tasks.py 2.6 KB

  1. import os
  2. import requests
  3. import shutil
  4. import subprocess
  5. import shlex
  6. from celery import Celery
  7. from nova import celery, utils, db, models
  8. URL = ''
  9. def create_dataset(token, parent_id, name):
  10. # TODO: refactor out with code from nova client
  11. data = dict(name=name, parent=parent_id)
  12. return requests.post(URL, params=dict(token=token), data=data).json()
  13. def get_dataset_info(token, dataset_id):
  14. return requests.get('{}/{}'.format(URL, dataset_id), params=dict(token=token)).json()
  15. @celery.task
  16. def copy(token, name, parent_id):
  17. # fetch path info about parent and new dataset
  18. src = get_dataset_info(token, parent_id)
  19. # TODO: check if parent is not closed yet and error
  20. result = create_dataset(token, parent_id, name)
  21. # check path info of new dataset
  22. dst = get_dataset_info(token, result['id'])
  23. # NOTE: we are doing a fast path here and I am not sure if this is really
  24. # the way to go ...
  25. utils.copy(src['path'], dst['path'])
  26. @celery.task
  27. def rmtree(path):
  28. shutil.rmtree(path)
  29. @celery.task
  30. def reconstruct(token, result_id, parent_id, flats, darks, projections, outname):
  31. src = get_dataset_info(token, parent_id)
  32. dst = get_dataset_info(token, result_id)
  33. cmd = ('tofu tomo'
  34. ' --projections "{input}/{projections}/" '
  35. ' --darks "{input}/{darks}/"'
  36. ' --flats "{input}/{flats}/"'
  37. ' --output "{output}/{outname}"')
  38. cmd = cmd.format(input=src['path'], output=dst['path'], projections=projections,
  39. darks=darks, flats=flats, outname=outname)
  40. args = shlex.split(cmd)
  41. proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
  42. stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
  43. print stdout, stderr
  44. proc.wait()
  45. cmd = ('ufo-launch'
  46. ' read path="{output}/" !'
  47. ' rescale width=128 height=128 !'
  48. ' map-slice number=256 !'
  49. ' write filename="{output}/.slicemaps/sm-128-128-2048-2048.jpg"')
  50. cmd = cmd.format(output=dst['path'])
  51. args = shlex.split(cmd)
  52. proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
  53. stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
  54. print stdout, stderr
  55. proc.wait()
  56. dataset = db.session.query(models.Dataset).\
  57. filter(models.Dataset.id == result_id).first()
  58. message = '{cname} / {dname} is ready.'.format(cname=dataset.collection.name, dname=dataset.name)
  59. notification = models.Notification(message=message, user=dataset.collection.user)
  60. db.session.add(notification)
  61. db.session.commit()