
  653. CheckJtagId: y
  654. ScanJTAG: n
  655. Ocds1ViaPod: n
  656. EtksArbiterMode: None
  657. RefreshJtag: n
  658. RefreshHarr: n
  659. ReenableOcds: y
  660. ReduceJtagClock: n
  661. UseDap: n
  662. DapMode: 2PIN
  663. JtagMuxPort: -1
  664. UseNewJtagEngine: y
  665. ConnOption: Default
  666. SetDebugEnableAb1DisablePin: n
  667. ResetWaitTime: 500
  668. ResetMode: Default
  669. OpenDrainReset: n
  670. DiswdtOnReset: n
  671. SetPllOnReset: 0x00000000
  672. SetPllOnReset2: 0x00000000
  673. ExecInitCmds: y
  674. InitScript Script:
  675. ; Workaround for TLE35584 A-Step Bug
  676. SET 0xF0001E00 0x8
  677. SET 0xF0001E10 0x03C04
  678. SET 0xF0001E04 0x1
  679. SET 0xF0001E14 0x14000000
  680. SET 0xF0001E24 0x501
  681. SET 0xF0001E48 0x00020000
  682. SET 0xF003B310 0x80000000
  683. SET 0xF003B300 0x00
  684. SET 0xF003B510 0x98000000
  685. SET 0xF003B514 0x10009800
  686. SET 0xF003B540 0x33030333
  687. SET 0xF003B410 0x10980000
  688. SET 0xF003B440 0x33333033
  689. WAIT 5
  690. SET 0xF0001E54 0xFFF
  691. SET 0xF0001E60 0x17A10001
  692. SET 0xF0001E10 0x01003C04
  693. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8756
  694. WAIT 5
  695. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  696. WAIT 5
  697. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  698. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87DE
  699. WAIT 5
  700. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  701. WAIT 5
  702. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  703. SET 0xF0001E64 0x86AD
  704. WAIT 5
  705. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  706. WAIT 5
  707. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  708. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8625
  709. WAIT 5
  710. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  711. WAIT 5
  712. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  713. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8D27
  714. WAIT 5
  715. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  716. WAIT 5
  717. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  718. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8811
  719. WAIT 5
  720. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  721. WAIT 5
  722. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  723. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87BE
  724. WAIT 5
  725. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  726. WAIT 5
  727. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  728. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8668
  729. WAIT 5
  730. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  731. WAIT 5
  732. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  733. SET 0xF0001E64 0x877D
  734. WAIT 5
  735. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  736. WAIT 5
  737. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  738. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8795
  739. WAIT 5
  740. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  741. WAIT 5
  742. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  743. ; switch off FLASH error traps
  744. SET 0xF80020A8 0x8000
  745. SET 0xF80020AC 0x8000
  746. ExecOnConnectCmds: n
  747. OnConnectScript Script:
  748. Script is empty
  749. FailOnResetMalfunction: n
  750. ResetPulseLen: 10
  751. AddResetDelay: 0
  752. UseTrstOnReset: n
  753. ExecEmemInitOnReset: 0x00000000
  754. SimHsmBootEnabled: n
  755. UnlockInterface: n
  756. BootPasswd0: 0x00000000
  757. BootPasswd1: 0x00000000
  758. BootPasswd2: 0x00000000
  759. BootPasswd3: 0x00000000
  760. BootPasswd4: 0x00000000
  761. BootPasswd5: 0x00000000
  762. BootPasswd6: 0x00000000
  763. BootPasswd7: 0x00000000
  764. HandleBmiHeader: n
  765. MaxTry: 1
  766. ForceEdMode: -1
  767. UseTranslateAddr: y
  768. DownloadToAllRams: y
  769. HaltAfterReset: y
  770. TargetAppHandshakeMode: None
  771. TargetAppHandshakeTimeout: 100
  772. TargetAppHandshakeParameter0: 0x00000000
  773. TargetAppHandshakeParameter1: 0x00000000
  774. TargetAppHandshakeParameter2: 0x00000000
  775. TargetAppHandshakeParameter3: 0x00000000
  776. SimioAddr: g_JtagSimioAccess
  777. UseStmForPtm: 1
  778. ExecOnStartCmds: n
  779. OnStartScript Script:
  780. ExecOnHaltCmds: n
