#4 Top Specialy Uses for Sod

1 jaar geleden werd geopend door southlandsodfarms · 0 opmerkingen

A “Lawn is a grass is a turf is a sod.” I’m not sure if that saying is going to take off as well as Gertrude Stein’s 1913 Sacred Emily poem, which included the memorable line “Rose is a rose is a rose,” but you have to admit there are a lot of names for that luscious green carpet which increases your property value, creates more oxygen than a grove of Sycamore trees and feels so good squishing through your toes.

A “Lawn is a grass is a turf is a [sod](https://www.sod.com/).” I’m not sure if that saying is going to take off as well as Gertrude Stein’s 1913 Sacred Emily poem, which included the memorable line “Rose is a rose is a rose,” but you have to admit there are a lot of names for that luscious green carpet which increases your property value, creates more oxygen than a grove of Sycamore trees and feels so good squishing through your toes.
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