getstarted.rst 957 B

  1. ===============
  2. Getting started
  3. ===============
  4. Installation
  5. ============
  6. The NOVA server and tools are written in Python using Flask and Celery. To start
  7. quickly set up a virtual env and install all dependencies with::
  8. $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  9. First steps
  10. ===========
  11. Before starting the server you have to initialize the database with a user that
  12. has administrative rights::
  13. $ python initdb --user <name> --fullname <name> --email <mail>
  14. The script will ask for a password twice. Now start the server::
  15. $ python runserver
  16. To allow server-side processing you also need to start a Celery instance from
  17. the root directory using::
  18. $ celery -A nova.tasks worker
  19. Remember that for this work you need to install a broker such as RabbitMQ or
  20. Redis and configure that accordingly.
  21. .. note::
  22. This is a setup for development, for deployment on a productive system ...
  23. wait for further information.