  781. OnHaltScript Script:
  782. UseTriggerToBreak: y
  783. UseIoinfoHalt: y
  784. UseOstateStable: y
  785. AllowJtagResetWhileRunning: y
  786. MaxAccRetry: 1
  787. AccRetryDelay: 100
  788. DefOcdsReserved:
  789. UseRestartWhileRunningHandling: n
  790. DebugResetOnDisconnect: n
  791. IgnoreEmemAccessErrors: n
  792. RemapEmemAccess: n
  793. EnableAutomaticHsmStart: n
  794. EnableAutomaticHsmRunControl: n
  795. ReadPmcsrWhileRunning: n
  796. IvIcacheOnHalt: y
  797. IvPlbOnHalt: y
  798. SuspendSlaveCores: n
  799. FilterMemAcc: y
  800. DasDllPath: das_api.dll
  801. DasHost:
  802. DasTryStartSrv: y
  803. DasSrvPath: servers\udas\udas.exe
  804. DasStopSrv: y
  805. DasResetHelperBreakAddr: main
  806. DasResetMode: 2
  807. DasRemoveLogFile: n
  808. DasForwardSerNum: n
  809. DasSrvSel: -1
  810. DasPortType: 0
  811. DasPortSel: 0
  812. JTAG target infos:
  813. JTAG-ID: 0x00000000
  814. UsedJtagClk: -1520805211 kHz
  815. ExtVoltage: 0.0 V
  816. IntVoltageUsed: n
  817. STSTAT: 0x24191C3C
  818. Component Version:
  819. Communication device:
  820. Type/Revision: UAD2
  821. Serial Number: 604429
  822. Firmware:
  823. Communication protocol handler:
  824. LastCmd: 0x0410
  825. LastResult: 0xC01E
  826. ExpBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  827. RetBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  828. LastTimeout: 12000
  829. Protocol diagnostic output:
  830. LastAddr: 0x00000000
  831. IOINFO: 0x00000000
  832. LastJioError: 0x0000
  833. LastSupervisorJioError: 0x0000
  834. JioErrorLine: 0
  835. ProtErrorLine: 921
  836. AddInfo4: 0 (0x00000000)
  837. AddInfo5: 0 (0x00000000)
  838. ----------------------------------------------------------
  839. Connection Failed Report from
  840. Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8
  841. created: 11/05/15, 17:34:07
  842. ----------------------------------------------------------
  843. Windows version:
  844. Win7 (Service Pack 1)
  845. Admin: yes
  846. UDE version:
  847. Release: 4.04.04
  848. Build: 11456
  849. Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4
  850. Target configuration file:
  851. C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg
  852. Error messages:
  853. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target !
  854. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect JTAG target
  855. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Failed to open JTAG port !
  856. Settings:
  857. PortType: Default
  858. CommDevSel:
  859. TargetPort: Default
  860. TargetPortId: 553582592
  861. DasIsDefault: n
  862. MaxJtagClk: 5000
  863. CheckJtagId: y
  864. ScanJTAG: n
  865. Ocds1ViaPod: n
  866. EtksArbiterMode: None
  867. RefreshJtag: n
  868. RefreshHarr: n
  869. ReenableOcds: y
  870. ReduceJtagClock: n
  871. UseDap: n
  872. DapMode: 2PIN
  873. JtagMuxPort: -1
  874. UseNewJtagEngine: y
  875. ConnOption: Default
  876. SetDebugEnableAb1DisablePin: n
  877. ResetWaitTime: 500
  878. ResetMode: Default
  879. OpenDrainReset: n
  880. DiswdtOnReset: n
  881. SetPllOnReset: 0x00000000
  882. SetPllOnReset2: 0x00000000
  883. ExecInitCmds: y
  884. InitScript Script:
  885. ; Workaround for TLE35584 A-Step Bug
  886. SET 0xF0001E00 0x8
  887. SET 0xF0001E10 0x03C04
  888. SET 0xF0001E04 0x1
  889. SET 0xF0001E14 0x14000000
  890. SET 0xF0001E24 0x501
  891. SET 0xF0001E48 0x00020000
  892. SET 0xF003B310 0x80000000
  893. SET 0xF003B300 0x00
  894. SET 0xF003B510 0x98000000
  895. SET 0xF003B514 0x10009800
  896. SET 0xF003B540 0x33030333
  897. SET 0xF003B410 0x10980000
  898. SET 0xF003B440 0x33333033
  899. WAIT 5
  900. SET 0xF0001E54 0xFFF
  901. SET 0xF0001E60 0x17A10001
  902. SET 0xF0001E10 0x01003C04
  903. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8756
  904. WAIT 5
  905. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  906. WAIT 5
  907. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  908. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87DE
  909. WAIT 5
  910. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  911. WAIT 5
  912. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  913. SET 0xF0001E64 0x86AD
  914. WAIT 5
  915. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  916. WAIT 5
