__connection_failed_report__Controller0_Core0_2016_02_18.txt 10 KB

  1. ----------------------------------------------------------
  2. Connection Failed Report from
  3. Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8
  4. created: 02/18/16, 10:02:45
  5. ----------------------------------------------------------
  6. Windows version:
  7. Win7 (Service Pack 1)
  8. Admin: yes
  9. UDE version:
  10. Release: 4.04.04
  11. Build: 11456
  12. Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4
  13. Target configuration file:
  14. C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg
  15. Error messages:
  16. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target !
  17. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Target connection lost before connect sequence was finished !
  18. Please try to disable watchdog on connect.
  19. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Failed to enable OCDS !
  20. Settings:
  21. PortType: CommDev
  22. CommDevSel: PortType=USB,Type=UAD2
  23. TargetPort: Default
  24. TargetPortId: 553582592
  25. DasIsDefault: n
  26. MaxJtagClk: 5000
  27. CheckJtagId: y
  28. ScanJTAG: n
  29. Ocds1ViaPod: n
  30. EtksArbiterMode: None
  31. RefreshJtag: n
  32. RefreshHarr: n
  33. ReenableOcds: y
  34. ReduceJtagClock: n
  35. UseDap: n
  36. DapMode: 2PIN
  37. JtagMuxPort: -1
  38. UseNewJtagEngine: y
  39. ConnOption: Default
  40. SetDebugEnableAb1DisablePin: n
  41. ResetWaitTime: 500
  42. ResetMode: Default
  43. OpenDrainReset: n
  44. DiswdtOnReset: y
  45. SetPllOnReset: 0x00000000
  46. SetPllOnReset2: 0x00000000
  47. ExecInitCmds: y
  48. InitScript Script:
  49. ; Workaround for TLE35584 A-Step Bug
  50. SET 0xF0001E00 0x8
  51. SET 0xF0001E10 0x03C04
  52. SET 0xF0001E04 0x1
  53. SET 0xF0001E14 0x14000000
  54. SET 0xF0001E24 0x501
  55. SET 0xF0001E48 0x00020000
  56. SET 0xF003B310 0x80000000
  57. SET 0xF003B300 0x00
  58. SET 0xF003B510 0x98000000
  59. SET 0xF003B514 0x10009800
  60. SET 0xF003B540 0x33030333
  61. SET 0xF003B410 0x10980000
  62. SET 0xF003B440 0x33333033
  63. WAIT 5
  64. SET 0xF0001E54 0xFFF
  65. SET 0xF0001E60 0x17A10001
  66. SET 0xF0001E10 0x01003C04
  67. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8756
  68. WAIT 5
  69. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  70. WAIT 5
  71. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  72. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87DE
  73. WAIT 5
  74. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  75. WAIT 5
  76. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  77. SET 0xF0001E64 0x86AD
  78. WAIT 5
  79. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  80. WAIT 5
  81. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  82. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8625
  83. WAIT 5
  84. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  85. WAIT 5
  86. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  87. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8D27
  88. WAIT 5
  89. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  90. WAIT 5
  91. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  92. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8811
  93. WAIT 5
  94. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  95. WAIT 5
  96. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  97. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87BE
  98. WAIT 5
  99. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  100. WAIT 5
  101. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  102. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8668
  103. WAIT 5
  104. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  105. WAIT 5
  106. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  107. SET 0xF0001E64 0x877D
  108. WAIT 5
  109. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  110. WAIT 5
  111. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  112. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8795
  113. WAIT 5
  114. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  115. WAIT 5
  116. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  117. ; switch off FLASH error traps
  118. SET 0xF80020A8 0x8000
  119. SET 0xF80020AC 0x8000
  120. ExecOnConnectCmds: n
  121. OnConnectScript Script:
  122. Script is empty
  123. FailOnResetMalfunction: n
  124. ResetPulseLen: 10
  125. AddResetDelay: 0
  126. UseTrstOnReset: n
  127. ExecEmemInitOnReset: 0x00000000
  128. SimHsmBootEnabled: n
  129. UnlockInterface: n
  130. BootPasswd0: 0x00000000
  131. BootPasswd1: 0x00000000
  132. BootPasswd2: 0x00000000
