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NOVA data management


The main goal of the system is to provide users and groups of users remote access to datasets. The workflow should center around users accessing files locally but allow mirroring datasets remotely. To facilitate larger compute resources, non-attending remote computation should be made possible too.

Related and prior work

  • dCache
  • iCAT



In a generic sense datasets are files and directories of files and can either be original root datasets or derived from a parent dataset. For example, a tomographic scan yielding dark, reference and projection frames is the origin for subsequent datasets that might contain sinograms, reconstructions, segmentations and final analysis.

Datasets are owned by one user but can be given read access to other users and groups of users.

Typed datasets

A generic dataset covers all kinds of data but cannot be used to deduce information for automatic processing. Hence, a hierarchy of types with pre-determined attributes is required.


The system is based on a client-server architecture. The server manages user roles, authorization, authentication and remote data storage. Moreover, it provides a managing system view for web clients as well as an API view for programmatic access. This API is consumed by a local client to

  1. create a new dataset from a local directory,
  2. list available datasets for cloning and deletion as well as
  3. push data to the remote server.

Token-based authentication

Storing user name and password for the local client is not advised, hence each user can generate a token that is used by the API to authenticate and authorize resource access.

Technical details