  917. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  918. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8625
  919. WAIT 5
  920. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  921. WAIT 5
  922. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  923. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8D27
  924. WAIT 5
  925. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  926. WAIT 5
  927. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  928. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8811
  929. WAIT 5
  930. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  931. WAIT 5
  932. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  933. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87BE
  934. WAIT 5
  935. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  936. WAIT 5
  937. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  938. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8668
  939. WAIT 5
  940. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  941. WAIT 5
  942. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  943. SET 0xF0001E64 0x877D
  944. WAIT 5
  945. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  946. WAIT 5
  947. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  948. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8795
  949. WAIT 5
  950. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  951. WAIT 5
  952. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  953. ; switch off FLASH error traps
  954. SET 0xF80020A8 0x8000
  955. SET 0xF80020AC 0x8000
  956. ExecOnConnectCmds: n
  957. OnConnectScript Script:
  958. Script is empty
  959. FailOnResetMalfunction: n
  960. ResetPulseLen: 10
  961. AddResetDelay: 0
  962. UseTrstOnReset: n
  963. ExecEmemInitOnReset: 0x00000000
  964. SimHsmBootEnabled: n
  965. UnlockInterface: n
  966. BootPasswd0: 0x00000000
  967. BootPasswd1: 0x00000000
  968. BootPasswd2: 0x00000000
  969. BootPasswd3: 0x00000000
  970. BootPasswd4: 0x00000000
  971. BootPasswd5: 0x00000000
  972. BootPasswd6: 0x00000000
  973. BootPasswd7: 0x00000000
  974. HandleBmiHeader: n
  975. MaxTry: 1
  976. ForceEdMode: -1
  977. UseTranslateAddr: y
  978. DownloadToAllRams: y
  979. HaltAfterReset: y
  980. TargetAppHandshakeMode: None
  981. TargetAppHandshakeTimeout: 100
  982. TargetAppHandshakeParameter0: 0x00000000
  983. TargetAppHandshakeParameter1: 0x00000000
  984. TargetAppHandshakeParameter2: 0x00000000
  985. TargetAppHandshakeParameter3: 0x00000000
  986. SimioAddr: g_JtagSimioAccess
  987. UseStmForPtm: 1
  988. ExecOnStartCmds: n
  989. OnStartScript Script:
  990. ExecOnHaltCmds: n
  991. OnHaltScript Script:
  992. UseTriggerToBreak: y
  993. UseIoinfoHalt: y
  994. UseOstateStable: y
  995. AllowJtagResetWhileRunning: y
  996. MaxAccRetry: 1
  997. AccRetryDelay: 100
  998. DefOcdsReserved:
  999. UseRestartWhileRunningHandling: n
  1000. DebugResetOnDisconnect: n
  1001. IgnoreEmemAccessErrors: n
  1002. RemapEmemAccess: n
  1003. EnableAutomaticHsmStart: n
  1004. EnableAutomaticHsmRunControl: n
  1005. ReadPmcsrWhileRunning: n
  1006. IvIcacheOnHalt: y
  1007. IvPlbOnHalt: y
  1008. SuspendSlaveCores: n
  1009. FilterMemAcc: y
  1010. DasDllPath: das_api.dll
  1011. DasHost:
  1012. DasTryStartSrv: y
  1013. DasSrvPath: servers\udas\udas.exe
  1014. DasStopSrv: y
  1015. DasResetHelperBreakAddr: main
  1016. DasResetMode: 2
  1017. DasRemoveLogFile: n
  1018. DasForwardSerNum: n
  1019. DasSrvSel: -1
  1020. DasPortType: 0
  1021. DasPortSel: 0
  1022. JTAG target infos:
  1023. JTAG-ID: 0x00000000
  1024. UsedJtagClk: -1520805211 kHz
  1025. ExtVoltage: 0.0 V
  1026. IntVoltageUsed: n
  1027. STSTAT: 0x24191C3C
  1028. Component Version:
  1029. Communication device:
  1030. Type/Revision: UAD2
  1031. Serial Number: 604429
  1032. Firmware:
  1033. Communication protocol handler:
  1034. LastCmd: 0x0410
  1035. LastResult: 0xC01E
  1036. ExpBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  1037. RetBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  1038. LastTimeout: 12000
  1039. Protocol diagnostic output:
  1040. LastAddr: 0x00000000
  1041. IOINFO: 0x00000000
  1042. LastJioError: 0x0000
  1043. LastSupervisorJioError: 0x0000
  1044. JioErrorLine: 0
  1045. ProtErrorLine: 921
  1046. AddInfo4: 0 (0x00000000)
  1047. AddInfo5: 0 (0x00000000)