cli.rst 2.0 KB

  1. ======================
  2. Command line interface
  3. ======================
  4. The nova tool
  5. =============
  6. The ``nova`` tool is used to manage a working directory and is run from the
  7. command line. The entire functionality is available as a set of subcommands to
  8. the program.
  9. .. program:: nova
  10. All subcommands can receive the following two options:
  11. .. option:: --remote <remote>
  12. URL of the remote NOVA server.
  13. .. option:: --token <token>
  14. Authentication token for registration.
  15. Except for the ``init`` command, these parameters are read from a
  16. dataset-specific or global configuration file.
  17. init
  18. ----
  19. .. program:: nova init
  20. Registers the current directory with the server.
  21. .. option:: --name <name>
  22. Name of the dataset.
  23. If :option:`--name` is not given, the current directory name is used.
  24. list
  25. ----
  26. .. program:: nova list
  27. Lists all available datasets that can be cloned or pushed to.
  28. push
  29. ----
  30. .. program:: nova push
  31. Pushes the data in the current working directory to the remote server.
  32. clone
  33. -----
  34. .. program:: nova clone
  35. Retrieves an existing dataset from the remote server.
  36. .. option:: --id <id>
  37. Numerical identifier of the dataset.
  38. .. option:: --name <name>
  39. Alternative directory name for the cloned working directory.
  40. close
  41. -----
  42. .. program:: nova close
  43. Closes a dataset to prevent further modification.
  44. .. note::
  45. Of course you can continue modifying *local* data, however any attempts to
  46. push such a working directory will be denied.
  47. Configuration
  48. =============
  49. All settings of a given dataset are stored in a local configuration file called
  50. ``.nova/config`` like this:
  51. .. code-block:: ini
  52. [core]
  53. remote = https://nova.server.somewhere
  54. token = 1.PnaQ8MN7Gmt5WDgn5jrBfjtV_Wo
  55. id = 1
  56. It contains access information to avoid having to pass this through command line
  57. arguments. You can copy this file to ``~/.config/nova/config`` in case you want
  58. to avoid typing the access credentials when initializing a dataset.