  133. BootPasswd3: 0x00000000
  134. BootPasswd4: 0x00000000
  135. BootPasswd5: 0x00000000
  136. BootPasswd6: 0x00000000
  137. BootPasswd7: 0x00000000
  138. HandleBmiHeader: n
  139. MaxTry: 1
  140. ForceEdMode: -1
  141. UseTranslateAddr: y
  142. DownloadToAllRams: y
  143. HaltAfterReset: y
  144. TargetAppHandshakeMode: None
  145. TargetAppHandshakeTimeout: 100
  146. TargetAppHandshakeParameter0: 0x00000000
  147. TargetAppHandshakeParameter1: 0x00000000
  148. TargetAppHandshakeParameter2: 0x00000000
  149. TargetAppHandshakeParameter3: 0x00000000
  150. SimioAddr: g_JtagSimioAccess
  151. UseStmForPtm: 1
  152. ExecOnStartCmds: n
  153. OnStartScript Script:
  154. ExecOnHaltCmds: n
  155. OnHaltScript Script:
  156. UseTriggerToBreak: y
  157. UseIoinfoHalt: y
  158. UseOstateStable: y
  159. AllowJtagResetWhileRunning: y
  160. MaxAccRetry: 1
  161. AccRetryDelay: 100
  162. DefOcdsReserved:
  163. UseRestartWhileRunningHandling: n
  164. DebugResetOnDisconnect: n
  165. IgnoreEmemAccessErrors: n
  166. RemapEmemAccess: n
  167. EnableAutomaticHsmStart: n
  168. EnableAutomaticHsmRunControl: n
  169. ReadPmcsrWhileRunning: n
  170. IvIcacheOnHalt: y
  171. IvPlbOnHalt: y
  172. SuspendSlaveCores: n
  173. FilterMemAcc: y
  174. DasDllPath: das_api.dll
  175. DasHost:
  176. DasTryStartSrv: y
  177. DasSrvPath: servers\udas\udas.exe
  178. DasStopSrv: y
  179. DasResetHelperBreakAddr: main
  180. DasResetMode: 2
  181. DasRemoveLogFile: n
  182. DasForwardSerNum: n
  183. DasSrvSel: -1
  184. DasPortType: 0
  185. DasPortSel: 0
  186. JTAG target infos:
  187. JTAG-ID: 0x10200083
  188. UsedJtagClk: 5000 kHz
  189. ExtVoltage: 3.4 V
  190. IntVoltageUsed: n
  191. STSTAT: 0x24191C3C
  192. Component Version:
  193. Communication device:
  194. Type/Revision: UAD2
  195. Serial Number: 604429
  196. Firmware:
  197. Communication protocol handler:
  198. LastCmd: 0x0471
  199. LastResult: 0xC002
  200. ExpBytes: 4 (0x0004)
  201. RetBytes: 0 (0x0000)
  202. LastTimeout: 5000
  203. Protocol diagnostic output:
  204. LastAddr: 0xF0000480
  205. IOINFO: 0x00000000
  206. LastJioError: 0x0000
  207. LastSupervisorJioError: 0x0000
  208. JioErrorLine: 1443
  209. ProtErrorLine: 3653
  210. AddInfo4: 0 (0x00000000)
  211. AddInfo5: 0 (0x00000000)
  212. ----------------------------------------------------------
  213. Connection Failed Report from
  214. Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8
  215. created: 02/18/16, 10:02:50
  216. ----------------------------------------------------------
  217. Windows version:
  218. Win7 (Service Pack 1)
  219. Admin: yes
  220. UDE version:
  221. Release: 4.04.04
  222. Build: 11456
  223. Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4
  224. Target configuration file:
  225. C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg
  226. Error messages:
  227. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target !
  228. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect JTAG target
  229. Tc2CoreTargIntf: No JTAG client found !
  230. Please check:
  231. - target power supply
  232. - JTAG cable connection
  233. - target configuration
  234. Settings:
  235. PortType: CommDev
  236. CommDevSel: PortType=USB,Type=UAD2
  237. TargetPort: Default
  238. TargetPortId: 553582592
  239. DasIsDefault: n
  240. MaxJtagClk: 5000
  241. CheckJtagId: y
  242. ScanJTAG: n
  243. Ocds1ViaPod: n
  244. EtksArbiterMode: None
  245. RefreshJtag: n
  246. RefreshHarr: n
  247. ReenableOcds: y
  248. ReduceJtagClock: n
  249. UseDap: n
  250. DapMode: 2PIN
  251. JtagMuxPort: -1
  252. UseNewJtagEngine: y
  253. ConnOption: Default
  254. SetDebugEnableAb1DisablePin: n
  255. ResetWaitTime: 500
  256. ResetMode: Default
  257. OpenDrainReset: n
  258. DiswdtOnReset: y
  259. SetPllOnReset: 0x00000000
  260. SetPllOnReset2: 0x00000000
  261. ExecInitCmds: y
  262. InitScript Script:
  263. ; Workaround for TLE35584 A-Step Bug
  264. SET 0xF0001E00 0x8
  265. SET 0xF0001E10 0x03C04
  266. SET 0xF0001E04 0x1
  267. SET 0xF0001E14 0x14000000
  268. SET 0xF0001E24 0x501
  269. SET 0xF0001E48 0x00020000
  270. SET 0xF003B310 0x80000000
  271. SET 0xF003B300 0x00
  272. SET 0xF003B510 0x98000000
  273. SET 0xF003B514 0x10009800
  274. SET 0xF003B540 0x33030333
  275. SET 0xF003B410 0x10980000
  276. SET 0xF003B440 0x33333033
  277. WAIT 5
  278. SET 0xF0001E54 0xFFF
  279. SET 0xF0001E60 0x17A10001
  280. SET 0xF0001E10 0x01003C04
  281. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8756
  282. WAIT 5
  283. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  284. WAIT 5
