__connection_failed_report__Controller0_Core0_2015_11_11.txt 6.5 KB

  1. ----------------------------------------------------------
  2. Connection Failed Report from
  3. Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8
  4. created: 11/11/15, 12:16:48
  5. ----------------------------------------------------------
  6. Windows version:
  7. Win7 (Service Pack 1)
  8. Admin: yes
  9. UDE version:
  10. Release: 4.04.04
  11. Build: 11456
  12. Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4
  13. Target configuration file:
  14. C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg
  15. Error messages:
  16. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target !
  17. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't determine the default communication device !
  18. Current selection is ambiguous !
  19. ----------------------------------------------------------
  20. Connection Failed Report from
  21. Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8
  22. created: 11/11/15, 12:17:00
  23. ----------------------------------------------------------
  24. Windows version:
  25. Win7 (Service Pack 1)
  26. Admin: yes
  27. UDE version:
  28. Release: 4.04.04
  29. Build: 11456
  30. Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4
  31. Target configuration file:
  32. C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg
  33. Error messages:
  34. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target !
  35. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't determine the default communication device !
  36. Current selection is ambiguous !
  37. ----------------------------------------------------------
  38. Connection Failed Report from
  39. Basic UDE Target Interface, Version: 1.12.8
  40. created: 11/11/15, 12:17:48
  41. ----------------------------------------------------------
  42. Windows version:
  43. Win7 (Service Pack 1)
  44. Admin: yes
  45. UDE version:
  46. Release: 4.04.04
  47. Build: 11456
  48. Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\pls\UDE 4.4
  49. Target configuration file:
  50. C:\Users\uacqk\Documents\pls\UDE 4.4\Targets\AppKit_TC234.cfg
  51. Error messages:
  52. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect target !
  53. Tc2CoreTargIntf: Can't connect JTAG target
  54. Tc2CoreTargIntf: No JTAG client found !
  55. Please check:
  56. - target power supply
  57. - JTAG cable connection
  58. - target configuration
  59. Settings:
  60. PortType: Default
  61. CommDevSel:
  62. TargetPort: Default
  63. TargetPortId: 0
  64. DasIsDefault: n
  65. MaxJtagClk: 5000
  66. CheckJtagId: y
  67. ScanJTAG: n
  68. Ocds1ViaPod: n
  69. EtksArbiterMode: None
  70. RefreshJtag: n
  71. RefreshHarr: n
  72. ReenableOcds: y
  73. ReduceJtagClock: n
  74. UseDap: n
  75. DapMode: 2PIN
  76. JtagMuxPort: -1
  77. UseNewJtagEngine: y
  78. ConnOption: Default
  79. SetDebugEnableAb1DisablePin: n
  80. ResetWaitTime: 500
  81. ResetMode: Default
  82. OpenDrainReset: n
  83. DiswdtOnReset: n
  84. SetPllOnReset: 0x00000000
  85. SetPllOnReset2: 0x00000000
  86. ExecInitCmds: y
  87. InitScript Script:
  88. ; Workaround for TLE35584 A-Step Bug
  89. SET 0xF0001E00 0x8
  90. SET 0xF0001E10 0x03C04
  91. SET 0xF0001E04 0x1
  92. SET 0xF0001E14 0x14000000
  93. SET 0xF0001E24 0x501
  94. SET 0xF0001E48 0x00020000
  95. SET 0xF003B310 0x80000000
  96. SET 0xF003B300 0x00
  97. SET 0xF003B510 0x98000000
  98. SET 0xF003B514 0x10009800
  99. SET 0xF003B540 0x33030333
  100. SET 0xF003B410 0x10980000
  101. SET 0xF003B440 0x33333033
  102. WAIT 5
  103. SET 0xF0001E54 0xFFF
  104. SET 0xF0001E60 0x17A10001
  105. SET 0xF0001E10 0x01003C04
  106. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8756
  107. WAIT 5
  108. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  109. WAIT 5
  110. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  111. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87DE
  112. WAIT 5
  113. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  114. WAIT 5
  115. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  116. SET 0xF0001E64 0x86AD
  117. WAIT 5
  118. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  119. WAIT 5
