UfoFilters-docs.xml.in 1.4 KB

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  7. <book id="index">
  8. <bookinfo>
  9. <title>UFO Reference Manual</title>
  10. <releaseinfo>for the UFO Filters package ${UFO_FILTERS_VERSION_STRING_LONG}.
  11. The latest version of this documentation can be found on-line at
  12. <ulink role="online-location"
  13. url="http://ufo.kit.edu/ufo">http://ufo.kit.edu/ufo/</ulink>.
  14. </releaseinfo>
  15. </bookinfo>
  16. <section>
  17. <para>This documentation was generated from the source of the UFO
  18. filters, thus it looks rather technical. What is most important is,
  19. that the filters are instantiated with the shortened form of the name
  20. as given on this page rather than the object name UfoFilterSomething.
  21. A filter should not be instantiated on its own but by calling an
  22. <function>get_filter</function> of an <link linkend="Ufo-Graph">UFO Graph</link>.
  23. </para>
  24. </section>
  25. <chapter>
  26. <title>UFO API Reference</title>
  27. ${_xml_doc_input}
  28. </chapter>
  29. <index id="api-index-full">
  30. <title>API Index</title>
  31. <xi:include href="xml/api-index-full.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
  32. </index>
  33. <xi:include href="xml/annotation-glossary.xml"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>
  34. </book>