  285. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  286. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87DE
  287. WAIT 5
  288. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  289. WAIT 5
  290. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  291. SET 0xF0001E64 0x86AD
  292. WAIT 5
  293. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  294. WAIT 5
  295. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  296. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8625
  297. WAIT 5
  298. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  299. WAIT 5
  300. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  301. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8D27
  302. WAIT 5
  303. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  304. WAIT 5
  305. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  306. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8811
  307. WAIT 5
  308. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  309. WAIT 5
  310. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  311. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87BE
  312. WAIT 5
  313. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  314. WAIT 5
  315. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  316. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8668
  317. WAIT 5
  318. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  319. WAIT 5
  320. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  321. SET 0xF0001E64 0x877D
  322. WAIT 5
  323. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  324. WAIT 5
  325. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  326. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8795
  327. WAIT 5
  328. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  329. WAIT 5
  330. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  331. ; switch off FLASH error traps
  332. SET 0xF80020A8 0x8000
  333. SET 0xF80020AC 0x8000
  334. ExecOnConnectCmds: n
  335. OnConnectScript Script:
  336. Script is empty
  337. FailOnResetMalfunction: n
  338. ResetPulseLen: 10
  339. AddResetDelay: 0
  340. UseTrstOnReset: n
  341. ExecEmemInitOnReset: 0x00000000
  342. SimHsmBootEnabled: n
  343. UnlockInterface: n
  344. BootPasswd0: 0x00000000
  345. BootPasswd1: 0x00000000
  346. BootPasswd2: 0x00000000
  347. BootPasswd3: 0x00000000
  348. BootPasswd4: 0x00000000
  349. BootPasswd5: 0x00000000
  350. BootPasswd6: 0x00000000
  351. BootPasswd7: 0x00000000
  352. HandleBmiHeader: n
  353. MaxTry: 1
  354. ForceEdMode: -1
  355. UseTranslateAddr: y
  356. DownloadToAllRams: y
  357. HaltAfterReset: y
  358. TargetAppHandshakeMode: None
  359. TargetAppHandshakeTimeout: 100
  360. TargetAppHandshakeParameter0: 0x00000000
  361. TargetAppHandshakeParameter1: 0x00000000
  362. TargetAppHandshakeParameter2: 0x00000000
  363. TargetAppHandshakeParameter3: 0x00000000
  364. SimioAddr: g_JtagSimioAccess
  365. UseStmForPtm: 1
  366. ExecOnStartCmds: n
  367. OnStartScript Script:
  368. ExecOnHaltCmds: n
  369. OnHaltScript Script:
  370. UseTriggerToBreak: y
  371. UseIoinfoHalt: y
  372. UseOstateStable: y
  373. AllowJtagResetWhileRunning: y
  374. MaxAccRetry: 1
  375. AccRetryDelay: 100
  376. DefOcdsReserved:
  377. UseRestartWhileRunningHandling: n
  378. DebugResetOnDisconnect: n
  379. IgnoreEmemAccessErrors: n
  380. RemapEmemAccess: n
  381. EnableAutomaticHsmStart: n
  382. EnableAutomaticHsmRunControl: n
  383. ReadPmcsrWhileRunning: n
  384. IvIcacheOnHalt: y
  385. IvPlbOnHalt: y
  386. SuspendSlaveCores: n
  387. FilterMemAcc: y
  388. DasDllPath: das_api.dll
  389. DasHost:
  390. DasTryStartSrv: y
  391. DasSrvPath: servers\udas\udas.exe
  392. DasStopSrv: y
  393. DasResetHelperBreakAddr: main
  394. DasResetMode: 2
  395. DasRemoveLogFile: n
  396. DasForwardSerNum: n
  397. DasSrvSel: -1
  398. DasPortType: 0
  399. DasPortSel: 0
  400. JTAG target infos:
  401. JTAG-ID: 0x00000000
  402. UsedJtagClk: 5000 kHz
  403. ExtVoltage: 0.7 V
  404. IntVoltageUsed: n
  405. STSTAT: 0x24191C3C
  406. Component Version:
  407. Communication device:
  408. Type/Revision: UAD2
  409. Serial Number: 604429
  410. Firmware:
  411. Communication protocol handler:
  412. LastCmd: 0x0410
  413. LastResult: 0xC000
  414. ExpBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  415. RetBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  416. LastTimeout: 12000
  417. Protocol diagnostic output:
  418. LastAddr: 0x00000000
  419. IOINFO: 0x00000000
  420. LastJioError: 0x0000
  421. LastSupervisorJioError: 0x0000
  422. JioErrorLine: 0
  423. ProtErrorLine: 3526
  424. AddInfo4: 0 (0x00000000)
  425. AddInfo5: 0 (0x00000000)