  120. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  121. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8625
  122. WAIT 5
  123. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  124. WAIT 5
  125. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  126. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8D27
  127. WAIT 5
  128. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  129. WAIT 5
  130. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  131. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8811
  132. WAIT 5
  133. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  134. WAIT 5
  135. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  136. SET 0xF0001E64 0x87BE
  137. WAIT 5
  138. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  139. WAIT 5
  140. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  141. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8668
  142. WAIT 5
  143. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  144. WAIT 5
  145. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  146. SET 0xF0001E64 0x877D
  147. WAIT 5
  148. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  149. WAIT 5
  150. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  151. SET 0xF0001E64 0x8795
  152. WAIT 5
  153. SET 0xF0001E54 0x200
  154. WAIT 5
  155. SET 0xF0001E54 0x400
  156. ; switch off FLASH error traps
  157. SET 0xF80020A8 0x8000
  158. SET 0xF80020AC 0x8000
  159. ExecOnConnectCmds: n
  160. OnConnectScript Script:
  161. Script is empty
  162. FailOnResetMalfunction: n
  163. ResetPulseLen: 10
  164. AddResetDelay: 0
  165. UseTrstOnReset: n
  166. ExecEmemInitOnReset: 0x00000000
  167. SimHsmBootEnabled: n
  168. UnlockInterface: n
  169. BootPasswd0: 0x00000000
  170. BootPasswd1: 0x00000000
  171. BootPasswd2: 0x00000000
  172. BootPasswd3: 0x00000000
  173. BootPasswd4: 0x00000000
  174. BootPasswd5: 0x00000000
  175. BootPasswd6: 0x00000000
  176. BootPasswd7: 0x00000000
  177. HandleBmiHeader: n
  178. MaxTry: 1
  179. ForceEdMode: -1
  180. UseTranslateAddr: y
  181. DownloadToAllRams: y
  182. HaltAfterReset: y
  183. TargetAppHandshakeMode: None
  184. TargetAppHandshakeTimeout: 100
  185. TargetAppHandshakeParameter0: 0x00000000
  186. TargetAppHandshakeParameter1: 0x00000000
  187. TargetAppHandshakeParameter2: 0x00000000
  188. TargetAppHandshakeParameter3: 0x00000000
  189. SimioAddr: g_JtagSimioAccess
  190. UseStmForPtm: 1
  191. ExecOnStartCmds: n
  192. OnStartScript Script:
  193. ExecOnHaltCmds: n
  194. OnHaltScript Script:
  195. UseTriggerToBreak: y
  196. UseIoinfoHalt: y
  197. UseOstateStable: y
  198. AllowJtagResetWhileRunning: y
  199. MaxAccRetry: 1
  200. AccRetryDelay: 100
  201. DefOcdsReserved:
  202. UseRestartWhileRunningHandling: n
  203. DebugResetOnDisconnect: n
  204. IgnoreEmemAccessErrors: n
  205. RemapEmemAccess: n
  206. EnableAutomaticHsmStart: n
  207. EnableAutomaticHsmRunControl: n
  208. ReadPmcsrWhileRunning: n
  209. IvIcacheOnHalt: y
  210. IvPlbOnHalt: y
  211. SuspendSlaveCores: n
  212. FilterMemAcc: y
  213. DasDllPath: das_api.dll
  214. DasHost:
  215. DasTryStartSrv: y
  216. DasSrvPath: servers\udas\udas.exe
  217. DasStopSrv: y
  218. DasResetHelperBreakAddr: main
  219. DasResetMode: 2
  220. DasRemoveLogFile: n
  221. DasForwardSerNum: n
  222. DasSrvSel: -1
  223. DasPortType: 0
  224. DasPortSel: 0
  225. JTAG target infos:
  226. JTAG-ID: 0x00000000
  227. UsedJtagClk: 5000 kHz
  228. ExtVoltage: 0.7 V
  229. IntVoltageUsed: n
  230. STSTAT: 0x24191C3C
  231. Component Version:
  232. Communication device:
  233. Type/Revision: UAD2
  234. Serial Number: 604429
  235. Firmware:
  236. Communication protocol handler:
  237. LastCmd: 0x0410
  238. LastResult: 0xC000
  239. ExpBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  240. RetBytes: 228 (0x00E4)
  241. LastTimeout: 12000
  242. Protocol diagnostic output:
  243. LastAddr: 0x00000000
  244. IOINFO: 0x00000000
  245. LastJioError: 0x0000
  246. LastSupervisorJioError: 0x0000
  247. JioErrorLine: 0
  248. ProtErrorLine: 3526
  249. AddInfo4: 0 (0x00000000)
  250. AddInfo5: 0 (0x00000000)